Caseworker information pack - WhatDoTheyKnow

Caseworker information pack Office of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

Transcript of Caseworker information pack - WhatDoTheyKnow

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Caseworker information packOffice of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

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Foreword from Kathryn Hudson, the Deputy Ombudsman 4The organisation 4The role 4Are you the one? 4

The Ombudsman’s role, vision and values 5Our role 5Our vision 5Our values 5

Overview of the Caseworker role 6The different Caseworker positions 6

The work of an Assessor 7

The work of a Health Investigator 8

Hear From Our People 9Role 13Location 13Term 13Salary 13Pension 13Leave 13Hours 13Benefits 13Probation 13Travel 13Pre-employment checks 13Outside activities 14Equal opportunities 14Disability 14Data protection 14

Caseworker - job description 15Job purpose 15Key responsibilities 15

Caseworker–personspecification 16

Selection & assessment information 18Selection process 18Timing 18Interview and assessment 18

Recruitment stages 19Feedback 20Further information 20

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Thank you for your interest in the work of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) and for considering becoming a Caseworker in our Manchester office.

PHSO offers varied and challenging opportunities to people who want to make adifferencetosociety.Theworkwedoisextremely important in righting individual wrongs, informing public policy and driving improvementsinpublicservices.Inthelast year alone we have successfully dealt with around 24,000 enquiries, all of which received responses appropriate to their particularissue.

The organisation PHSO is committed to providing a high quality independent complaint handling service and to continually improving the way in which we work with the people that need ourservices.

We are committed to developing a diverse workforceofpeoplewhoarereflectiveofthevariedcommunitiesweserve.Ouremployees need to have the right levels of knowledge, skills and experience in order to understand and engage with the society in whichwealllive.

We help everyone who joins the organisation todeveloptheirskillsandcareerswithus.

The roleThe role of a Caseworker is one of continuous learning and is both challenging andrewarding.Caseworkershaveafundamental role in advising on the action tobetakenoncomplaintsmadetous.

The work is varied and can range from giving informed advice on how people can take their complaint forward to undertaking highlycomplexinvestigations.Caseworkersare involved in assessing complaints, and planning and progressing the investigations, bringing them to a timely conclusion on behalfoftheorganisation.

Are you the one? We understand the importance of making the right job choices and I hope that after reading the information contained within this pack, you will be able to decide whether you have what it takes to be a successful Caseworker at PHSO and share our commitment to the values of the organisation.Ifyoudo,welookforwardtohearingfromyou.

Foreword from Kathryn Hudson, the Deputy Ombudsman

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Our roleTo consider complaints that government departments, a range of other public bodies, and the NHS in England, have not acted properly or fairly or have provided a poorservice.

Our visionTo provide an independent, high-quality complaint handling service that rights individual wrongs, drives improvements in publicservicesandinformspublicpolicy.

Our valuesOur values shape our behaviour, both as an organisation and also as individuals workingattheOmbudsman’sOffice;theyincorporatetheOmbudsman’sPrinciples.

ExcellenceWe pursue excellence in all that we do, in order to provide the best possible service:

• we seek feedback to achieve learning andcontinuousimprovement;

• we use thorough and rigorous processes to reach sound, evidence-based judgments;and

• we are committed to enabling and developing our people so that they can provideanexcellentservice.

LeadershipWe lead by example so that our work will have a positive impact:

• we set high standards for ourselves and others;

• we are an exemplar and provide expert adviceincomplainthandling;and

• we share learning to achieve improvement.

IntegrityWe are open, honest and straightforward in all our dealings, and use time, money and resources effectively:

• we are consistent and transparent in our actionsanddecisions;

• we take responsibility for our actions and hold ourselves accountable for all that wedo;and

• wetreatpeoplefairly.

DiversityWe value people and their diversity and strive to be inclusive:

• we respect others, regardless of personal differences;

• we listen to people to understand their needsandtailorourserviceaccordingly;and

• we promote equal access to our service forallmembersofthecommunity.

The Ombudsman’s role, vision and values

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Caseworkers are central to providing an accessible, customer focused service that rights individual wrongs and improves public services.CaseworkersareanimportantlinkbetweenourcustomersandtheOffice,and are responsible for ensuring that we understand the reasons behind a complaint, gathering evidence to get a better view of what happened, and identifying appropriate waystoaddressandresolvetheissues.Therole is both challenging and rewarding, with the complaints we see often raising complex andsensitiveissues.

