D. - collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18940406.pdf · YtlLt:...

YtlLt: F. xxxy (TWO noLf,ARS I'IO:U YF.AR) HARBOR G1:.\f"E; NFlD. FRIOAY, APRIL G, 1894. ( SlNGuE COPIES TWO CENTS ) :- 29 MARBlED. I ................. 'V'' ... AL 11 CIIL 1 t1 Ens<', T. 13., by the Re\'. D. : Peck, on )fnr ch 1!1, Moses M:\nu<' l to . M u N N B R 0 s J Mrs. H,mnnh 1\Iartiu, ull of th e abo\'e I 8 : plncr. . Stock of New S'PR · ING agc1l .J ' ' <'1\1'!1. '1 !•c llcc<' naed come to I . \l U this countr)' from r oole, F.ogland. He lean ·e a J,;rgo fumily of children to mourn IIH :ir !" " l'OilT 0 1- -; lL\HUOlt Gl'tACE. · DAILY EXPECTED. AJJrll C hnrlollo· MUNN BROS WATER STREET town,J•.t!.J., Snlmon.-l:. \\ '. JlOll1 I . • J ,\: '() . Potatoes Oats, &c. .. ............... ?& .. .... 6 ...... .. ...... aacaacaac• As soo n ns n:wi gatioJ) opens, the sch oonet· Hri II innt, , 4 to n!! , will co mmen ce lo :tdingntC'hnrloUetown with n , ·e c hni ce nntl pec iull se lec ted tn'rgo nnd 'l'A BLE POTATOE:-: . :\!so, Tt &c. All of whi ch will be solei nt Jowcl'ltunrket rntcs. Orders now booked fo r d eli\'cry on nrri\'al h ere of sch ooner. II. C. \\'AT'fS. H :nhor Grn t l' .. \ pril Gtf .. - WANTED: Hy l:'l )Jny next. n GOOO COOK,-wh u i:: us ell to ll ou sc· wo rk . nt:ctlnl,uut 2G. Also. n nged nbouL 20. GOOD \\'A(:E;o; t o s nituhlc persons. Six mnnth,.· <'ngngemcnl gunran· te ed. ' fr :t,·cll ing cxprnsc s paid . \pl'IY to .\ . 11. B1- :. -\'fTY , l'ynte · <.:o., l'ill c y':; £ ,. land . = 15 c. per dozen At J. E. WALKER'S, \\' utf'r Street. -------- -- - --- ---- -- NOTICE! Twill n ot n':'JHIIl:' iltlc fn r an .'' DclJt :< \'Ontra cted in Ill\' nam e. with or with uu t :1 n o rd e r. • J ru _ \ C' .\1.1 .. \ X.\X. Hnrltor <.:rate . April 2 31 HOUSE TO LET. Dwelling- House on \'i ctor in next to J. C o:: de. ·res id en ce . g iY cn 1 t F0r J•:lrticnl nrs apply to E. H. '1'1111)11':-U:\. A pl 3 li For Sale or to Lease. Thnt wdl·kn own Fishing - Premises at J Jnr.ds, Lnurudor, IJclouging to the u n\lt·rsiJ!n NI. The Properly Ct:n - llill t& of 'T,\ tiE, nnd 0\\'E I.L- nil in J;OOll t<'pnir. The Station is one of the best ou the Couet., aml wc. ultl prove a \'1\luable in\'elltmt>nt. for nny one engnging in the Labudor fi shery U llS illf f!8, f or pnrticnlai"!!IIJlply to I. J. PUMPHREY. HRrbor GrncP, April 3.4 = NOTICE. Fot •n \\'t :EKs nftcr the dnte hereof I shn ll apply to Hi s Excellency the Go, ·e t;nor 11f :\ e wf ou ncllnnd , for n grnnl for Letters Po.tcnt for n new nnd u se tul in\' c ntion of n Mnchine f or s kinnig nncl lin) ing s eals tO be grant ed to )[ ATT HEW of Hnrbor :race, in th e Tslnnc.l of !\ n n d, cngi necr. Dated thi s 27th dny of Mnrc h, A.lJ. l 9.J. D. BROWN I NG, 30..Ji olicito r. Carriages, Slei ghs, Carts, &c. - Just Received by J. ROSS Choice American CABBAGE. Florida Oranges Csweet), Palermo Lemons,\ Fresh Halifax Sausages- 20.cents per lb· Munn's Fertilizer in 3 lb. 1!) cents each. Joseph Ross, Street, Harbor Crace . . - Novels and Standard -- -- -- ----- --- 'fi re :-.J.nolnl\', vy A . DnyiL·-: :,c: ll 'l' lw Firm of fiinllcs iOU<' , IJr .In- .;!b . A Ill ltj •tlo -:.!;j e ll•. Tl ru oiiC.tllt•l Uaw, hy do- !!.j ell•. nl Fo ur, by dn- 60 cht. ll ic:. la ('IAtkf•, \•\' olo-!rO tb. 'I lu· llo fupec, , l;y do- .j(l Cl 8. Frieno lthe Munl cr,•r, l•y o lo-:.0 0 \\'• lfcol!.•r(: Ly Wt llhm Ular k -.>0 loy llultt. St tu'tiiiSII II - :.!.; ell'. l'ull iouo: A s! ••t •to· ll o 1\iohiiJol•e•l- iiO cl,, .. r:un Unrcltt•, hy f. M. II,.• l·:r uh :rout t) lti p, loy \\' . t' . l: uc ll-fJO C: oollllll' , lo, \' A lox. Dunt ••. jr- l ;, ('o•u.,, Ot ><lt•. (loy tl t•o M' ll t•f ll tl' Arrltloi.ltnJI ul Cn tlct· 1 ·:. F. llt ·•·•• •n- :!.j 1.• n n' •• r" l. ii··· I' \\' illbrn .... ,jt) c. I nh r J. ... ,, t•S, ; :.Hit.!- :)u ('t " UI!'I. . \11 1111111 l.u tnl t> tr, .. ,. •:o llie- !tit ell. Tho \\' ..r :.r ' uf H<•llt:l"u•- .: , 1) l!ttynl f.•lit o louq:l•. "" r ,:. Olipb wt. ll nl:t'r., I ( f l,oroo.o•o• i•\ ""'""· tire lioo l,v L·h .• -lty •• mr, ' l'ho Mnkt'l "' ,,f \ ·, ·hhc -t.y ,. .• up, .,. tu.lit .- ,,, ( ;c, ,r h. .'" J. t\, F'rnut .·. ,. 1 -- .) $ 1.:•tt. ·,. .. rd .•l -; .·, •· L lf,. r. tttl I. L•IIt' l li ...... ; ;, c.. •• )f 1.. t.' • f'ttt N ll l.. "' \\.r ilillf!S-7;, CN 111'. 1.,• • 1 •• \ . l 'r••tu!o· -w cl ,. ' l m lu •:op('.•rt,\ ( ' c fl •l·h· h• .. GO c .. ... '"')"'' ' .." .. I' I .,, .. . · ·=··• IJ ;,,, ' . .... S. E. CARLAND , 177' Walc r, 't. 2!JG Wnt( •r St. 'V c:-:t , :--:T .. JOHN·-·. ATTENTION I ·J -- -o--- - We have on hand a full a5sortment of . Suitable .. Goods ·! For the Beason . ........ All of QUALITY & LOW PRICES. HALL • BROTHERS Central Dt'Y Goods Store, Water St, Preserve ou ·r Sight! More especially a.t this Season of the Year, when the strong sun is very trying to the Eye. WEAK EYES -Should be protected By the use of G .. . full line nl wn , ys in Stock. . - · JAMES WARREN, · CARRIAGE& SLEIGH BUILDER w H THOMP . SON & co lo exceoto oil wbrk In hill llno o -- ..... ___..... deapnt.eh . Good and , roltbi'UI work IUIU'IIDI(.'C!tl. All klnda or Repa1r1n1 dont atllbort notteo ' and at modl.'rato price& ., Vehicle& In lotefit. aty Cl! lfnd In ftflt- .• guaranteed : Skinner's Mop.umental Art Stud1o . WATER STREET HARBOR GRACE. QUR Business Place at.d entire S tock was clestroyecl in t he Great Firr Jan . 10,18111. ' of July 8. We have ainre succeeded in erecting a monufllclutillJ 81 k 'ttl d f 1 W k and on tbu olt.i spot. We havo recei ved n l arge spp1JlY ac smt . an _ . or . I of Marble, fr esh from quarries j tp gether a of th eJlateet The underaigned begs to to nnd most. beautiful f?r Ccruet'ery •• tn H.t>adstonea a,nd the {>Ublic generau 1 , and horee-ownera 1 or A lap, a few ot lto. h:m Art, wbJC:b t.hat. be 1a prepared to do f are exqu1s1te 10 dnlgn and fintsb, eu•tahl e for <.:burch pul}losee, or holoe iUl kinda of work in tho above-Mmed ornamentation. attention is given to encl.1 o rd e r, small or lines of trade. 1 We are aa well prepared ever to rer...eivo aud executtt orders. Every· . thing it new, everything is good. ' Will our pat roue ond friends cote will be p•en and .he th is? Ae in the past.. we will do nothing lJut. work, and tbue to 0 all work 1n tbie hoe sustain the_Bood reputa\iou earned in ninf'teen years of successful buai· timei,l'tld neas life. Toole, C.ment, Plaster ', and 'M alle\te for sale . · taracdoo H.llUlis I TERRA NOVA MARBLE WORKS, Harve) BtnM wf.L Duckworth St., eoat of Bock's Hill, St. John's. Sealed . Tenders! ' SEALED will uc recd\'Ctl at the olliCl' or tho c .. J .... iul Secrelllr\' I up I ill nnJ llfondl\y 1 he Oti1 llny () ( "ptil, l b'!l-4. r .. r l he <'recti on nntl complt'litrn of 11 ttcw <.:uurL Uouse, nt. St. John 's, f11r tho Gu\'(' floltt• ut. of New Room Papers foundhllld. J-:ada 'J',· IIol• r 1111 usL be mnrk· e<t " 'fellllc•r " for 1 hu m ,.. House, antl ha\·e nttnchetllilt'n lO th e n all1('8 of the eecurith· ll fM tl•o clu e CJ f F 0 t1\e Contntcl. 'flit: UO\'cmnu : toL do<'ll not. I r m bind itllelf to OCCOJ'l I lrl· \\'I'll!. or Rny I per 'l'<'nder. I'lnus nn1l sp<'l'ilil'llliooe mny be acen aud all ,.tltt r inft•rmnti 1111 ob- tain('d 1\L till' ollicc or ll:c Colollial Sec- M J. · JONES, . 93 rctury, or from W. T. WHITE\\' A Y, Arcltilect, Street. a70 Wntcr t.,. I. Jolm'll, N.F. U. BON 0, l'uloniul Secre tAry . Mj)rrh Hl. '94. PARSONS' We would ca1l Attention EMPORIUM, ol' Hou:-:ekc c1lCI1i at llti:-:. the hcl!inuin·r or c ancl Relit! in !!, etc , to Oil!' l:U' 0 fJ'C o _r - the Oflh c 1.f Mct;S rs. Jvlan & Co, C t Fl Cl th H h R H 11 d 'Vatc l' 't r ect Jlal'bU'l'- Gmce . arpe S, OOr • 0 S, eart. ugs, a an -- Door Mats, Room Papers, etc., Good 1 s I whidt Loth in quantit y and qualih· Hie in to\r;l :mel 1 :. rclJ c c wt ' cn · ry t csc np ... ton tl · l ·• · · f 1 .1 11 "' and c ass of(.;, )<Hl"- Fancy A rltclcs, I we lilt ' h. w l::iU I yuu wot. t u gt us :t :1 AILnm::: , Hem:muc r- . w. e buy lrom lite )[anuf.t c tur ·rs. Tn .. trum c nt ::.ltpc:-= . .Tcwcllcry,Toyc:, A 1 <lu a lth·. Sltot ldy. \ Vc bll \' the bc!'t, we l'Cll tiH.! Lest .. Stuti onc of al l kiud :'. !'ar son s' ·E · Lorn! Yi cw C ' hri !'t1nns ('ard s. whi ch PAT R s 0 N & F 0 S T E R·, han• bc(·onw sn pOJ•Ular, on J.nnd ; · AI o, ViQws of The Photograph ic Room . i. nttctl with th e rcquiremr nt s Gro c eries Provisi o ns, &c tt ry f o t· S! nvd work . · Ph o to -, . . ' gmp h ,. and Tintype of qll !:Zi ZP" tak en in !' tylc :intl ---·· -- - - - ----- - -- · l'i c tmc:; co pi, ••l c nlargod nt . 'r c lt:t\'C in :-;tock :t full a::sot· tiueut of low pri ces. )),, tH•L l- C nll yo ur phs n way for C'l1 In rg<'m c nt 1 1 Try PAH"Oi\."' fm such work. ':ti u nntl F nii<. ' ,Y Biscnit :, l•'l:t\'utt rin g Extt ·ncts, The -Furniture -Rooms :we fill ed with nil :'Ort:-: of Dom esti c 'l'innc1l Fruits. Cotto lc n. c, tltc ne w l'ut · L: ml Furniture Uctlsleads , A a Full Stock of GENERAL ·GROCERIE;;.!, &c. 'hcflioni c rs . 'ide Iso nnl l!, \\' a. Ja. >J s tnnd s,. C:hnir::, Mallra sses,&c. Furniture nnd Cnbin et·work mnde to order, nt low pri ce an11 with de- CHAS. BUTLER, - WATER . STREET; spatch . Picturo-frnming in nil it s ltmnches. \\' e gunrnntce =-=--=-=-=====-==================== tion in every nn<l in- \'it e inspec tion of the \'arioul! s tock s. Our ·prices will be fo und ns low ns the Jow('st. E. PARSONS. OH, BUT I SAY? Begin the New Yea r by us ing w 00 GERMAN FOR A U seftll Present TO Wife, Mother, Sister · or Daughter GO '1'0 J. CASEY'S AND BUY A D I BAI{IN.G LL POWDER. WHITE SEWING MACHINE. THE WIDTE t!EWING COMPANY, And time, trou blc nnd expense in 1S94. Ask your Grocer to get it ! Sealed Tenders I SEALED TEKDERS will bo rcceiv<'d at. the oflh·c or th o Colonilll Secretnry up till and induding Monday, tho 9th day of April, 181J4t for tho ereetiod> nnd completion of a new Customs' Building nl. t:t. John's, for tho Oo,·ernment of Newfoundlnnd. Tender muet. bo marked " 'ft mdt>r " for n w Cu11t.oms' Building, nud lln\'C altachcd tb<'rcto th e namra of tbe seeuritit'a Cor the duo ful· fillment of the Contmct. The Uo\'ern· ment. docs not. Lind itself to accepL tl 1o lowest. or 1\0)' ttndcr. )'lane and speci· tications mny bo seen. and nil other in· formation olltained nL tho Oftico of tho Colon in I !:!1-crl'tnry, nr frofn E. A. WHLTEH-EAD, Archilcct. - R BOND, Colonh\l Secretary. Al"rch 10. . ,. ....... ..,. .. :y .. 'fi"'V'..,. y .. Piano and Reed- Org . an . • JOHN C \SEY, Gen. Agent , 'Vater St. Harbor Gmce. ooo (t.wo hundred millions) of ncrca of the rcry Lest. lnn•l in tho world, which it olfore free to nctuRl in sections of ll'l() r.cr<'a ench. '1110 yield of whent on these lnnde is from SO to 40 bushe ls per ncre ; onts, 50 Lo 70 bushels; 40 to 50 bu111lele; rooL cror.e Rnd other grnine in proportion THE IS READY FOR THE !'LOW, ami docs not. r equi re cl{'nring, fencing or manure . 'fhere is no rain in Lho to injur(\the groin, and seed ing b<'gine ahout the let of Aprit:in . he of th e country. 0\ ·cr a gr<'at. part. ot' t.his region 'cATTLE AND HORSES RUN AT lu\HUE nil winter. There ia good water easily found everywhere. Coal is delh·ered nL from ts.OO to to.OO per Lon aL all railwny etl\tione. LUMBER\· for t.uihling, costs from lG to t20 per M ; ehingl<'e sell nt $3 per M. Cntl.lo < r t>s!ing from 700 lbs., to 000 lbe., aro raiecd on tho prnirit>e "'lthout. nny food but. the wild gnt811. RAlLW AYS are built or being bu\lt, nil O\'Cr th o countrv. Church{'& and free schools are cs· tabr'iehe<l in e\'e ry r.ro,·ince. Good homes, & OG<l lands and i:letittttifll8 : mder tho old tlug. Now is t.h e timo for e nterprising men to como aud aecu ro the ucst. locnliliua. Specinl rntee gi ,en \'in l. C. R. nnd C. P. R., on npplication to C. C. CARLYLE, Care or Newfoundlnnd llAihnY, St. Jolm'tt. '' '' HOUSE · . ' LION Water Street, Harbor Grace, Nftd. This well-known and most commodious Hotel hn.s been re·opened for tho nc cornmodation of tbe trnvelling Public is situated nen.r the centre of the town, apd the . is C()m' fort nnd convenience of the Guests \Vill hn.ve the beat at- -PiANOS an4 REED ORGANa.- ' tention of the Proprietor. TUN INC .. \V II. KENNEDY Ordc:n for town work or from outaide places 11 ·m given prompt au.ention. Wanted . cr, .,..Ail work and eatilfac· rf hable mon to torily performed at. moderAto ratea. our complete lint!& or N\lr&ery Stock '" ' Felt 1 · , K & and Potnt.ou. A few lnocial n lttll, ,·ones ,or eye, o., yarfotie. controlled by us. CCIIDmYuion always kPpt. on bAnd. or ealary paid weekly, and guaranteed W. H. KENNEDY, JI!UDlJit11· Exelu1ivo and ' " t S' t H ..J..! G \Ce ntory g1ven. free. Don t delay. ,y n er , a.-uor n · Apply at. onco for . M11rlOOm ALLEN NURSERY Co., ++••++•+•••+• , March 6,20t . .- _ _,nMlUMttr•"' __ r (/ .AT'TIR FANCY AND TOY BAZAAR, VIC1IDRIA 8TRBET. ·.

