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Global Business Today Sixth Edition Chapter 10Chapter 10 - The International Monetary System

The International Monetary SystemChapter Outline

Opening Case: Argentinas Monetary CrisisIntroduction

The Gold Standard Mechanics of the Gold Standard

Strength of the Gold Standard

The Period between the Wars, 1918-1939

The Bretton Woods System The Role of the IMF

The Role of the World Bank

The Collapse of the Fixed Exchange Rate SystemThe Floating Exchange Rate Regime The Jamaica Agreement

Exchange Rates Since 1973

Country Focus: The U.S. Dollar, Oil Prices, and Recycling PetrodollarsFixed Versus Floating Exchange Rates The Case for Floating Exchange Rates

The Case for Fixed Exchange Rates

Who is Right?

Exchange Rate Regimes in Practice

Pegged Exchange Rates

Currency Boards


Financial Crisis in the Post-Bretton Woods Era

Mexican Currency Crisis of 1995

The Asian Crisis

Evaluating the IMFs Policy Prescriptions Country Focus: Turkey and the IMF


Business Strategy

Management Focus: Airbus and the Euro

Corporate - Government Relations


Critical THINKING AND Discussion QuestionsCLOSING CASE: Chinas Managed Float Learning Objectives

1. Be familiar with the historical development of the modern global monetary system.

2. Discuss the role played by the World Bank and the IMF in the international monetary system.

3. Be familiar with the differences between a fixed and floating exchange rate system.

4. Know what exchange rate regimes are used in the world today, and why countries adopt different exchange rate regimes.

5. Understand the debate surrounding the role of the IMF in the management of financial crises.

6. Appreciate the implications of the global monetary system for currency management and business strategy.

Chapter SummaryThe objective of this chapter is to explain how the international monetary system works and its implications for international business. The chapter begins by reviewing the historical evolution of the monetary system, starting with the gold standard and the Bretton Woods System. The chapter explains the role of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, both of which were initiated by the Bretton Woods Conference. The fixed exchange rate system that was initiated by the Bretton Woods Conference collapsed in 1973. The majority of the chapter explains the workings of the current international monetary system. The pluses and minuses of fixed exchange rates versus floating exchange rates are discussed. Scholars differ in regard to which system is best. The current role of the IMF and the World Bank are discussed, including the manner in which the IMF has helped nations restructure their debts.

Opening Case: Argentinas Monetary CrisisSummary

The opening case examines Argentinas currency crisis. In the 1990s, Argentina maintained a fixed exchange rate pegging its currency to the U.S. dollar at the rate of $1 = 1 peso. By 2001, it became increasingly difficult to maintain this fixed exchange rate. Brazil had devalued its currency against the dollar, and thus against Argentinas peso. As a result, Argentinas exports were no longer competitive. Making the situation even more difficult was the rise in the dollar against most major currencies, and the concurrent rise of the Argentine peso. A crisis of confidence ensued prompting many investors to pull out of the country. Unemployment soared, and the government was forced to negotiate a loan from the International Monetary Fund. Discussion of the case can revolve around the following questions:Suggested Discussion QuestionsQUESTION 1: Explain how the value of the peso was affected by changes in the currencies of both Brazil and the United States. How did Argentinas pegged exchange rate system affect the situation?ANSWER 1: In the 1990s, Argentina followed a pegged exchange rate system in which it fixed the value of its currency, the peso, to the value of a reference currency, in this case, the U.S. dollar at the rate of $1 = 1 peso. Consequently, when the value of the dollar moved in response to supply and demand, so too did the value of the peso. So, when Brazil devalued it currency against the dollar, it mean that it also devalued its currency relative to the peso. This meant that many exports from Argentina were no longer competitive in Brazil. This situation was made worse when the dollar began to rise against other major currencies. Because of its pegged exchange rate system, this meant that the peso also appreciated making it even more difficult for Argentina to export.QUESTION 2: How did a floating peso help Argentina get back on track economically?ANSWER 2: In 2002, Argentina abandoned its pegged exchange rate system and allowed the peso to float against other currencies. The value of the peso immediately dropped from its artificial pegged rate of $1 = 1 peso to its real value of $1 = 3.5 pesos. The lower currency meant that exports were once again competitive in other markets, and the economy began to grow again. Unemployment fell, and the government was able to pay off its loan from the International Monetary Fund.Lecture Note: To extend this case discussion, consider {}.Chapter Outline with Lecture Notes, Video Notes, and Teaching Tips


A) The international monetary system refers to the institutional arrangements that countries adopt to govern exchange rates. When the foreign exchange market determines the relative value of a currency, that country is adhering to a floating system. The worlds four major trading currencies - the U.S. dollar, the European Unions euro, the Japanese yen, and the British pound are all floating currencies.

