CBI Bulletin February 2010

www.cbistpete.org Volume 5770, Issue 6 February 2010 Shevat /Adar 5770 St. Petersburg, Florida Inside this issue: Shabbat Services 2 From Rabbi 3 Sisterhood/Men’s Club 9 Schools 11 Youth 12 Adult Studies 13 Buns Family Library News 15 Mitzvah Grams 21 Special points of interest: Cracking The Code P3 World Wide Wrap P7 Hevra Kadisha Dinner P9 Cemetery Report P18 Purim Celebration P23 CBI-TBE Welcome Mayor Foster P24 Mitzvah Day Form Insert pages Haiti Earthquake Relief - www.uscj.org/donate/relief or www.jewishfederations.org or www.ajws.org


CBI Bulletin February 2010

Transcript of CBI Bulletin February 2010


Volume 5770, Issue 6 February 2010 Shevat /Adar 5770

St. Petersburg, Florida

Inside this issue:

Shabbat Services 2

From Rabbi 3




Schools 11

Youth 12

Adult Studies 13

Buns Family Library



Mitzvah Grams 21

Special points of


Cracking The Code


World Wide Wrap


Hevra Kadisha

Dinner P–9

Cemetery Report


Purim Celebration


CBI-TBE Welcome

Mayor Foster P–24

Mitzvah Day Form

Insert pages

Haiti Earthquake Relief - www.uscj.org/donate/relief

or www.jewishfederations.org or www.ajws.org

PARTICIPATE IN ALIYOT The Ritual Committee of Congregation B’nai Israel

encourages worshippers to participate in services by

performing aliyot. If you would like to receive an aliyah,

please call the synagogue office at 381-4900, or kindly speak to one of the ushers

when you enter the sanctuary, and every effort will be made

to accommodate your request. Those wishing to receive an

aliyah on Shabbat morning are asked to arrive at services not

later than 9:30 am. We look forward to your

participation. Shalom,

Morry Bornstein, Ritual Chair

Page 2 B’nai Israel Review

Congregation B’nai Israel

727-381-4900 Contacts

Rabbi Jacob Luski, D.D. 727-381-4900 Ext. 207

[email protected]

Hazzan Paul D. Goldstein 727-381-4900 Ext. 205 [email protected]

Executive Director, Sara A. Latham 727-381-4900 Ext. 202 [email protected]

Pauline Rivkind Preschool Director Bonnie Halprin 727-381-4900 Ext. 211

[email protected]

Pauline Rivkind Talmud Torah Education Director, Ilana Dayan

727-381-4900 Ext. 310 [email protected]

Youth & Program Director Sandy Brasch 727-381-4900 Ext. 209

[email protected]

Torah Reader, Deborah Marmon

Office Manager, Pam Askin 727-381-4900 Ext. 203

[email protected]

Receptionist, Anita Helfand 727-381-4900 Ext. 201

[email protected]

Accounting, Barbara Jarvis 727-381-4900 Ext.204

[email protected]

PRTT Secretary, Patzi Gil 727-381-4900 Ext. 210 [email protected]

President, Karen Sher [email protected]

Sisterhood Presidents, Susie Berman, Gail Frye, Diana Litt.

Men’s Club President, Bill Marger

USY President, Yael Reich

Bulletin Committee:

Layout Editor, Masha Ronay

Coordinators, Pam Askin, Anita Helfand and Carol Marcin

B’nai Israel Review Publishes 11 times a year by

Congregation B’nai Israel 300 58th Street North

St. Petersburg, FL 33710 727– 381-4900 FAX 727-344-1307


All rights reserved. No part of this document can be copied without the permission of

Congregation B’nai Israel

Shabbat Services & Candlelighting

Friday, January 29, 2010 Candlelighting 5:51 pm USY Shabbat Service 8:00 pm Tu B’Shevat Seder Saturday, January 30, 2010 Sedra – Beshallakh Shabbat Services 9:00 am Shabbat Shirah with Choir Junior Congregation 10:00 am Minha, Seudah Shlishit, Maariv and Havdala 5:35 pm Seudah Shlishit sponsored by Richard and Gerry Mensh in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Miranda Hitzel. Friday, February 5, 2010 Candlelighting 5:57 pm Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 pm Bat Mitzvah of Miranda Deanne Hitzel Saturday, February 6, 2010 Sedra – Yitro Shabbat Services 9:00 am Bat Mitzvah of Miranda Deanne Hitzel Junior Congregation 10:00 am Minha, Seudah Shlishit, Maariv and Havdala 5:40 pm Seudah Shlishit sponsored by Dr. Barnett Stein. Friday, February 12, 2010 Candlelighting 6:02 pm Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 pm Bat Mitzvah of Elle Shwer Saturday, February 13, 2010 Shevat – Mishpatim Shabbat Shekalim Shabbat Services 9:00 am Bat Mitzvah of Elle Shwer No Junior Congregation Minha, Seudah Shlishit, Maariv & Havdala 5:45 pm Seudah Shlishit sponsored by Joanne Luski and Vivian Neumann in memory of Jack Neumann. Friday, February 19, 2010 Candlelighting 6:07 pm Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 pm Bat Mitzvah of Maya Jess Silverberg Saturday, February 20, 2010 Sedra - Terumah Shabbat Services 9:00am Bat Mitzvah of Maya Jess Silverberg Junior Congregation 10:00 am Minha, Seudah Shlishit, Maariv & Havdala 5:50 pm Seudah Shlishit sponsored by Mitzvah Men’s Club in honor Mitzvah Men’s Club Shabbat.

Friday, February 26, 2010 Candlelighting 6:12 pm Shabbat Service 8:00 pm Anniversary Shabbat Saturday, February 27, 2010 Sedra – Tetzaveh Shabbat Zachor Shabbat Services 9:00 am Junior Congregation 10:00 am Minha 6:30 pm Maariv, Megilla Readings, Costume Parade 7:00 pm Friday, March 5, 2010 Candlelighting 6:16 pm JTS Student Shabbat Service Anniversary Shabbat 8:00 pm Saturday, March 6, 2010 Sedra – Ki Tissa Shabbat Parah Shabbat Services 9:00 am USY Shabbat, JTS Student Speaker Junior Congregation 10:00 am Minha, Seudah Shlishit, Maariv & Havdala 6:00 pm Seudah Shlishit sponsored by Cary and Karen Reich in honor of the birthday of their children Yael, Ariel and Avi.


If you are interested in sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat on Friday evening, a Seudah Shlishit on Shabbat afternoon

or a L’Hayim following a Morning Minyan in honor or memory of a loved one or a

special occasion, please contact Synagogue office.


