CBI Bulletin January 2010

www.cbistpete.org Volume 5770, Issue 5 January 2010 Tevet/Shevat 5770 St. Petersburg, Florida Inside this issue: Shabbat Services 2 From Rabbi 3 Sisterhood/Men’s Club 9 Schools 11 Youth 12 Adult Studies 13 Buns Family Library News 15 Mitzvah Grams 21 Special points of interest: Cracking The Code P3 CBI Chili Cook-off & Bonfire P7 CBI’s Got Talent GALA P12 Tracing Your Roots P13 World Wide Wrap P17 Mitzvah Day P17 JTS Outreach Lecture Series P22 CBI Gala 2010 CBI’s GOT Talent! ...see page 12 for details.


CBI Bulletin January 2010

Transcript of CBI Bulletin January 2010

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Volume 5770, Issue 5 January 2010 Tevet/Shevat 5770

St. Petersburg, Florida

Inside this issue:

Shabbat Services 2

From Rabbi 3




Schools 11

Youth 12

Adult Studies 13

Buns Family Library



Mitzvah Grams 21

Special points of


Cracking The Code


CBI Chili Cook-off

& Bonfire P– 7

CBI’s Got Talent


Tracing Your Roots

P– 13

World Wide Wrap


Mitzvah Day P– 17

JTS Outreach Lecture

Series P—22

CBI Gala 2010 CBI’s GOT Talent!

...see page 12 for details.

Page 2: CBI Bulletin January 2010

PARTICIPATE IN ALIYOT The Ritual Committee of Congregation B’nai Israel

encourages worshippers to participate in services by

performing aliyot. If you would like to receive an aliyah,

please call the synagogue office at 381-4900, or kindly speak to one of the ushers

when you enter the sanctuary, and every effort will be made

to accommodate your request. Those wishing to receive an

aliyah on Shabbat morning are asked to arrive at services not

later than 9:30 am. We look forward to your

participation. Shalom,

Morry Bornstein, Ritual Chair

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Congregation B’nai Israel

727-381-4900 Contacts

Rabbi Jacob Luski, D.D. 727-381-4900 Ext. 207

[email protected]

Hazzan Paul D. Goldstein 727-381-4900 Ext. 205 [email protected]

Executive Director, Sara A. Latham 727-381-4900 Ext. 202 [email protected]

Pauline Rivkind Preschool Director Bonnie Halprin 727-381-4900 Ext. 211

[email protected]

Pauline Rivkind Talmud Torah Education Director, Ilana Dayan

727-381-4900 Ext. 310 [email protected]

Youth Department, Youth Director Sandy Brasch 727-381-4900 Ext. 209

[email protected]

Torah Reader, Deborah Marmon

Office Manager, Pam Askin 727-381-4900 Ext. 203

[email protected]

Receptionist, Anita Helfand 727-381-4900 Ext. 201

[email protected]

Accounting, Barbara Jarvis 727-381-4900 Ext.204

[email protected]

PRTT Secretary, Patzi Gil 727-381-4900 Ext. 210 [email protected]

President, Karen Sher [email protected]

Sisterhood Presidents, Susie Berman, Gail Frye, Diana Litt.

Men’s Club President, Bill Marger

USY President, Yael Reich

Bulletin Committee:

Layout Editor, Masha Ronay Coordinators, Pam Askin, Anita Helfand

and Carol Marcin

B’nai Israel Review Publishes 11 times a year by

Congregation B’nai Israel 300 58th Street North

St. Petersburg, FL 33710 727– 381-4900 FAX 727-344-1307


All rights reserved. No part of this document can be copied without the permission of

Congregation B’nai Israel

Shabbat Services & Candlelighting


January 16, 2010

Friday, January 1, 2010 Candlelighting 5:29 pm Kabbalat Shabbat 5:30 pm Saturday, January 2, 2010 Sedra – Veyekhi Shabbat Services 9:00 am No Junior Congregation Minha, Seudah Shlishit, Maariv & Havdala 5:15 pm Seudah Shlishit sponsored by Dr. Barnett Stein. Friday, January 8, 2010 Candlelighting 5:34 pm Shabbat Service 8:00 pm Saturday, January 9, 2010 Sedra – Shemot Shabbat Services 9:00 am Junior Congregation 10:00 am Minha, Seudah Shlishit, Maariv and Havdala 5:20 pm Seudah Shlishit sponsored by the Youth Department. Friday, January 15, 2010 Candlelighting 5:40 pm Shabbat Service 8:00 pm Bat Mitzvah of Shoshana Mirit LeVine Saturday, January 16, 2010 Sedra – Va’era Rosh Hodesh Shevat Shabbat Services 9:00 am Bat Mitzvah of Shoshana Mirit LeVine No Junior Congregation Minha, Seudah Shlishit, Maariv and Havdala 5:25 pm Seudah Shlishit sponsored by Sam Cohen. Friday, January 22, 2010 Candlelighting 5:45 pm Shabbat Service 8:00 pm Anniversary Shabbat Saturday, January 23, 2010 Sedra – Bo Shabbat Services 9:00 am Jewish Federations of North America Shabbat Guest Speaker: Joan Benstock Junior Congregation 10:00 am Minha, Seudah Shlishit, Maariv and Havdalah 5:30 pm Seudah Shlishit sponsored by CBI Sisterhood. Friday, January 29, 2010 Candlelighting 5:51 pm Shabbat Service 8:00 p.m. Tu B’Shevat Seder

Saturday, January 30, 2010 Sedra – Beshallakh Shabbat Shira Shabbat Services 9:00 am Shirah with Choir Junior Congregation 10:00 am Minha, Seudah Shlishit, Maariv and Havdala 5:35 pm Seudah Shlishit sponsored by Richard and Gerry Mensh in honor of their granddaughter, Miranda Hitzel’s Bat Mitzvah Friday, February 5, 2010 Candlelighting 5:57 pm Shabbat Service 6:00 pm Bat Mitzvah of Miranda Deanne Hitzel Saturday, February 6, 2010 Sedra – Yitro Shabbat Service 9:00 am Bat Mitzvah of Miranda Deanne Hitzel Junior Congregation 10:00 am Minha, Seudah Shlishit, Maariv and Havdala 5:40 pm Seudah Shlishit sponsored by Dr. Barnett Stein.


If you are interested in sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat on Friday evening, a Seudah Shlishit on Shabbat afternoon

or a L’Hayim following a Morning Minyan in honor or memory of a loved one or a

special occasion, please contact Synagogue office.