B) A pegged exchange rate means that the value of a currency is fixed to a reference country and then the exchange rate between that currency and other currencies is determined by the reference currency exchange rate. Many states around the Gulf of Arabia peg their currencies to the U.S. dollar.C) A dirty float occurs when the value of a currency is determined by market forces, but with central bank intervention if it depreciates too rapidly against an important reference currency. China has adopted this policy in 2005. D) Countries that adopt a fixed exchange rate system fix their currencies against each other. Prior to the introduction of the euro, some European Union countries operated with fixed exchange rates within the context of the European Monetary System (EMS).

E) To understand how the current monetary system works, we must understand its evolution.

The Gold Standard

A) The gold standard had its origin in the use of gold coins as a medium of exchange, unit of account, and store of value - a practice that stretches back to ancient times. As the volume of international trade increased, governments agreed to convert paper currency into gold on demand at a fixed rate. Lecture Note: In 1961, now Former Federal Reserve Board Chairman, Alan Greenspan, wrote an article on the advantages of the gold standard. The article, which is available at {}, is well worth reading.

Mechanics of the Gold Standard

B) The practice of pegging currencies to gold and guaranteeing convertibility is known as the gold standard. For example, under the gold standard one U.S. dollar was defined as equivalent to 23.22 grains of "fine (pure) gold.

C) The exchange rate between currencies was determined based on how much gold a unit of each currency would buy. The amount of a currency needed to purchase one ounce of gold was referred to as the gold par value.

The Strength of the Gold Standard

D) The great strength claimed for the gold standard was that it contained a powerful mechanism for simultaneously achieving balance-of-trade equilibrium (when the income a countrys residents earn from its exports is equal to the money its residents pay for imports) by all countries.

The Period between the Wars, 1918-1939

E) The gold standard worked fairly well from the 1870s until the start of World War I. Trying to spur exports and domestic employment, a number of countries started regularly devaluing their currencies, with the end result that people lost confidence in the system and started to demand gold for their currency. This put pressure on countries' gold reserves, and forced them to suspend gold convertibility.F) By the start of World War II, in 1939, the gold standard was dead.The Bretton Woods System

A) In 1944, at the height of World War II, representatives from 44 countries met at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, to design a new international monetary system. With the collapse of the gold standard and the Great Depression of the 1930s fresh in their minds, these statesmen were determined to build an enduring economic order that would facilitate postwar economic growth. The agreement reached at Bretton Woods established two multinational institutions - the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. The task of the IMF would be to maintain order in the international monetary system and that of the World Bank would be to promote general economic development.

Video Note: The World Bank {}has been the subject of some controversy recently. More details can be found in the iGlobe New World Bank Chief Zoellick Tasked with Reputation Repair. B) The U.S. dollar was the only currency to be convertible to gold, and other currencies would set their exchange rates relative to the dollar. Devaluations were not to be used for competitive purposes, and a country could not devalue the currency by more than 10% without IMF approval.

Teaching Tip: Additional information about the Bretton Woods Agreement is available at {}.The Role of the IMF

C) The aim of the Bretton Woods agreement, of which the IMF was the main custodian, was to try to avoid a repetition of the chaos that occurred between the wars through a combination of discipline and flexibility.

Teaching Tip: More information on the IMF is available at {}. Students can click on either What the IMF Does to get an overview of the IMF and its activities.


D) A fixed exchange rate regime imposes discipline in two ways. First, the need to maintain a fixed exchange rate puts a brake on competitive devaluations and brings stability to the world trade environment. Second, a fixed exchange rate regime imposes monetary discipline on countries, thereby curtailing price inflation.


E) Although monetary discipline was a central objective of the Bretton Woods agreement, it was recognized that a rigid policy of fixed exchange rates would be too inflexible. The IMF stood ready to lend foreign currencies to members to tide them over during short periods of balance-of-payments deficit, when a rapid tightening of monetary or fiscal policy would hurt domestic employment.The Role of the World Bank

F) The official name of the World Bank is the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). The bank lends money under two schemes. Under the IBRD scheme, money is raised through bond sales in the international capital market. Borrowers pay what the bank calls a market rate of interest - the bank's cost of funds plus a margin for expenses. A second scheme is overseen by the International Development Agency (IDA), an arm of the bank created in 1960. IDA loans go only to the poorest countries.

Teaching Tip: More information on the World Bank can be accessed at {}. Click on Data and Research to pull information on World Bank activities, or on Countries to explore World Bank activities by country.

The Collapse of the Fixed Exchange Rate System

A) The collapse of the exchange rate system established in Bretton Woods can be traced to U.S. macroeconomic policy decisions from 1965 to 1968. Under President Johnson, the U.S. financed huge increases in welfare programs and the Vietnam War by increasing its money supply, leading to significant inflation.