The Mitzvah Men’s Club provides a Continental

Breakfast for all worshippers on Minyan Mornings in the alcove of the Social Hall.

Please join the Minyanaires for the morning Shaharit

service and relax and schmooze over breakfast

bagels, cream cheese, coffee cake and coffee/tea.

CHILD CARE To request Shabbat

morning childcare for preschoolers, please call the Synagogue

office by Wednesday prior to Shabbat.

DAILY SERVICES Please join our twice daily Minyan which meets weekday mornings at 7:45 am, Sunday mornings and on Holidays at 9:00 am and weekday evenings at the following times:

Jan. 31 – Feb. 4 5:55 p.m. Feb. 7 – 11 6:05 pm Feb. 14 – 18 6:10 pm Feb. 21 – 25 6:10 pm Feb. 28 – Mar. 4 6:15 pm


Look what's

new for you! CBI will now have a Shabbat Game Cart located in the alcove of the Social Hall each Shabbat morning. The game cart will have games for children to play while their parents enjoy the Kiddush. PARENTS! Please assist your child in cleaning up before leaving.

The curious thing is that there is a strong connection between Purim and Yom Kippur. On Purim we feast, on Yom Kippur we fast. On Purim we dress up as someone else, on Yom Kippur we try to uncover our true selves. It is almost as if the holidays are mirror images of one another. In fact the Vilna Gaon taught that Purim and Yom Kippur are actually two halves of the same coin. He noted that the biblical name for Yom Kippur is Yom Hakipurim,

which literally translated means “the day that is like Purim.”

In the end, perhaps the two holidays are connected. Yom Kippur, a day all “for God”, needed to be balanced by a holiday that had high “for us” content – and Purim fit the bill perfectly. And Purim, a day all “for us,” needed a partner with the highest possible spiritual content – and that, of course, is Yom Kippur. The message is that a Jew serves God in both ways – through our personal conversations, our prayers and our struggle for holiness, but also through the human spirit of fun and celebration, and of spending time with those we love.

May we find both meanings in this year’s celebration of Purim!

With best wishes for a Hag Purim Sameah!


Rabbi Jacob Luski

The Talmud teaches us that when we celebrate a holiday, we should celebrate it “half for God and half for ourselves.” The half for God are the prayers that we say, the studying that we do, and the serious issues we consider in shul. The half

for us consists of the human concerns of family and celebration. So, on most of our holidays we make sure to spend some time in shul, engaged in prayer and self-reflection. But at the same time, we get together with our families to talk, to share a festive meal, kibbitz and have fun. “Half for God and half for us.”

There are two exceptions to this “half for God, half for us” idea. The first is Yom Kippur, which is all for God. We spend most of the day in the synagogue. Our minds are occupied with prayer and serious ideas like repentance and forgiveness. On Yom Kippur we don’t even eat because our concerns lie exclusively in the spiritual realm – “all for God.”

The second exception is the festival of Purim, which the Sages understood as being “all for us.” Purim is a day when spiritual concerns are minimized, if not altogether ignored. Our synagogue time is not spent in prayer, but rather in enjoying a raucous and frailach reading of the megilla and participating in a Purim carnival. Purim is a day we don’t associate with spiritual matters; it’s all fun and games, good food and drink, fun and friends – all for us.

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From the Rabbi

Cracking The Code: Delving into the Mystery, Meaning

& Structure of our Prayerbook Join Rabbi Jacob Luski to delve into Jewish prayer to gain a deeper sense of meaning of Jewish prayer including an overview of the structure and history of Jewish prayer. All classes are entirely in English.

Wednesdays, 8:00—9:00 pm in the Library: February 3, 2010: The Mystery of the Friday Evening service February 10. 2010: The Meaning of the Shabbat Morning service February 17, 2020: The Structure of the Weekday service

FROM OUR MAILBAG: Dear Rabbi Luski, Thank you for delivering the invocation at the City Council meeting. Council believes that beginning our meeting with an invocation starts us out in the right direction, and I am very proud of this tradition. Rabbi Luski, thank you once again for taking the time to share your words of inspiration with us. We appreciate your participation and express our sincere gratitude for the spiritual leadership you provide to our city. From Jeff Danner, Chair, St. Petersburg City Council

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Welcome Mitzvah Day, Sunday, February 21! Take this opportunity to join your fellow congregants for a day of service to the community. Throw away your excuses, change your prior commitments and sign up for a Mitzvah Day project. Today, more than ever, people are in need. Pay homage to your

fortune of food and shelter and spend few hours helping others. If you are unable to participate that day, you can donate food and items on the wish list. Just drop your donations by the synagogue any time in advance or the day of Mitzvah Day. Let’s all make this Mitzvah Day the most successful one yet – it’s a lot more fulfilling to spend a few hours helping someone else rather than working on that to do list. Is the Jewish guilt thing working yet? I would like to thank the very hard working CBI’s Got Talent Committee and especially the co-chairs, Alice Ettinger and Pam LeCompte for organizing such a terrific event last month. Also, a big thank you to Laurie Reiskind, Fundraising Vice President for your superior guidance. One hundred and twenty eight people had a lovely evening being entertained, enjoying a delicious dinner, and participating in the excitement of the competition. Mazal Tov to William Gross, for his first place vocal rendition of “If I Was a Rich Man” from Fiddler; to Phyllis & Sid Werner, second place winners for their dance routine; and to third place winners, The Sher Brothers – Mandel & Craig for their very funny comedy routine. All the participants were winners! Yasher Koach to all.

Sara Latham, Executive Director

From the Executive Director

PROFILE IN LEADERSHIP SERIES Introducing ALLEN POLON CBI Member Since 1999 Question 1: Please define yourself.

My wife, Betty Tut, and I have three children and three grandchildren. Distance and life’s hectic pace prevent us from enjoying them as much as we would like. We love traveling the world. After forty years in the pharmaceutical industry, I retired. The most fun I had was in launching new products and working closely with the fascinating people in large New York advertising agencies. I liked working for myself much better. From 1988 until 2008 I had my own sales and marketing company, developing and brokering nutritional and pharmaceuticals products and consulting. I love not working; however, my days are filled with lots of physical activity as well as mental stimulation. Question 2: What’s your role at CBI? I am a member of the Board of Trustees, an officer in the Men’s Club, and serve on the Cemetery Committee. I have ushered for the High Holidays and assisted with the Holiday aliyahs. Question 3: What is your favorite book or movie or music on your ipod? Why?