The Mitzvah Men’s Club provides a Continental

Breakfast for all worshippers on Minyan Mornings in the alcove of the Social Hall.

Please join the Minyanaires for the morning Shaharit

service and relax and schmooze over breakfast

bagels, cream cheese, coffee cake and coffee/tea.

CHILD CARE To request Shabbat

morning childcare for preschoolers, please call the Synagogue

office by Wednesday prior to Shabbat.

DAILY SERVICES Please join our twice daily Minyan which meets weekday mornings at 7:45 am, Sunday mornings and on

Friday Morning, January 1, 2010 and Monday morning, January 18, 2010 at 9:00 am and weekday evenings at

the following times:

Dec. 27- Dec. 31 5:30 pm Jan. 3 – Jan. 7 5:35 pm Jan. 10 – Jan. 14 5:40 pm Jan. 17 – Jan. 21 5:45 pm Jan. 24 – Jan. 28 5:50 pm Jan. 31 – Feb. 4 5:55 pm


Look what's

new for you! CBI will now have a Shabbat Game Cart located in the alcove of the Social Hall each Shabbat morning. The game cart will have games for children to play while their parents enjoy the Kiddush. PARENTS! Please assist your child in cleaning up before leaving.

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From the Rabbi When a person is ill, the help of others may also be needed. Emotional and spiritual support is as vital as physical sustenance. When visiting someone who is ill, it may be difficult to talk, to think of the right thing to say. Verbal chit-chat may not be necessary. What you say is less significant than your presence. Just being there lets him or her know that you care. Our obligation is to care for each other, so that we are not left lonely and isolated.

Healing is both physical and spiritual. Tangible acts on behalf of the patient including tzedaka for their well-being, and prayer such as a “mi sheberah” in the synagogue, lessens the sense of loneliness while ill, and help the patient feel connected to our community. Judaism instructs us that Bikkur cholim is everybody’s mitzvah! Please call me

to volunteer to join our Gemilut Hasadim committee who enjoys fulfilling this important mitzvah.


Rabbi Jacob Luski

Among the many mitzvot that we may be called upon to do, being a “friendly greeter” at Shabbat or Yom Tov services is one of the easiest. Most gratifying and not very difficult, it is definitely important and meaningful to

those who enter our doors – to be greeted and welcomed in a warm and friendly manner. Members and strangers can feel they have come to a place where they belong and are welcome. To those who so willingly agree to be friendly greeters, thank you for your hospitable gesture. Another mitzvah that is required of us and is not as easy to perform is ‘Bikkur cholim,’ visiting those who are ill. Bikkur cholim is a positive commandment derived from “you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Bikkur cholim is not simply a nice thing to do; it is a mitzvah of the highest caliber, considered the practice of ‘gemilut hasadim’, performing deeds of loving kindness. Through our human qualities of compassion and kindness, we are following in God’s ways.

… Bikkur cholim is not simply a nice

thing to do; it is a mitzvah of the

highest caliber,

Cracking The Code: Delving into the Mystery, Meaning

& Structure of our Prayerbook Join Rabbi Jacob Luski to delve into Jewish prayer to gain a deeper sense of meaning of Jewish prayer including an overview of the structure and history of Jewish prayer. All classes are entirely in English.

Wednesdays, 8:00—9:00 pm in the Library: February 3, 2010: The Mystery of the Friday Evening service February 10. 2010: The Meaning of the Shabbat Morning service February 17, 2020: The Structure of the Weekday service

Introduction To Judaism Begins

Rabbi Jacob Luski has announced a new class is forming for his Introduction to Judaism. The first organizational meeting is Wednesday, January 13th at 5:15 pm in the Library and continue to meet on Wednesday evenings from 5:15-6:45 pm. This class is a unique opportunity for Jews by birth to learn more about the meaning of Judaism, as well as those non-Jews considering conversion. The class offers a warm and intimate environment to explore the fundamental beliefs, values, practices and history that have shaped the Jewish people throughout the ages. Please contact Rabbi Jacob Luski at 727-381-4900, extension 203, about your interest in this class.

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When speaking with an associate recently, I told him how lucky I felt to have such a great core of volunteers that help in the office, for dinners, for events, as ushers, etc. I realized that CBI is an unusual place. People are willing step up to the plate to say, yes, I’ll do that. This was recently

obvious at the two fabulous events we had in December – The Gift Galleria and the Congregational Hanukka Party. So many people volunteered to make these events fun and successful. Todah Rabah to everyone involved for all your hard work!

This month coming up (January) is no different. The Chili Cookoff & Bonfire is set for Sunday, January 10 and CBI’s Got Talent GALA will be on Saturday, January 23. Both events will give you the chance to have a fun evening! Don’t miss them.

Please join me in wishing a Mazal Tov to five of our lovely ladies who will be recognized by Jewish Federation on January 6 as Women of Achievement –Helen Kahan for Hadassah, Joan Redisch for Sisterhood, Sandy Slomka for CBI, Gail Frye for Chabad and Jean Wittner for Philip Benjamin Tower. These women are all terrific and are well deserving of their recognition, not only for being outstanding CBI volunteers, but for being community volunteers. Congratulations!

I would like to close by wishing everyone a very happy and healthy 2010.

Sara Latham, Executive Director

From the Executive Director

PROFILE IN LEADERSHIP SERIES Introducing: PAMELA ANNE WITTNER LeCOMPTE CBI Member Since 1960 Question 1: Please define yourself.

I am married to my second husband and we have three sons. Two were from my husband’s first marriage and one from my first marriage. I’ve been working full time in my family’s business, insurance and real estate. We have one cat we rescued from the SPCA named Chewy (short for Chewbacca) and a Sheltie named Brisquette. Sammy, the youngest son, named them.

Question 2: What’s your role at CBI? I have been on the Board for 2 years now and my area has been Youth Commission and working on “Dancing with the Stars” and currently “CBI’s Got Talent!”.

Question 3: What is your favorite book or movie or music on your ipod? Why? I have several favorite movies….Hello Dolly, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and Sound of Music. I actually also have the music from these movies on my ipod too. Not sure why they’re my favorite….maybe they just bring back so many good memories, when life was simple and also before life changed significantly for me as a teenager.

From the President Question 4: What is your favorite Jewish holiday? I love Passover. It has so much tradition as most holidays do. We have almost always celebrated it with the Tampa Wittner’s and my favorite food from it is Charoset. I loved it so much but my mother would only make it for Passover.