B) Speculation that the dollar would have to be devalued relative to most other currencies, as well as underlying economics and some forceful threats by the U.S. forced other countries to increase the value of their currencies relative to the dollar

C) The key problem with the Bretton Woods system was that, since the dollar was the base currency, the system relied on an economically well-managed United States,. When the United States began to print money, run high trade deficits, and experience high inflation, the system was strained to the breaking point

The Floating Exchange Rate Regime

A) The floating exchange rate regime that followed the collapse of the fixed exchange rate system was formalized in January 1976 when IMF members met in Jamaica and agreed to the rules for the international monetary system that are in place today.

The Jamaica Agreement

B) The purpose of the Jamaica meeting was to revise the IMF's Articles of Agreement to reflect the new reality of floating exchange rates. The three main elements of the Jamaican agreement include the following:

i) Floating rates were declared acceptable.

ii) Gold was abandoned as a reserve asset.

iii) Total annual IMF quotas - the amount member countries contribute to the IMF - were increased to $41 billion. Since then, they have been increased to $311 billion and membership in the IMF has expanded to 184 countries.

Exchange Rates since 1973

C) Since March 1973 exchange rates have become much more volatile and far less predictable than they were between 1945 and 1973. The volatility has been partly due to a number of unexpected shocks to the world monetary system including:

The oil crisis in 1971.

The loss of confidence in the dollar that followed the rise of U.S. inflation in 1977- 1978.

The oil crisis of 1979.

The unexpected rise in the dollar between 1980 and 1985.

The partial collapse of the European Monetary System in 1992.

The 1997 Asian currency crisis. The decline of the U.S. dollar in the mid to late 2000s.Country Focus: The U.S. Dollar, Oil Prices, and Recycling PetrodollarsSummaryThis feature explores what oil producing nations are likely to do with the dollars they have earned. In 2008, oil prices reached new highs as a result of higher than expected demand, tight supplies, and perceived geopolitical risks. Since oil is priced in dollars, oil producers have seen their dollar reserves increase significantly. Now, speculation abounds as to what will happen to the petrodollars. Some believe that the dollars will go toward public infrastructure projects, others think that it is more likely that investments will be made in dollar denominated assets like U.S. bonds, stocks, and real estate, or in non-dollar denominated assets such as European or Japanese bonds and stocks. Discussion of the feature can revolve around the following questions:Suggested Discussion Questions

1. With oil prices at record highs, there is significant speculation as to what oil producing states will do with the dollars they are earning. Discuss how a decision to invest in non-dollar denominated assets could affect the value of the U.S. dollar.Suggested Discussion Points: As a result of higher demand from countries like China and India, tight supplies and perceived geo-political risks, oil prices reached a new high in 2008. For oil producing countries, this has proved to be an unexpected windfall. In 2007, the countries together earned over $1 trillion. Most students will probably recognize that if the countries decide to invest their earnings in non-dollar denominated assets, the value of the dollar could drop sharply. 2. How could a decision by oil producing countries to invest their petrodollars in public infrastructure projects help the value of the dollar?Suggested Discussion Points: If the oil producing states invest the petrodollars in public infrastructure projects such as roads, telecommunications systems, and education, the U.S. dollar could actually rise in value. The infrastructure investments are likely to generate economic growth in the nations, which could then translate into market opportunities for U.S. firms. Lecture Note: To extend this discussion, consider {} and {}.

Video Note: The iGlobes Oil and Gas Prices Rise Due to Pipeline Shutdown and Oil Market Focuses Attention on Middle East Conflict fit in well with this feature. Fixed versus Floating Exchange Rates

A) The breakdown of the Bretton Woods system has not stopped the debate about the relative merits of fixed versus floating exchange rate regimes. Indeed, disappointment with the system of floating rates in recent years has led to renewed debate about the merits of a fixed exchange rate system.

The Case for Floating Exchange Rates

B) The case for floating exchange rates has two main elements: monetary policy autonomy and automatic trade balance adjustments.

Monetary Policy Autonomy

C) It is argued that a floating exchange rate regime gives countries monetary policy autonomy. Under a fixed system, a country's ability to expand or contract its money supply as it sees fit is limited by the need to maintain exchange rate parity. Advocates of a floating exchange rate regime argue that removal of the obligation to maintain exchange rate parity restores monetary control to a government.

Trade Balance Adjustments

D) Under the Bretton Woods system, if a country developed a permanent deficit in its balance of trade that could not be corrected by domestic policy, IMF approval was needed for a currency devaluation. Critics of this system argue that the adjustment mechanism works much more smoothly under a floating exchange rate regime.

The Case for Fixed Exchange Rates

E) The case for fixed exchange rates rests on arguments about monetary discipline, uncertainty, and the lack of connection between the trade balance and exchange rates.