Caseworkers have the opportunity to make a difference to people’s lives by ensuring that organisations complained about recognise mistakes when they are made, take appropriate action to put them right and ensure that key lessons are fed back to improve the service they provide to the public.

Significantly,Caseworkersensurethatpeoplefeeltheyhavebeenlistenedto;thattheir concerns have been taken seriously andthattheyhavebeenaddressedfairly.

The different Caseworker positionsThe Deputy Ombudsman, Kathryn Hudson, is responsible for the management of theOperationsdivision.TheOperationsdivision includes almost all the casework staffandcomprisesoffivedirectorates.Thefivedirectorsaresupportedbyateam of managers who are responsible for Caseworkers;customerserviceandbusinesssupportstaff;andaReviewTeam,whoconsidercomplaintsmadeaboutourservice.

There are three different caseworker positions: Assessor, Investigator and Reviewer.AnAssessortakesacloselookata complaint to assess whether something has gone wrong and not been put right, and whether it can be resolved swiftly and withouttheneedforaformalinvestigation.If we decide that a complaint should be

formally investigated, it is then allocated to an Investigator, who is responsible for conducting a thorough, impartial and timely investigation.AReviewerwilllookatanycomplaint we receive from a customer aboutourserviceordecision.

Caseworkers are encouraged to move between the different roles to gain broader experience and develop their casework skills.

On this occasion we are recruiting caseworkers for the Customer Service and Assessment and the Health Investigations teams.

Overview of the Caseworker role

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As an Assessor you will be an early point ofcontactforacustomer.Assessorstakea detailed look at a complaint to assess whether something has gone wrong and has notyetbeenputright.Ifso,anAssessorwill then look at whether the complaint can be resolved swiftly and without the need for aformalinvestigation.

When receiving a new complaint, the Assessor will carefully go through the documents provided to get an initial understanding of the issues and determine whetherfurtherinformationisneeded.Many complaints involve large numbers of documents covering many different issues spanninglongtimeframes.Therefore,you must have excellent analytical skills to understand, identify and summarise the key issues in complex cases, identify whether something has gone wrong and spot any wider issues that may prompt the Ombudsman to carry out a formal investigation.

The Assessor will contact the complainant to ensure PHSO understands the complaint and to explain more about the role of the Ombudsman.Astrongfocusoncustomerservice is at the heart of what we do, so being able to communicate in a clear, professionalandsensitivewayiscrucial.Assessors are also expected to have a clear grasp on their caseload, and to be proactive indrivingprogressforeachone.

More often than not, the Assessor will need moreinformation.Thiscanincludetalkingto the organisation complained about, or seeking specialist advice from one of the Ombudsman’sclinicalorlegaladvisers.Anenquiring mind is essential, as you will be required to have strong questioning skills and an eagerness to get to the heart of the complaintquickly.

If the information gathered indicates that something has gone wrong and has not been put right, the Assessor will look at whether the complaint can be resolved withouttheneedforaformalinvestigation.The Assessor may ask the organisation complained about to do further work andwillneedeffectiveinfluencingskillsand the ability to establish good working relationshipstoachievepositiveoutcomes.

The Assessor prepares a report of their assessment and will make a recommendation about what action the Ombudsman should takeonthecomplaint.Assessorsregularlydiscuss their cases with colleagues and present their recommendations in person to seniorstaff.Youwillthereforeneedtobeabletopresentdifficultorcomplexissuesclearly and concisely, and provide persuasive arguments for proposals that are properly evidenced.Whenthedecisionismade,theAssessor will write to the complainant and clearly and sensitively explain the reasons fortheconclusionswehavereached.

What is described above is the process for eachcomplaint.AnAssessorwillhaveanumber of cases at any one time – with every complaint at a different stage of progress and having differing levels ofcomplexity.Wearecommittedtoproviding complainants with a substantive response within 40 working days for 90 per cent of complaints and Assessors are given challenging targets for completing assessmentsthroughoutthebusinessyear.Youmusthavetheabilitytoplanandmanage a demanding and varied workload, with minimal supervision, in order to achieveefficienthigh-qualityresults.