Question 5: What values do you try to emulate and pass-on? Being good to others, have empathy and be as helpful as possible. I pray every night and realize that although I have had some difficult times, I am still much more fortunate and blessed than so many others.

Question 6: Who has made the biggest impact on your Jewish life? Rabbi Chapman – he always taught the “Art of Living” and was very important.

Question 7: Which is your favorite Jewish ritual to practice? I enjoy Shabbos and being at shul during Shabbos.

Question 8: When do you most feel Jewish? When I’m at shul.

Question 9: What is your most memorable moment at CBI? My Bat Mitzvah and getting on the bima and looking out and seeing the sanctuary full. I remember my Dad put a note in my siddur on Friday that said “Relax”.

Question 10: What motivated you to say YES to CBI? There couldn’t be any other answer. My Dad was President and on the Board for many years. Sometimes I sit in the meetings and wonder how different or similar those meetings were then.

Question 11: What do you do to re-energize? For those that know me….it’s easy. I go to the gym and do a bit of cardio.

Karen Wolchuck Sher, President

QUOTE Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty in every

age of life really never grows old. Franz Kafka

Mazal Tov to our Gelt Giveaway Drawing winners!

1st Prize: $5,000 - Dr. Don Polsky 2nd Prize:$ 300 - CBI Sisterhood 3rd Prize:$ 250 - Sheryl Feinman 4th Prize:$ 200 - Jerry Benstock 5th Prize:$ 160 - Michelle Cohen

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600 6th Street South St. Petersburg, FL 33701

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Thanks to Sisterhood and all the volunteers who worked at the , “GIFT GALLERIA” . It was a fun and very successful event. The Gift Galleria committee appreciates all he support from the Sisterhood Gift Shop and the delicious dessert and coffee Volunteers. We want to congratulate this year’s Sisterhood honoree for “Woman of Distinction – Joan Redisch. She will be honored on Wednesday, January 6th, 2010 at Temple B’nai Israel in Clearwater at 6:30PM. We also would like to congratulate this year’s “Woman of Achievement” – Eileen Richman to be honored at our Torah Fund Dinner which has been rescheduled for April 13th, 2010, 6:00 p.m.

Shalom, Susie Berman, Gail Frye and Diana Litt, Co-Presidents

Thank you to Eileen Richman and her Membership committee for the fun and entertaining Membership Fling. All you skit participants should be headed for Broadway, OK maybe Off-Broadway!! Anyone that is every interested in making a donation to the flower fund in honor or memory of someone, please contact Marilyn Goldberg. The Florida Region Wheels on Water adventure will set sail on Friday, January 8th, 2010 returning on Monday, January 11, 2010. The Ladies Night Out scheduled for January 27th is being rescheduled. We will let you all know when the new date will be.


The Men’s Club served nearly 1,000 latkes for the CBI Hanukkah celebration and provided over 18 toppings. Thank you to all of our helpers and especially Alan Gross for working the frying pans and ovens. The Men’s Club also sponsored the beautiful ice sculpture and the snow cone machine. A great time was had by all!

It is not too late to join us for our 2nd Annual Men’s Night Out, Steak and Scotch night, Sunday, January 17 from 4:30PM to 8:30PM. Cost is $18 for members and $28 for non-members (hurry and join the Men’s Club and get the member rate!). This is a great evening of food, entertainment, and fun. Your hosts for the evening are Herb Brasch, Tom Silverberg, and Steven Bloom. Advance reservations are required.

On Super Bowl Sunday, February 7, join us for the World Wide Wrap. We lay Tefillin at 9:00AM (instructors on hand to help those who want it) for morning Minyan. All participants are invited to join us for a delicious brunch with a speaker from the Tampa Bay Rays organization. Please bring any extra Tefillin sets with you to the event. Extra pairs will be available for those to use who do not own Tefillin. Everyone is welcome!

Please email [email protected] with your inquiries and reservations.

Shalom, Bill Marger

President, Mitzvah Men’s Club


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The students will be returning to PRTT on Tuesday, January 5th, 2010 at 4:45 p.m. after being reenergized from the winter break. Classes for K’tonton will commence on Sunday, January 10, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. On Sunday, January 31st during PRTT, there will be a TuB’Shevat Seder for all the students. This is when the New Year of the Trees is celebrated.

For TuB’Shevat it is customary to plant trees in Israel through the Jewish National Fund. Trees are $18 and may be planted in our B’nai Israel Forest in honor of loved ones. Information will be available in the Talmud Torah.

Shalom, Ilana Dayan, Education Director

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All B’nai Israel children, ages nine to thirteen (grades 3 through 7) are invited to participate in our special age-appropriate Shabbat Service in the Chapel. Junior Congregation will meet on Saturday, January 9, January 23 and January 30, 2010. They will not meet on Martin Luther King Day weekend.


We welcome children who have changed their academic settings. Please contact Ilana Dayan at the PRTT office for information and a registration form at 381-4900, ext. 310 or email: [email protected]


New Beginnings! January is often thought of as a time for new beginnings. This is true in our Preschool as well. All of the classrooms are fresh and clean. The teachers have rejuvenated over their holidays. The parents are ready to bring their children back to us. And the children are excited to see their friends again. At Pauline Rivkind Preschool, the children receive a rich variety of learning experiences to stimulate cognitive and social development within a Jewish context. Integrated into our program are Jewish values, customs, and celebrations that enhance and highlight learning through experiences. As we celebrate Shabbat and each of the holidays and learn together about Israel and our Jewish culture, we lay the foundation for the development of a strong Jewish identity. An all school celebration of Shabbat allows the children to hear Jewish children’s songs, see the kindling of candles, smell and taste the flavors of sweet grape juice and fresh challah. Pauline Rivkind Preschool is a wonderful place for your children to start their Jewish education. Their experiences here will enhance your Jewish home. P.S. Save the Date! January 31, 2010! 5:00 pm Pauline Rivkind Preschool

Annual Silent Auction/ Pasta Dinner - Open to the ENTIRE CONGREGATION! B’Shalom,

Bonnie P. Halprin, Preschool Director

The Spring Semester will begin on Wednesday, February 3, 2010 at 7:00 pm. Registration forms will be mailed out the first week of January.