From the President A recent favorite book is Atlas Shrugged, by Ayn Rand. I love almost every kind of music, but just give me some of that “Old Time Rock and Roll.” I found the Godfather series of movies and books fascinating but I have many favorites and love old movies on TV. Question 4: What is your favorite Jewish holiday? Why? Yom Kippur. It is the only time that I am so introspective. Question 5: What values do you try to emulate and pass-on? Those values that made this country great and also are closely tied to Judaism; fairness, love, caring, doing your best, depending on yourself, treating others as you wish to be treated, respecting those around you, giving back. Question 6: Who has made the biggest impact on your Jewish life? My mother. She was from a very orthodox family and that is the way I was raised. Question 7: Which is your favorite Jewish ritual to practice? Blessings over the wine and meal. Question 8: When do you most feel Jewish? When explaining Jewish traditions and holidays to my non-Jewish friends and being in shul during the High Holidays. Question 9: What is your most memorable moment at CBI? It happened immediately when Betty Tut and I were so warmly received by the Rabbi, Cantor and all members. Question 10: What motivated you to say YES to CBI? When I first visited for a Shabbat service and immediately felt comfortable with the rabbi, the surroundings and at home. Question 11: What do you do to re-energize? Play tennis, ride my bike, walk the beach or write.

Karen Wolchuck Sher, President


th Annual JTS Outreach Lecture

Series was well attended and very well received by those present, thanks to our dynamic speaker, Rabbi David Hoffman. Fifteen CBI’ers attended all four lectures and were presented certificates for their attendance: Michael Barth, Sandy Elkins, Gail Frye, Michael Frye, Jack Goldberg, Marilyn Goldberg, Jeff Litt, Rabbi Jacob Luski, Joanne Luski, Carol Marcin, Irma Mayer, Jack Mayer, Ralph Mizrahi, Ruth Ann Mizrahi, and Joe Titlebaum. Of special note, Dr. Barnett Stein and Michael Barth were lauded as having attended at least 97 to 99 of the 100 sessions that have taken place since the inception of the JTS Outreach series. Todah Rabah, Carol Marcin.

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600 6th Street South St. Petersburg, FL 33701

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WRAP and MINYAN --- Extra Tefillin and instructors available.

ALL Participants in the World Wide Wrap are invited to a delicious brunch with

Guest speaker Chaim Bloom of The Tampa Bay Rays

Although the event is free we would Appreciate your R S V P: [email protected]







FROM 10:00 AM TO 2:00 PM.

Page 8 B’nai Israel Review

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Page 9 B’nai Israel Review

Congratulations to Sisterhood on winning $300 in the Gift Galleria’s Gelt Giveaway drawing. That is the second year in a row that Sisterhood has won. We are a very lucky group! Upcoming Events: Ladies Night Out – TBA (To Be Announced) March 29th – First Passover Seder March 30th – Second Passover Seder at CBI – 6PM April 1st – Passover BBQ at CBI April 13th – Sisterhood Torah Fund Dinner April 20th – Sisterhood Board Meeting – No general Meeting


Susie Berman, Gail Frye and Diana Litt, Co-Presidents

We want to once again congratulate this year’s Sisterhood honoree for Federation’s Woman of Distinction program – Joan Redisch. It was wonderful having such a nice turn out to honor Joanie and all the other honorees at that event. We also would like to congratulate this year’s “Woman of Achievement” honoree, Eileen Richman to be honored at our Torah Fund Dinner which has been rescheduled for April 13th, 2010. We will be having a Sisterhood Board meeting on February 24th at 5:30 PM. That will be followed by a light dinner for all and then our hamantashen baking. The Purim Megillah reading will be on February 27th at 7 PM. Anyone who is ever interested in making a donation to the Flower Fund in honor or memory of someone, please contact Marilyn Goldberg.


The annual World Wide Wrap is Super Bowl Sunday, February 7th beginning at 9:00 am with Minyan where we will lay Tefillin, followed by brunch for the participants with a speaker from the Tampa Bay Rays organization. The event is open to everyone and is free. If you have an extra pair of Tefillin, please bring along. We will have extra

pairs for those who do not have their own Tefillin. Instructors will be on hand to help you “wrap”. Men’s Club Shabbat is rapidly approaching and will include the Men’s Club Man of the Year Dinner on Friday night March 12, after Kabbalat Services. The dinner is open to everyone. More details, including this year’s honoree, will be announced shortly. Thank you to all who turned out for our fun-filled 2nd

Annual Steak and Scotch night, January 17th. Thanks again to our

talented kitchen staff headed by Sandy Brasch and USY volunteers!


Bill Marger President, Mitzvah Men’s Club


The Hevra Kadisha Society of Congregation B’nai Israel will be honored at a dinner on Tuesday, February 16, 2010. If you are a member of the Hevra Kadisha, please join us for minyan at 6:10 pm followed by our annual dinner. Hevra Kadisha is a voluntary committee of men and women who serve the needs of an individual after death. This priceless act of kindness is considered one of the greatest mitzvot to be performed. One who serves on this committee is considered to be a partner with heaven in providing dignity to another Jew when that Jew and his/her family are totally dependent upon the community. The Ritual Committee looks forward to providing appropriate kavod to this very special group of people at B’nai Israel. For more information about participation, please contact Joel Goetz and Sandy Elkins, Chairpersons of the Hevra Kadisha.

Page 10 B’nai Israel Review


On Sunday, January 31st, the students at the Pauline Rivkind Talmud Torah had an enjoyable Tu B’Shevat Seder and they really learned about the about the New Year of the Trees. The month of February is geared to learning about Purim which is celebrated on the 14th day of Adar and commemorates the deliverance of the Jews from Persia from the wicked anti-semite Haman. The students will also explore

the Megilla which is read on Purim. Purim Services will take place on Saturday, February 27th with Minha at 6:30 pm; followed by Maariv and the Megilla Readings. Remember to come in costume for our Costume parade and bring an innovative gragger. Prizes will be awarded. Come one, come all and enjoy a wonderful Purim Carnival here at CBI on Sunday, February 28th, beginning at 11:45 am jointly hosted by Temple Beth-El and CBI. It is guaranteed to be a fun-filled event.

Shalom, Ilana Dayan, Education Director

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All B’nai Israel children, ages 9 to 13, grades 3 through 7, are invited to participate in our special age-appropriate Shabbat Service in the Chapel. Junior Congregation will meet on the following Saturdays in February at 10:00 a.m.: February 6, 20 and 27. This is a great time for children to pray with their fellow students.