Video Note: The iGlobe Federal Reserve Moves to Stabilize Market fits in well with this discussion. Monetary Discipline

F) The need to maintain a fixed exchange rate parity ensures that governments do not expand their money supplies at inflationary rates.


G) Critics of a floating exchange rate regime also argue that speculation can cause fluctuations in exchange rates. A fixed exchange rate system limits the destabilizing effects of speculation.Uncertainty

H) Speculation also adds to the uncertainty surrounding future currency movements that characterizes floating exchange rate regimes, and can negatively affect the growth of international trade and investment. Trade Balance Adjustments

I) Those in favor of floating exchange rates argue that floating rates help adjust trade imbalances.

Who is Right?J) There is no real agreement as to which system is better. We do, however, know that a fixed exchange rate regime modeled along the lines of the Bretton Woods system will not work. It is telling that speculation ultimately broke the system - a phenomenon that advocates of fixed rate regimes claim is associated with floating exchange rates. Nevertheless, a different kind of fixed exchange rate system might be more enduring and might foster the kind of stability that would facilitate more rapid growth in international trade and investment.

Lecture Note: In uncertain times, calls for a return to the gold standard are not uncommon. To extend this discussion, consider {}.

Exchange Rate Regimes in PracticeA) A number of different exchange rate policies are pursued around the world. Fourteen percent of IMF members follow a free float policy, 26 percent a managed float system, and 28 percent have no legal tender of their own. The remaining countries use less flexible systems such as pegged arrangements, or adjustable pegs.

Pegged Exchange RatesB) Under a pegged exchange rate regime a country will peg the value of its currency to that of another major currency. Pegged exchange rates are popular among the worlds smaller nations

C) There is some evidence that adopting a pegged exchange rate regime does moderate inflationary pressures in a country.

Currency Boards

D) A country that introduces a currency board commits itself to converting its domestic currency on demand into another currency at a fixed exchange rate. To make this commitment credible, the currency board holds reserves of foreign currency equal at the fixed exchange rate to at least 100% of the domestic currency issued.

CRISIS Management by the IMFA) With the introduction of the floating rate system and the emergence of global capital markets, many of the original reasons for the IMF's existence have disappeared. Financial difficulties have not disappeared however, and the IMF has found a way to grow and redefine its mission. With a 2007 membership of 185 countries, the IMF has focused, in some cases amid controversy, on lending money to countries experiencing financial crises.

Financial Crisis in the Post Bretton Woods Era

B) A number of broad types of financial crisis have occurred over the last quarter of a century, many of which have required IMF involvement. A currency crisis occurs when a speculative attack on the exchange value of a currency results in a sharp depreciation in the value of the currency, or forces authorities to expend large volumes of international currency reserves and sharply increase interest rates in order to defend prevailing exchange rate.

C) A banking crisis refers to a situation in which a loss of confidence in the banking system leads to a run on the banks, as individuals and companies withdraw their deposits.

D) A foreign debt crisis is a situation in which a country cannot service its foreign debt obligations, whether private sector or government debt.

E) In terms of IMF involvement, two main crises are explored in greater depth: the 1995 Mexican currency crisis, and the Asian financial crisis.

Mexican Currency Crisis of 1995

E) The Mexican currency crisis of 1995 was a result of high Mexican debts, and a pegged exchange rate that did not allow for a natural adjustment of prices. In order to keep Mexico from defaulting on its debt, a $50 billion aid package was put together.

The Asian Crisis

F) The causes of the financial crisis that erupted across Southeast Asia during the fall of 1997 were sown in the previous decade when these countries were experiencing unprecedented growth.

The Investment Boom

G) Huge increases in exports, and hence the incoming funds, helped fuel a boom in commercial and residential property, industrial assets, and infrastructure. As the volume of investments ballooned during the 1990s, often at the bequest of national governments, the quality of many of these investments declined significantly. Often the investments were made on the basis of projections about future demand conditions that were unrealistic. The result was the emergence of significant excess capacity.

Excess Capacity

H) Investments made on the basis of unrealistic projections about future demand conditions created significant excess capacity.

The Debt Bomb

I) These investments were often supported by dollar-based debts. When inflation and increasing imports put pressure on the currencies, the resulting devaluations led to default on dollar denominated debts.Expanding Imports

J) A final complicating factor was that by the mid-1990s although exports were still expanding across the region, so were imports.

The Crisis

K) The Asian meltdown began in mid-1997 in Thailand when it became clear that several key Thai financial institutions were on the verge of default. Seeing these developments, foreign exchange dealers and hedge funds started to speculate against the Baht, selling it short. The Thai government tried to defend the peg, but only succeeded in depleting its foreign exchange reserves. On July 2nd, 1997, the Thai government abandoned its defense and announced that they would allow the Baht to float freely against the dollar. The Baht started a slide that would bring the exchange rate down to $1 = BT55 by January1998.