Transcript of D. - collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18940406.pdf · YtlLt:...

Page 1: D. - collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18940406.pdf · YtlLt: F. xxxy (TWO noLf,ARS I'IO:U YF.AR) HARBOR G1:.\f"E; NFlD.FRIOAY, APRIL G, 1894.

• YtlLt: F. xxxy (TWO noLf,ARS I'IO:U YF.AR) HARBOR G1:.\f"E; NFlD. FRIOAY, APRIL G, 1894. ( SlNGuE COPIES TWO CENTS ) :- U~IBRR 29


MARBlED. I VVVV~"'''"'"'S ................. 'V'' ... ~-.FYVVY

AL 11CIIL1t1 Ens<', T. 13., by the Re\'. D. : • Peck, on )fnrch 1!1, Moses M:\nu<'l to . M u N N B R 0 s J Mrs. H,mnnh 1\Iartiu, ull of the abo\'e I 8 : plncr. .

;,Hlny,n·t ~.30·~~~~~(ic(•rg;Dennett, Stock of New S'PR·ING ~ot\DS agc1l .J • ' ' <'1\1'!1. '1 !•c llcc<'naed come to I . \l U this countr)' from r oole, F.ogland. He lean·e a J,;rgo fumily of children to mourn IIH:ir !"""·

l'OilT 0 1--; lL\HUOlt Gl'tACE. ·DAILY EXPECTED.

AJJrll ~-Hrt\' "'lnt~: ·~~::.~~\\'clla, Chnrlollo· MUNN BROS WATER STREET town,J•.t!.J., 11<-rrln~:, Snlmon.-l:. \\' . JlOll1 I . • J ,\: '() .

Potatoes Oats, &c. .. ............... ?& .. • .... 6 ...... ~ .. :....~ ...... aacaacaac•

As soon ns n:wigatioJ) opens, the sch oonet· Hri II innt, , 4 ton!!, will commence lo:tdingntC'hnrloUetown with n ,·en· chnice nntl peciully · selected tn'rgo c.{~F.EO nnd 'l'A BLE POTATOE:-:. :\!so, OA'f~, Tt R· ~[P:', &c. All of which will be solei nt Jowcl'ltunrket rntcs.

Orders now booked for d eli\'cry on nrri\'al h ere of sch ooner.

II. C. \\'A T'fS. H :nhor Grnt l' .. \ pril Gtf


Hy l:'l )Jny next. n GOOO COO K, -whu i:: usell to ll ousc· work. nt:ctlnl,uut 2G. Also. n :\\'H~l·>~L\10, nged nbouL 20.

GOOD \\'A(:E;o; to s nituhlc persons. S ix m nn th,.· <'ngngemcnl gunran· teed. 'fr:t,·cl ling cxprnscs paid .

• \pl'IY to .\ . 11. B1-:.-\'fTY , )lnnn~cr l'ynte · <.:o.,

l'illcy':; £,.land .


15 c. per dozen At J. E. WALKER'S,

\\'utf'r Street. ----------- ---------

NOTICE! Twill not I H~ n':'JHIIl:' iltlc fn r an.' '

DclJt:< \'Ontracted in Ill\' nam e. with or withuut :1 n orde r. •

• J ru _\ C'.\1.1 .. \ X.\X.

Hnrltor <.:rate. April 2 31

HOUSE TO LET. 'fh~t J tica ;;nntly·~itunted

Dwelling-House on \'ictorin ~trcet. next to ~It·. J. Co::d e. ·resid ence. l'otz~es:; i on g iYcn 1 t ~13y. F0r J•:lrticnlnrs apply to

E. H. '1'11 11)11':-U:\.

A pl3li

For Sale or to Lease. Thnt wdl·known

Fishing - Premises at Rngg~1l J Jnr.ds, Lnurudor, IJclouging to the un\lt·rsiJ!nNI. The Properly Ct:n ­llillt& of 'T,\ tiE, !STOR~ nnd 0\\'EI.L­l~G·HOl '::)!~. nil in J;OOll t<'pnir. The Station is one of the best ou the Couet., aml wc.ultl prove a \'1\luable in\'elltmt>nt. for nny one engnging in the Labudor fishery UllSillf f!8, f or pnrticnlai"!!IIJlply to I. J. PUMPHREY. HRrbor GrncP, April 3.4


Fot•n \\'t:EKs nftcr the dnte hereof I shnll apply to His Excellency the Go,·et;nor 11f :\ewfouncllnnd, for n grnnl for Letters Po.tcnt for n new nnd usetul in\'cntion of n Mnchine for skinnig nncl lin) ing seals pelt~, tO be granted to )[ATT HEW l\IARTJ~ of Hnrbor :race, in the Tslnnc.l of !\ ewfoun~ll n n d, cngi necr.

Dated this 27th dny of Mnrch, A.lJ. l 9.J.

D. ~l. BROWNI NG, 30..Ji • olicitor.

Carriages, Sleighs, Carts, &c. -

Just Received by J. ROSS Choice American CABBAGE.

Florida Oranges Csweet), Palermo Lemons,\ Fresh Halifax Sausages- 20.cents per lb·

Munn's Fertilizer in 3 lb. bag~s. 1!) cents each.

Joseph Ross, ~ater Street, Harbor Crace . . -~·Famous Novels and Standard Works.~ --------------

'fire 0· ~·· :-.J.nolnl\', vy A. Cou~ n DnyiL·-:•:,c:ll 'l'lw Firm of fiinllcs iOU<', IJr .In- .;!b ea~ . A l-IUtl~· Ill St·~ t lcl , ltj• tlo -:.!;j e ll•. Tlru Oolu~~ oiiC.tllt•l Uaw, hy do- !!.j ell•. 'I' IJ~: i::ii~u nl Four, by dn-60 cht. l l ic:. la ( ' IAtkf•, \•\' olo-!rO t b . 'I lu· llo fupec,, l;y do- .j(l Cl8.

~~ ~ Frienolthe Munlcr,•r, l•y olo-:.0 0 ~. \\' • lfcol!.•r(: Ly Wtllhm Ulark-.>0 cl~. l~ l•h••ppt'<l loy llultt. l.ou1~ S t tu'tiiiSIIII- :.!.; ell'. l'ull iouo: A s!••t•to·llo 1\iohiiJol•e•l-iiO cl,, ~t .. r:un Unrcltt•, hy f. M. II,.• l·:ruh:rout t) lti p, loy \\'. t'. l:ui«cll-fJO cl~.

C:oollllll', lo,\' A lox. Dunt••. jr - l ;, ('o•u.,, Ot><lt•. ( loy tl t•o M' ll t• f lltl' Arrltloi.ltnJI ul Cn tlct·

l,ttr~) 1·:. F. llt·•·• ••n- :!.j co•ut~.

1.• nn' •• r" l. ii··· I' )1 • '"'"1:"~ \\' illbrn .... ,jt) c. I nh r J. ... , , t•S, It~· ; :.Hit.!- :)u ('t"UI!'I.

. \111111111 l.u tnlt> tr, .. ,. •:ollie- !tit ell. Tho \\' .. r :.r ' J ·~ rll•mo•ut uf H<•llt:l"u•- .:,1) Cl~ . l!ttynl f.•litolouq: l•. "" ~I r ,:. Olipb wt. ll nl:t'r., I ( f l,oro•o.o•o• i•\ ""'""· J ern.HI~'" · tire liool,v L·h.• -lty ••mr , 'l'ho Mnkt'l "' ,,f \·,·hhc-t.y ,. .• up, ~hurt .,. t u.lit .- ,,, ( ;c, , r ~nl•i'"·t:l <~, h . .'" J . t\,

F'rnut .·. ~ ! , . 1--.) $ 1.:•tt. l1 :H.''JHJil·~ ·,. J ~,..J , .. rd .•l L:.~ ~ - ; .·, t""•'h' ~.

•· L lf,. r. tttl I.L•IIt' l li ...... ; ;, c .. ~nt•. • • )f 1 .. t.'• f ' tt t N lll.."' \ \. r ilillf!S-7;, CN 111'.

Or~ntJ!l, 1.,, • • 1 •• \ . l 'r••tu!o· - w cl,. ' lm lu •:op('.•rt,\ ( ' c fl•l·h· h• l'lf J ~>t •t ~-:c.-~ .. r:c~• la GO c .. ... '"')"''' .. " . . I ' I .,, .. . ··=··• IJ ;,,, ' .....

S. E. CARLAND, 177' Walcr, 't. l·~.:rbnd 2!JG Wnt(•r St. 'Vc:-:t , :--:T . . JOHN· -·.


ATTENTION I ·J ---o----

We have on hand a full a5sortment of . Suitable .. Goods

·! For the Beason. ........ All of EXCELL~NT QUALITY & LOW PRICES.

HALL • BROTHERS Central Dt'Y Goods Store, Water St,

Preserve v ·ou·r Sight! More especially a.t this Season of the Year, when

the strong sun is very trying to the Eye.

WEAK EYES -Should be protected By the use of COI~ORED G .. L~SSES.-. ~A full line nl wn,ys in Stock. . - ·

JAMES WARREN, · CARRIAGE& SLEIGH BUILDER w H THOMP. SON & co ~reparec.l lo exceoto oil wbrk In hill llno o • • ~ • •

--.....___..... !'_!~h deapnt.eh . Good and , roltbi'UI work IUIU'IIDI(.'C!tl.

All klnda or Repa1r1n1 dont atllbort notteo ' and at modl.'rato price& • .,

Vehicle& bull~ In lotefit. aty Cl! lfnd In ftflt- •

.• eln~~~iisrnction guaranteed: Skinner's Mop.umental Art Stud1o . WATER STREET HARBOR GRACE. QUR Business Place at.d entire S tock was clestroyecl in the Great Firr

Jan. 10,18111. ' of July 8. We have ainr e succeeded in erecting a monufllclutillJ

81 k 'ttl d f 1 • W k ~hop and Wa1~rooru on tbu olt.i spot. We havo received n large spp1JlY ac smt . an_ a~rter . or . I of Marble, fresh from t~e quarries j tp gether wit~ a n~mber of theJlateet

The underaigned begs to i~timate to nnd most. beautiful destg~e f?r Ccruet'ery decOf?lllOn~ •• tn H.t>adstonea a,nd the {>Ublic generau1, and horee-ownera 1 Monume!'~s. ~~arlJle or Urantt~. A lap, a few pt~ces ot lto.h:m Art, wbJC:b ~cularlf t.hat. be 1a prepared to do f are exqu1s1te 10 dnlgn and fintsb, eu•tahle for <.:burch pul}losee, or holoe iUl kinda of work in tho above-Mmed ornamentation. Pt~rsonal attention is given to encl.1 order, small or lar~e. lines of trade. • 1 We are aa well prepared a~t ever to rer...eivo aud executtt orders. Every·

. • HORSE:SI;lOSN~ thing it new, everything is good. ' Will our pat roue ond friends cote will be p•en •~al at.t.ent~on, and .he this? Ae in the past.. we will do nothing lJut. fir~t-class work, and tbue

.~nlefe to 0 all work 1n tbie hoe sustain the_Bood reputa\iou earned in ninf'teen years of successful buai· Wi:;.b=~~~~he timei,l'tld ~~ neas life. Toole, C.ment, Plaster', and 'M alle\te for sale . ·

taracdoo --~iCBOLAs H.llUlis I TERRA NOV A MARBLE WORKS, Harve) BtnM wf.L Duckworth St., eoat of Bock's Hill, St. John's.

Sealed .Tenders!

' SEALED TE~IJEJ::; will uc recd\'Ctl

at the olliCl' or tho c .. J .... iul Secrelllr\' I up I ill nnJ inc-ltulin~ llfondl\y 1 he Oti1 llny ()( "ptil, l b'!l-4. r .. r l he <'recti on nntl complt'litrn of 11 ttcw <.:uurL Uouse, nt. St. John 's, f11r tho Gu\'('floltt• ut. of ~nw· ~ New Room Papers foundhllld. J-:ada 'J',·IIol• r 1111usL be mnrk· e<t " 'fellllc•r " for 1 hu m ,.. l'tt~art House, antl ha\·e nttnchetllilt'n l O the nall1('8 of the eecurith·ll fM tl•o clue fullihueu~ CJf F

0 t1\e Contntcl. 'flit: UO\'cmnu:toL do<'ll not. I r m bind itllelf to OCCOJ'l I lrl· I· \\'I'll!. or Rny II

3c~ per Piece~ 'l'<'nder. I'lnus nn1l sp<'l'ilil'llliooe mny be acen aud all ,.tltt r inft•rmnti1111 ob-tain('d 1\L till' ollicc or ll:c Colollial Sec- M J.· JONES, . 93 rctury, or from ~

W. T. WHITE\\' A Y, Arcltilect, Wat~r Street.

a70 Wntcr t., . I. Jolm'll, N.F. U. BON 0, l'uloniul SecretAry.

Mj)rrh Hl. '94.

PARSONS' We would ca1l Attention EMPORIUM, ol' Hou:-:ekcc1lCI1i at llti:-:. the hcl!inuin·r or ll oul'e-clcaniu·~

~ c ~

ancl Relit! in !!, etc , to Oil!' l:U'0fJ'C ~t~.wk o_r -

Orr;o~!ite the Oflh c 1.f Mct;Srs. Jvlan ~

~l lll o ll & Co, C t Fl Cl th H h R H 11 d 'Vatcl' 't rect Jlal'bU'l'- Gmce. arpe S, OOr • 0 S, eart. ugs, a an -- Door Mats, Room Papers, etc.,

~he lFtan~tyl Good1s 8~~!6 I whidt Loth in quantity and qualih· i~ Hie lnr~rest in to\r;l :mel

1:. rc lJ c c wt ' cn ·ry t cscnp ... ton tl · l ·• · · f 1.1 • • 11 "' and c ass of(.;,)<Hl"-Fa ncy A rltclcs, I we lilt ' h. w l::iU I yuu wot.t u gt ~·c us :t :1 • AILnm:::, \' i,)t i;~:-:.and,>thcr utu:.:i cnl Hem:muc r-. w.e buy d1rcc~ lrom lite )[anuf.tc tur ·rs. Tn .. trumcnt::.ltpc:-= . .Tcwcllcry,Toyc:, A 1 <lua lth· . ~ 0 Sltotldy. \Vc bll \ ' the bc!'t, we l'Cll tiH.! Lest .. Stutio nc n· o f al l kiud:'. !'arsons' ·E ~ · Lorn! Yicw C'hri!'t1nns ('ards. which PAT R s 0 N & F 0 S T E R·, han• bc(·onw sn pOJ•Ular, on J.nnd ; • ·

AI o, ViQws of ~lid. ~ccncry. =·=====--===~=============~~=~ The Photographic Room .

i. nttctl with the rcquiremrnts Groceries Provisions, &c nc<·c~. tt ry fot· S!nvd work . · Photo- , . . ' gmph ,. and Tintype of qll !:ZiZP" taken in ~upcrim !'tylc :intl fini~h. ---·· - - - - - ----- - --· l'ictmc:; co pi,••l :lll~l cnlargod nt . 'rc lt:t\'C in :-;tock :t full a::sot·tiueut of low prices. )),, tH•L l-Cnll your l'hnto~ra phs n way for C'l1 In rg<'mcnt 11 Try PAH"Oi\."' fm s uch work. ':ti u nntl F nii<.' ,Y Biscnit:, ~yrups, Sauce~. l•'l:t\'utt ring Extt·ncts,

The -Furniture -Rooms :we fill ed with nil :'Ort:-: of Dom estic

'l'i nnc1l Fruits. Cottolcn.c, tltc new :.;uh.~titutc l'ut· L :ml

Furniture :-Hmc:lll~, Uctlsleads, A a Full Stock of GENERAL ·GROCERIE;;.!, &c. 'hcflionic rs . 'ide Isonnll!, \\'a . Ja. >J

stnnds,. uit:~, C:hnir::,Mallrasses,&c. Furniture nnd Cnbinet·work mnde to order, nt low price an11 with de- CHAS. BUTLER, - WATER. STREET; spatch. Picturo-frnming in nil its ltmnches. \\' e gunrnntce sntisfac~ =-=--=-=-=====-==================== tion in every <lepnt'tntel~t, nn<l in­\'ite inspection of the \'arioul! stocks . Our·prices will be found ns low ns the Jow('st.