We welcome children who have changed their academic settings. Please contact Ilana Dayan at the PRTT office for information and a registration form at 381-4900, ext. 310 or email: [email protected]


This month is filled with fun activities for the whole family. We begin on the 5th with a Father’s Football Friday. Special men in our preschoolers’ lives are invited for donuts and fun and games. Purim comes at the close of the month. It is customary on this festival holiday to give gifts of food – Mishloach Manot – to family and friends. The preschoolers will prepare “shalach manot” for residents at Philip Benjamin Tower. We will deliver them when we have our Purim Parade on Monday, March 1, 2010. Our VPK class has special time with the elderly. Every other month they walk to Menorah Manor and visit with the residents. It is a wonderful experience. They also participate in a Drum Circle every other month. They go to Toby Weinman Center and Menorah Manor and let it all out on their drums. It is a beautiful sight to see the children beside the residents, beating on the drums and tambourines, swinging and swaying. Registration forms for the 2010-2011 school year will be ready in March. If you, or anyone you know, is interested in our program, please call me so that I can send out the information right away.

B’Shalom, Bonnie P. Halprin, Preschool Director

We look forward to a dynamic and exciting course of study for the Spring Semester, 5770. Classes will meet on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m., beginning FEBRUARY 3, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. All Jewish teenagers are invited – so bring your friends! Course offerings and instructors are:

PERIOD I - 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. MISHNA BRAHOT II (Required for all 9th grade students), Rabbi Jacob Luski, Instructor HEBREW CALLIGRAPHY, Mrs. Rivy Chapman Instructor PERIOD II - 8:00 - 9:00 p.m. EXPLORING RABBINIC LITERATURE, Dr. Marc Reiskind, instructor THE BOOK OF JUDGES & THE SPY WHO COULD…JOSHUA, Mr. Joe Fuchs, instructor

Sandy Brasch, our Youth Director, invites you to join her on the first class night for a light dinner – “Dine & Dash” at 6:00 pm in the Youth Lounge. Please let Sandy know that you will be attending by calling the synagogue at 381-4900 or by email, [email protected] .




Each Shabbat morning, children are invited to participate in Congregation Services by leading Ein Keloheinu and Aleinu at the conclusion of Musaf. Please make plans to have your child present at the assigned time. We look forward to hearing our children’s voices raised in song and prayer as they take their places along side all those who continue who make services meaningful, spiritual and successful here at CBI. This month the schedule for participation is as follows:

February 27 Grade 5


Established at

Congregation B’nai Israel

The Gail S. Warren Legacy for Leadership Fund has been established in loving memory of Gail Warren at Congregation B’nai Israel of St. Petersburg by her family and friends. Throughout the community, Gail embodied vision, inspiration, effectiveness, leadership and community building. She was committed to dialogue, learning and development of synagogue leadership. The fund will provide for activities that will deepen or develop leadership skills for current or emerging Congregational leaders such as promoting educational activities and speakers, and help to annually recognize a Congregation member selected for leadership recognition. Those who donate to this fund in Gail's memory will help to promote those qualities that Gail valued so much; it will stimulate congregational family involvement, and recognize and nurture CBI leaders of the future.

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It is hard for me to believe I have completed my first year as Youth Director and Family Programmer at CBI! When I began a year ago, one of my goals was to provide fun and Jewishly rich programming for our entire CBI family so that we might become more engaged with one another and our wonderful heritage. Just like in any family, our Congregation has shed tears together, laughed together and grown together. Together we will venture into the months ahead. Many of you have helped plan and execute events and I have heard over and over how much fun it was to be involved in the success of these programs. The second half of the year will be just as active and I welcome YOUR help. January 9th the Youth Department sponsored Seudah Shlishit and the USYers were joined by two other chapters for Minha, Maariv and Havdala before chilling out in the Youth Lounge with games and movies. The Chili Cook Off and Bonfire was great fun and I thank everyone who competed. You were all winners! USYers, once again, brought the spirit of Shabbat to the residents of Toby Weinman Assistant Living Residence as they joined them for Shabbat dinner and filled the room with song and ruach! February will be a busy month for the Youth Community! If you have never participated in the World Wide Wrap I invite you to do so. Even if you have never put on tefillin, this program is designed to teach those who want to learn. Come with your children and share this special experience with them. February 14th USYers and Kadimaniks from around Hanegev region will come together at Universal Studios as they take part in the annual event Yom Disney. It is a terrific experience to be at a Disney theme park with hundreds of Jewish teens! This year CBI will host the joint Temple Beth El/ CBI Purim Carnival, Sunday February 28th. Bracelets are being sold for $12.00 which will entitle your children to a full afternoon of fun and games! The USYers and BEEFY kids will set up for the carnival Saturday evening and then spend the night at CBI! Todah Rabah to the Kobernick Family for sponsoring the February Dine and Dash in honor of Alyssa’s birthday; Happy Birthday Alyssa!

B’Shalom, Sandy Brasch, Youth Director and Family Programming

February Events: Sunday, 2/7 ALL YOUTH FAMILIES World Wide Wrap 9:00 am “ “ USY Pre Super bowl Party 5:00 pm Wednesday 2/10 KADIMA COUNCIL meeting 6:00 pm Sunday, 2/14 USY and KADIMA Yom Universal Wednesday, 2/17 USY board meeting 6:00 pm “ “ Youth Commission 7:00pm “ “ Summer Program Scholarship forms due Sunday, 2/21 ALL YOUTH FAMILIES Mitzvah Day 10:00 am Saturday 2/27 ALL YOUTH FAMILIES Maariv, Megilla Reading and Parade 7:00pm USY and BEEFY Lock in 9:30 pm Sunday, 2/28 ALL YOUTH FAMILIES Purim Carnival 11:45am

Pictured from left to right: Rabbi Jacob Luski, Susan Marger LeVine, Michael Warren, Dr. Steven Warren, Allison Warren,

Laurie Reiskind, Dr. Harold Pollack.

Page 13 B’nai Israel Review

CBI Website



Tu B’shevat Seder Enjoy our traditional Tu B’shevat Seder as we celebrate the New Year of the Trees after Shabbat Services on Friday 8 p.m. January 29, 2010 Introduction to Judaism This class is a unique opportunity for Jews by birth to learn more about the meaning of Judaism, as well as those non-Jews considering conversion. Please contact Rabbi Jacob Luski at 727-381-4900, extension 203, about your interest in this class which meets on Wednesdays from 5:15 - 6:45 pm according to the following schedule: February 3, 10, 17 & 24, March 3, 10, 17 & 24, April 7, 14, 21 & 28, May 5 & 12, June 2 & 9.

Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs World Wide Wrap X The CBI Mitzvah Men’s Club joins Men’s Clubs around the world, joining morning prayer and continuing its tradition of teaching men and women how to wrap tefillin. Join us at 8:30 am for instruction, services at 9:00 am followed by a traditional Men’s Club breakfast featuring Guest Speaker: Chaim Bloom, of the Tampa Bay Rays. Sunday, February 7, 2010.