L) With its foreign exchange rates depleted, Thailand lacked the foreign currency needed to finance its international trade and service debt commitments, and was in desperate need of the capital the IMF could provide.

M) Following the devaluation of the Thai Baht, wave after wave of speculation hit other Asian countries. One after another in a period of weeks the Malaysian Ringgit, Indonesian Rupaih and the Singapore Dollar were all sharply lower.

N) With the exception of Singapore, whose economy is probably the most stable in the region, these devaluations were driven by similar factors to those that underlay the earlier devaluation of the Thai Baht. A combination of excess investment, high borrowings - much of it in dollar denominated debt, and a deteriorating balance of payments position.

O) The final domino to fall was South Korea. When the Korean won started to decline in the fall of 1997 in sympathy with the problems elsewhere in Asia, Korean companies saw their debt obligations balloon. Several large companies were forced to default on their debt service obligations and file for bankruptcy.

Evaluating the IMFs Policy Prescription

P) By 2006, the IMF was committing loans to some 59 countries that were struggling with economic and currency crises. All IMF loan packages come with conditions attached, generally a combination of tight macroeconomic policy and tight monetary policy.

Teaching Tip: To explore current issues at the International Monetary Fund in more depth, go to {}.

Inappropriate Policies

Q) The IMFs policies have recently come under fire. One criticism is that the IMFs one-size-fits-all approach to macroeconomic policy is inappropriate for many countries.

Moral Hazard

R) A second criticism of the IMF is that its rescue efforts are exacerbating a problem known to economists as moral hazard. Moral hazard arises when people behave recklessly because they know they will be saved if things go wrong.

Lecture Note: To extend this discussion, consider {}.

Lack of Accountability

S) The final criticism of the IMF is that it has become too powerful for an institution that lacks any real mechanism for accountability.


T) As with many debates about international economics, it is not clear which side has the winning hand about the appropriateness of IMF polices.

Country Focus: Turkeys and the IMF


This feature explores Turkeys 18th IMF program. In May 2001, the IMF agreed to lend $8 billion to Turkey to help stabilize its economy and halt a sharp slide in the value of its currency. While initially the Turkish government resisted IMF mandates on economic policy, in 2003, the government passed an austerity budget. By 2005, significant progress had been made and today, the country appears to be on track for recovery, with lower inflation rates, an increase in privatization, and a budget surplus. The following questions can be helpful in directing the discussion:

Suggested Discussion Questions

1. What led to Turkeys financial crisis? What goals did the IMF establish as part of the loan agreement?

Discussion Points: Several factors led to Turkeys financial crisis including a large and inefficient state sector and a subsidized agricultural sector, both of which were financed through debt. The IMF pushed for accelerated privatization of inefficient sectors, and a reduction in agricultural subsidies. In addition, the IMF called for pension reform and tax increases.2. What are the challenges for a government to deal with a financial crisis like the one that Turkey experienced?

Discussion Points: Students will probably suggest that one of the biggest challenges for governments facing a financial crisis is the domino effect it seems to have throughout the economy. In the case of Turkey, IMF assistance to stabilize the situation meant that the country had to follow what initially seemed to be unattractive policies. 3. Was the IMF successful in Turkey?

Discussion Points: After several rocky attempts, most students will probably agree that the IMFs programs in Turkey are finally beginning to show results. Inflation is down from over 80 percent a year in the 1990s to just 4 percent in 2007, economic growth is up, and the privatization program has continued to move along. In addition, government spending seems to be under control. In deed the government has a budget surplus in the period 2003-2006.FOCUS ON MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONSVideo Note: The iGlobe Dollars Falling Value Ripples through U.S. Economy provides an interesting perspective of how the value of the dollar is affecting different companies. The iGlobe fits in well with a discussion of how companies can cope with changing exchange rates. A) The managerial implications of the material discussed in this chapter fall into three main areas currency management, business strategy, and corporate-government relations.

Currency Management

B) An obvious implication with regard to currency management is that companies must recognize that the foreign exchange market does not work quite as depicted in Chapter 9. The current system is a managed float system in which government intervention can help drive the foreign exchange market. Companies need to be aware of this and adjust their foreign exchange transaction accordingly.

C) A second message contained in this chapter is that under the present system, speculative buying and selling of currencies can create volatile movements in exchange rates.Business Strategy

D) The volatility of the present floating exchange rate regime presents a conundrum for international businesses. Exchange rate movements are difficult to predict, and yet their movement can have a major impact on the competitive position of businesses. One response to the uncertainty that arises from a floating exchange rate regime might be to build strategic flexibility to minimize the economic exposure of the firm.Management Focus: Airbus and the Euro

SummaryThis feature describes how Airbus is protecting itself from exchange rate fluctuations. French aircraft maker Airbus prices its planes in dollars. However, because over half the companys costs are in euros, the company has the potential to see significant fluctuations in its earnings if it does not hedge its foreign exchange exposure. The following questions can help in the discussion of the feature:

Suggested Discussion Questions1. What type of foreign exchange exposure does Airbus face? How can Airbus protect itself from its exposure to changing exchange rates? How does the companys switch to more U.S. suppliers help the company?

