CBC Fremantle College Newsletter Week 5 term 1 2015

CBC Fremantle Newsleer | Week 5 Term 1 | Page 1 College Newsleer Week 5 Term 1 Friday 06 March 2015 Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen


CBC Fremantle College Newsletter Week 5 term 1 2015

Transcript of CBC Fremantle College Newsletter Week 5 term 1 2015

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College Newsletter Week 5 Term 1 Friday 06 March 2015

Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen

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CBC Fremantle

51 Ellen Street

Fremantle WA 6160

T 08 9336 2700

E [email protected]


Cover: To see more photos and watch a

movie of the House Swimming Carnival

visit the Newsroom.From the PrincipalThe Journey at CBCSome time ago, the College decided

to adopt the tagline of Today’s boys…

tomorrow’s gentlemen as a vivid

expression of the journey undertaken

by each of the young men who attend

CBC Fremantle. It was felt at the time

that the strength and effectiveness of

our College depended heavily on the home

and the school combining to deliver a

consistent message about what it means

to develop as a good young man. We hold

some very specific aspirations for our

graduates and it was important that our

community was given the opportunity

to gain a shared understanding of what

these were.

To this end, the College has constructed a

document which seeks to align our practice

and identify the often nebulous concept

referred to as the culture of our school.

The ‘journey document’ as we usually call

it was discussed in detail at our recent

Parent Information Evenings and everyone

in attendance was given a copy. While

the document contains much information

about the nature of our school community,

it is the five distinguishing characteristics

of the CBC gentleman that are of particular

significance. They are:

• Tomorrow’s gentleman forms attitudes

and actions based on Gospel values,

• Tomorrow’s gentleman strives to be his

best and understands the inherent value

of doing so.

• Tomorrow’s gentleman is accountable,

resilient and prepared to face and

overcome challenges.

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• Tomorrow’s gentleman is selfless

by nature and able to form positive,

mutually-beneficial relationships.

• Tomorrow’s gentleman recognises

and values the ‘other’ in his life.

These concepts are accompanied by

explanatory text and formed the basis

for much of the content at our recent

gatherings. If any parent was unable to

attend one of the Information Evenings,

I strongly encourage you to obtain a copy

of the journey document by asking your

son to collect one from Student Services.

Shared understanding and responsibility

is a distinguishing characteristic of our

school and one of its major strengths and

this document is designed to enhance

this partnership.

Share the JourneyThis innovative programme is conducted by

a group of dads from the College through

the Parent Auxiliary and will be held

this year on Sunday 22 March.

A preparatory session is conducted on

the evening of Thursday 19 March and

together these two occasions provide a

tremendous opportunity to enhance the

relationship between fathers and their

sons. If dad is not able to attend, then any

other significant male adult is invited to

join the young man on this walk. Another

advertisement for this programme appears

in this newsletter and I draw your attention

to it for further details. While all fathers

of the College are invited to attend we do

extend a particular welcome to Year 7 dads.

Please keep the relevant dates free and

commit this time to your son and yourself.

Open DayOur College Open Day will be conducted

on Tuesday 17 March and families are

advised that classes will finish early at

1.05pm on that day in order to facilitate

our tours which continue until 6.00pm.

Many students will be involved as tour

guides and activity leaders throughout that

afternoon and early evening. Students not

involved in some capacity will be allowed

to leave school at 1.05pm.

Swimming CarnivalOur House Swimming Carnival was held

at the newly renamed HBF Stadium last

Friday. The style of our carnival promotes

participation and a focus upon each

competitor striving to do their best. Among

the many outstanding performances, it was

pleasing to see so many boys engaged in

healthy competition and enjoying the day.

Congratulations to Samson House on their

victory and to each of the individual award

winners who are listed in the appropriate

article in the website Newsroom.

Mr Shaun KennyPrincipal

Above: Samson House boys celebrating their victory

Right: Launching into the water at the House Swimming Carnival

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You can keep up to date with CBC Fremantle news by subscribing to the Newsroom RSS feed. Visit the College website at

www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side.

24 February

Second win for Cricket

In the second game of the round robin stage of the WACA 1st XI Cricket, CBC defeated

Willetton Senior High School at Fremantle Park.


3 March

Samson’s sixth swim win

After a close competition with some exciting finishes, Samson House held aloft the House

Swimming Carnival shield for the sixth year in a row.


In the Newsroom

23 February

Cricket opens with tough win

CBC Fremantle’s 1st XI Cricket 2015 campaign started with a tough win against Emmanuel

Catholic College at Fremantle Oval.