Talmud Made Easy Steve Wein continues his class covering the first tractate of the Talmud, Berahot, in the Talmudic text along with selected commentaries. Hebrew, Aramaic is not necessary; classes are in English and Steve explains all. The class involves both textual analysis and lively discussion. 7:00 pm, Tuesday, February 9 and Wednesday, February 24.

Torah For Seniors Join Rabbi Luski on Tuesday mornings each month at 11 a.m. at Philip Benjamin Towers as he teaches and discusses Torah in an easy to follow fashion. 2010:February 16, March 16, April 20 & May 11.

Lunch With The Rabbi Deli lunch and Mishna Study with Rabbi Luski meets monthly on Wednesdays at noon in the CBI Atrium. Come and join our group as we enjoy lunch, schmooze and enjoy a meaningful time learning “What, When, Why & Where” of our Jewish History in an informal atmosphere. Previous knowledge not necessary. Classes are held in English. Please RSVP your lunch orders to 381-4900 by 4PM by Tuesday before. 2010: February 17, March 17, April 21 & May 12.

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Direct (727) 397-7298

Cell (727) 278-3329

Fax (727) 391-3998 [email protected]


Page 15 B’nai Israel Review



SHANGHAI SHADOWS by LOIS RUBY Reviewed by Ayelet David

If you heard a rumor that the Federal Government of the United States decided to overtake local and state governments and impose restrictions on certain religious and political groups, would you leave the United States? Would you sell or give away all of your possessions and flee? Where would you go? Sixty-eight years ago, in 1939, many Jewish families throughout Europe fled their homes. Some went to other neighboring European countries; others paid dearly to go to any other country that would grant them entry. Author Lois Ruby breathes life into the story of the exiled Jew. In her historical fiction novel, Shanghai Shadows, a Jewish Austrian family flees Europe. The Shpann family seeks refuge in Shanghai,China. In Shanghai, the Shpanns live in a cramped tenement with other stateless refugees from Europe. For five years, the family struggles in Shanghai. Family members fruitlessly search for work and food. And when Japan joins the war, the Shpanns, along with other stateless refugees, are forced into a ghetto. The story climaxes when Ilse, the teenage daughter of the Shpanns, joins an underground resistance organization. Ilse joins that organization, in the hope to watch over her older brother. Ilse becomes a saboteur and a spy against Japan. Ilse finds new Japanese decrees posted on ghetto fences on a regular basis and the girl discovers ways to circumvent restrictions. But no decree is as devastating to Ilse as the

decree summoning all American citizens to Japanese internment camps. Ilse's mother receives an order to go to a Japanese internment camp. Shocked, Ilse's family learns that the mother is a citizen of the United States through an earlier marriage. The Shpanns are thrown into bewildering confusion; the family foundation of loyalty and trust is shaken. Would love conquer all?

Ilse's survivalist nature shines. She smuggles food and medicine to the internment camp while coping with her depressed father at home. The teenager maneuvers in and out of the stateless refugee ghetto and builds a rapport with the King of the Jews, a vicious Japanese officiating over the ghetto. While her mother is away, Ilse learns that her brother is in prison and is likely to die of typhus. With the reluctant help of the King of the Jews, Ilse rescues her brother. The girl nurses her brother through his typhoid fever so that he lives to see his mother's return.

In this remarkable young adult novel, Ilse is a breath of fresh air. She becomes an unlikely saboteur and a gutsy spy. She is a dedicated sister and daughter. She is a good friend. She has a few admirers. She manages to rescue more than one person throughout her stay in Shanghai, and she does it all with compassion, hope, and her sassy, sardonic wit. Although this is a young adult novel, adults may enjoy the story as a peephole into history and into teenage-recklessness and self-assurance.

CBI-HADASSAH BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP The CBI-Hadassah Book Club meets monthly on Wednesdays at 10:00 am in the Buns Family Library to discuss current literature of Jewish content. This month, on Wednesday, February 17th, we will discuss Vivaldi’s Virgins by Barbara Quick. Future dates and books are: March 17th Love And Other Impossible Pursuits by Ayelet Waldman; April 21st Dancing With Einstein by Kate Wenner; May 19th Shavuot - No meeting; and May 26th Crossing California by Adam Langer. If you are interested in leading the discussion for a meeting, contact Sheila Wasserman at 347-5816.

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Page 17 B’nai Israel Review


Dear Fellow Members,

A s Committee Chairman for the Acquisition of Chapel Hill Cemetery, I am taking this opportunity to provide you

with a status report outlining the recent events concerning the Cemetery. We now have a signed contract to purchase Chapel Hill from Stewart Enterprises Inc and are in the process of completing our due diligence analysis. We are also evaluating a number of other relevant issues to determine what will be required by CBI if we do accept ownership of Chapel Hill. CBI’s goal is to have a cemetery that meets our religious requirements and personal needs while providing a dignified final resting place for ourselves and our families. It should be noted that Chapel Hill is able to provide enough space to meet our Congregation’s needs for many decades to come. By securing ownership, we can ensure that religious guidelines, landscaping issues, maintenance and management of the cemetery can and will meet our high standards over the long term future of Chapel Hill. We estimate that we will have land available for the Jewish community for up to the next 100 years. The sequence of steps we will be taking are outlined below:

We are encouraging all members wishing to participate in the Chapel Hill analysis process to contact Allen Polon at 367-4547.

We are reviewing all records related to Chapel Hill provided by Stewart Enterprises for accuracy and completeness;

We are developing a plan to define the resources (financial, manpower, regulatory) required if and when we assume ownership of the cemetery.

A final plan of action with recommendations will be presented to

the CBI Board of Trustees for review and approval;

If approved, the go forward plan would be presented to the CBI

Congregation. You will have ample time to review all the issues related to the purchase and operation of Chapel Hill and have all of your questions answered; You will be asked to vote on the plan to Purchase and Operate Chapel Hill. NOTE: Members present will be the ones who will make the final decision in this very important matter. We expect the process to take 2-3 months. We will keep you updated as significant events transpire.

Shalom, Allen Polon, Cemetery Committee Chairman

Israeli Folk Dancing (It’s Free) (It’s Fun!)

Every Sunday evening at

Menorah Manor from

6:00 – 8:00 p.m. in the Activities Room.

New members are welcome.

For more information, please contact

Janice LeVine at 392-3683.

