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c ADYEITIS lll . - HARBOR GRACE, NEWFOUNDLAND, S A. T URD A.Y, JANUARY 29,1881. .NUM:BER 8 XXII ./ Advertisements. Advertisemen t s. BOOKS QUE EN Ins ur a, noe Co.m.pany. ,S uitable for Pre se nts. -o-- Out" nri rid• Po rtrait l'aioto:s from Sir Peter J r ly to .!: uno• 16 illnstrlllions with .l.,, e-ip•i•·o :\'ld notices by Ed- r.Hlllrl Olllcr. l'i·turrs b,· Wtlli.-.m :\lul rc:\rly, 11 .\ ., with nn,J " ekctcb of : ho I' .oin:cr b 1 J omes Da!Tcrno J'a •t1rc. b,· ('h uks Lealie, R. A. , w1t h d.,..Cri;ni on3! 1:'1 In biot::mphicnhke tch of the p oiut c r hy .J:\mC3 CAPITAtr-£2,000,000 Sterling. QUEE N INSU1UNCF: BUILDI NG, LIVERPOOJj; -AND-- QUEE N N CI!: BUT f .- DTNGS, GO Gll.\m:Cll URC! ll STRRF.'l', ( ANNUAL RE· PORT. B irket 1' nMc r'd p ictu ro ;; of Eoglislt hnd- AC \ !'C hr bro th.,rs D11bicl.) in ,·,·t.ll ' by T uno n .. ,,f l.nnol l<'1J•t• olt:\wn by 'l'lH) RIIJlOn nnri A CX'onn ts for the Bi• by Ul\l£id Urothcr a year I 87 8, pr cscn u,tl t.o thl\ Shnroho!Jors . J. E. 1·:\':t l lS. &c.. nt tho Annnr \1 J\IPAti ng,on Tue..,dny, 27th tltc in lr o•l:\lld tlrawn by .l 8i 9,nt wloiclo Uc rmu• ol FTnll , £&1 ·· Th C' r,·•" i, ·'o . ll A. Eu on ttlouwc•l, in t ho Di, · idc nd nnol !';i':·!. "1 'h jt>Hi n :_:-o. I' t f 1 T il f rc:H. ill :"t r.11..: I ia1• Si r .John '' 1 11115 U t 18 ra te t o;:tl' th e t• o 5 I" •· c; .n, ·· c. ll.arn.·•. w.u: &ott, II. e:-nt. WIUI dcolnred, £14,035 being Cll ( · . .::,., ..., •. \\'. S on oil. & ·. t orwnnl, !.,,,·,·, fr ... u .., ! n' .. <.'• litt'.l lr,· l F lll E BRANCH, C"J."t ";tl, :;ttt hy t ho for 1878, ni ter :0.1'!' l ool l...:rt. L. .\. I de JucLt ll" fl lllliUI1l rt.CCH to 11,, .\ hy the P oolJ!, .l f16,2i {. boi ng nn of .£5 3!1 I I :mol ." , .. , ., , uy :\ lacl.:ny, 0 \"l)r tho Pr e miUUI Tncomcof Is -; .• no tllulrntcd w11h 1ua .. ,. . ' , n l' rincc of th.: llotm · of OM· i, J. or tho to 1'15.16 \"•"""' in the ll oh· l "it t,,· tho· He •· .. 1. II. J lOI" cont. on tho Pr c nunms of tho Year. ·l n_. rnh"uo, L. J.H·., wit!; uoionc rous illu,t m- IN TU E LIFE DI::P .A.RT;\li::NT, t ••""· 'l'lu1t P ol icies hnd !>Peu "11• ·: :'\l'w I hy tho f .>r ; nn.J tlu1L the j' ,ifo Fund. 1 . ... , .. .I. II. \\ '' "' "u.;mvcJ I hy lho uuaol o to it ns tho t• cstll t It : hu ll ro th,•rR}) 1111• 1. 1 , T 11 l' upu hr :\!It''"' lf i,t ory. hy th.: '; '" yea•· H n ow :\ . 1 .. 111 i. or rl >.: l!.: 13 t ,,f o l..o n, b ,· I ll • . .I l><>cen t. o f t h e <' II L ir e uet Pr c mt :trll.ll .• 1. B. \Y•·hb. \\:th ill.,ot r.1: 1un< rc..:<;inxl on u\ ·c ry P oli cy 111 force. ..,,,.cl irom,lh\\ in;:- l11· \\". II. ll1rtl ct t. T .l. l' .. ro lr uf t ht· W o ·1, 1: C ·HIIpri• · The surplo:R 'Lnlulo Cc in the Fil "ll Ac· I •0.: !'en n 11! l'cnc I of Tm•·cl , 11 ho wn to be £I Oi, 59!l, o ut of lu .. 1, .\ h \.'tl l!Jt ' l' n1Hl , ..... ' kt ·h lws I fr ·•·• :\ .,: :ore i 1 \\"alt er (" .• i •nr · \,, whi.: 1 .£:?0.000 w ns I' )'IJI"Of'l"i:atcd to 1 .o .d. · "" '"JI{'Ilhi' Accmtnt, a -..iRi tog thnt A ccount l ".• o I 'Ill l.. i,• or ( '! o. H with to .c I " I, litH) 1111\k i ug wit h t ho Ht·· iol.o-t -.o i I•' 1 l-'•1n cl an• I l.l.. lato co C:.l rri eu fu1 wnad I ifc a ul \\" ,oJ; · ! ":. l '.,:o l. ! ,;:!{,000. I. :" ."\II I \\' "' uf l "ar.>t ;nut.l<;l .. J FU DS t; .. 1..1 4 1l. 1 r; opi1111 Paid up .. ...... .. ........... ... £t llll,03:i r 1. 0 1.'!\ Y I d ... J. t...• fl f c:,: I.· I ' H c:(C r\ 't! F uut f. ... .. ... ... ... 17 ·1 0:)0 ;: ,. _.,., ;-, 1: ll uo11 ·. i.y !! c c :,rt cs Foro · Fttnrl for l" ucarncd Premiums Ho: u(IO .. U1t l • k. 11. !'- , , ll bll\nco t·MncJ for ward . .... ... . .. .. . H .O:la I he· If.,.,, .. l.o:c til\• I ri M<: < " "''" Ufc Fttud..... .. . .. . .. :JOO, 1:1 1h·· ·. f . \uululv F'uuJ ..... .... .. ..... ... . .. 11 !,:;v })..,n1tl. 1: ,. ll. n\·m. ni'l" ot th•· ·· ·· ' . \ li ,:, . t :I· · o tAH i 4 ·• W .tl uu tl •. · 1' ·:·· •·· hue ' "d.,· S Ol ON 11., 111 ,. Y u! •· 1 ····o ol lr.l ( ;ene ml Agont for :\;lei. t h! 14 ' m·· Svu At..a:sTS : 1: :. lt. .1 •·l hy l!.l'; " P u• l·l. !J ll, •niL 1. 1n ·n l.•o:r ( (' :''""'·"lit I A. T. U HY.';DA LE, ;-lr. 1 •.!<, .J, . f• 111 11· ,.·· · I ; ,:·' l H ad>or Orn e!'. li e' '' "' ll io· t ul c .... ,. r...,J l ll lu rll\3· n. 0. S !l .E: I, \:'\ J.: C u. ' , .,, Pi .. 'J : •i •:t· l.:t. of Pr wt. t•. 1 .. , ., j,tA «" I .•• \' l 1 11111C' ( ,"' r 1 ,; ·' ·J f n o ur in I :h ,... ,! ,•' l'o t't hl n •lt•1.,: 1 1 S ,a l l , \. :1.t l l #•:nt: 111 th · ·· · .1 i riur- t hibJlings,. ' 0 ti •J ul J.,. ""Uta ! t }' ;\Lt..; .• li. h:ffu l\ 'cr; t The 11 ... . of t: ,•,ot: c.-.-.,ll-.4< Gol.l,•ll ll uu r•, Fnmily ll crnhl 'nt: ,.... 4:l; O ·•· u or P np"r; Kind \\ 'orJ ,; CI• "\Ckr l>o x: L ittle w •• t,• .. \ w:.kc: l.i·Jie Folki; T ht• F riend; 'l1ao F: nnrly \'t>i tJr; T loe l'11lc : To,., ) lat;:Uinc; T he ll riti•h Wo rk· lll \n; 'fbu Wor kwonlln : The 11n!l Arti'<lln ; Th e Ill\ ad of llopo Hevic" ·; The Uwu 'f hll Cbilol"s Comp . "lnion: T bc t; hiiJreu·s l 'leMuro Book ; Tbu l' mt- t ler f or llova ancl (. :iris . 'Tha Budge t fo r lloy& n11 •l Gmnd A nnunl for the yo uag, with !JO tlrnwin):!l. A :\ (e rr y ChrisCU\118 n. nd H11 ppy l'eu; A ll ou-.eful of Children. ·n, o Gem of A II P icture Uooks. 1- ' ris kr !lnd h i3 Fl oclc. Li ttlc Tot· & Trc um ry of urea nod Stories. ChristtllM Trc.Murie11. Snn•hino fo r dotll d11y11. :\l y l' el Book. Sl y O •m Ilook . The FI\: C in t.he OluL 'ine . \lolhcr Pierr.:. Assurance Com p any. F :XR.E L :XFE CAt ' ITAL--£ 3,000,000 Stg. PREm U MS •.. •• •..•.•..••... . U 03,()()( [,lft:: ,Jo. .•. .. .... •• . .. ••167,00( ... .• .• •• .• .•... .. . ..•...•• 101,00( ! ---- H EA D OFFICES : :lloorgnte St ree,. Au s:onx--3 Ki ng I nruran coe elf ccc don Prope rty io New. lv un •' ln nd nt C urro otRntes of Pre. r.: i um. of Applicntioo fur Fi r 11 nn1\ Lif o and 1\11 othrr ctn bo obl nined al t he O llico of A. 0 . TIA YWARO St. John'•, Agect lor Nlld Guardian FIRE & LIFE \ Advertis eme nts . THO MPSO N'S Medical Hal l. (E s t a b lished 1855.) roceh ·ed ! the Spri ng's Stock of NEW GOODS I tS{iiAlwny11 on bBnrl.,-n full supply nf .M I WWIN ES, DRUGS, TUII.ET AR'l'lCLE::i, J: c. WP11rtienl n1· n lt cntion pniJ to PRt : W holes.'lle ngc nt fo r J o hnston' a F l uiJ !kef. Tl.t · following nrc I!OCT. U of the pri11cipnl ite ms- En os Fttti L S11lt, Qmnine 'V ine K cut iug's P owders Eelrctdc O il 13.'\y ltu m. Bun 1;in o, Rts ing Run nt .. cltll.'ll•\ Rl 11llkl1·nd , Ohcunoia lk ine llr onY.O. Ould Lon£, UrunaiTiok ll o ock Lec.ra Y. lall ti c [ mli:o H 11lrl•ll r \"nr uiah t .:• Polish Urushus, H •11 Urual .. •s 1\ni! d() l'o<• th clo Sh:win:; do. vi i per do. iu bottles (;uun Pln.ato r , l:uld Cr cnm Cod Li\ ·c r 011 1•er )!nll uu •lo, in uo ttl oo Oressi na Comhs. Fi M Comba.Cannry Seed Cunccntrnted L ye, l$o ltlll Cvrk Crcnm nf Taroar, Glyccrino r 'u rnituru l'oli4h, Oluc, (:umunl•ic. tf oney l nfr mtf 1- \Jcclink Rottlcs, B rt' :tsl <Jlnsseo, u .,onc• Oluu. L OIIIIlll Limo Juice, Li tpwnco, lllnc hiue (lit M u ui lngc. Nii•Jlloa for Fet-.ling llo tt l i! l :S cat.sfout Oi l, Yel low Oolo r ca D ry ahnJc•. l>iJIO Cllly Po 1U Uoxca and Pink H uu t Pumice Stone. H usin. Snl. J'r uuello. Salaol Oil 1 >0 1 f;! t\ll <l n, d (). in hot doo •• f LlllllO II, s .. lt pct.r o. f; eidlitz l' owdc ra nuul Shellac, Snulf l wnns, Caalilo Sonp ·rho111pao n"a ll rown Windao•r du. Glyce ri no < lo . rarhr·nnlo <o ! Wast. Cryatnl Spiriut of 'fnrpuntino. Wuo Sp on :,:cs, Tnblo S.'\lt, Pl:taLen. A I cock ·a I'orQn& Tnrtnri c Acid l•:,.,enco nf Lumon, Too th l' mrder & Pouto a..:up11l Y nrni ah, Yinoga.r . Cllppcna of Lo ogwood. G.rnunJ do. r\d:tm"a lndinn Sah·o, \\' 1\hon a Allen's II ai r Reato,·cr. r\yor a Cl l\ lrry P cot <.oul , Ayor'a &tsCipr. r illn Jt .. d.u .y'a Hcsol nmL, Unttsl. Oil dn n cndy l:c liof, r achoua ll ro•rn'a D rouchial Trocbow. Flo ridn Wn ter ll rn•r a Chl uruJi no, Ayer"a U nt r Vigor, Childru11"• T u\'lhi ng Hin:;•, Ea. P" ppcwo inl I) enrys Cnl:incd n 'lllowny'a Ointono ut, Uol lo•rny '• l'ill• Cocklo'a f>illa, do Nortou'a do Pa rson'• do Ayer 'a do do 1 (3d.rRy'll do Wilaon'• do Anody'lo Liimonl Kcntinga Oougb Lozen ges do Wo rm TnblPta, MnaLBng Lin.imont Woodi l'e McLean"• :\l odicument um Morehe ad'• l\lagnetio P!ut-er Poor :Unn'• Friooo, a ''s Rat Poiaon flu ui.CI Salve. Spirit Fl:1111ts Sher idan '• Condi ti on l' owdor -- Ri mrn(\l'a Limo J uico and Olycorino. A l nrgc auortment ol R il mnct'a po rfume S inglotona Eye Ointme nt Wilaona Oberry Balaam, Viole t l'owder dn flno thi ng 1 Syn1p, do . Smok ing To h11coo, Pi pea . P aper )' o n•, P oocila ' \'riting i Uarloug lnka HILir P onc Ha Se"ting Wa.x, CigiU"'I Aniline Dyes in Od . GROCERIES : Green PCIU (eaon'lld ,) CoiJI, Olivea ( l•o ttlcd), Cigars, Ctgvrcttes Co rut>d Be<lf - 2 and 41b. tins. ll CshkcotCa Pictu re Book, contAining the young . ltclniniac•.mte§ Clud Anec do tes of celebrntod prenebers by Tboi nu J nekson Fo xe"a Book of )J.arLy'1, ill ustrt1tcd. Tho Choice ll umoroua Works or M11rlt Twru a Tho Completo Worlts of Cb.arlea F. Browne "Artom\18 \Vard.." AssW9.e Comp'ny OF LONDON. Boat Ornund Coffefl, Sago An-owroot 1 l'oarl DMiey Candied Fluourin« Eueneca do. Lotoon lro. . 'l'tte Wo rks of Bret in Proee nod PooLry ill uat;nt.ed. ESTABLTSllED 1821. do. Orunge do. 8 (1ttled Frnih J .. ruJ, J ft llioa, Mar ma!J. do, Uan nod Oyators Onudcnaed Mille, 'Prellernd Beef . I Miscellane ous. .......... ::r: .. -- G ALLANT RESCtrz IN :rztm-OOEAN. Row the Crow of a S hipwre: ke:l Vessel wo"' Saved by the Oune.rcl or " Pnr- ' !•i•n do i t. \ "t.rlalltcerw were fort hcom- 1 1oe t•nlcr WM • &It &n<J ollel\k'J themJC! va in the Clod t loc t hird \\'nl. \\ took b ia in tltc at.ern- •hecLI. 1 t waa o ne of t ho•c mo10e nta whtn tho l mlvtat maCI in t he world " ill hold hia h. . There awatog t bia bo.'\t'• c:tew at- b 11t aiJo lo t>n•nre rlah ie which llre her loy t.ho ti"Mty \\' bat vroouluently itolt'rt'jlll 111 now ho• vc•·..,r, is tbo nlli\wie of Grc..-ce aud i utentiou w appropriato a of ClOd .Eri rua l>y force. Sbould come to a con8ict wo aitlfM wilneu t-he r e-opeoiog of t he l::ut-ero crioll.a io ittJ bro."\deat aenee. Bulgaria, Set'l'ia, llouonel i11.. twd Mooteoegro would & >. 'llin be in a &tll to o r c lfel"'l'eseence and K ul!llia with. t::oglaod, oow ahnya re.\d.Y l<1 do her a<Jn•aee aafl nunl, would aoon como fo r"arll tJl break t brough t he limit.- which t he Ucr lin Trel:tf put to tlr6 Trnty of SAn SLefaoo. I n t-his CMII' \?e •blfllld bo con - frnnt t"ol by tho dans:-cr or niJ uxtensive A DU eo o0tll(tnljoo. Lbo <lnva l-1 ; t ho coda of tho fnlle iu t hd ( lAndou Tru9roplt. ) hclOc:lil of men wllitioc: for the r l<>bt se cood Quite 1\ very aud i n- to .... y. One dMk 11piritin11 dnuua ltn, u ce n cunctc<l on t he e..-ell, In hu,:e mountnios o f ITatcr, hi;:h O n B S.'\tU ro lny t loo ell - rose nnol u nk l>elon; too IDUCh hurry, t he kuo,..n st cnmship J'. Jr thitl wna be- delay, :wy of co .. lnl'l!S, of \ \'e sec a rippliD!f at her stem, 11n oozing t"C!t'll · 100 nnd f>OIJ miles fro:u tlru mc ut, of pcrcillll. inn of t he cxnctly f rom her a ides: W o :. n of lrclnod, l1t wina Fnilcd fro m duug to do. ClOd "M a hnudrc1lto oue if No ruo tiYe po\ferc:a.u ye t the port of ou t he previ ous :»tu r- the 111/U minute wd not the l(t'nt ly gliUtL \ Jftay. r.:: 601110 hourt :1 low b.UOlJICtCr luuJ united intO lind her Cf t"\V equnttc r- Jt is . the po 1YOt of etc:un d oth \Urniu:: of n ccmin;,: l(ah :. T he nod droovuin!: nmong tho . .•taoud bestow, was on the port quntLer, with fhll duo cowmanr.l was coolly t he \\ b1ch onco Wll3 1 111 empt y n lo ufo! followang aca, over which undl!r tho of thu rnttl < r.l on t heir but no•v i ta powcra we know. I itupul•ll of pro pelle r ft nd C:.n , as t ho a mJ t he OOAL s:uok do,. u to tho ., , 1 hull of tho edg•·· A vna t R"•cll hove her hiJ;h, ftlruon If );dson bmvo or Coll mgi'IOOd could nalt etc:u:Jijluu like 1\ l ocomo th ·e rni•" n" to c hc l r• vcl of the \dt·•r·• •Ire 11nJ C:&rlh A"lllll f l' b tJ I " Q . ,. . • . n rod• u t 011 nt he r lxHva nnd c.1 n •in r• bcec. 1111d quick u m•>rt'\1 hnn ls And vt c•v. ou r. fpleutlad. llnLlsh fle et nil thl! green, l(i:L&s·c!QIIr watn witb b e';. can mo\·u the hlocl:s were uubookt.. "'l -but , • 0 .o r the 00 10 · . st•·m into t" 'O oil-5mootlo conobera, which on ly just in time. '.rbco " at ro ng .Oo • o l hey d woutl erwcor, li nd l:lJ It uroke j ast . the forl!·ti;::;iuz 1\nd olr() \" C c lear, Clad in n w awc ut abe \Till a boo n. . I r ushcJ with R whirln n• l brillittllt"V of f<la ou was A nd vow t lo l\1 t hey bad baoJ thc1r day A to j uin t he 11110 w l;ue of t ho co:tliUry too euou. \fnl:c 1\l t.crn; IVI\8 " - ky, m:. \ntsc; ron TilE Wlt£CK Tho tn!: ine ial\s a t 'ting 38 e"c r IT:Ll t he 111 null aut! uu- -now ns th ough oh o h11d oo•n Bt'l in motion d.:r at, liku n 8CAtt erm:; of brown 11110 1:<' . wholly e wnlluwcd up hy t ho t..'ll JI.JI atrn e turo p ;tulcJ many who of it b:uo the arutl went llo3tinll twiftly. Jo tho 8fJMklin:; ri d;.:o thnt roso be twceo'her runl littl e notion &ou tb nud west t he upcct of thu !J ca , •o ua t he 8lt3l!.t r, then to J)cd liken rork IIJlOU 3 A thl ,• loco 'tis full speed it ia 3 wns port\'llto•ta ,•ith n h• nol cn rn ollnt .. iuous pi llu.,cf..:, "itlo hnlf her L:•:d n ftil!l: t _ •h ;llolucil3 of color B od a of horizon as 011t of wMer. 'lw h·ul been well 11tockc.l \\ "ork Mit tho long d 3 y il"su e v..:r sh.arply M n rul iull in iook. The " itlo lines nnd lifc·buoyd, for it \TM pluinly tireu at ni,.lot.. !l"lll "M lo come trom this qnAr- tl o ntth u pour int: l'll wo uld . " tcr ; nu d, aurc cnou 11 h, lie fo ro ci:: ht permit her to come IYidoi n of antt 1n t ho atokehole t.'ke a 11ad aeo iu the D.ftcruooo Wlttch it was i.lowiog tuo bnrquo, 1111d t be au3pCn!IC tbc how look tl.orc, p. u. •cnJ,:cts :aonouu t c<l to nn ft£Ony " ' You".! aurt·ly ll<l JcliK hted when you aeo " n t:KitiCAS"£ wotulcrcd witlo in t hcm\clvc• how those those mun 10 fGir. the S . W. Th\l f ury of the '"ind 1nilors lfOulrl rc iCUil tho poor l wlpl con \\"ith aho vcl. p:·lck a 11J r akt, auc!J n l")l\l ter raued II t rcm .. ndous sen. T he /'tlrthia mn cn•Murca who •utched t hcon from t he nnd n diu , for n time; but ruu 11in.c is not tho remedy f"nmy of W hils t e• ve11t down their faco P.r uc: ri lit'<t to c:lpt:Jna who oro c .• in ·' I wr.,ck. T hey tho boat fr om fon:h .. nd to tiro obin. ctrcolnr d!Orm. nnrl ahort ly uft e r ·I . nnd rca ppcnrin):, t\10 >"l! ry pula:o. t ion of Seo enginee rs •rith bosy tlepa nnd voices loud nod clear Gi\ ·iug orr.lcrs to 1be atokcholc IYb ilat t hey tcml t 1 oe s tnrt inu I!Cnr: I nose t hOJ<' .a w p-nlves, co mc, look nlin•, my o Qw "11 i.a aot,v&'3 ,. .. uug ttae S!C'!UDing pa atiu . Keep up t he sl,nm, rnMC my l11d ; dou' t the lo•Y- Tho gftua;:q will incliQ:\te t he slellm, yon CtiU't )"OU know j W hen lllf.,ty-Yalv ea be,:iu to riae, tb c dnmpera you may close, o n t h" !Jonker. ouc of you-sec how t he water goes I" l'erhaps. you'd &. '1"a Donkey! wh:a t eyer CJ\n iL mean ? A D onke y in nn engine r ovm! tho like l' vo fJ e \"Cf lOt ti ." But not t he lon,c-enred animal as soon 1 ahall explain- 'l' ia 1\ perf\lctli tt ll.l t ba.tpompa wnter fro111 tbe umio. Aa the Wl\ter in t he b?iln is expended uy t he etu m Tbo d onk ey fills it up a;;nin, howe1 · o:r atra nli(O "t m11y see m, And pounps wa lor from tho whcuo'er it rises high; And .,boo tbu tan are acru!Jbing ol ccka ' twilll\ lsO th em ebpf'IJ. " Look to thoso bcarioga now, t ny 1 1\.d, and l.ct t he water ruo, Tboeco lubrillfttort w"nt more oil, you eee if a uearly dono; Com co "'bore·s the tallow ? a had 1 whnt hl\ve y ou been about ?" "l'Te only boon to w:arw it, air, it waa no good wit bouL" To aeo holT ma ny curiout (>llrla it takea to · mak e wbolo Would pnu lo ""Y l:awyer nod tnl\ke. bim think it droll. Th e re a rc wi tb pistoua that t rnvel toandfro; · And til us tho pooderoua ml\chiuc ita migh ty atreng tb !loth abo w. The e ng ine, too, hM mnof,ocke 11nd \':\I vee, M )'OU 01111 be IIWat Tb cre Arc dQnkey-coc , food-cocks, a nd blow-coclte, 1 d ecl 11re · llitehal):e-nl vca, alide-\ '1\lve&, and tb rott\e- valvea, 'lis lralo, S lide-jackqte an dt lid e- -boun ete which won't 100 or you, too, that kill tba neam wb eo it can do no more, And air -pumr- t-hat expel it w tho een with aullcn roar, t he lwlru of. the Rt\' lltnCr wu down nu•l I thei r hear111 nlmolt monw11ts h•r flJiu le tl to tho 80:1!. Tbc p:\Sl!C" lu·n the lictlo cmft ound u n J:•ra were belo w, !;i•lly 111\ "00 J> in to n prodi!:inus hollo w 1\.;'. l dnwn l>y order of Cnpt3io :\lc i\ Ryo, t h•• \\M lo11 to ••ic'"until J- reacn tl y they pcr- cowniAuder o! t he veucl, ao t h•t t hey ceived that tho meo L ad c.:u cd to row. shou ld not bo \YMioed O\"Crboard or drown- \f:lll then Recn thAt tltc ab o rd mnte 11'1\Jl bail- ed in tho ca bin& (nr h nw 0...... a"- ... __ · -- · - -- -.J; •• bm .. was po iutt'\1 Bt the ac :., ehe w..s t hey .aw one of tho ehiowrecked BlliiOM! jun ono IIIIJOt hcr of frmh fron1 tho to heave n c oil of lino wwnr<b tho boat; it the rud,le r-l oelld. Iter nu;:h t was ht, " life . buoy bent nn to it;; nod ''"'"C loo ked ).:NI C cfu l :11 11 hu t it bnuled AboArd tho wreck. To thla life Wt\S 1\ trcii\CUdOul CSJ'erienco IQ th 030 1\ ho buoy WM roocbetll\ Be<:Ond line, the CUd of hnd to keep Li nlc to ber dnuce. Evr ry no w "lucb \ YM retnincd by th o pcopl u io th o Aut! t hen s bc .. .'".tiM.h"' n whole bo:at. Ouc of tho me n o u the wr.:ck .. . 'llon,: II Ill jll5t U yo.a Til£ LifE I U:O\" 0\"E.Il Ill ' SIIOIILDCIIS dop n p.11l auto watc r-n sen thnt uu- tlll!dill!dy turoeJ tbo d ecks i 11to nnd in nn irl.'t3nt fhana hlmsclf into tho 1'01\ 1\lld ,..,., I c:lrduiiJ iuto A S.\L\t.L n ,\ GISG OCt:. IS tho boM. 'J he Htrlhia"pM-'l'lli;O n! now "" hizh M n mnn"A w:t iat. As s he r olled und..:r$tood how t he me u were to be hCI the funous tiuo n. ;..'lti nat her On e by ooc thea uipw rcckcJ ael\mcn leDpcd loul .. llrk8. wloere it broke iooto s nnL c into the •u ter. un til eleven of lla eu1 bnd \Y:\1 0\"11\)" in d :ouliR, lil:o volu rucs or been drn:::Rcd into the l'. orthic o"• bot\t. Th is ateturo, for n whole c.ablo lcn)(t lo natcrn. n umber m•de n lvnol, nml, with 1\ rltcet'\ ' cnll ·1 be and at rni uing of t he hull, the to tlioao who were to " he l.ochi nd ·f or n lHJllow, mufll cd. uotcs of the I'll· s hor t '"hile, \\"illiama be:\dl!r.l fqr tbu j.!in,a. t he boomiu.; of the mh:h ty anroors" s te, \IDI! r. T ire deep 11ppro:\c\10Jd thu th e fnbrk, th e !lOll l.r; but mcanwlo ilu Capt.'liu o{ t be wialfl th rout.: lo the iron·AtiiT, st:tnrlin.: forcsi.:ht h:ul pro• ·ide.t for the n:,:;::in;::. ftOll t he endurint; t hunder of tloe f lC ril ous llnd di!licn lt j nb Of gutting t he hur liog thr on;:h the sky, co m- \ tC$c ned men or buarJ l b.: A whip I'l l." ted 10 the car tho tre mendous acene o! · w:u ro,•e nt ,tloo fu r eyard,.rm, umlcr whic.h w11rfure aobmi tt'!d,to 1hu eye in t he pic ture the risi ug and fnlling bol\t was atntioued of black heavcus and white wateo11, and by of her Mra ; one end of tloe whip, •mother ed, ahip. Th o knotted into a bowline, o•·eth11uled /' arthia lny loove to for eix bours. At 10 iuw t loo bo."and slipped over t ho o"ctock at t h.o gnlo broke, t he wiod of ft oono, anti •t a aignal a dozen or tooro sensibly lilodc ratcd , t ho etcamer , .. , of tho l'arthia'a crew rnu bim up aod awayed to la, •r courto o.ud bim iu. Jn tbla w•y t he wuro beM·ily over tho i mmeose Botl 111fuly handcJ on tbll d eck of tb o ltl!:looer. ocean awt!ll whlch tb" cy clone hnd tuft be- The boat t bea roturocd to th o wrecr.. lbo hiur.l Suncf11y a uoruing CI\UlO wit h a r,·at of t-he crow were ! rom ber by ctioo in tho ahl\pe of a war m, brig ht mO:\ns o r tho buoy11 and lifo and aun. But the ewell -. · as still cxcecdin.': IY boiat o:d ftl ung wiab • ix of th e l 'arthia"1 woo, henvy. Jt w35 ahortly nfter two bt: lla (u iuo out of tho oo:>t by tho yardarm whip.\ Uut o'clock) •r h e n the 111:'111 r" port cJ a n ot JCt \Ull t his perilous ftlld n obly ex- ' tuclawsy on tho l eo l>ow, npp11rc nt ly bull ecu t.ed mistion completed. There \Yll.1l atlll down. A a 11ho WM s:rndu:.lly hoYo up b" tho bo. '' to ruu up to tl1e dllVi ta. ,.I) tl•o old , tJoe "l'f ' I'OIICh of t he p.,,.,Fa, those who hnJ r ecutrcd u a h<l was brought a long aide WIOI'W' eJC:S jg their htnd!l peroci\ ·ed t bat 1\ ith . \lt . \\ 'i lli1111U nnd men in her. aloe wu Uut .Jack hM n mar.·ell oualy qui ck haud a11cl ete."ly pulic. The block• were swaftly honked iuto tbe bollt 11nd 1000 aho 101\rud IB: u 1\ bird to t1•o dn1· it.a un der running pull of 11 n 11 ml>ur of men before tho a wall th11t folio \( cd her cou ld ri110 heir:htal>f t ho olmiu-pl11tea. A VESSEL l :o/ DI ST11F..SS, anrl that if any huma n were nboar-1 of bet t btir plig ht would be must utiscrable. Sbo was a nd eo low iu tho wat er thnt ahe burio d he r bu l warks with every roll. ' he had a ll three o un.sttJ etfttHI- hrs:. but yarda wcro boxed al>out how, her running ril!!flng iu bi;::h tll, with onlia of it tr aili ull ll er cnn,•u T o nppr.:cll\to til e p11thos and pluck o 1\n 111h· ea tore o f t. his kiiod, 11 mnn mn 1cn ·cd u o AfiN' tJit Or or Mtnr in eo e eucb " ace no. W \lr\h hue bu t litt le v1r nn was rudely f urled, al!e a when d eeds uo to> bo tol•l whose n1 o•lng of a fur ewrmllll;-' tAyatl boast ed , M well po• "•rs And e nnobling inspi rati on lie )n 1\ aa a 110rm atayMI I, and eho looked to be t hnt ta&y "' fitly be deaeribt'd hove to. ll er upec:l, hsd aloe bc!oa co- 1 In one 113 in n hu nLircd J ine 11. , uch M ro- oonn tcr ed as a donll ict, IYM mo urnful LDcmber t ho foe t-I of tltose e!Jipwret ked ' Ii• .: si tttl\ ti()n is differen t f rom whal it ,. ... in 1 876 and lt-:i. 'fl)eu Fmnce Willi &till ··CO llecting hc r•c li ." 6bQ is rel\tly 10 nrms iu her "her lc.:itimn :e in C:n rorc. lu 1 -!77 P ri ll t•e lliaumrclt deelued thi\L t; c qMu.l" lm l uo inl ural.$ in the Eut, nnol •r:.s nut iuclio •cd to loMJ o ne gr ea allicr for O rieubl clf11in1. B ut then I rnpcriDl 'ha ucell"r llaid em- phat ic •lly tbnt tho mni utenaocll of Auatrill"s po•itio u with r cgnrd to tho Ea!L was A <.i crml\n intorcet of imp o rbnco. X ow tho of Uerhu tbro wu nnd into l<tp, nod tl:o nllinncu between Atut ria nnJ GHm:uty ha.. compl etely mnflc tl:e Gcr wan l!:mpirc " &ll t llt y for t his extension of AIMo fro1on flOlnt o f \"ICIV, Austr in is now ia · ml \' Ctl i:aua c!y in nnr •fnrlikc CO!!t· p lie1. tiou• in t lou Ulllklln P,•uinsu lll , anrl her .ohy C; c rnlllny, t oo, nt lcUL intlirecth·. 1\Ry, even n lionit ed '" " wouitl n!Tcc t .\ uatrin with r ognrd to ·•tbc ro1tl t.:> SaloniC3. "l'' These conslolcr ntions Ahow t i. nt it is a wcit.:laty intcrest of :u r opo nnrl .,[ p ea ce t ln t the w:ar bct ••e.:u :md l'urkey 81ao u!d bo p n· .. Jt i• quito clcllr, 100, thnt it is t he iUl l•N>It Of t ll oti .J t wo St .- \lcs Cllao. Turkey Cl\ uoot wish for tho freab exhuation that aoch n war- which in no c:uo could procure nny admntago, and probably uoL even t he ...... _ .-i.! """''"' __._..... qllehee; o. nd tho com1•eolllltiun for the moriflCils wlaioh Greeco would l1nve to JUake ie in proportion w tho Y ery qneatiooal>le s-i u lhe hopes for. Thus consid tl rations of tho moet Tnried and nature unite NCOm•ncnoJ t he Enrope3n Pow eN, eo far a. t hey do not wi3h codl\nger tho peace . or Europe. w prc, ·ent collision bCtiTOCI\ Grecco and T urkey. Tho Europeno pres!, nlso, has lat ely very hopefully in tbis M. H 'ulo .,itz, howc• ·er, travollod f rom Fricdric!Jsruho to A thcna, nnd al10 tho French nod Au•trilin Amb:u!!OJora em- p!tn• ic."\lly hi§ about di auomunc ot.. l< uMitt .lnd En r:l and wnrmly seconded tbi& wo Aro n ot ialorme d, while ltnly, ns tS 10 often the c:M\1. a ppolU"II to 11 dou bLfnl ntti t ode. 'fbera fo ro no are to bo built, on th o Ct l ebratcd "conce rt'' of tho European l:'o" ·ors io t ho &!"ern Q •lc&tion, which iu ne nr existt'd , " "d prooobl v n ever will eFist.. llnt t ho o( t he do. ur: er· d oe& not lie in tho diaunioo of t he Powe M!--lbat Ia II obroaic eril- bnt in l bO interior eoadition of Grecco. King George, as . wall ns M. Coumouodouros, ex pr a.,tr declared to M. rt adowitz t-hat is impossible ; th ey only 10 cbooeo bot weco t"o evil11-l-he exhaustion nnd.dis- turblloce of tbo country, or war ; nnd, io eyea, war, with All its ineateu lablo possibilities, it t-he l eu evil. The mediation whicb, cooaeque otly. had provioualy failtd had beuer h nve tak en ptaco aix month1 Q4rl ie r. ' l'hc EuropeAn ooncert rn .iliu::r. CIDd considcrinc t he 5ituation crcot cd In tho fl.'\ lkAos by tho for1natlon of the oe l'l' " btes, Greece evid e ntl y r eelc bns on allie11-11t any rate, in time; ami. even, abo is foolish cnongh, havin!( ftUY hopes oi t b.i& kind, to ente r' on tho pa th wnr. As tho oew fronti er li ne r ecom- me nd ed b7 t ho Co1tfe rcnt'c is uallceoptAI:lo by Turkey , nnd offered by is iusu mcienl for Greece,. to "t ho C\lllision b6twecn T nrL:er and Grcece :l DOW' bll!ia of mediati on lie found. Wo "ill oudcnour to po!at ou t tbia. l .et us a ow c.'L•t a ul:lnco at tho 1\ll it ut l!l of policy of yt :\nl.. tho last thirt y ye11re lltllt revoluti on in tho G.reek policy hM betn eo mploro,l which h!U not o nly caused th o attitmlo of the Atheainn c .. binet, bnt a l.o t!to of t he Greek p eople in Turk ey and tho f>rcok lcinlfJ o m, to be hOJt tilo to l:'anal: wism nnd ant i- T ho upi bo t or tho CNl4u inanrreotion, which coat G Necu m:\Oy Grimm"• F'ftir .v Libmry. All tho Standa rd P oets in Clo th Mo rocco, Imitation .l .. or1 othor bi ndinga. T exts and. Uirt-hr.lay Boolca. I ndeat.rncti ble Toy &lot ber J u,enile B oolc:a . Prayer Books in . Mor QOCO, I vor y, Sillc, Sonscnnn:o CArlTAL .•••••••. £2,000,000 Slg. 'f OTAL I svun:o Fuxos UI'- WARM OP ••••••• •••••• •••• •••• 2,7W,000 11 ANM ULDl NCOlrll UPWARDS or S{)(f,OOo 11 P reaerved Mutton, Soup and J3o uilli Poll ed T ongut>, P o lled l:fam•, Po tted ll• 'bf Corn Flour, Pe pper , Spice, Cinnamon &wld, Olnto•. Pickl e• . Saueee - Corrie Powder, Sago, Pars!cy The "GUARDIAN " being;, drat-olaaa \larjoramt.. Mace, Tablo Vi.neg ar, Nntmeg• W here it wingl« wilb cle ments 11p!n with I IOOUl ingAIIle, foami ng white, tben to eighlftmidat tho brluy au. and feed-pipes 11nd bilge - pt pee toYIOW 1 lnjectlon-pipei3 a d ateam-p!pea, each bu . enough to hoYe eut "..ailor mat5ing for 1\D boor; but wheu it was Jiltco vc r c:t l tlrat the re wore liviolC people on he r ehc took 11n c:r,-, lraordillftry a nd tnl,ltic:\ 1 air:nilic:: lllce. "o colora were boiated to. expr oaa" her ron- d !tio n; but then no colon wer e need ed. Her ato"l ""<toted uo better t ban WM fouuu in the aulll(ett ion or email CI OIYd of burnM ht no.le 011 bor declc t ho P.trtlt'a; in L he doll 11. ad dlllldly d: uk. volumea of water ag. unat her "J"', in t he J:!Uhins: llf olUilr Oft'IC.\dtlo\1 from the leaned wearilr over to t he r ow of tho tal l &well thAt thre.'\tcnod w overo;ohelm· her. 11od itt tho aluggiah of ber oaked.:tp41'8 hnder tile •ll,r· peo;>lo conk! bo oooonted aoo.n-1 or her. All t-b eao !lad to be aand, bot h •• 'ftll1 well nadetstood hJ oYety btlougillg to the PurtAi o that. tiler co . old ool7 be jaaud at t-ho ri•k ol tho or- ahould puc otl !oJI tbeto; ,,.,u wu aU II violoot. to ao extent beyond lll\'fllt in• oan b. eoovered in •orda. t.he l._r tlla. w-ltb ber propeller anlt iato a tiol low, a &.'lOLl lllll:!r A:o/0 C,\:o/ADIAXS, t he s.spect of t hem as Uoey "' e ro h oisted one by on o, o' hr t he /'or/Jtia·, aide i the roll i ng jof tl1o oyu incredu lous of th ri r 1 1r.eaer vation; their ll lt· pression of slowly w of tho n .r lcaee or life mrrcifully tbetn, •radonsl! a nd nobly e:uned for t h.lm ; L ei r 'treftmin;t tltcit llllir qlotteJ I o ll cMreOt l upon their palo fo rohe11ds · he pMliaot\b prcssing l or .. ard of and or tile Parl41a, to. rejoice wilh t bo poor fellows ovbr t hei r 1181-nt io from ooo of t he ablSt lanlcuteblo d ooms! to which t1oe ean aeo teoce. will at t.lto i•leuft.l cienc y or tbia Teeord as 4 a brilliant and bu.rt y, tbouall, wunplo, a M 11\1 up Ute atlr iiA( a uuala of (ho cnArltiute JUe. Slcritice:;, ftnd wu l gauioll··e anc- oeu!u l wo.rli:, and lh u most indilJ)CIIItlblo for th ll P.usaiao 'C\"Ir on Turkey ; and of n ul- garil\oa rrpm ' he <Ec umeniasl n d eti loJiy tnrn to tJ1o of t he G reek peopla. 'l' l)e years .. V el Y et a.L d othera Bindioge. Church Serriou. B ibloa all ai.ze4 Md qlllllitiea. , J. 1<'. OBLStlOLU. St. peo. l Otb. Englith lllllu.ruoe Cnmpaoy, offl'rl all those. Caycnr>e 1'epper , Oapera, Matouot · ad"f&Dtage. mott dealn1ble w inturena, ... :tfe 1 aon 1 a Q.,Jatine and undoubted &LibUit.y, Jnorsble tel'llll and Woodill'• Bald.ns; l)owdar,l'tcpared Hope prompt aetLiement.a1 0f c laim• l9t 1 011. , Robln10q'a Patoat Rarle y, Eppa Coeo& Th 11 ua aemjZ'Jled having bean :appol oled· do. do Groate Agen\ ror Ia prepared to ia- ..Neue'• Pood lor ltJfant.t, Ball Blue B S ftfi!II.Z -e Dl'fttfU"-I aue PoUclea&gainn lou br Mn.t.ard iD peohs• nd l)ottle• . U &.D Y JA,MES a ? cek, Fream & Oo'a oeleb rat.d Bbooit. ... :T Jobn'•· in 21b tin •• ·' o ,, /. _ ,. - JOS'"uH "IJDDEN 8almon, clw. Lobater, 8ardlnea Parsons 's F urniture Depot Br. or:.oe. A large •took of mESOSENE OIL •nd Feb. 7. 1.; alw'aJ' on l)and. S..becrlbeft-;!,llfol lor faYOa\'8 - •• . *: B. !::,. St. John's· Marble ·· 1 100 ., tt/abd np...... U ' -o- Trap N ettl n g 1 dOL LOUNOESad7 JS ana npwarda. T Q&S , s dOL 'toilet TABLI:fl· •7f d ...... 'hie" u. ..... '- •• - 4dO&WASHS " t'AND8;1f::d:&::;& Ute lipoa..,Jriaa 3 · 0 oonolkMed-Wd NET!'INU t' cloa.C8Alii.S-G.ea -'-.d ce..oa Uao iDicmD 4 W• UIIHillllt for 1 e !UCll! t• . w.- . "'afttllf'J TIU.t'8. · Onl, Bo6Dd at.a.a. TABLU. ...... , "' •pono Por _,e · - · . ..... berttal WhalloU. edi*tll Jlft• ' -- :AMI: IO:r:6-........._ 1 Co: wiHoW' PI ... total..._ f ,;_ 'l .NOY. l o 't -;<jZ. A.Dcl a Wof • , .... --- ' "' '' ·Piuroaa, tumo r 1 , ......... . , ............. --. . Q . .. !t• work o; Tbo' complic4 ed it may a eem it cannot- apare oo e lillie, All work with great part.t with t-he liult. I Exceotricaanu excentric-rod.a aod pluwber- bloeh Pedettala aod eoapl.iog-boiiD ud oat. lull maoy a 1100re, ' Sllde-tthde. aud qntdraata wbiob mu\ not be omitted, 1 ,... So 70n and I 11111 plllaAetcr.r ibe71Doat b. .. .. u,. fttted. That7ou mart.. hi callilor.torm wepeo-: ful ly pl'j)Ceed, A•d ot our 'pt oodl7 boaaf.u InCited, Tho propeller M ov .t.m wu b7 pea& ... 4fA DOW prailt tb- 11MD for 1 meUi t 1 io, .... ,. .. ........ llle\011 Ole . 'tbe aredelot tlid .... U wllb llllab' the "-: .................. ' ' .. . '4.,._..pi ......... - Mal 01' .. .. tTl. .-io,- .. 10\ . tM&riiplowr fl', . B, A. allof betwoen hoi at\Cl t.he :t: U.o itl-fatod I&Dotber hove ...,... bOard tbe at.Nmol' I oM: {iVta."'-!r 1 leok apoa, I 'Ilia lrALP·Dtt'o...m nuu..o' •• ' .... toAocl, •D<I m• ·• J" look apoa Sn a •I <It ol.a ll'fl. !I11e anou da!ICO( 1&1, 1alo-irerl•f a boal But .Ja elt ao& of> a lltllberatln tum of mlod wh eo tW to bt doDO ,rai\1 !or , The XedlaUon ' of Oerm.any ill t.he 1 76 and 1878, owfllg to tl\ ia attitude, Greolt in difficult posldou. At Atlouna the mo.Jt s treuuou, e!orts were r o- l)t'l\tedly IW\Je to iudn co the Ureeltl to j oin In A nd. in realitr, t bo .ritaation fa& tempting. l1 11d •hv in A theM, from 1 :i16 tO 1817 u tb ev aN d()iniJ now in 18:10, no d Qu'bt. t he Gredk 11nny, rclhroi"Ced by n 11nh:rous ins ursrent b& !!tla, at tho t itUO Of t he DppeAmDb! Of tho_ ltn'!lliaae Cooet:nntiuoplc wott ld. bno SAioniftft; lllld won •smpatb1 Oos!lOh jn M acelloni."\. The rul ll of ' ho ln. t!ltll beeo Sastem QuutioD.. limitllrl to the t errlt •)I'J or t hll the Greek a- woa\IJ bltt woa 1 ao ne.111lon of ttrrit()r)" he(!itMl all her (IN JC«<Ifi.fCA. z,;;-;;;;; Cof!!gW Dte !6) all3, prob.lbl.r, •• urnpo woufd. .-. , .' '" o tltt\ rac:t.. o"r to t be heoro UuL in tb&y iu tt.ia of tile f.d ' be 1'4aropou WttA thtt wu... , .. by \\ ' ebaw• ' bJ otb<' r Ill\ teeo . the Qetwan l 1 ql tile flritb! c. '' biML Am bitt , ;upporti)d b.r tho A til &c) '" •• aftd oo U.:. , ... ,,, W pqt a t':ltheto' audden emt to +f ¥!: the futullc of on ti• £i1 hi ,F" .. '. :tilrlt.tef b)' 'wtllaRitnt &bt )lon-l A a it Mueb ..-IDa> bow- 11e ,., ,ud not far 'ot. 4lYeJ' 1 to the ...Ce or r.r ... d lone ar thatlbe Uerlin, by 'f,uiolll n:ro. "Wa · e 10 .. , are filr 1"u.rlur r to I I• a fait ·