23 February

A special moment on the journey

CBC Fremantle’s watershed programme for Year 9 boys, The Rite Journey, was launched

for 2015 at Monument Hill with a gathering of students, parents, family and mentors.


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College InformationSEQTA Student Portal

All students now have access to the SEQTA Portal. This is

an online resource that provides course materials, test and

assignment results, timetable information and upcoming

assessments. As it is web based it can be accessed from

anywhere, for example from home or school.

To access this portal your son is required to type the following

into Google Chrome or Firefox: https://student.cbcfremantle.

wa.edu.au. Then by entering his College username and

password, he is able to access this valuable resource.

All parents will have their own portal, similar to your son’s from

Term 2. Information regarding this will be provided in

due course.

Samson House Fundraiser

Samson House is holding their fundraiser on Friday 13 March

(Week 6) and on that day there will be no Jiffy van facilities.

Donuts will be sold at recess, and sausages in bread, drinks

and lollies will be sold at lunchtime. Prices will be advised

next week.

We would like all boys to wear their House Sport uniform and

in doing so we ask you to make a gold coin donation to the

Missions during Mentor period.

I look forward to all boys participating on the day and giving


College CalendarCBC’s College Calendar can be viewed online by clicking

on the Quick Link on the home page of the website. You

can also subscribe for the Calendar to synch on your

iCal or Outlook by clicking the link at the top right of the

Calendar page.

Important dates coming up

Tuesday 17 MarchCollege Open Day, school closes at 1.05pm

Thursday 19 March07:30pm Share the Journey parent meeting

Sunday 22 MarchShare the Journey

Saturday 28 MarchSenior Ball (please note this is incorrectly noted

as 21 March on the CBC 2015 Wall Planner)

Friday 8 MayMother’s Day liturgy and morning tea

at 8am until 9.30am

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The annual House Cross Country Day will be held on 10 March with students completing a 4km

run from South Cottesloe to Port Beach.

The day will be staggered with the following year groups racing together and missing two periods

of the College day.

Year 7/8 – Period 1 – Period 2

Year 9/10 – Period 3 – Period 4

Year 11/12 – Period 5 – Period 6

This is a compulsory event for all students at CBC Fremantle and participation is the focus of the

day. We encourage all students to give their best effort regardless of their ability or fitness levels.

Students will be required to wear their House sport uniform with predominantly white running

shoes to school on this day.

It is important that all students are well hydrated and have sufficient food before and after the

event to avoid injury and illness. We look forward to another great event at CBC Fremantle and

all students giving their best effort. If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to

contact me at [email protected]

Mr Jason Matthews

Coordinator of Sport

House Cross Country information

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What CBC boys like about the Swimming Carnival...

Christian Edwards

Year 10

What house are you in?Morgan.

Who is going to win today?I think Morgan.

What do you like about the Swimming Carnival?The competitive nature of it.

Which events did you compete in?Freestyle A division 50m.

Connor Bowler

Year 7

What house are you in?Samson.

Who is going to win today?Samson definitely.

What do you like about the Swimming Carnival?Everyone gets together and the

competitive side.

Which events did you compete in?Freestyle 50m and breastroke.

Ryan De Gennaro

Year 10

What house are you in?Morgan.

Who is going to win today?Morgan for sure.

What do you like about the Swimming Carnival?It gets everyone involved.

Which events did you compete in?Freestyle A division 50m.

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What CBC boys like about the Swimming Carnival...

Carlo Principe

Year 9

What house are you in?Patrick.

Who is going to win today?Patrick!

What do you like about the Swimming Carnival?The excitement of it.

Which events did you compete in?Freestyle and breaststroke.

Owen Nolan

Year 7

What house are you in?Rice.

Who is going to win today?I reckon Samson.

What do you like about the Swimming Carnival?Everyone is participating even if they

don’t swim very well.

Which events did you compete in?Freestyle 50m division L. I came second.

Luke Turley

Year 10

What house are you in?Morgan.

Who is going to win today?I think Samson but Morgan might have

a chance.

What do you like about the Swimming Carnival?I’m in the swim squad – it’s good fun.

Which events did you compete in?Freestyle C division 50m, Breastroke B

division 50m and Backstroke 50m.

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Share the JourneyDon’t miss the opportunity to

with your son

Sunday 22 March at 9.35am for 10.00am start at Point Walter Amphitheatre

CBC Fremantle Parent Auxiliary invites dads and their sons to share a unique adventure that will last approximately three hours, and stay with you for a lifetime.

All you need to do is put on your walking shoes, a hat and sunscreen, and bring a water bottle.

This is a special event for fathers and their sons to enjoy a relaxed walk together, explore some local history and to generally have a chat about a range of issues, including your family’s history. A free sausage sizzle will conclude the event.