OH, BUT I SAY? Begin the New Year by u s ing


FOR A U seftll Present


Wife, Mother, Sister · or Daughter

GO '1'0



And Sl\.\'(~ time, trou blc nnd expense in 1S94. Ask your

Grocer to get it !

Sealed Tenders I SEALED TEKDERS will bo rcceiv<'d

at. the oflh·c or tho Colonilll Secretnry up till and induding Monday, tho 9th day of April, 181J4t for tho ereetiod> nnd completion of a new Customs' Building nl. t:t. John's, for tho Oo,·ernment of Newfoundlnnd. E~tch Tender muet. bo marked " 'ftmdt>r " for n w Cu11t.oms' Building, nud lln\'C altachcd tb<'rcto the namra of tbe seeuritit'a Cor the duo ful· fillment of the Contmct. The Uo\'ern· ment. docs not. Lind itself to accepL tl1o lowest. or 1\0)' ttndcr. )'lane and speci· tications mny bo seen. and nil other in· formation olltained nL tho Oftico of tho Colon in I !:!1-crl'tnry, nr frofn

E. A. WHLTEH-EAD, Archilcct. ­R BOND, Colonh\l Secretary.

Al"rch 10. ·o~. .,. ....... ..,. .. :y .. 'fi"'V'..,. y ..

Piano and Reed- Org.an

. • JOHN C \SEY, Gen. Agent, 'Vater St. Harbor Gmce.

~~,~~o~~!~~N~ o~c?J!f~AB~~\on~~~~~.-ooo (t.wo hundred millions) of ncrca of the rcry Lest. lnn•l in tho world,

which it olfore free to nctuRl eettftm~ in sections of ll'l() r.cr<'a ench. '1110 avera~e yield of whent on these lnnde is from SO to 40 bushels per ncre ; onts, 50 Lo 70 bushels; barl~y 40 to 50 bu111lele; rooL cror.e Rnd other grnine in proportion THE LA~D IS READY FOR THE !'LOW, ami docs not. require cl{'nring, fencing or manure. 'fhere is no rain in Lho f~tll to injur(\the groin, and seeding b<'gine ahout the let of Aprit:in . he 11\~eet.,part of the country. 0\·cr a gr<'at. part. ot' t.his region 'cATTLE AND HORSES RUN AT lu\HUE nil winter. There ia good water easily found everywhere. Coal is delh·ered nL from ts.OO to to.OO per Lon aL all railwny etl\tione. LUMBER\· for t.uihling, costs from lG to t20 per M ; ehingl<'e sell nt $3 per M. Cntl.lo < rt>s!ing from 700 lbs., to 000 lbe., aro raiecd on tho prnirit>e "' lthout. nny food but. the wild gnt811. RAlLW AYS are built or being bu\lt, nil O\'Cr tho countrv. Church{'& and free schools are cs· tabr'iehe<l in e\'ery r.ro,·ince. Good homes, &OG<l lands and i:letittttifll8 :mder tho old tlug. Now is t.he timo for enterprising men to como aud aecuro the ucst. locnliliua. Specinl rntee gi,\·en \'in l. C. R. nnd C. P. R., on npplication to

C. C. CARLYLE, Care or Newfoundlnnd llAihnY, St. Jolm'tt.

'' '' HOUSE· . ' LION •

Water Street, Harbor Grace, Nftd. This well-known and most commodious Hotel hn.s been

re·opened for tho nccornmodation of tbe trnvelling Public • ~It is situated nen.r the centre of the town, apd the

.is prepnr~~Jhl:t~Af.t~J'~lUNI~G C()m'fort nnd convenience of the Guests \Vill hn.ve the beat at--PiANOS an4 REED ORGANa.- 'tention of the Proprietor.


Ordc:n for town work or from outaide ~~O::c=t=. :;S=:'=1=8=9::::8~.=6=;mr:=.=.==::::;:::;=:::::::;======i~~~~"!Y:!:!!~b: places 11·m ~e given prompt au.ention. Wanted . IJIJ~·"tvus,s cr,

.,..Ail work ~re(ully and eatilfac· • rf hable mon to torily performed at. moderAto ratea. 1~11 our complete lint!& or N\lr&ery Stock

'"' Felt 1 · , K ' · & and ~ed Potnt.ou. A few lnocial n lttll, • ,·ones ,or eye, ~c., o., yarfotie. controlled by us. CCIIDmYuion

always kPpt. on bAnd. ~ or ealary paid weekly, and guaranteed W. H. KENNEDY, JI!UDlJit11· Exelu1ivo and cboi~eofter-


" t S' t H ..J..! G \Ce ntory g1ven. O~tfit. free. Don t delay. ,y n er ~ree , a.-uor n · Apply at. onco for ~me. .

M11rlOOm ALLEN NURSERY Co., ++••++•+•••+• , March 6,20t . .- _ _ ,nMlUMttr•"' ~; __ r

( /




Page 2: D. - collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18940406.pdf · YtlLt: F. xxxy (TWO noLf,ARS I'IO:U YF.AR) HARBOR G1:.\f"E; NFlD.FRIOAY, APRIL G, 1894.


'~r1 e---.·-·'"' r'. Q rn u ''l.J!fiw

S 9~ yrup

The ni:1jori:~· of \':ell·read phys­ici:lns uow ht: ii ··•..: ih.tt Consump­tion i.i a : :~;:.: li::;c..:.;e. In other words, i n.; ~c.ul vf Lciug in the: con· stitution it:;df it is caused by wnu­mcmblc !''·'· 11 creatures living in the luugs h :\\'i i1:; no b u->iness t~ere and eating -tl:c rn nwny as caterpillars do

the leaves of trees. A Germ The phleg 1n_ that is

coughed up 1s those OISO<l£0. parts of the lungs

·which havebee.n gn:1wcd o:i :lull destroyed. These little b:lcilli , as the genus are called, are too su:all to be seen with the naked eye. but they nre very much alive jus t t he same, nod enter the body in our fol:>d, in the• air we breathe, au<l through the J?Ore5 of the skin . Thence they get toto the blood nne\ finally arrive at the lungs whc1e they f:lSten and increase with frightful rapidity. Then German Symn comes in, loo~ns them, kills them~ expells them, heals th~ places they le:\\'c, nnd so nouriSh and soothe th:tt, in a short time consump­tives IJccoue germ-proof and well. 4t

NEGLECTED (!;®ll~ rb,

ID<2~~~ ~®lhl~fru~


Allen's Lung Balsam.

Wistar's Balsani


Wild ·Charry

Thla old reliable apeolflo for ~ousha, colda and all dlaeaaea of a pulmonary nature eaally retalna Ita popularity arwon• the peo· pie, thouaanda of whom may a I moat be a aid to have been raleed upon It alnce It haa eo I on• been the unl­v~ .. al cure·all In eo many homee. Ita record for up­warda of a half century Ia known to all and atteatalta remarkablo merit. Foraale by all DrUBBI&ta.

Seth W. Fowte & Sons,

Do not be Depressed

because you have been unable to rid yourself of that obstin::te cough. You have been experi­menting w ith new and

worthless compounds.

Cheer·up! There ia hope for you if you will try that stand­ard PfCP.!!2tion that hM been in use for moN

than 50 years..

Wlstar's Balum of Wild Cherry.

It .a c.;, Y011. Sold~ .. ~


FaiDAY, March lG. (Con llm u:tl.)

A debate hero enaued on ae\·ernl \'olea, including l'oor Udief, Jt'errica, J.uhntio Asylum, tho ocean stc•lm acr· \' icc, being pnrucipulcll in IJy Mcura. Oooclridg<', hon. Coloninl Secrotnry, Morille, Capt. C. Dawe, L. O'B. Furlong, KJ1igbt Duder, Donnelly, hoo. Receiver Gcncn,f. Murmy ; after which the com· 111ittcc r~Bt', reported progr('u, nmlaak· ed 11)1\\'e to aiL again on Monday next·

'J'hu 'Huuae went. into conuuittce on the Bill to A mcntl n ntl Conaolid11te the lo~\wa relnth·o to nrhitrotion ; Mr. Thom"paon in tho chair.

lion. the Pnr.m.:R uillthnt the object of going into committee on thia bill .tgulll wa&e to mnl:e a alight verb:il •um ndment. UuJer the English Act the jmlgre hall powtr to compel an arbi· trnllon, IJuL he did not think ic. would be well to invcat the courta "•iih this power, and thcrcfore1 bo wiahcd.to hn\'e tho worda, " With tt1c consent. of the pnrtie11," inserted in the Uill. ..

'fhe committee roee and rcpo'rtcd that they had pnaaed tho bill with some aunendment. The !Jill wna thl•n read n third time and orderecl to pau.

Second readin~ of bill to nmend nod conaoliJilte tho Unme L:nra.

Hon. the PRE~I&R-In mr,,•ing the •C'Ct•nd rt>l'dinJt of this hill he might SI\Y that hie intention for introducing it. io tlw tirat. plnce had bl'cn to conaolid.-tc llll the gnmc In we that w<>re now acatter­t>tl o\'er tho atatutn, making it nlm<:'at impoeaiiJic to ad\·isc any p<'raon ap­ph·ing for information on the aubj<•l·t. As he tlid not wiah to deal hutil) with 1he mtlllr r, nnd as there would prubably !)e aomc nmellllmcnta to makt>, he in· tt'ntl~l to nak thnL tho bill IJo refl'rrCtl 10 n aclcct commitlec nfler ita scctmJ r\•nuin~.

The Lill Wfla then read n secomltim<: •uul refl rrcll to 11 select committcc to IJe unuted <m to-morrow.

Thl' fnllowin~ &'lrct committi'O waa appointed on the Ga~ Laws : Honor­able the Premier, Hon. Colonial St!crt.'­sun·, l\lt ~u·s . Dull~ l'nyn<',Dudt' r, Fmi!H :u 11i L. O'U. l'urlung.

lion. ~I r. )(oom:ls pr<>aentcll n pc·t it ion from .l!tlll<'ll D11irll , l'rcaillent of the St. luiii.'IS Goa Light <.:t mpawy. prnyiu~ for n rencwnl of thcirchurtf'r. The petition wns reno, louL hi a honCJr the Speaker rultd thnt itlihoulll ha\'0 bt•<'n J•rf iSI'IIt· .. tJ a111111'r the 11 nl of the cvrpor.ttiun, if they hnd one.

tile llu• •sc thrn ncljourncd until Moo· day ncxt. nt ·1 o'clock.

.Mo!'\0.\ Y, ~urch W. 'rhc house opened at. ·1 o'clock p . m. H on. RECt:I\' ER G•:~f:HAI. Iaid oo tho

·a Lie of th l! l.o nsc the stntcmont of <'X· pori& nnd imports fCJr 1 ·~;3.

l-Ion. Pnt:)ut:n In ill ou the table ofthe house a detailed alatcmc:nt. of the Fish· r ry Dnr<'nu for 18!13.

~(r. Dunr.n prelwutc:d a pt tition frmn Philip Hicka nnd others of \\'estern Arm prnying for n sum of ~:!.> flir t lw pufTioac o f making a IJridg" on tho roucl leading frvm \\'1'11tern Arm 10 Noggon Co\'e ; also 11 petition from the inhalti · umta of tho li i\ IIIC plncc oskin~ tha t. I hi' m11 in line nntllocul road gmuta IJe in· creased. 11 e begged to mo\'c thnt. th<>ac pelitiona lie u pon the taLlc.

FI~A!'\CJAt. St::cnET,\ItY presented n pe· t ilion from John McCnrthy nnd othcns ·•f lhl' Hiverhc.'aJ of llnrhor Grace CJO the aul•j<'ct. of a wharf. The wharf in quration h11ll b<·en waehcd down some rrnra ngo and no amount hnd been al· located out of tho special grnnL to re· place it. HI\ trusted thnt. this mntter would now recei\'e the nttcntion of thia houac; Ami that the wiahre of tho pcti· d CJnr ra would IJo acct>d l:'d to. H. 1 1f'~grd to mo,·e tlu1L the petition lie upon the table of tho houee.

Mr. Muss heartily supported the (.raycr of the petition.

NO'J'l("ES OF QUESTION. Mr. MURRAY- To oak the bon. the

Pr<'micr if iL were ec.rrect, oa published, that. an Agreement for an extended t.erm ,,( ae~vice had been made with Mr. Ad. Nt>ileon; if eo, l•y whom had thahgree­ment been made, for what term, at what aalary, and with what. conditiona; also, whethe~hero had been aoy corree· pomlingt~ndertaking on the part. of the Cc.mmcrcial body to continue ita year· ly contribution of $1000.()()1towarde Mr. Neileou'e aalary, alao to lAy upon the table of tho houac a copy of any new •gre<ment. made with Mr. Neilaon ae aiJO\'C,

H on. Pn.ElfJEn brgged to inform· the hon. ml'mbcr that. 110 agreement. bad bten cntt>red into between the Govern· mrnL 11nd Mr. Nielion.

Mr. liURRA.Y-To 111lc tbo hon Re­C<'ivcr General wheth01 tho sum or $1000, contribution to ~lr. Neil•on'e aal· ary, from the Commercial Body for the p11~t. year. 1893, had IJPen rcceh·t:d.

Boo. REC&J\'£Jl 0£NJ:JUL bad much pleurure in informing Lho hoo'ble mem· IJl'r that. tho amount had aa yet. no~ b<'cn receh·ed ; iL was generally p&icl aometimo in the mClntb of March.

Mr. Duon-To ask the Chairman of tho Boerd or Worn to lay on the table of the house .. detnilcd llat.l"ment. or tho quarterly accounta of the Board of HPalth. ·

CturRKAN BoAno OJ' WoRn.-(lli. AleOI'Illh) t>eg~l'd to inform the bon. mPmbl:'r that tho accounts aaked for were not. in hie department.

N<mC£BOP MOTION Bon. Pn.um:R-1'o aak leave to in·

troduee a !Jill, entitled " An Act to amf'nd the Law of Slander in relation to Women."

On motion or the hon. Piemier this bill wu ~beu read a ftraL time aad or­dered to be read a aecond time on to­morrow week.

Boa. Mr. lloBRJa prtaPnted a peliLion from James Bainl, Prftident of the St.

· '• naa f,lobU'.omP&nJ, for bimaelf,

\ _


Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest U.S. Gov't Report. cumhcd ; the younger \\'Ill! ole~ I iunl t~\lOn lO follol\', ooL not until J he s lu ro hatl been reucbed. At tl:iyli,;ht a lcUJding wua c:lrccted at. Outo-r w \'l\ nil 1:11i11):: nMhorc IJuL Rich!!nl 1'.11'11011", fullwr of tho Lwo !Joys. p ;tt rick II ickt'Y, n st:~i: wart. aon of tho sc.t,uml a n:prc.,cnta t i \ ' ll li11herman uf Outer Co,·c,ucoom pauil·•l

1 tho lllt'n !Jack l.l) whrre Uit·h:ml l'ar· aona hud IJecn left.. There t hc·y fmuul l1i111, dl•apilc ll•c fn l3ty nliiiiii!IJIIl'ru f\.£'1 chilly winds, 1\lniO:lL tli \'l'~tl·ll uf I ill own clothing, which lac h tttl \n.lJ•Jl ll round th~ furm of iti:1 4 l~· i ng chil l. J "''' ' completely oiJJi '' iiJIIII of 1 ho tl:tllJ:c rtl round hun, ami rnaloaloly woulol ltn \'C uicol with hie aCJn if nut. urvuactf. The

and on behalf of tho uid company, pr.tyin~ thAt. l~le net. pl\Ued i!l tho 7lh yenr of the re~gn ~r Her M~&Joaty, ~n· tith.ttl •· An Act. to mcorporate the ~lltnt John's Gns Light. Co:t:pany" IJc renewed for a further term or hfty yeara and for an incrcue of tho capit.lll stock or the aaitl company."

Mr. MORINE prcaentccl a petition from A. Abwland and othera, of Bonuieta, on tho auhject of a road. Also, fro1n Henry Hanclcoclc anll othera, of King'• Co\•e, on. the subject. of a roacl. Also, from F. SL4rea and othera, of Goose Bay on the auiJjcct of 11 road. 'l'hia was a mntter of grcl\t. importance, a1}d the petition wne \'cry numerously eagned. Also a petition from C. Mllreb and ot11ora of llona,·iata, on the aubject. of a well. 'l'trie Will a matter Of greaL local importance, and in conjuction wi~b hia colleagues he intenJcd to make a re­queat. for an &!location or money for ~he work.