Transcript of · c •...


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J.O~W.ON. (


Birket 1' nMcr'd p icturo•;; of Eoglislt hnd­AC \ !'C (~n:::mn•J hr l~ll' broth.,rs D11bicl.) l'l~llt r,·l$ in ,·,·t.ll' by T uno T.t~·lo r.

n .. ~u· :cl ,,f Eu,;l~h l.nnol l<'1J•t• olt:\wn by 'l'lH) RIIJlOn nnri A CX'onnts fo r the Bi• Ito.~: t-'~>ala cn~:m•·c1l by Ul\l£id Urothcra year I 8 78, prcscnu,tl t.o thl\ Shnroho!Jors .J. l'nu;>e~, E. 1·:\':tllS. &c.. nt t ho Annnr\1 J\IPAt ing,on Tue..,dny, 27 th

l'a·t·•~· tltc :->c~:.cry in l ro•l:\lld tl rawn by ~lny, .l8 i 9,nt wloiclo Ucrmu•ol FTnll , £&1·· Th >:on~ C'r,·•" i,·'o . ll A. Eu ;r~n:J on IWe..~iolo••\ , ttlouwc•l, in t ho Di,·idcnd nnol !';i':·!. " 1'h •ft: ..,,:ri!·~ i' l· jt>Hin:_:-o. I' t f 1

T il.· f ~lt~l ·th:o rc:H. ill:"t r.11..: I ia1• Sir .John ' '111115 U t 18 rate to;:tl' the t• o 5 I" •· c; .n, ·· c. l:oa~·n ll.arn.·•. w.u: &ott, II. e:-nt. WIUI dcolnred, £14,035 being Cllr· ( · . .::,., ... , •. \\' . S on oil. & ·. ri~J torwnnl,

!.,,,·,·, r,~r., fr ... u ..,!n' .. ··;"'r~ . <.'• litt'.l lr,· l F lll E BRANCH, C"J."t 1~· 1\ :~ i!:Ot ";tl, :;ttt ilh1·a·atio11~ hy Thn~ tho P~omiums fo r 18 78, n iter :0.1'!' l ool l...:rt. L. .\. I d eJucLtll" flo·lllliUI1lrt.CCH r.moun~c" l to

11,, ~~~ .\ f!'"Cr t io~u~ l'~rtr:>yc~ hy t he P oolJ!, .£.l f16,2i {. boi ng nn iucr~nso o f .£5 3!1 I ~·1\'N~ I :mol ." , .. ,.,, uy Cl~ark'll :\lacl.:ny, 0 \"l)r tho Pre miUUI Tncomcof I s-; .• no tllu• lrntcd w11h 1ua cn~r;wttiJ.:ll. .. ,. . ' , n

Tb~ l'rincc o f th.: llotm· of OM·i,J. or tlu~c tho Lo~cH to ..!:.o l,~G l , bcm~ 1'15.16 \"•"""' in the ll oh· l "it ,· t,,· tho· He •· . . 1. II. JlOI" cont. on tho Prcnunms o f tho Year. ·l n_.rnh"uo, L. J.H·., wit!; uoioncrous illu,tm- I N TU E LIFE DI::P .A.RT;\li::NT, t••""· ' l' lu1t ~ow P olic ies hnd !>Peu i !l.~ned

"11•·: :'\ l'w lll•1 •~;-t~ I :'\~tnrol. ll i•.• or~·. hy tho f.>r £222,48~ ; nn.J tlu1L the j',ifo Fund. 1 .... , .. . I. II. \\ ''" ' '· ~I.:\ • I· .1 ~::-., "u.;mvcJ I hy lho :lll,l iti<.'l~'l uuaolo t o i t ns tho t•cstll t It ,· : hu llro th,•rR}) 1111••1. • 1 , •

T 11 • l'upuhr :\!It''"' lf i,t ory. hy th.: •~me ~~ '; '" yea•· H OJ~•·nttons. n ow M>Jlrf~nt.!l :\.1 .. 111i. o r rl>.: l!.:13t ,,f .l .., r11~ ol..on, b ,· I ll • . .I l><>t· cent. o f t he <' II Lire uet Prcmt:trll.ll

~ l c• . • 1. B. \Y•·hb. \\:th ill.,otr.1:1un< o~ rc..:<;inxl on u\·cry P olicy 111 force. ..,,,.cl irom,lh\\ in;:- l11· \\". II. ll1rtlctt.

T .l. l' .. · tllri~! ro lr uf t ht· W o ·1,1: C·HIIpri•· The surplo:R 'LnluloCc in the Fil"ll A c · I •0.: !'en n 11! l'cnc I ~k~tt•l"·' of Tm•·cl, ~Oollll w.<;~ 11hown to be £I Oi,59!l, out of l u .. ~ale 1, .\ h \.'tl l!Jt' l' n1Hl , ..... ,"~ n· ' kt·h lws I fr ·•·• :\.,: :ore i 1 \\"alter (" .• i •nr · \,, .\ ~o()ll whi.: 1 .£:?0.000 wns I' )'IJI"Of'l"i:atcd to 1\· .o .d. · ""' "JI{'Ilhi' Accmtnt, a-..iRi tog thnt A ccount

l ".•o I 'Ill r~rrar• l.. i,• or ( '!o. H with ori~i:o~ l to .c I " I , litH) ~nol 1111\k iug wit h t ho Ht·· iol.o-t -.o i •I•' 1 <•~··•· l-'•1ncl an• I l.l .. latoco C:.lrrieu fu1 wnad

I '~"~"" r~""r~ I ifc a ul \\" ,oJ; · r·! " : . l '.,:o l. ! .£ ,;:!{,000. I. :" ."\II I \\' "' k~ uf l "ar.>t t.~ 1 · ;nut.l<;l .. ~tn J FU ~ DS

t ; .. ,~· ··. 1..1 4 1l. 1 r;opi1111 Paid up .. ....... . ........... ... £t llll,03:i r 1.

0 1.'!\Y I d ... J. t...• fl f c:,: I.· I ' H c:(C r\'t! Fuutf. ... . . . . . ... ... 17·1 0:)0 ;: ,._.,., ;-, 1: ·~·· I ll uo11 ·. i.y 1h~: !!,· c c :,rtcs Foro· Fttnrl for l" ucarncd P re miums Ho:u(IO .. U1t l • k. 11. !'- , , l lbll\nco t·MncJ fo r ward..... ... ... .. . H .O:la I he· If.,.,, .. l.o:c ·~ til\• I riM<: < " "''" 1.1~· Ufc .\ ~o·ttm:~ llllion Fttud..... .. . .. . .. :JOO, 1:1

1h·· ·~un ·. f .\uu lulv F'uuJ ..... .... .. ..... .... .. 11 !,:;v })..,n1tl. 1: ,. ll. n\ · m .ni'l" ot th•· l'1 i n'-""'C~ " • ·· · · '

. \ li,:,. t ~· :I· · -:·,. ~~· - o t AHi 4 ·• • W .tluu tl •. · 1' ·:·· •:~~~·.~ •··hue ' "d.,· S OlON DO~OVA K .

11.,•111 ,. Y u! 1· •·1 ····o i o~ II ··~ ll.n ~r .: ol lr.l (;ene ml Agont for :\;lei. t h!

14 ' m·· Svu At..a:sTS : 1: :. lt. .1 •·l '~· 1\•·'l l" 1 r~ hy l! .l'; " '· P u•l·l.

!J ll, •niL 1 ~ 1.1n · n l.•o:r • ( (' :''""'·"lit I A . T. U HY.';DA LE, ;-lr. 1 •.!<, .J, . f• 111 11· ,.··1·· I ; ,:I· ·' l H ad>or Orne!'.

lie'''" ' ll io· t JU ir~ ul c .... ,.r...,J l ll lurll\3· n. 0. S !l i·.E: I ,\:'\ J.: Cu. ' ,.,,

P i .. 'J : wy~·t •i•:t· l.:t. of Prwt.t•. 1 ih~ .. ,., j,t A « " I

~·· .•• \' l1

11111C ' (,"' r 1 ,; ·' ·Jf Lt.·=~~~.r~ n our in I :h , ... ,! ,•' l'o t't hln•lt•1.,:1 1

S ,a l l , \. :1.t l l#•:nt: 111 th · ·· · .1i riur-t hibJlings,. ' 0 ti •J ul \\'.~~ J.,. ""Uta ! t}' ;\Lt..; .• ~ ;ht', li.h:fful\'cr; t

The 11 .... o f t : ,•,ot: c.-.-.,ll-.4< ~la::uin • Gol.l,•ll l luur•, Fnmily ll crnhl 'nt:,....4:l; lloy"~ O ·•·u A)lllll~l or Pnp"r; K ind \\'orJ,; CI•"\Ckrl>ox : Little w •• t,• .. \ w:.kc: S~tno ln•· : l.i·Jie Folki; T ht• F~mil~· Friend; 'l1ao F:nnrly \'t>itJr; Tloe l'11lc : T o,.,

- .Jnfl\n~'$ ) lat;:Uinc; T he llriti•h W o rk· lll \n; 'fbu ~ntiih Workwonlln : The t.;ott.~:;er 11n!l Arti'<lln ; The Ill\ ad of llopo He vic"· ; The (.;luiJ·~ Uwu ~l&g:uinu; 'fhll Cbilol"s Comp."lnion: T bc t; hiiJreu·s l 'leMuro Book ; ·~u .\d,·is~r; Tbu l'mt­t ler for llova ancl (.: iris.

'Tha Budge t fo r lloy& n11•l G irl~ trnhr~n's Gmnd Annunl for the youag, illusrrnt~rl with !JO tlrnwin):!l.

A :\(e rry ChrisCU\118 n.nd H11ppy ~ow l'eu; A llou-.eful of Children.

·n,o Gem o f A II P icture Uooks. 1-' riskr !lnd h i3 Fl oclc. L i ttlc Tot· & Trc um ry of P~ct urea nod Stories. ChristtllM Trc.Murie11. Snn•hino fo r dotll d11y11. :\l y l' el Book. Sl y O •m Ilook. The FI\: C in t.he OluL 'ine lnd~&trudiblu .\lolhcr Goot~t.

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Medical Hall. (Est ab lish ed 1855.)

Jrus~ roceh·ed ! the Spring's Stock of NEW GOODS I

tS{iiAlwny11 on bBnrl.,-n full supply nf .M IWWI N ES, DRUGS, TUII.ET AR'l'lCLE::i, J:c.

WP11rtienln1· n ltcntion pniJ to PRt: SCHJl'l'lONS.~.

W holes.'lle ngcnt fo r J ohnston'a F luiJ !kef.

Tl.t· following nrc I!OCT. U of the pri11cipnl items-

Enos FtttiL S11lt, Qmnine 'Vine K cutiug's Insec~ P owders Thomns·~ Eelrctdc O il 13.'\y ltum. Bun1;ino, Rtsing Run nt .. cltll.'ll•\ ~ixey'a R l11llkl1·nd, Ohcunoia lkine llronY.O. Ould Lon£, UrunaiTiok ll oock Lec.ra Y. lalltic [mli:o H 11lrl•llr \"nruiah t .:• ll~~ra~M, tlr~,. Polish Ch,thll~ Urushus, H •11 Urual .. •s 1\ni! d() l'o<•th clo Sh:win:; do. nrcn.~t ~cliu\"I!U C~tor vii per ~:•lion. do. iu bottles (;uun Pln.ator , l:uld Crcnm Cod Li\·c r 011 1•er )!nlluu •lo, in u ottloo Oressina Comhs. FiM Comba.Cannry Seed Cunccntrnted Lye, l$o ltlll Cvrk • Crcnm nf Taroa r , Eu<~mM, Glyccrino r 'urnituru l'oli4h, O l uc, (:umunl•ic . tfoney l nfrmtf 1-\Jcclink Rottlcs, Brt':tsl <Jlnsseo, u.,onc• Oluu. Kny~CII:I~ulinu. L OIIIIlll Limo Juice, Litpwnco, lllnchiue (l it Muuilngc . Nii•Jlloa fo r Fet-.ling llottl i! l :Scat.sfout Oil, l~otl:.nd Yellow Oolorca Dry i •t~ints-nll ahnJc•. l>iJIO Cllly Po1U Uoxca and l'nlf~. P i nk H uut Pumice S t one . Husin. Snl. J'ruuello. Salaol Oil 1>0 1 f;! t\ll<ln, d (). in ho tdoo ~nlt.oa •• f LlllllOII, s .. f;eidlitz l'owdcra nuul Shellac, Snulf lwnns, Caalilo Sonp ·rho111paon"a Mnllo •~ ~""P llrown Windao•r du. Glycerino <lo. rarhr·nnlo <o! ~oclr~. Wast. in~; Cryatnl S pir iut of 'fnrpuntino. ::ip:~ldin;:a Wuo Spon:,:cs, Tnblo S.'\lt, ~l 11thcr'a Pl:taLen. A I cock ·a I'orQn& Plru~ler. T nrtnric Acid l•:,.,enco nf Lumon, Tooth l'mrder & Pouto a..:up11l Y nrniah, Yinoga.r . Cllppcna ~:ttrnd of Loogwood. G.rnunJ do. r\d:tm"a lndinn Sah·o, \\'1\hon a ~chol11d.ion ~I rs Allen ' s II air Reato ,·cr. r\yor a Cll\lr ry P cot<.oul, Ayor'a &tsCipr.r illn Jt .. d.u.y 'a Hcsol nmL, Unttsl. Oil

dn n cndy l:cliof, r acho ua llro•rn'a Drouchial Trocbow. Floridn Wnter llrn•rn·a ChluruJino, Ayer"a U ntr Vigor , Childru11"• Tu\'lhing Hin:;•, Ea. P" ppcwoinl I) enrys Cnl:incd ~Jaj:o.caia n 'lllowny'a Ointonout, Uollo•rny'• l'ill• Cocklo'a f>illa, II111t~·• do Nortou ' a do Parson'• do Aye r'a do ~lorriavu'a d o 1(3d.rRy'll do Wilaon '• d o Johnson·~ Anody'lo Liimonl Kcntinga Ooug b Lozenges

do Worm TnblPta, MnaLBng Lin.imont Woodil'e • Lo~Cil,llCI McLean"• Vormtfu~;o, :\l odicument um More head'• l\lagnetio P !ut-er Poor :Unn'• Friooo, a''s Rat Poiaon fluui.CI Salve. Spirit Fl:1111ts S her idan '• Condition l'owdor -­Rimrn(\l'a Limo J uico and Olycorino. A lnrgc auortment ol R ilmnct'a porfume S inglotona Oo~don Eye Ointment Wilaona Oberry Balaam, Viole t l'owder

dn flno thing 1Syn1p, WiiUIIOIY~ do. Smoking T oh11coo, Pi pea . ~nknive• Paper Euvolo~ )'on•, P oocila ' \'riting An~ iUarloug lnka Tobll~o Pouch~D.ruol HILir P onc Ha Se"ting Wa.x, CigiU"'I Aniline Dyes in Od. packa~~:es·

GROCERIES : Green PCIU (eaon'lld,) Swt:fl~ CoiJI, Olivea ( l•o ttlcd), Cigars, Ctgvrcttes Co rut>d Be<lf - 2 and 41b. tins.

ll CshkcotCa P icture Book, contAining lli\·crtin~ Jl~wrieR fO~ the young.

ltclniniac•.mte§ Clud Anecdotes of celebrntod prenebers by Tboinu J nekson ~I.A.

Fo xe"a Book of )J.arLy'1, illustrt1tcd. Tho C hoice llumoroua Works or M11rlt

Twrua illn~tmted. Tho Completo W orlts of Cb.arlea F. Browne

"Artom\18 \Vard.."

AssW9.e Comp'ny OF LONDON.

Boat Ornund Coffefl, Sago An-owroot1 l'oarl DMiey Candied Catron-~eol, Fluourin« Eue neca

do. Lotoon lro. ~ .

'l'tte Sel~ct W orks o f Bret Har~, in Proee nod PooLry illuat;nt.ed.

ESTABLTSllED 1821. do. Orunge do. 8 (1ttled Frnih

J .. ruJ, J ftllioa, Marma!, Uan nod Oyators Onudcnaed Mille, 'Prellernd Beef

. I

Miscellaneous. .......... ::r: .. --


Row the Crow of a Shipwre: ke:l Vessel wo"' Saved by the Oune.rclor " Pnr­'

!•i•n I~ do it. \ "t.rlalltcerw were fort hcom­'"~· 11oe t•nlcr WM ~l,·uo. J~i..;ht h~n<.!J • &It &n<J ollel\k'J t hemJC!va in the H~~l>?st, Clod tloc third offiz~r. ~lr. \\'nl. \\ tlh~uJI, took bia plac.~ in tltc at.ern­•hecLI. 1 t waa one of tho•c mo10enta whtn tho lmlvtat maCI in t he world " ill hold hia brc:~t h. . There awatog t bia bo.'\t'• c:tew at-

b 11t aiJo lo t>n•nre cc~:nin r lahie which llre promi4o~.l her loy t.ho ti"Mty or~ \\'bat mos~ vroouluently itolt'rt'jlll 111 now ho•vc•·..,r, is tbo nlli\wie of Grc..-ce aud hr~ iutentiou w appropriato a par~ of 'l'bea:~ly ClOd .Erirua l>y force.

Sbould i~ come to a con8ict wo aitlfM wilneu t-he re-opeoiog of t he l::ut-ero crioll.a io ittJ bro."\deat aenee. Bulgaria, Set'l'ia, ~tem llouonel i11.. twd Mooteoegro would &>.'llin be in a &tll to o r c lfel"'l'eseence and Kul!llia with. t::oglaod, oow ahnya re.\d.Y l<1 do her a<Jn•aee aafl nunl, would aoon como fo r"arll tJl break t brough the limit.- which t he Ucrlin Trel:tf put to tlr6 Trnty of SAn SLefaoo. I n t-his CMII' \?e •blfllld bo con­frnntt"ol by tho dans:-cr or niJ uxtensive ADU ui~:r011• eoo0tll(tnljoo.

Lbo <lnval-1 ; t ho coda of tho fnlle iu t hd ( lAndou Tru9roplt. ) hclOc:lil of men wllitioc: for the rl<>bt secood

Quite ~eeotl! 1\ very l<>nchin~ aud in- to l ow~r·ll .... y. One dMk ~re~n r~oulog 11piritin11 dnuua ltn, ucen cunctc<l on the e..-ell, In ~Thole, hu,:e mountnios o f ITatcr, hi;:h a.·~•~ O n B ccrt:~iu S.'\tUrolny tloo " ·ell- rose nnol u nk l>elon; too IDUCh hurry, t he kuo,..n Cuo:~rd stcnmship J'.Jrthitl wna be- de lay, :wy l~tck of co .. lnl'l!S, of jDd~-

\ \'e sec a rippliD!f at her stem, 11n oozing t"C!t'll ·100 nnd f>OIJ miles di:' t<~nt fro:u t lru mc ut, of pcrcillll.inn of t he c xnctly ri:.:h~ from her aides: W o:.n cotU~ of lrclnod, l1twina Fnilcd from duug to do. ClOd •~ "M a hnudrc1lto oue if

No ruotiYe po\ferc:a.u we~ero,aml yet ab~ the port of U~>~wu ou the previous :»tur- the 111/U minute wd not e~o the l(t'ntly gliUtL \ Jftay. r.:: 601110 hourt :1 low b.UOlJICtCr luuJ united intO Jta\'~JI lind her Cf t"\V equnttcr-

Jt is .the ~voodroua po1YOt of etc:un tb~t doth ~:ivcu \Urniu:: o f n ccmin;,: l(ah:. T he !"~ nod d roovuin!: nmong tho fr:~~mtuU . . .•taoud bestow, brt•Ct~ was fr~•b on t he port quntLer, with fhll d uo cowmanr.l was coolly ~:i>•cu ; t he

\\ b1ch onco Wll3 thou~:M 1111 empty d~am, n lo ufo! followang aca, ove r which undl!r tho . ab~nYcs of t hu f~ll-blocks rnttl<r.l on t heir but no•v ita powcra we know. I itupul•ll of pro peller ftnd C:.n, as tho pin~. a mJ t he OOAL s:uok do,.u to t ho wr~tcrl!

., , • • 1 • • l>.::>.anif~lly-nooulded hull o f tho ~rcat edg•·· A vnat R"•cll hove her hiJ;h, ftlruon If );dson bmvo or Collmgi'IOOd could nalt etc:u:Jijluu ruah~d like 1\ locomoth·e rni•"n" to chc lr•vcl of t he 8"0~ \dt·•r·• •Ire 11nJ

C:&rlh A" lllll fl' b tJ • I " o· • ~ Q . ,. • . • . n rod• u t 011 ~r nt he r lxHva nnd c.1n •inr• bcec. lnnjlin~. 1111d q uick u m•>rt'\1 hnn ls And vtc•v. our. fpleutlad. llnLlsh fleet nil on~ thl! green, l(i:L&s·c!QIIr watn witb be';. can mo\·u the h locl:s were uubookt.."'l -but , • •.trainm~ 0 .or t he 00• 10· . st•·m into t"'O oil-5mootlo conobera, which only just in t ime. '.rbco " atrong .Oo• o l hey d 5l!l~u ·~nb woutlerwcor, lind l:lJ It uroke jast . nl>af~ t he forl!·ti;::;iuz 1\nd olr()\"C h~r clear, Clad in n w awcut abe

\Till a ~: louuus boon. . I r ushcJ with R whirlnn•l brillittllt"V of f<laou was And vow t lo l\1 they bad baoJ thc1r day A to j uin the lou~;. Ll. litt criu~o: 11110 w l;ue of tho

co:tliUry too euou. \fnl:c 1\l t.crn; Th~re IVI\8 " ~i~l>.old - ky, m:.\ntsc; ron TilE Wlt£CK

Tho tn!:ine ial\s atc~op a t'ting 38 e"cr IT:Ll t he ~~~~~ 111 1t1Arnuh~d null £:1111~. aut! uu- -now voai~hin~ ns though oho h11d oo•n Bt'l in motion d.:r at, liku n 8CAtte rm:; of brown 111101:<'. wholly ewnlluwcd up hy t ho t..'ll gr~o.

JI.JI atrneturo p;tulcJ many who of it b:uo the ar utl went llo3tinll twiftly. Jo tho 8fJMklin:; rid;.:o thnt roso betwceo'her runl little notion &outb nud west t he upcct o f t hu !Jca,•oua t he 8lt3l!.tr, then to J)cd liken rork IIJlOU 3

A thl ,•loco ' tis ,..~rldng :~l full speed it ia 3 wns po rt\'llt o•ta c 11oo~:h, ,•ith n h•nolcn rnollnt .. iuous pillu.,cf..:, "itlo hnl f her L:•:d ftil!l: t _ •h;llolucil3 o f color Bod a lin~ of horizon as 011t o f wMer. 'lw h·ul been well 11tockc.l

\\"ork Mit m~y tho li~o long d 3y il"suev..:r sh.arply cun~ked M n rul iull in iook. The " itlo lines nnd lifc·buoyd, for it \TM pluinly tireu at ni,.lot.. !l"lll " M c~•J\!utly lo come trom this qnAr- ae~n tlontthu pourint: w:.tcl'll would uc~cr . " tcr ; nud, aurc cnou11h, lie fo ro ci::ht ~Jells permit her to come IYidoin pi31ol-aho~ of

antt 1n t ho atokehole t.'ke a pc~p 11ad aeo iu the D.ftc ruooo Wlttch it was i.lowiog t uo bnrquo, 1111d tbe au3pCn!IC r~mOIIA' tbc how thin~ look tl.orc, p.u.•cnJ,:cts :aonouutc<l to nn ft£Ony " ' th~y

You".! aurt·ly ll<l JcliKhted when you aeo " n t:KitiCAS"£ wo tulcrcd witlo in thcm\clvc• how those those mun 10 fGir. f~m the S . W. Th\l f ury of the '"ind 1nilors lfOulrl rc iCUil t ho poor lwlplcon

\\"ith ahovcl. p:·lck a11J rakt, auc!J n l")l\lter raued II t rcm .. ndous sen. T he /'tlrthia mn cn•Murca who •utched thcon from the nnd n diu, for n time; but r uu 11in.c is no t t ho remedy f"nmy deck~ of t~" nl111og~ aubm~r·•ed

W hilst e•ve11t Rp~co r~ll• down thei r faco P.ruc:rilit'<t to c:lpt:Jna who oro c .• u~lo t in ·' I wr.,ck. T hey foll o~t.:d t ho boat vnnitl~m: from fon:h .. nd to tiro obin. ctrcolnr d!Orm. nnrl ahort ly ufte r ·I n"clv~k . nnd rca ppcnrin):, t\10 >"l! ry p ula:o.tion of

Seo engineers •rith bosy tlepa nnd voices loud nod clear

Gi\·iug orr.lcrs to 1be atokcholc IYbilat t hey t cml t 1oe stnrt inu I!Cnr :

"'fber~. I nose t hOJ<'.a wp-nlves, comc, look nlin•, my hcartie~··-

~r,) o Qw "11 i.a aot,v&'3 ,. .. uug ttae S!C'!UDing paatiu .