The work of an Assessor

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The work of a Health Investigator

An Investigator is responsible for carrying out a thorough, timely and fair investigation oftheconcernsraisedinacomplaint.TheirworkisattheheartofwhattheOfficeexiststodo.Investigatorsmayworkoneitherhealth or parliamentary complaints, but on this occasion we are recruiting to our health teamsonly.

Investigatorswillfirstfamiliarisethemselveswith the case and contact those making the complaint, as well as those whom the complaintisabout.Theinvestigatorwillconsider the scope of our investigation, and, in health cases, with input from our clinical advicecolleagues,plantheirinvestigation.Once a plan is agreed by senior staff, much of the investigation will involve gathering andanalysingevidence;lookingtoseewhat should have happened, what did actually happen and what the impact on the complainant was of any difference between thetwo.Oftenworkingwithcomplexclinical records, NHS policy statements and national clinical guidelines, Investigators may also need to meet and interview the NHS staff involved or the complainants bringing thecomplaint.

In health cases, Investigators will work closely with clinical advisers, who will provide insight into any clinical issues raised inacase.Similarly,theremaybelegalissues raised, and our Investigators will workwithourlegalteamasnecessary.AswithothercaseworkrolesintheOffice,Investigators are expected to have a clear grasp on their caseload, and to be proactive in driving progress forward in each case, overcominganydifficultiesorchallengesastheyarise.Investigatorswillprovidehigh levels of service to those involved in complaints – on both sides – to keep them up to date on progress, involved in our process, andconfidentinthethoroughnessandindependenceofourwork.

If the evidence gathered indicates that something has gone wrong and any resulting

injustice has not been put right, the Investigator will look at what needs to be donetoaddressthis;bothfortheindividualandalsoforfutureusersoftheservice.TheInvestigator will prepare a detailed report of their case, and will make a recommendation about what action should be taken to resolve thecomplaint.Investigatorsregularlydiscuss their cases with colleagues and present their recommendations in person toseniorstaff.Theymaybeaskedtomeetthose involved in a complaint to explain our findings.Youwillthereforeneedtobeabletopresentdifficultorcomplexissuesclearlyand concisely, both in writing and orally, to provide persuasive arguments for proposals that are properly evidence based and linked tonationalstandards.Theremaywellbea high degree of explanation and discussion with those involved in the case to persuade themofourfindingsandthesoundnessofour recommendations for improvements, sotenacityishelpfultoo.Finally,onceaccepted and reported on, Investigators will consider whether the action taken by the organisation to address any systemic issuesidentifiedinthecaseissufficient;again, effective working with our clinical advisers and, at times, colleagues in national regulatorswillbenecessary.

What is described above is the process for eachcomplaint.AnInvestigatorwillhaveanumber of cases at any one time – with every complaint at a different stage of progress andhavingdifferinglevelsofcomplexity.Weare committed to providing complainants with a substantive response within 12 months for 90 per cent of complaints and Investigators are given challenging targets for completing investigations throughout the businessyear.Youmusthavetheabilitytoplan and manage a demanding and varied workload, with minimal supervision, in order toachieveefficienthigh-qualityresultsthatretainpublicconfidenceintheOffice.

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I wanted to join the Ombudsman to deliver sometangiblebenefitsforthepeople.Themost appealing aspect of the organisation for me is that it is in the public sector and clearly makes a difference to people’s lives andtheworldaroundus.

It’s a very challenging role and I’m always verybusy.

It takes time to compile and complete all the things necessary to assess a complaint andmakearecommendation.OnmostdaysI generally have quite a few complaints to assess that are at various stages along the process,butIfindthejobintellectuallystimulating.

I need excellent analytical skills, to be able to manage a heavy workload, and I needtobeverywellorganised.Manyofthe complaints I deal with involve a large number of documents, which cover many differentissuesoverlongtimeframes.Ihave to be a good oral communicator too, as most cases deal with very sensitive issues that need to be dealt with in a professional manner.

Iconstantlyneedtousemyinfluencingskills, as one of the fundamental aims of our work is to achieve a positive result without havingtogotoafull-blowninvestigation.

Most importantly, it’s my writing skills that enablemetodomyjobwell.Writingupinformation and presenting it to senior management for discussion is one of the mostcrucialaspectsofthejob.