The llousc thrn at!joumed unLit to­morrow at four o'clock.

'fuf;sn,w, M~&rcb 20. 'fhl' I10lhll' op<'lletl at 4 p. m. D.\Rtl'a UI .. \!'\IIFOitF;, Eaq., & member

returnt•ll for the clectoml diet.ricL or Bonaviata, h&\'ing been duly sworn on tho 1\.llh nf March. Lcfore tho t1on. E. D. Shea <;ommiaeioner appointed for thnt puri>oec. ~ook hie ae11t llCCOI\Iingly.

Tho l'IIAIH)UN B. of W. (Yr. Mc­Gr:\tlt \ luiJ on tho table or ~he hOUIC tho report of tho Inspector of l'ublic Ouildiu~re fo r tho yeor 1893.

Mr. W ATSOS prcaentclla petition from lanlcl P~tlmer nnd others of Seal Cove, Trinity 8.1y, n tho subject of A l~&nding placc. He auJ1portcd tho prayer of petitioners ; n hUiding place wu badly nec:tJ,·tl in the locnlity, 11ncl ho trusted that. a autn or money woul1 be appro­pril\ted for the purpoac.

~OTICJ;S OF {!UEaTIOS. )fr. L . O'U. F utu.u!'\o -Toaak thehon.

Sur,·eyor Gcncn1l to luy on tho table of the h ouse a C:eL:~iletl statement of lhe expenditure charged under tho ·heRd ut hmd& nnll mincmlsur\·cy,nlao of tho cxtlcnditure of $2,000.00 for coal boring.

.Hon. l:iUit\'F.\'OROEs&n,u.-'fhe return would IJe pluccll o n tho t11ble ae aoon as (ICB&ibl('.

Mr. Duor.n- To nsk the hon Survey· or Cienl'r:tllo lay on the t~&ble or the house n tlc"'ilcd statement or the aum of SlOSI chorgt!d under tho head of ForcaL Firt'll unll Stom\S. ·

llon. :)Uit\'&YOR GESERAJ.-Therc WAI no record in ltia office from which he could furuiah thc etalemenL mentioned.

llon. the SI'EAKEit informed the hon. memiJer that.l1c coulll renew the qm a· tion b} naking iL of the head of the de­portment. concernecl, aa the Chairman of the &aru of Work11 or the Jo'inancial Secretary.

Mr. K!'\lfl iiT-To aak the Financial Secretary to ll\y on the table oflhe houae a de tailed etattcment of tho expenditure of spccinl and miecella~eoua ealarica for tho y<'nr 1893.

H on. Cor.mHAL SECRETARY- In t.he a~ence of ' the Financial Secretary would inform tho hon. member thn't the et.Atemt-nL wne quite lengthy and if the hon. member would vilit tho Financiul Secretary's office ho woul<l get. the in· formation he desired, and oo doubL tb~ woulcl beeatiafactory.

The Houac then went. into Committee of the whole on Wt.:ra and Meana.. Mr. Thompson in the C'bair. Al\er a abort. debate taken part in b7 Mr. Goodridge, hun. ~olonial l:iecretary and nou. the Premier, lbe ~ommiUee roae and ulted lea vo. to aiL again.

Hon. CoLONJALSICilETARY laid on the t.aiJie tho following document. :­

Statement. of expeodiLure on account of•bipwreclted crew11 fo~ 1893.

Account of tho Caroooear Water Co. for 1898. ' Slat~ment of the li~Uual Life lruur­

aoce Co. for 1893. Statement of the Walrua S.S. Co. for

1893. Annulll r<'port. or \be Beaietr1 of

Birlha, Marriages and Deatba. Statement of expenditure and re.­

enuc of St.. John's Municipal Council for 1893. ..

Datllmco aheet. of tho said Couneil for 1893

Stal.ement of the said Council'• debt. for 18~.

Estimate or expentfiture and revenue of I he uhl Council for the rear 1894c

Memor11nduui of cbangt'lm the boun­dariee or educational diatricta to Marob 13lh 1894.

Hon. SuRVEYOR G&s&RAL laid on the table:

Statement. of upenditure or t211 • 667.83 under the St. Jobn'a Bobuitd~ Act for 1893.

St.stement of at bitrat.ioa &warda made under the 11hl Act for the year 1892.

O>py of Dill of Sale, Jamta R1an to H1•r ~jeety, of cert&ln l&Dd at Bona-'riat.a. •

h 'oporta and accoonta or the Bo&rd of Arnicullore for 1893.

Hoo. SuRVEYOR 0DER..u.--The at.ate­meot. mt>rt'ly divided the upeodlture of the amotmt into ola•ca. If any further infonnation were required it woulcl &lao be furnished.

The Houae l.hea adjourned until Wed­aeadaJ, 28th March.

Bakins ·Powder YPURE

d• aul, the clying null the lh·in.; w nL .KNOWLEDGE huck u• land, 1111d, 1111 1 04111 ns p u iiJlc,to

TIIUI::SU.\Y, Murch 2 · thcir homo nt FlaL Hock. Who1 it. Brio- comfort and improTemeat t.nd The Uouae open eel at -1 (/clcck. · · 1 1 o-wns hrst .t&Ct'rl :llnl>tl l hnL the men IIH •·n"- to ....,,....0 al en1· o\'11\Cil~ when Mr. \1' AT:)OS rr~al'ntcJ ll pl'lili•m from d . d ... u. r--- ./ .

J. W. James llntl others, (If l hun's lfar- been rl\'es: otr, '' tn<'llacnger Wit& c- rlsbtly uaed. The many, who lin bet-.. 1 l . r I I f l l)atchctl to St. J ohn'• to seek nasiata nce •-r 6L-- otlll- and 811J'oy life mo-, with uor. on l 10 au 'JeCt o n ront ; a .ftO, rom · - _. ... '" J R • I I I f I J I " I' l: The 11('\YI WillS linsL tllkcn to the n Ill· J..- exnand.t' t.ur·, b~ mo- pro' -~·•r . t'lu an• ot tens, o curL a u c II( · t., 1 r···l · 1 ,._ ..- ~ " •• .. .,_

th 1 . • t 1 . th L de nee of Hun. Robert. Don< , w ouht - ·'·ntt'nJ .. Le - orld'a '-·-t produc'- •-on o aamc auuJCC . n mo\'ln~ a . 1 1 , ...... ,. 1o11 .. vea - .., thoec plltitione Jio on thc tniJJe, he ::5ecretary, reqnt'allnt.: 1 lilt gent l·mllnll the needa of ph)·jical being, will atte.t

I ~' · 11 1c h · offici~tl help in securing a atcamr r. wou u capce1a Y na t c cona1tlrra~ion And here he would pay a juet triiJnto the nlue to health of the pure liquid of the GovcrnmcJ1t to gnmting the pray- to the liOn gtntleman. llo rr&J onlled laxali\•e principlee embraced in the er or tho latter. Tho road t.o which this nobly to tho alppcAI for 1 clp, nntl went 1 remedy, Syrup of F igs.' petition refurrcd wna in the direction of hinuelf to J)rocurc a steamer, instead I Ita e:r.cellence ia duo to ita preMntina Carbonear, wiLh which the ptople from of delPgl\ting the task to othera. Uy in the form moab acceptab~e and pleaa-whom the petition came hac\ frequent his pr mst. action tho" I nKrall«Lm " wna aut to tho taste, the refreahing and trulw intercourae. At prt>aenL tho ro«Ld was · d 1 " G 1 "

b d · 1 • · soon un cr \\'Clth, an t 10 r.tnt , L- nefic;Ml pro1~rtie• of a n~~rfect lax-10 ll Ill some p llCee 1t. Will almost. 1m· f jJ ( ~I DQ ~ "" r -poaaiiJle for tbe people to trnveliJy iL to I~<tke , . followt>d 8 ortly 11 ter. ~o · r. ' ath·o; effectually ciCI\naing the ayetcm, their great inconvenionce atud loas. F.) hnd nlw;~ye know•l tbf\t. the Coloni1\l I diapclliug colda. headllchu and fnen1 T r 1. d · Secret: ry ,.,·na 11 gentleman, on the tl . . .

he aum o money na.-e for woulJ. 1f occaaiun referred t.o ho : oso higher,


and pcruu\1\en y curmg conahpat1on. granted make tho roatl a\ f11irly goocl one nod p rv\'ed himself more than a It U. given aatia£aclion to million• and and tend in no a mall degree to fncilitat,e ~entlenulll, he provetl himself 1\ ~lA S. m•• with the appru\':tl of the medical travel. He knew that tho rcpnirt to Xor \ 'I'll& he a.•tialicd ,.,·ith send ing , pro£cuion, heclluse it acta oo the Kid· the road Ill ked for wr ro badly ~dell, the Elc:t'mcns to tho rcscuo !Ju t I neya, Lh·er aud Bowels without weak­and he wouiJ do hia \'c ry beat. to hi\ \'c inuned i:,tcly thcrCllftcr (inslcilll o f eumg them And it ia perfectly !rae from the prayer or tho petition Jtronted. returning home with ., f•t:t conaci .. us- I e-.c., objectionRblo aubstAucc. -Hie honorable frie111l Mr. J) utr, member nr er. of hn \'iurr pl'rformcd his tlnty ) Ill! Syrup of Fil{!,ia for sale by All druc· for C&tbonear, muaL nlso he nware ot " · · ,.. ttl b " it · m u 1\'ert. up tu the Ulock Honse (I) wntch l'llla lD 1ue. ~ u~ ~ an • tho necessity for tho ilnprO\'Cment. of the sai ling of the !oll':t llll'r& 11 1111 lh .•ir faclurcd by the Cah!onn.a Ftg Syrup the rolld, and he would no tltouht, join l'r•lh tl•ll· n •lnrn with the C!lslaw:n ·a. Co. only, whoao namo 11 prmted on e\·ery wit.h him in urging that. the boon nelced Fortunately tho little h:~ ntllt .ll l 111l .;11:. 1

packAg~, also tl•? name, Syrup of. Figa, for he l!rAiltc.l. while land.ed at. Ou.~&r Co,.,., lm t r.f th i:l aud bcmg well !"ron!tcd, you will lout

Mr. DUFl' anpportrll the pr11ycr of the fact. no one in St.9John'll w:•.s ll\\'alrl! nt. l acco11t ouy aubshtuto if t\f!'crod. petition. k

,\Jr. Jo'RASP.R prceentrcla petition from the tim~. The pcoplo o f Fhtt. H\X: . GUARD IAN Philip Rynu, anti othcta, of Long Har· dec >If felt su:d :lJlpn:ci.tte•l the net ion bor, on the tmloi.-ct. o f n ro 111. of llon. RoiJ<rL Uvs11l, a mi. hi:t nnmo

J would IJo c\'er cn.Jc:trCll to them. On .Ur. Duom prc11ontr•ltt petition from IJchalf ofthcao peOJile,un1J118 one of thei r

Thomaa DeadJnnd othcra, of Joe flRtt.'a 1 k J Arm, on Lbe suhjecL of n rontl; nnJ from rcprcscntllth'u,he IJcgget to lhnn · t 10 G. Miller and other~, on the anme aub· hon. gcntlemnu for wh:tt I.e l111d done. jcct.. He alt.:Otlt here us on<' of 1 he n•prr s••nta·

Mr. DliFF pret~cntNI n petition frnm ti\·ra of the pt•oph: of:5t.J uhll'e l~:i !! l ,a ll vf W. ·walsh nnd other• of 'alrhunt•llt. on 1\'hom were his constituents, no lll:tttcr the auhjecL of n N Rcl ; nls ., frum .1. ~l..:· whether they \'Olcd for him or ngnins~ Carthy and olhcre, of ~ttdt llo Hill , 1111 hin•, n:!d when 11 momb•·r uf Lito Ou,··

ernmcnL waa l~&kcn ouL of h is hetl nt 6 the !lAme auhjcct. Thc11c ac·\·ernl peti· o'cli)ck on Snntlll'' rnorui11.,. 1,nd his 1tul,\' tiona were rec<'h ·ed a ml or,JrrcJ l•> lie J ,..

011 the t~ble. ' nobl\' to wautls the rescuing of aomc of lito jlco('lc of ::5!. J ohn's F.!lat , he p rr.

NOTI!'F.S o~· Q u f;.'\CIO!'\" F.) wcould IJc recreant. to Ilia du ty to h is Mr. MlinR.\ \' -Tu Mk t.ltu llo:1. ul. conetitnentadid he not ncknon lctll-(•' it .

Secretary, as Ext'Clllivo o lliccr of the Hc d itl uot. Wllnt hia rcm~l rks t9 Lc tllkcn Bonnl of \\'orks, .vht'~her 11. is tho in· in the W:l'' of flatte ry , for tlwy w4•n · t hc t~:lltion or tho Go\'rrnnll'nL to ,{'111-:IIJ.:C J f I t.he sen ·icu of ~t nllltrl)n f~~r tho tiL nut.pou ringa of tho heart. co IIIII' 1 11<11t John'e Hoepitlll in L!lc room vr the lallC m an to IIIIOtlaer. H e II)Cil ill v.·i lcctl l ll Misa Cownn. tll,u•k the lion. RniJert. Unml on lachn lf

Uon. CoLOSLAI. SEl' ltf:T.\ IIY-1 L wns the of 1 ho people of Flnlrl)!:k in Jlltrl icular, intention t.o cn,.;:t):C the sen-ic,•s uf ll nn.l •m IJelutlf of all tho peoplo of St. trAined nurse t.o become :\lat r.>n uf the J ulu.'d l::>tst. in gcner"l, for wha t. he llid Hoepit:ll. lnat l:iunday in 10 r.rompUy sending 11

Mr. ~lunR.\\' -To oak I he hon. tho etcnmr r to rcecuo t1e unfortunnto m<'ll · Pr~mier, a.'t Director of t ho S.t\'in,.a whom he supposcJ t.o IJc drill ing ahou t

Fire and Life Assti i an.ce Co'y.

j U~tl l ED ]

OF LONDON . uoscntnr.o CAPIT.\ L. ....... .£2,000,00:> Stg TOT.\l.I.S\' f:STED Fus os ul'-

WAitOS OF .................... 2,i503~ , A-S~'UAL Isco~IE urw'os oF 850 Stg

Tho GUARDIAN being n firatrcla'll Eng lish ln~urnnce Company, offers &11 thtllll' ntl mntngc11 most llcairnblc to in· Ru rcns, \'iz., Ulhloulttccl stnLility, fnvor­lllolo torrns nn•l prOIII( ·l s t Ltlcmcnt to cluims fur hoi!S.

The Undersig ned h:l\'ing been ap­pviut(.>ti Agents for ~cwfoundlaud are prcpnr<:J to i88uO l'olic iee aga,inat. l1.1sa t. v Fire. • T . .¥. M. WJXTF.R, St. J ohn'&.

J OSEl'II GOODE~, SniJ·.\J!Cnt., liMhor Ornco, N.F .