'° Kee p up the sl,nm, rnMC coe~l, my l11d ; dou't le~ the fire~ lo•Y-

Tho gftua;:q will incliQ:\te the slellm, yon CtiU't a~c\'i\'l' )"OU know j

W hen lllf.,ty-Yalvea be,:iu to riae, tbc dnmpera you may close,

P~~ on t h" !Jonker. ouc of you-sec how t he water goes I"

l'erhaps . you'd &.'1• " a Donkey! wh:at eyer CJ\n iL mean ? •

A D onkey in nn engine rovm ! tho like l'vo fJ e \"Cf lOtti."

But 'ti~ not t he lon,c-enred animal as soon 1 ahall explain-

'l'ia 1\ perf\lctlittll.l o:n.;iu~ tba.tpompa wnter fro111 tbe umio.

Aa the Wl\ter in the b?iln is expended uy the etu m

Tbo donkey fills it up a;;nin , howe1·o:r atranli(O "t m11y seem,

And pounps wa lor from tho bil~;es whcuo'er it rises high;

And .,boo t bu tan are acru!Jbing olccka ' twilll\lsO them ebpf'IJ.

" Look to thoso bcarioga now, tny 11\.d, and l.ct t he water ruo,

Tboeco l ubrillfttort w"nt more oil, you eee if a uearly dono;

Com co "'bore·s the tallow ? bc:~r a had 1 whnt hl\ve you bee n about ?"

"l'Te only boon to w:arw it, air, it waa no good witbouL"

To aeo holT many curiout (>llrla it takea to · make lbt~ wbolo

Would pnulo ""Y l:awyer nod tnl\ke. bim think it d roll.

There arc oylind~ra witb pistoua that trnvel toandfro; ·

And til us tho pooderoua ml\chiuc ita mighty atreng tb !loth abow.

The e ng ine, too, hM mnof,ocke 11nd \':\I vee, M )'OU 01111 be IIWat

Tbcre Arc dQnkey-coc , food-cocks, and blow-coclte, 1 decl11re ·

llitehal):e-nlvca, alide-\'1\lve&, and tbrott\ e ­valvea, 'lis lralo,

S lide-jackqte andtlide--bounete which won't 6~ 100 or you,

C~•drnaen, too, that kill tba neam wbeo it can do no more,

And air-pumr- t-hat expel it w tho een with aullcn roar,

t he lwlru o f. the Rt\'lltnCr wu pu~ down nu•l I their hear111 nlmolt nrr~•tcd "~ monw11ts h•r h~•·l flJiuletl to t ho 80:1!. Tbc p:\Sl!Cn· " lu·n t he lictlo cmft oundu n h~ndluw·, J:•ra were belo w, co·~>idcrnt-cly b;,t t~ncd !;i•lly 111\"00J> into n prodi!:inus hollow 1\.;'.l dnwn l>y order o f Cnpt3io :\lc i\Ryo, th•• \\M lo11 to ••ic'"• until J-reacntly they pcr­cowniAuder o! t he veucl, ao th•t they ceived that tho meo Lad c.:u cd to row. I ~ shou ld not bo \YMioed O\"Crboard or drown- \f:lll then Recn thAt tltc ab ord mnte 11'1\Jl bail-ed in tho ca bin& (nr h nw 0...... a"- ... __ ·--· ~- - -- -.J; • • ....__,~ ~r"a bm .. was po iutt'\1 Bt t he ac:., ehe w..s t hey .aw one of tho ehiowrecked BlliiOM! jun ono IIIIJOthcr of frmh fron1 tho t·y~s to heave n coil of lino wwnr<b t ho boat; it the rud,ler-loelld. I te r curl'llyin;,~ nu;:ht was CD.nght, " life .buoy bent nn to it;; nod ''"'"C looked ).:NICcful :11 11 lli5t.lUC~. hut it bnuled AboArd tho wreck. To thla life Wt\S 1\ trcii\CUdOul CSJ'erienco IQ th030 1\•ho buoy WM roocbetll\ Be<:Ond line, the CUd of hnd to keep Linlc to ber dnuce. Evr ry no w "lucb \YM retnincd by tho pcoplu io tho Aut! then sbc .. o~old .'".tiM.h"' n whole ~:rceu bo:at. Ouc of tho me n o u the wr.:ck pu~ a~!\ for~v~r•.l-... 'llon,: II Ill j ll5t U yo.a W0~1ld Til£ LifE IU:O\" 0\"E.Il Ill ' SIIOIILDCIIS • dop n p.11l auto watcr-n sen thnt uu­tlll!dill!dy turoeJ t bo decks i11to nnd in nn irl.'t3nt fhana hl msclf into tho 1'01\

1\lld ,..,., d.~::~··• I ~111!\~t ly bu~ c:lrduiiJ iuto A S.\L\t.L n ,\ GISG OCt:.IS tho boM. 'J he Htrlhia"• pM-'l'lli;On! now

"" h izh M n mnn"A w:tiat. A s she rolled und..:r$tood how t he me u were to be &~vet!. • hCI ehattcr~; l the funous tiuo n.;..'ltinat her One by ooc t he auipwrcckcJ ael\mcn leDpcd loul .. llrk8. wloe re it broke iooto s nnLc ~ntl into the •u ter. until eleven o f llaeu1 bnd \Y:\1 dW~pt 0\"11\)" in d :ouliR, lil:o volu rucs or been d rn:::Rcd into the l'.orthico"• bot\t. This ateturo, fo r n whole c.ablo lcn)(t lo natcrn. number m•de n lvnol, nml, with 1\ rltcet'\' cnll ·1 be ~:riu!lin :.- and at rniu ing of the hull, the to t lioao who were to "he ltd~ l.ochind · for n lHJllow, mufllcd . vibt~ttllr\' uotcs of the I'll· short '"hile, ~lr. \\"illiama be:\dl!r.l fq r t bu j.!in,a. t he boomiu.; o f t he mh:hty anroors" ste,\IDI!r. T ire deep boa~ 11ppro:\c\10Jd t hu ll~'llin~L the rc~hnnt fnbrk, the ~crcn111lto~ l'r~rtAia ! lOll l.r; but mcanwloilu Capt.'liu o{ t be wialfl throut.:lo the iron·AtiiT, st:tnrlin.: ~ld(nyc'a forcsi.:ht h:ul pro•·ide.t for the n:,:;::in;::. ftOll t he endurint; thunder of tloe flCrilous llnd d i!licn lt jnb Of gutting the t~oupcftt hur liog thron;:h the sky, com- \ tC$cned men or buarJ l b.: ate:~ml't. A whip I'l l." ted 10 the car tho t re mendous acene o! · w:u ro ,•e nt ,tloo fu reyard,.rm, umlcr whic.h w11rfure aobmitt'!d,to 1hu eye in the pic ture the risiug and fnlling bol\t was atntioued of black heavcus and white wateo11, and by oo~aus of her Mra ; one end of tloe whip, atru;a:liu~. •mothered, ~o.,dcd ahip. Tho knotted into a bowline, w~ o•·eth11uled /'arthia lny loove to for eix bours. At 10 iuw t loo bo."and slipped ove r t ho ehot~ldora o"ctock at ni~o~hL th.o gnlo broke, t he wiod of ft oono, anti •t a aignal a dozen or tooro sensibly lilodcratcd, tho etcamer , .. , o f tho l'arthia'a crew rnu b im up aod awayed brous:b~ to la,•r courto o.ud weo~ rolJiu~t bim iu. Jn tbla w•y t he elev~n wet~ wuro beM·ily over tho immeose Botl pow~rful 111fuly handcJ on tbll deck o f tbo ltl!:looer. ocean awt!ll whlch tb" cyclone hnd tuft be- The boat tbea roturocd to tho wrecr.. l bo hiur.l i~. Suncf11y auoruing CI\UlO with a r,·at of t-he c row were drac~;ed ! rom ber by bcncr.lict ioo in t ho ahl\pe of a war m, bright mO:\ns o r tho buoy11 and lifo line~. and aun. But the ewell -.·as still cxcecdin.':IY boiato:d ftl ung wiab • ix of the l 'arthia"1 woo, henvy. Jt w35 ahortly nfter two bt:lla (uiuo out o f tho oo:>t by tho yardarm whip.\ Uut o'clock) •r hen the Jookun~ 111:'111 r "portcJ a not JCt \Ull this perilous ftlld nobly ex­' tuclawsy on tho leo l>ow, npp11rcntly bull ecu t.ed mistion completed. There \Yll.1l atlll down. A a 11ho WM s:rndu:.lly hoYo up b" tho bo.'' to ruu up to tl1e dllVita. ,.I) t l•o old

, tJoe "l'f' I'OIICh of t he p.,,.,Fa, those who hnJ rc~rw recutrcd u ah<l was brought along aide WIOI'W' eJC:S jg their htnd!l peroci\·ed t bat 1\•ith .\lt. \\'illi1111U nnd ~WO men in her. aloe wu Uut .Jack hM n mar.·e lloualy quick haud

a11cl ete."ly pulic. The block• were swaftl y honked iuto tbe bollt 11nd 1000 aho 101\rud IB:u 1\ bird to t1•o dn1·it.a under tb~ ttrou~ running pull of 11 n 11ml>ur of men before tho a wall th11t folio\( cd her could ri110 to-lh~ heir:htal>f t ho olmiu-pl11tea. ~


anrl tha t if any human IJeinj:j~ were nboar-1 o f bet tbtir plight would be must utiscrable. Sbo was wnt-er-lo:;:~o~ed. a nd eo low iu tho wate r thnt ahe buriod her bulwarks with every roll. ' he had all three oun.sttJ etfttHI­hrs:. but h~r yarda wcro boxed al>o ut ~ny· how, her running ril!!flng iu bi;::h tll, with onlia of it trailiull o.v~rbonrd. lle r cnn,•u

T o nppr.:cll\to tile p11thos and pl uck o 1\n 111h·eatore of t.his kiiod, 11 mnn m n h~•·" 1cn ·cd u o AfiN'tJitOr or Mtnr in eo e eucb " ace no. W \lr\h hue but little v1r nn

was rudely furled, bn~ al!e ha~ a frn~ment when d eeds uo to> bo tol•l whose n1o•lng of a fu rewrmllll;-'tAyatl boasted, M well po•"•rs And e nnobling inspiration lie )n 1\

aa a 110rm atayMI I, and eho looked to be p~rform:~llco thnt ta&y "' fitly be deaeribt'd hove to. lle r upec:l, hs d aloe bc!oa co- 1 In one 113 in n hunLircd Jine11. , uch M ro­oonntcred as a donllict, IYM mournful LDcmber tho foet-I of tltose e!Jipwret ked

'Ii•.: sitttl\ ti()n is t·as~ntinlly differen t from whal it ,. ... ~ in 1876 and lt-:i. 'fl)eu Fmnce Willi &till ··COllecting hcr•cli." ~OIV 6bQ is rel\tly 10 r~couquer, "i~h nrms iu he r hnnd~. "her lc.:i timn:e I'"'!>Ootl~nlncu'" in C:nrorc. l u 1-!77 P ri llt•e lliaumrclt deelued t hi\L t;cqMu.l" lm l uo inlural.$ in the Eut, nnol •r:.s nut iuc lio•cd to loMJ one l'om~mnbn greaallicr fo r Orieubl clf11in1. But c~cn t hen l~~~ I rnpcriDl 'haucell"r llaid em­phatic •lly tbnt t ho mniutenaocll of Auatrill"s po•itiou wit h rcgnrd to tho Ea!L was A <.icrml\n intorcet of imporbnco. X ow tho l'o~oo of Uerhu b~s t browu llcrztrgnvia~ nnd U1>1ui~ into An,.ri:\·~ l<tp, nod tl:o eubl~quent nllinncu between Atutria nnJ GHm:uty ha.. completely mnflc tl:e Gcrwan l!:mpirc " join~ &ll tllty for t his extension of oo~r.I::."\Stera! uc i;;h~ur. AIMo fro1on pur~l~· nuht~try flOlnt o f \"ICIV, Austrin is now ia· m l \'Ctl i:auacdi.ttc!y in nnr •fnrlikc CO!!t · p lie1.tiou• in tlou Ulllklln P,•uinsu lll, anrl her.ohy C; c rnlllny, too, nt l cUL intlirecth·. 1\Ry, even n lionited Turco-Gr~elc '" " wouitl n!Tcct .\ uatrin with rognrd to ·•tbc ro1tl t.:> SaloniC3. "l''

These conslolcrntions Ahow t i.nt it is a wcit.:laty intc rest of l·:uropo nnrl .,[ ~n:.:O[O.'ln p eace t lnt the w:ar bct ••e.:u Gr~cco :md l'urkey 81aou!d bo p n· .. ~nlcJ. Jt i• quito clcllr, 100, thnt it is the iUll•N>It Of tlloti .J t wo St.-\lcs Cllao. Turkey Cl\uoot wish for tho freab exhuat ion that aoch n war­which in no c:uo could procure ~er nny admntago, and probably uoL even the cot~a

......_ .-i.! """''"' __._.....qllehee; o.nd t ho com1•eolllltiun for the moriflCils wlaioh Greeco would l1nve to JUake ie ao~ in proportion w tho Yery qneatiooal>le s-iu lhe hopes for. Thus consid tlrations of tho moet Tnried and importnu~ nature unite t~ NCOm•ncnoJ the Enrope3n Pow eN, eo far a. t hey do not wi3h 1~ codl\nger tho peace .or Europe. w prc,·ent ~bo collision bCtiTOCI\ Grecco and T urkey.

Tho Europeno pres!, nlso, has lately spok~o very hopefully in tbis ~~eu~e. M. H'ulo.,itz, howc•·er, travollod dircc~ from Fricdric!Jsruho to A t hcna, nnd al10 tho French nod Au•trilin Amb:u!!OJora em­p!tn• ic."\lly aopport~d hi§ o~crtatiol\.• about diauomuncot.. Tb~~ l<uMitt .lnd Enr:land wnrmly seconded tbi& wo Aro not ialormed, while l tnly, ns tS 10 often the c:M\1. a ppolU"II t o &<~Sume 11 doubLfnl ntti t ode. 'fberafo ro no ~:tt ~opel are to bo built, on tho Ct lebratcd "concert'' of tho European l:'o"·ors io tho &!"ern Q •lc&tion, which iu reM~ nenr existt'd, " "d prooobl v never will eFist.. llnt t ho ur~enoy o( the do.ur:er · doe& not lie in tho diaunioo of the Eorop~lln PoweM!--lbat Ia II obroaic eril- bnt in l bO interior eoadition of Grecco. King George, as . wall ns M. Coumouodouros, e xpra.,tr declared to M. rtadowitz t-hat dia~tnnnment is impossible ; they h~\'ll only 10 cbooeo bot weco t"o evil11-l-he exhaustion nnd.dis­turblloce of t bo country, or war ; nnd, io tb~ir eyea, war, with All its ineateulablo possibilities, it t-he leu evil. The mediation whicb, cooaequeotly. had provioualy failtd had beuer hnve taken ptaco aix month1 Q4rlier. 'l'hc EuropeAn ooncert rn.iliu::r. CIDd considcrinc t he 5ituation crcotcd In tho fl.'\lkAos by tho for1natlon of the oe l'l' "btes, Greece evidently reelcbns on allie11-11t any rate, in time; ami. 1•erho~, even, abo is foolish cnongh, witbou~ o~en havin!( ftUY hopes oi tb.i& kind, to enter ' on tho path o£ wnr. As tho oew frontier line recom­mended b7 tho Co1tfe rcnt'c is uallceoptAI:lo by Turkey, nnd tha~ offered by "l'urk~,. is iusumcienl for Greece, . to prolveo~ "tho C\lllision b6twecn T nrL:er and Grcece :l DOW' bll!ia of mediation anus~ lie found. Wo "ill oudcnour to po!at out tbia.

l .et us aow c.'L•t a ul:lnco at tho 1\llitu tl!l of Gre~lc policy of l~te y t :\nl.. Durin~: tho last thirty y e11re lltllt revolution in tho G.reek policy hM betn eomploro,l which h!U not only caused tho at titmlo o f the Atheainn c .. binet, bnt a l.o t!to di,p~ition of t he Greek people in Turkey and tho f>rcok lcinlfJ om, to be hOJt tilo to l:'anal:wism nnd anti-H··~lrln. T ho upibot or tho CNl4u inanrreotion, which coat G Necu m:\Oy

Grimm"• F'ftir.v Libmry. All tho Standard P oets in Cloth Mo rocco ,

Imitation .l .. or1 :~nd othor bindinga. lllomint~ted T exts and. Uirt-hr.lay Boolca. I ndeat.rnctible T oy &lotbe r J u,enile B oolc:a. Prayer Books in . MorQOCO, I vory, Sillc,

Sonscnnn:o CArlTAL .•••••••. £2,000,000 Slg. 'fOTAL Isvun:o Fuxos UI'-

WARM OP ••••••••••••••••••••• 2,7W,000 11

ANMULDlNCOlrll UPWARDS or S{)(f,OOo 11

P reaerved Mutton, Soup and J3ouilli Polled Tongut>, P o lled l:fam•, Po tted ll•'bf Corn Flour, P e pper, Spice, Cinnamon • O<&n'O•"~~V &wld, Olnto•. Pickle•. Saueee -Corrie Powder, Thyan~o, Sago, Pars!cy

The "GUARDIAN" being;, drat-olaaa \larjoramt.. Mace, Tablo Vi.negar, Nntmeg•

W here it w ingl« wilb ~o cle ments 11p!n with I IOOUlingAIIle,

Finr~ foaming white, tben l~t to eighlftmidat tho brluy au.

Diach~rga-pl~ and feed-pipes 11nd bilge­ptpee toYIOW1

lnjectlon-pipei3a d ateam-p!pea, each bu.

enough to hoYe eut "..ailor mat5ing for 1\D boor; but wheu it was Jiltcovcrc:tl t lrat t here wore liviolC people on he r ehc took 11n c:r,-, lraordillftry and tnl,ltic:\1 air:nilic::lllce. "o colora were boiated to. exproaa" her r on­d!tion; but then no colon were needed. H er ato"l ""<toted uo better t~lliu~r tban WM fouuu in the aulll(ettion or ~e email CIOIYd of burnM htno.le 011 bor declc wl\tch~ iq~ t ho P.trtlt'a; in Lhe doll dlllldly lihin~ o£ ~he d:uk. volumea of water ag.unat her "J"', in t he J:!Uhins: llf olUilr Oft'IC.\dtlo\1 f rom the aouppe~l\olcallltbo leaned wearilr over to t he row of tho tall &well thAt thre.'\tcnod w overo;ohelm· her. 11od itt tho aluggiah wavio~t of ber oaked.:tp41'8 hnder tile •ll,r· 'fwen~-two peo;>lo conk! bo oooonted aoo.n-1 or her. All t-beao !lad to be aand, bot h •• 'ftll1 well nadetstood hJ oYety ~ btlougillg to the PurtAio that. tiler co.old ool7 be jaaud at t-ho ri•k ol tho boa~• or- tl\a~ ahould puc otl !oJI tbeto; t~e ,,.,u wu aUII violoot. to ao extent beyond lll\'flltin• tba~ oan b. eoovered in •orda. ~ t.he l._rtlla. w-ltb ber propeller lau~ul!liJ rtv~lvlnJ, anlt iato a tiol low, a

&.'lOLl lllll:!r A:o/0 C,\:o/ADIAXS,

t he s.spect of them as Uoey "'ero hoisted one by ono, o'hr the /'or/Jtia·, aide i the bc~rildered rolling jof tl1o oyu incredulous of thrir wimcolou~~t 11r.eaervation; their lllt· pression of au!I.,~ng slowly yioldio~ w po~p~ion of tho n .r lcaee o r life mrrcifully &L~r<ltd tbetn, •radonsl! and nobly e:uned for t h.lm ; L eir 'treftmin;t ~:nrml! nl-1, tltcit llllir qlotteJ I o llcMreOtl upon their palo forohe11ds · he pMliaot\b prcssing l or .. •ard of the'\~ • and pMsen~era or tile Parl41a, to. rejoice wilh t bo poor fellows ovbr their 1181-ntio from ooo of the ablSt lanlcuteblo dooms! to which t1oe at~a ean aeoteoce. will woadt~r at t.lto i•leuft.lciency o r t bia Teeord as 4a brilliant and bu.rty, t bouall, wunplo, a ~oJ M 11\1 whlolJJUa~c. up Ute atlriiA( auuala of (ho cnArltiute JUe.

Slcritice:;, ftnd wu l gauioll··e mo~t anc­oeu!ul wo.rli:, and lhu most indilJ)CIIItlblo f)rep.,ratio~ for thll P.usaiao a,...,;r~li:Si?e 'C\"Ir on Turkey ; and t bosop~ratiou of .~•c n ul­garil\oa rrpm ' he <Ecumeniasl Pa~riarcb ~11\"0 n deti loJiy llll~· RilltSiliD tnrn to tJ1o feeling~~ of the Greek peopla. 'l'l)e years


V el Yet a.Ld othera Bindioge. • Church Serriou. • B ibloa all ai.ze4 Md qllllli tiea. ,

J . 1<'. OBLStlOLU. St. Jolin'~&, peo. lOtb.

Englith lllllu.ruoe Cnmpaoy, offl'rl all those. Caycnr>e 1'epper, Oapera, Matouot · ad"f&Dtage. mott dealn1ble w inturena, ... ~, :tfe1aon1a Q.,Jatine and Tdnt~la•e undoubted &LibUit.y, Jnorsble tel'llll and Woodill'• Bald.ns; l)owdar,l'tcpared H ope prompt aetLiement.a10f claim• l 9t 1011. , R obln10q'a Patoat Rarley, Eppa Coeo&

Th11 uaaemjZ'Jled having bean :appololed· do. do Groate Agen\ ror No.'!'r~undland Ia prepared to ia- ..Neue'• Pood lor ltJfant.t, Ball Blue

BS ftfi!II.Z- e Dl'fttfU"-I aue PoUclea&gainn lou br Fi~C. ~~ Mn.t.ard iD peohs• nd l)ottle• . tAAD~&&IIitt U &.D Y • JA,MES a WI.~.,';l'ER, ?cek, Fream & Oo'a oelebrat.d Bbooit.

... :T • 13~. Jobn'•· in 21b tin••·' o ,, /.

• _ ,. - JOS'"uH "IJDDEN ~rted 8almon, clw. Lobater, 8ardlnea

Parsons's Furniture Depot sob:'Age:~· Br. or:.oe. A large •took of mESOSENE OIL •nd • • Feb. 7. 1.; OJl i M.NEYSj~~~~to., alw'aJ' on l)and.

~ S..becrlbeft-;!,llfol lor pu~ faYOa\'8 • - •• . *: B. T.HOM~N. !::,. ~:ti:.:,::r~blioaea•raJ'' tba~ St. John's· Marble Works~ · · • 1 100 BEDS'TE"~ ., tt/abd np......U ~· ' -o- Trap N ettl n g

1 dOL LOUNOESad7JS ana npwarda. T Q&S UBEB.rMPeoU'aiiJ~h ~ . , • s dOL 'toilet TABLI:fl · •7f d ...... 'hie" u. ..... "1UIPQ~nl1• '- •• -

4dO&WASHS"t'AND8;1f::d:&::;&• Ute liberat~· .:;;,.a lipoa..,Jriaa 3· 0 •oonolkMed-Wd NET!'INU t' cloa.C8Alii.S-G.ea -'-.d ce..oa Uao --~J,!ID~~· iDicmD 4 W• ~ UIIHillllt for ~ 1 Wa~A~a& e surr. ~ !..~~ • !UCll! t• . w.-. 'II~ "'afttllf'J TIU.t'8. ·

Onl, Bo6Dd at.a.a. TABLU. ......, "' ~~ '!-.~ •pono Por _,e ~·o · - · .

,£ ..... berttal WhalloU. edi*tll fl9ca~·- Jlft• ' --:AMI: IO:r:6-........._1Co: wiHoW' PI ... total..._ ~~. f ,;_ 'l ~ .NOY. ~ " l o 't•-;<jZ. ,-;~·'t"·~a

A.Dcl a Wof • , • • .... --- • ' "' '' ~ • ·Piuroaa, tumo ~.,.,.r r 1 , ......... . ·.~~ , ............. --.. Q •

t-IT'f~ir& ·rT--~D11111'11. . -.~-· ..

!t• work o; Tbo' complic4 ed it may aeem it cannot­

apare ooe lillie, All work with perfee~ lan~~ooy-lbe great

part.t with t-he liult. I •

Exceotricaanu excentric-rod.a aod pluwber-bloeh plo~. •

Pedettala aod eoapl.iog-boiiD ud oat. lull maoy a 1100re,' •

Sllde-tthde. aud qntdraata wbiob mu\ not be omitted, 1 ,...

So 70n and I 11111 plllaAetcr.r ibe71Doat b. .. .. u,. fttted.

That7ou mart.. hi callilor.torm wepeo-: f ully pl'j)Ceed, •

A•d ot our ~oltine 'ptoodl7 boaaf.u Bri~ sa~ InCited,

Tho lfM~ propeller M ov .t.m wu b7 pea& ID~

Tberefo~ ... 4fA DOW prailt tb- 11MD for 1meUi ~---.~~· t 1 io,....,. .. ~ ........ llle\011 Ole

--~ · . 'tbe aredelot tlid ....U wllb llllab' the "-: .................. ' ' .. . '4.,._..pi ......... - Mal 01' .. ..

tTl. iftt:,r~- .-io,-.. ;;~ 10\. tM&riiplowr

fl', .B, A.

allof ...,.l§,..~d betwoen hoi at\Cl t.he

:t: a1. 411~ U.o itl-fatod '~I~· In· ~; ~in &Dotber ~n& hove b~,

...,... bOard tbe at.Nmol' ~d I oM: <to~ {iVta."'-!r ~ 1leok apoa,

I 'Ilia lrALP·Dtt'o...m nuu..o' •• ' .... toAocl, nli~Jiits •D<I pat.-1•~ m• ·• J" look apoa • boaot~ Sn a .nv~ ~. •I <It ol.a ll'fl. !I11e anou da!ICO( 1&1, 1alo-irerl•f a boal But .Jaelt i~ ao& of> a lltllberatln tum of mlod wheo

tW oucb~ to bt doDO ,rai\1 !or

, The XedlaUon ' of Oerm.any ill t.he

1 76 and 1878, owfllg to tl\ia attitude, pu~ Greolt ~icy in ~ difficult posldou. At Atlouna the mo.Jt s treuuou, e!orts were ro­l)t'l\tedly IW\Je to iudnco the Ureeltl to join In th~ atru ~-glt. A nd. i n realitr, t bo .ritaation fa& tempting. l111d •hv ~rmed in A theM, from 1 :i16 tO 1817 u tbev a N d()iniJ now in 18:10, no dQu'bt. t he Gredk 11nny, rclhroi"Ced by n11nh:rous ins ursrent b&!!tla, at tho titUO Of the DppeAmDb! Of tho_ ltn'!lliaae ~0\"e Cooet:nntiuoplc wottld.bno ~ained SAioniftft; lllld won •sm patb1 wit~ Oos!lOh jn M acelloni."\. The rulll of ' ho ln. ~uropo t!ltll wu:~ld ~"" beeo

• Sastem QuutioD..

limitllrl to the terrlt•)I'J or t hll ·~~ or the Greek ~llerbl"'. a- woa\IJ bltt woa

1 ao ne.111lon of ttrrit()r)" he(!itMl all her

(IN JC«<Ifi.fCA. z,;;-;;;;; Cof!!gW Dte !6) l'~p!!t't:ltl.._, all3, prob.lbl.r, •• urnpo woufd. .-. , .' • '"o l'..:".lf"h~ l tltt\ a-o•IJQIJ•f••~ rac:t..

Dulel~ hat~~~ IJI~n o"r to t be heoro UuL in .1\h~•U tb&y rwlcll~tod.,..,aq<f iu tt.ia of tile IJI~~;~:It Al?U~I.!liU, f.d ' be 1'4aropou WttA thtt wu... J;ll>•~dadl.r , .. ooan~~~.t by IIIIYAhlemoos(r:ul~h"t •oeoot \\' ebaw• ' &..:laltft.~tl bJ otb<'r l'o~~ Ill\

teeo . ':!~Ml~~tiou tjla~ the Qetwan l r_.~ 1 ql tile flritb! c. ''biML

Am bitt , ;upporti)d b.r tho Ft~Dcih A til'· &c) '" •• aftd oo U.:. , ... ,,, ~( b~Madbr, W pqt a t':ltheto' audden emt to .,li4a~ +f ¥!:,;('te,.._~Jiy the futullc ~~ of Otad.~tclrle on ti• £i1 hi ,F" .. '. :tilrlt.tef b)' 'wtllaRitnt ~ &bt )lon-l A ~t~ilabli a it ~ll'f'tD · Mueb ..-IDa> bow- t~ 11e ,.,,ud not far 'ot. 4lYeJ'1 to rirfntr~IUIO the ...Ce or r.r ... d lone ar thatlbe Uerlin, by 'f,uiolll n:ro."Wa · t~wW.4d to~~~ e 10 .. , wiU~ are filr 1"u.rlurr to li'~· I I• a fait ·



I more thiUI lUI hour ~ the II f l\lld of the DlSTRICT COURT

B~trou Joooc BanTT. :: JOU A d-:-d Jl'lPPJ', aocJ aJJOa had DO

nl Cl"('le first of ~1. \\'l~n tJ,, throne of (:':'!"1 ~ht ilia h Ph&roaba." 'fbe lectare couiated of n· the 1\ln.,•l•llu ur lfa<~t'f't:, abunt to be ftlun- I'JI g·e l ~~ malli8cencet of a ·miL to f-pp& made ten

' ,1 .. 1. .... , nft'.,~l to tht l..eG!lCIId "'hn wAA ~ )'tArt ago 'l'bere waa uot.hll\tf eew or ouL ""' r"!Ar<i• liuag , ,r tlu1 Udichlnll, he &r~~t of _ ...

0_ • of tho way iu •hat he told W. beaNn, but

all, "' .th """"' ttOhUCI\1 lur~ght, a•kw lor A" interuUug e11ough to aueh AI doD'& rea4. \ f\"1~. auol thf'D l'he'08al' ' ""ll the IIIULiotnl CO.VCP.rT/O.V nAY .4DYERT/SER. Tho re•erend gomlemao waeiD&roductd to I"''' ul ~;flltllll. ~unh " ~ettleru~nL of the __.... th" audience hy the Pretidcnt, Judge Pin· 1 "'111ierJ''"Iuch wnul<t hne.aoAile the ne w w~ artttu( rt$/)l}"ulll' for,•or® ~t<ebypPllal· eeot who eo Ia~ upon the kiodoea of :,'"I" r•pablu of hwintt(AnJ 111erehy would ,,9 t.llll i'Nif, tlw opUciolu of o~er corrupoR· the 'naah9o to COOIC!IItinr t.b leetoN Dot-hAv., IActlitawi t he liter 111lution of the rlt HII Wltbataod[ng che Dbmerous ud oneroua 1-:..•tt'ru Q nuuon, •luoh t:~~t•n then, •-.s - ' • h a.." _,. 1 U lth

d dh • - , ... ~ •rUJ'U ·\ "',JA".'U.'ll'" 29.1881. dnUee enau topenorm noonnec on• llllfOo\•I DI"":Iy ""JI:Ctlf , lUI IUC:l! ...:Opo" ~,. ' • L '' "' L ffi (I b Jd b' bn bL •1 .. \lhned '"" otf~red cro .. n. Dot Cl"\lte ·--"~ hu bijth 0 ~ "" e lm opk AI a be g Rn ll • anJt out> for.Hnblt •hen I~ is a qnef· IT will I.e nottced by rurerence to onr ~.~~~~~ ~.·~:.';"'h~;ujl~~ toT~:wlea~ t1nn of t ho m.xlorat-t lno~"'-oct or (:~ece t .. lczmrh column lba\ tho OanauiJln Judge alto tolil tho audlonoo that the- pnc:e I h" t;reek pot•ulation Is th01re prepon· Uo\'o\'nn10n\ 11rpc.u to hon e commit'od of admiaaion to tho " Read1DP and 1\lusac''

· ···niDI', a mnll.·d t ho: :1111,000 lnb .. batl\uU, I ••. l't' r tb .. 'l . d R··-'a'of!" 1 ilon't know . ... ... -•,0 ': to t lo• ••tmla"' 'of 187-l, ta.ero lifO them'Wh e11 to IICCC(llllllt we o ue r o e or .. uaac IIO """ ~"~vno .. ~- ' ' which, would 10 future double of &haL to , ... ~ 1111114 :18.1)11() .Mohammeil•nL P.~cn io fi"t Syn•liC'ftte t enth•ring r:~r~e COO· thll"'footoru, because people did not attend 1'1.111tll l ueully there V.... daatric:ta wtth 11 atruction o£ the Cl\nadinn Paci6c Ratil· the lectures to •ell ae they ougbL. Tho

ri.pc to 1J0 on Rolt a YOJAP, or if I do ""'DOriot yOQ OD dae lb.c. do DOt miDd •• tbaa." (lJJ·lM·IIPtiJ, llr. BJi't.w, iJid yolf ~ .....,.. qf dJ JfiM 'J'fl ' 1 bl .. GlOitt lltf.m·~ ,..,. r •) l(r. ~ &hen tnrpedi to Willtaa l. \Bocl6r, ~ aalct " you act "AI mate, ud wbea ,.. uebaolanlf' from "the *barf, jomp wpoa tie_barricaile and " call out loud fo r more_.~VPQ o r IJiytbiDg "yoa - ia waoUa~r; ~ fa ll tine time "wbeo Job a Spence ancl Mr. Tbompeon " J>.rt on the wharf." William .T. Butler obeyod'thue iDetn~etlc:rnt to the let.ter, Mr. Butt innocently(?) repl)'IDJI \' Come. come, "geL wbaL you waot." Ue alto told ua to go:~ tho ~torm·t'1aaif 11poo the • barf and have 1L so"ayed b.J Mr. iUoma, ae the maiiiMil wAI bad. Tb1s be aald micht "ill/tct"rtbe inauranoe. J aiiO IfilL from bam a vateot log, and to abo• bow worldly mill• ters wtll somotimea force t.hemaciYea upoD tht mind l'f eD Of a loving (J>.tber, when baddong farewtll to AD lltloptcd eoo, I may mention that tho ouly benediction I re­cea~od at parting wu-" ""d when you "(~'';:her, for God'a .Ue aal'o my patent lo~."

aro not to ellft AI they oogbt to be to· lbe dao~r w~lch ~ocb th• vee uen ol tucb a pod·lookiAjr beYt....,e AI Lhe l"'lbJ 'WUIO, ADd UW. theJ palliate, U oot eDooorep, Ita cootWDptloo. 1 beline, alto, tha& thlt course of ~ ia chie11T beoaute tho7 h\'C no~ gtYOll auSoitDloo-deraUon to it ; &bat if (to add to dlt 'I'Ordt or Lbe Doctor) the)' could but - tho rulo they are •orkior, they would deliiiL 10 horror, from their un­CODICIOill • attempt ; ud that af tbOICI .-ho are lUpine JD the matter could see the ruin that. ia be1og w-rought around them byaLroDg drink, they would be no longer eo, boL WOUld diiOOUnttDADCe In OYery nght IJid proper •ay ite 1110 by their wale !rieDda. EYeD a mer6 selflth conc:er11 for tbeir otrn COlD fort aod lwipp1nH1 abonld Joduc:e Urem to th(a action, (or who..tufl'ers to· wuolt fo r the11n of the "drinkmg'' huaband, £ather o r brother, AI the wife or mother or d&agh­ter d oea I '

cetlioD of Qaea l'hrla), Arilhmetio­&be priAcipal 1"111• ror Ute uamlwioD MiDr: ~a .. (&111fle IJid eompouDd), LoaiiJid Galo BqUN aod CD be Roo" aDd F ellonhlp. ;tb, ~oDd C._ wae U• ambled lD Geof.l1lPhJ, prioeipaliJ th_. of NewioiUICIJaDd. ol wlllcb ao oatlloe -p ... 6ra"o bJ eome 1of the P1U!Ue of tbe Clau: Gnalmv <-toDUori ol ferbl aod pal1lin~;), Arhbmetl~e prioclpel rulee for the euminatloD belD': Simple .Pto· portion, l'raclice, ommueloD and l>ia-count.. The buain of the '.fhird Clau cooa!ated ohit6y ot Dg in the Third Book ; Aritbrqetic, the principal r ulu boiDR Reduction and Simple Proportion. The Fot&Mh Claa •• e:umaned iD Read­log, Sotlliog, ""d &be CompouDd Rolea. The FllLh ud Sixth Clautt were uamloed ID tDODotyllabiC reading and tho Alp~bot.