Each Shabbat morning, children are invited to participate in Congregation Services by leading Ein Keloheinu and Aleinu at the conclusion of Musaf. Please make plans to have your child present at the assigned time. We look forward to hearing our children’s voices raised in song and prayer as they take their places along side all those who continue to make services meaningful, spiritual and successful here at CBI. This month the schedule for participation as follows:

January 9, 2010 – Grade 3 January 23, 2010 – Grade 7 January 30, 2010 – Grade 6

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December was a wonderful and busy month for the Youth Department. Our kids joined others from around Tampa Bay at the JCC Great Dreidel Spin Off for a Hanukka celebration. The evening began with song as USY and Hazzan Goldstein lead the group in Havdala. Todah Rabah to those who helped the Youth Department with the Generations Café at the Gift Galleria. Your efforts will benefit youth programming and help us to reach our tzedakah goal! As I looked around at the smiling faces of my CBI family during the CBI Family Hanukka Celebration I was filled with gratitude and happiness to be part of such a vibrant community. We sang, laughed, ate and came together to light St. Pete’s largest menorah and its first ice menorah! St. Pete USY sent six delegates to Chicago for the USY International Convention. They all had a fantastic experience while learning, praying, and having fun with over 1,000 teens throughout North America and Canada. For the Kadimaniks who spent the first days of Hanukka in Jacksonville at the Mercaz Sub Regional Convention, it was a Hanukka they will never forget. They formed new friendships while learning about Kadima and all it has to offer. Tikun Olam is an important value and for the Kadimaniks they saw first hand on the faces of our firefighters, police and hospital workers how their acts of kindness brought joy to others. After a morning of baking cookies we delivered cookies for our Cookies for the Community program. Saturday, January 9th the Youth Department will sponsor and participate in Seudah Shllshit before a mystery event! Sunday, January 10 at 4:00 pm the chili will be hot and the competition fierce! Come enjoy an evening of eating, schmoozing and competition as teams compete for the best chili recipe at the Chili Cook Off and Bonfire! This event is positively fun and family friendly! January Activities: Saturday, January 9: 5:20 pm Seudah (Youth Sponsor) with USY event following Sunday, January 10: 4:00 pm Family Chili Cook Off and Bonfire Sunday, January 24: 11:00 – 3:00 All Youth Tu B’Shevat celebration with JCC at Boyd Hill Friday, January 29: 4:45 USY Dinner at Toby Weinman Wednesday, February 3: 6:00 pm Dine and Dash USY and 8th Graders PLEASE NOTE: KADIMA EVENT Sunday, January 31 CANCELLED

CBI Website


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Special Events:

Jewish Federations of North America Shabbat with special guest speaker, Joan Benstock, representing our own Jewish Federation of Pinellas & Pasco Counties, on Saturday, January 23, at 9:00 am.

JTS Outreach Lecture Series See page 22 for event brochure. Monday-Thursday, January 18-21, 2010, 7:30 pm

Bay Area Cantorial Association Concert (BACA) The Annual BACA Cantorial Concert presented on Sunday afternoon, January 26, 2010 at 7:00pm at Congregation Rodeph Sholom in Tampa.

Tu B’shevat Seder Enjoy our traditional Tu B’shevat Seder as we celebrate the New Year of the Trees after Shabbat Services on Friday 8 p.m. January 29,


Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs World Wide Wrap X The CBI Mitzvah Men’s Club joins Men’s Clubs around the world, joining morning prayer and continuing its tradition of teaching men and women how to wrap tefillin. Join us at 8:30 am for instruction, services at 9:00 am followed by a traditional Men’s Club breakfast featuring Guest Speaker: Chaim Bloom, of the Tampa Bay Rays. Sunday, February 7, 2010

Talmud Made Easy Steve Wein continues his class which covers the first tractate of the Talmud, Berahot, in the Talmudic text along with selected commentaries. Hebrew, Aramaic is not necessary; classes are in English and Steve explains all. The class involves both textual analysis and lively discussion. 7:00 pm, Tuesdays, January, 12, February 9 and Wednesday, February 24.

Torah For Seniors Join Rabbi Luski on Tuesday mornings each month at 11 a.m. at Philip Benjamin Towers as he teaches and discusses Torah in an easy to follow fashion. 2010: January 19, February 16, March 16, April 20 & May 11.

Lunch With The Rabbi Deli lunch and Mishna Study with Rabbi Luski meets monthly on Wednesdays at noon in the CBI Atrium. Come and join our group as we enjoy lunch, schmooze and enjoy a meaningful time learning “What, When, Why & Where” of our Jewish History in an informal atmosphere. Previous knowledge not necessary. Classes are held in English. Please RSVP your lunch orders to 381-4900 by 4PM by Tuesday before. 2010: January 20, February 17, March 17, April 21 & May 12.

Tracing Your Roots—Jewish Genealogy

Alan and Sharon Koenig will share their insights into searching out your Jewish roots, using a variety resources including Libraries and internet sources. Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 7:00 pm

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Direct (727) 397-7298

Cell (727) 278-3329

Fax (727) 391-3998 [email protected]


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I grew up in New Jersey, the Garden State and for a few years, in upstate New York, always attending small schools. The teachers were very important to me because they each in their own way opened up new worlds to me through their own personal classroom libraries. My three younger sisters will attest to my love of my teachers and learning, everyday I would come home from school and we would play school. I am very proud to say that I have a sister who has her doctorate in Education and teaches in Groton, CT. My next sister has her Master’s in Math and is the head of the Math Dept of Chesapeake High School in Virginia. My little sister escaped my classroom pretty much because she was 10 years my junior—she’s just a nurse at Mass General in Boston. My third grade teacher Mrs. Trosi at Green Knoll Elementary in Bridgewater, NJ had us make books about everything! We spent the year folding construction paper around sheafs of information. She taught us the building blocks of our language. It’s because of her that my skin crawls every time someone says “more clear.” Where were these people in 3rd grade???? This Library Shabbat has brought about another opportunity to learn—I read a fiction book. I very much prefer nonfiction or biographies, but do enjoy an historical fiction here and there and that is the genre I place The Righteous Men. The Righteous Men is a story, a vision the author made up, about a NYTimes reporter and the mysterious kidnapping of his wife. The NY Public library plays an important role in solving the mystery! The author Sam Bourne aka Jonathan Freedland has created a realistic world filled with love, murder and intrigue. The victims of the murders are all interlinked by an ancient prophecy which predicts the end of the world and it’s up to Will Monroe our hero to solve the riddle. To find the key, the hero resorts to enlisting his college sweetheart who is an eccentric artist and a Kabbalah expert. The story is entertaining and made me want to ignore our hunger, work and the phone. The Righteous Men was touted by some as a contender to Dan Brown’s DaVinci Code. You decide! A good read is a good read. Visit our library, pick up a book and have a good read!