"' on the icc-flnt'. 8 tUlk, whaL aum WI\& pttitltn the Trua· (To be continued.r Everybody's Law Book te<'ll of St. Andrew's Church fpr the aito on Duckworth Street pnrehrised ror the A DA~UEHOu:5 SEASOX. jg the title o f lhc ne w iGS pnge work lmildiug of n Saving~~' Bank. now in prc5 , p rc pnrcll by J . Alex-

• lion. the Prtt:liiF.R-~I'goliations were At. ihis 1cason of the ycM ohl a nd nuder h.oone L. L.B., member of pending with n \'iC\Y to purchnsing the you!lg 11utrer from the effects of and.lcn the ~ow Y " rk Dar. aile on Duckworth Street, oppos!t.n the cold:c~ nod chilla. Many h n,·r sore th rollt, ll. l'nnblcll C\'cry man and woman ALucru\'nm, on which to er CL n Stnings' huck in~ cough, hoar.scnl'lll, enlarge· to Lc their own la wyer. IL tCilcbes what. B.mk, but. up to tho presont " " dclinitc m <>nt. of tho tonsils nml serious bron· nrc y our rights nntl how to mainl4in acltlcmeut. had been 1\rrivetlnt. chi 1l t rou iJlea.' Suc.h tr.>uLlcs ahould t.hcm. \\'hen to bcs;in a lnw auit. &nd

ORDER Of' TilE 0 ,\ Y. not. \Jo nrglcctcd ; they Jemnntl immedi· when t.o shun on<.'. 1L con wine t.bc use· Mr. L. O'B. F URI.·>!'\ti-Hofore the ate attention 1nd cart!. ful iuformntiou C\'ery business man

llouae p~cdetl funhcr wi th the busi· It ia plcRaing to nolo that of our LeaL ncc1l11 in e \'l'ry Rlntc 10 tho Union. It Ol'aa Of tho day, he Lhou~ht. it. a n Oppor· rhyaiCilllll are Mh·iaing the uao of Hur- contuins 1Jusint'8S forms of C\'ery vauiet1 tune time to m11ke a few rt!lllllrks on a vl\nl bronchial t1yrnp us " cnrc for nil useful to the lnwycr ns woll as to all subject., the importance of which wonlll auch forma of colds. Nd othc'r pre· who luwo lcgnliJusincas to tranact.. IJe felt. to be duly upprecinted lay hon. pl\rnlion known to medical n en hu Jncloec two do!lara for a copy, or in­members on both ailil' il or the h(,uao. e \'t:r gi,·cn auch delight a :ltiaf~&c· clo~o Lwo-ccnt postngo atnmplor,. table He referred to the loss of life at. J.o'lnt.- tion. A few dqeca will b11niah any of ~ontents nnd tonne to agont11 Ad· rook a few dnye aincc, when a number oruina'ry cough, hoaraene~a or aore dress DE~J • w. HITCHCOCK, Pub­of men from thaL sctllcn· cnLnnd neigh· throat, nod a twenty live cent. bottle liah<.' r, 3:->5 Si xth Avenue, New York. boring places went off on the ice in will do wonder• for thoae who havo July. 2S i' 3, lv queat. of acala. The atory or tho aad in· hC<'n suffering for days aod ween. -cident. scarcely needed recapitulation, Hanard bronchial eyn11> baa bccoane but It &11 t.be f&()ta connected therewith popular owing to ita hontsty and grent may not be known, be would cra\•e the curative properties. It. never fails t.odo ~Ot1/!,f1!Qt pardon or the houee Lobe permiLted to ita work with the old or young. Tho ijv J! go eligbUy into Lhe d11taila. He had children Jove it O\\'ing to ita palatable- 'iJir.a~t been to the funeral of the two victima neu and 1 weet.neu, and once used they 'f y C A of t.he diaaeter, and the hcartrendinc will take no other. Aa " banisher of cries or relatione of tho dece~ted would croup it baa no equal in the worlcl. " have touched a heart. of adamant. Thtt. Every home ehoyld be provided with a death of tho two boys caat & gloom over large twcnty·five cent bottle. Harvard the whole place, and the incident. will bronchial ayrup has a1wed many a

tilt Sicknes·s Comes­b~{orc Buying a Bottle of

PERRY DAVIS' not Ue fOJ'IOtt.en for many days. A few child's life. d•y• since tho wjnd and tide swept tho ~__,....,..... ......... ~. ---::::-great northern icofield into our ahor<'l -A VERY SiruL BABY.-Th,o smalr and hopes r&D bigb amonsJt OUr ht.rdy cat. baby.yet 'reported had IJeen born in aealen. The bustle ,r preparation, tho Killingworth, a village nbout eighL gathcrio1 togetht>r of knivea, belts, m~lu weat.' ofEuex, Conn. 'Ibe Pl\reut1 sheathe and lltl.Jer aealing.gear,wu visi· are Swcdn. · ble io.e•ery •illago in the neighborhood, The father ie employed IJy a fllrmer and in no place ao much ao ae in tho cutt.lng timber, and weighs about 100 litUe eetUem·mt of Flatroek, a few mill'S pounda. The mother ia a etont., healthy north of Turbay. Amongst. othen , a woman weighing J>4',tba_pa 100 ponmJe. ~ang of nino persona le ft. th~c, includ- The child ia a male, as perfectly formed mg Richard P~&raona am} hia two 10 01, It any being can be, and at 1ta birth one or whom wit ae\'cntcon tho otbor wci ghccl eight ouncea. Ita race is about ool1 twelve .roara old. It wodld •cry the aiae or a horae cheatnut.. A ring naturall7 be aid Lh t•he J,vtor wa al· worn on tho little finger or the m otber 1

• .. ,. 1

• Wit e' aaily elip""'d over bia ~oot nearly toKether too young t.o faco auch dan· r-

f?..t\KNoKKLLE~ '1ou may need it lo·night

.J. J. MURPHY, A1wtioneeJ·&: Oommi88ion Agent,


,.. Co1111iP.lmenta aolioited. Goode auct.ioned Wlt.hou·~ delay.

18- PrompL returns antl aatitfaetlon gttl\ nlnteed.

gera; but. the inaLlncL ana ~avery of up to the knee. the senuine Newfoundland fiaherman It is the opinion or the attending phy- A Beaut'I~U I M . Wit ln hia brea•t, and ho jolnro in the aici•n Lhat. the child will Jive. 'fhe II ua,c ohaae with all the ardor ot Newfound· cbild is ao emallthat t.hree or ita ·kind j New Monthly. ~ • land "CJULh. Tho party were not Jon~ could play bide-and·acek in a clgnr box. a... 1 b • t' • 1 ~:~~ _"

" • b · b , ~~ u acr1p um, • ·f"V pe.r year ; au on the 1ce w en t~ egan to move. ol ·~ -;-Minard'• Liniment, Lumberman's! f»right. popular and copyright Claeaical ibe ahore1 owing·to & eutlden change in Fr1cnd. &nd Standard Melodies, . tho wino ; and t.l•en · followed o. wilr.l ecramble for the shore o.nd fot life. I~ PIL Sll'IL;rl;;;lNO ML£8. I" Our Monthly Musical Gem." wu found impouliJlu Lo r.~nch tho ahoro SniPTOMs-Moieture; lntenao ilchllli; Tho Hi'ndsomeet. Muaio llontblJ oYer •t. t.he spot. where they had left it, eo tho anti stinging.; moe c. at. nicbt.; worae IJy ' iasuod in Ameri~ Containa 8 oompo­meo were forced to walk further aontb acrAtcb\n~. If t.llo1fed to continuo aitione (all copyright){· 4 inalrumea\al

here the headlands jutLe<l further tumora form whicb oRen bleed and Ul• and 4 \'Ocal, wit.b r ano acoompanl• into lhe aea, ~nd wl_l!re they hopt'~ cerate, becoming very aore. SW.l\"S£'8 m enta. 82 ~ o mualo, wllll ea· to elf~r. a lt.n<hog. NI_ghL ae ttlod O\'er I OntTM£JCT atope the iLohing and IJh cd· iltavod tiUe<l eonr, lit.bograpbed to the dreuy Wllato of lee and 11 colt!, ing beai. uleel'lltion and in moat. cast a o()lora and embeJllabed wlth Cl'aJN­buter ni~thL ic. WAs, the m e.n sufforC<l rcn:o-.ca the &nmora: At druggieta, or OKrlncsa of aome maalcal oolebril) in fearf!Jl.ly, Lho boya wor.el Yen 1n A wu~ao by mail, Cor 50 ccote. Dr. Swayne & vignette. lnoloeo 26 oeata for a apeal-condlllun. In truelhng O\~r the lee Son, Philadelphia. men copy. Liber.d terma to A«ea&l tht-y h!ld fft'quobotly f~tllcn 1nto holt'S --- Addrl'U BE~J. W. HITOHOOCJC, or water, and t oir clot lil-t~ 1ro1o Qo Minaru'a Linimeut. Ia uaer.l by PJ1y1i· Publisher, as.; tlhth AYe., New YOI'k. tbom. 1n a tborL time tbe elder IUC· · oi&DI. 1u17 28,17.





Page 3: D. - collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18940406.pdf · YtlLt: F. xxxy (TWO noLf,ARS I'IO:U YF.AR) HARBOR G1:.\f"E; NFlD.FRIOAY, APRIL G, 1894.

. ·

DONl ·!WORRY! . . . .. ·TRY .





AMERIGAN NET ·& TWINE C~. Commercial Stre~t11 Boston Mass.





-.\T. o- ·

Cod) Trap and Herring Nets. All ol' the \"e1T lle ' t Q:wli ty anu :1\I:\do of Out·

Shepard · Gold - Medal - TWINES of which \ \'I! .1re the only manuf:wtmeri! . rliir Or,Jers l,v letter or wire

prom 1itly and ~ati~factori ly executed:

Highest :twnrd s at Boston. I G9: Philnc.lclphla. 1876 Lonuou, l•~ishcrics Exhibition, lSS3. ·

i.! lld len· Illustrntccl rntnlo,!!tiC.




Sick Headache, Constipat ion, W eak -Stomach, Impaired Dig estion,

Disordered - Liver: --:- and -:- Female - Ailments. 'frJ E :--.\ LE T. • ~0\\' ~TX )riLL ION BOXE.' YEARLY.

J8r Fl'l. l. lHHE<;TJ0~:-1 WITII ~.\C il n OX. ~

S"' Pn1-:J>Att ED o~I.Y nY THE PnnPtUE-ron-

THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire. .'old by nil Druggis ts nnd Pntenl-)leuicine Deniers, everywhere. .

C. KNOWLINtJ, t • • John':;, Agent for Newfoundland.

Worth thelr Weight in .Gold. Dr. MORSE'S INDIAN

Root Pills.

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Dr. Morse's ·· Indian RootPills.

Dr- MORSE'S INDIAN Root Pills-

Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills.

To Save Doctors Bills· use Or. Morse's ln,dian Ropt Pills. _..,._....,... ___ _.............._: .................. ...........,... ........ "'"""'....---

.Best Family Pill~ Use i ----- . -'FOR BAisE BY ALL DEALERS.

K EEr TilE WORIUI IN 000D ORDER. Norm•n,Ont,Jannnry 16, 1!110.

W . 11. ColiATO<'K, Drotk'lo' llltt, Ont DtUR S IR,- Your" Dr. llforae'llndiDD Boot

l 'llls'' oro the best re~tuiAtpr lor tho 171t.em lhr.l humnnlty enn ute. 1.1re Ill oe tbe Umo plt'<:e: •trAil nnd tlolleato nro mony 0 1 Ita woru. A tiny panteleor rore11n lnblt«nce ntlhere to tho •mnllcaL wheel In worlrl,and whnt. 111 tho rcaniLT-11&. nrat , 0011 "1U1bt •llfl'crenec 11 prt•eoptlblo In Ita llme-koeplllc, bul woiL you ; 111:tbe oblc!rvallon «row1, c.be ltrt"~tUIRrlly ~mce greater until nL tan, \to'hOL COUld hove been r<ellhcd Wltb IIUie trouble, In lllll lK'IIDin(. Will DOW ~ulre much t'Rrl' In thoroufbl7 t'leunllug lho en· tire work. So lt. I• o human lito-a IIIIJbL tlernngcmenL hlnegleot.ed, It grow• and rn­crtn!ICII, lrr.perct>pllbly DL llrn, then rapld­ly until what. eould, In tho bt'(lnlulf, ba•• been cured wllb little trouble ~- al­most fata l. To prev~nL tbllt, \ lldY all to

uri()' the 1y11em O'equenu,., by t ue or ~l orao'• Pilla, ond 10 prttiCf\'O vi and • I· tallty. \'oura rallhtillly, H. F. ATW&LL.

TOE TRA.VF.I.LEIUi' BAFEOUA.nD. A Dllfll\lldUIJ Pond, N.S., JAn. 27,10.

W. R. Comnock, IS~kYIIIt!, OnL. D.·nr Sir ~Yor many 7f'ar11 I hiVe bt!t'D a

nrm believer In your • Dr. irorae•a lndlab J(oOI. Pll :a." Not. with aueb a blind raUb. bat "conndcn~ wronf ht by an actual penonal oxpcrlent.'C or th,c r valoo aad moriL My bUJIIDUII II IUOh .lbllt. I IJ'C!nd maeb oT my time awa-y from home, aad I would ao& eGI\­IIItlcr ..,,. travotiiD.I on&41• eomplet.e wiUaod& G bolt 01 ~orto'tt I'll Is. Yeara. ac.,


Baraehol1 Harbor1!f.8. la 1. 11, '10 W . B . ComltOC'k. BtockYII~OaL

Dear Slr,-Tbla II to certltJ &bil\ I deal ID PaCt'nL JoledlclaH, lneludlnc Yartoua kJDda or Pill I. I Mil more ot l.beJ>r. Monn'• IDcllu Roo&. Pill• tbaa or a ll &be o&bera eomblaed. Thelralu I Gad are ILIII lnor.ular.

Yoon. ttc. !'(. L. NIOUOLIOW


Legislative Council. - -o--1'11lliU!D.n-, M11reh 29.

'The hou1c nwt at -1 .30 o'clock p.m. On motion or hon. Mr. Unrvry A Lill

fo,r n~olishin~ the JlrACii• (' Of CllgrOASinl pubhc documrnts on 1 nr<:hnwut. wa1 rentl n thinl tinil', p11U1•l onll ordrrP.d to he sen t. to t!tc Huu11o •·f A,.., 1111 I\' with mruu~o tl .:• i 1 t.i,. 1, . ... ~ .. 1 •.• ,1 puued the sumo with• t.t : Ill• ••·'"" 11t1.

Tho hon. tlw 1'1 .. .. r~ , : informed the hou11c that l1c J,a I 11 ,. 1'1'•1 1\ tuuaoge from thu H '.'""'' ,.r ,\,..,. n~lrly ncquaint.­lllg th<> l."fhllul i\'•· L'uuncll thnt JL hAll (ll\lll1Ctl11 IJt ll r :n:iuj; 1\) nruitmtion and rcqucatinJ; tl .. · l'••ll\'llrrcnto <rf the Coun· cil on the ""II'"·

On nu•tioru ur hon. Mr. · Han·cy tho Arbitr-.uion llill WHI reAd a liraL limo anll unit ~~~,1 tv ltu rt ,,J a accontl tim., to·morrow. .

1'ho !.on. ·Mr. liAnn;y lniJ on tho table of the lt~ .uso tho following tlocu· menta r<'ct:i ntl by II ia EJtcelleucy tho Gov~rnor :-

Chnn~;• t1 in l.oundnrio•e ofEJucational Diatricta for the yur ondiug March 13, 1894.

Anuunll!lnt• nt('nt of Mutual Life Aa· •euranco C1 n1pnny for yt•nr 1 8~3.

Anuunl etntcmcnt ol'' Wnlrna " Com­pany, l S!J:l.

Hcp• rt or lnspcC'tor of Congr('gAti<'n:tl Schot•h• ft•r l !•3.

Report cof Hrgietcr GenC'rRI for 1893. On moaitm ot !ton. Mr. Hur\'cy, the

huuac udjc>U rnl II until 1\luml~ty nc:~: t , at 4.30 o'l'lcck 1',111.

- The gr<'Atcst speed attnitu cl Ly enil· ing sltite, nt•e,rJin~: to Mulhal , w~te l•y tho Jnnu·11 J:rtinu,4:!0 miles in 24 houra, amltht• Fl~ iq,: C'lt111c l, 418. 'J'Ite J11e·k<'~ rl\11 2~SO mil•t~ in Ill I'Cn tl:tn•, a\'(•mging 325 miles n tlay. •

UIIEU~t.ITI•ll Ct'J:t·u IS .1 0 .\Y.-Soulh A ntt"ricnu Hht 11 111.11 i(' ('urc·,rvr Hh,.uma­ti&m nml Xc•urul~ i :• , rntlil':\IJ~· t·une in 1 to 3 tlll\'11. ll rt 111 0 \'ll:l nt o nCl' the cauae nnd the discttHc i mmrtlintcly dia11ppt>1U11. The first cl<'!'l' ~:rrntly l1('m lit!'. i5 cents. Sold loy \\'. 11. Thompson ~t Co.-Jn. 5. -lOw.


"When I was a Boy," Writl'l'l Postmn.ster J . C. Woovso~. Forc1>t. IIIII, W. Yn., "I had n broD­chial trouble of s11ch a persistent and stuboorn character, that the doctor prouonuccd it incurtthle with ordinary medicines. and atl\'ised me k> try Ayer'a Cherry l,ectoral. I dill so, nncl one bottle cured me. For the last firtl•cn years, 1 have used this preparat ion with good effect whene,·er I take

A Bad Cold, nncl 1 know or numbers or people who l•cep It in the house nll the time. not. l'llll. itlering it safe to be with­out it.''

" I uR\'O been using A)·er•a Cllrrry Pectoral In my family for 30 ye;na. wltb tho mol!t aatlsfactory reeulas, and can cltccrfull~· recommend It u being upe­cltilly Blluptct.l to nil pulmonary COIJI· plaint~. I hll\'O, for man~· !fllrtl, ma•lu pulmonary ami other nltllicluun 11peclnl Btlul~·. nntl I hn,·e como to the conclu!!lou tliat Ayer'a Cherry Pectornl occnt•lu a posltlvn pr!!-41mlnent over other DIC:Ill­

chlC:I or tho ciASII.''- Cluu. Da\'enport, Don :r, X. J .