All the ct._. weD~ &brou~rh the buaaoca nry creditably, ud clenrly aho,ed that 11oither Teacher nor Puplla had been 1dle d uring the precedinc tlx montha. Aa au IDctDt.ifO to further "flf'IJc&tiOD OD part o f tho pupal-, tho Reotd. '\)'m. Vettcb nry kiiRitr pro•ided so10e pnua. 'J'brouJib the k1udoeaa of Mr . .Haonthao, I am able to furn lab you wtlb a liat of tbo pnue ""d eaooeuf.U competitora :

SATOID.Ar, Jao. H-Ricbard Shane r1. JobD ~lanD II eo.; recni•IN ol &be yoyaae of Mark Heoamry. Aodoe for 191, ....,.. ae 6Mety 8!'ftllt _. lAbrado r. .Mr. CUI$ for Plabad; Mr. Woocl for De­feDdtuta. Tbe Plalotil, i~ appeare, bad beeo a apllUtr, aod elalaaed u hie •aa­the hiabee' tbare made ID &be seneral •tar•· The DtfeDdaDta, OD t he other baod,

·contended tbtt be (PlaiDtitr) wat to ban the bigbuL ehere tDed. bJ bit owD erew. 1'hit waa corroborated b7 the tblpplllf paper bot waa ditpDted bJ Plaintiff AI beloa' iaconecL The CoDrt. found that tbaL waa all be wu en"tled to, a nd ~"t! judpeat for Pl.aiotilf for f2t.86, coett, aod brief fee of t i 60.

Solomon l 'eoDy u. A11dre• Patillo& Ac· ttoa for $40, bal:ance due for work ODd labor io bulldi111r a atore "" Dead ltlud. Labrador. Mr. C lift for Pl~ntilf. Juda· rnent for PlaioUif for 938.96 J>.Dd coetL

tlt'lllll! snd Dul!tel'ooa 'J'n rklfh popuhu.loo llall w-.s Yotry · muob orowded, .nd tho 'flle r.reck pll~nlatioo of Crute lo-.s fough~ " 11Y· t money bkcn a\ the door wae l(jmething iu luore\1 tl~erk populauon tn '"'Y part h will Lo rcmemhomd that lut tho neigbhorhood of Tw~nty l'oun~IL 111 l'urt~)' 1o free thPmsel•u from Turkish S J 'l Da A atudcnt o f thu Romau Catholic Col-l 111A. lln<l ~tnt-ted fvr th.:•t laberallon 10 11110mcr •r 011:-1 " ACDOSAt.IJ, '"' J'"' 1,e l t!gc In St. J oho'a unllerweot e umooatlon ~ ~ 'f~n&t lnRU'ft<!IIOn~ winch luted For lura. Tcrrtn, ano.i nlher promment mom rs tlao Wttk befo re laat for tbc Loudon Uot· I url:ry • ..., eonn .. Ahe J!CI' IDlO frellh CillO · o r the O o)\ernmenL p rocceJe-1 ~0 En:;· \ tr&lt,J' degree. lha pl\pllnl wall be sent to

l ·liCAIIOnl, wouhl r rob., bl1 be quttt unlblo lllntl fot• tb'\ Jlllfni)!O o r int~restmg Eu EngiDnd, ud tho r eftult will not l>e known , ,, put 1lo-tn 11110~\ter oosurrecllon in Crete, , , for 10100 time Tnfhng,.. tho CH!nt m~y

trdo,not ·pabliah th~ facta through ADJ 1'and actavo feehnlf, nor tQexculpate 1nyselffor

l'rustloft, Mr. J::ditor. t hat Jour fatr J'(!ad· era Will pa.rdoo tile dootor aDd my humble self. If we bawe It belled the telt in J>.D)' de­gree, and that wbate~er truth he and r may hue g~~~~~ exprewloo to, way produce Itt legttJmato n:tulta,

1 ato, my deu Mr Edot.or. A Ll£\'I:BEn oP m £ FAIR Sa.

WRO~I.!!DAT, Ja11. 16-ltobert Seymour u. J oeeph Dagj,'L Action for f & 40 foT longer& Judimeol for l'laintiff fo r $1 80 a nd coeta.

, .. ad •he an)ure• hrl' s\l'llteg•cal and genet!' I ropcltn cnp1l•hats an thl' uuilthng or tills appeAr to tomo, 1 can no~ allow tt to pAU

! "'''~~~~· lua bv th<~ C~""•on of Crote than a-o.tcl, aml tim~ eventuAlly Lhoy anc:~u wtthout wtahang the young m11n aucceea. 1 11 acreptlnar the frontie r lint r oc:omroonded 1 t k am aurp:ned that none of "the ProtcatAnt

1.~ the Hcrhn (.;nhletenca, or from t.ho tx· ed in setting 1\ comp<tllY to um er a ·e ACIIdemtca bu yet furolahcd a candtdAte for ''""''"on wlucb would be produced by nco tho work, on wh11L seem .. ,, howe• e r, n oL tho honour. All 10 good tune 1 suppose

tho (lllrL I p!Ayod In the IOIIt of the OaN f.aldi Out &bere Ill doub Ueuaucb!' tJtingaaupccaes of honoor , evcn .. mODJf t~ n, and l llhould ha~e been OODteDL to beat ibo l egal puniah· mont of my act bcaide whAt 1 elready bellr (And God l:nowa tba~ Ia h~•Y euouj:b), :uHI I abould hii'I'O been liS une &o lfr. Untt 11000, u I wu hia ellly dupe before thlt crowomg act, whicft i1 only or a p;ec., w1th 111! hta deRhngs mth me "llDco 1 bccM1e tbol vacum of hill Wllea. I conld buo compara-11\'0 reJ:ard for tho m3n who could atab m the dark or fi!CI grim plut ore an tho ~gooy of hie v1ctim, for whale thou would '>o the result• of paaaoon, aacb a man mtJ;ht bo cap"blo of a !fCDorous o r honoumble 11ct, buL towArds tho oool designer of a (mud, who would etm·o to pnn:h~Ue h11 own rtl•j

( W e are l(jrry thllt we have ousiAid the utract refe rred to abo• e-our re~~.dera, thllro:lore, muat t h11 "'' eek reaL con teat trath our correapoodeot'• re:n"rkL]

An11lnwtic, First Cla-11~ prlxe, Cb-.s. LeVeseoote; 2od priu, (ex .equo,) Mary ltyan, and Hridgc~ Duine.

1/ome £u6v,..-{ex aeqno,) Cbarlu Le· \ " e.conte, Mary Ryan aod llnds;et Define.

ll11tort_-( .. x requo,) Charles Le\ . eacoute, Drlda ct P enile and llarJ &ao

Michael Ry"" r1 Jamea GlaYeen. Ac­t ion for tl7, fo r one aenhng pont . Settled.

1\hchul Brine a . Patnck Callahan. Ac· toon fo r t-l for accoon' Judl(UitiiL for PlatnLoff for t-l a11d e~tt by confeaaion

"' vtcl,.roous '""r agaioat r.reece, and 11mul- ..-rry est'\)' terms. T ile ComJiany wero t o Some tamo ago 1 bt:lrd a rumour tbi\L une"••a maur~ctoonL L•stly, 10 the cuo rocea\'O tv.•onty·fho mtllion d olllll'l 10 steps were beins taken to eatAblu1h" achool , 't 'reto no orgnhallont w1th rrgard to tho 111 St J ohn's ror tho haghcr oduCAhon of fMntler Art rcqul•lt~ u hature bu reader· CJ\.~h,· M we!l 1\! t<Venty-fivo rualhon ~Yomen 1 hll\o beard nothing of 1t siuce,

CnrlN>Htar, Jan 2M/I 1881. (m nu: &Drtol1 or T UC ST.AliD.A&O)

DltAn S I R., • 1/oJU LcuoiU, Second (;la.u-llt prlu,

J ohn \ 'eatcb.

.. By Telegraph. --IIALif AX, J an. 2l-Great I DilW•IIortD, "d t hem supertluoue. ncaM o r govd Jon• I along ~ho hno, valueJ but it aa:l\ most dum~ble ohJCCt, ;,nd o~~r~

I heac re:uona appur to tts c:tlcnl,.ted ~ 1\t hrty l o 80, on ty·fi• 0 101tt.on d ollota s , nne "ho a pprccllltu ednca11on mu.~t wu1 ~C/)0\Ineod oar rroposal w the ottenuon 0 I " " early ACC010phsbnaont. 1 1\tn alnud, t he ~owcrs J>.DXIOUI fo r peace, aod 11110 to ""'' wcro to hl\\0 lnmdl!<i ovc 0 tae n• however thnt our nt.nk tlenonunauooalaam t'urkey aod r.~eco. Fortunately, 11110. the cc:rt 1111 ['-'\k o r tho road Alr®dy con· wall mal:tAw ag:unat au 1ostlt uUon of t ho

~~~~~~:no C~n~~~. ~>:;,!'OS:.,',,.'!~na~et th: I ttrllcU!J or unJor contr,tct, or to uo but It kni'~,w tho other dny in ono of our loCP.l ):crhn peacr, and no aulJouooal artaclo to at. nt Go• t•rallnent expense -n concessaon f'"('OI"i! Innis or I\\O \ery 1mportanl mAltOI'L 'I he reconcll auun of 1 urkey 1\tld G reece , ,.hied uy T urP&n ut ~wcnty oaght m al· J'ho 0,,., \fM the do.:~~1nbahty of nffordang

J eCO from t he 18Vetl'l CODIIJIUII1Citi6n~ wuoch hu e lately 11ppe11rfd 111 your va<IU· 11ble paper, lhM t be lle1bod11t bod) of Car · bone,;'r-or, at leAS!.. that por~aon of them wbal\re ~~~ lmmedlltelyantereated m ed­ucattoaal fo&ttera-:tre bej!lnninll at lut to awalc" from t ho slumber ollndol'fl.orence lo winch t heor actions hft\'O too long been wmpL 10 regard to tina moat IDlporttnt question ·

tlrolluart~e, Second Cla.u-1et pnte, John Vettch; 2nd prize, ( tx .equo,) Jobn Sulli~AD and J eremiah . ullino.

lion~ !.t:»>IU, 'J b ird CIU11-ls& pnte, l'atnck Uwyer, !!oJ pnn, Edward Baron

Cal,cAIIIM-ltt P.~· , (e,r. a:quo, ) PAtllck Dwyer, William\ eo h,aud EdwArd Uoron, :lnd pntt, (ex mqu ) Mary ::) aod Bridget W a lab

geoer~~l throughout Europe Tra't'el be· t ween L.oodon, Pane., Uru ols aod A mater· dam ia t toppcd J>.od traffic auapended. !'lnmrroua wreckt reported. Tra~ellert aoowrd up, a nd aome froun to death.

Flooda 10 Spain.

~~~ tbe fneodly me~oahon ~r a third party 1 d 11 lks.tlea t illS tho Com penpl" an tho outport.t the benefit or the '"alone requared. rio II tbtrd party .. oultl 1011 0 ars. ' Sa~angs' B:\Uk- tho other the ncces.~tty lor toatuntlly bo t ho Chaocellor of tho norman JI&Dj Is (.() ue exempted from pnymg tho e&L'\bhslunent of II S.'\tlont' ll~mo Ill ' t., Ewp1re. d atly on tnaterutl, "nd from mnnacapal John'& Tho fintt would be of mcalculable

&pccbbahty 11nd ournptaon from blame, a t tbe price alm:»et or blood. at the u e n fice o r the repulAtaon and hbtrty, porchanee t he h•u, of b11 deluded "cttms, towanls hom who,-.ould 1111 tho &'\lis or has protpenty WJtll the 11gh~ of wtfo and p.'\rentt. uudas· turt}cd 111 hta rt•J~clabai<I!J (?) by thear mop,rntng fo r those who nre worse th'\n dcr-wlult ~n I do less, than by mAkmg tht et.,ternent. pl11cu tbo outhoes of h ill tr o hadeou1n03,~ 111 the ptctnre w1tb rnyi!Cif, leAfiDIJ at to bo p:untcd M Ius countrymen mlly JecuJe

I thank the timo hl'LS no• f•Jily come when tltey should AS p:u-entt And ~rd111n1 of tho naaug youth, r.:.aluo tbetr reapon11hahty, ftnd endt3\'0ur, b_v all pouible 1\nJ honor· abl11 mc.-.oa, to h"~e our prc,eot d efecu•e cducnttonAI ayatem ( eRpecll\lly JM Lregarda tho ml\o~omcn t thereof) brought IlL !cut to eomc ruuo nable abapc ; for u matters 110\l' nre, aod In fact hllVO been for a num· h~r of years put, t he ay~ten• now obtainmg u (vtcwing 1t uobut.scdiT) a attndaog ahame 1\0d Jo~graco to a ny CIVlhted COIIIICUntt)'. but more parucuhu-ly to aucb 11 large and resptctAblo body of llctbod~ata u • • have aL prCIC!IIl 111 Carbo ncar

Ar.thntctu:-lat prize. (ex :cquo,) Dnnacl W hite, \\' ilhac: Vettch and ~bry ' ulhn n.

Rtad••g and Spfllaflfl, Foor lh (;l11311-111t pnze, Daotel Wb11e; !!od pmc, Mary (;u. roll.

The Turcomaot, alter repcatert eort1ee, aod capturaog t he Ruu11n guua au tbe r;,. donbta round Ueok "I eke, were repalsed with greAt lOlL

T be llCIII poned arbitration between Greece llOd 'l'u rltey baa been abaadoued


tMxalion on the J.mds grant.ed them acrvu:c m Imming people to h~bitllof ~" oug It aotght, aa the wnt~r remnrked, be of no Immediate a.h 11ntli!;Q to tho Governmnnt, mthe1 110 oxpculkl, bnL the bc.n.efh to the people would be very gNnt. 1 ho BCcoud hM long been t.'\lke;l nbout., nnd It II A ahamc to St. J ohn's th11t tt 11 not an accom­phahcd fact. I d .. ro a:>)' th:at no fewer thnn &000 nr GOOO 8C3f11nug men ~isot t he CAp•· tAl c~ery ) ear. most of them enure stran::cl'1, nrlll yet t here nro nn menus o f helpans the m 10 keep OUt of lu~nl1 8 Wll)' Or Of mnk1111; tl101r vtaat Nhore ngt"etnblll to thcot W .,rc It c• on lo r tho l'.~kc of our own people who come to ::It J ohn'll m Much numben~ m thu apnng lind r~ll of the yrnr, the llomo ., very much to he dea~reJ

The D ominton Pl\rhllmenL \\as called

toscther aomn months ueroro 118 nccns Se"\'e:lteou F eeL o! Snow--Loll Of Vea· t.omcd tuno or m~tmg to :;I\ o t L.~ ennc:

tell nnd Livea. __.. lton t.o tins c:o11tmoL. The OpJ>Osataon,

l.o~oo~. J an 19 ...... .\ acow-atorm pretalla he.ulcd uy BL,\K&, mrull.' 1\ mostatrcnnons n' er nrlrly the \\'hOle \an~tdom Inc r u aslt\1\ce hotll 10 And on t of P llo h" \f~nthtr 11 t he IIC<rere~t known an twent1 Jo•lt r11 t>ur1ns: n heuy gale on t he Corntah IIICI'L to 11.11 1\doplaon. A fow weeks conat " French -rust!! w~e wrecked :.t ::letlly ngo n n .,,) Syndacat.o:tc nde co I to cOil. i•IRod Therel\fo uo hdlngs of tha ~'i"O:'" alrncL the ro.<tl ror thrc:o nulhon dollurs I wo veueb :uc mahore nL st., I • es 'I he

.. old 11nd stormy weAther on tho couhnenL los.s rc:tdy money, tbrC(' 11111l1t)n ncrcs lA oll'otrocuu:: c:wll!~t aoo, :u "'ell u rill · of )and los.s, ngrocmg lift well to pny

""I' ~~~~=1?,~~~\r~l jj,)11n;:: orc..,~lw arl' duty on mnleraMI, rmd t o l.oo l u\ulo t.o "'hnr~ oul6itle th&'f.arbor CJf llnn u d o \ nllmlclp.'ll l:\xnu on Whether oa· n ot J ol~·bolll. "IUcb \TM launched for th o reacuo : tills Co.npJ.Il)' would uo 1\ulo •.o cnroy ,.f the crew, \T!\.1 t al'llte.t 1 ld h 1 1

lonmcnae d:\m~"u luu be! n tlonc ao ~~~ out ll~ ngnoemcnt to lotn t o me, nn< oloulby tho temb1o~ ~looncc hoda) All 1 "htthe r ~~ conltl RITonl t o work. at a f. lei"O.:rllphlc 1\n\1 nt.I)Wft) COilllllllniCl\IIOD II lcn•nnls 1\e Joovo 110 moans or JUdg >n t~rrup1etl ll uutlre•lscl huup-pot l'l wero: • hlown do><n, Clrrlft!:liiii)ISOt All<l r•h .. \tle• Ill(; - It Rflpclr~ . ho wo• rr, tllltL thC) , J,.troyed rl•c '""~'. ateamer• \\ ere •leb) ·1 olf noL to be ntlonlod nn opportnnl~) ~J for tft'O \lnys J hi! \\'Cillhcr " Hr} o r n~tcmptoll" t <l ,Jo ~0, thl' l:•lnlldll\11 •e, ere m the e>st north "'"' 11ortlo "est, o ... pecaall} ID the II:\) or UIICA}' J hr ( :\5• C:o\ ('flllllent p.!r~~ hll\ •n:; lo\ lnr;:;c ttl a nuo~a are flood~J, IICvtral wrtcks are 1 aooJ o>rlliU olc fcl\luJ the \'1\IIOIIS nmc• d

reported tATER m e nt§ mo• o.l uy tho Opposition The

nrxL nc" • wa shall hea r wath refe re nce l./l"<MS Jan 2()- Jloe storm conuuuc• 1

.,,.,, ... ~.: •• ~ 1 -·~•--·· •- -~~- r••••• I tn tlon m 1tU!r wtll III'OU:tblv bo. thnt the ano\1' ts c'enteen feel deep ami " nnm· the first :::i) mltcnt.o's contract i' 1Lh the hrr of tcnms IUU Imbedded In at.. Jrnlll• arc I Go\(•rumon t lms uecn COIIfil med uy tho anowed up t:\ Crywhero ani! some of t he l'rn\ mcoal to \'Ins are quote aeolat.t'd Purlmment

A French vcsaehunlr: ofi Grcl\L l"Rrm011th -----·--~---'1\'oth lou or hvtL A bng Wl\5 atraodrolllt <;nri•Ato u, lou t'l!lht hYce, &od t • b.u'lae wrecltcd on tbe Su«ulk coest. watb a lo \'1 or


ten h•es ' 1 (From our St J obn'a CorrospoDdenl)

Lo soos, .Jnn :?0 - W oth a J"'rt11l 1ro , 'it J,./"'''· Jnn 'ljllt. 1881 otOI'1laOD o r 1be le lt'~tAJ'h 10 i'.o~tlanclt,tn l ~taocu or persons bomg overwhelmt by I mostook tbc <hy lo r tlo~ rna•l hut wee k onow anrl frouo to de11tb ue r~portod rom It b:u NcentJYAco changed 11n<l I forgot 1'&MOUI ilaatnCt& ' the fa:t for th~loment.. 1'!111 IS DOl l\ I'Ory

• Raolway tr&Jbs, In 101':\C c.aa~ ~re goo<l cscnoe for not wratan:;, bnt It 111 all l llbandoned In s now dn(tt, whe re only th e I fJ f a noel o r the cngone rewaaoeii"Ylllble _ - IIIYC

10 0 er Tbc douu~e of tho Do•er l'oer RmOIIIII.o I don t 1hlnk 1 nm much better off for

to £10.000 :sohll maseea or concrete were 1 ne•u of am port.~ nee th:111 I wu ••hen 1 wrote acooped 0111 by tho w11•ea. a nd ~tones IMt.--1 me"n or course Joc.U news The wea!lhios: aeve~ toua • u bod away ' l d r' th be

The paer a t Soaod Eod, 00 t he Tb!lmes. weather hM e oaogc o r e t~r, 10me oppoette U.e mouth of tbo Medway, wu "'Y• bot tbas cnn be no oo•s to tho people camed n•ay by ace The boat atding 10 or Harbor Gf11Si! Tbe change, 11 11 to be 1he rescue of ptl'1004 ' on t he pter waa fe11red, "all bnng hardsh•p to lbo poot , fo r awamped, and eaght pc!I'S01U drowned the mtldnP'-, or tbc seAAOn 10 f11r must M\' C

The .-eathor le now floe, but cold. h 1 M.Aoruo, Jan. 20- ' Lne uoadAiqo1ver bu pre•ented them from accunng t car uaua

rt•~n12-l feet. A Yaolu' ator01 tt ragtag aupply or fire- wood. oo tbe :lledaterrauea~. . Tho gre•L l'lllway conlrowtnty aeema to

Lo.>~oos, Jao 20-~ loa ofsb,tppao~rtn h&l'c dt•erged 1nt.o a daacuuton of tho agrt· tho atorm tr1Jl prove 1mmenae. !no loa d or h ie 11 ifUI. At Yarmouth ee• eo wos culwml capabtlijtes or tho country ao 11.'1

I hii~C rc11d rrofl!&oor ll tm1 s let tent on tho r .. t6aficd SL'\hfttiCS AfT~tr, but or COUMtC. 1 can mnke notlun)l of them 1 ftUJlJ)OI O I hll< ll no t tho • enquann:,t e)e' h1.1 apeAk a or I laul to ~~eo wh11t ob,)\.'CL wM to be (;"oned by tho Rllegcd fAlsoli~ltbn WM tbc r\H!vcr any lll~il body of ~t~llshcs. atnctl~ ap,.k­IOJ;', correct? l doubt tl. 1 aco l on!lre•~ hM b) rcaolntton refni!Col to look m'to the ,.frlltr I tlool no t ~o•wc lhl• Amenc.'\nS creclot lo r 1!0 much moclcat)' 1 suppo$.: l he) thou!!hl or Al"b"m" rcm'\lnclon And For:nn" II.' ) Outra~:e~. nnt to mcnuon CjutSIIons of Bonnrl11ry hnes. &c.. 1111J llo>'tr consrt.:ncc for once WI\~ tender l thmk l'rofc!~Or flua l hMJ better, 1D COnlUIOD pAriiiUCO, •• ahut up' '

SIG~t \

~ orrtsponbrncr. - =- _______ .,._ ...... _____ _ A. Lot tor from O:lpt!liu Curu e, lat.o of

the " .Alice Lyno "

(10 'I'll£ tntTOr. OFT11£ ST\:SD \ RO) Sor,-

M ter the 11nfortunAto whtch lr~le-1) helrll the bl\rquenuno Al•re L !fnt, III)IU'If and c rew ~nchetl ADd la\ldud at B111 Bulls. Subaequently tbo veaael wa~~ rescued by 11 crow of men (rom t hat IOCIIhty, 11nd ulta­mately towed to S t. .John's by the llc~m-tn~ C11bot I M\1! to bear teatamony to tltu gcn­e ml gooJ condurt o f the peopl • or tlte lirt!t· IIAtued plnco, 11nd ewpccal\11)' to tho 'ory crcllolllblc u1anncr tn which the Mlvont ACted woth wessel 1\oo.l property wbolaL to thctr chargc-thero waa no pllfenog of pro­perty or deatrucuou of any put P\rta.iotnif to tbc ahip. )

Y ours 1'CfJ tnaly. liECf Oit CURTIS.

!Ale M a.<ttr nftk .ll•ce 4•u. Harbor Grace, Jao. 21, 11!81.


H arbor Or.rr f, Jan 2i , 1881. ( TO 1111: EOrtOR 01' Til£ STA.'ID \ RO)


1 put ono hundred and fHLy llCIDnd5 111

tho (;arobnlllo, fo r "luch I hold ~lr Dntt • recetpt. llo pnL one houuln:d mora "" A loAn to me, 1\llnte~at or tlX per c:cn L, re· l(llt~llnd lnaurcd the • o:Mel e"(CIU! Iftly 111 Jlis own name. nod IUrtd '"" tilL KA 1011t1 1\t the r.\te of coght pouuda per mouth As moat por110n1 ~~rc Awt~re, I ha• e been unlor­t unMc m busmca., dQnng tho ps.tL year, :and, coos;:qucntly 1\nllblu to lnlly comply wuh these nrbatrnry conrhuon.i or )(r Butt, by "Inch he 18 now en" bled to reprc110nt me as A{IP"'.:ntly an h•s debt. £t wM Lhe n tlut Ins fdrlllc br.\IR conc.:l\ to\ th.: aubhmo adel\ of cl~:\nng mo: otT by tb., <l3ugeroua hut m'\. ... tcn-8troko

\ 11tl hero I n1~' ~~ow th:\1 IIJl tn 1ho • ery d:\y on" Inch tloo CJ nnllfll<lt ""-' 11tr:uuled, I dod nil 111 my J>O\fer for h~r 11.'fe1y It wM ooL nnlll the evil hour 111 wl11~h I almosL felt ~lr But~· .. mercalcM h'\lul upon rue, ,.flcr I &honld roturn to h•m cmrty-h~moll'd, and pactured on the he'\rth Uae Wlntllr-wolf "h1ch men 110 uaur h tlr<"'\11. th:\t I >,..Jde;l to tho prnonp1111~• of a he t.conptcr J-:, en tlao'n the act 1~luch ~~ 10 mltch contlcmnccl, of lcttlllj: w1111lr an to tlotl \ e"'el, Wl$ CIOn~ lu r t he purpo " uf kCCJIIII::: her fr0111 pOtlnclmj( aud br.:~kmg "(• M I tel\ II) ":ahcJ th't ahe moglat hH o some f< :.I!Oin hle v.1lue t11 tlao'IC "hoao property lho shonl· l la,.(nlly be~ne It IS bee:\ use tlall • C!lltl IY:tl not c~rtr~Liy lost tha~ I am 111 the ()O•Itlon I occupy to·J.') llaJ I how" ' cr I .:It tb" C:ttnfA/UI a (e\V da) ~ IJeforo Under IOillc chff whoso troll eHI\!8 would have cru•herl OUL ovc:ry trAce or I mud Mr Dntt . ~,:olden drum would havo bt'f11 reahted-Ar would hl\ve pocketed the whole of thl\t " bot or money;• t o tho wne of 1hreo hundred Anti lllty pounti~-Ae would ha~c been the rc­ftptcted llutL of an aoilmnn:; carcle, whole I - 1 M!uuld ha~o been' baa wbuc-he~~rled, but hun~ry ltOp!IOD, and tbu d110arded butt Of hut mtr1gning

These lire o nly IL(>Orhon or ~tr n. tr.\DI· ACtions towal'\la me, I\ ad I regret now, when aL Ill too l111e, that '"Y ey<"l "ore no~ op~n to see t hem. I think. however, thaL aJI.c!r whi\L 1 have DOW madj known, 1& Will be needless for me to contmdacl or uxr osd any o the r fRbncataoos thAt be may Mtcmpt to tmpolll u pon [IUbhfl Credulity, 8UOh all wbcn ho thanks Ill h11 Jetter the l111t/ /KI'pft. o£ Aquaforte, fo r hclp1og btm to reco•er hta p roperty from the "tyrut." Now, Mr Edttor, onry mJ>.O or that TC&~Cl's erew a wore upon oaUo, that thoao J.:i,.d fK.OpU of Aquaforto stnppcd thRt achooner by foret,

~otw llbll.andtn~r tho" hberAI endowmeut roceovcJ annuall) from tho t;overnment, ~~e are ntpadly n:trogntdmg year hy )'t'l\r-111 ao f:\r na lntle or no unprovemrnt can be uouced 111 most of the acbol~n1 for tbo~ut­l:.y e ' pcnJeol , wherel\11 af thongt~ were bllnd­ltd'as Liley h3\'C a nght to lxo, t C!'n~e no reuon "hy "e ahonld not bu 1\t fc&SL a­br~Mt, ,r not au adv11ncu of. our neaghbeurs m t hia amportAot p:.rttculu.

At the pr~nt tune "e hll\11 no other a,s. snmncu but t haL 11\J\tlers w11l attll grow wora~. "" lonj:: :u the pnnc•l"' obJect o f our e•lucnllun:.l grnntaa treMrd na a IICCOOcll\f! CODIIdcm iiOD UJ t!Jn~ who hMO t he 111!111•

~!lcDienL of It .-cvad uocea arc 110~ WAuhng to pro'o thoa IncL.

h 11, Itt me :uk, n ght nr re.'\.nn:~blo or proper 10 am port ) Onng no~n to 1h1~ country to lulu I thll oluuea o f te11chcno "hen at " ohsunclly nmlcr&tood vranr to their C!llljll<;e· mont tb'\ tr.h or one or two Hl\1"!1 they :trc to enter the Manostr} ' llcucc the unnecu· N\rv CAJA.·u~c unO\IIatl-~u•l tiiJ:1. combluud wotl1 thu frequent chAn!lr.o of tloc MJUtcrR, '"' rnntCIJU<·nlh' comprllc•l m~uy of thu ..,.h,>l .rs In •ec:k for l:d ucnu on 111 the Schools or other <lenouuu'\taons.

n ... ['11'<-'lt'llt JloHU a• lift\¥ COiothtnted 1\re All eh~oblc eno:~gh II ah"J huL lltrl thcar 1luty, thll only dmwhllck to th.-tr t'fJecii\C· oeM be one: that tbt} hi\\'C I\ II (" llh one OX·

cuptton) , thear launllee grown up Rnd ellu· calc<l , consequently tlo~y do not now fi nd the 5buo paoab 11tere 11 oua thoug .. hoch, I may "" writ remark r:a pnuaut, wall gn 11 Inn,. way to ' enfy the tenor of thoa 11rt 1cl~nd thnt aa th11 I he Mul ex-cupuonAI member ~Cl~lnJZ how than1--s were mt&llll\11~ has :~l•~ntcd hamaclf from lloe •ueetn•~t~ of t bo D1>:1rd lor uow more thl\n tWO )Cilr11.

U no e'onl'ltl somotomtll offered In thear beb~lf IS. that one nf the Utn:ctora tnok tb~ who I" lltpcrvl'llon an to h11 nwn h.'\nd1, com · pJe~ly tgaonng any ObJCCtiOM Of has ft"llow D•N ctors.. Tbaa ca.nnot be IICCCpted aa a ny excuse wh11wver. bot, oo the eontnu-y, as a full ~tcknowledgmenL of breach of trust, and 1L ahowe t bo Jll'tllt neolllllllty of one of .. Alm11 M11ter'a" su~ationa, ~1a , that tho pa~nll altoultl1o 1vt11e way or other hue a YO ICC 1n -the matter, aod have tho accounta regulArly audited.

&a·l·•g (Jilt( s,.dhllg, Ftfth CIMa-ht pnze, J a tou Carro Ill <!nd prlal', (ex requo,) Mar.l•ael Morpby, lkrpard ~urphy and Jobu OcYtne.

Alter tho pnzu b11d been doatnbutod, t here wu a Stn1111 IJaod 10 a ueodance, composed clneOy of the 10111 1r puptll 1 'he whole afl'aar t enu1otll!d watb t hl\t beautiful hymn, "The Star of tho ~ea." s uug by all LJll pnpaiL 1

'J hiUlklo~t yon, Mf. Edator , lo r apace, 1 rewam.>yourtl, etc .

AN Ol~Ettn:tt


Jt lAthe lllfll\nChOI,)J tuk Of the wraterto re· cord t ile deceMO of ~lr11. Flt1SCF.S OKP~ r e· hrt or the Jato LDWAIIO L. Oli:E who lor many 'earl! filled the poaallon or Laght-ho•lltl Kecp" r 011 lll\rbor Graco laland. And wbo, tt wall be remembered, mtt with 3 Md ond b1 lalhag t brou:;h the ace \YinliL on hts Wll)

b:\Ck to lua post or duty :llrL 01\E wM tn dehcatc he11ltb for a lew

, rlll"' prntous to her hn~b:lnd • tlt•3th, 'winch occurr~'<l ID tho yur I til! 'lho aud11cnncss and mournlulueaa of that eYrrt c:Mne on her ""b cqasluog force and hlld an 11lJUtiOOI cfftct On II. cnnotltDIIOU " " tnrl\lly de locAte and o.ln>ady weAk r ued by milD)' mont hs or all hcRith ::!toll, notwath · atAni.luog herbocllly lnnrmlttn,abe ancntk!d w1t h praosewortby dihgencc to tho cArcfnl up-hrlnganl: ul t he ) Duo:: nnd helplcu fl\nnly lc£ttlet•endl'nt on her effort• lor thear anp1>erl. I n thlll 1\rduona work ahu looked for 1nppon<~nil•ncc.or to theaoun:e whrncr alone 1t ts obt.'lnnhlt-he rtmtmberrd the rromaoc or ll un whq u1d th~L llo wonld llo " lathor to t ho l:atbarlr.u nnrl a husb., nd to the '"dow. How abe rlid btr duty by tho hrlpl~u rhild ren wbo wat h the1r mot her we~ ao e:~rly depra¥1!d of t ho !,'Uidtns: care """ aupporL wluch only ~ IOYIIIIC rathtr and hm1baud cnu b~stow-how <lnrm~ the teurler ) e!\1'1 of youth she pro <ruled for 1hear w~nl.!!. educa~d them u well M the mcana at her •hapoal'l wool <I allow · how, an A word 11ho 10 "ernpuloualy 01ttendtd to thctr can:fnl t r11anlt¥r for the battle of life. at 11 unaecetSAry bore to recount: anthco 1t to uy. that t hoac who knew .her and •ho know hor family fully npprecaate her work and the zeal ., manifeatcd an Itt ptrfor­IJ\l\Dct.