Submitted by Sandi Rodman

CBI-HADASSAH BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP The CBI-Hadassah Book Club meets monthly on Wednesdays at 10:00 am in the Buns Family Library to discuss current literature of Jewish content. If you are interested in leading the discussion for a meeting, contact CBI Librarians, Dr. Ruth Lebowitz or Janet Augenbraun. This month, on Wednesday, January 20th, we will discuss The Emperor’s Children by Claire Messud. Future dates and books are: February 17th Vivaldi’s Virgins by Barbara Quick; March 17th Love And Other Impossible Pursuits by Ayelet Waldman; April 21st Dancing With Einstein by Kate Wenner; May 19th Shavuot - No meeting; and May 26th Crossing California by Adam Langer.

Congregation Surveys

Thank you to all congregants who completed and returned a Congregation Survey. Your responses are being evaluated and a report will be forthcoming.

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World Wide Wrap

Sunday, February 7th is our annual World Wide Wrap. Please come join our fellow Jews around the world in performing the Mitzvah of wrapping tefillin.

Then enjoy a delicious brunch in the Social Hall hosted by our very own Mitzvah Men's Club.

Our guest speaker will be Mr. Chaim Bloom, Assistant Operations Manager for the Tampa Bay Rays.

If you've never wrapped tefillin before or have forgotten how, we will have trainers on hand to assist and teach this ever so important Mitzvah.

If anyone has an extra pair or two of tefillin that we can borrow for those that don't have, it would be most appreciated. Also, if anyone would prefer a private training session, please contact Lou Bader 867-4913 or email me at [email protected].


Mazal Tov to Eileen Richman who was selected to be the 2009 Woman of Achievement for our Sisterhood’s Torah Fund Dinner! Please plan on honoring Eileen at the annual Torah Fund Dinner, Tuesday, April 13, 2010 at 6:00 p.m.

Many of you have made your Torah Fund commitment, but it is never too late to make a contribution to the Torah Fund campaign, which benefits the Jewish Theological Seminary.

Special Project Patron (payable $10,000 Over four years) Chancellor’s Council $6,000 Keter Kavod $5,000 Bookshelf, the Library $3,000 Patron $1,200 Associate Patron $600 Guardian $300 Benefactor $180

Contact information:

Torah Fund Chair: Jennifer Sternberg 391-9085 Special Gifts Chair Marilyn LeVine 343-2196 Torah Fund Cards: Jennifer Sternberg 391-9085

Historic Jewish Press Internet Site

Articles from the Palestine Post, predecessor to the world-famous Jerusalem Post, have been available on the Internet for a number of

years. Now other Jewish publications have been digitized and indexed and are available at a ―Historic Jewish Press‖ site. To date there are 11 publications including the Palestine Post 1932–1950,

Bulletin of the Alliance Israélite Universelle (1860–1913) and Ha-Magid 1856–1903. A complete list, as well as links, to each

publication can be found at http://jpress.huji.ac.il/cross-section/allpub-en.asp.

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Sunday February 28th, 11:45 am , Joint CBI-TBE Purim Carnival & Food Fair

At Congregation B’nai Israel

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Where will you be on Jan 23?

I sure hope YOU will be at CBI's GOT TALENT - our awesome gala! Under the leadership of Pam LeCompte and Alice Ettinger, we will be treated to an array of talent and have the opportunity to recognize the people who helped to plan, design and dedicate our current building which is now 10 years young. As we enter 2010, please think of how you can help CBI raise funds. If you can write a big, generous check, that is great, please call me. If you can’t, don’t count yourself out as a piece of our fund raising puzzle. Can you?

Recycle newspapers, phone books, copy paper and magazines in our bins

Bring in old cell phones and printer cartridges

Honor someone with a leaf on the Tree of Life

Do a web search on GoodSearch

Buy gift cards through the CBI SCRIP program Of course you can all participate in one of the above ways. We also need people to help make the above programs run. If you have time and creativity we want you, please get involved.

Laurie Reiskind, 3rd VP, Fundraising

TU B’SHEVAT New Year of Trees

January 30, 2010 is Tu B’Shevat, the 15th day of the month

of Shevat, when we celebrate the New Year of the Trees. Shevat is the Hebrew month when heavy rains in Israel

mark the end of the winter and the beginning of spring. In the middle of the month, severe rainstorms taper off and

signs of spring begin to sprout greens and flowers of every kind and color carpets the earth. Tradition tells us that just as the fate of human beings is decided on Rosh Hashana, the fate of trees is decreed and Rosh Hashana Liilanot, the

New Year of the Trees. It is customary to plant trees for Tu B’Shevat in Israel through the Jewish National Fund. Israel relies on the Jewish National Fund and the Jewish National Fund

depends on you! Trees are $18 each and may be planted in our

B’nai Israel Forest in honor of loved ones. Please make your check payable to:

Jewish National Fund Mail to: Jewish National Fund

78 Randall Avenue Rockville Centre, New York, NY 11570-3946

Please note on your check: CBI Forest

Project #002600

For more information, you may call the JNF office 1-800-542-8733


CBI Annual Purim Celebration Saturday evening, February 27, 2010, 6:30 pm Minha

7:00 pm Family Megilla Reading & Costume Parade in the Sanctuary

At the same time: 7:00 pm Traditional Megilla Reading in the Chapel

Sunday, February 28, 2010 7:45 am Purim Service and Megilla Reading in the Chapel

followed by Purim L’Hayim in Social Hall


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We share in the sorrow of the passing of:

Toby Snyder Sister of Bunnie Katz & Audrey Chenkin

Mother of Phyllis Schachter Aunt of Sandy Brasch & Ilene Horowitz

Rebecca “Ricki” Sactor

Sister of Kitty Jacobs


Joe and Ana Masri and Danny and Talia Masri on the birth in Israel of their grandson and son, Ilai Yehuda Masri.

Dr. Diane Piper Hilton and Mr. Jeff Hilton and Julian and Zoe Piper on the birth of their daughter and granddaughter, Lily Cara Hilton.

Dr. Harold and Joyce Seder and Dr. Karen and Mr. Dan Derechin on the birth of their grandson and son, Jessup Harry Derechin.