Youhavetobetherighttypeofpersontobe a caseworker – it is a very challenging roleandyouhavetobepreparedforthat.

Sometimes it can be frustrating if you have to get a lot of complicated cases resolved andwanttogetagoodresult.

But ultimately for me it’s about getting good results for people – that’s what really motivatesmeonadaytodaybasis.DidI mention that my colleagues are really friendly and helpful?

Hear From Our People

Will, Caseworker, Assessment Team

“It’s about getting good results for people”

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Before joining PHSO in October 2011 I worked for the Legal Ombudsman and the ProbationService.IwasattractedtotheCaseworker role at PHSO because I had heard it was a good place to work and they hadtheInvestorsinPeopleaccreditation.I also wanted to help put things right for people and contribute to supporting improvementsintheNHS.

My contact based work at the Probation Service has helped me in my role at PHSO, as I have learnt to deal with people from all areasofoursociety.

When I joined PHSO I was allocated an Advisor, who is always happy to help and supportme.Myteamandmanagerarealsoreallyapproachable;especiallywhenI’masking about the NHS, having not covered thisareaofcaseworkbefore.Itisgoodworking in a culture where colleagues are so friendly and approachable – things get sortedoutquickly.

To take the role I also moved from BirminghamtoManchester.Flexibleworkingwas really helpful when I was looking for aflat.It’salsonicetosometimesleaveearlier on a Friday when visiting family for theweekend.

The work is very structured and the processesarerigid.AtfirstIfoundthistooktime to get used to, but I’ve been impressed with how that protects complainants and howfairthatmakestheoutcomes.

I’ve found that the information you require to assess a case is not always that easy to read or even obtain, but my training has already helped me improve how I identify and summarise key information, as well as my report writing and general casework skills.

It’s good that I can use my skills to help someone.Icanhelppeoplefeelthattheyhave been listened to and that I have shown fairness to all and I can right wrongs where theyarefound.

New Starter Profile

Louise, Caseworker, Assessment Team

“Colleagues are so friendly and approachable”

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Richard, Assessment Team Manager

“This really is a great environment to work in.”

Ultimately, the qualities I’m looking for in my Assessors are good written and oral communicationskills.MuchofwhatanAssessor does is written work, which has tobeofahighquality.Youneedtobeable to write well and present complicated information, both orally and in writing, in aclearandeasytounderstandway.Youalsohavetomanagedifficulttelephonecalls with complainants and utilise your influencingskillswhendealingwith,forexample, government departments or NHS trusts.

I think the other key quality I’m looking for is great analytical skill – you need to get to the bottom of very complicated cases quickly, and to do that you must process a lot of information and make sound, evidene-basedjudgements.

Managing your own caseload is a key part of therole.OurAssessorshavetargetstomeetand need to be able to produce quality work inveryshorttimescales.Ontopofthatyouneed to be comfortable working and talking with a broad range of different people, and

sharingyourknowledgeandexperience.Ineed team players who are happy to help out across the team and the organisation as awhole.

I’m looking for someone who is keen and proactive – you need energy, commitment, driveanddetermination.Youneedtobethe sort of person who is eager to help individuals and who wants to make a difference to public services and those who usethem.

In return for the qualities we expect from you,weofferagreatdealback.Lookingbeyondtheorganisationalbenefits,thisreally is a great environment to work in.Theorganisationisalwayschanging,innovating and learning from experience –wedon’tstandstill.Ifyou’retherightperson and relish the opportunity of beinginahighprofileorganisation,andspecificallyasanAssessorbeingattheforefront of the complaint handling process, then the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsmanisdefinitelytheplacetobe.

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Before joining PHSO I worked in the legal servicesindustry–Iamanoverseasqualifiedlawyer.

I have always wanted to be able to contribute to the community in which I was living.IwasattractedtoPHSObecauseit offers me the ability to be an active participant in making a difference to the lives of individuals and to improve the services being provided by the government tothepublic.

I joined PHSO in March 2009 and worked asanAssessor.IthenbecameaHealthInvestigatorinSeptember2009.Bothrolesare rewarding but they involve different interactions with the organisations in jurisdiction and the complainant, and differentspeedsofworking.