A botlcr exploeton hu occurred at l>ewa­burr, En~tlftnd, Elev~a persona k illed

'l be Chlhana have defeated tho l'eruvaaoa au •· battle at (.;lutniiOL

JA:s. :!2-.Ur. Maeltena•e 11 atill ury low

Mr Keeler, mtmuer of the Dominaon llouae or CorumonL daetl and lleuly y..ater­dl\y Y le"r·Gencral 0 Connor, of UttAwa, also daed &udoteuly ~

The 11dll~"YU 1u reply t o the Quee•'• Speech. hM been puaetl bl tho l.lntash llouae of Coonmons ~l r forster wlll m· trodnce baa Coerc•on U1ll to-da) 11te Govemmcot are eolorcaog t he law &gaJo•t Uo,-colte nt.

Goprecedcnted d11trt-aa 11 bemg felt'" London owtug tu tbc Into ator111 and fiooda

T he Cluliaoa huo agam defe:~ted lite P c r U VIftD"

The Frtnch (.; laa~oobertl re-uaemhled • t.ho Senate clect~J )I Leon :say u l're.talleut aod the U.:puuca elected ~I Gam bel t.'\.

h 11 tXf"'CieJ thnt t bo l.AJJd L.:a.:~uo tnals wall l'fld u~xt week

'I he 810rOl Ill 't'"" WM W OrtiC tbao thllt lat~ly cxpeneuced •n EcgiRnll

'I he E111o(h'h armort~ nrc g uMded from tbo• f't"DIIIUI.

I he l ' ope re;:rrts that '"'' aostructooua hl\l'e not been pubhabcJ or carr1ed ouL 111 lro:l:lnd

.JA:( !U-~Ir )Jackenzae 1~ rcco.-er­•og.

J he Thames n frozen ftho• e J.ontlon Dnd!,'c. trnde 11 enttrel~ au~pendcd . •Inn~ • '"II ,.,,ter IS noL obta 111\hl~ 111 the poorer dratnct.a or Lonilon l'hulc .:n J'ltfi OOt ba~e ber-n frozen to ii~Mh

::\e~"'IIIItiOIU reg.ud111~ the (:reel: Iron­tier wall commence At t;o,utautmople on the arnrAI of t he llnta~'• and (.;~ronau AmbuMdora

A IIIOW IIOrm htu b lockl'd tho New York ntolwaya Favo po~ml cla k8 ·~re burneol to death 10 a c.-.r on S:lturJay 1111:ht u t:lr tlao caty

Luna and Onllllo hue been auiTC'uilcreJ to ~~~ilosna

Tlo!' cx~'brdal'e hilS potiuooed f11r hbertr to \'lilt ('on~tl\ntauople

h •• rf'porl~il that wany of tho Doora :uc lnynl IO thu Untnb, IUid " all jolo tbo 1\ritJth lnrce5,

The hub Coercaon Jl•ll ••II author11e the arrel~ of persons OU IUSpietOU, priaonerl CAn be rolcaaod only on order or t he Pn'7 Couor 1l or YaDI!roY

JA:s !Q-~:x-lioYeroot Letellier, of Quebec, is dyaov •

1 ht' Priuceu Louiao retom1 to Ca11Ad& in MAy, accom{"lnttd by aome dlatanguisbcd lrieoda who tntcnd Yialtlaa the Nottb. Weft!.

GIAdatone'a phyaaetaoa ur;e reat. Engl:1nd 11-.s JML puHd through the

coldest llpcll expenenced \here AI DCC 1814. A th11w, however, hAl j at couJmeoced. aele •ere drlnn uboro and fifty h• eA loat, titucaa tor aew e ment. I am not aurpriaed

lnclodiog, 1111: lifo-boat-mett. At North at that. The flld as, tho subJeCt of a nul· Shieldt a bo.-.t'a c~w of ten~ •ero loat w:ty abould bl\ve been from the vary, firat Stt'tft11ndavidu~• were onrtabn by the appro:u:bed frj)DI llua aadc. 1 bue no doubt atol'm and frottn ~death. Tho pMHnger wbat.ter thr.L the ntilWlly wtll be acc:om­at.eamer wbtch left Swanaca for DriaLol on

1\:no••og th11t tho columna of tho STAN­DAIID are 11t all umea open to the 'flndica­tiou of l'rnth. 1\od lulnog ootac:ed io your

· lut auuo 1\ letter llgtled "Walllllm But.&," In whacb lam coolly de11gnated a •' IJrao t." I humbly

e~eu to cuUouft the wheel from the deck, And tho constAble at tho pi!\Ce can alto tt't· ufy th.-.t w1th his auuttoco 1 reoo~ored the wholo of Mr. Butt's property lo r bam and dad no t eYen furget lois p:uung IUJUnctton to " mtot 1W pau11t lag" Perhaps tho pub­lic are 11110 awAre or hi& foti but deapatr· 1ng ..Uempt 1\1 concihatton oYOn tn the Court, when ho fel~ the pre~~entimeot of the storm about to bu....., wheo bo took c::~ro to 1mpn1111 upon our ound.s thll f..ot that 1\ •aa DOL hamself who waa bringing the charge ~Ill'~ us AI '11'0 wrongly nnagined. "No, Mr. Butt.l' repl~ tho Jud~te, "you came do•n to do au, .put the Head Coo­attllle w-.s before you."

It aa a •ell-knotrn filet that at p~ot the Metbod"t Grl'mniAr Sc:bool of c .. rbciiiblrr II an debt. Now, I would hlto to know­Hol" ha'I'O tho monaea btlon oxpe11dcd, • hen 1t ia I\ lao we ll known t.h"t eACb year can pi\)' for ataeU, and that durang tho lu\ ten yeArl the School hM 10 tho aggregate beeD ucant for o•or t wo Je&l'l, and abo t ban.dunng tho '*•t 9f that period only t u • tors )were ACting in the p!llc.l of pro leased 'lea-:henr a L greAtly reduced ulanea, the ~bool boaog thrown 10 the ehAde fo r the (urthetl'nce IJid ad•'lllcemeat of t he (;hurch

For tho I •t 2!\ years o f her lito Mrs. 0KI' h11d been a ffermF h om one or other or the ills to"' b Oeab 11 htir - for 1!) loog yean of that Od Abe bad b~en An 1\lmOll t confirmed luva d licaog, ho•ner, of a cheerful and on mplatnio~; dilposition, abe bore up un· d~r her admonta with mueh forlltude, 1\nd, mother-lake. tned to conceal tlte weAnnC'tl of tho Oeah and spint •bach 1!0 oft op· prelt htr, from hilt fatherltas charge, who CODtiiiUCd tlJl tbe by of her death, to be tho ob)4!Ctt or her food regard aod CArt.

For &he p:uL IIX anontha or bcr taro Mrs. OKt's h~ahh bad been .-iaably declining. About 8 o'c:Jook oo \\'edneeday morning lu~. a more dec1dod cbanJ!f' for the worst~ came onr her • abc continued to IDDk rapidly at~d a~ 2 p m relapsed tnln uooou... ICIOnan:e.. , and to reGiatnud till 6 in t he cveaior,

11te Ru111aoa carried Geok Tope after a de8Jlerate ttnaggle.

'1 be farmt rt 10 S paia buo 111.1tained dam~e by tnnnd:.tious to tbe atiM)unL of forty malhon dollara. One hundred 'ttl· aels Are reported JoeL. Snow to Lhe dep&b of a foot hu lalleo a\ Alel11ga and Maderia.

'l'uuday morlliDJ ia mtuiog. Tllree Ttl· plaabed-tiiAt settlement wall be promoted-aels J>.rt oo Donow aaod& nod thAt tluop wall go ahead from t,b,. t1mo

z:::::z:= lorwacd Tbe peopln 1\te ooL auch foo!A M

w Tnt a wollltl Wo:roaa'l, ~ .. ra 1111 old "d"'' to be deluded any longer wath tho mlaeNlblo and tn tbls wa will add 1ha1 ll iA1tM bot" abor' al«!mpta thl\t b:uo bttborto been m~e to \ tmt to WOflt __...... rort .. bl••ad 1MUOGI In th • 'fb .. r ·nUde wt.o ... Nortlorop .t L)'tll.ln'a Qui all'• meet \he great w:111t of o time. ma. o WIDC!. Tbla Ia an artJola 01 l>lch ftl>Cil•, oot colt .£95,000 hning been d labnrwd last year for tor Ita nmedt..l oratoe rn - ol poenl •"" J'-1 fl Add to th th lA ne"ona dabatlay, bet •• ao IIJI!Wete to -l."r!al PAuper \.C •e 11 o rgo por· ctl••lfll. Ita !a 'fOr Ia unuceptJoaol. a lliAIIC'f ol l ion of the Rottd Ora11t thaL baa hten patd no tlltla eon""''"'- to pora<>os ·~..,C:::' oft out, oatenSLbly lor the making of roads, aiT~ """ o"'-6• ,...,IIIMd bJ ol a , •li""CT-hlo tute. l!!lottry el th~ dlteleoee~ bn~nd bot reAlly lor relte~ing Lhe d l1trta of tho I• 1~ ftald bule. eoct willt alt~ th 0$9jolae.l poor thro11g'l.o~at too country. Can any a•lunat &rl>1l>ttl... Noelln!t._ li~ Ull pt"Ofl rd oL r d loormlul lo ooy oa&, 11 Pn>t>el' t-.t 1011l!1 exo-1 sen11ble m1111 reaa ..... eae gr&fe actll llD " "d dlrfdlo"" ar' oKHneollo • •« h.. I a - n:fnac to aeo the aupremo nece.uity for ,>f rhllloanct tn.r.a"d blllloae r-\ltut.luheald IOmo ., meuare to r6lioYo tho ()CI'(ll[tTy lte 1ai<M olari•K lit~ obeen9i! ol tlot (Mer 8ac1o o· • ........ a. ayrllptl"lll~, u ln,...liantAtJ twhclolo« .. , or euch 1\ll incubaa? If ne&ny bait tho the llln<eiM u<l 11m boo, .-.. tl~n..a at ol~t. a..t revenue hAl to be spent eworyye.'\f ia IIIAID• ""~"~ .. u.lcl~~"""' tn .,Ce ll<laode and motion a, ara .,.," r em,.ncl "r 11\e Q.alnlna Wfnl'. h ,oot talaio~ tho poor, would I~ noL be better In ontJ loYi~ll'• th .~ ... ~~ aad en~m ~reo· e\'ery way to lay it out oa some great work .,, bui ll estorur a ,..,... l('tlllat 11' 11 .. ...., on alta -ba'cb magb• beoeftt the coon•- ...,nerally1 mind. 'tn ct,. .... ~ It 1. l"*tl«IU'Iy nluoble, ~ • -J .,.

ud It lmparur a nK"' 'I« 1\e food that tnabiH u d • oul. aL aoy nte gin the people pre­the "'""""'" t. ell""'- p.....,.,. .r1w> have lm- sent emplo'""OD& "''th a ehanco-I put it t-lrt<l ~ atwe,sdl " ""nwor1< obocotJ ,_,.t '-· '" 11 u a ,,,,,.,~ . ..,4olla!llolen«gy, oD4 la41ea lu 110 hlgber-of a permanent meaoe of bon· f,...ble ~altla welcl . .. It "'1...- l~elt •-• th 1 d b · , 1 •lt•ITI.r. T'lte 1>0llre ,ll,..lcal aa-ud..,.o 1a ,.. oarablf aopportmg emae • ee "" t etr f olotf'tcl 117 tit t011lc propcnlf't: and, oU'Cipl In fan~llloa? No doubt. it 'ftould be io6ot~ly ~ W'hett "*•..,. tO wlt.lcb ll h 1101 ..dope..d be~r if tlle rat! way eeuld be aooompldbed .,,..._ne•lill *• ""aka lnUowiac tt. ,. .. art In· 'WorialtlJ tlf'Cio,l'ft. JH •"" wwo pi'IT'Chulu~t 1o apart from tltc Ooweromott. b•\ tltere is, I •~It I« 1M ~··l•loe \91 ... 1'._1,.1'011 bfl Northrop fear, 110 hope of thia u pr-nL, and Altere •J.Jaaa, T~ All .Onlilfa'.., .. lit. ia no longer any t lme to be le4 .U lor

girioi encoDragement to t.he auplu pop•"' latioa to lene the oo•otrr, 1 doD'L tlliDk Lhere It any eoe •bo eerional7 ooaltmpl.­aoeh a till.,.. U, ltoweYer, there an rtallf uy neb., let the .. propoee toftle ..... or llllliatlnf tlle peer people .. -tvate-let Lh- fena ~ 1110 Ilia de• w alori 6e MeeM&'7 \tip-or If t11e7 Mft a •olol Ia the r..plahne 1fl dleta P' ,101M -MDn for _._ pat'IIM8 ia~ tllere. Tlalt _. all ..... woold ......... tbeJ laW the

1)...._,_ of ............... M 101M

Bu1~~oi, ........... flllllp.

• Wlah to remulr, aacl mJ lanjNAJ:e Ia plain, T~allor ••Jalluu~d•rlt aall 1r!ota1hat ara nla l!!omo ruputablt men are pocuii,.~.-Wblch llllloo 1 would rl1o to esptalo. ~

DoubUcas tbe lloblae er6 atri\J'O that 1, AI mMter, and .W aJIWTI J llutler aa boetawain, of tbe .cboooer r;imba/Jl, h~tvo recently been clutrged With wrlfully stranding thlt\ nael at Aqualor1Al,'lmd tllat wo are n.ow under bonda to take oar trial for tbat of· fonoo before tbo Sopremu Couri. Our •do o r the pac turc, in which we two .. re t.hua darkly groupe~ tnllllcerta.inl,r look gloomy to your leaders; bat 1 hllagtoe 1' will be toDlt>Wbat relieYtd WMil tlte prinCipal figure &ball hue been fnlly painted I will attemP.L to dra• tho oothn111 but tb color­log ••11 not be {ully latd on till the Spnng, aod then I an~peo& 1t wall take t•ehe men to fnuno it.

'l'ho pubhc may not. ho•e~r. bo aware that 1 made a fall ataterueu& of thaa afair before the Court of Inquiry, part. of which w• to the foUowloi efl'ect :

TlaaL ~eweral timet during the pan two eomiDIIre, Mr. DoU wanted me to loee the Garibaltl;., tuid I d id noL wieh to iiP' 110 &fore le&'tias Harbor Grace for the-Bay of Ialaodt, oD 'lily Jaet t rip, be came to me, IJid wbUe epeakiog o~ the itotend!d Yoyage, hu aid to me aod •fconlin, who ""'pr&­tlenL, " boya, oome •P aDd ban your JtOtr" (Mr. Bot& eeldom Ill ron • lpl1lL exoop' to catelt a mackerel) Alter acooptit~g thlt ln­~tadoll, be aald to mo Ia tile p~nce of William 1. Bn&ler, "llyoa clo aot ~'~'to the " Day of ltludt do ao& ltria• tile Yetllll "beak ; )'OD !taft DO freipt. MW en )'OD •• aoiltA' to pa)' &be -a t U yea -.,. t.y me, .. l-will - • wapi all rip'- l told Mr. BD~ tbM woold oo& do. He die a .-. plied, .. Wllliaal, JOG ROW tlte di.tlolllllee "Jea are ia ud u.& Dooe of you frit* "CIIJI de ~~Ill' 011, ud II )'Oil lilteD ~ to 1M 1 Will be a (?) to yea aad do "wlaa& 18 rfPt. oa MfW bew .. to do ":.t'.w.. ........... f• CJcMh ... ..... ,. .................. .. • ...,._ Jet .. k..,. ... ltlt 011& llr. -~ ..... ., ................ .m .... ... , ,......._ ...... Uor..,. • we

.... ~ ......... _,_...,.. ,., ~.=.,-:.~ ... ~...=

Now, Sar, th..t theu re~elabooa may hl\ve tome alllutAry or deterring effecL upon othtr >'YiptCiwbl.~oa •ho haYO a tendency to "make. fi&ite to bo nch," ro­gt~rdleu of the fate ofcho tool• they employ 10 quettiooable ln~l~Mtionll, a11d corudder· 10g 1t but fur to mylllllf t.lult the man.,er aa well ae the aotort lo ~ •npleuaDt drama, should 1\ppear upon the atage Ill~ thia 6oa1 act., to noti"e \he ua9'111 dao tbll\t reapee· ti•e parl.l, I than~~~~ for your !pace, aod

Remain yourt truly, W1LLlAM BUTLER.

P . S.-Would tile Hdowr of tho B~Y•ing Ttltgram (an wbote paper, l11nde1'1taod, !II r. Butt's leu er hae alto appeared) do me tlle fAYor of copying the abol'e rejolDdtr " AI early a da.7 AI p0111bte1

W. B.

LeL u1 ba•e a good and co peleot Muter -one who will t.alte ki11dly to the place and people-ono who 'lriU ua.Ite CMbonoar baa permauoot re~~~doore, IJid aa such t.alte an 1otert1t in tbo pol" I• ftltnat.ed to b~e car6 But unul we lave soeh, let as "{CCtato 1 1\f\· tato 1 &&ltale !-it ls our dut.Y aod oor pre•



r oul'l,et.c.,

. [ro TRill ~:onoa o.r mt sr.&.'m.Aao.) Oua Sse.-

t>oollg northward by Jaat Pi~Kw<llaoded aL Klug'a Cowe 'Ilte day of-my amnl waa, ae J beard, the laet of the Scbool-.. rm , and, AI J waa al.o info rmed, examiaatiooa Of tbo difl'etell\ tiebooJa ID tbe Ed-\IM~ dittrict of King'• Con bad been held a few days bel ore. Dy tho kiDdD- of the t.eacber, Ur. RIUirabaD, 1 had the plt~lllre of 'beloa preaenL al the n.amh1ation of tlle Kio~'e Co YO School, &b• aeco .. ~ or wltiob I brlot7 traosmiL yoa.

1 arrlnd at the School At abuat helf·pa~t oioe, ""d while Wlll.ti•c for dte examioalloo to be,ta 1 bad ample ~~- to DOte tJae im­pron-ata eirected oa tlte buUcliq ei•ce • pre•looa • 'riait. Ie Lhe flm pleoe, CIU Sobeol- It DeariJ lwice • larJe ee I& wee Wore; aaa its &he 11ert pleoe, '' It well IGfplitd with ~ boob ~od eYery oUJer ficilllty for tbe adnDOOMOD& of the p!rplle. ' wr.u,. 1 ""' 110tlor &bHe paro­ueaJ.,., tht Jle~tl ,..Ue-. FMIItr Veltob aad Fa&her .Boa, ahhed. u alto Dr. LeV....._~ llr. Daalel ByuL Kr. aad Mra. M J, llrt. 11tomu &Jllll, aad other frl of &be puplla.

!l'be ~- ooe•ftoecl •• tea o'eloat. t.n. n.~... of &be !'Ina OIJ~~ .......... ftlllcnrbtc -~ :-&.cliell o.-- (i.e., pani. ... ....,.. ol

•••a'"'·~~·--­~;r ~~Of ... Werld,

v. 7 ,.t:,:-~ O.ial:a.~ ~ ............ ~ .... JOO--:· ....... ...,..., .... ,.. .. .,....~··--...... IRiJ ...... , = ............. ..

.... ~ ,._,\ .... WWfer ........ -~~~a;::~!:

When, whh ao tbruau ol lltry pala, No cold ~11'1"• ol dec:o.y,

De.atb brolte at once tho rita I cbalo­llor aplr!t paaaed to oadle.oa d&J.

A few boors pte-noaa to her dntb, abo reeet•ed the Snct'11111eoL from the haode of ber putor, the Rov. ,J M. Noel. She """ surronl'ded 10 be r j laeL motJleota by her family and rebLivCIII. \ V e bow thoa ~t ~'"' to the h mD& <I thy reat,

Tbea' wbJ ebo•lcl oar eoot. beao oacll Weir.,.... tboo ltut flO .. wberalbeiN<IY]' ,.,. bl•t,

A ad tbe mou~~«lo4b up aad u slad. -CIIIIIiiiMIIi«ltul. •

Lut mght t ho lteamor lVidruogton from :ew O rleans, boomd to rlambura. collided

1th t he S.S. l'a•ima, from Ne• York, near ll"hfu har bor (both iroa). T he CaHwtn wu shgbtly rnjored ; tho fVidri10g· tcm n o ashore. Illite! and aook at the wharf 1'bo cargo, ~ttoD aod corn) ia a total !011~

J":s ltG - l'onter h-.s totrodac:ed hia bill for the protection of lite and property in frelaed. He declared ~he& a relgtl ol turor prev11la ; JA.-. breakert are 81\fe, bonete men are in danger. '! 'be Laad Lea.gne atrikea terror-we moat e(nlte terror into t bem-•e mo111arreu tlleee crimi~a. The lJatl '"" remau1 in for'Q9 till 80th !;er.tem· ber 1882, IJid embtl'ces{JJ I reland. N orth· oote a.uo~ the GonrnmeDt of tile Oppo· eition aupport..

It!. ra111onred that JobD DtlDn bas beell ,.....inatod b• t he Zulua.

Tbe Goftnimea' Pteee a& Simlallu bee a burDl ; loae, £30,000.

<;ouon (aotoriee io Raaia IJ .. ecolta.,Mi. TILT Cove. J~lC.!6.-WIDd Eaat- f.r .. ty,

p~., aed IIH)W. Barometer, 29.JO. &7 tilling with 1lob.

JA'!f. 27.-Biih'• ameoamnt to thePa· ClftC Rallft)" Coci&lae& ""' lQri-M for, 1~ ~- 1t. Tbe {;oyemDUa' wu aoatalned br u 86 majorit7. T1te o\hr amndmeeta were defealtcl b)' -aler majori&iee. ne debe .. ._.. " c1a.Ja.

Iu lAetl Lttpe trlala Ia DDbliD the jarr failed to 18"" aed were d~ G~e hat 111ond tllat &be Ooerci

Bill take precedeace ol all ~er .,._ Tile Ltaautre at .. mpled obeaetioa • 1M a- of Commoee a& It boara tih 10 o'elock Jeeterdu ar-.... Yll• die mo· tioD ... adoptea b)' !61 ..... n. barqtH) ClUj ..w ,....,.,. .....

... lim rftla 0U10 IrMa Sallla& i k --­.... r88,ooo ...... • J SAX. l&-Vlolea& lltoolt ~of .utlt..U

la.&.M' 'fte Porte pNiillipl . aa•enaiOM •

One& . 'l'llle a.-.. pJ..a J1•••1• or Ceot

Ttp alter 111M bftra' llftN ......_



Local and other Items. New .AdvertiSements. __ ...... , __ , ... ,....___... --@" GOOD OFFERS l ,.a

• ACo~CERT, uodcrtht aUip~ or the l'resbytorian &bbatil School of thia towo, will L.'ke fliAC<! o, W edauday neuloa uext iu tho 'J'CK&I'Abal4neuce Hall. J ucJa­ing..Jrom lbo proanud'Q)e, •• ret& ... urect tllftl t1te lonrt o( ruutlo and 10111 wbo will fnoor tho perrormert with their ~re­tenco will oot be di .. ppllint.ed. FoT ~cu­lanoC tho cbaracter o[ tho eututai.DOitot, look elsewhere.

BIBTBS. I oo T•NWts ..-niDI .., .. ~U.· IWc., Ill. wile ...,......., . .... - --.-..-....... -~_,.., • ..,._.__ ..............

'''Mr. \VIIIJ.m u. ron!, ola -· TO BE LET At Kha.,'• o.. ..... 011 tbt 111b loa&., Ill. wUe ol __,__ J14v. W. llfrbJ..a. Ill a dau~rllt.r.


We Wto plc.uure in announcing tlaat we ha\'C madu amw~menta with tho publisher oC tho Cm CAGo W&uu N£ws wllic:b en­able u• to offer Ill at paper to new IDbliCrib­('111111 A r RDttnt, 111. nu additional oost over I he regular anl,>tcfipt.iou prico oC tLe llAk ­IJOI: . Gtt \ Cii: SrAXOAUl).

OD lllettl&ll»ec,.a& \11<1 ~ l'_,e, 2 c d' 0 e11• i~~ a'!!. _.u. ol &II. Bn. T'-' w. ommo toUS w IRKS AI MOI'Moa'a Borbor, oo th ttb luL,IlM wile eituated ~Bean Co .. e, auilablt fo r periODI

ol Mr. Joeepla Otmood ot a lOA. in oowCortablo c!rcumtClla«L Abo,

!::or ooo a llbecrip14:m l'rioo we tbus Cur­ui!h our aubtcribens .,i'lth two papens-a ,n,•t.ropolitau and a homo weekly. By this arrau,.ement ottr readert are pli\C('d in com­ml\nd oC tbo wl,lllc aituatiou. All events o[ incereat_ local, national and forei~n will be presented, eo10plctely and promptly, by tho one o r tbo o tbH of th~se two public.,t iona.

T o tboae who are oot fMriliar witb tho c:b}.Tolcter of tbc CmcM;n ~I:WS, wo would ..ay it i1 the oot. rep~otAtivo of lmlcpen­dcn~ joumaliam in the \\'cH. Tho W I:F.I(L'I' i.8 :\ ln.rsro ci~tht colum n Collo. " cram full '' ~1C tclel:'!""JI~ ; ~nor11l newa, ahor~ Cltl\1 r1thy Clhto nt\111 011 tho topics of tbc J n.v. written in 11. fnmiliar, yet inci~i,·e 1tyle. ""''in 1\11 its depMtmenta evidootly 11im1 to

~ gi•·e facta in few worda, ~ric bout tho verbla~ :>nil line writing wbicb render 10 mllny of the hu·go metropolitan journal• " a •eari­uea I? I he fleah." Facti, uot wol\11, appear to be 1L• motto.

'Mul l'IIIC\CO WuxLr :News will be aent po&t·\laiJ , fo r ouo year to cverynuvr aub: ~&eriber wloo J\"YS his aubacriptioo aeoount

-ouo yel\r in 1\oh·nnce. TLi.s mt~~ns jult what it aaya-tho C m­

<' ll;u W RF.EI.r one you Cor notbiug. ~nJ in yvur aubsoriptions .

To Xe•Y ~ub,criber1 p3yiog in adnnce, o r tn old ' ubacribers 1codiug oo tho enbaorip· lion rat~ or t wo DllW Subacribera :-

Tho Harbor Grace St.and&rd and Frank Le.t~lio'a Weekly nluatrat.ed Paper for $6.00, !ull price $8.00.

Tho Harbor Grnco Standard IUld Fnutk Loslio'e National A lfrloulturiat aod Workio~; Fo.rme:- (a lti · p.~s:c lllumt\ted J'3pcr ) to~:ether ,..jtb Hr. 1\cotl:all'• Trea­tia.: on tbc llorac, IOOpp., !>0 coj;rafiogt, for $4.00 .

T ho HArbor Orace St.nodnrd nn d P'rnnk Losllo' a Pa?JilY Fricod (a I G- pngu Jllu•tratell p:tper) fo r j\1.00.

Tha ladiea of tho " lJorcu Society" llfllte fully acltoowtcJgo tho aum of .£:l0 from Messns . ll et~rn& Co., tho bequest of t.hel•tc Thomu J. Hearo Eaq. Tho l&diea oC tho "St. Vincent do Paul SocidJ,'' &lao Aekoo -lerllle a 6iwllar I Uill frolll tho~"\ IAII)O aour~o. -Timu. I-

B t TO Til£ ST. J OUli'l & Nt:ll'fOU)I.D­LASil Utnt.& Soct tTT.-R. Browo, Etq., Treaauror of tho St. Jobo'a aod NewCoon3-lllnd Uiblo Society ,bu rec:eind FUty Pounds rrom tbe oxccutort of IJJo lat.o S. l l11rcb, FA<!, boioJl bi1 ~ue1~ to Lbe Dible Society, 'Chit amount_ h•a W ill di•ecta, Ia to be apeut in NOd. u Lbe Committee oC the Sociely may dctermine.- CAronicU.

Jo the cuo or IIA.wler and l''lol.clulr against t lro ovroc111 oC tbo 1. s. Flo•ian­whicb bu for aomo t ime put occupie d 'the attention of tbo Court ofVico Admirtltr­judgm.:nt wu ~~:iYoo luunla_y woruio~ b7 ~bo Chief Juatice. D thi~ cato it 10117 IMI remembered that the plaiotiJJe aued fo r .£1000, bdna ono s.bird oC tbo eatimated value of the property aayed b7 thom frou1 tho a. a J.'/aeiatr io Joly last._ wbeo abo wu lying ? wreck Ill Clrcl\l lalaod. Io tupport or tbeir ohllm they allcge•t ao agree01eut botweeo themseiYea aod Captain Stewat l, by which tbe CaptAin agreed to gifo them, in consideration oC their eervicu, out tltird of t he property they 10 D&Yed. 'Tho doC~ou­anta in their :Uls ... c r denit!d t hat any ascree­m~nt batl been entered into bctwuoo tho CAptllin 11nd the plaintiffs , but acknow­l<!dged the lt!rvicea rcndorgd by 1bo pl11in . tiff4 in ofT.:riog .£3ti~ aa • f6ir oompeoantloo t he re for.

'fhu Chit( Juatioo Ia an el~~oborate apeocb act Cortb fully tho nrious grouuda upon which hu found hi' judgment. If t ho agreemcnl, bo anid, bad beeo well I Ubetan ­tiatcd aud olo11rly pro•·en by t bo plaintiff•, t hll (.;ourt would hM·c no be•itation in awardiot.: t bo pl!!.intilfs Ollll LbircJ of tho nlue o r tbll' properly aaved which, ao­cor,l i n~: lo bi1 eatiUI~tioo , WO:Jld be 1\00Ut £ 800, llu t tbo 1\j: ruoment AS proYeu waa too mel\jlrC to juaciCy 1ucb a courae, aud ho

T he H.nrbor Ornce S~ndnrd nnd Frnok could only rew~~rd t he plaintiffs aucb an L oaho'a Youog Folks ( n l ti-p:~go 11- 1\moun t ru would fairly oo•npon~to the luatr3tUJ P"l'¥) for '4..00 . pMtlee, nncl cncou ra~o t b3t bounty in per-

/ --- 1 t on• :>t :\ ..-reck u hich npp.u.:nlly charac-T ho H arbor Qr&ee Standard and Frnnk tcr~c.J t ho conduct of )lcasrs. 111\wluy an l

L cslio'• Pulpit of Dny (" tc:.p.,~e F lu.che r on t he occaaion r~Cered to . Tbo l llu•t r:\1•·•1 l'"l'~r •uit"lllu fo r ·unday Cuurl ~::we jndgmeut for £~~ with cotta n ... hu.;) for S4.00 . - £:!1!• of tl:r~ nmounthad been p:>id by the

pl3iuti fT:s 10 the foci11hle,.., who oon .. eycd The IIo rbor O rnco " St.nndard" nnd tht• ~;oo.Js from 1;reat to St. John'a.

tho Mon~ro!\l •· W ookly R crnld" for I ~lr. :Oic:\ctly, Q <.;.. and ~lr. Wiutcr, ooly S<l.OO ! I Q. ( · .. ror phuntrll~: )l c.'l.'lr<~. Whitovray tr..•d

--- · J -ol.u•un for Jcfcndnuta.-<.:hrollic/t. Tho Hnrbor Ornco •· S tnn•1a rd" a nd j

lt:o •. Cnondinn 'Veckly llluetrntoJ "' ''h re~::\rJ 10 tho CMO or lhc Alict Newa" fo r $7.00. f.;pu . ht.-ly '" auclo c!an~er nou llny Uulls,

,.:H 1uu1 r umuura hl\\fQ been 111 circulAt ion

- 'i he S ' · frr,',r~.J. t ·mJ L .\ le~ . l'.<riO!I~ , \1 iooch \rU O Q <Y .•hspO<e•l of by 1~0 decision :.rn•~• l 3t ~t. ,J.,ha'a •>n \\' •·•lu ••ol tv I -~ <>f lh~ :\l~ruul Court. It,. ..., e:ud atnonj,tat r 11 1 f

1 1 c · " o1h~r th• u~::~ t hat l he vcud hw oot been

rouo "' "~ w ' " "·r •1"· h:tol btd~· pro · nh1ndoued. l!.nol tl1nl the rourse t.1ken llf r,·~·l e.t on rorrlor tn he J o,..kcJ ,\:1' ::Ohc u 1: 11 I' II · . ., b 1· ~' cctc•l locru tu-•Lw. ' . I ' c ">' >II a men \fa& no~ J•ll_tlna lo. t

I · 1t 1• now ccrtarn t hnL tho t ~'IWL'" nnd OM)'f'

-Sr ,f,.n-;. :-.; 11 - I' LESf\ ol r Fl•ll -St l.nd 3lN<ndonod tho obiJJ, 1100 the Court hu .\ 11.1r,.,. ·• 1 h rbor i , hloclceol '" t 1, tl .lwrmcu dc~•Je. l thnL t hry wpro cl~nrly ju•llflcd in nnd I lor fi>htn;: ecMon Of'l'n• " llh th~ loe<t duuo.; eo lly t ho oo rcum~U\nco. Tho Uay ' ''·" '"'" nf auc··~~·. One 1-o•l ht o•h· 11 11 11• men l hcn woru "~ c le:.rly r ight iu 1 r•1 •~11 1 in :\" \hl· r .. ~urt of ,,.<c tl h ... i'\ ~·1\h';, t l& t•i r pro\! a nd to lheir extn~ordin:uy J:! "' , f,,. 1, 1n..:. an~l !\ "~~dhJOUcr b:\\w . -.u ,,,, .... k :\0 I ala rin;.:- 11 duo t he pre.serv~tiou llln·l~ <'<UI_;Iot ;;,,111~ 1 tuh. _ " , .,r t'" ' &hqo. ll uw t hey diJ conlrivo to

i llllar.l hur f\mitl l llch f~tlrful d ilficulty an.l ~L I< ICh IIIIIIIIUenL per i( to t heir li\· ~1, is 1\

no:>tlt r of JU•l \\On<l~r. Tho tll !;;·bo~t . '"'"at I he "'"' '· W M completely powerleM -no lo u r t l• l he ;:ot ou L011r<l w connect

hnr ,.,lh I lnrr1ue n1onc So It is eYidcnl • ,,.r ou r "' '"l"d'y lo 1h,• r.:l~~~~~ 1\o.J h 1 1 1 ( b. fn·~·u!.; uf th• •h.•rtn~<'tl. . I '\t ••' t ..., nu•u rom t u t~~ horo gout.' out

- 1 l ur1.1~ th~ "·ct"k , '1'-•l\th tn" 1( Utflr4'•1 t 1 flluul·,-· n! l\YO c·f t ht! Ulf"'ll\l·\·r-. i 01 nur ... ' '' lt\kw~ l r·•m c•uc flU l.t .Jihr\•tl lntlthc.· t

. f tr.• ru HI ·du·r ;\ ~·outhfu l '*"'tn r \ \ ' t.:

-' t ·> th e fl• ,cu" the vea•e l woo1ld bl\\·e been '•ur r,•;a h'r.- • .-111 :u.~"'f'"-'u' ,,Pl':. ,~,. f rt•rn I I ·1 J f · r I I l · .- ~ tocn o"" II~IC:\n o be1n1: 11 Mfo aud

,., ••r 11' u. ,.: l .... t t:.u our u-cu;l r .ulll>luu ,,r 1 11 · · .t 1 · h · "'·~ n•~'u '"· r Ill thi, ,..., .. ,.. w '" 1 uulnJur..: 5up A.., 8 cIS to Uny.