Ayer's Cherry Pectoral --- " A Lrauliful "-'Onl:\11 in :t l eulliful wl•ich !u~ n tonit• o.ft'ct , I ehoahl ucL

Tl) boi I rh-c or mncoroni in :1. gown" is the wny t hry tlol'Criuc lu r. Lo nhlc to ke,•p up Anti ,,o ·k harJ . I'~p:orc.J br Dr.J . C. Aytr&: Co., Lowell, Yaa&

Promptto act, sure to cure tlo uhl c \' C~scl Qr in n jack e t, in "Tho Hcv. Dr. ~lorg:~n Dix fin . J :~ fnult ·' I rccc.m:n:mole.J p,,ine'd cel<>ry con-which the in:;itlc rcccptnc le is full wiLh li'Omr n," snyllthc ~cw York ::i1111, JICrun.J I•) ·~ fti nl who clinetl whh 1111 of JlCrforalinn:o~ that nil o w the water "for thinkinJ: murc n!Jnut thdr oeraon- p·stt r.Ja_,., nn·l on Je4 ving here eho

., al chums Lh:111 nLtmL llu ir soti!a, uuL n•cnL n111l uou•·l•t a l.ottle. I •l•all ·'·' to boil in :Inti nm., is considered nn ,.. · 1 J · ., " u ..

- TH:t-

QUEEN . ru 111 ~ a Lei cnuc as fN•Ia 1 t l)t-r tluty to :\II I c:1n fur 11. for I LC'Iic\'e in it." itupro,·cmcnt in cooking. ioatntcL lh<'m :1e tv the urat.u!'coftho~c ~o tin! sol'i l t)· 1r.>nuu1, whose health

---- charms in the llltniumcnt of 1\ 'currccL nntl gr:tcc :tro lantoua the country o¥er, Aak fu :\linonl"11 nml tnkc 1~0 other. nnd clrgauL cnrri:l~l',' 1\1111 hy the pr., p{'r nn•l who i11 in :1 po11ition tll command

---- · Drti11tic cnro of tho Loch·.' In htr l' icw tho LeaL mcdicnl n,h·icc, linda in Padne'a Insurance - Coy.

Tl.c· t•i l tof th•· Xorw· s:i:111 CIXI I.h·cr tho aoul cJtprcuu itsi•lf through th c> celery c •mJuottiHI the anmo relict from is untun:'d ~raud n · .. tvrnthl', ntul is 1 body, ami action goes on lrl'll\'l't' ll th~ the ~:m.ct " .,( .,,·,•p\'ork :u11l illuces tn11 t only luund in iL• cntir.t.y nml purity in t"·o, with the r('ettiL th:1 t plll·siCJ\l gr.ICt· tho pvvr• r h tr,lcr working womnn Milll•r's Emul~ion, '' the kind thut curca" haa a moral ,·alut·." - fintla. '

Lost inlhe Gt·ent Conflngt t\tion the sum of

$541,000 ~Ills, coughs, hrvnchiti11 nntl nil ~free- A a Mn. Jcnncaa:~Jil lcr ia known the A ntl thie ~rt.'at remctly thnt makes taonli of the t hrnnL n_ml !unge. E1•~ry worltJ C.\'cr_for her a.liCRa on tlrcu rofonu, ' p<'ople well 11 .rqn~lly wilhin the reach botlJe wnrm!•tcd. .:'oi o ,oaly Laato lake 10 her .aaaler, _JIJa~a MllLd ~cnncea, 1 of all. lL is for s:\ld in e\'<'ry rcapec~ othC'n . . Iu bag Lottlcs, "Ot•. nnd $1.00, whose hkenne 11 ga\'Cn nbo\'c,,IS ct'le· ~ulo drug eloro in the country, aml it is

nnd the

at dn~g1ste . br.t.ctl for her cntentlo for phyaacal cul- l 1n gr<'l\ter tlemnntl to·tlay thnn any ---- ~uro among the gt.nth' r.ar x. . . . 1 rentt:tiY in the woriJ. . .

QUEEN INSURANCE CO. pnid out to 308 of its patrons. whose policies were iuvolvea in the fire, exactly n ~Jimilnt 1\lllOttllt, Yiz.,

1\ct·p :\JiJnrd'a Linimrllt iilthc House Jhr l}'l letn or I•" YIIICill Ira I IIIII~ .. It Ia the one lrJIC 11pecalic for llaeeaeC41 attracting a gren~ d•·AI of nttcntit.u. arieint from a tlcl•ilitlltf'tl ur n ·oua aye·

A DJ:;TJH::S."' ~G Con; u often Clllla<'S the "She is hendf t\ society J:i rl, 1•n,1 yet tem, probably tho m06L rcm:trkablo frie111la or the 1111ff, r. r :1s much JUlin as tir.d1 lim<>," enye tho Sun, ·• tn pr~&clice I rr metly thl\l.. tho acientitio rC'ar :trch of tho eulfcr er l.ime('ll , n1hl ~ol10altl n•cl'i"o her IJt l<'ln, nntl in, Lito mideL of lt r r tl:ie country hne produced. l'r._,r. &1-immu !ilttc nttcut i .. n. l>r. \\'JoUR's mnllitullinons tint ira is ne\'er tirctl, warJ K Phclp,, M. D., L. J. D., of Dtlrt­BAI.SA~ o~· \\'u.u l'111:1;J:\' Bl,ee<lily cures n.o•rr ail·~. dOC!'n'~ know wheN her month collt'gr, lir:~~ pre•criul't.l what ia coughs, cuJ.!,., it.llutnz.l, 10re throat, 6tc. t:enes are, amlaa A elrolng<'r to hend· now kno,.,n ~ho world owr tie Pnine'e and in lllllll)' wdl attr:.tl•tl euea it hu aehea." The rcaaon is nppArcnL in a celery componntl, a p06ith·o cure for offt:ctlll n }•t r~tll cure of cont umplion. letter written July 1~, 1 'tl3, from W uh· I tlyepcpPi", bi lliunancu , li vcr complaint,

- -- io~ton, D. C: . • . j neurAigi:l, rhonmatillm, nutl kidney

$541,000 JOHN ·coRMACK.

Agent, St. Jolm's. A. 'f. DRYSDALE, Agen t, IInrt,or Grnce. -Dintn0111l tnul :~ nr., mnde of ·I \\'Riinducctl," wralu ~1 111 Jenntu, Lrouules. For the Iutter P•iuc'• celery

vure taruoll <•r black dinmoncl set. "to try P~tine'e cell•ry compvuml at a compound hne encccetlod ngain and nrllll \' in the Cllk of 1\ steel rod. limo whcu I 1\'IU Pllff~ring from over again where e\'orything oleo has failed. PH<ENIX 1'he (li:lnlOll•l in this case i!4 very wnrk nnll the effect of an accitlt nt.. ( 1 Wuhin.-:ton corrC3pnnJo::nt.-~ h:~ vc ro-urittlr. :llld hn:t t o be used with hegan im~ed!ately to rcftlize tonic ami c~nlly gil•en it'!' greM ll~:\1 of lltt.cntion FIRE ASSURANCE CO

. , . . blOoll-nouraahani eflecta. I lnkc ple1\· aance tho eur'-'& HI ~huL cat\', I . care hy lm ngu'!g t.t to tts w~rk auro in llllying that , Rlthough opposetl The mctlical journ"l" o( the country - -grn<lualh 1 :\1\d II wtll not cut wtth to metlicino in general, l really conahl('r 1 h11vc gi vcn mllrc e\Jace in tho lut few LONDON: • snf.Sl y def'lJCr thnn ono thirty- thia An u ccllent preparntion. ye11rs. to the mnn remnrkablo caeca LO~IDARD STHEET AJ.~D CHABING secontl Qf an inch . ~uch n tool is I "I have ·~ot bt!en 1\Lic Lo take ono where tho usc of · o':i celery com- I CROSS. eo mew hut ex pcnsi\·e, costing fro m clay's rc sL a w ee I rctu.rncd from my pound hu ml\tJe . p ople w~ll th11n to JIST \ B L TSH E 0 _ • _ I~ l7 ~ 2 fi .50 to 865.--Hnrd wnre. lvug, . hnr.t ll'<'&(~rn, trap. r nm suro a!'y oth<'r one suLJcct . . Try tt ant! ffnd I "' ' ·

_ __ wero 1t nut for ~·uno a celery compound, 1 \'Igor, health and now hf<'. • TRUSTEES AND DIRECTORS:

The Familw K edicine. Jo.eJ:!l w. Buendnl~, EIQ. • J • I • Brlatow Bovill • .:.q.

-The extent of future rnalrond Tm-: Dut.'T\' of ha,·intt a bottle of . L. Tho Hon. Jamu B7DC• building is be"inning to be dis-~ ?crry Davie' Pain K illrr 1n lh~ houa~ Jub~~~\u~ Cnope,!Wt., u .P. TronL Lalct'; Ont.. Jan. 2, 1800.

W. H. Co)I&TOCK, Drockvi'll<', Ont. Dear Sir :-Your Dr. Morae's I:Jdian

Root. Pilla are tho bea~ medicine for rbculnatiam Lhat I have ever uaed. Last. spring I wae troubled gr~a lly with it in my lep ; I used one box o( ~[orae'e PiU., and w•• cured.

Yours aiatefully, A LL£.'( 0UJ'PD£1.L.

Mn. Languish. "'Tired! Ob, 10 tired all Lhe Lime I" Mra. Smart. " WoU, ao I uted to bo until I began to tnko A1er'1 · Saruparilla 111 a 11priog medi­cine, .-nd now I don't. know what. it. ia to baYe t.bat t ired feeling. Try iL, my dear : only be aure you get Ayer'a."

0. C. Rtcuurs & Co 0ENTS,-Y1 daughter waa appa~ot,..

ly .. ~ tho potnt or death with di, .. t.er­rible diaeue diphtherin. All rcmediea bad failed, bu~ MfNAlW'S-LJNUIENT "Cured her; nnd 1 "·ould ennlcally re­commend it. lo All who may be in need ol. good f~mily mcdiclfle.

· Jon~ D. lloUTIJ.JE. French Villnge.

DEAFNESS COMPLETELY CURED. An1 penon 1uO'ering froin Deafotu, Notaea in tbo H c:ad, &:c., may learn or a new, simple treAtment, which ia pro•· ing •ery tuccoaaful in completely cu~ log caaet oC all kim.l1. F ull particulan, looludiog many uuaolictt.ed t.eati­mooial• and ncl\'8Jlll(>Clr preaa notiece­will be aent poaL freo on application. The 1ya&em i11 witho1tt doubt, tho moaL auaee~~Cul over brunght before tbe pub­lic. Addrea, Aur.tl Spceialiat., All)anJ BoildinpJ . ~1 Viotori& Street, Wea~ mloater, umuou. 8. W.

cuascd by some eminent wri terl! of 11,thaL you are prepared for the · woraL, 1 oeor~;o Anbur Ji\iller1 Elq. C Cl I tb P ' Kill . Cbarlel E. Oooclulr1 &lq

the day. Not.n few tnke the ground I ~up .or 10 era, 8"' . •11~ er 11 a .N. Rbodo Hawklu• Eaq. . "' •

t hat. the construction of new lines eoH•rca~n remedy. 200· Bat boU-le. · a ;r John LubbOck, bin.., M.P. . . . . I C..'barlu Tbomu Lucu, Eaq. must be hmtteil , claumng that the Northern cbarluMaano,.,~ world now b ne nbout all it needs · · Tbo Hon. Edwin rortmu, ~-" D~.tdleJ Robert Sm}lh, Elq. for ml\ny yenl1J to come, b~t others A c j Wlllla~.~~~~~,:X'hompiOn,Baq. Jao)d a differer.t view and point to ss u ran ce 0 Ron. nlreeto~OUN J. BLOOMFUtLD,Kaq. the amnll mileage in many sections 1 W&Lt.tAJI c. MAODO:CALD I Jolat

• Fa.utOill B. UACDO:CALD ~ Beere\arliL of our country, ns well 111m other · 1 --l ands The effect thnt decrenscd Tbllencarementaortbi•Otllc:e arcparaD-. · · · Established 1836 teed b7 a numerou~t and wcallbT Proprte-u llroad butldmg would haYe on u r1,1u addllton to a larce ln•eated Caplt.al; iron constunptiot\ is being dicussed , LONDON: !,.nbtc~bc~af~.mtt~~~t.l~l:,~.s ,.11~':11~etwt~ and in this connection l:ion. Aunun .... n.knowu and arumowl~pd. f S H

. . 1 } '{ 1 'MOTIGATE STREET - E. c. Tbe lmportant'O or tb• \ranaacliOnl 0 \.be • emU, 10 n ett~r tot 1e ,, nnu- : '- . J'Jl<ENIX PlllE OJtl."JOE

facturers' Record, gtves tho follow- ISCOlt.E .L"o FUNDS (1887.) may be utlmat~ n-om tbe raettbat •Lace lta ing vie lfS : " I sh oul :1 s~y thnt F!r•. Prem~ume ....................... .£60'i,OCO ratabllsbmeu&.-now onr o K • Hv•»n • . • th ho b '1 r . r . d Llftl PremiUms ........................ 197,000 \'&AJUI-lbe paymenta ID aalllt'lw!tlOD or Lbe

e 1 Ulf.'e- hu! .< mg ~rl\fOll tdrou lonn lntcrceL ................................... 148,000 el~~~6~U;:~~~~·ouc:eedodJo"'URTD!C a tee , w 1tc 18 no" m u eve p- Accnmulalcd Funds ............ .£8,421 000 . .,.. I~•urance• aiaan•t ~ b7 Fire -• ment would absorb quite ns much The Untloraigncd aro empowe;;i to • LIJChlnln~t art' errectro by u.o COm~NU~7 apoa steel ~s the rail ronda hnve h ereto- ('ft"ect. inllurnncee on all kinds of Pro- ' •::~~t~r!~'!.u or l'ropen,., ou lb..• moet fore done for new construction. rert.y in.Newfoundl4od at. currcot.Ralea I W. 0 RE~DELL, St.. Johns We are living in,.nn nge of force of Prenmame. : ArtrnliJ for Newfoundland. ext.ended in in. crustrinl directions .. ~eaboyeCompanyaawcll:known.ror I I do not. pre\end• to estimnto tho lteltberabtyandprompt.noaameoUhng J . \V. l(ENNEDY, limit.eofit$.npplicntion •. Ps:actic~l- 108

r:pcoLuscs, Foctllll of application Boot and Shoe·- Maker. ly, all that one ·genernt.ion mhents for Fire and Ufe Inauraoce, and al- j • is the work of tho generntio n im- olher infonnation can be obtained aL Comer Victoria and Water Bu. mediatelv preceding it No doubt. \he omce of.

0 ~ ARD l:n,. deacrlpUoD or L&:\'Tn:ERWAAB

t.he progiess of invention will lead A. • llAY\ • made ud nltalnd. · to new avenues of consumption.'' Age~ lo~~~.LD. WL Hand-eowt'Cl Work of all kioda a

-- w. H. TIIOHPSON, 1;!J?f'('=i::":11·!::Y:-:· ========== -An . im,entor hns pntented a • .. A • r II bor G -

1 C\t.u- ~reo .. aor ar race , L.. •·L- j •a*' .. ltn"'!ll•"' device for illuminl\ting keyho es -a• .u.. • •• u-..• which promises to be a boon to u r J RUSSELL penona out late at. night. A rP.- · Yl • • ' -.&lro-

ceaa in the door frame hol\ts a tiny Hase, Sign&. General Painter ~:'rt~!.?cs~~t.!t.~":; incandescent lamp which is li1Jbt- Vcne!i1m Dlinll;;;;;d;,-refitted and rc- t!:'!1:J.:.~~=~~a:::.'l\::,=~bu. ed by a puah button. · Tho light ted j tJo.azrn011a RAna· P..H ..... , is Rufficient not only to illuminate Gr-.i..io~ and h:ld! • ·O..k neally done. f!:.':fat=W' IOfonlP ... ...-1._ ._

the keyhol e1

buL to permit the late LeUeriog and Si~n Paintin~-~!peclal~y. ~~~~=~t::=~C:.'1J:If'.= Batlafactlon guaran~. eou\laaatlOD. B~il raa.I'WU....or oco comer to select readily the proper Residence- ..-uaa. ne •••• 01 ~ .,.._

~IOTORIAST., HARBOR.GRAOE. ~~~ .... -.••ta •• be .,...... lltl U. key from the bunch. -·- ..

Page 4: D. - collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18940406.pdf · YtlLt: F. xxxy (TWO noLf,ARS I'IO:U YF.AR) HARBOR G1:.\f"E; NFlD.FRIOAY, APRIL G, 1894.