ACHIEVEMENTS: CBI members who were honored as “Women of Distinction Awards” by the Jewish Federation of Pinellas/Pasco Counties:

Sandy Slomka - Congregation B’nai Israel Joan Redisch - Sisterhood of Congregation B’nai Israel Helen Kahan - Hadassah, St. Petersburg Chapter Gail Frye - Chabad, St. Petersburg Jean Giles Wittner - Benjamin Tower Foundation

JEWISH FEDERATION WEBSITE If you want to view the Federation website, their

address is www.jewishpinellas.org


Looking for a special way to honor your family and friends who are celebrating a simha?

The TREE OF LIFE at CBI is just the answer. What a joy it is for someone to walk into our shul and see a Tribute of their special birthday, anniversary or wedding. Does your child/grandchild have a Bar/Bat Mitzvah or Graduation coming up? What a

great way to honor them! Order forms are in the synagogue office and lobby. The minimum donation for leaves is $218.

Todah Rabah to the following volunteers who assisted with the office work and special mailings over the past month: Murray and Myrna Rubin, Sally Swale, Carol Marcin and

Marian Lustigman Rooth. Apologies to anyone we have inadvertently omitted.

Thank you to our volunteer coordinator Carol Marcin for helping out in the CBI office and coordinating

the scheduling of volunteers.


Todah Rabah to Sid & Phyllis Werner for

displaying their beautiful dreidel collection for all to enjoy in the

front showcase of the CBI lobby.

The Jewish Federation of Pinellas/Pasco Counties


Honorary Woman of Distinction and Guest Speaker

Carole Solomon Immediate Past Chair of Jewish Agency for Is-


Wednesday, January 6, 2010 Hors d’Oeuvres Reception 6:30 to 7:15 p.m.

Dietary laws observed Program immediately following

Temple B’nai Israel

1685 S. Belcher Road, Clearwater

$20 per person RSVP: 727-530-3223 or www.jewishpinellas.org

Page 20: CBI Bulletin January 2010

Israeli Folk Dancing (It’s Free) (It’s Fun!)

Every Sunday evening at

Menorah Manor from

6:00 – 8:00 p.m. in the Activities Room.

New members are welcome.

For more information, please contact

Janice LeVine at 392-3683.

Page 20 B’nai Israel Review




January 15, 2009


Men's Night Out

Second Annual Steak and Scotch Night "BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND"

Members $18 Non-members $28


February 7, 2009


World Wide Wrap

Join us for a super Sunday as we lay

Tefillin (instructors on-hand to help)

Followed by delicious brunch and

Speaker From the Tampa Bay Rays


"Every One Welcome.....No charge"

Details to Follow !


mmcstpete @gmail.com

MAH JONGG CARDS Sisterhood is once again sponsoring the sale

of Mah Jongg Cards!

Small cards - $7:00 Large Cards - $8.00

Send checks to:

Susan Scheinert

9228 Silverthorn Road

Largo, Florida 33777



[email protected]

Member Directory Changes

Please make note of the following changes in the 2009-2010 Directory:

Please add to the Index under Legal Services:

Cynthia Chiefa Goldstein on page 59 and to Merchants: Avon Cosmetics page 59;

On page 112, LSG Consulting Services, Linda Goldfarb’s fax number should be changed to


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In Honor of: ________________________________

Check the names of everyone to you would like to send a Mitzvah Gram. Send this form together with your check, minimum $10 donation each, to: Congregation B’nai Israel, 300 58th Street North, St. Petersburg, FL 33710 *The minimum donation per acknowledgement is $10. Please print:

Your Name: ______________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________

City, _____________________________Zip: __________________

Telephone: ______________

Join us in wishing Mazal Tov! to members celebrating their birthdays, anniversaries and B’nai Mitzvah. Your good

wishes can be part of their memories, while at the same time, supporting B’nai Israel’s commitment to help our

schools, youth groups and Synagogue through your donations to our Mitzvah Fund.

1 Bonnie Walker 2 Dr. David LeVine 3 Dr. Michael Slomka 3 Barbara Colen 4 Jacqueline Glover 4 Phyllis Hirschfield 4 Dr. Mark Gordon 4 Dr. Larry Goldberg 5 Morris LeCompte 7 Barbara Noonberg 7 Dr. Fred Feld 9 Dr. Nancy Landfish 9 Bonnie Lurie 10 Scott Pinsker 10 Helen Wertel 11 Richard Erman 11 David Hutman 11 Erika Kauffman 11 David Hutman 12 Leonard Bader 12 Alice Ettinger 13 Mort Wygodski 14 Shirley Blau Grossman 14 Nancy Rosenberg 14 Shevy Silverberg

15 Elaine Jerrold 15 Dr. Jeffrey Ewig 16 Marvin Jacobs 17 Dr. Stanley Rosenberg 18 Thomas Epstein 19 Dr. Larry Feinman 18 Dr. Michael Seltzer 19 Stephanie Stein 20 Tim Eldred 20 Dr. Loren Isakson 22 Dr. David Piper 24 Kathleen Smith 24 Martha Terry 24 Dr. Charlene Wygodski 25 Dr. Ron Leight 26 Dr. Greg Engelman 27 Estelle Burke 27 Dennis Lerner 28 Dr. Arthur Marlin 28 Diane Friedman 29 Sami Dayan 30 Karen Kauffman 30 Audrey Dantowitz 31 Jack Eidelman 31 Carol Marcin Friday, January 22, 2010!

1 Eileen & Michael Richman 13 Anita & Dr. Ben-Ami Braun 18 Cynthia & Hazzan Paul Goldstein 18 Dr. Starr Silver & Byron Kolitz 21 Beverly & Mort Sherman 21 Amy & Andrew Giskin 27 Livia & Stephen Wein 31 Sharon & Alan Koenig

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Mondays: 11:00 am to 2:00 pm; 3:00 – 5:00 pm

Tuesdays: 10:00am – 11:30am; 3:00 – 5:00 pm

Wednesdays – 11:00am—2:00 pm

Thursdays: 1:00 – 3:00 pm

Fridays: 10:00 am – 12:00 noon

If you need an appointment, please contact: Ellen Bernstein – 345-0237 or

Anita Helfand – 381-4900

If you do not see it in the shop, please contact us. We special order.

TALLITOT FOR WOMEN We are very fortunate to be an egalitarian

Synagogue where women and men are equal. Women count in minyan and share the same honors as our gentlemen

counterparts. Women are invited to wear a tallit. The Judaica Shop carries an entire array of

tallitot imported from Israel in various price ranges. Stop by and check us out!