~rllr•·c·-;nt ' "'' l.t>ll'" 1: r1•111·~ •. - <H '"'*' luh• tt r :i. luu:: itt: ix.·n1:.: , ~rrh.·cl o u rl\l ht· r t tlt"U-1\""\'Jy I U ;\u't\ (UUIHlJ •tul , no• I the th:at propnr'ion uf U·~ p:l t.: .._, ,..._ t h'-•r,• " '" '\' ~w. llr un•wirktrs. , \\'hy oJ,, nll t ,on•u uf lh~ .!'\ e ,.·founoll:.nJera them•eh·u tur" ""'"Y 1he1r cyu frorn llu' declinou~ coolti th iudu•­try anrl comment'c 'parkin~:" lob51tra ? ,\ . hont 8 I /.100 capil nl •• ouhl a ivo n "'"" n ~:ootl &tl\rt, anti tho 1\buntl•u.:e nC lobatc ra would do the reaL-ChntJoam Star.

- W e lenrn t hat the achr. ,.._ II'. OuJton Capt. f..ay1on, was :1t Gay Uulllt on Thurs: day lu': o .ur o iJ rri~nd ia rcmmrhtly for ­tun~tt' 10 h11 ~gee-aunnner or winter ho hu the Urne run o r j!OOd luok . Tho 0 11/ton left th i11 port for Urist" l on tho 8th D cceml>er. IMde .tho ~c homo in 12 rl~ya, oow in 17 days aho has made tho run nnt.-dcmonatrating t hM the nscc is not to the •wift, nor thu battlo to t~o strong.

- AN llo:u:.n FE.LLOW.- Two or three week1 a~ro li ra. Albert Parson• dropped in Water StrH t a pnrso containing about. Of­teen poands io coio aod ootcs, beaidea her wedding-ring. I n ao boar or two, her pro ­perty wu oaco more in ber ,._;on-a youug ml\11, Mr. J oho Martin 1100 or Mr. JJeojamio Ml\rtio of lloie place: bad found it. and promptly deh.,ered it ap t,o lla ri~rhtlul owner. Mr. Martin wu baud.omely ro­W8rJod by Mrs P ., aod, bauer atill, eajoy­td the aati.ractiou oJ doing his duty- which •xperlenco. '1\.e wt ll u the poet, tell• u• U. ita owu reward. 1

• I

A Notice to :\farine111 from tbe Board of Worlta' Offie~ t.. J obn'e, Newfoondland is inwrted in Toetday'a G4:1tttt, aonouo: cintr that Lbt Automatic Whiatlin;: Buoy 'Which w•• placed off 'Powela' llead oear Trepauey,hl\ving gooe adrift,ther• w'ut.oot be anr Fog SiaoaJ, there until funber noli co.

T.a Nolicea to Marioera from Ule U ydro­mpbio. Admiralty Omce, Loodoo, alao 1\Ppear 1n tbc lllme paper-onoaonouocing ab allerttion Ia the Fog ~ign11l , Naotocket. Sonnd, upit.od Stata CoaaL; the otber, t hat an alteration ball ~o !Dildo In tho U,bt oo Galao:.ry Ueatl, St. !>terre, South Co&at oC Nowro)IOdlaod.

(lor p~oplc h:w o m'ny cim~~ been blamed; wu •urpo••·· just l~· an.l unjustly, in c:ou­u~rtiou wuh tltrcliclw and wrecks; bu t ncrc at all cvt•niJl i• " Clll " to bo recorded, with· nut any )lO'\.'Iiblc qutuion, w their crorlit :>m l pra11~.~nJ we aro glad t.ouuto it..-Nf/Jr.

·n,t ~brine Court of Inquiry io tho cnac of L.uqueulioc t l lia: Lyne commtnced pro­ccediugll yealerd:.ynt 10 o'clock, aod afte r t-'lldng tho of" number or ~~rit ­neUe3, ftt 3.30 the t>rtaldcol, Judge P row101, dcl i~cred thCl j udgment oC tho Court, which Wl\l to the effect t hat t ho Court beld that whe~ the veu~J hl\d broken he r ohaio and "'"-' drifting on tho rock1, tbe dan~er to lifo wu 10 imtoineot that tbe Cap~to and his crew were ju1tilicd io a~ndoning tbc a hip. ThcJ'thereforo returo~d tho MuteB' aod Mate'l certilicatea.-/ bid.

Loss oF " Scnoo)l t:n l'EAII GnEENSPO)ID -Tbc Kangaroo, Moon~. 1outer, which left hero a f.;w weeki t inco ror ~t. J ohn'e, witll a ODrgo or flth ror lleMrL w. Wlltermau & Co., grounded oo lla rbor Rock near Gret'Dllpood, on the oischt oC the :!~th ulL, aod bccnmo a wreck. Tho oigbt wu nrr d:'rlt and .a hea~J It'& was mooing at. the time. W1Lb &IJIIItaoce Crom men io that vicinity, tbe oralt was got otr aod t.oho into · Groan1pon•l, huiog receiYed con­aiJerable icjury, and the cargo becoming A t~tal lou.. l"bo cargo was in~torod io Lon­don, but u tho limit of their {W. Watermau & Co.'s) C lub only exteo1b to tho 21tt Doc., no insurance was oo tbo ..JDboooor. We unrlen~tanu tbat ropairt to the Kangaroo wilj cost aboul £:111, Tbo abof'o it tllo oolr accident thRt has happened io COil· uection witb the Club tbe put aueon, am6og euch a l11rge number oC crafta, 10 tha~ &bore U. no claim upon lt.- Swt,

STOIUIT VOTAOES.- Nr:1t'Yolllt1 Jan. 10-Jobn E Cammt'1, o no oC tho old"' leather merchaota or thl• cltr, died d Brooklyn, yMt.erday, aged &t


.At Dritatuua Con, Smld~ Souod, 'l'rloltY O..y, on lbo 28ro hat 1 by the lln. JobD Squlr•, .\lr. Simon WhaiM, Ol U..plln Oon, Soulb -w .. t Arm Df &\lllloiD,IO &U~ C..rollneO.-.ot dt. Joho'e.

AI BL Audr.w'o ObCII'Ctlt Uroolclyo, Bonniala Bay, oo Ob..Uc.ou DIIY by lho Un. ·rbeodo,.. Nuroe, Mr. Jolua But,owa1 1 to J~e, old.l daoj!llter ol Mr. J ollo. Claofey. .

OD tbe ~ alL, al lho lololbocllat Otlorcb Bonnlola by lhe U.•. J . Eaabr"' lolr. Oeo. \Vbh•. t.o.lolln ~beoca I' Iaber: bolb ol BoaaYiala.

Oo New Y .. r·, Day. by l~o klllo, al tbe real· deo"" of lolr. lt. A~t, falbor of lbo ATOODl. lolr. 'lladnw AllboUI t.o Ellen, MCODd ollolr. Goorp .ILMI1 a l ot llayly"o Con. Dooa• !.tola.

.\1 I.luJ• Boy, Dto. 18th, by lbe ltn. lol r. WloiUI,-. llr. Ueorgo W . U. .,Iller, of Xova ScotU, to llltt Aoolo H. Colbouroot .eld03~ dauj:lll• of JOCII.ah Colbou.rae, .Eeq., J ,P., ol TwUIIopte.. •


Oo Wedo~a.b,r laat, \bo tGth loll., lo tbo :Ol!od yeer ttl borage. alwa lvugaml 'l'oariO<Jwelllnou, lin. FaJoliCieO&w, r•lkl of lbe lalo Mr. ED'flii<D L . O&a lnr noany yean !{~per ol tbe Lijtbt on Harbor Oraoo leland. D-.od wu much and d-r•••city r•pcoclod aod IOAYN two eone and lwu oloughlo,.. lo mouru lbo lou ol • kiod ond ao ol­lecllooalumvtb<!r. H~rftooaral will take pt1011ol 'l llO o'clock hHby. l'dood1 tnd •<>tuolnwor-tl will wll!>nul furtb<r oolloo plouo accept thit u;. tiiiiAIIoo.

Ou ·ruM!Iay olt~ht t .. l. altor a abort llta-. Jouot. eiJe•l Jou0bter of llr. lielll'y Go.uo, a;;t<l 11 yoa r1. W~ W\lcho I her brathlntt throu&h lhe a lgbt,

ller brealhlog 111h &OJ low, A• In brr br~ "' lbo w;.-•e ollilu

l(opl t.u•lng 10 auol fro. Our very hope• belled our r .. ,.;

Our leoro our houoo b<tllod.-Wo thought bor dying .. beu the tlepl 1

AuJ ole..plag whuu tbo die<!. U er eull'orlogs DDrlod wilh tho d•J',

Y tt tbrod abc at lu clcloo, Aud bro.-.tb•d l bo lonj(,lou.; olgbl away

J D at.alno-lilt• rvpo ... Bq t lfhoo lbo IUD, In all bla otAto,

llluroool chu """~rD oklto. Sloe p\Uool thruut;b .:tory·o morniDg S>t•,

To walk Ia l'anaollao : Oo W• tne .. loy ••~ o lD!; lul. oltor a lioge•iog

lfto .. U, .\1110h•, kCOII J dougbler uf lba laCe llr. 1'bomu Uuy, &l)od 2~ y ... r<l.


Gone to llu 1 btaotlf ul wnrld \\'hero aalnla And an~:ol1 dwell­

A wor ld where Jlt'""" au•t !(torr rtlp, .Aod htnouly prall ¢.0 owoll.

Oono IO I hal beaulllul .,..,rid un-n lo morlal t lgbl;

X o polo obtoll e•er uottr thtN"-­Tbat bomu ao lair &Dol brl&bt.

Gun~ to lhat t-uUiol llome 1)1 P<'• •e and i'tn aDd lo••o ;

Oonu to noy pareulund lrltDdo ol" lar• tbero­Tu my homo whh Cbrlot alxl\·a.

On the 13r,l iDit. at Otterbury, lhrbor One llory, ••iluulltr. r .. trlclt Cu~dy, o.;~ l .i~ Y••ari.­R I J>.

Atll o•quilo, on lhe YJnllnol . , h.•ra brl,t ltl oeu, llr. l 'atrk k 1Ju1lcr. ·~t ~~ y~.r•.-ll 1.1'.

On IIIJ :l~lh ult., ltr. w.w~m ;:lotlor. ol­ne .. l, In lho !lOeb yoar ol h i• ..,. •••

AI t".o;:n, un JaP. "lnJ, llr. \\' llliam llourne. """'' Gl 1~rt . • "'lira of UrHu~p..,,..l, bul lor ll J"'r~ 1•.ut a r~•ident of Fv;o, ami 1\ l•ilblul aorv tilt u •r.toro·ko•p~r lo P.. 0 od~r, Etq. fl o lun~s • wolo "" t I hr..., •ru\11 cbd lren to doploro thao"flou of :. kiu\1 "Dol aJfecllnoalo b111b.loo and lolber

On 1110• 1b ioat., "' Opon llatl, &•Ca lJ•y. ll lu lhry,ln tho 2~1h Y"-'r of her ago, U\IU' h r tt,;:rc iCcttl by A lftr~ circ le ur friou\la.

At KinJ:IIOn, Aylo&lunl, nn lho t~lh lnit. ,'Ro•·. r:tarlo"' 'l'urpor. U 0 . In tho Koth y,... r of bho a;;e. lor. ' l'uo•t•rr hu boon In lbo u1inlotry of lb~ U•ptlll Churrhu ol tbo llaruhoo l'ruv(oe>o$ up­war•l• of •l:tlr-lour yur1.

.\t II..Jilu ,ou lb• l ltb in•l .Joh_.noah. boloYed ,.lfo of Wltll•rn ll urpby, lo tbo tulb year o! b~r ago, a o.'th·o ol 1bo C..unly Woxlol'\l. b ei.\Ud leovln,{ 1\ hutbaod aod four aoull obllolroa ~ mourn loa•~

AI ll.hl•x. vu Jaoquy ~l•t, ollor a long ond P..'"nlul Ill nell. Oovrg8 Onld, lite bolor'd aon of r~om.u aod llary c .... l l)od 9 yoan.


CLtAIIED. Jan. 23-llonlla,!log•, Liabon, lllb-JobD

lluan .t Co. Blue a.nd White, Col'dloer, Malaga. d<>-do.

Paaeeogere. Pl!r lf.....,~m lor Halifax - M Ia• Flts;:on~ld.llr.

fi11kloy, and :. In oleerago. For Lh·orpool- llr. Jaa. Murray, wi!o, cblld aool !V'r•onl, J . SJ1De and wile, R. Uorvey, wiloan•l child,llifl P.lmaiC'y, 111 .. llalr<l, y..,,., Alex. 11urray, E. Bowring Btowan, Dnideoo, Orowdy, FuriODA', Goodridge: Wood, OurdoD, Blair, l'olrlclt. SlllaNI, 'l'obln, R.ldgeNO, Wrigbl, J oo.,, UoUJa,Laurle, PakrtOD, Blmpeoo,Oibb and O.r.

New Aa~rtisements.


Vocal & Instrumental Music ( bt COlllltclion WJitll IM Jimbyttrian

&Aool.) A CONCERT, ~.i,ling oC


8ooge, Duett.o, Trioe, Quartette., Ohonaoe, etc., •

will be held in tho

TQTAJ, ADSTfNENCE HALL, on WEDNESDAY cveuiog nut, tbo 2od

February. AlJMISSION-Fr~nt Seat.t, 2/, Back 1/.

Cbildreo ball price. Ticketa to be bad at tbe tbopa or MOIIra.

Paurl(\n & Foetor, W. H . Thorupaon, C . L. Kennedy, J . Murphy, and at tho l>oor.

Doort opeo at 7 o'olock. C~ocert to com­meoco at lnlr-paat 7 Ularp.

LOST I / -AT MASONJC BALL on tbe oYon· log of Toal.ut tbo 19th llllt..

A Wristlet.

Tba Uritisb atellmer Nicolilla, arrind here from ~OWCUtlo after a YOJ!-gl or 24 clara. Sho eocoootered a k.rnlic plo oo January 8, wblch cootinoed DIYY daya. Tbo aea broke onr tbe abip and a wept OY­erytblog before It, Crew au~ered snatly. Oo tho fonrth day of MYeTO weatber eoYoral beuyleU were •hipped wblcb carriodonr- Tho flllder will be rewarded by loaYior tbo

A eo~TMpC~ndeo~ of &!to 7illilliJt!JGU SIUI board two of tho llfo*ta ; tore a war tbt -• at tbe ST.llfDAJID OrrtCL wriiii!J fro'" Foao, 'ODder date of tbt 7th rails, and did other damagee. . inet., ..,-.: -• A ted a loom bu beto CU$ Stta111tblp IWe]klr, from Ulbfaltar, Dto. onr &lat. plaee by &he I)CIW aliDC)f' certaia H, 1110 bid a "'""bl• YOJIP. 1'11•..... Wanted 'lOll of aile ar. Me .. E. Doder, Elq., broke OYir her lri&ll .... ,..., ; OM of tilt , 0,_, OYer ala eeufro .. St. .Jobo'l, bu- qDIIWr-bollfi'trM cle!MUIUcl: ·~'-' --o-ior oa *rd • ooe, !160 CMb, aod a IDOYeable .._. .... 14 ..._ .._ cle*a. By ebe Qvob of ~ 8ebo4tl quao&hy of Ill h.IICU.r IIIDieriaJ,~IIld to T- of die ore•'""' mha111 bajvecl, Board. .a. Bollen ... a~ be anloe T\.e 1011 of tbe protWooe. oee laariq IIIII I'll biM-.. ltALE ~ll&JC. l Oll ... 8elaool u iU1 .to be f , wtll etall coo~lo Coley 'It P""" dil&i- apoe f&lllilWe &be ~D· .;...,. Tnd ~ ....... _ _. __ or F•1• tfae ..... NllllY lo .. tor. Tilt cn-. CIOOiildDJ of ala ~t0-1 Jlardelt ~ "'" w.;;:i llrtlet$ will JUT. W.:-C. 8AE.AR8.

~:-o:'!s~~~ :.=--~~ ~ ....... daJ ... , ... ~-·- ~at• .... --L ~--- ~'-.., JJwN. Jea.toc wfdOft .ida !"ch• fa&laerleea ~·.., bJ lptOial n.. ~ -. · 8


,.,. .. t1t1Jcbta. to lder aad IDOana &Ji'tir · ~ ... .;,;W,....,.·. · 1~ --~ T .. &bon ,.tU T1le AacJo-A'"'-'- Mll . .Dinal U. & · W ..,-~fa J: Jlnti'J4i !:i,·-:::?~':..~'1: =:a.-~-,.::;.,11:._-~ lor S. ~~a~~ 8. u. :m:;-:.r• ..... Jlllllf.~. • . . •


. "WOODVILLE LODGE," a dwelling-hoUIC cont!atlng of t.wo t.eoo­monta, 4nd aonnl>etcd ..-ith bolh boutet, about.l6 aon!l of OULTIV.~·n~D LAND, ploughed tho put .eaaoo-1lt of which wJII. if required, be leL ~~.tparauly: Tbere ue also on lho grouod 600 lOAd. or M~NUkP. ~~rhieh will go with tbo 1:.! aorea oC Lf~P &t a very rtMOoablo raw.

for further p3rticulara apply to ALEXA~D~lt SQUIRES.

Harbor Grsce, Jau. :?2.

List of Jurors, 1881.


N OTlCE it horoby gino tbat tho AY­. NUAL REVl::ilO.S of the LlSTS of

Grand an~ . Petty Juror~ ~ r llubor r.mcc, wilt take placp bcrore

e upden~igncd M~'.;lrnto for Jbrbor ' mel!, on tho l~l TU ~lJ A¥. in t ho prc­

!Mlut moutb o r Jl!.cuary, (.bclug tho :!5~h inat.) nnd from timo to J.imc, for ~vio weoks tbere~>.Cter, 1\t tho Cou_rj., Ia Uubo Grnco; and all t boao l'~DI whoso nomc.a tliall appear on sac:h ReriJcd Lists of J u • ron~, and who buo not 0pplied to tho 14id Ma;ri•trate to hue their na10ee erue4, will be liablu to ten6-(or tho current ycnr, 'Under the (Jroviaiont of 19th, Contolio.l­atcd Statutes of Newfoundland.

'J'. ll U ~::oi:-iEn, J.l'. Polico Offico, Unrbor Grace,/

Jnn. :H, 1881. f

The Best Offer Yet Made I FO U R OF FltAXK LESLIE'S P U BLI­CATIUX~.-U~~: Yt;.\lt FOlt OXL\' t !?.SO.

Tho Frau I: Leslie l>ubliahin;: Co .• I ."• Dey St., Xow York, will ecn.l Fra11k Lulic't Family Frit11d, n 1G·p:L;t illustn>.tcd pspor,

-tDr. ouly $1.00 pe r year. l ra,J.· /,ulrt's l"vuuy Fo1J:1, cleYotou to tho

intcrctt of young ptoplo, ami ~onl4iniug much to inLcrcat tho&.~ or a moro matu re ago : a 1G- pa:;e illustrated p11per, Price, per ye11r 50 cent&.

Frau/.; /,ulit'l .\'atio•al Aariculturi.rt and IVur kiuy Farmu, n lti-pago illu1trated pa­per, Cor only $ 1.00 per yenr, with . Dr. ll. J . Kcnualr3 cmiuont · • T reatise ou tho llo111u tllld his Jh seuet" n book of 100 pn;.:~•. !)() fi ne cu;,;ruin:;a, Cree to cncb sub· sc ribcr.

Frttuk Lt1li<'~ l'ulpit ttftAt Da!J, n 1G-page illu¥trnLcd Jll\pt.l r. Just the paper Cor Sun· ""'~· r<!ndio~;. l'ricu only 75 ctnts per year, iuc l u.Jin~ two bcn.utilu l chromos. "The Fintt I·:Utcr Dni\' U" and "The Firn Cbrist· wu ~lorn."

Or all f uur tt/ lhe abot:t publication• f qr S:!.rx> ptr ~or.

S:uuples o r all o'ur Publications and Jl. luatmted Catn.lo!lne ( •ithout premium•) Cor 15 OQIIts. ,\II uuiring ltendy 1\Ud pro­fi tn.blc employment ahould scad aL once be-Core their te rriwry is ~.:~ken. 1

Any or tho above publicntions seat Cor G muuths at h~C rntea.


Jao. 2:?. lm, 1~ Dey-atreet_ ~ow York.

NOTICE! -o--

A LL PERSO~S ha>iu~ cl:1im11 on tho Bltato of the Into \\ . J . II. PACK of

ll11.y Roberta, are hen!by requeUed to Cur­nisb t ho 1u.ruo, duly 1\ttc:.-led, 110d Rll por­aoos indebted to tho Mid will pler._'IC make immediAte p11.ymeotto the Subeoriller.

W. C. EAHLE, Jldnainutrator.

Day R oberta, J~~oo. 7, 1881.

Commercial Bank of Nfld. A DIVIDF.ND oo tho C.pital Stock of

thU. l!ompany, a t tbc rste or T es por cent, per annnm, for the half year earling :Hat December, I , will be payable at I he Uaoking llouac, in Duclt~vorth-llreet , oo aod alta r MONL>A Y tbe lOt h ioat. , duriug tbo uaucal boura or buaio~ ...

Jao. 8.

By onlor of 1bo Board, Jl. BROW~.


Post Office \Notice. • 1110 Maila will be c lo;c!J 11t tlrU. Office during winter monthii\J ro llowa:

For St. .John' • and BHg\a lit 8.46 A.ll. MondaJ11 aod Fridaya (oYerlaud). At 8.45 \\'edoctdt.ya per Ladg G~rt:ill Cove.

For Oarbonear, North Shore Ooo­cepUoo Bay, and South Side Trinity Bay, at ~ P.ll. Montlt\yl a'od Frldaya.

1-'or Bay Roberta eod 'Spanlarda Bay at 8.46 A w., Monday& aod t-'tldaya.

E'or'l'rlnity and Bona~ evory W od-DUday, lit 2 P.ll. 1\J

For tho Northern. D i.triet.a 2 P.x., t2tb .tod 2Gth Janucuy, !HJo ao<J~rd February, Otb and )}3...-.l l\farqb', 6th tpd 20th April.

For BuropeJ'6 A Ilea Uoat, January 8'h and iQnd, J:>or N~lit!fotmllttctr Ilia Halifax, for Europe, United State., Weet Indioa and Dominion Oaoada1 about 6 th and 20th February, 6th and 19tb March, 2ud aod l6~b Ai~rll. Poat Omoo, II arbor Grace,! .

J an. 7th, 1881. f

Post Oftlc-e Notice. JWI:ATT-S

Will be dMpatehed from thil Oflloo by overland "'"" for Northern D lat.ricta, dur. ing the Winter montha.

On Wednetday, 1~ and 26th Janury. We-duud&y, 9UI and !t!lrd February, W ed­ootday, 9tb and 2Srd March. We~eeda7, 4kb and ~b .Arnl

WM.U. wU tie olale4·on aboYO ya d 8 o'oloclr, .uc,, lbarp. ' "

IAUetlwlll -110t be rerfllertd, OT 1\fooey Orden illoed, oa IDOftli~M cle.patoh. OeoeNI ~ OIBce. St. JObo ... !

' 16da Dect., ISIJO. f



Pills & Ointment: ---o---

Pwity or B lood Euen~ial to Health, S t.rongt.b, and Lon~ L i!o.

eoq •as• nil o thor 1tl C<licine3 fot· Purify. ing the llloo·l; thoy are aVD.ilabl,c for all a.s n d omesLio ~&tod bou(ehold r emedy for nil dirornons of tho ST0:\1 ACH, Ll VJ:!R, F}IDN&YS and BOWELS. I n C2!)gestion and Obs tructions of overy ki[lfl' they quickly remove tbll Cli\IISO, nnd in ao1111tipat ion ami cl11or~ored condition o£ tho flowels, luoy ClOt 118 1\ cleansing a(ICriont.

For l>ebililateJ Con,titutions and all F emale Coruplatiuta th1130 Pi!la nrc un· sn rp:~~s.:d-tht•y correct. 11ll J rre~;ut.nitirs nncl \VC.lknCSSe8 fro m vtbnlC\'Cr C'1USC

a rL!ins.

11lnnds unrimlled fo r lho fuc ility it dill· pluy11 iu rolic:nng, healing, IUld thor · ougbly curing the most in••eterat-. Sores IUld Ulcen, and in cases of BAD LEOS BAD BHEASTS, OLD W OUNDS: G out, Rhoumati.t~m, and nll S k in Di~· OlliOll, it ac ta lt8 & chnrtu.

li.mufacLurn<l only nt Profesaor HoLLO· WAY's • E.~t.nb lisbmeot.,

!i33, OXFORD STIU; E1', LONDO~. nnd sold aL 18. I !d., !!s. 9d., ·Is. Gd., 1 h ., 2::!s., And 33.,. each .Box an•( Pot ami in Caond,. 111. 3G ccnL,, 90 ccnt.s, and S 1.50 cents, and thn lnr;;er 11izu~ in proportion .

&"C~UTION.-I hllvo no A gent in tho tJrutcd Stat.o•, nor azo my llttedicinu ao!d thoro. ahould thorerore look to Lnbo1 on tho P ot.a cuul Boxoa. U t ho nddrolalll not. 633, Oxford Stroot, LoDdon, t.b.oy apurloue.

Tho Trndu Marks of m y. said . I cdi· rinrs nro regislMed i n Olt.nwn lllld nlso nt \V us hingtc n. '

Siymd TUO.liAS rr'OLLO\Y' A.Y. 533, OxforJ Sl reot, Lon!!un. l

D~c. 18, l t:!SO. ~




P~yaic.iiUl, SurgeoD and Accoucheur.

HAY ltuGE UTS t1nd POitf-DE-ORAYE. Sept. 11.

Uniaa Mutual

Adve~m~t:s..:.._ Ba.king


llllade E'asy -D\' -

JYOOdl1fl German Baking Potcdett

John VV:llson,. M~~;rl~;URER TYoodilr• C ma1111 .&ki"fl /'(ilt:lltr ltcu olittrill­

tfl a rlpulutiow v11l1*llliJ II any r)IMr. Tilt priuc•i-"1 /14t•ru •1' tile atJc b1 JUliN IVJI.:>U.V, ttl'f- •

lat. Pari ty iu Jn~uuf:~etu.( 2ud. It mnkcll v~ry lijllrt and aweet Ore2d

without yeut , flour puddi .. g.t •· itbr ut eJ:S8. and put ry light aulu whole~um~.

3nl. H DJcaltu l:kcAd aud lli- c:uit wilh n njce.'~~'!"-:c oppcartnce, " ithout JIO~Uiug llD)' lnJUTIOtlJIIJIIJ rtdieuta.

4th. Jt hM t uc adn.ntaae of ll\lilll[ 011\de C,\llllFULI.'I', tbo maker, J O liN Wli.SOX, huiug had n IOU~; experieoco ext.:odiog Cfer a perioo uC :.tiV~'TI!E~ 'l'.l!o\1!.5, t hnt en­auriog to Lbe public n !laking Puwdcr \TW.:il will give " 'cry 111tlafaction.

Wt.oU:dle A11eota io Harbor

Messrs. JILLARD Bros.

Harbor Grace Stove Depot -ASD--

Olut, Tin & H&rdwazo :!.etabliablnent.

(To t bo rut or ill l!&anl. J . 1\l t.:SN & Co'a blercnutilc J' rcmiaes.)

·c. L. KENNEDY t hankful Cor pu~ (uo u111, w11hu to inrcrro t ho inhabitn.nts oC t bia town and the oal­porta genen.lly t ilot be bna rect'ntJy receiY!ld ao~ haa now ro~dy ror iu~pection a Iorge \'llflely or

Stoves ! Stoves ! Stoves ! wllh all tho lcatcat ;mproYe iDents-compri•· iog Cooking, Fancy, Franklin and I tall ScoYes1 tol(etber wltb GRAT.ES aod FlT ­T t :-\GS o l nil

Alao, n fino ASSOrtment of the newest ttylea in GU1'U[C liHAT£$ (llritilh and Americnn.)

Tho Sub6cril•er baa llkewiac lars:elt auld ed to his Cormer etod: of Eogll.ah JI ,\RDWAR£, GLASSWARE, etc., otc. American C ut, Wrought oud Fioiahing N ;\I LS of ~ll 1i~, ,.l,.nya kept on hand; to:tet ber w1th llwgce Md Scrcu Door.a.nd Closet I..ocl:s. '

Jn addit ion to the above, he hu .Just re­ceiveJ 111upply or 1'.\l~TS or t\ll colon~ , Ll:\SEEI) OIL aod 'fUHPE~TINr> as well 411 \\"iudow G LA&; (all ai:tes) 'an.J PUTTY.

Tho follo wing article• a.nd otbens too !'umcr;;>us to apcclfy arc nt.o 11lwnys kep~ 111 atocl::

SINGER . SEWING MACHINES Lockman Hand llttachiDca

Bickford Knitting Machlnu . Eureka OJot.oes Wringora

A cmo Wa.t~hing Mac.hioos Ceo t.onnilll P 1lli t.ln~r llto.chinos

Beat Mach ine O il. Needles M d AttAch ­menu for :.11 ~gWJ:\G :'IIAC IIIN I::S, nil reduced to bottom prices Co:- ouc wootb only.

T he Sin!Jtr J!anufacturin!J Company,

M . F. SMYTli, Agent , li:! Wate r St.., St. J oho'e

SEwr:o;G )L\ClllNES REr,u rum. St. Jobu'e, .~ov: G.

PERFECT RELIEF IN ALL CASES. ·-Lifi Ins C nta Great I• lerat aa• . e urance o'pany. wrwvtclatadttllO ~:ea ·-·-="' -·-:-·_-·-,

OF ~IAil\TE. Joa~ E. D EW tn, f'rr4icmot. R. R owe, M anager fur lvOD BrwwricJ:

o11d NtiC/oumlland.


A&ota Slit Dcc:omber, 1870 •. . 86,~1798.26 Surpln11 OYer 11lllinbiliti~s Sht

December, l 87!l, N.Y. Stan-dard 4~ ('Cr c~nl. ............ ..

• All it.s prope rty b~looga oxcluaivcly to t bt! P olicy- llo ltlera, t\od all tbc Prolill aro divided.among tho loaurers.

PRUWsg & STrRLTto.'G , Broken~, St. John's,

Central Agrnufur Nt~rf,mdlauJ. Nov. 12. Sm.

Fisheries for 1881. Stnnllard Qunlity American Cot·

ton Herrmg Nets.

E~<.m NET ia mlldo oa followa to givo 1t atrength and looge r se rvice, name­

ly, 4 to 5 rowa or weahe• oo tho bead, aod S or larger t._. lno ou tho Coot, the outaido mesh, foot aod bead beiog Q)ctdo oC uroog oord. FI~E LANC E BU~"T. C APLIN, llEJV

RING aud COD, SEl N &; 11nol C UD TRAPS, 6tted iu a lhorciUI!h m' noer.

100,000 l~ higb ~rndc C Ol'l'ON NBT­TL~G, for all uae., io tho Newfoundlnod ~ iaheriu. All t bi• Nettlo,~t " mAde from patent t wiue. cootide red tho beat t•i•t Cor aonicc. 70 l bl. <.:ouon !.ri' ea u lu,;e a u ct a.a t OO lba. hemp. Fitbennoo will plcuc Lprly to tile importing morebsou at home • nd ~hqy can l earn lbro' them prices, etc. '

A,~I J:: IUCA~ NI::T 1\ TWJN£ Co. NoY. 6.6m. Boaton.

Carriages ! Carriages t

WARREN&WHITMAN would beg to ltato to u • .,;,. patron• lind othert t.bat theJ huo on!l (8nlshcd) a q uantiLy of NEW C s\RIUAGES ol dill'tr· ent etylo. Partin ~~rao lmg a c::arriAgo will do well to giPe them a oall, •• ~beir cam­~· are of II!I)Cirfor make, being mauurac. t11red oot of"the beat obtaiMble atock aud Aniabed lu 1bo lateat ,..,.l~a. 1

-AUC\-TIIoy bau A DLACKS~rru oo thefr pre­mite~, whn ia an excello' hor~e-aboer­will paru~ to help all mlirmjiJM bacl­••'·to bad lhoeiJitr. •

B.Hl'.UKLNG •<t PAINTING HCOna­haD4 Oarrlaa• will ... doa• lo a a&~toe• tha' will ....,. eatWeodM bodl lo .-foe ~ll'1 UM&.qeiell deapatlch. •,

"f.:!'!=:: ,Ucl to ootport ordUI.

WUI ... n ll-'1111 ud emolM ill tllelr' ~ .......

P or Boi....._W...,. SUtet, .... .. BloM~

..., .. WAIU\EN 6 WUITII.AlC.I

... 7....... .




(;1-:'IW(.:I 'i h lliL'>:I:tW; J)rc.clnhu \'01• t t;At: Htr:-lizt:i 1hc zww \\GU<lenul Jo. 1 .;:.••=~ r : .... t r h \' 4.41-a.....J ttl• .-i.ali.IDa ··Y ···m.

. , .1 P C'I'"O:I c:m t:lko llt<' c nlttera :h' t:••t•l•n·: lu • l!t <:•·t!u:L~. :mtlrt!mnln lou: •t~~'·H·!i. 1 ·.rl·iolrrl t llrir V.tllc.~nro nut tlo· .-.t:·o~ t•l I y m i:u .. r.:J t~<tl..<nt or othrr mrau• , :.uJ ,·!t...! ":0'"1.> t.ll6:c<! IX'J"UI!J 'ri'H!l ;-.