Discussion Points: Students should easily recognize the transaction exposure facing Airbus. Some students will point out that economic exposure is also a problem for the company. Airbus can hedge its transaction exposure in the foreign exchange markets using forward contracts, however to manage its economic exposure, the company is trying to reduce its costs by shifting to American suppliers, and asking European suppliers to price in dollars.2. Airbus has asked its European based suppliers to start pricing in U.S. dollars. What does Airbus hope to gain by this request? What does it mean for suppliers?

Discussion Points: Airbus decision to ask suppliers to price their components in dollars is an effort to control exchange rate risk. The company prices its planes in dollars, but was paying for components in a variety of currencies. By shifting to a strictly dollar run business, the company not only consolidates all of its transactions and so hedges its exposure more easily and cheaply, it also increases the proportion of its costs that are in dollars. For American suppliers, the shift to pricing in dollars is beneficial because it eliminates exchange rate risk. For other suppliers however, the shift may mean an introduction of exchange rate risk.

Teaching Tip: Students can learn more about Airbus by going to the companys web site at {}.

Corporate-Government Relations

E) As major players in the international trade and investment environment, businesses can influence government policy towards the international monetary system. International businesses should use their influence to promote policy decisions that facilitate the growth of international trade and investment. Critical Thinking and Discussion Questions

1. Why did the gold standard collapse? Is there a case for returning to some type of gold standard? What is it?

Answer: The gold standard worked reasonably well from the 1870s until the start of World War I in 1914, when it was abandoned. During the war several governments financed their massive military expenditures by printing money. This resulted in inflation, and by the war's end in 1918, price levels were higher everywhere. Several countries returned to the gold standard after World War I. However, the period that ensued saw so many countries devalue their currencies that it became impossible to be certain how much gold a currency could buy. Instead of holding onto another country's currency, people often tried to exchange it into gold immediately, lest the country devalue its currency in the intervening period. This put pressure on the gold reserves of various countries, forcing them to suspend gold convertibility. As a result, by the start of World War II, the gold standard was dead. The great strength of the gold standard was that it contained a powerful mechanism for simultaneously achieving balance-of-trade equilibrium by all countries, as explained in the example provided in the textbook. This strength is the reason for reconsidering the gold standard as a basis for international monetary policy.

2. What opportunities might current IMF lending policies to developing nations create for international businesses? What threats might they create?

Answer: Current IMF lending policies require recipient countries to implement governmental reforms to stabilize monetary policy and encourage economic growth. One of the principal ways for a developing nation to spur economic growth is to solicit foreign direct investment and to provide a hospitable environment for the foreign investors. These characteristics of IMF lending policies work to the advantage of international businesses that are looking for investment opportunities in developing countries.

3. Do you think the standard IMF policy prescriptions of tight monetary policy and reduced government spending are always appropriate for developing nations experiencing a currency crisis? How might the IMF change its approach? What would the implications be for international businesses?

Answer: Critics argue that the tight macroeconomic policies imposed by the IMF in the recent Asian crisis were not well suited to countries that were not suffering from excessive government spending and inflation, but instead from a private-sector debt crisis with inflationary undertones. Anti-inflationary monetary policies and reductions in government spending usually result in a sharp contraction of demand, at least in the short run. In the longer term, the policies can promote economic growth and expansion of demand, which creates opportunities for international business.

4. Debate the relative merits of fixed and floating exchange rate regimes. From the perspective of an international business, what are the most important criteria in a choice between the systems? Which system is the more desirable for an international business?