').'liB HAR~OR GRACE Sl'ANDARD ~~~~~~~-,~==~~~~~======~~~===================~~==~============~~======~======== --;;; - -HARBOR GRACE STANDARD frozen mutton, besides 11000 tone of IN Tilt: RtGHT DJRECTWN.-It is I All the snme, it is good ~dv_i ca to

dairy products and otner goods. pleasin~ indeed to notice that quite · t,hoao t~mpted to chnnge the1r lot , - ·' ·" ·· - R The Question will here force it- n tidy httle fleet ofaniling craft are ,. to co.nstder th~ m~Lt-er well t of ore

CO!ICEFTION lt\ 'l ADVRRTlS~ · self ........ \Vhen will the time come the pre ent season engaged in the malung up thetr.nnnd , ami to make -~;; .. L ...... 1 •• ~r-d \',•11 '"" ' •-JII~Ihl ol lor when Newfoundlnnd sbnll bo seen prosecution of the seal fishery, re- as sure as legal• d Ot.'Utnents .can tht opinion• .,x,•r .·.-....:.l by uur wm·"1"''"

1• moving ,in the snmo direction'/ minding one of the good old times I make, thnt agreements entered mto

eoT~•n•lt'nL n•h'C'rtl-!u,: 1'-,r""'' 1~ n•h·•ne<-. She, it cannot be <.leniou, hns with- when s uch could bo counted by will be carried o ut. ,., , ..... ,. ut lllr\h·, .u .• rr .. u;•·• n~l.l IJ,·atlur, v 1 tn cr1et~ rrcoor,. au··~-· wr~ ·~ a&cC\•m.,auytnc in her borders all the requirements hundreds, nnd when .tho cntch s e- • ours lru Y, . . ;!:te~ notice• "'•ll 11"' chu~".:"" rur "~ r•·¥ular necessnry to the growth nnll sue- cured by them nssumed proportions April·l. HJ..A I H. H. Corre~pon•lv"'u:~~ u n aay '(:a'•J.:ct or ;entr.,l cess of the business. \Vho, then, it never hns since they were re-

~~~~~~W~\7.'; .. ~~~~~i:;. ~.~C:.'t~~~~- trout uuy wiU be found enterprising enough plnced by s tonmere. 'fho 11ingle fTo Tm: EOIT • .IH Ol' Til ~ n:.,~n.wu.j _____ , _ __ --- ~~ ... ~,~~,- to m·ako n determined effort, nnd 110rt of Trmity clcnrcd this spring D•~\!thRc'.~· ... •lotlll'lllit

1c,l ·.uHI furiou~t

Fmn\\', Aa·ull. u, I "J I. tltus help to place Newfoundl!md n~t fewer tl1nn ten fine schooners, •• ' on n level with other countries in aggregating GOl tons · burden onslaught is mnde on om lnw-

Thc crisi:; nt pr9Sent and for n the nboYe regard-that i~ as an ex- and cnrrvin~ 243 men. Cnn it be court~, by which the maje ·ty l•f the IJllort ' tJ'ttlC 11.·•st llCO<li ll~ ut Sl. f f ? " Jn,,· 1·., 'hre" tcno•l w1'th bein" •- porter o • rozen meats . snid thnt t is is a hnrbinger of " " ~ •• ' 0

John·~. consequent upon t Je .'tate In vie w of the pleasing cir.cum- whRt will soon Le nn accomplished brought into contempt. it. is time Trirtls, i ~ held to be o no of the s tnnclY alrendy l'ecordod in those fact i that the time will como for e\'ery right-thinking ci tizen of gm,·c t in the history uf tho Col- colurnns-of the fnct that, nnmoly, agnin when the seal fishery will eYer)' party, or of none, to pul>lic ly on". Tltc Rituation is :lllugcther '( R ( R · 1 1 ' d k protest ·' . ·' r . · . :1. e tc, t 10 w1 enwa · o con- once more be prosecuted solelv by · · without a p:uallel, 1\llll full of ::!Crt· trttc tor o f the NP.wfoundlnnd North- sniljng Yessels-when the steniners Ju,dgo Winter is ~ingled o ut fo r ou:~ pM:>ibilitie:~. Thnt anxiety ern nnd Wc ·tern Rnilwl\"'• is to will he a mcmor\· of tho J>ast? It attack now, but it will be the turn nntl .··l."rltl ~l\lllllll Le l'~ll niHl np- J J of the ltt'ef Jtt"tt'ce il l\•l JtJIIgc .. • ' - ... obtain from tho Dominion GoYern- will be h oped so by thout~nnds here ' "' ' · prehellllctl, is not much to be won- ment n subsidy for n fust line of aull else\Yherc. Little by and l•y, i f they render dered :1L. 1 • a similar verdict.

01" 'ftte •cl.·• ,. last the Whitcw:w steamers to run between . • 'y< ney It is pleasing also to lenrn that If h ' ' · J 1 J ' "' ' (Cape Breton) nnd Port-au-BnsJuo, two, if not more, of the l!ailing ves- nny t 111 "' our m ges ren c r

l ' t't''"· t•t·occe.llell to Governmetit at\ unJ·ust , ·crdt'ct le' c:ttclt ~o:how • ~.~ ns soon ns thA line is completel ,- sels prosecuting the Gulf fishery ' ~ -- · House, unll prc · t! nlctl n tqemorial in pros pect of this progresstve move nrc ret>Orted fnYornbl .Y by the S. S. wherein they luwc ncte~t unfl\irly, to His Exccllenc.", nskiug fo r n h k L t' n , f 1 but do not abuse nnd try to bro w· dis::iolution. 'l'hnlfo\'ernor replied as not , we as·, tile line come r«nlnr,', one 0 t tem, the Vigilant, beat those who adminis ter o ur that he woultl t :lke time to consider when tho preliniinnrv steps nt least hnvins htul '00 ~eats early in the 1 ' · 1 h t cl . 1 wi II be tnken thni will h oi p to season. There wall then ever.v pros· Mn, uecausc t tey nvc no cc tt • the lllatler. This 111eant, o f cour e, · · ed to our lt'kt'ng Tn tc"<l of criti-place tho Old Colony inn pos1t1on pec t of h er securing n fine trip. · .. that h e would put the case IJefo ro s he never occupied bcfore-n po i- That this may be the good fortune cism of the Into ve rdic t, which , H L ord Ripon , the ~ecrctary of S tate tion which is hers by right, wnr- o f her colleaguel! nlso will be the fnir, would bo perfec tly justiliablc, t··lt' tlt o Col oni c.~, n. n1l await in- II d we ba,·e ' ·ce11 tt·ontc<l to :1. t·e·hnell - mnted, ns such is, by her unrivn e d evo u t wish of all. The ~'~'Ootl ef- u · Struction~. 'o fnr ns i:> known c of 011e of ottr Jttdge"' r ecor•l n" ·:t geogrnphicnl nnd strntcgicnl pose feet will be seen in enlarged mens- " ' ., • here, rw reply haA yet been recei~ed. in the mouth of the Gulf of •t. ure noxlllt>rin

5. politician. I cnunot. sec wl~ thnt

\\'e Ieana furth e r that. o n \\ ctl· 1 1 · · ' ·I hns to d o with the mnltcr . J·,ithcr n esd:l ' ' the members of the 01)1)osi- L :\\vrence, w \ere s 1e s1ts n ventnu o The time or ained by law for the J d \\" d . 1 1 . 1 " mistre:<s of the sen-beco mes the conclu!!ion of the .seal fishery ox- u go mter ecu ec 1n nccort tion Part..- also waited on Hi~ Ex- 'th In v or ftct or he clJ'cl not If Gibraltar of ~orth Americn-holtls )•ires on th e 20th inst. After thnt "'1 ' 1

, • Celloncy ,· nnd presclltcll hi Ill with he lt'tl ttol le' st:t•·h l1e 110\\'0 11 · the key to the whole situation'? the \'OYLl"e will terminate-there l · ~ ~ · · II metiiUrbl prote;;lill"' ncr:dnst the . . n . If Ito dt'd \Vll )' let llCOtllC !told thcit•

.., c \\'hen will the untloubtcd truth be being no second tri[> }Jermiltcd , · <lissol uliun ot' the As ·embl.'· ,::itati n!! tongtte ' 'ottrs tt·ttl \' ~ renlizcd nt its full vnlue '! this spring. · 1 .1 • thnt. t hey were pre paretl to under· )DIU~ ::::E~~E.

take the f1•rnHLti tm of n Um·<'rn· m ent if l':dl c. t on, untl , nfter the s tate triul~ were fini~hcd . WIH\lcl appeal to the country if fo unt! nc· cessary.

Thus the c ritical matte r stands at present. Whnt the \1p~hot wi ll be, ' ti s diffic ult t o ::ay. Thi:~ time nlone will tt>ll.

'l'JIA. 'I' IH~·:.:l/)/·.'1.'.-1 TC.lf.

S 1'EI.Y ARCTi C HXPED/1'JO.V. Correspondence. The R( t:icw of R ct'icws h olds that

the effort soon about to bo mnde to Concerning th& Agricultural Capabili-t e:tch the mysteri~>us ~orth Pole is ttes ofthiJ Cotmtry. Lclie\'ed to be one well within tho rnngc of the llOSSible-thnt the [TO TilE EDITOR OF TilE ST.lSOAnD.j

D£AR:5tn,-plan propo ed is practicnhle, nncl I believe there is n general im· will be n chenp method of ncquir- pression abrond that these have ing knowledge to help to set nt rest been depic ted in too bright colors the mystery hitherto surrounding uy our lJn t nnd present geologi-

W . I j, .· ·f . f I • . I· · • the impenetrable ~orth. The Rc- cul stntr. This view I have heard . e m.u ~ . r tc. 10 ere lc~ 1.11 . ,\ :~ ~ riew asserts thnt the general plan 1ssue to " b.ll , tn t_ho OJllnllm of , o f

0 11emtions pro O!led b , Ro bet·t exptessed by mnny persons-high

those Ctent lo 111(1 0 , · 5 the P l ecclesiastic, t>rnc ticnl farmer, holi-comp . . g • \ n !"tc in i:s worthy of close nttention.

cnusc ~c:;t f, , .. ou r l••n·l..'rn!n~nt to fl o h olds that henceforth nil spas- day to uri::t, rending citizen. As is ; ad_opt In ord erto mccl the utOtcu.lty modic attempts nt Arctic ~e:tplorn- ~h~~f~Y h~tio~~c,dt:S~:tp~i!i~~{r~~~ ansm g from t~tc f~c L of ~n outs1de tion ou ht to iYc wn to ermn-stenmcr c n.gagtng In the :'\ewfou~d· ncnt n~tl co~tinuo!s · screntific ngricu turn} resource@, is apt to be land sen! h:!hery, a nd. no t holdmg Wllrk conducted from tho stnnd- otofor~itot. nl<;,_ntt~ensned rethsoeurercte. ~ ntodoanlog\evr. h e rself nmcnnhlc to tts lnw~ prO· . ' f . I r .. 1:> n " scribinf: the ki l li\lg of seal :~ before po.lllt 0 a permane nt )nse 0 . s up- For this our governments pllet and n certnm .specificd tlnto-tlte lJlan ph_cs .. H e ropose~ to bogu~ . by present l\TO chiefly to blame, be t to follo w s ho uld s uch ship l>mlthng ,n 10~8~ nnd depostlmi through r equiring men, capable venture io put into , ' t. J ohn's or two years provlstons nt the south· enough doubtless as geological ex­unv other port i n the Colony to cast end ol Elles mere Lnnd, where perts, to pr~nounce on the vnlue of lnt1d land her cnr o. Jones's · ountl opens, weshrnrd !r~ln land for farming purposes.

This, it seems, tt l! lfnli fn x steam - ~he uftper end. of Bnflln Bay. ." ntv- his extTemely desirnble that we er S etcfnrmdland <' ~aycd to d o n I !ng t te ques ll?n of obstruch on by shoulcl know e:tnctly what the few dn)·s ngo. . ' he-intrepid :;hip ! tc~ Oneil:· t~ts pet:manent depot country is worth ns a farming coun­- nowstnndd chargeJ wilha hrench will b~. \\ttltu~ ens) rench .or ~he try; nnd this, in my opinion, cnn of the Coloniul Ue,·enuc Act , in nut, esU\bh s!led . t~.lck .of the .'\ hnltng best be lenrneu by sending trust-.

. ns n foreign-going vessel c learing. ~tcam~I S, \\h!ch hnd thctr. hunt- worthy men with n good knO\V· fro m n port uutsidc the Colony, rc · tng gt.o unds 1':' Lancaster . oun~l. ledge both of the theoretical rtnd spect.ing the Cu~tum~ law:! on her At~ !lccompanytng map mnkes th ts practical side of agriculture to ·cx­nrrivnl on the recent occa ion . 1'01,~~ clear. . . . a mine nnd report. W e shoutd The conseque:1ce of the laxity wns ·. 1 hose not f:m~lhar . With the then know the truth ; nnd if, ns is that no light o r harbor due1-1 were pen}s encounter~d .ly ShlpS .engag- probably tho case, there are larger pnitl nnd }10rt regulatio ns were e\1 m the. whal~ng trndo wtll not and richer trr~ts of arable land tlum thus' flngrnntlv violated which nd· have cons tdered h ow fl'cquent nrc many' iuuigine, the ne~t step woultl mit of no breach. This is h ow the tho wreck~ upon those bien~ ~onsts be to attempt their settlemtnL. matte r ended : Capt. Faryuhar, aud h o" tmportant. for t.lHs great As regard!! thedesirnbility of our finding thnt he wus debarred by br~nch of ~ommonce. would be the people len'ving this country for the law from Iandin~ his stonrr.er's extstenco 111 that. regton of a. house .Far West , on this point it is im-senls, unless h e pntd a h c:w y duty, o f refuge and a c~ntre of relte~ nod possible to give a dogmatic opin­unceremoniou3ly weighcci his nn· rescue. Its l_namtenance " CJuld to n. chor, nod departed ~udllenly for not be exponsl\'e, an~ the whnlt:rs Gcnernlly, however, it mif5ht be Halifax, '' Jenviug sun1e of his c re w themselv~s could easily afford .to said that for those past the tune o( behind." Thus heJ t,ing to cle:tr pn~ the bills. nut. apnrt from 1 ~9 hard labour, an<J for those m:1ldng up, in vnrt nt leas t., the )Jerplexing "" uc to the whnhng t~ado, thts n fnir living where they are, it may dtfficulty l rLtclv prusenti~ itself ~er_m~nP:nt depot, nccordtng to ~rr. be better to stny whpre they are. for solution. • le!n s 1~cns, coul~ he. made t_he But for the young nnd strong, or

We d eem it wise hero to reiterate mam !>nse of s upphes lorn scn .es the man in"full vigor, ambitious to the opinion expres!led in our las t, of s tations. thro.wn out along .dtf- ml\ke a h ome for himself and those in re1nrd to so nmendin!! the nc,·- fer~nt rndJn~s mto the regtons dependent on him, and who is enue 'Act tbnt n d ut.y of not less whtch remnm to be. thoroughly willing to face hard, continuous than 2.j or 30 per cent. could be exvlo red. The.se stattona could be work, such lhi§ht do worse than go levied on the produce o f the voyage s~ connecte~ wlth one nnot~e~ a!ld io the North \\est. For the young of any stenmer sailing under such With _tho mmn dcp!>t ~s to mtmmlze woman willing to enter domestic untownrd circumstances ns 1lid the tho risks an~ maxlmtze. the. r~su.lts service, nud the young man ready Newjoundl«nd. This, we nre per- of. explorntton and selentdic m- to labor as farm servant for a few s uadcd, woultl hnve nn immedtnte qu,t,rv. . . years till he gets the necessary ex­good effect two wnya-(1) it would ~loreover,. t~e plan now l~ld pcrience, and n little etock of rendy help to debnr nny vessel fro m sail- ~lown bY. )[r. Stem, far from bemg rnoney, I should think ManitobR ing for the senl fishery on this coast lmpracucnblc on nccount of ex- would be n veJ:y desirable plac&. from any other snve n Newfound- penso, \vould pro~e. a much cheap- Some mny blame a man that woula land port; nnd (1) iL wo uld go a cr method ~fncq~mng n knowledge mlviso one to emigrate

1 considering

long way towards preventing such- of tho Arct~c regt~ns thnn that of him unpatriotic ; but tor my part I like "easels from takingsonls before nny_ .occnstonnl l~de~;>endent ex- co!lsider \he good of the people the