·l :iliouo;1

r.emifl('Jit nntl [utt'r· auit: rnt 1: cn•r.\1 "hicl.1 me w p rc\".t· leu~ ln l hu >.lllt•ya or uor gu:ul rh•cta t hrou;.:huutthu l:mtl'i.l :tate~~, CI(JC::Inlly tlm:.o of t ho t.I~:~J<i(ll'l, Ohh1, :\tltiSOU.r' .. llllw•L<, Tc:un~o. Cumbcrl.tntl, Arknt:­s:~s. !:eel, (;olot-:\, llmwt, IUo G mr.l!c., llo:t rl, ..llniJ:uua, Mou\lo, So.\·nnnr..h, llo~ nnukc, Jnu1es, mul tu:my otb~ns, wltll 1hclr , ·nst t rlbutarlc.J, t hroo::hout otrt cntlro couut ry durin~: t bo ..:ummcr nml .\ ntun)n, :tnt.l r c:u:uk.lbly &O tlurtu:; ac:t· SUtl3 u r unusual heM mul t.lryocs1, oro i:I\':ITi:l\•1~ IJy c.•aen•in: do. rau;;cnll'. :t.s or 1.10 &tocunch nuu tlvcr. :1:111 utiJ~r nlxlo:c:::t:ll r~or:t. 1n t llel:­l l"\'ntnKat, n pur~ati<o, c::crt!n~; 11 tlulr-

. :~.:'.:1 !.:!.\Jc:tcc UjKlll thesu \'<lrlon4 or. ~us, IJ CSS<'llli:tllj" t:cccss:try. 'J'IIor111 ! 111u c:llbnrtlc !ur tbo IIUI"poi!D ~qual to I> z:. J . W .u .Ktm'tl YL..,l:.GJo lt lluTluut, as ll:cy n Ill llJK:Ctl lly rcmoro rho d::rk· culurrd · r lscic 111alle r wltll \fl.t lell tho IJmi'Cl4 nro lo:u!ctl, at t ho &n!\IO t im~> EtiulUl:tt lt;:;: t h e &CCTCiiom Of WO llvor, . :t:ul sencr~11ly rcstori~bo b c:lltby ruuct lons or I he dlges.ti\ llPUS- r

i-'0111f.r f he body ru;n st dlscnso !•y pnri!yln:;- nll lis Uuhla wltll ~:S.I:!OAJC !lrrrcr:s. Ko cplllcru!c eno t:l~ t f a :;"lltCilt t hllfl !orc-nnucl.l

lJ):SIJ«'Ii~ l a or lmligc. Uon n c:ul · :tr!Jc, f':t:l ~ In !llo Sbouldcn, eough~ • T i;;lllnCSJ of t ho ('l.eot, Dluincss, Sour {~:ltCt :ttlott3 of l hO t tomnch, JJatl 'l'3Stl:1 in t l:u :.\Iouth. Jlll:ous .Aunc!;s, l':tlpitn· t:tt;oa o! thu Jlt-::.rt , Jull:unruatlotl o:' 11Jo l.l:n;;t~, 1'.1111 In tho nY,;luu of t ho K.l<l l ncy~, and a h uu<.lret.l other p.'lin!ul llyntp-10111$. :uo tlto o iTsprln:;s of lJyllpCf'<'ll:t. (),IQ l>t.ttJc 1\ Ill JlroiO :1 UCttcr 1;11:\l':llltCO c.r i:s IUcrlu: tbnn n lengthy rllh'cnis() ttl('llt. .. . •

Scrofula, m· i\in;-'s Ev!l, \ \'ll:t .:: S.n-cll!u~;•, l'l<cr-, J: ry•il..:hu, S\\ cl!t~l ~ ... lr. lio.trc, tierufuiuu• l ull11nnuu1fuo•. 1nuul.r.: lutl:~uun:uwn,, lJ r:rcurinl .\ IT<letln:t•, O!ol s..,c,, L:rU)'tlllll~ .. r thu S ti:J, s .. ro t.:r ..... e:t'. lurl.c e. n1 i.1 nil <>:hcr.:vnMlltutiu:o:>l Uh.­t':t<el, " ' ·' LtU:Cl'$ ,- ,~~Jo.u: JhTnlll~ l::n .s · hu\'dl l lll'ir p eat ct•mtilo P<~Wcr• i:.t l!J.u ou•o.l u!J..Unl!.l<l a:1J lutracl<lu!o C"-"'._

l·'m· lntlommato 1·y m:.:l (;Jn-on lc: !l!tC' UIIItttls m t Gout , lltl~••u,, Homl~· tent nud J ut~l'UIIltCnt J.'O~, lJlsC!\SCS O( •bo Jllt~U<I, l.ll'cr, Khlno1·s &uti JUtldller, tl:c•o llill('n 1::\N uo cc/1ul. Such Dl;~e.U~ .110 c~u~ lly \iti11tl!•l llou.l. r ~ec!uc:icn ll>isc:liie . • -Pc:rsoc.s c::n- '

cn:;ell In l':~lr11s wul hlinorala, eucl.t tu l'lau.llcr1, •r.nlll--~.uerJ. Gold-l>oAloN, oaJ !Jmrr4, :w tlley\IUlCO in Jik, arc!C:~ to I "\raly~b or tliO lJun-ell. To [;UIIn1 "-1~1\ll:·t t ub, t.nko t1 cloao oCW'.u.a:u:':s \'!:-; • 1.0 .\lt illrrEt\3 <«uionolly. '

1-'m·Siclu J)lsc:sses, J::ruptions, T c: . Sut·l tbomu, ttlotcbe~~, b)lbU, I'hnJIIC~

le.•, Doll•, Ca.:buncle.<, Wn; ·wunn,, & :~ IJrod, Sure J::ro1. !J)'~i1oelu, lt~b, ~urr . ., ll.colorulion• or tbo Sklu, JJ umur. lllltl Ui•c ~ o( Lbo Skiu of \rli~ n lA' u11tnrt , a litcmlly Jog op uoll -::arrlw out or lho •rate lu • lbo~ tlmo lty tl:o lUG tiC lhe1o llittcra.

Pin, ~'npc, othor Worm:,, · Iarkins in tho ••·otcm o o auour thut~.~~~~J~u •, aro cO"C!C:IaDIIy cle~troycd rcmofed. ' ~u •r.tcw of U1e.llciuc, uu \'Cr ·~o u, llQ au thchuh:lllcs trill rr~o tllnyotcw U1 1\'0I'U:.I li\:c \ bela Dlttcra.. .

l'or ~·enu1lc Complaints, In r onng or uld, nuuricd ur liliJIC, at till! d11WU of 1\'u• mt1nbocxl. or t bo t urn of life, tbeao Tonlo 1Jitta111 cliapiiiJ'IO dec.illod Qll Jullucoeo' imprOI'OIDt'nt Ja -D -~l!_tibJe.

Cleanse tbe-VIUat.ecl Blood wben· efer yon 6od I~ lropwiU.bllllllng t.bruacll 1 he tkln ill Pimltlei, B:ropt.lou., or ::X1reoo i de:u1.e tt 'll'beo f Olio fin4 1~ o!Mtructed and Jlu"lfWI In tllo reilu: clt110111 It "~rbou it i~ ruu'i; your reellog' will teU yo:t 1rbez:. Ktt11 tbo blood pure, ull health of Lbu ryoteu:. 11';11 fullo ....

~ lt. 11. lfc DO:'I.&.L D & CO .. o.u,~lou ""~Ott\. A ora., SoD ~-,.........,,.t.,





Miscellany. Wit.hiu the Gate.

----\ L. lC c.

W o 1 ln::cttb.r ),.t ~~~ d~ •~d lolkotd Cll tl " ol.., r h ioudll " h<• ... t~OI'l

~old~ U1l ' hutr• uf our h~l~ oull 'raro, F, r llvw aod lo111 :J'f'>ra. •

I:: lou forot .,.o mtl lu l'rte<l~m • hope forloro, A o I h er rd her t ... aJJ ... bnrn

\\ ouo-1 thHt tt b 1b• \'lllltl• nltho aleepu•& :Sortb c.m. li .... clllldno Ill rill.


• Ue uked 1f over the Ja(be. went ouL to more especially u DOL one a mong them JOID the gcutlomon aL a p1en1o luncheon could bnnr h.i.l coorar! to lhutlclnog-plact llo sa1d ho wu auro it wu going to boa of an a baoluto propual-thou¥ht thil mill· lo~oly chy, and )Ui t the r!.ght kmd of wea- tary etrangor porfecu on • th~r Co r tuochmg ou~ of d oore, n eithe r too And to tb1ok that Blanche eould rofuee hot nor too eold And I btl\ 1 told him we t ocb a rnl\n I' ah., laid to horacll , wb1lt hd 10m~lliUI:S tl\li:e out the luncbtQn fo r the Mr Trem~yne, afte r graCtOualy aclt no~ • ~hoot<-1'11 and that 1 ba vo a lovely httlo lodgtng Uhwchlia p l'(!4enUitiou ofhuu to her oouy e'\t l my very own, what P"P' gave me moe~ p:~.rt1c11lar fneucl Mill }o'()lbroQk, war 1 t bl rtbu") • • aelnng :Miu Ferr!~r all thoee quc:auo ua

r my, wht\l Enghab ' ' " htch Cnonds ask aCtor an Interval of aover-Never mmd my En'lllah Mr Tre- aoce

• ~ 111 if yoar lookin~ at me would preYeo~ Dicit: Turpin brealuag h11 knot~ r exclaimed l'ioy ·• You are a fuooy 11rl, Blanche •

Mira Ferner 4rew herteU op with a dl£­oi fled l\tr at thla addreu , fcvltog t hat a yOU.IIJil•dy who bad been oae of tho be~ll· t1ea or the lleUOD ougb~ oot to J>e eo epokeo to by a cbtt o f a yoUnjlef aoator Bu' Tiny wu eo thorou(lh ly ewe.~&., and w d import!· neut lhin~e• 1n tucb " lova ble way, tba\ It wiUI d tfficult to fl'cl a ngry w11h her,

tnia, and reoclliog to tho boUom of I~ in ~wo broad ,waYOI, bolof Of.UibL tG the cown With baocbtt of 'll'hit. ao.,.,. ot lUI. lode­IOtibable ~ A dl&plf1 or pouat d 'Ao: jrl• terTO 1aae fell OYer UJo allotiJdere, mML­tDJtu th .. rroo" aod ~ .. betel lOjpthet,'by a bunch ot a.oboptne llpwe ra.. A por{ec;tlx plaan, to . wile f\\1) l:t'&eblng to the floor wu faatc a cd to the baar w1lh a little knot of Jnbeplnea. Tbo omameoll were mOlt maanlftcen\ d~~~.mooda, that once belonged to her 111otber

TtiE DRl.0£011.00¥ UAD lliSLAlO TtiE RllfQ

U\"tlCQ 011 DA8U Uuata,

thai ia to·eq, 011 ~anu ranatnl from $5 to tt0 a week. Bu th~ cla.u emb~ a larte majcml1 ¢ aJ oor young men 'wbo '!f!)rt for W8feL U coot&IO. * bone and llloe w ot the ,_, i• roicldle eM" of our population. emb~ nearly all :JOUIIJ mo­bhao•ca llDdloolude~ oe-teotha of the daeh­log 1011nll clerb to. e atorea. Ale.,, m· d ead, otther tbrongh fortune or men &; rlto to better place aM 1 y , buL lbe great mua of oar ~blo youog me n of to-day aro f<>retd to lifo r 811) a week or leaa u ntil the1 are 26 y old a t leaa~ and it

m11yno d td not l&u~th at my F.nl_lh&h It • And where Ia my hlllo friend a nd bos­wu g ood enough for bnn . And I told hom toae ?' ho u ked pl'e4entlJ' • lL w., l~ny tb:\t., 1f be hked, 1 '1\onld d nvo you a nd 11ho u ked me to luocbeod Oh, hero 1ho

;J.r t .,.~otb pru tod lorworcl wolb bopo-ll&bled l.nnto o• er m my e&rt wath the lurlobcon co mes, hke EYe, on thought~ 1n b:\lket, 11nd that we four could ha\ e our tent, I cau R C, • u Atttotoo:tte approached lunch tQ.,.oetber an '1 ott('obam \¥qod , and CM'f)'IDg a btg c ruaty loaC o n a bomely delf loe a ud tb&t would bo lo• cly, and that he philter • Do you know little oue , that I o;.bnuld conatd er

11t an ap powhn\¥)1., a nd bn\ e eomo four 1mlaa and a half 11nce h:Uf­

whl\tc ver "ny the sh ootmg party went be J~t twe!Yo, aud Lh~t 1 left tho aport jn~t wnuiJ he m the ~< ood-bJ t h e hulu wooden whe n 1t wu hottest, 10 orde r to keep fa~lh bndga ut~ tho water UJali-M hal!-put uno~ "a tlt you ?'

Ihi! bomowllrd WJIIk wu full of life a nd fun finy a nd bor pony betweto tboll) af­forded unbounded amueemcnt. He wu a ruoat aelC-w1llud belllt.. and d ad JUit what be liked w1th 'l'iny and her CJirt, bnt h8pptly wu notg'l•on to 11oy daogeroD.I 'rtcllt.. He took hta own pleuur& ahor an ecoentn c fnsh1oo, atandang aLock-11Jll to lldmlro tho prospect, or ng o ff 11t a bmk. c.rot, )UAt u 11 plCMCd htru, :rioy cxpostult\lwg wttb hun or lect unog b tm all tllo tiwe, M 1f be had hcen n Chn ltlan

Tbe bride and groom •tood beoe .. tb tho flo ral bell, facing tb& rumi.ater, and Senator Shar o n etood a little of bride a nd M ,.., Dnla near \be. g.oom, by Fred Shar­on's a~de S tr l'bomiUI looked a lnlle ner: voua and pnle , wh ne tbe b ride a beaut1 wu e ohanccll by a d eep color The preeeoco or Dr lJeOI'II,. o flletaUng eiCtllJIIIIIR wu a anrpnec to many of lbo gueata, wbo we re uot a w11re of l.he fad that lllau Sbaroo hlld reooune.ld Ct~l.hohc~am., and lleYeral weeka ..go doctded to be lllarricd by an Eptacop.'\1 clcrgyml\11 11111i )OlD the Chu rch of J::ngl11nd u pon b~r arn n.l " ' her uew boruo I be room wu b uabed mto perfect s1leuce " hen Dr Jll!ol'll ope nod b11 p rayer book and prp no unocd the tl111t words uf the bcAut1fnl eerncc F rom the bcg.no1ng to lhe close not a word or the gr oom 1 reRponao could be bcJird by thottt ttandoog e•en a few feet a Wl\) , hut Miu Sh11ron re-ponctc-d 111 11 lo w yel elur and d uwnot J>roi'IOU~ t o the placing of d tl)"weddmg nug tho bndc1n11\ccl n:ruo• ec1 t ho bndc a g lo ve, a od the ~troom found the n os: only after " cou~1dorllblc I!Cllrch 10 the vest pocket wh1ch rhacloaed In& posa.:u 1o o of a m11tcll bo x and ICYeml oth¢' IIICfjW&nd omamontAI kn1ck k nacb, u nhnppaiJ" lto~<ed ' "'"Y m tho anme pocket At tloe couclu11oo o f the C\lremony tbe m:or r1cd pnor after rceel\ IOJl Dr l.ltJcl'll' con gntu lauoos ft\Ced the ~ucata nnu fCC<: I\ ed tl1e pJo:IUIIIIJt WIShes Of al l thoao p resent After tl111~ S~r 11tom/IS rohnq utahed It t& b n dc to tbe escort of bor brother a nd htm· ~~e lf takmg lloss Sed"'ICk on b~a arm, the four promcnndcd up llnd d own the mam floor co rndur &nd through the Ytc~puon r oou•• d nnc1ng lHltng 111\rted by tltu guo:st:s iu the IDUSIC hnll

wogjd prohltbly "\fe to uy that t be ~~ m&JOM~1 vf thor Wlll DOYel' tlarD more than II ~ a r ear 11 mamaee, po•1'>le am<>ng people 10 1Ucli a reuamaocea ? la ~~ dettrable? FIC\a rlee up a~ oqce to ao. awer &be 1l111t queetlou. Mamec},...hfe 11 p0111ble o o Sl ,200 a l )'ear, a nd much leu, beca uee there arc w o uaanda a.od teoa o f lho osaod a of


And Aft' wilh fnrec"• 41 WIIO 0 1 I he lonr:: otrlfe U..lorP 1lw lnulliJJb woo,

0 rcl\1<1 hi• orator o~>.

~ lh, u ,.,In• hi' nomo we t~~ll lha roll, \• ' "'""l ll"'d"'ll holta lnlt

r L1 uu .. nliwttttu~or tn~ur •od wo koow II, hdnt; wcro th• fe•r

II u~ t<O "bn waltf'() OUI" f\\~0 ~~~ ~foro T hu ln•• h• llv unor

1 •t" tNt antl l4ottl<r"11 AI 1\Jt h:\T~ dOD&, to WID t;, u I \Ikon Iron• ••lthiu.


N o •fo.• "'.- ~'"' -w~ ltt'Ar t1 nn voltt-J call 1 hr lntp< • r raLir "•11

Caat. ~oh•" n h• ,_,Jnfi•'"• hkr a n o wfnl duubt, Ou •It who aat 'llilb\lut

l I r n ny • b at nl It'~ h<>\'flntl lho • • •' Au lm>ny" a:hnetly lolo

\~ 1 • •" 11b 1hr •!'.,. brl<lr;ot<l tht gull boh <tG!l 1 ho aeeo aoll tho uot ..-o,

:?rdun ... frnm omen, tran4"'0 and drc.t.m to saln. Sol•ca 1 • doubtful pain

,~J l<>uch, ~lth 11roplnj: bauds tha j;&m>ODI b"m o r tr•th oumdng tbom,

\\ o ulioJ on<l httnlblf I rom the oor o uoro•t 01 on oil loaOIIng quul

'\\ o tbou~lll of hoh 11••• II>' ' fl'ltm Ut pAuoJ Uo1>clul unto tb• lul

Jo o •I 1h•,. """' b#yoD<I tho thtr ol .!O>tb Llk• n omo' ~.urelh

'l b e cn"nT m•ott1noa of t l•o f.ternAl Jar• Ltft Uf! l h ir s • •u uf prat ...

And hn,h!!d to ••l•aC(' loy a rHereat awo llo1bou~hl U ftl•u<l l a>w

lo tby true HI~ ,rwor I ond '""r"' ud tboo0bt, 1 ho pro-,r ol &JI -.o oooc;h t..

' DIJ we not "oln< .. '" I he lt!o of oboo l m :nor tAl pt<tt>ltoc• 1

A cd f ... t l<hen .,.£t)t lb.., 10 I b) doadlf path, fbo po11'ur thAI goodr.ou balb ?

Tfan tb1n1J w~..s no\"or turnOd o foodtr IJ u r t 1 o n!\turr Aud to 4 r t

l n lalr fnrmed I! ell•• iu h r goldeo pran~, 1 h) l'bololuea • llmo

it loron~t lx-• ul; thou <Ooltbt pou 11 b) A od fur 1 lut ponr •l«uu

Tbv•el~\ and ••• thy frc•h ,,.col !loiTer of lam• \VIIber lo ~hl!bl/aud blomo.


Sb&~oo,:: h1a ln<o -.ho }loMt lu Ills embraoo 1 bo lnwhu .;( our race

S• re II • divine """uom1 mual bo Oon•er<:.tha ol l h •e I

F " r I ruth mu~tt J. ,.o u·ula t ruth Sod< oul 110 ~rou1 allo••

G~d n..u•1 fintl ~"XtrQ It flotl'•' u " u o n • uro1

Aotl lo<o w!\b lo<o oodur~

Aod oo ••nre ohon bu t p•s• Nl wtlbtn l ho F;liiO \\ Ji,.r~l.) Rn-ldl,- I \Utt

l glYe l..htul ;:r1~f a:a t hhn lrr JJfnl~ t bo lao fbou hut not lu t.'11 co dtu '

- J oA.t Grualwfll A•• 1<r •• r/w Jt11toory ~tlanll<

A Rom llnco 1n S k olotoa

A Calm tolt=!toful \ Uttmn S l•h• ­A \I N"~1 • m,11,.,n ,u ... J:Ul ltn I l~eht­A Mtthlf"n nt b r \\ 1n I•" h rc:ht l D Rot.o. ol ~uro and a • ...,, \\ hHu

Tltr !title '' t<hl lht• •)'r ­A l O\""e r t nJll inF from 111far \\ ab tu1 dul vo 1et- • nJ llt.:ht ( , uhaf l u woo hit rodl•ot vuoJoog Soa.r ~

A 1 uto wuh 1o f1 n .. lt.houf' T wans- ­Oh bnw th,. Jnn,: I o• er ••nK A Ut1ll f•n~ uuh Ht>ruornolft•.$ i a:Jg­,\ S i p a Gnp • Do,lbl) I au~

A ~· niJC'o With ft ~tArtlr-d l rlante -:\ Shru:~kloJ: fo r llrlnt'rAlJ(".e-

0 A ktnd vt WC)Ird l11 la r 1oua flllllltlCo ­A !'ai r of Rt«D Oonkio Pan to

to the uo~nu t c lllanche lookoa at Lome aa much u to 13lllnehc looked the pact nrc of md liTcr - 11.'\y , Utdn't I tell you 110 ? •

cnc:c > e t m her mmoat heart l!hc fel t thlll I t~u ' ery guod of J ou • 51\ld T my, " ptcmc lunch¢on wtth o• e n 11 reJecte d IO\ • , 'llnd l l!hould h11~e been nwlully duat\ppolrlt cr would be a vu t nnpro • cment u pon t ho ed tf • o u hadn't como B u t I waa sura ) Oil fol'ln •I dmmg room men! 111 thll coml"llY "ould somehow XoLI'do,n tlook 111 1f yo u of t hree tn.'\t rona tho s taple of wboJC COil t ol,l stoncL' ltr&'\UOn " ""' abe lmqmty of toodern sur- I 111y "11.'1 " p retty chold nnd ehe looked • :ut"'· nod thl' 1'e~ed q ucauo u of l h\lp! he r • cry prc thu~ At tina 1uotncu~ , he r blue ~, opem11.-e &to re! eye• d rmcmg " tth mnoccnt glee her chec ks

• 1 can get at for BC\ en-pcnco h11lf-penny flu~h<d, her b reAth conu ng q ucldy th roug h " pou nJ a nd <~f d oll ' ery bl!llt qu~ht) , 111 b:.lf p.'\r tcd rtMY lip& :She bnalled nbout.. O L:clll\mptou • M ) a \l rL J)alr.>tne ll ho "' m~k1n1: ~ l!'r~nt rl t~ I •IM• o f blnck spun a1lk ~ ruraJpnrson a n 1fe, a bou nd to Suppo rt I IOCI(IIlglll\lld l'uhab boots , for [ Ill\ B boo~ loc.•l t mitc nud atock oni(S \fCrc her IJt ro ns; pvmt.. llc r

l ly d cnr nt the Army and ~nvy I get 1t f roclls m schoolroom Ami p i•> hours " ere for atxpence three !"rtlun~ rctorta the I nn)thlllg \ On ltk,- work house ahe,lln(C nd nural a lr~.,Jy, • nnol t hwk "'hnt-:l sn\"111g brown hollnud latchcn d liters nnylhmg th~t os 111 ll 1a~a eetnbhshnoeut. clenn nnd cnonfortAblc S he dtd the hon

• fhe~r f3nc) sonps arll aumornblc, 5.') s ours or the fenot ""'1 1111: Uj)fln the gro'"' \Irs ~ .rna u p!< bnn~:m_ thcon tloc~r t.mon•d~ or t hc1r

\ h p~mpcr~ I man scru nt rt>fu•cd t~ b.!, r coollro m n ti tl\uO\\ Y JIOOI umon~: thil c3t thclf \ mcnc:m cbccw rephca ~lr ll. rorh. ll<Mtmont :111.! thll k uul of 1hno.: go>~ on L rcml\vno " M b nn;r-y ~n.lthll'llty , " 11h \&IIi\' on a nil through l uncheon nn l Ito dcciMc <l do~t tloe b"er " nil neetnr

r o CliCApe thos Bl:mchc fd t l h!\t ~he lfOUlrl and lhnl he h~ I 11~ \ Cr tas·~d AI ch " I0\\1 _bJ ly en~ he r mttld~) llltnl 111 the \\ OOtl o r ~uch home Ul!\tle lm : 1d nur ha•l he .Ub<!1t 1\ddcr or slo" "orm mt~.:ht lurk u u kno" n 1111 t" da) 1b:~t 1he nrnbro!la o f the rler t bo lovely hnrt s tongue (, rna or Jeep ~·Ia muu h:u c been chce&.:<'~ l::cll. P a rnu do" n nomJat the bronJ coa rst: lea~ ca v f the II sua could nut cou>pus Ill!) tit tOt{; on or~ dch foxj.:lo vca. ctouA

\' ~ry well Tony to pl cn.~e you "c II go If ) ou ro enJOllllg) our.eH I hope vou II on ~our ••ru~luug bul.:c t,' &he &.'\IU couJc come njlatn, &atd \nlotn~llc acendmal) Constder }oursdf cu.,:t~ed to provtdc

• It w1ll ba no und of JOl h -&'\ld poor rne '"' b lunch eou 1n tlu • ~put c\ cr) d •) o ! Louu! "ho unnblc to 1:;<1 10 I ondon nn \l!t t ' t~:ud C laude g rnc1o usll l huugbt the next thmj: \\f\S to 1:1lk ns ~ • cr) fi ne d M ' replt<d ltuJ ') ou much tnct ropo h tnn el •ng as ah<' could cnn- " oultl uot <'1\rC to 81L unolcr n t ree nod en~ ' Cnlelltly nt"qmr~ ~he \\03 "'dh hebuttl 1 ) Our lultChcon 111 1\ Ct \\Cnthcr ohc mctropoh~ e• en 1n t lus, but bnpptly dod You must not <lo such a thms: nn)h O,,. not koOI\ 1t.. l lny ~o our cns;:ngemcnt must be ouh fo r

h wu " lo • ely spot fo r n p1cn>C or for 1\ the line d ny¥, nil&" <red C luude ~;ood ttt\ poet s re vc roe o r fo r " pnuotcr -tho ••ld t urct11) n11ll t lou molter s cotL•~tc the r ock.,ood Yes but 1f 1 tAI;o ao much trouble fo r the \vMer the g m nJ old onkl!. t he r1ch }Ou, ) OU must t~kc " lottlu (or me S.'\tll s: ro ~< th of fer n llnd underwood offeno~: nn l tnJ Yo u touat tell we n I t o r) 1 d o:> I tllt'Xh~UStible ~3t1Ctl o ( SUbjeC~ for bru~b u pon ~tonell.' ot pcnc1l Ulanchc louud lt loHlo~r thl\ll :Sh~ll 1 tell you thAt ) ou r c tho u,~:he~t cH r to d~) nftcr her IIO)OUrn 111 n formr~l l ltttlc gtrl I c rcr w"'" 111 1ny h fc? (.l;hl\1 >nd to "") ••o rld " o uiJ be aometbong h b t1 s to r) , woo ld u t

1 11>) s ltttl e wockC'rl<'ork ort nod t:xmoor 11? r>on ' "(Ould h~•c Jul tcd t he '" o 1:1rls to n 'Oh, bu t I (Inn t menu th~t lu nd of etor) Jelly 1f tbeJ h~d s.'\t lo ng tn 1t-bul tbcv I re tor ted I on) blutlu n~: ): ou mu,t tell d tJu i; prderron~ 10 JIIUtp ou t nnd " nlk 1110 f~ory tnlce ur ht$10rocnl nnccJt.IIC!l. I "hcoe• cr the rond \li :tS uph1ll or tlownhtll h ku hostor) 1111\llecd otrs I he\ we re both on n uoc rr) hu mour n.s I he) I \ homrcop"luc lo rn1 o f lnstory-nt ' er1

t npped alorti( the lo • eh tlo11cry l<lnc• t mnll <l<l!teJ'. 1\ ell 1111) I ll olo 111 1 l>e•l •'t>ttcrtn,:; ~ uh wh tl< l 1111 ,..,, 111 1lw I I ' oi l uufuld "" npertotrc o! fnory tnlt s tln•cr~ •• 11 ,._, •olcmu non Jll <l ~t~ !t"tn..: nntl \\ hen"' I" ""' to lhc end of them 111 the I li!IO< r • mouth n sh orp ltulu Jerk fall lt>c" llf'OU l'ounork clef\ no" 11nd then winch \\M he r tu« of ~ If \ OU lcll h<t" ••or~ • he II ne• er lut drl\lltj: \ 0 t hn•• lin) pete<, e:uJ Llta 1che :She 1!

I "nnder· whnt I sh1ll thtnk o f, ~our tnMimLt. hero • C)lCllla t< I I omc 1> I d on t uunll betn;: h~•l;:t rc•l n ltdl i.'

Do n t c~ll.luul " " hero-he tK no hero I ~IIS\\CNtl Cbudc l oclktng nL the j:lrltsh of IIllO< ~, .... HcU Ulnndll• I belt,\ e Itt r~r~ wtt lo " t<.:IIUcr •nulc I nno \Ct) fond ,, " good sold ier lie " L• m the \oh~"'"" ul clnldrl.'n I hl\d 1\ cl.,~r httlc s1•ter-nnc w1tr d on l • ou k now "tth "'" (,nrnct-:\nd nnh ~tS\cr - 11nd wb~n the C.'lllte to 1tbout I am told :Str < • ..rnct bos a htf,:h npuuon \l [ ftn1 ~ n~e--lt tm But 1h•rc ts re~ ll) not uou,: o f the ~he u tcd ' murmur('d f 1ny lrbO w M '" ro 1\hout h uu lie ts e plru n &tell< I) ~o ' CIJ tmp i'I'SIItotu•blu I c11n ~ee It Ill ) our "'~' 1 oun;; mnn d readfully lltl\lllhtforw~rd I r~cc I 1\m &n I!Ort) for) ou n11J unromno111c She c rept clo11t1 to h un nnd loud her h11nd

lu• t whl\t Wcllons:ton WM tn Ius ) Onth gcnth o n Ius co:.t collnr a lot o~~ M 1f &he I d~re """ l!.'iilt.Lottte "ho~~ 1\dnurnuon "ouiJ lon1 u put her 1\mt~ rouud Ius ueck for tne unknl't:' C l>uol< I rcrnwne hMI lie took the h t tlo t!lcnd<r auub urut p:LW Lce u ~rOWIII!j81eadth d unn:; I he Ill< II IVCDiy I\ till kti!SI!d IL {.,or hours :So ) Oil con n nderst11nd T ouy, th11~ vou

~ l.lahl on fatnl!ng wuh Alfn~ht­A lover ln" 11clrrrun.., I'll ... II-

, ·1 be) nrn • NI 11t the !non ddt M f our 11011 t eastly lire: me :So fnr M ruy lt ttlo ' h~td chrt! l<'ueJ 1 .. r I" ou11to btl o ! 1ho s tock of st~rtea J:OI!ll tl 18 nt your aen tee

A Bull Do..: chuokhn~ with lehght ­A wiiJ dcltrlou• i\ utumo S 1t;ht

"ood " h tt lc h• fon:t lhe u•lr hour, nnd hlnnclto cnn loll bt i\ut1fu l fn~ry h•lcs I my U('S"" nt once to nJIIko her prep~m ;:uol l in) lookmri nt hor at~ter bu t &he ttons for tho bnnquct.. f hcro \\ !\!1 the nl" n\& n11ku thc on too fnsh1o nnhlo I1oe s•mnp of nn :\nr~o nt o 1k wluch ltnd b<en ,.,, ked pnncc s.• and the f,:Ood p rtucet'l8 11re ""'"<II cl1 nn orr tbreo feet &bo< c th~ g roulld , I "'" 1\) 8 tr~ ~~~~ to outdo cnch otlt<r 10 bnll

ll If she be not fair to me," :md tln ml\olC:\It i\J numl.olut:lb)C olrC>SIS-~11<1'"1 thcgoOU (IrtnCe.IWI d oc&n t Lemour~do Ulr ua 111ud f any u np.\ck try but ahc hM ll fa1ry godmothe r who

( Conlonlltd )

(;H Al' I E R II

DO\TS Bl n u: \\"ATI!n )JILL

All the shooting m' n b rcakfaated 11t a tldtcnloutly early bour next mornmg-the two guh; we re w1d11 aw11l.:o nod would bMc h keti to )Om the revels but tha~ 10rt of thtog h u n bold look-nd were o ff And a w11y ove r tho bolls nnd eLubblp bt:foru the 1\CCuatomM! bell m ug lor rnorntng p myers. )I 111. Fet~~er olUctftll'<l ot f11nuly worsln p n ot A lll:\Il 1!1\1 u lhe b utler &od foot m:rn be10g left 1n tire bollllO.

And 1 tbiok I nel"e r heard mo ther rend woi'IIC whteh as 1111) mg n gnht <le:t l • wlna pcrerl Bl~tncbe to Lout!!. as tbey ~~:~t dO'I'n &de by s1dc to lho ~ell furoi.ahcd brellkfu t ubi~

An to•nct te, M t ile mother's spoiled dft.r h ng, Wll& 111fowed lo 11ppcar a t the moo 0 clock mt al OCCII&IOnt.lly,- tbM II to lAy, more often tba.o no~ 1 llltbougb abe was euppoaed to b reJ\kfll!t al ec•ea in tbe a :hoolroor:t w1th tho meekm h ttle c onn ­ky curate's d au&:hter, 10 the ahapc of a go­Ye rnesa-a yo uog womao who governed n obody, a.od mQ eent to fo~tch eTerybody • pocket bAndkercbtcf, ye,( who, be1og well fed and bou~. 1111d uo\ unkr,pdly kUted at Loxley, found her h nea cut in pluant placea aft.rr l.!le b.uroa d rudgei'J' a.ou cart ­log caro of horne

• Ha.-e you fin11hed yout p ractice T 1ny ?' u ll:ed Mra.. Ferrier, u tloe tall fourteen­,-ear-old llip of humuuty p u!bed 1n a cha1r bet'll'~u Blaocho ud Louie

• Yd., ma.'

10g her bukc~ bottled beer fo r lum Just I mU• t be n dressmaker 111 J tej!ulse nod ste p do,. r( t !l the water& edge \fltb the 11 ho 6CD<l, her home lite lo • c ltcst f rocks bottlca J..outc d ('nr noel put thttn m n • or) to tit~ rnOincot- wluch real dreumnke111 cool plllCC tlntODfl tho stoncL RoMt fowl nc• cr do to ng ue 10 shcca, chcuc cnkes cream cheese, Moll! Fo~brook thou~:ht th::tt An to111otto plnma. p enn, 11pplt11, &c. [ packed t t.o ,,.as Kb!torbtnt: too much o f the convc tllll · biUikct m) o~Yn ISClf I ITo uld n t let anyone u un EO ~he broke 111 lftth vnroous quu he lp me • 110 118 ah<>ut tho young aoldt<r a career

And ns 1\ nnt uml cons~qoenco you luu o ll ow hnd hu ltkcd t ho Ashnotec count ry , not b roucht n IIIOrBcl o f b read or 11 gm m of nod ho~< hnd he It ked lr G nrnct W oii!Clcy 1 MIL,' MJd Blanche nnd were tho blncks really liM I' people

• llrend 1 oh never mind \\·c cnn cnt. nnrl \\ U 1t f)lllte riJ:ht ~he) 11houiJ be 110 t he chtc!IC c::Uc'cs \flth our duck~n- cnn t 111111]:\lctl :tnd " 118 1\tng rorrceCJillC!I ~0 be· " 0 ? DQ yon cat s.' lt., Louoo? 1 ue1c r d o CJIIlliC lou h11d lnr~:c pla~(ntiOIIJt, nnd many unlcM pc;ople " orr) wo anto 11 ' otloor ouq umu o f 1\11 equ:.ll' mteresh ng

• I llnnk ••e :Wall ht\\o to get bread nnd chnl'l\ctc r n it lll)rr.Cbow,' S.~ld LoUie • rue lunch I Ill) roon ~ot ltrcd of modem luatorv 10 wo ula hllnlly teem compl<.'le 1\lthout tln~ pnru~ul11r form 10 ahe m n orr to look

You run at m n to 11tc molter a cotta~:e after her I::xmoor, wbo Wilt u cd up 10 t ho wtth tbts slnlhnt.: nnd IIJik tbcon for n lo~f m olter s at able fh~n Cbudo nnd t he t wo nod the to~n of a w l cell11r, ! Md Ulanche ) OU I•g lnd1es wc nL strolholl alon~t by t ho nnd Ao~otueue who " M on fnond l) terms Mde of the 1\ltentn looking IlL t he rocks. " 11h t hu wltolo 'nc>gh bonrhood won t dft nC 11nd tnlk mg-Ciaudo &nd Olnncbc-of tns;: ofT K[>OU tins errand, wh1lc Lome nnd tho J'Mt I!CI\IOII l'ho J Oung man ~M 811\ncho settled thcmaeh es conofortAbly n ltttlo Inch ned to ~e IOnllmenml, and UJIOD a lo w (l)_rny b nk nt the tooL elf 11 noble to mlk or t bo d11y11 tltnt were go no , o~k In "tho h11llow lK:Iow the m the Itt lie but Hlancloe m pped anytluuft of thllt m er mn bmwhng over 1111 rocky bed , tho lond 111 tho bud S he spoke very steep wooded h1ll roso d fttk l_y on tho oppo cbecrfnll) about Lta p rofeanonal yros· mte l!horc the cle11r bl 11o Septc!mber sky r.ecta. Jlbere wu " tl\lk o f It" rrgHttcnt wu w""" 'wtth suoro10o tlot~t came filter - t a• mg for Jnd111 b e foro tho cod o f Octo­mg d own thro ug h tbo d uU ~p....,lk lHJr branch ell. • Th11t will be very Dll'e fo r you , woo'L at?'