Answer: The case for fixed exchange rates rests on arguments about monetary discipline, speculation, uncertainty, and the lack of connection between the trade balance and exchange rates. In terms of monetary discipline, the need to maintain fixed exchange rate parity ensures that governments do not expand their money supplies at inflationary rates. In terms of speculation, a fixed exchange rate regime precludes the possibility of speculation. In terms of uncertainty, a fixed rate regime introduces a degree of certainty in the international monetary system by reducing volatility in exchange rates. Finally, in terms of trade balance adjustments, critics question the closeness of the link between the exchange rate and the trade balance. The case for floating exchange rates has two main elements: monetary policy autonomy and automatic trade balance adjustments. In terms of the former, it is argued that a floating exchange rate regime gives countries monetary policy autonomy. Under a fixed rate system, a countrys ability to expand or contract its money supply as it sees fit is limited by the need to maintain exchange rate parity. In terms of the later, under the Bretton Woods system, if a country developed a permanent deficit in its balance of trade that could not be corrected by domestic policy, the IMF would agree to a currency devaluation. Critics of this system argue that the adjustment mechanism works much more smoothly under a floating exchange rate regime. They argue that if a country is running a trade deficit, the imbalance between the supply and demand of that countrys currency in the foreign exchange markets will lead to depreciation in its exchange rate. An exchange rate depreciation should correct the trade deficit by making the countrys exports cheaper and its imports more expensive. It is a matter of personal opinion in regard to which system is better for an international business. We do know, however, that a fixed exchange rate regime modeled along the lines of the Bretton Woods system will not work. Nevertheless, a different kind of fixed exchange rate system might be more enduring and might foster the kind of stability that would facilitate more rapid growth in international trade and investment.

5. Imagine that Canada, the United States, and Mexico decide to adopt a fixed exchange rate system. What would be the likely consequences of such a system for (a) international businesses and (b) the flow of trade and investment among the three countries?

Answer: In theory, a fixed exchange rate system similar to the ERM of the European Monetary System should impose monetary discipline, remove uncertainty, limit speculation, and promote trade and investment among member countries. Therefore, for international businesses, such a system should be positive, and the three countries should see increased trade and investment.

6. Reread the Country Focus on the U.S. dollar, oil prices, and recycling petrodollars, then answer the following questions:a) What will happen to the value of the U.S. dollar if oil producers decide to invest most of their earnings from oil sales in domestic infrastructure projects?

b) What factors determine the relative attractiveness of dollar, euro, and yen denominated assets to oil producers flush with petrodollars? What might lead them to direct more funds towards non-dollar denominated assets?c) What will happen to the value of the dollar if OPEC members decide to invest more of their petrodollars towards non-dollar assets, such as euro denominated stocks and bonds?

d) In addition to oil producers, China is also accumulating a large stock of dollars, currently estimated to total $1.4 trillion. What would happen to the value of the dollar if China and oil producing nations all shifted out of dollar denominated assets at the same time? What would be the consequence for the United States economy?


a) If oil producers decide to invest their earnings in domestic infrastructure projects, it would be expected that the countries involved would see a boost in economic growth, and an increase in imports. This would put downward pressure on the dollar as the petrodollars are sold, or are invested in the local community, however the expected increase in imports that should result from greater economic growth would increase the demand for dollars. b) The relative attractiveness of an investment whether it is denominated in dollars, euro, or yen depends on expected returns and the degree of risk associated with the investment. When considering different currencies, it would be important to consider expected shifts in the exchange rate. So, for example, if the dollar was expected to depreciate relative to the euro or yen, non-dollar denominated assets might be more attractive all else being equal. c) Oil producers have significantly increased their holdings of dollars as a result of higher oil prices. Should OPEC members decide to sell their dollars to invest in non-dollar denominated assets such as euro denominated stocks or bonds, we would expect to see downward pressure on the dollar.

d) If China and the oil producers simultaneously decide to sell off their dollars, there would be significant downward pressure on the dollar. This downward pressure would probably cause considerable pessimism among investors, and the U.S. economy, and the world economy in general, would likely suffer.

Closing Case: Chinas Managed Float


The closing case describes Chinas exchange rate policy. For nearly a decade, China has fixed its exchange rate to the dollar and bought or sold dollars to maintain the exchange rate. By early 2005 though, the country was feeling pressure both at home and abroad to let its currency, the Yuan, float freely against the dollar. Discussion of the case can revolve around the following questions:QUESTION 1: Why do you think the Chinese government originally pegged the value of the Yuan against the U.S. dollar? What were the benefits of doing this for China? What were the costs?

ANSWER 1: Chinas decision to peg its currency to the U.S. dollar provided for a more stable currency for China because it meant that the Yuan moved in lockstep with the value of the dollar - a currency that would be far more stable than the Yuan. However, the decision led to a situation that was not popular with the United States or other developed nations, as, over the next decade, the Yuan became undervalued by as much as 40 percent. This trend allowed China to increase its exports dramatically, while at the same time making it more difficult for foreign exporters to sell their products to China. Foreign companies manufacturing in China were able to capitalize on the undervalued Yuan, and reap the benefits of cheap exports. Recently, after years of rapid economic growth stimulated by exports, and amassing a stockpile of dollars valued at more than $700 billion, China faced significant pressure for currency revaluation.

QUESTION 2: Over the last decade, many foreign firms have invested in China and used their Chinese factories to produce goods for export. If the Yuan is allowed to float freely against the U.S. dollar on the foreign exchange markets and appreciates in value, how might this affect the fortunes of those enterprises?