In your role you are constantly being made to think of areas where you would like to personallydevelop.PHSOprovidescoursesto enable this and you can constantly improveyourskillsandlearnnewones.There is a supportive network that surrounds you.Itisanenvironmentthatencouragessharing of learning and an understanding of how your work contributes to the vision of theOffice.

AsanInvestigator,itisvitaltobeanalytical.The majority of the work you do is as an individual, so you must be able to communicateconfidentlyandpersuasively,both orally and in writing, to a variety of stakeholders.Youhavetohavegoodtimemanagement, as you carry a large caseload andtherearemanycompetingpriorities.Above all else, you need to be empathetic in your dealings with complainants, many of whom are bereaved or have had a frustrating experience with the organisation complainedabout.

Beingthefinaltierofthecomplaintsprocess, we are a complainant’s last chance to secure a satisfactory closure to theirconcerns.Whenwecandothisitisimmensely rewarding and seeing the effect that my work has on the lives of individual complainants and the public is one of the bestthingsaboutmyjob.However,itisnotalwayspossibletosatisfyeveryone.

If you enjoy working as an individual, can communicateconfidently,havegoodtimemanagement skills, are prepared to think objectively and be challenged, then a caseworker role at PHSO might just be for you.

Alana, Caseworker, Health Investigations

“Above all else, you need to be empathetic”

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RoleWe are currently looking to recruit Caseworkers across Assessments and Health Investigations.

LocationCentral Manchester

Term Appointmentsareusuallypermanent.However, appointment on a secondment basis for up to three years may be considered,onagreementofspecificterms and conditions with the successful candidate, the successful candidate’s employerandPHSO.

Salary The starting salary for this post will be £36,500.

Pay awards are usually effective from 1Augusteachyear.However,inlinewithother public sector organisations, there will benopayincreaseuntilAugust2013.

Pension PHSO operates the Civil Service Pension Scheme which for new joiners offers a Career Average Earnings Related Scheme orDefinedScheme.Furtherdetailsareavailable on the Civil Service Pensions

Leave The annual leave allowance is 30 days per year,excludingpublicholidays,and2.5extrastatutorydays.

Hours Full-timehoursare36hoursperweek.

BenefitsOurbenefitspackageisunderconstantreview but the main things you’ll be able to enjoy include:

• prestigious central London and central Manchesteroffices;

• competitive rates of pay and performance-relatedrewards;

• 30days’annualleaveand10.5publicandextrastatutorydays;

• goodemployeepensionscheme;

• seasonticketandbicycleloans;

• freefluvaccinationsandeyetests;

• childcarevouchers;

• employer contribution to gym membership;and

• employee assistance provider for both youandyourfamilymembers.

Inadditiontothebenefitsshown,asanemployer we are strongly committed to the learning and development of all staff and arerecognisedasanInvestorinPeople.

Probation Probationisforaperiodoftenmonths.Appointmentswillbeconfirmedwhenthisperiodhasbeencompletedsatisfactorily.

Performance management

PHSO’s performance and development reviewcyclerunsfrom1Aprilto31March.

Travel Sometravelonofficialbusiness,normallywithin England, and between the London andManchesteroffices,maybenecessary.

Pre-employment checks All offers of employment are conditional subject to PHSO pre-employment checks, whichincludereferences;aCriminalRecordsBoardcheck;andhealthassessment


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forfitnesstowork.Insomecasesitmaybenecessary for a medical assessment to take place.

Outside activities Crown servants may not take part in any activity that would in any way impair the effectiveness of the work of PHSO, or engage in any occupation which may conflictwiththeinterestsofPHSOorbeinconsistentwithyourofficialworkoftheoffice.Subjecttotheseconditions,workofa minor or short-term nature (for example, vacation or after-hours work) will normally be allowed, provided that prior permission issought.

There are certain restrictions that apply:

• standing as a candidate in parliamentary electionsisprohibited;

• standingforlocalauthorityelections;

• canvassingonbehalfofcandidates;and

• expressing views on matters of political controversy in public speeches or publications require prior permission fromPHSOandmayberefused.

There is also a requirement to declare involvement in any activity where you have anactualorpotentialconflictofinterests.