• Suppo 1o bo abouldn't como after 11ll ? • abe Mkcd llllld Lou1o, mthe r d eapoudcntly • Good· • Yes. I ahllll hke 1t. Tl•ero wnt be 11 neea kno"• how far the ahoouog pArt y IDliY chnoce o f onr ecemg aome ac u ve aer'f'ac~, 1f ba\ e ratnblcd.' we go op to Cabul Iodtl\ 1s a grand cou n-

• No feu of h11 not coonog lie never t ry. and I 11m long ing to k now wbt\~ 1t 11 break& b fa "oro • rea lly hk~ O ne reads 10 much 11nd bea111

• Bot an appo1obnent -,nth a clnld hko eo much bat there IS oothans ' hko aet~ log Tmy thl\t would hardlv counL7ould 1L ?' with one a own C) OS.'

•t'thtnk It wo uld With Clllude T remayne • or OOUI'IIC not,• exclaimed Louie •j tn.gM hne l behove bo would we 11 great d eAl of only 'IIFISh 1 wero a utnn a nd a eold1er..,. If

trouble rathe r d ian d 1Mppoi:lt a ehold • 1 hado t mamma and vapa.. aod a ld't o f

• And did )(!a n.ll aa:r you lUI bo11r 1 rocftlltloo Q•

• Sbo ~a~d half au boar, and 1 au hour •

• \Veil, y oo may hllYo a ltlUe b n!:lklu t with a •, If y<ou d ou ~ cbalte r '

C llludo and 81Ancho were on tho most ensy terms, talktnR 11od lAughmg •Hh eaoh othur lie ~emctl to qoue forget IbM he « liS a n!JCCted to , er a nd, md eed , made hun1101f II& hllppyu 1f bt- were an accoptcd one llo " 1\1 very friendly 11nd plei\IIUlt wuh M ilS F ot\u'ook ; buL t bnt yonog lady wiUI lbarp enough 10 know t bt\t abe wu mak­on~ no uupreMtOn upon ham She told Olnnohc 118 much that ntght when th.,y wero unureumg T hey ocou plcdlldJilccnt rooml, wtdl " d oor of commUmCAUOtJ nod could t :\mblc t il and out o f 01111h other • apart· IDCIIIII M the \ pJeMed

It 11 no usc lJIQilchc I'm uot 10 11,' IIUt.l I.OUIU, bruahmg her bntr J'llthcr VICIOUS· h Jlo thou~:ht no more of me tb~a Afternoon th:m a( I h:1d b.-en oao o f those trco ftt ii iiiJlS. llu s duperntcly g one upo n you

W e ll, l ..on1e, I hke to bu cnndtd • re­phc I Hlnnche ~tral elJ 1 behc~c he 11 fool I l~bl) fouu of one lt 11 a g rent pit) •

Ft I lie st ocks' Mid hor fncnd jli'ID(!' ll

lllJ.: n~ ltur I"" wb•ch lll"[lJ>cU t hrcu teeth unt o r her eomb • )OU kuo w ) OU DICIIO to ~cc~pt htm-10 t bo cud.'

Indeed I d o not..' • I h, n he OUJ:bt uot to he here •

l k uo" thnt. It 1~ all the ")Utl'lll d omg I anppO$e he tlnuka I nm ouo o f thlll<! ..-lab}· "n~hJ l:HIA who Jon~ know tbcar own mmus nnd c.~u be ~1\t to ncc~pt Rny mnn "ho pn)J! tltcuo attuultCJtt ~ 11.her OUj:ht IQ

rcmcmiK!r th~t I "' has Jnu~;hter a llu thnt tt a nntnral for w e to ""' " n wtll of WJ 0\\f)'

• ll c 1 110 m cc,' rcphcd Lou1o ltthng tlO\\ n and plnltlll{; the lAce on her d rcwng J;O•III 111 n drcnnt) \\A)

~her?' ~l r ln!onn>ne W h), >OU k nolf of

whom we 1\eru t ~lkmg llo 11 tiO good looktlljt-llnch thorou ~:b ly good form- no thut.; prO\ IIICII\I nboolt htm And >OU uy he hi\$ 1\ DICC ltiCOIIIC ?'

h flcc n h undred " JCnr from A • ery mcc cst..~ tc n~nr Bodmou-soone or tho b.n land 1u Cornwnll the II<JUitC MVI •

l1 11 p~y " oulu m~ku th11~ t wo tho uund I Ill Jl J>OSl' '

S o t ull ho I• n full colonel I t " oulcl t.c a ' er) ht~d m:otclt for a. gtrl "l10 haJ no tlung of her o • n bu~ M there lll'll on I) A tttotnctt~ nud I- \\ h~n l ntn- M I It OJ><! l sh~ll he bcfu•tJ then-quote 1111 old wouH\ n, nn.l thu fnthcr nnJ mother HrC ~one tbcr" " ould hc1 mv iortnue au.! 1 e ahotold he d e centh o il I t ron t b,oe.,u~ loo 11 not rteh th'll I rdnM!cl f>un Louu.• If I c.~red fo r hun I ~hvuhln t unnd th.'\t

•1 sloouiJ hope uot, a~ml LouW\ ee oteo I IOU~IJ

lint I tlnul:, cotu:lt!c·mg the- the­nttcntwn I rcrc l\ eel 10 •o:l< I) I 1\lll;hL to

, mllku n b~tter mnt.c''• pu~u"d llla11Ch~ IIIU81111(1)

• 1 hnt a "hill you 1\re h:~nkenng after You 11re • er) horn d 1 011 cion t d eser<, tu h~\ll such • goo•l true hearted fellow 111 lo • o \lith you Jlo"e' ur, I suppose I ought not to 111nke mJ self d1Ms:ret':lble •

I m not 1\ngr) Lo111c Y ou nrc n dl':lr ,~:ood o ld thu og bot 1ts rnthor h11rrl lmes th:~t I shou Ill bu IIColdcd bl"C&usc I tun not 111 lo r e 1\ llh :\l r l temn~uc [ c~n t tluul: whnt the re I! m the )OIIIIl; ounn tl t~t C\ er) Lndy Rhould mnke auch 11 fu~ •bout bu n :Uuther titonka h im perf~ct1on nud the squtrc 11 ne• er u rod of pntstu,c lum Anol uow here u l l:lJ fm lltng d olf n aud \\ Or&hlp pmg h tm

• u o w prdty T ms 111 f:rowmg I l ..o111e • she w11l be q utte n bea u ty bJ the lime 6loo a ~~~~htcen •

' Do ) OU think bO ?' w ed Blanche mdtf ft!rcn tl~

\ g1rl who hu como ou t, nnu hal been fiMt.crt'd Jutd pm1scd as rnrely nwe.lte to the do~ elopmeut of n fo~Jrtcun ) enr old IIlle r 1 chnrntil. Ulnncho fel t t hat there Wilt an 1mp.'U8ablo ~;ulf bet wcuo her 1nd Tiny \\ ltl'n l'm1 a tu rn came to be 11dmned , lhe, lllRuchc would be an old "un111n

• Sho hilS sueh lo• ely tlnrk blue eyea­nnd bow dark And lo ng d oc ]Mhos h•vo .:rown- and such n d cu httle dot of " uo!e '

A snub , e..'\ld Oll\ncbc, lauglung • 1'\o, d ear, a ri/rowJd nose- up-tilted

hko- -' \ • l ' lCIUic d ou t • cn~•l BITehe, nlmoet

watb n aerc:uu • for p1ty s Mke tpMe me th11L q nomuou 1 b:ne met w11b It an Clt!ry uo, el l h~ve rcft.t aJnce 1he pcx>m wMJ>Ubhsbed 1 m very glad ) OU lhtnk A utOIDCilO IDtprOIIIlg l:ih e WAI & plaiD cluld, but tha.e p!Jun chddron tomoumca tu ru out well •

•She hu aucb qun10t, old fnsh1onod Wn) .. '

• Yea. she 111 a wlnmug h ttlo thtog-oot cle1 er, but ve1 Y awuc.t..'

( To ~ contanwrd )



W hy t bey do not Bocomo Beoodict.a

Snouw l't or LE \\"m l Luun:o l s collu MARKT?

So much nt\4ntJon biUI bcon p~1d to the need• and faul~ o f our u nm:\med gnle of late a1ws 11 Hoston pt\pcr, tbat 11 11 o nly f111r to t rent our uum~rncd you ng meu ton ftlw " oros of cn ttcllm &od &dvtce ' I he1 nrc not " 1tho ut l!\ul~ q011Al M ,:tiMing 1\nd uufort u nato lUI t ltvae wh1ch M • tl l•een cht\rgcd "S"In&t lhe g~tls, And 11r~ a lmost 1f no t quat!, ns much to bl!\rne 8.11 the g.rls for the t wo fre quenl (Mlu rc and unhapJ.tlneas of c11rly >ntlr · raed hre hke " m~Jorlly of thoso o f o ur ) Onng men "ho hl\~ll p rot:l!cded fnr enough n.long m ltfe to t lunk thnt they hllvt fnll \'u 1n lo•~ nn d ~nnot bo h"PPY Without tltc poPCasto u of the ObJect of thc1r 1\rreehnn~ o r 111 plnm I:: 1gl •alo, wtthout f!C tllog onnr n ed. llo w clo they net ? Lok < l!cnstblc rcMOrnnz men "ho re~l•ze that tbev arc cou tanlpl"ung th.., molt 1mport.nnt clt~ft J!c tbuy o n po1mbh 11111ke 111 lofc? ::\o~ nt 1\ll I n nuto cattcs o ut o f ton lh~y nrc IHOn~ from t ht! start, nod

ACT Lfl(£ Pnt:SC£8 OF FOLt l

T h e1r 11.'\l l\ttl'S lire me~g·e l et tht-) bu .- co.' t IJ dotutDf llln ntn.; iu tlebt for the 51\nh; In " tai lor J'ltey eport lbc htjthr&t pnecd neck 1re•r, and 1f need be run 1n debt for t hat.. I hun e \ ery cent th r y mn e >rn O\ er &nd •bo•o tho p lll!\n co pll!d for the mc1gr~ nccommodnuona nt the1r bo11rdmg honiiC " spent fo r coetly boekd a o f llo " eno opt> II\ u ckcl!\. nod dt18h1111: ltf •r> te:\nt.'\. ~I ucio or ttu~ eArly' folly 18 d ue to Lo• c winch 1s t he I\\ oru cneuo) of !tell! on but 1t 1s foil,! .UI the l!llnt<' nnt.l the c:\1180 of u utoiJ aorro" tlllfl r t j:rct tn nfter ) Clll"l' A bJipp) 0 IICODIC of eucb n courtahop 11 nlmost tutpoii.Stblc fhc foil) d ues not 11011 wttb ""J:I'I!Cillcnt b ut contmnl'3 month ~'tcr 1110nth 11nd J enr alter \ ca r fhe jll\rents~:ro•• npprdtunAI\ c nnol Ml: t ho dr~u~tloter wb<lt doc youug m:\n oncan!l. S he poor ~:~rl • m n only ~:~• 10 re ply thal t.. r lo• ~r prot~s~ Ius c:lg<r d eSire nnrl lumcll 1nte nu on to tnl\rry her nt 1\n eC\r ly dny, bu t IIIJ S he 11 uo t qu1te rc~dJ >Cl

SII F. FEARS THAT &Oll t.'TIIISO IS 1'Pit0:0.0

but Cllmoot ltl'l'IIS "ha~ I 'he real cnu•e zh~ does not even auspecL S'•c k nows th.'\t her lo•~r apenda coua1derab le rno neJ u pon her bu t 1t IS no ~rent 11mouut, and tbtt yo ung 1na n 18 10 well c ulu vated a nd 10 " ell d !'C$11 ed lu maelf tbat 11b~ ua eure he 111uat be nble to sfford at. T rue he m rely t..' lh o f htll bwnnell! and ftllll 1~111 oft en spuka or h1s o wn home 1 but ahe Is tQo b usy courting a nd ltM t oo mnch (&llb m htm to 1:1\tt thtao tlnng>~ " tho011ht.. Aft fo r hom poor foohah youth, he 11 ftufTenng t~rture e •cry dn' 1111d k.nOl\ft no~ where to l orn K nowmg tho honeRty o f boa own mtent1one d esmng 11r deolly 10 marry tl1e gorl o f Ina choo~. he p ro tc1111 h11 love to her ea~b dll) a ne " , "'" I ench da} p romases a new thll~ abo aball bo hfa wife lind ye t u c'h day 11nd " II t he oJt\Vll he ltoowa tbat there 11 ahRolutcly no hope tlt~l he can make tho!Ml p rom1aeagood I Its ltlu becomte a dntl) burde n Lo~ e 1~1! 11 con· atantly fretted by

Ttl& fl\ I'OCI!ISI' Ql' Il lS COVUTSUII'

and gro wa 1tr1~blo 11nd petl cl'llc. l\hset) takea poaae!lfton of mmfl n nd body and bope)esa and. de)ected be g ou tbroogil t ho


on len than 11 200. f:e.a, on leu lhao h iilf of tt, a ud aupport nrgo fauuhu bea1dea T he a nswer to t he aeconrl q ueat1oo d e pends ol mos~ ent'.n:IJ ou t be rnarrywg par tlU H they ore qtll te auro geouwe lo'8 bu found a n 11b1d>og place 10 their h e11• t.e, U the} are wtJhoJ.! ~ hYo wtt htn t he bua­band 1 1ncotnc, amall j •• It u , •od tlrt\to a po10t , 1f need be to I lay by 11. h tlle eve ry yo4r O!Aft"IAif• lo .. Ad VINb ) 6 a mODif pe o pte w1t.h h m1ted tncorue• na a1uoog a ny otbe111 Bu t whether the 1oeome bo ltmi""d o r a mple t be u me role a r,phea E;co nomy l\nu a pcrreet u uderi6n•l Ul( bet ween h11a bnnd and w1fe o o ruone) ma.Ut:l'll ab3o lutcly esacu~1al to h=qtpy mamod h fe ,


Arc •~rc Lo eu~1l out ery And the r capon atbaltty of a ngbt or •r rung -tArt 111 t huo onattera reate Jugal> , 1! uot tDiltn ly, wJth t he youog m eu l 'o t heDl w" ""Y· von hue too ruuch f11l4a p n uc nud 1uo h ttlc mo rn! <'OU ml(e If yo n \\IIIII to marry 11ud hne n h• Pi•Y m3rrn .u h ie J nU ruu•t du CllN ihc o ao 11nt.l cul u• a tc tit~ othe r Don ' be Mlun ned of you r poSitiOn If )OU Ate c11nung a l mall ~~r~laq don t decc1>c tbe ohJ~ct o f yo11r l?vo IJ\ mnktn,. her 111111 " vou ha.• o n lar.,c on• If )uU nrc at t uo: bo no to of t he lsu<le r do uot " :utu 11 11~< tr)tng to milk, peo11k bcltol e ) OU ore not but b~,.:w to cltmb re1ru>mbcron.; t hllt 111 th iS free co un try .UI llltu hnvu lllt equal cb11ncc nud e11cb mn) !!O M lu jlh u h11 a m b1UOll &JJd Bblhty CllD carry l.!Ol


A Obica,o Bo y ' • Oa.te whic h Pu.zzles tho Doctora.

C m c .t.GO Dtc. 20 - n.e Docto111 lire pu1 zlcd by 11. pecu hu c;n;~o on tbo we t ~•de Wtlloc C nlwford ".:led 14 " aoo of W llh 11m C rn" fo rd captAin of ft t ug-bollt hM bccu 8~Mtlng b lood nt lttOet, 1\IIU (all!ly hu ltoJ ecvc ra lltll\Cke wh1ch b~• e nlnroned h os IJI\· renta l h a 1nfl rnuty comea on ll&unlly nh c r 111k10g cold C rrat. bll\ck pstche~ llJ'fJCM

on h1a body fro m .,. h1ch bloool dro ps ah~ sore of t\ ptn 1 he:ul lite t.:xud~d b lou•l fluwa (row h1s tUOlllh , now, r~es ntttl 810 IIUC U ~0 fiCIIO a coorn1H lie~ th eiiC "" ch11tgu, but they mnk~ "" blood t bw " " d we~ken b un A Anolde n fn .:ht or cxctl~ttoent wtll l c tnpor:~nly Oltl'ok th~ flow II~ 11 •nentally bn~:t t t 11nol hid fAt I c r ntHI mvthcr, brotltt-ra a nd aostcrs &rc fitroh:: IIMI

loeslthy I ho !lh\I!Ct:\115 prop011c Bclldlll ~: hun to Etl~nbur,.:h aod London for llltOU by the Ac:ldtrny or :Sllr~;eona

= Pashion Notes.

Oecp fur cnrrs to mntcb tb~ aou!T 1\Dd col larettc nre m uch \<o ro

' l'nntan he~d t.lreaaes are wh~t tht rug hsh l.ldtt- c.~! I tho dnutl\ hule ololl hwng bonnet~ wluch nre no•v 1n r •.,c

Crt~on wlu tc l'<co 0111~, ollq UJSJid) h>ttJI embroadc ·~d w colon! Aro " or u "tth • Ome o! lltu now nrt11Uc • Wa llCliU coeuuucs.

Ch11t~la1Dc wlltcbell are exlrcmcl) f:t,h 1onnblc 1t11d rauge 1~ p n ce froru t he mot!Jat ~um of Jill W to $:10 l beae •vatclocs cue .:xcell~nt u mc keepers.

Pltt8h 11nit broc.'\d~d ' eh et fans come tn dark On~nt.'\1 colol'llo o r an ddocate e\i~Dinjl ahndce 11ucl a re ba nclao mely mount ed \U th pearl o r cat\ cd avory

P reltJ t-n~ elop mf1rrs Me m~de o f hlt\Ck • broCJid~d ~d•ct heftl tlv out h ned w1th cut jc ~ bCAdl 11nd trinuned l\rounu tho , dg..s w1tb brow bands of ncb pasee1ueul<lnca a nd beaded S pau1m lac.:

lll>ny of the clOftk zloo• t:S nrc ratl e l' abort t he lo~ er p:u t be1ng turned b~ck t \J the d cp1h o f t en 111chl.'l. l ht~ ll'' ~ n bru:ht a n<l atyhsh e ffect. u tho h nmga arc n•uftlly of aomo go.} colored plush f he lo " c r edge of the mantel not unfrcq uently 18 tu rned np w1th 11 bsnd of th" umc a nd tho plush 1a then lll trodllced 10 tt.e hnt t n mm10gs

Spu n rulk alocklnJ!11 •n 'ohd colo111 o f lln­trqne gold a nd 111l the hghtcr ehndts of ~ul pber CAmto, u!Dlon, atmw nnil lemon 11rc II IUOilg t be latelt lfll(lOtiAtlOII8 In hO! I< tV 11lcro anJ .U10 handeomo combu oftl tOnB of pale role and bngh~ coral, h~:ht blue 1\nd ~rarnet, dark. myrt~ green 11ud CllnllliiOD ml\u~e and cro:lm, nnd ro) lll purple 11nd • ery de heate h bu:.

routine of et\Ch d"J 1 blandly Wllltmg and The Bernh11rdt fanc~es, espccoally tbo wuln ng for tbe cod And ao these court· n!lt ty and plct~~~~ port1ons of dretf l!htps drag along uou l t he> oung cou pl11 gr w ndornme ot, arc troe~F. by mllny of ber • •· nrcd o f each other and the~rendlt!llllcorn d ebt lady .a101rers. Among the&a wh1m1 of loYe-maktDg. a nd break the rn11tch l hem- &re t he untidy-looking Bemba rot 1glo vea

Row llfliu Shatou wu Dreued to be eel•ea, or u ntil Ml.llt:r-fo••lral, who baa~~~ 11\Ade of S.-edi&h ldd The) buc two bu~ )II~ n oting bow the JOOng life cit her daughter \a tons -at the wna~ abd a bo ve tb11 a lo ng.

1hpp1ng a way. l oeea her lut poa od of pa- sagg.y, onoelmfortebl~ l ook1ng closed puo~ ( From tAt Son ncuco Cllro1t1at) ueo~. 11od tella the young man bluntly that let., wboob 1n ap11e j of Its 'trrmklu a.od

Tho bndal rohe wu 0110 fit for 11 queen , be muat e tt.ber marry the gul or get o ut o f 'll'&ret, rea~ to tbe e lbow

•No, ma,' aoawen:d rr1oy m~kly, and thea bqao aa a b"t!lltbl- g-bble to lnl· psrt the monung oe"'• to he r 1111terand Ml.u F otbrook.

• F.Apecially whe n t hat child 11 m~ a aler, people to thin k r.bou L, l would go out to and when ho hal \be bope of aee1ng 1111' ' lnd~a M a onra~ng a~ater T he,Y mutt wan~ thouflht Oll\Och~ by way o r t pLiog ue She nurelo;r IIt ten . llDd I~m a lploudtd hand took. u p tho fa t h t tle an tiquo wt\tch haoiaug aL mnttard poolticea.' 111 ber chatelaine 'l'horo wu )IIWt one mm- ' I don't think. a mustard poultice would ute w11nt.ed to tho blllf-bour Hardly bad be qwt.e the heat treatment for gunabot

anct nen r before wu such a coatu mo aoe.n &be manger It 11 a d epl o rable outcome, New J'e1110y bodiJ:el arc Imported w1tb 10 th1a coun try T be gowo waa of a new and tho po~~ltoo o f tho young man irl d oa- large pa.tterued orl.l\lnentl o f F rench gi lL 1n at}l" of 11lk. koowo u groa d e tour, the conriglog, but the blame 11 wtlb hlm~~elf appliq ue work 'rbo Engllah ' ladtea 1110 point of the ekar t beiu_.g o ne 10hd mua of H e went 1010 tho falfur llt eigh teen No 'II' buaily en~ed 10 embellld nng the1r bod1cea uobroldei'J', wrought u pon wh1tc satin \tfith he 11 twcmty~follr, and what liu h' d ooq ? by wo rk1ng fto wer d e111goa u pon th.,DI 111 beada, cryetala and pearl• o f tho YCIJ' ftoeat S imply waatcd eb: yeara of b~a own hfe and crewel work . to aumhlate tho 1tat.ural llowcr d e10nptloo, \he pattern fQf wbtch wu oopl- half wuted tho life o f "worthy yoong jtlrl Cluate111 w1ncb ha\"o!!b woru wltb t hem cd from " pa~nt.iDft of an old oourt robe now for &be Dille period, beQUIIII be had not the ~t ICUOn , or therwtae they e mbrot· han(ting ID the gallery of the Loune In moral eou~ enough d the llt&rt, )\Uit u der thelr IOitiall 10 l)og charactel'll on tho :Pam. D o wn \be 11d e1 or &hla et~~broldered aoou 81 he litpn to behe•e that the ,Yonng arm ' orwork lhetr~ ily cre1tt and m oL­frontpifCC 'll'el'l panel• or po~n~ d ' An(fletci'I"C lady cared. for him, to tell her that. be '!1:&8 toe. 01) the breut. I lace, fifteen inche~ wide. w1th "'"ra of tho Cloly ~ ! dertraio, over wbteb fDJl a 100011cl tral~ or bia Mlary wu 1111&11 ~d that lie oould duk bllle:~fotetie eallbmoro flrooede In

Vegetine~ - WJL oont-

SC R 0 FU L·A, Scrofulous Humor.

V£0 E1'1NR !'?rill •u•11djt11U 11'0111 0.4 •reteon •"1'1 t.alul ef 8c7ofvlil •nd ScntiDIOIIII Da1110r. It bu per- neatly CUJ'ed tbo....,de, Ia Boet.o .. aod vfcli>llr, ~bo b...S beM loDc' 1114 pel&ful alll· lereu Cancer, Cancerous Hu­

mor. Tbe wnf'llqoa •ffoct ol V.EOl:T l NE In c .. •

ol O.ocotr aad Oa1lcHou lfn!DOr challn l!c:t tbe moat profound att«hllon nl lbt m"'ltaol laeulty, many ol wbl'.. ar•lJI-..crlbiog V EO ET Hil: to tbolt patl•11ta.

· Canker. V £0 E 1' nn:: hat ae, failed to euro tbo mo"

laA11-.lbJ. ~ ol Co~hr

Mercurial Diseases T he VF.G f.1'1N t; Dtf<ll• witb orDnderlul aae­

ttao hrtlle .taro ollbt. eiJ~&~~ o( dlaru N

Salt Rheum Tottcrt Sal• Rluum ScAld Hut:!, .ta., will cotr·

lolnty yield to tbe guilt'f'o c!roet. ot VEOE1' 1Nll.

Erysipelas . . \·Ea E 1' IN J> hu no•~• !All~ to cure the moe&

ln•ouraJo e.uo of trraiiJC!l"'

Pim.ples and Humors on theFaoe

n .. uon abnuhl ltotcb Uf II>At • blotchY ron~tb or pi"rn\lft.J tluo dt-~n<h ~uci r•IY upon • uincerui '-"ua-e "nd no ('tutw·~ r I " vplicatlnu eau C!'Y<::r curt lhe del-. Vt:li ETi~E Ia 1be t,-r .. t l>lood .,uriBer

'l'umors, Ulcers, or Old Sores

A ro cau• ed l>y on imrur• ""'~ '-' the bt<Wt Cl • n•u tl>abl H><l th~ruu~bh • ub VEGE rll'U au.! tbca• compLuolol .. m dl .. ppcar '

Ca tarrh. 'F<tr 1hla,lntul doe ootr aullal• nthl b .... n~

r>ul.,vLtotUo•l ohruuj:h tllu ~'\JOJ V.EGEri!'<E ,. tho sr ... t blo.>tl purl~\ r

Constip a tion. V EOf.TIS ~ ''"" •t aeloo o nthartle tod,._

I ititAI 1 1f1,. l"'h"d.t h •t .\IJ Uu, orar-N~ < n .. t ht ... ~•cl& to pedvrm the fuuchoua tJe , vi\"ICC cpu~ tUdn

Piles V f GFTI ~ r. hu t~•hrt'< lhol'>noloto Lealtb

\\I o b...vo l+_eu I •IJ,.. at J lUWhU .. ,a.,rrr•

Dyspepsia II V~NET!X f i• u.ltnh """"l•rl-r aecoroliUK

ro tlfrt'<ll"" ' a ""r t.<lu aull • P•oJ• curo will tot low'" uu,

Fain.~ess at the Sto­mach.

\ r.o ET 1" l" •• " • • • '"'"'"''"-" blll<!rs ~ho h rna C"li a rl~ 111 .. " " :tVJ.I u r Vm a J:~ntlt 1 'l~ \\!a{,h Alollll~ tu.tun: tv r t.:.Sluro Lht!J •lOQl.~ 10 ~ ltuhhr odii>U

Female Weakness. ' l {t l: I t:\ ' AC. •hr.-.tly ur"n I he ......... o l

tht'• t't t't u "' ,r,. • It lu ' I,.."'Urah • ""tl •TnH ~:•b~Hl• 11 f:! whu1e "'' ... ttru n h i ul-"' u 14" •.crdavu ar ... lf4.UI and A If•) f it•tl unn.t1tfou

General Deb ility. I a Utili row~S t111t t lu -.:1" I , fr r " f t i1r \ F:CJ:~

I 1 s 1:: ~r:.. rt~ll:..o"tl Ill) i e llAtl h ah r (' ,., 1\ rnc-1n~ t il I ,:c., i1 "'" ,s luarv • 1 t.:a lldi<'t~ C"Y o(

::,:I>~~ aull \ I vl I ) S ~ tel a ~~r.~ ly U!JUU

Vegetine r tt l'.un u liT

STEVENS , B oston, 1'411$11, n; d Toronto, O:~.t

Pt1ffi~lX Fire Assuran ce C'pany.

LOIIDARD"T & Cu \r.t:s., C uoss.


Auunons Walter Dlrd, t:.q I I .oN Wm Rroolc Phfpp

J a.eph rronc" I 01tebor, E"'l

J o nli .J lJLOOliFt£LD, ::1-.:rr:ary F uAs Cts II :Ucl>os LO, , l.ut ~ttary

I nsuranc<'a llgDIDit LoJa by .io"tre llr o d ­fcctod hy t he

PIJ<EXIX CQ)lPA~Y n pon e very dctrnpttun of P roperh 1n e\'ery J)fttl of tho world, o n ~be moat fa\'orablo terms.

....., Tite v rompl1tudo a nd hbcmllt.y w1th ~uch •t• en~:a~:omenUt a ru 11h~n)8 met on

~Is <.:o mpno) 11re ".:ll lt oown and the 1111

ortt\nce Qf 11.8 ~lnt1~ons w1th t bo Puhlto IIY bo CAilnll tttl froUI tloe f11ot t hat llllCO

otB eatoblt•bonent, nas paid more t ltllll 1 ' ' r~t.vt:: ~IILI .li.J~ • STt.-:tu n m 1u d11doa n.:e of clno m~ for Lo&ata b) fire

Hntee or preu>lllnt nn<l oil Olhcr wfor ma­u on mny be obtaloed on npphe&tJ!"D to

A ug 2

W & G ltE~DJ::LL, ST J ous s,

A!Jelll for J' tlt'foundlt:ud


E. N. MARTIN, L.K Q PI , L.Lt CS T, L.M , M B, M A

Late Ked.ioal Officer Anflo-.l.mencau Teletrftph Company,

Jan S06m.

QtRe £)tanharb -.u.-n-


'f .... dOWII at the .:ent1em1111•1 b~llk· r.t. • abo aald. ' P• tlwaya ' Je te me pour oat Ia• tea when he jrOOII ont aboouog hn' l lfr. 'freruayne nice? He wu 10 p.)lit• wboo 1 "'pred htt coiJt'q fo r him,

lhe mlnnt. ended wb~~n there wu a IOUI)d wo undt 'aa1d llr Tremayne, • but tt 11 \ try o r crackling b ramblea on tl•o other aide of ooblo o f you to with fo.r euch a hfe of eclf­tbo at rcam, " i'Wih a cbo!ery 4ugh 1111d " ~aenficc.' young oua ha YfllYeteea ,PCket and b rown ' 1 wogjd do anythtng to get oot of Oke-

pearl ombrold ei'J' tha' fotned on to the 11n . IUsr SfAJrttNO IN J.m:, A •lJIIt b walk~ rae it made. of

the .. mo maamllcenl a lk, a nd whi4 II DOl ho pe of marJ1ID* fu leli tll9 ! Ye yeara dark onootal ool Tho undemlk lwt known u the Manto de Cour, or, to pat i' and would ha•e tO .,. " fi ccooon.lcal a.od 6"0 kllife-plalted a'rouod the bottom' Ul £naliab,.. tho• uq~e 1&11o of court tra1a PI'T .trio\ atten~o tO bD.III!MI to do t-ha~ headocl by ., blu of the brocade.

1$ 6f;Med and p ubliabed cYe!1 SA'i"RDAT / morning 00 behalf o f the .f;l~ or the

~to ARCIDIAt.l) ~h711K by J.P AlUM!! a t tbo "~tandard'' OIB~, Water Street Eut, Har­bor G race, Newfoundland

IWd t.e...W 1 &lie wilk Ia quite &be P&Niaa wa7. "orecobllhng eo r.c lbU ltoaYo ~ a ....,., Wit'IOOl ~~~ t bal be .. ., ..._ a&e roll. ud talbd to • ..-... op. Heult ecf all 10110 yoa, d • ..... -WeNfo


hu t.ber tnlokerbooltcrs. with~ ribbed hampton,' anawel'l!d Loolc. alockmp to matcb, and a Scotch boll'lle' l'b<oy waodned about In a dreamy way atuok JaUntily (1'11\bia bead, ca- bov.11d10g for a oouplo of hotlrl. fOllo wing tbe mean­thronch tbo nclanrood. He eudt d hi• dei'IDa IInam, and t&lkaog of aU torte of p a M eully M U '' W bela a fopllnR'w ~youth, OlaDdhoocl; the da,.a Uaat eratcll ~aDd- Jlihdy ..._ *e were IODif . ud wWah ~ to &be lr bridp, a • .,. piiDk. Be toOk • bill 11M miDde Ia taU tile ~ o( ta.u.t Uaa& for and WipeclW. fo"'-' • be adnee6d to 'eYer are ~; nd of • cHii ubon

ttlte two:JOIUII......, faW..It•~IIMI~...ttai- 'l1laN He,. ""l ·aoocl-lookl!W~ ~ ,.. DO idea 01 1-. Tile fCtaN ... to

IIMialclered wta""bidfL JkW .n. ....,_ be all-. ..AJMi wlllil 1M ....... to

iU ..-; ~AtAflilr~ ' laloa ~ ol tine beblDd tt,. a. eflllr ........ :aed frUik. ad ... fill 0or- \ook ... hltl1 .rt. lD •lib ..,. ieiiW cJon. ...,.h fe6rl7 ~~~ 'naJID the PoeJOII!tlMil...S....._..,.. .............. ,....=: w. .. .... -· ......... ol ...

.... ab- , .. , ... - -of ... ~··· 1IJ ....... ,. ,.. otiOIIIIeit.• ...... ..... ~--- ... to ~ .. ,~. •

that" • ,9.rn " ~e plf;ltlltalioD to die Enc· If the 10ang men wbo beloor to tlie of The O'flra!irt fo a doable d rapef1 ia I~ Q ueea of lO·d ay. h •11 Jllll b,t deep wblcll - l.aYe bella ~ill« bad the eour-~ CroAA aod .. trim 00 both edgu with pial II o n a band, and jo\D~ to &be 1ft.llt • to do title, DIM tiiiiOe oel of tell tb,ey tllaa bands of the brocade h II criltl•ed under the bod}-, whlcb .,. ev.• 10 ~tnw "Obld flud the lad1 ready to mtft tl!em •II' ame 10 the bl~ud ~lly draped. botll froDI 111141 beilk_, ~til .... or tie •ore tUD haJfr~. qalet • ~ ... Tile bo;!ll• Ia Jonc •te4 ~d ~ In &be •• ~ ifolllic1 0...~..,.... 'lriedom aad lflli8llll• eltlle..r oolme ud neet1 iOd II( f..,, with '-""dt0111o 'Per­DeCk clou till.,... • .,. .. iia:. Ilk _for ~ltlol ~ ta.lp tbem 0 }11 llu uateou .. a:atll8e bOat it Of the aDCI ~ Ill .. .... n. d•l-al...... ~r ur. work. Sltov.Jd" .... lill ollil.pbd Yloceoe whir ~ aod lboaldei

,W. a '-11 ol ~ rlcla arp tM.oolcl ........, • &a... ....... caP! of the Tile IIOGd ia Of the ... ........... - .... & ...... - ..... ~~·· ..... _ ........ - ......... ...... ., ..... ~.,..- ld • . ,. ... .&. ..... tile ·~·cit

=~~~&rt:~·~ .... "*.:.:.'::1~:.0: ,. ' 1 ,.. ... wldtl Iii ~, ~- wtfe. IJIMia ooartalpa':":'~.,. ootl1De4 1111 ~.::SJ=t~,'t:r~ ...eea .riM _, I~L~ Er.L~-- ..... &Mol .... clupe tolt;UdtboDoile putbl._..,.

...... Oftr 1M ..,;; Del 'ill -" irlloia we bafl IDi .•• aelaiiHd (aload, .. wwr ·~,,. ... • • ... -*' • brOke uotiMr Jar. Ia"-'" 1:_ •

l 'UIIs-:I:wenty abllllag8 per aoaam-pay­ab le tullf yearly.

Tbu pipeT ta oo c laue4 to UIJ: nbecriber ' (or a IMt tenn tbaa 1ht Dtonihe.

Tn~Cll roa Anvnmnro-Flrtt., fuerii<>a­fM three Hta• n.r.Y~er 'IPO) h .; for '"'1 addltioaal O..o lcl. For aQb ooa­•tiluaadoa n•tlllnl ot dalllm ciarae -8'Am--.atareoelnd a &MoSce of .._ ~ wldtcMif Writt.a l.._etlou li.tti~::: DQIO"' of ~ ~Aao­tlou, ..a!lodoltii.....W. ....... _....-.,. ~) 'Will lie re.,;aiM uatil orde~ ii writiat to .. wi&la· clnn