Members of the College Leadership, Shaun Kenny and Dom Burgio, together with several senior students, will join fathers and sons.

A pre-event meeting will be held on Thursday 19 March at 7.30pm in the College’s Arts Learning Area to brief fathers about the walk. Light refreshments will be provided.

Please advise of your attendance to the pre-event meeting and to the walk by emailing John Atkinson at [email protected].

Spend some quality time with

your son – take a walk with

him and Share the Journey.

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1. Share in an Xbox gaming activity that he loves. Playing with your son is a good way to

monitor the games he plays and control the time he spends on them. You can keep

your own hand-eye coordination sharp while teaching him how to play fair.

2. Go camping. Your son will learn self-reliance and appreciation of nature and he’ll probably have more fun at the lake and on the trails than he ever thought possible.

3. Attend a sporting event together. You have to set the example of enthusiasm and

team spirit without poor sportsmanship.

4. Go cycling. It’s relaxing to hit a bike trail away from traffic and you can bond with your son as you take in the scenery.

5. Prepare a meal together. You can experiment and learn together. Cooking a meal – a real

meal – is something that’s actually fun if you’re patient and willing to practice a little.

Your son will soon realise that great-tasting meals are possible with healthy ingredients.

6. Work on your car. Teaching your son the basics of automotive care is valuable on many levels and when he gets his own wheels, he’ll know the basics of car care.

7. Go fishing together. A great way to unwind and relax with plenty of opportunity to talk

with your son without any distractions.

8. If you haven’t considered a radio-controlled car, plane or boat, give one a go. Some of the most basic RC toys are really inexpensive and your son’s hand-eye coordination will be tested and improved.

9. Challenge him to a sport. It’s not about winning or losing for either of you, it’s about

teaching sportsmanship, coordination, discipline, and teamwork while getting some

exercise. Let your son have a say in which sport you choose to play.

10. Share in some house maintenance. Show your son how things work around the house, as well as how they’re maintained and repaired. You’ll obviously do most of the work, but let him watch while you explain the process. He’ll respect you for being able to solve problems, and by the time he’s old enough to take on light tasks by himself, he’ll have learned the responsibility and value of maintaining his home.

Share the Journey monthCelebrate the journey with these fun suggestions to build up your ‘frequent father points’ with your son.

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Community cookbook: a call for recipes

CBC Fremantle is proud to be a part of raising good young men

of our community, who have the skills and courage to face and

overcome challenges and to form positive, mutually beneficial

relationships. The gentlemen of CBC are the guardians of the

future, and their positive male contribution to our society

provides us all with hope and faith in a better world.

To highlight the journey from today’s boy to tomorrow’s

gentleman, CBC is planning to produce a community cookbook

celebrating all that is nurturing and resilient about our young men

and their families. A timeless collection of recipes that encourages

our young men to be culinary heroes from their first foray in the

kitchen, whether it is coping with a simple breakfast for Mother’s

Day, wooing a romantic interest (it will happen!), or providing

hearty meals for their children when the time comes.

How you can help• Submit your favourite family recipe to us with specific quantities

(eg millilitres, grams, tablespoons, cups, etc, and in Australian

standard measuring) and easy to follow instructions. Your recipes

will need to be tried and tested prior to submission to ascertain the

correct quantities.

• Please specify how many people the recipe will feed.

• We are specifically seeking dishes that hold a place in your heart,

and are particularly enjoyed by your son. If your contribution is

included, your family will be acknowledged in the final publication.

• Degree of difficulty is from zero to hero, but tasty dishes with

a focus on classic simplicity appealing to all ages would be

particularly suitable.

• Recipes will need to be in a ‘cut and paste’ format, for example

included in the body of an email or in a Word document.

You are invited to contribute to our community cookbook and help us acknowledge the traditions of our College, the love and support of our families, and the journey of today’s boys…tomorrow’s gentlemen.

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• Your submission may not make the final book – but don’t let

that hold you back. The sooner you send in your fabulous family

recipe, the better the chance that it will be included.

• Stories about the dish are also happily accepted, for example

who passed on the recipe, which cuts of meat are best, or

perhaps a particular occasion when you served the dish.

CBC has a long and proud association with the Fremantle

community, so please feel free to mention particular landmarks

or places you shop if appropriate to your tale.

Timeline and other details

It is hoped to produce the CBC cookbook in time for your

Christmas shopping, therefore the deadline for submitting your

recipes is 8 May 2015.

The publication will sell for cost price and be available to purchase

for members of the CBC community and extended families and

friends.Please address any enquiries to Cherie Butcher at

[email protected] or 9430 2001.