Page 18 B’nai Israel Review

Todah Rabah to Pam LeCompte and Alice Ettinger for chairing a most successful and really fun CBI’s Got Talent. Todah Rabah also goes to their committee and the many talented members of our congregation. I hope you enjoyed finding out who among us is so talented. The evening could not have happened without so many people stepping up to help. We also had the opportunity to recognize so many of our members who had been involved with the planning, designing, building, moving and dedication of our “new” CBI building. It is hard to believe how much we have done in the 10 years since we moved in. In 2010, are you ready to help CBI? If so, please let me know. Do not let the term “fundraising” scare you away. There are so many ways to help even if you never ask for money or write a large check. Is this the year you are willing to make a difference? CBI Scrip is not helping our congregation raise funds to its potential. Have you bought a scrip card yet? IF so, have you bought another card? Remember this program works without you paying any extra fees. Instead of buying gift cards at stores in the community, you order them at CBI or on the website. You pay face value and CBI makes a percentage of the purchase price. There are over 600 vendors so you are already going to these places and spending money. Please buy scrip cards and offer to help energize our congregation to do so. The Scrip Committee is looking for new people and ideas! To learn more about Scrip go to our website: www.cbistpete.org and click on the link or contact Jay Kauffman: [email protected].

Laurie Reiskind, 3rd VP, Fundraising

Page 19 B’nai Israel Review

We share in the sorrow of the passing of:

Manuel “Manny” Fiel Husband of Arlene Fiel,

Father of Sheryl Feinman, Robyn Fiel & Kathi Kauffman, Grandfather of Matthew Feinman, Alex Feinman and

Michaela Feinman.

Khana Sakovich Mother of George Sakovich and Maya Litvak

Grandmother of Ilona Sakovich.

Rebeccca Silverman Mother of Fred Silverman

Sister of Judy Libman.

Morton Wygodski Husband of Mary Wygodski

Father of Dr. Charlene Wygodski & Avi Wygodski Grandfather of Jeremy Bloom and Matthew Bloom.


Lorne & Sharron Abrams and Stacey & Richard Schwamm on the

birth of their granddaughter and daughter, Aubrey Reese Schwamm.

Helen Kahan on the birth of her great-grandson, Joshua Ryan Kahan.


Dr. Arthur & Bebby Marlin on the marriage of their son, Dr. Evan Marlin to Aviva Androphy.

Mr. Shelly Kamins & Diane Sembler-Kamins and Ambassador Mel & Betty Sembler on the marriage of their daughter and granddaughter, Erin Brooke Sembler to Dr. David Eichenbaum.


Alan Ronay for winning first place in the West Paw Design National Winter Wonderland Window Display Contest for his Best Buddies Dog Boutique.

Jaime Applefield on signing her NCCA scholarship commitment to

the Division I Gymnastics program at Bowling Green University for next year.

Tom Silverberg on the 20th Anniversary of Jess Jewelers in Bradenton.

Matthew Bischoff, Robert Carroll, Jason Goldstein, Danielle LeVine, Jared LeVine and Marc LeVine who were honored to light the Hanukkia at the Congregation Hanukka Celebration in recognition of their perfect attendance at Junior Congregation.

JEWISH FEDERATION WEBSITE If you want to view the Federation website, their

address is www.jewishpinellas.org


Looking for a special way to honor your family and friends who are celebrating a simha?

The TREE OF LIFE at CBI is just the answer. What a joy it is for someone to walk into our shul and see a Tribute of their special birthday, anniversary or wedding. Does your child/grandchild have a Bar/Bat Mitzvah or Graduation coming up? What a

great way to honor them! Order forms are in the synagogue office and lobby. The minimum donation for leaves is $218.

Todah Rabah to Carol Marcin for volunteering and coordinating our core of volunteers. Thank you to

the following volunteers who assisted with the office work and special mailings over the past

months: Sally Swale, Murray and Myrna Rubin, Sally Cohen, Kitty and Marvin Jacobs

and Sandy Elkins.. Our apologies to anyone we have

in advertently omitted.


QUOTE When we serve God with joy,

He is more approachable. Dov Baer of Mezeritz

Page 20 B’nai Israel Review

Page 21 B’nai Israel Review

In Honor of: ________________________________

Check the names of everyone to you would like to send a Mitzvah Gram. Send this form together with your check, minimum $10 donation each, to: Congregation B’nai Israel, 300 58th Street North, St. Petersburg, FL 33710 *The minimum donation per acknowledgement is $10. Please print:

Your Name: ______________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________

City, _____________________________Zip: __________________

Telephone: ______________

Join us in wishing Mazal Tov! to members celebrating their birthdays, anniversaries and B’nai Mitzvah. Your good

wishes can be part of their memories, while at the same time, supporting B’nai Israel’s commitment to help our

schools, youth groups and Synagogue through your donations to our Mitzvah Fund.

1 Masha Ronay 2 Dolores Diamond 2 Edward Ginsberg 3 Joseph Fuchs 3 Dr. Sheldon Scheinert 4 Sue Applefield 4 Barbara Berenson 4 Betsy Englander 5 Michael Noonberg 6 Haia Aviram 6 Yaron David 7 Beatrice Mehl 8 Fred Geffon 8 Terri S. Gross 9 Bill Dolgoff 9 Carol Epstein 10 Jimmy Aviram 11 Marilyn Goldberg 11 Ed Bailey 12 Ellen LeVine 12 Jennifer Levy

13 Eileen Richman 13 Arik Bergerman 13 Michael Lurie 14 Elinor Citrin 14 Leah Sandler 14 Beverly Sherman 15 Rony David 16 Dr. Starr Silver 17 Livia Wein 19 Mark Howard 21 Jeffrey Litt 23 Sara Latham 24 Charlotte Goldberg 25 Vivian Neumann 25 Dr. Mark Sokolov 26 Yardena Isakson 27 Dr. Maury Seldin 27 Rosalind Litt 28 Millie Gelfond 28 Mark Alperstein 28 Tertia Kunins

Friday, February 26, 2010!