ANSWER 2: Many students will probably agree that a stronger Yuan would probably result in a situation in which companies that currently export from China see some slowdown in their exports or a lower profit. QUESTION 3: How might a decision to let the Yuan float freely affect future foreign direct investment flows into China?

ANSWER 3: If the Yuan is allowed to float freely against the dollar and appreciates in value, many foreign companies with investments in China may find it more difficult to export or see a drop in their revenues. Many students may suggest however, that even with a stronger currency China will continue to be a popular destination for investment because of its low wages. QUESTION 4: Under what circumstances might a decision to let the Yuan float freely destabilize the Chinese economy? What might be the global implications of this be?

ANSWER 4: The effects of the weak Yuan are apparent in both the U.S. and China. Chinas cheap Yuan is fueling a boom in Chinese exports to the United States where jobs are being lost to the cheap Chinese imports. For its part, China is facing the potential for a surge in inflation as the country expands the money supply in an effort to maintain the artificial Yuan/dollar relationship. If the country allows the Yuan to float freely, QUESTION 5: Do you think the U.S. government should push the Chinese to let the Yuan float freely? Why?ANSWER 5: Many students may suggest that China is being pressured to allow the Yuan to float freely because many people believe that after years of rapid economic growth, the pegged exchange rate undervalues the true value of the Yuan by as much as 40 percent.

QUESTION 6: What do you think the Chinese government should do? Let the Yuan float, maintain the peg, or change the peg in some way?

Answer: Chinas decision to abandon its peg will probably result in some slowdown in its exports, however, some American politicians believe that China needs to reduce its control over the Yuan even further. But, China must be careful how quickly it moves, a sudden shift in its policy could scare investors off. At the moment, China is an attractive investment destination, however a stronger, and a less stable Yuan could change that.

Lecture Note: To extend this case, note that while China has made a commitment to allow the Yuan to rise, it is being cautious with the pace of its appreciation. For more details, go to {}.

Teaching Tip: Students can track the Yuan since 2005 at {}. Click on FX history and then enter the dates and currencies.

Continuous Case Concept

China is currently a hot market for automakers. Companies see the market as being one of the worlds most significant markets in the next decade and are shifting production to China. Some companies are even developing cars specifically for the local market. However, pressure on China to revalue its currency could change the nature of the market.

By mid-2008, the Yuan had risen over 7 percent relative to the U.S. dollar, and the trend is expected to continue. Ask students to consider the strategic implications of a strong Yuan for the auto companies. Do any of the companies benefit from a stronger Yuan? Do consumers?

Next, ask students to consider the effects a floating Yuan might have on the industry. Is it beneficial for companies producing in China? Why or why not?

Finally, if China moves to a floating regime, should the auto companies move their production from other locations in the world to China? Why or why not?

This feature can be used at the beginning of the discussion of the international monetary system, and especially with the Closing Case. The feature also works well as conclusion to the material presented in the chapter and can help students understand the opportunities and threats for companies related to exchange rate movements.

globalEDGE Exercises

Use the globalEDGE Resource Desk {} to complete the following exercises.

Exercise 1While Latvia has been a member state of the European Union since 2004, it has not completed the third stage of the European Monetary Union and therefore still uses its own currency, the Latvian Lats. Visit the site of the Bank of Latvia to get more information about the current monetary policy in Latvia. How is the value of Lats determined? Why?Answer: The site for the bank can be reached by searching Bank of Latvia at . The resource is located under the globalEDGE category Money: Banks. Once at the site, the information about Lats can be reached by either clicking on the Pegging the Lats to the Euro quick link on the right column, or by clicking Monetary Policy on the left column and ten clicking Pegging the Lats to the Euro submenu item.

Search Phrase: Bank of LatviaResource Name: The Bank of LatviaWebsite:

globalEDGE Category: Money: Banks

Exercise 2

The International Capital Markets division of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) publishes the Global Financial Stability Report, a semi-annual report that provides an assessment of the global financial markets. Find the Global Financial Stability Map in the most recent report. Provide a description of the indicators used to construct the map and briefly summarize what the most current map illustrates in terms of changes in financial stability risks.Answer: The report can be accessed by searching for the phrase Global Financial Stability Report at The Global Financial Stability Report is the only source in this search. This resource can also be found under the globalEDGE category Money: Finance. Once on the IMFs Global Financial Stability Report website, click on the most recent report. The Global Financial Stability Map is located in Chapter 1.

Search Term: Global Financial Stability ReportResource Name: IMF: Global Financial Stability Report

Website: Category: Money: Finance

Additional Readings and Sources of Information

Hot Money into China Hits New Record India, China to Keep Growing Despite Downturn Trouble for the Tajik Economy Euros Rise: Dont Expect a Rate Cut Too Much Money: Inflation Goes Global