Equal opportunities No employee or job applicant will receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of age, colour, disability, ethnic or national origin, gender, marital status, political opinion, religious belief, sexual orientation, trade union activity or any other relevant factor, or be disadvantaged by any condition or requirement that cannot be shown to be justifiable.

Disability ThetermdisabilityisdefinedintheEqualityAct as a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term effect (that

has lasted or is likely to last for a period of twelve months or more) on the ability to carryoutnormalday-to-dayactivities.

Usually only the highest-scoring applicants progress to the next stage of therecruitmentprocess.However,anydisabled applicant who applies under the Guaranteed Interview Scheme (GIS) and who meets the minimum selection criteria willautomaticallyprogresstointerview.This also applies to selection testing (where testing is used as part of the shortlisting processpriortointerview).

To meet the minimum selection criteria, a candidate must demonstrate that they have the competencies, technical ability, experienceandqualificationsrequiredfortherole.Youwillneedtouserealexamplesto answer the questions in the online application form in order to evidence your abilities.Failuretodothiswillmeanyourapplication will not progress to the next stage.Ifyouhaveanyquestionspleasedonothesitatetocontactus.

A false declaration of a disability under the GIS in order to obtain an interview, which results in employment, may invalidate your contractofemployment.Ifyouthinkyouhave a disability but are unsure, then you may wish to consult your doctor before completing the relevant section on the applicationform.YoumaywishtodeclareadisabilitybutnotapplyundertheGIS.Where a disability is declared, we will make all reasonable adjustments to accommodate yourneeds.

Data protection PHSO will record the information given for the purposes of recruitment and selectionmonitoring.Theinformationwill be processed for the purposes of HR administration and statistical evaluation only.

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Caseworker - job description

Job purpose As a Caseworker you will be responsible for providing advice to complainants and their representatives about the complaints process and for assessing complaints consistently and strategically to decide whether the Ombudsman could, and should, investigate.

Key responsibilities• Gather appropriate and proportionate

information to enable sound, robust and reasoned judgments to be made on cases, identifying those issues that need to be taken to senior managers for discussion.

• Providelogical,succinctandjustifiedanalysis on complaints, and progress cases in line with PHSO’s policy and guidance.

• Consistently seek ways to resolve complaints quickly and effectively, and inacustomerfocusedmanner.

• Produce high-quality written work that clearly sets out sound, robust and evidence based conclusions, and that followestablishedguidance.

• Effectively manage a personal caseload, planning effectively to achieve or exceed servicestandardsandpersonaltargets.

• Identify and document risk in casework, and ensure that there is an appropriate mitigation plan in place to facilitate the completion of casework and reduce the possibility of the risk occurring or recurring.

• Keep full, accurate and up-to-date records and audit trails on the case management system and on paper caseworkfiles.

• Communicate effectively with complainants, both orally and in writing, ensuring that communication is customer focusedandfitforpurpose.

• Communicate effectively with external organisations and stakeholders to resolve complaintsefficiently.

• Share themes, learning and knowledge across the team and directorate to develop knowledge management within PHSO.

• Demonstrate an understanding of the external context within which PHSO operates including, where appropriate, building relationships with external organisationstoimprovetheinfluenceand accessibility of PHSO in line with the ExternalRelationsStrategy.

• Contribute to meeting team, directorate and organisational objectives, as well as personal objectives, by undertaking cross-Officeactivitiesandassistingwitheventsandprojectswherepossible.

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Competence We are looking for experience of:

Delivering Quality Outcomes Excellent Analytical Skills

Analysing complex written material that may be lengthy, inconclusive and hard to understand (or relate to technical issues), identifying and summarisingkeyissues.

Identifying appropriate and/or necessary action from the analysis to achievepositiveoutcomesforindividualsoranorganisation.

High Quality Work Deliveringthorough,high-qualitywork.

Demonstrating focus and tenacity to deliver agreed high-quality outcomes.

Confidentlyprogressingworkinlinewithestablishedproceduresandguidance, that meets expected quality standards and requires little or nocorrectionfromothers.

Working Together Customer Focus A strong commitment to providing appropriate and timely solutions to


Ability to, and experience of, adapting the approach in order to meet theparticularneedsofthecustomerandachieveagoodoutcome.

Managing relationships with customers and colleagues by listening attentively, probing, showing empathy and feeding back to check understanding.