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It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to [email protected]. Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.

Community Notices

Pilates at CBC

Pilates is great for flexibility, builds strength and develops control and endurance in the whole human body. The CBC community is

invited to early morning Pilates sessions with an experienced instructor from 6.30am to 7.30am twice a week in the Arts Learning

Area. Interested people can contact Sonya Gaffney by email.

Perth Defence Force Careers Expo

The Navy, Army and Air Force are recruiting for a range of full time and part time positions that offer great pay, an active lifestyle,

nationally recognised training and a whole lot of adventure. Defence Force Recruiting Perth would like to invite you to find out more

about these opportunities at our upcoming Australian Defence Force Careers Expo.

The Perth Defence Force Careers Expo runs from 9am to 4pm on Saturday 28 March 2015 at Leeuwin Barracks, East Fremantle and

will showcase the variety of career options across the Australian Defence Force. The expo will provide you with an opportunity to

view displays including a PC9 low level aerobatics display, get involved with interactive demonstrations, speak with members of the

Defence Force Recruiting team and hear first hand about the career opportunities available within the Australian Defence Force.

With over 200 careers available you’ll be able to find one that matches your skills, interests and education.

So come along to the Australian Defence Force Careers Expo on 28 March 2015 to find out more about the career opportunities

available within the Australian Defence Force.

Further information will be available closer to the date at www.defencejobs.gov.au/expos/PerthExpo.

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Leeuwin Youth Explorer Voyage

Is your child ready for a life-changing adventure?

Are you looking for a unique experience for your son or daughter that will challenge them, equip them with key life skills and give

them the adventure of a lifetime? Then look no further than the Leeuwin Youth Explorer Voyage. The seven day program aimed at

14-25 year olds is both exciting and rewarding, teaching participants all aspects of living and working aboard a traditional tall ship.

They will experience steering and navigating the ship, setting sails in all weather conditions, sailing through the night beneath the

Milky Way and seeing parts of West Australia’s stunning coastline.

It’s not just about learning to sail and meeting new friends though. They will also learn more about themselves, overcome challenges,

conquer fears and become more tolerant towards others. The voyages aim to increase self-confidence and self-awareness as well as

developing communication, teamwork and leadership skills which can be applied in all aspects of life.

Students in years 10, 11 and 12 can earn 5 WACE points towards their senior graduation and the voyage can count as the Adventurous

Journey or Residential Project component of the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Sail trainees may also be invited back as volunteer crew on

future day sails and voyages, allowing them to keep in touch with their crewmates, further hone their skills and sail for free!

Voyages run from September until June, with spaces still available on the following upcoming voyages;

• 12-18 March

• 31 May - 8 June

• 13 June - 19 June

The $1,980 voyage fare includes all food, accommodation, use of wet weather gear and safety training. Thanks to our generous

community partners we are able to offer a variety of scholarships for applicants who need assistance raising the fare.

For more information, please contact our team on 9430 4105 or email us at [email protected].

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Master Mind Australia – Academic Pathways

April revision programmeStudy Skills – Essay Writing – Subject Revision – NAPLAN Preparation

For all students from Years 7 to 12

This revision programme aims to prepare students for Naplan and First Semester Exams. Courses will be conducted at Christ Church Grammar

School, Hale School and All Saints’ College. Early Bird enrolment discount applies if payment received before 20 March, 2015.

For further information on these programs contact Dr Robert Hallam at Master Mind Australia on 9486 1377


2015 Sacramental Programs at Applecross Parish, St Benedict’s Church

All Catholic children who are eligible to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation in 2015 are

requested to register for their respective Sacramental Programmes on 21 March at the 6pm Mass and 22 March at the 9.30am Mass.

An Enrolment and Commitment Ceremony for all children preparing for the Sacraments will be held at these Masses.

Registration forms are available on request by email at [email protected]. The completed forms and fees are to be returned to

the coordinator at these masses. Parents may also make enquiries by emailing the Catechist Coordinator at [email protected]

or phone enquiries may be made to the Parish office on 9364 1120.

Could you be a Key Assets Foster Carer?

If you are passionate about caring for children and young people, and have space in your life and home, you could be a carer with Key

Assets. We are looking for:

Foster carers for children and young people aged 0 – 18 years

Alternative family carers for children and young people with disabilities aged 0 – 25 years

As a carer you will receive:

A weekly allowance of up to $870.00 and paid respite breaks

24/7 support and ongoing training opportunities.

If you’ve been thinking about fostering and you have a spare bedroom, talk to us today and start a journey you’ll never forget.

Contact 1800 WE CARE or www.keyassets.com.au.