2 Jesse & Sandi Rodman 5 Bruce & Mary Ann Marger 7 Alan & Elaine Kay 10 Louis & Yolette Frey 13 Richard & Chana Olmstead 14 Ed & Eileen Silverstein 14 Fred & Diane Friedman 17 Robert & Sheryl Sutton 18 Hazzan Paul & Cynthia Goldstein 19 Dr. Frank & Kathy Mendelblatt 22 Richard & Ruth Erman 26 Thomas & Carol Epstein

Page 22 B’nai Israel Review

Genealogy News RTR Foundation Now Has

Databases (searchable by family name) and Photos

The Routes to Roots Foundation at http://rtrfoundation.org site has the most complete inventory of Jewish record holdings in the archives of Belarus, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland and Ukraine. If not identified at the RTRF site, the Jewish vital records (birth/marriage/death/divorce) likely do not exist. The Archive Database also includes inventories of other types of documents including census records and family lists; recruit lists; lists of voters, taxpayers, merchants and school records; Holocaust records (lists of victims and survivors); immigration/migration records; land and property records; name changes; pogrom records; local government records (such as wills, notary records, etc.). To search for records of a particular town, click on ―Archive Database‖ on the home page and then click on ―Archive Documents.‖ This exposes the search engine. Type the name of the town of interest, and the next screen will display the types of Jewish and civil records available for that town, which archive has the records, years available and archive file. There are no actual surnames in this search result, but rather an inventory of the surviving documents.

Chili Cook-Off Success Over 100 people gathered at CBI Sunday, January 10th to eat chili and judge chili at the first Chili Cook Off and Bonfire. With the temperatures outside hovering just above freezing, the competition was

hot as five teams watched anxiously as people tasted and judged the distinctively different pots of chili. A few brave souls huddled close to the bonfire, which was blazing in the courtyard. After enjoying chili, cornbread and salad “judges” enjoyed s’mores bars and a hot drink while the votes were being counted. Team “Chili Chaverim” with proud members, Cary Reich and Sheryl Sutton took the prize with the most votes. The teams were: Chili Chaverim: Cary Reich and Sheryl Sutton Spicy Siblings: Bill Marger and Susan LeVine The Three Holy Frijoles: Michael Barth, Jeff Litt and Phil Redisch Red Hot Chili Shleppers: Susan and Brian Kagan, Viki Greenfield and Herb Brasch SPUSY Board: Keeping it KOSH: Yael and Ariel Reich, Harvey and Julia Halprin, Matt Smalbach, Elissa Reiskind and Liz Nordlinger All recipes are posted on the CBI website, www.cbistpete.org

KOSHER KORNER Brand: My-T Fine Pudding Products: Chocolate Pudding Company: Jel Sert Co. – West Chicago, IL Issue: This certified product is pareve even when listing “contains dairy” in the ingredient panel, as the product had been reformulated though the ingredient statement was not corrected.



Tuesday Afternoons, April 13th

, 20th

and 27th

, 2010 2:00 - 4:00 pm

If you are interested in supervising the Kashrut of a local restaurant, hotel or the Synagogue kitchen, please join us for these three informational sessions. RSVP to Pam Askin at 381-4900 ext. 203 or by e-mail to: [email protected]

Page 23 B’nai Israel Review


Mondays: 11:00 am to 2:00 pm; 3:00 – 5:00 pm

Tuesdays: 10:00am – Noon; 3:00 – 5:00 pm

Wednesdays – 11:00am—2:00 pm

Thursdays: 1:00 – 3:00 pm

Fridays: 10:00 am – 12:00 noon



OR ELLEN AT 345-0237.





Please patronize

our advertisers

HAPPY PURIM Purim Observances The Fast of Esther – Ta’anit Esther – We fast the day before Purim in commemoration of the fast by the Jews in Persia, when Esther went before the king unsummoned. Megilla Reading – The Megilla is chanted in Synagogue on the evening and morning of Purim. Whenever the name of Haman is mentioned, we use “graggers” or noisemakers to drown out the name. Purim Masquerading – masquerading is very popular and adds to the fun of the day. Masquerade parades for children and even some adults are often part of Synagogue celebrations. Sending Shalach Manot – We are instructed in the Book of Esther to send gifts from “one to another”. These traditionally consist of at least two different foods or drink, fruit, candy and/or wine. Matanot L’evyonim – It is customary to give “presents to the poor” on Purim. This can also be done by giving money to Jewish charities. Purim Seudah – A special meal with plenty of food and drink ends this festive holiday.

THE STORY OF PURIM Purim, one of the merriest of Jewish holidays, is celebrated on the 14th day of Adar and commemorates the deliverance of the Jews of Persia from the wicked anti-semite Haman. The Book of Esther or “Megilla” is read each Purim and tells the dramatic story of Esther, Mordechai and King Ahasuerus. Ahasuerus was the King of Persia about 2300 years ago that chose Esther as his Queen. At about the same time, he appoints Haman as his Vizier. The King is unaware that his Queen is Jewish and of Haman’s hatred of the Jews. Through a twisting series of events, Haman gets the King to agree to the annihilation of all the Jews in the Kingdom. The date for the massacre is chosen through the casting of lots and falls on the 14th of Adar. The word “Purim” comes from the Persian word for “lots”. When learning of this plot, Esther makes a bold move and goes before the King unsummoned to plead for her life and the life of her people. Ahasuerus rescinds his order of annihilation and hangs Haman instead. And so, the 14th of Adar became the day of deliverance for the Jewish people and in thankfulness, the day was proclaimed as a day of rejoicing. It is to be celebrated with “feting and gladness and the sending of gifts one to another, and presents to the poor.”

Page 24 B’nai Israel Review

Page 25 B’nai Israel Review


Adult Studies In Honor of

Adele Morris Happy Anniversary Charlotte & Harold Goldberg

Linda & Jack Goldfarb Happy Birthday Marilyn LeVine

Cantor's Fund In Memory of

Dr. & Mrs. Larry Ettinger Joseph Ettinger

Come Build It In Honor of

Adele Morris Bill Marger's 50th Birthday

Jacobs' Beautification Fund In Honor of

Judith & Robert Gottlieb Happy Birthday Reva Pearlstein

Library Fund In Memory of

Marvin & Lee Leibson Toby Snyder

Library Music Fund In Honor of

Bev & Mort Sherman Happy Anniversary Charlotte & Harold Goldberg

Mitzvah Fund In Honor of

Harold Miller on behalf of the Congregation B'nai Israel

Jewish Golf Association

Joel & Gaye Taller Birth of Ellen & Joel Goetz's grandson

Dr. Larry & Vera Green Happy Anniversary: Anita & Arlen Helfand,

Mussie & Jack Eidelman, Joanne &

Rabbi Jacob Luski

Dr. J. L. Azneer & Happy Birthday: Susie Schwartz, Jack Mayer,

Dr. Patricia Cottrille Karen Sher, Pam Askin, Janet Augenbraun,

Jerry Gilbert

Happy Anniversary: Margot & Michael Benstock,

Billie & Morry Bornstein, & Barbara Baccari &

Dr. Eric Weston

Rochelle Rosenberg Happy Birthday Rabbi Jacob Luski

Arthur & Lilly Salcman Happy Birthday Rabbi Jacob Luski

Happy Anniversary Rabbi Jacob & Joanne Luski

Marilyn & Jack Goldberg Happy Anniversary Charlotte & Harold Goldberg

Michelle Chador In appreciation Dr. Steven LeVine; Birth of grandson &

in appreciation Rabbi Jacob Luski

Mary & Mort Wygodski 60th Wedding Anniversary Charlotte &

Harold Goldberg

Beverly Dikman Happy Anniversary Dr. David & Myra Gross;