Ability to understand, and adapt to, the particular needs of the customerinordertoachieveagoodoutcome.

Communication Skills, including abilitytoInfluenceand Persuade


Regularly producing written work that is concise, clearly addresses the issuesandprovidesjustifiableconclusions.




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Competence We are looking for experience of:Working Collaboratively

Working with colleagues and/or stakeholders in order to successfully achieve outcomes, and being able to show how you personally contributedtothesuccess.

Providing clear and constructive feedback to colleagues, and being willing to challenge when necessary, whilst maintaining the relationship.

Sharing knowledge, information and learning across your team and otherareasoftheOffice.

Managing Self Positive Attitude and Commitment

Taking responsibility for your own personal development and demonstrating how you have improved your skills and performance throughyourproactiveapproach.

Demonstratingacommitmenttoorganisationalvalues(withspecificreference to PHSO’s values) and when you have used those behaviours withinyourwork.

Planning and Organising

Managingapersonalworkloadinanefficientandproactivemannerto achieve or exceed service standards and personal targets, without promptingbymanagers.

Using strong organisational skills to plan and progress your work in the mostefficientmanner.

Managing competing priorities and keeping abreast of each individual tasktoensureeachitemiscompletedtoanagreedtime.

Supporting the Business

Flexibility and Continual Service Improvement


Demonstrating a track record of identifying different or new ways to approachyourwork(ortheworkofyourteam)inordertorefineorimprovetheserviceyouprovide.

Professional Context

Establishing an understanding of external developments relevant to yourareaofbusinessandtakingthisintoaccountinyourwork.

Having knowledge of the functions of government departments or the NHSandthecontextinwhichtheyoperate(Desirable).

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Selection processIn order to apply for the position of Caseworker with PHSO you will need to completeanonlineapplicationform.Ifyou are unable to complete an online application form due to a disability please contactus.Whereadisabilityisdeclared,we will make all reasonable adjustments to accommodateyourneeds.

Completing the application form

It is important that you provide as much information as possible in your application within the word constraints set for each competency.PHSOislookingforparticularexamples of when you have demonstrated the competence in the past, what your rolewasandwhatwasachieved.Theseexamples may be from a work environment, educational or other context, but they shouldbeasrecentaspossible.

The following documents, which form part of this pack, are of particular relevance when you complete your application form:

• Jobdescription

• Personspecification

• Recruitmentstages–timeline

To meet the minimum selection criteria, you must demonstrate that you have the competencies, technical ability, experience andqualificationsrequiredfortherole.Youwill need to use real examples to answer the questions in the online application form in ordertoevidenceyourabilities.Failuretodo this will mean your application will not progresstothenextstage.Ifyouhaveanyquestions please do not hesitate to contact us.

TimingA detailed candidate timeline, showing the stages of the recruitment process, has been created and is shown as part of the ‘Recruitmentstages’.

Youshouldnotethedatesshownfortheonline testing and interviews, as it is unlikelythatthesecanbechanged.

All applications for this role will be shortlisted.However,inpreviouscampaignssuch as this we have received large numbers of applications, so it is possible that you might pass the shortlist but not achieve ascoresufficientlyhightobecalledtointerview.

Interview and assessmentIf you are successful following shortlisting, you will be invited to undertake a series ofonlinetests;thedetailsofthesewillbeprovidedwiththeinvitationtothisstage.

Following shortlisting and testing, a number of candidates will be invited to an interview and assessment will take place in our ManchesterofficelocatedatTheExchange,NewYorkStreet,ManchesterM14HN.

The interview will be a panel interview, comprising three panel members, who will askcompetency-basedquestions.Youshoulduse examples of your experience in your answerswhereverpossible.

Selection & assessment information

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Recruitment stages

Shortlisting13 August – 3 September

Online Testing13 – 24 September

Case Study & Interviewsw/c 15 October

Conditional Offer25 October

Application26 July – 13 August

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Feedback Please note that due to the large number of applications we receive, PHSO does not provide feedback on applications declined attheshortlistingstage.

If requested, PHSO will endeavour to providefeedbackfollowinganinterview.

Further information Information about PHSO can be found at

Ifyouhaveanyspecificquestionsaboutterms and conditions or about the recruitment process, please email the Recruitment Team on [email protected].