Please patronize

our advertisers

Page 24: CBI Bulletin January 2010

Page 24 B’nai Israel Review


Adult Studies In Honor of

Lynn Amy & Stuart Nast High Holiday Aliyah

Adult Studies In Memory of

Annette Kraut Lila Kraut

Dr. Starr Silver Pauline & Leon Silver

Yvette Lew Ross Martin Lew

Camp Ramah In Memory of

Sandy & Dr. Mike Slomka Sidney Colen

Dorothy Werner

Mark Lewis Milton Lewis

Cantor's Fund In Honor of

Beatrice Mehl Happy Birthday to Adele Morris

Cantor's Fund In Memory of

Phyllis & Sid Werner Harold Werner

Library In Honor of

Sonya Horowitz Happy Birthday to Sandy Harwood

Library In Memory of

Jane & Don Silverberg David Goldman, Sidney Colen

Library Music In Honor of

Bev & Mort Sherman Rabbi Jacob Luski -Happy 60th Birthday

Library Music In Memory of

Bev & Mort Sherman Sidney Colen, Gail Warren

Lorraine Maller Fund In Memory of

Alex & Alexis Rotbard Gail Warren

Minyan In Honor of

Kenneth Davis In appreciation

Minyan In Memory of

Dr. J. L. Azneer & Abe Katz

Dr. Patricia Cottrille

Mitzvah Fund In Honor of

Drs. Joe Springle & Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Karen Rosenthal

Sharon & Wally Wallace Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Bonnie & Robert Freedman Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Jackie & Barry Kanner Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Judy Carr Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

& Rabbi Luski delivering the opening prayer

at the US House of Representatives

Jean & Harry Kraff Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Doris & Herschel Hochman Happy Birthday to Jeannette Hirsch

Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Anita & Arlen Helfand Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Dr. Harvey & Audrey Kopelman Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Dr. J. L. Azneer & Happy Birthday to Bunnie Katz, Adele Morris,

Dr. Patricia Cottrille Rabbi Jacob Luski, Cindy Weisberg, Karen Reich,

Ernest Drucker, Anita Helfand, Eric Ludin,

Thelma Gilbert, Michael Benstock

Happy Anniversary to Mussie & Jack Eidelman,

Joanne & Rabbi Jacob Luski

Marietta & Ernest Drucker Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Sylvia Ayes & Family Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Dr. Steven Bloom & Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Dr. Charlene Wygodski

Janet & Ed Shapiro Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Mary & Morton Wygodski Naomi Luski's engagement to Derek Wetmore;

Birth of Jaxson James Lawrence;

Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Terri & Jay Gross Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Murray & Myrna Rubin The Helfand Family

Judy & Eric Ludin, Josh & Jacob Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Ruth & Lenny Mauer Birth of Jaxson James Lawrence

Barbara Jarvis Happy 25th Anniversary -Jack & Linda Goldfarb;

Happy Birthday to Sandy Herskowitz;

Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Happy Anniversary to Carol & Jon Marcin

Susie & Alan Schwartz Marriage of Sandy and Herb Brasch's son,

Elliot to Elizabeth

Liz & Greg Sembler Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Sharron & Lorne Abrams Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Don & Jane Silverberg Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Hymie & Judy Bader Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Ruth & Richard Erman Solomon Howard being the youngest team

contestant on Jeopardy

Sandy and Steven Harwood Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Harold & Charlotte Goldberg Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Steve & Livia Wein 17th Wedding Anniversary - Billie &

Helen Kahan Morry Bornstein; Rabbi Jacob Luski -

Happy 60th Birthday

Sylvia's Catering Marriage of Sandy and Herb Brasch's son,

Elliot to Elizabeth

Sunnie Horowitz The birth of Connor, grandson of Janet

& Barry Augenbraun

Thelma & Jerry Gilbert Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Alan & Nancy Bomstein Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Dr. & Mrs. Morris LeVine Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Anita & Arlen Helfand Speedy recovery - Carol Marcin

Dr. Barry & Sandra Caplan Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Mitzvah Fund In Memory of

Anna Lepes Gail Warren

Thelma & Jerry Gilbert Gail Warren

Vivian & Dr. Ed Lurie Gail Warren, Lawrence Fisher, Morrie Lurie

Marilyn Benjamin Dorothy Werner, Sidney Colen, Gail Warren

Ellen R. Smith Gail Warren

Shelley Lynn Gail Warren, Dorothy Werner

Ruth & Lenny Mauer Gail Warren

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Myrna & Murray Rubin Gail Warren

