Cast Iron Systems Sales Cheat Sheet for PROS

Overview Why Cast Iron? Customers Corporate Facts •Founded in 2001 by Integration Industry Experts •Pioneered SaaS / Cloud Integration •Unique focus on speed & simplicity — “Integration in Days” •Thousands of customer integrations •14 consecutive quarters of growth •96% customer retention •Patented Technology Buzz •Gartner: “… will play a critical part in the growth, acceleration & acceptance of SaaS.” •AMR: “The two most interesting features are the speed of integration and the ease of connectivity…” Recent Awards •2010 CODiE Awards Finalist •Everything Channel's CRN: Cast Iron Cloud named as one of the "100 Coolest Cloud Computing Products." Complete •Complete flexibility: Cast Iron Cloud2, physical appliances, and virtual appliances •Total connectivity: basic & SaaS/midmarket connectivity and complete enterprise connectivity •Complete reusability: Template Integration Process (TIP) Exchange, TIP Development Kit, and TIP Community •For all types of projects: data migration, process integration, and UI mashups Trusted •Premier partner for, Oracle, Google, Dell, Cisco, Amazon, HP, Microsoft, SAP, VMware, ADP, and many more Proven •Thousands of deployed customer integrations across all industries and around the world at companies such as Allianz, British American Tobacco (BAT), Amerisource Bergen, Emerson, Krueger International, Peet's Coffee & Tea, PGP Corporation, and, among many others. Customer #1 Business Problem: Needed real-time, bi-directional integration between PROS and Oracle ERP for pricing and discount info Competed against: Custom code Solution: Cast Iron provided real-time, bi- directional integration between PROS and Oracle ERP Projected Results: Integration completed in days; 100% configuration-based, no coding Customer #2 Business Problem Needed integration between PROS and SAP for pricing and order entry Competed against: Custom code Solution: Integration between PROS and SAP Results: Integration completed in days; Cloud-based integration-as-a-service (IaaS) Qualification Questions Business Problems Solved Customer #3 Business Problem: Needed integration between PROS and Oracle/Siebel CRM for customer master, order entry, order status/modification and cancellation Competed against: Custom code With which application(s) do you need PROS integration? (i.e. ERP, CRM, and/or other applications) • What’s your plan to mitigate risk associated with PROS integration? •Data migration – e.g.: PROS and CRM or PROS and ERP systems • Application integration with back- office applications including product Cast Iron Systems: Sales Cheat Sheet for



Transcript of Cast Iron Systems Sales Cheat Sheet for PROS

  • 1. Overview Why Cast Iron? CustomersCorporate FactsFounded in 2001 by Integration Industry ExpertsPioneered SaaS / Cloud IntegrationUnique focus on speed & simplicity Integration inDaysThousands of customer integrations14 consecutive quarters of growth96% customer retentionPatented TechnologyBuzz Gartner: will play a critical part in the growth,acceleration & acceptance of SaaS. AMR: The two most interesting features are thespeed of integration and the ease of connectivityRecent Awards 2010 CODiE Awards Finalist Everything Channels CRN: Cast Iron Cloud namedas one of the "100 Coolest Cloud ComputingProducts."CompleteComplete flexibility: Cast Iron Cloud2, physicalappliances, and virtual appliancesTotal connectivity: basic & SaaS/midmarketconnectivity and complete enterprise connectivityComplete reusability: Template Integration Process(TIP) Exchange, TIP Development Kit, and TIPCommunityFor all types of projects: data migration, processintegration, and UI mashupsTrustedPremier partner for, Oracle, Google,Dell, Cisco, Amazon, HP, Microsoft, SAP, VMware,ADP, and many moreProvenThousands of deployed customer integrations acrossall industries and around the world at companies suchas Allianz, British American Tobacco (BAT),Amerisource Bergen, Emerson, Krueger International,Peets Coffee & Tea, PGP Corporation,, among many others.Customer #1Business Problem:Needed real-time, bi-directional integration betweenPROS and Oracle ERP for pricing and discount infoCompeted against: Custom codeSolution: Cast Iron provided real-time, bi-directionalintegration between PROS and Oracle ERPProjected Results: Integration completed in days;100% configuration-based, no codingCustomer #2Business ProblemNeeded integration between PROS and SAP for pricingand order entryCompeted against: Custom codeSolution: Integration between PROS and SAPResults: Integration completed in days; Cloud-basedintegration-as-a-service (IaaS)Qualification Questions Business Problems Solved Customer #3Business Problem:Needed integration between PROS and Oracle/SiebelCRM for customer master, order entry, orderstatus/modification and cancellationCompeted against: Custom codeSolution: Integration between PROS and Oracle/SiebelCRMResults: 360o view in PROS: quotes, orders, sales With which application(s) do you need PROSintegration? (i.e. ERP, CRM, and/or otherapplications) Whats your plan to mitigate risk associated withPROS integration? How are you providing centralized visibility ofinformation from within PROS, eliminating the needfor users to login and learn other applications?Who will support PROS integration when issuesarise (i.e. network configuration changes, credentialchanges, etc.)?Who will enhance PROS integration as yourenterprise data sources evolve?Data migration e.g.: PROS and CRM or PROS andERP systems Application integration with back-office applicationsincluding product and pricing information, ordermanagement and fulfillment systems Streamline the quote-to-order process Data extraction to reporting systems for historicalproduct information Data integration from ERP to PROS and from CRMto PROS And many more...Cast Iron Systems: Sales Cheat Sheet for
  • 2. Cast Iron Contact:John Whiteside, PROS Partnership Development Cast IronSystemsO: 1. 650.316.6071 | E: [email protected] Iron Systems: Sales Cheat Sheet for Account Master Customer information is initiallymigrated from your ERP system to PROS. New andupdated Customer information is then moved from ERP toPROS on a scheduled basis. Contact Master Contacts are kept synchronized betweenyour ERP system and PROS for Customers identified inyour ERP. Product Master Product information is initially migratedfrom your ERP system to PROS. New and updated Productinformation is then moved from ERP to PROS on ascheduled basis. Pricing Master Pricing information is initially migratedfrom your ERP system to a PROS Price Book. New andupdated Pricing information is then moved from ERP toPROS on a scheduled basis. Quote to Order As a Quote is approved, a Sales Orderwith Line Items details, based on the standard Price Book,is created in your ERP system.Objection HandlingObjection Why cant I custom code the integrationbetween PROS and the applications I have?Response Cast Iron OmniConnect is the onlycomplete solution (see Capabilities table at left).Custom code does not deliver the quality,reusability and scalability for applicationintegration. It is typically a people-intensive, one-offeffort that is performed to meet a specific businessneed in a tight deadline. For example, Cast Ironsproven low cost platform has enabled thousands ofcustomer application integrations thus liberatingthe IT staff to focus on more strategic projects.Objection Why Cast Iron over Fusion, Boomi,Informatica, and Pervasive for integration toPROS?Response On Demand Services, including Boomiand others, dont provide multiple deploymentmodels, real-time process integration, andenterprise/midmarket connectivity, among manyother capabilities (see Capabilities table at left).On Premise Tools, including Fusion, Pervasive,Informatica, and others, dont provide multipledeployment models, real-time process integration,and user-interface (UI) mashups, among manyother capabilities (see Capabilities table at left).Objection What is the cost of using Cast Iron?Response Cast Irons complete, proven, andtrusted approach to PROS integration allowcustomers to reap dramatic results. Customerfeedback indicates that Cast Iron delivers up to50% time and cost reduction via total connectivityand up to 80% time and cost reduction viacomplete reusability.UseCasesandConnectivity