Happy Birthday: Dotty Goldblatt, Iris Bush,

Jerry Gilbert, Bev Rafal

Anita & Arlen Helfand Speedy recovery Alan Koenig

Beatrice Mehl Happy Birthday Julie Morris

Thelma & Jerry Gilbert Happy Anniversary Dr. J. L. Azneer &

Dr. Patricia Cottrille

Marilyn Benjamin Happy 60th Wedding Anniversary

Charlotte & Harold Goldberg

Dr. David & Myra Gross Speedy recovery Dr. Arnold Ison

Dr. J. L. Azneer & Tzedakah

Dr. Patricia Cottrille

Lenny & Millie Gelfond Women of Distinction, Gail Frye & Joan Redisch

Dr. Larry & Vera Green Happy Anniversary Charlotte & Harold Goldberg

Livia & Steve Wein Karen Kauffman - Refuah Shlemah

Dr. Arthur & Bebby Marlin,marriage of

their son Evan to Aviva Androphy

Dr. Ed & Vivian Lurie Women of Distinction: Helen Kahan,

Joan Redisch, Sandy Slomka

Dr. David & Myra Gross Arlyne Popick - Thinking of you

Sandy & Dr. Steve Harwood Happy Anniversary Charlotte & Harold Goldberg

Mitzvah Fund In Memory of

Barbara Jarvis Rebecca Sactor

Mrs. Beatrice Mehl Joseph M. Mehl, Ann Levy, Nathan Fischman,

Jules Fischman

Harold Wolfson Abraham Wolfson, Jessie Tucker

Vivian Neumann Rebecca Sactor, Toby Snyder

Mr. & Mrs. Sam Steel Betty Steel

Miriam Tambor Herman Gallant

Sharron Scott Milton Lew

Goldene Strauss Milton Strauss

Annette M. Kraut Miles E. Kraut

Jean Malkin Dorothy Werner

I. Jerome Rosenberg Louis Rosenberg

Dr. & Mrs. Harvey Kopelman Mary Kopelman, Abraham Kopelman

Dr. J. L. Azneer Charles Azneer

Regina Landes Gail Warren

Anita & Arlen Helfand Harry Winters

Toby Hartman Paul Hartman

George & Lisa Etheridge Gail Warren

Dr. Sid Grau Martin Grau, Harry Grau

Bev Rafal Mischa Rafal

Sheri L. Frogel Sarah Daneman

Bill Dolgoff Dee Dolgoff

Laura, Dr. Marc, Elissa & Gail Warren

Jeremy Reiskind

Dr. Steve Warren Herbert Simon

Sandy & Dr. Mike Slomka Bertha Slomka

Pauline Rivkind Preschool In Honor of

Sunny Horowitz In appreciation

Pauline Rivkind Preschool In Memory of

Bette Schroeder Abraham Wolfson

Rabbi's Fund In Honor of

Eddie & Eileen Silverstein Rabbi Jacob Luski's birthday

Drs. Mitchell & Leslie Weiss Rabbi Jacob Luski's birthday

Dr. & Mrs. David LeVine Rabbi Jacob Luski's birthday

Shirley Sommella Happy Anniversary: Harold &

Charlotte Golderg; Drs. Leonard Azneer &

Patricia Cottrille

Rae Schuster Rabbi Jacob Luski's birthday

Naomi Luski's engagement to

Derek Wetmore

Dr. Nancy Landfish & In appreciation

Ed Bailey

Rabbi's Fund In Memory of

Mr. & Mrs. Allan Davis Sidney Colen

Danny Isom & Teresa Deyton Gail Warren

Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Hirsch Gail Warren

Lorri Snyder Ilene Norton

The Ayes Family Reiva Levine

Joan Benstock Herman Kline

Sheila Knapp Frieda Kriger

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Cohen Albert Feldbin

Kenneth D. Colen Sidney Colen

Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Jacobs Toby Snyder

Anita Sher Otto Weiskopf

Annette Kraut Gertrude R. Goldman

Dr. & Mrs. Martin Rosenblum Dr. Harry Eichenbaum

Ed Ginsberg Lillian Ginsberg

Beverly Dikman Gertrude Berger

Susan Berger Manny Fiel

Sylvia Ayes Harry Winaker

Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Marlin Herman Marlin

USY Fund In Honor of

Lucille Ginsburg Happy Anniversary Charlotte &

Harold Goldberg; Helen Kahan -

Woman of Distinction

Sunny Horowitz In appreciation

USY Fund In Memory of

Michael & Gail Frye Carl Frye

Audrey R. Chenkin Rose Chenkin

Dr. & Mrs. Mark Gordon Toby Snyder

Lucille Ginsburg Eva Warga

Adele Morris Toby Snyder

Sandy & Herb Brasch Manny Fiel

Drs. Mitchell & Leslie Weiss Manny Fiel

USY Pilgrimage In Honor of

Claire & Ron Yogman Birth of Karen & Jay Kauffman's grandchildren

USY Pilgrimage In Memory of

Charlotte Levine Esther Lanner, Louis Lanner

Pearl Brook William Niedwesky

Lillian Schertzer Claire Engleman, Abraham Schertzer

Ruth Mauer Seymour T. R. Abt

Ellen Bernstein Carola Herschmann

Vera Anne Green I. J. Silverstone

Page 26 B’nai Israel Review


MINYANAIRES ARE NEEDED! WHO: Ten men/women at our Daily Minyan morning and evening WHERE: The Grossman Family Chapel

All congregants can fulfill a mitzvah by attending MINYAN! An extra special challenge: Every month on day of your birthday, plan on attending MINYAN!


Have you lost anything at

shul lately?

The Synagogue office


has acquired many items.

Therefore, if you are

missing an item and you

thought you lost it at CBI,

check it out in the office.


As a reminder, there is a Secured Drop Box available at

the shul and at your service whenever you are in the

building. It is located outside of the Synagogue office across from the Judaica Shop. You can drop off your messages, contributions, etc.

when coming to minyan, meetings, social events, and classes or when bringing children to school. It is an easy way to communicate within the congregational

family. Drop-in sometime!

Page 27 B’nai Israel Review

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Deadline for March Bulletin, January 20th www.Best BuddiesBoutique.com