Ilene & Steve Weinstein Gail Warren

Albert & Evelyn Lerman Gail Warren

Sara Sellinger Gail Warren

Dr. & Mrs. Jacob Bornstein Gail Warren

Louis & Dr. Mark Benjamin Dorothy Werner, Sidney Colen, Gail Warren

Lenny & Ruth Mauer Julio Russek, Abe Katz

Sheri L. Frogel Max Daneman

Tom Magariel Loved ones

Laurie & Dr. Marc Reiskind Dorothy Werner

Judy Carr Gail Warren

Dr. J. L. Azneer Brother

Jill Srofe Gail Warren

Drs. Steven Bloom & Gail Warren, Julio Russek

Charlene Wygodski

Mary & Mort Wygodski Gail Warren

Drs. Sandra & Ronald Levin Gail Warren

Janet & Ed Shapiro Gail Warren

Dr. Frank & Kathy Mendelblatt Dorothy Goffman

Joe & Sally Cohen Kenneth Sittman

Terri & Jay Gross Dorothy Werner

Susan & Dr. Sheldon Scheinert Gail Warren

Dorothy Goldblatt Gail Warren

Jean & Harry Kraff Max Florence, Ethel Florence, Yetta Blum

Mrs. Marjorie Long Esther Mann & Malcolm Long

Susie & Alan Schwartz Gail Warren, Dorothy Werner

Shanon Colick Pauline Gordon

Liz & Greg Sembler Dorothy Werner

Bunnie Katz Sidney Colen, Gail Warren

Sandy & Herb Brasch Sidney Colen, Gail Warren

Lenny & Millie Gelfond Gail Warren, Albert Feldbin

Robin Schaffer Gail Warren

Linda & Jack Goldfarb Dorothy Werner

Ms. Irene Sullivan Gail Warren

Beverly Dikman Gail Warren

The La Salla Family Gail Warren

John, Susie & Jared Ellinger Gail Warren

Jodi L. Reiskind Gail Warren

Dr. Ed & Vivian Lurie Sidney Colen

Sunnie Horowitz Julio Russek, Norlyn Bardo

Ilene & Mark Horowitz Sidney Colen

Dr. David & Myra Gross Sidney Colen, Husband of Ina Colen &

Uncle to Jerry & Barbara Colen

Dr. Nancy Landfish & Hal Landfish

Ed Bailey

Jean Giles Wittner Sidney Colen

Jerome Rosenberg Lillian Rosenberg

Anita & Arlen Helfand Albert Feldbin

Dr. & Mrs. Jimmy Post & Gail Warren

Elana & Traci

Mammer & Co P.A. Gail Warren

Wes Sawyer & Naomi Berg Gail Warren

Frank & Jackie Robinson Gail Warren

Sandy & Dr. Mike Slomka Gail Warren

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Insoft Gail Warren

Shirley Sommella Gail Warren

Murray & Myrna Rubin Gail Warren

Stacey & Ira Slomka Gail Warren

The Troug Family Gail Warren

PRTT In Honor of

Dr. Stan & Nancy Rosenberg Speedy Recovery - Dr. Peter Pardoll

PRTT In Memory of

Dr. Stan & Nancy Rosenberg Gail Warren, Adele Rosenberg

Rabbi's Fund In Honor of

Steve & Linda Grau Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Dr. Ed & Vivian Lurie Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Barbara Jarvis Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Dr. Steven Warren In appreciation

Dr. Marty & Zina Rosenblum Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Dr. & Mrs. Mark Sokolov Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Rabbi J. L. Azneer Sponsor the next RA Luncheon

Mr. & Mrs. Joel Goetz Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

& Friends at Jo-El's

Specialty Foods

Jean Giles Wittner Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Shirley Sommella In appreciation, Naomi Berg, Sandra Elkins

Dr. Robin Katz, Rivy Chapman

Dr. & Mrs. Jimmy Post Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Shirley Bulkin Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Shirley Sommella Happy Anniversary - Rabbi Jacob & Joanne Luski,

Linda & Jack Goldfarb, Anita & Arlen Helfand

Shana & Matthew Gaines, Carol & Jon Marcin

Lou Bader Rabbi Jacob Luski delivering the invocation

at the U. S. House of Representatives

Barbara & Jerry Levin Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Lou Bader Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Frey Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Ofira von Stein Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Fred, Mali, Mandi & Forrest Feld Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Dr. Frank & Kathy Mendelblatt Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Sally & Joe Cohen Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Simhat Torah Honorees: Marilyn & Jack

Goldberg, Birth of Jaxson James Lawrence;

Rabbi Jacob Luski delivering the invocation

at the U. S. House of Representatives

Mirla Kremer Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Randi & Ben Rabin Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Tom & Carol Epstein Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Lea & Marshall Seiden Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Beatrice Mehl Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Murray Rubin Aliyah

Sandra Elkins Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Goldfarb Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

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CBI is always proud to say that we are the only shul on the West Coast of Florida that has a twice-daily minyan. We are being proactive in order to ensure the viability of the minyan. This is of utmost

importance to those who are saying kaddish which cannot be said if there is not a minyan present. It is very upsetting when someone who has made the effort to come is not able to say kaddish. In order to avoid this occurrence, we have captains who will be in charge of a particular morning or evening and will recruit congregants to come on the designated day and time. If you are willing to participate in this program either as a captain or as a “minyanaire”, please contact Irma Mayer at 392-2657.


Have you lost anything at

shul lately?

The Synagogue office


has acquired many items.

Therefore, if you are

missing an item and you

thought you lost it at CBI,

check it out in the office.

Elizabeth & Elliot Fitzgerald In appreciation.

Selma Strauss Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Jane Markowtiz Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Dr. & Mrs. Jeff Jacobson In appreciaton

Charla Fogel Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Mr. & Mrs. Phil Redisch In appreciation

Sonya Horowitz Rabbi Jacob Luski -Happy 60th Birthday

Barbara, Jerry & Barry Levin Speedy Recovery - Arnold Ferrer

Anita Sher Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Johanna Bromberg Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Rabbi's Fund In Memory of

Abe & Rose Luski Sidney Colen, Dorothy Werner

Kitty & Marvin Jacobs Alice Taragano

Joel Shane Morris Shane

Barbara Baccari Vincent J. Baccari, Isabel C. Baccari

Dr. Martin & Zina Rosenblum Dorothy Werner

Helen Kahan Kalman Kahan, Harry Sobel

Marie Zingg John Sommella

Fred & Ronnie Geffon Manuel Flashman

Gerry Mensh Bertha Mack

Hannah Krassner & Family Sidney Colen, Dorothy Werner

Max Goldman Morris Goldman

Barbara Feinman Jeanne S. Farber

Shirley Sommella Albert Feldbin, Gail Warren

Lea & Marshall Seiden Fay Fink, Gail Warren

Sonya Horowitz Murray Horowitz, Sally Finman Horowitz

Dr. Irwin Feinman Fay Feinman

USY Fund In Honor of

Murray & Myrna Rubin Birth of Jaxson James Lawrence

Jayne & Ronnie Weissman Birth of granddaughter of Paula & Steve Dangler

Billie & Morry Bornstein Elliot Fitzgerald's Marriage to Elizabeth

Rita and Jeff Jacobson Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Sherri Weissman's engagement

Adele Morris Rabbi Jacob Luski - Happy 60th Birthday

Ellen Bernstein's growing family

USY Fund In Memory of

Dr. Shannon Stocker & Gail Warren

Greg Warren

Billie & Morry Bornstein Gail Warren

Rita & Jeff Jacobson Dorothy Werner & Gail Warren

Phyllis Weitzner Abe Katz

Adele Morris Gail Warren, Abe Katz

Janice H. Brasch Sidney M. Brasch

USY Pilgrimage In Honor of

Millie & Lenny Gelfond Marriage of Elliot Fitzgerald

USY Pilgrimage In Memory of

Dorothy Goldblatt Louis Pincus, Julio Russek

Mr. & Mrs. Mel Dinsfriend Eric Dinsfriend

Pearl Brook Bernard Brook, Lillian Nedwesky

Lil Rosen Tanie Freedman

Susie & Ira Berman Dorothy Werner, Gail Warren

Rabbi's Fund In Honor of


As a reminder that there is a Secured Drop Box available at

the shul and at your service whenever you are in the

building. It is located outside of the Synagogue office across from the Judaica Shop. You can drop off your messages, contributions, etc.

when coming to minyan, meetings, social events, and classes or when bringing children to school. It is an easy way to communicate within the congregational

family. Drop-in sometime!

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