L th.v'time laid down by our laws, p~dtltons, e':lc~ begllln~ng de novo thmg to be sought after, and 1rould l~mely the 14th of March. Desir- wtth Rn Orlgt_nal equtl'ment. In nat allow nny ,consideration to

able desiderata these surely. short, Mr . . Stem has latcl ~o'Yn a weigh with me against adviti1)g a · ' · most ndmtrable plan, and 1t IS to r._erson to seek prosperity elsewhere

NEWFOUNDLAND'S RIGHTFU~ be huped thnt nothing may inter- 1f I thougbl he could reach it better POSIT JON. fere with ita realization. · there than here. It is getting pretty

" No:-;£ TOO HoPEFUL A.~D EN- hard for n poor man to make a liv· We nre told that the White Stnr COURAOJNG , is the burden of the ing hero where almosL everything

Steam!hip Com~y is to eatnblish opinion expressed by hundreds of he needs is ISO heavily ~xed, a~d • a line from Liverpool to New Zen· our people here and elsewhere in will have to be etill more henvny

land. The shiP.a or th'at magnili · respect of the 8e4 1inW Toyage of taxed in n year or two's time when cent service will \bus circumnn- our r"t'l-"y 1'• firu'sh"'d and • h

1 . tho present epring. p to date- " ..... o .., we

vt-sate t e g obe .• The. Golhu:, a April 6-but two steamers (barrin have to pay the _piper. It would twm-acrew steamah~p, ea~led on the the NeuJfoundland) han returned- he of the two pohciee a better one lung voy~e some t1me nnce. She one from the Northward and one to, l~t the peo.Ple go who cannot reached ew Zealand by vraya~~f

1. from the Wnhrard. All that il' A&m a good liVlng here-belter !or

the Cape of Good Hope route, uu leR us is to hope for the best-truet them1 better for those that would ,., expect~d tQ return to England that the reauU will not be 10 bad ~emam-than to try to provide hi way of Cape Hor!l· · '"' indicatioDJ at present portend. wor.k .for them for a 1.ear or two by

Thil fine ateaiJ!Ihlp, ~e are fur;. • dra1nmg tbe very life-blood from tber .told, is s~1ally detigned for -Tire Blah School pupila will pve the counley-only to ·find at the the iraDJporiation or froMD meatl. &DOC.ber eo&ertabtautaL lit 8&. PIWI'• 1 end, tha' tliey and othen will be She can Carf1 78,000 carouea or• llaU, ~ Tballdar.neDiD1 next. tped and etarved out, af'ter all.

April u. ------ft'vU Tilt: IIA11110it HltAn: STASO.\ Uil.j


Lut week, by the denth of :\lr Jumra Whelar , there puasetl nway from umong 1111 tho lut male rcpn'llt:ntJ\livc ol the f~~omily of the late William Whelan, the m<>et IIIICCt!lllflll BCI\1 kill t>r that peruapa C\'er :\e"""o IIIJJ ,,nd produced. His fKmous trips in tho little llound ~tre spoken or to tlVs tiny ; h•! ofLt·n madllth[$!e trips in n sin~lo spring, his men ehariug from 50 t.o 00 pounols lit:ing quite lllllll\1. Oltl ' skipo••r Bill Whelan ' ae l.e W1l8 fam ilil\rly c~dlcd, for in hie day seal killen i~norcd tho modern title ' 1 Colpl.ain," haul fj \'e S OliS l WO or whom, John and Wiliam, pre-dccCAacd himaelr; tho third son Jumcs wo follow· ed to hia laet reeting place on Momll.y laaL, the fourth 11on ::3tephcn wns drown· ed on the Labr.,t.lor 1\ few yean ngo nml the youngest. son George 1licd in the U.S. aome limo Lefor<'. All Lhrsc:Sons, excepting George \\ 110 W!llf 1\ D.x:tor, followed tho occupation of their fnther and were in their tiny eucccs~fu l sen! hunters nnd fishermen. ' l'hcro were also two d11ughtcr3 one of whom i:f now lh·ing in anoLI cr C••untry. Mr . . Jnmce '"ho died on tho ni~;ht ur the :!:lnl ulr., wna in hil! GUth year, hut lrlllll hia ol,uity Willi llliJnrrHl from tuking an acti\'O pnrl. i n li lu f(Jr liU\'Cr.ll Y•·nrs past, hi1 lifo wns Jllnin, _u nvet~ni:Hioul! and IT.Rllnrra 11111\I!SIIIIIIIlg 1•1:5• 111:\11)' good qnnlilics br ing known to only n leW intimnlc fricnd11, lie lei~ 11 widvw 11nd one only dtlliJ; leur to mourn his loes.


(TO Til& &OITOI< Of' Till-: 'r.\Sfi.\IW.j Duu S11t1-

In our lJre&cnt. compnr:tti\·c it~,llution, during tho Winter lllonth:t, 1111 ru r 1\S

public t!porte aml nmust'mcnls nrc cun· ccrn(·cl, Mnythin!! oll'criug t.u l•rl'llk I he monotony iu this rl'SJ>I'CL is C\'t'r huih.:u with pleueuru by onr ciLizeus. A ahurt Lime eincc1 the people or thia town were led to behove that. n eknting contcl!l, of what. was Jil..-cly to prow of n ' cry exciting and in t.eret~ti11g cbuructcr, wne to ha\'C taken place here. 'fhc intt'ud­iuc conLcetanta in the race wtre James Reddy, of thia t.o"'"• and Willhtm Nu­gent., of St. John'a-a llr~~okesmAn on the train. A bnlkesman ho llij· douLtedly wtta, in 11. double capacity, not only upon the tr .. tin, Lut. also as to hie worJ.

It. appeare that tho match at. firet con­t-emplated wae to have takcu J,Jlaoe be· tween Reddy, Macnab and Sl.evoneon­all local men. 'l'llB latter -t. \YO ·having declined the contest, Nugent slipped in and accepted tho chRllengo of Reddy. RedJy proposed a flve·mile race for $Ill atakca, tho Rink folks putting up $­Nugent! however, wAntell .A emaller stake 01 15 and 11 ehorlor mn of three milca. The rnce was accordingly aet down for a day t11 auit Nugent., and ad­vertised ; but. although Reddy was AI· ways ready, and willing to meel. hie antagonia&, and although the public were on tho tip-too of expe{!tation, Nu­gent. neYer turned up. · •

In tho neglecc. of N~ent. to put in an appearance, it. muaL be 111111tmcd that. he wu alraid to " face tho mnaio," and jo the absence or any explAnation to the contrary, tho public ruus' ao. con· elude. ·

This Ia a diaappointment, not. only to 'be public (who woro impressed with Lbe belief thfiL Nugent. WAll 11ctiog in Kood fahbl buL also t.o the Rink authori· tlee, who, uudcratand1 bad been put to oooaiderable expenae through Nu1ent'a neslecL to puL in an appearance. ·

An uplanatlon fftlm Mr. •Nugo!t would under Lh• oircnmataocu be in Older. Youra, &o. ' VINDEX.

Uarbor Grace, 26&.b Marcb, 1~.

-The Lady Glover, Capt. Curtia, re­turned Crom 8L. Joho'e, yesterday, with a poemllrelJhL

( VOlt T ilE IIARUOR GRAn: :-TAXO.\Im. J


The StAte Trials nre jn:ft now rc:wh· ing their mosL t' .xci ting etnt.:c. ~inc<' the unscatin~ or l\leun~. W00418 1111<1 Moorea there ha vc been ec\·crnl na·eL­i ugt~ {pri mtc) held by the Whitcw11 \' l':u ty, and on 'l'llt•sthLy lnst, 11L ll o'clvc'k u. Ill ., t he wliolc nmll iJcr-:!.j - mar ·hcil in proceseional orJcr O\'er to v(J c n· ment. H ouse, and it is snid tcndc etl 1 ltd r rt.>eignatit•n to II is Exec lien \'. :\otlting mor..: tlllln this is yc&. known , hut it i :~ rumon .od thM in ~~ few days tho \\'hilewlly VIH'crnmcnt will lie II thiug Of the JlOSI, at lcn!L for 1\ time. 1 hcnr lhat Mr. Uooclrillgo hiL'I been t•nllt•tl upon to form cr:Uo\·ornment, but I nm not 110 sure that mattere ha\'e de· \'clvped to this yel.. Of <'OllriiC if the Go\'<'rnment ie diasol ved, llr. Goodridge, All J .coder of tho 0pJI<J8ition, will be called ttpl n to form n Go\·crnmcllt, nml . if he c.1nnot. muster a sullicicnL num· IJer, v.·hut then ? Ah ! \.herc':t the ruu; n11d the Supply Dill has not been pns11· ed yet. There eccms to be a g reat deal of excitement nmong the laboring nod i 11 fact n il cln.&ses 01 this city nt. pre­sent, nnd nuuay people nrc llfrrtill t h11t trouble ie Lrcw1ng. At any rllte re· port sayatl:at a v.•nr·sltip hcu been or,lcr· ctl, but 1 don'c. know i1 tltia is corrccL, nnd 1 :;i \'e it LO l vii 811 rum our only.

The etcnmer P~tmher nrri vcd from the <:utf ee11l·lisher\' nt 12 o'clock on \\'ed· ncadny. nnd is \:l•ry deep. .McLny people were nfmhlshe wuuld enter pon in the night, thu:t depri\'iug t hem of seeing her cvnting in ''lo~·loaclc•l."

\~'lua W tlll, ncar being n \'t•ry ecriuus accttlt•IIL Ill\ ppened on \\' cd nesd11 y morning nt. nLu11L 10 t/clock. Mr. Curti11, workin~ 011 St. l'ntri l·k 'c~ llttll , fclll!umc -tO feet <':l_usetl loy a scH IIvh.lin~ gh·ing wny. 1L u 1\ woud,·r t hu~ the mnu escaped, as 1 he !'I. ace " h\·rc he f, II io~ ono 111:1:1" vf 8CJIIIl•hliu~, nn.! if ho hull etruck 11 piece 011 lc•c .lt•J!ccnl , he "·ould ccrltdnly have been killed. Another accit.lcn' happe11c•l nlrout tho 11111110 lime lO 11 tn:lll n11me•l l>.•y, Ull CIII(IIU\' eO Ul the Electric Cou•i•a11y. li e lelt' fNtn tht: lop of one tol tl10 Electric Li~ht. polca. When picked llfl bl001l wa11 tJowing from hi:1 111111e 1mtl mouth, n111 l it. W:IS found th11 L Cllte of his lt•~s '1\' :IS

broken. Your~, &.:. t;JlAl)i RUCK.

St. J,,hn'd, Thurs.ln~·.


,..., . ,Jfl/,,,·d, 3.30 J>· 1}1.

The S. f.\. Jl,JJII' nrrh·cd nt last evcnin~. She has Hi.OO~ seals. One of he•· c re w nr\ln l!cl JJipditch went on the ice the lirst day nnd wa not · ~ccu artct· . • • 'h e reports h earing th:tl t.hc .\'iwmd was among the hoot! ·. ~otl1ing furthet· with reference

tn the (iu \'l"l'lltucnt, ltllt it is be~ lil'\'Cd thnt th e II11U"C will be dis-soh·cd. '

One mn n wns before the Court ye::sle rday fur trying to e xcite tho people nn<!_cau:c trouble.

By Telegraph. --0--

HAJ.Il-'AX, A pril -:I .-The Behring ~en Hill hns pns ·ed the tnitcd l:;tntcs . 'enale. 'l'he d iscus~ion on the tnri IT has comuJeuccu, and n rj!­tludion will be proposeu.

An inuueuse warehouse iu the Lontlon dock d, crintnini ng wool, coiTcc, ~~>iCC.,), ~\: ·., is l.11trning.

The 'a rnell ilcs want nn early di!:lsolution of }'arlinmcnt.

'l'hc Tnsol \'enc ,· 'Bill has been in­troduced in to tho Canad ian parlin­m e n t.

~\ great hallie h us hecn fought in Cent ral 'oudan between nnth·e force~ . , A bill has hecn introduced into

th e (\Hnmons pct·mitting members of the I rous e of Peers to continuo iII the ('0 111 mont: if they prefer.

.\ 1'1tll. -t .-Thc British Wnr , 'ec­rctary Cam pucll Dnnnerman. with the consent o f the )linislry, sug­ge~ted to the Duke o f Cambridge tltat h e rc::ign his pot-ilion ns <.:om­mnnder-in·dlic f ••f th o Army. It i:i · rcporte1l that the Duke will nut rc.:)ign unle~s lac is as. u rcd that the Duke of fonnaugh t will be ap­puinte• l a~ hili succesaur.

The ltO\'e t·ntuent pro1.o!'e& to hui l.t thirteen i mnclatl ; eighty­Fe,·cn crui~crs; l-ixt ,·.fnur torpedo d c3troyer ;_ and ::i x : ... Juup::!.

Local and oth~r A resolution pn ·sed the H ouse o f

Items~ C'ommons ofT~ri ng the dc~i rnbility of the f:cotti:,3h Lcgis lntmc tlenling wi th all purely Scotch alTair~. ~l~h ~'~t~~~~~~~r;;;,~~~;J· (;~~;~l-Ln ~.~

nrrh·cd tit tit.Jolm'd yntcrdny-lhc lor· mer ut. l p.m., the Iutter nt midni))h t. The mails brought hy thesestcn111cr.t fur Conception U.ty were rec<.'h·Cil here l•Y I r:li : t Ia is nftcrnoon. .

-The AUnntio Hotel (::it . Julu,'s' , wns IAtdy 11old t o 1\ t:ompttlly rctm.!I!CIItcJ by ~lr.J:cndall, for ~7,100. 1L wns sturt· cd Ly )(r. John LindiJurg, whose laat LiJ w:t:s 100 dolltll'l leu than the nbove nusuuut. The Hotel when new coaL ~:!::!,OUO.

-:\.\TI\'ES A IIROAO.-~r .. lohn \\'. ~fC· <.: ruth, of OJerin, l'l11centin U:n ·, who a ,,,~JrL tir!IO ngo rccd\'Cll n Cll l •';"n't~ ccr· llhc:t tu 111 the col .m~ , h:1s 1,~,. ,. ~ivcn ch:t"!;C vr thcl!lcl\lllrr l..ti ty of King hill, at prc:sl'lll. cn~,;nf;ell.in t1lc BosiOII Fruit <.:vmJlully's scrncc. tiuccc~:t tv him ! -.\ CI\Se Ctf forg1 r r hilS Jnt1:ly COIIIC

tu l i~I·L here. .\ y01i11~ lllnn-Ber•hlr,l IC,\'n n-wns nrrestcd, chnrgL'<I with the gmn~ oll'cucc ol forgtng n c~h order on .\lr. Juhu ~.1dy. J udgu J3cund~ hnl! rt' llltllidell the cusc fvr 1 he 8npreme L\•111 t , ~>illiug here ncxL month.

- K11.r.1:u o~ Till: lc:-:.-Thc two men Lclu11ging to the sen ling all.'nlllCl' J.almt· ~lor, whO.!Ic death wns reported in n lute tl!sut•, carne to their 1lenth · 1i:s whsu : Tlll'y Wt!ru culling the icc beroN the el~·u.mc r'a LO'I\'1, Jn Luttiu~ it , lnrt:c p1111s1J roko olf tlllt.llurned UJJ. One m:tn ~unk out of eighc. Ltme.uh, t he other IJe-111)! crushed IJctween the Lows nnt.l i..:e. Hfd body wne l.lnicd nL the Wndham11. -Tu t-:rtr: AS D GOT 'fliE)t.- Fuur line

trout, cuch weighing 3 Ilia nnd mcnaur· ing Jl:l inches in length, Will t.he catch of .Ur. E. B. Tbomvaon on Wtilnesday lust. The fllr·fantcd Dog Hille Pund was where thcee benutica were cnu~ht. Tho Ml'llsre. 'fhompaon h11vc tho rcconl for the catch from thcso Pont.ln, nnd year nfter yel\r they holtl it g()Od. The ice on tho J>ond is \'cry thick-over two feet , and it. ie by no means an easy task to rcnch the "'a lor. -rr~antlions are now LeitH! mnJo

for Lho uuUitting of t.ho St. Juhn'~a L1111k· ing Jleet-viz.,Meaera. R . Prowse & &n'a ecboonera Jubile<', CapL. Lcwie; J:fcleun May, Capt.. M. 'l'ltomey, ant.l the C.l•', Mayo, Capt. J , Mulcahy. The following schooners bcJongiog to Alltm Goodriligo &, Sou'a are also, fitting ouL for the Western Bank liellery. The Mermaid, Capt. W. .Mulellhy ; Anti-Confederate, C~tpC.. 'f. Williams ; and the Thomus, C:ipt. Saunders.

-osJT.-A well-known man paucd llWilY a~ 1.30 p.m. t<KIMy, a fter & ftw d•ya' illnct~~-Mr. George Ueunett. ~·or ycura put. he livt.'Ci in thia town, but be IJ.ICDC. a number of ycar11 in St. Juhu'a •uid C.rbouear, being for the moat. of bis time employed aa a coachnucil, a poai-

1 tion which be filled here with the l11to W. P. Muon, &q. lAter be lt:\d been ernplo7ed in u~ura. John Muon «. Co'a prQYialon atore. Mr. Bennett. came to tbia country when quite a lad, and having been reared w farmwork be ful· lowed .that or kindred emplo,Yruent. heru Ho wu of rema~able phyatque-bad a atrong cooetiLotlon, and ga,·e proruiae ol a lODi life, bu~ neglected co!ua the paat WiD~r terminate(! in an Allack or pncumooia1 to which bo aueoumiJClll. Hia wife daed about a year ago. He Jeavea a large fao1ily. He baa no r<·la­tivea here, but lbtre are many frienua wbo will regrd to heat of b1.1auddcn doa,b.

A great tiro has occurrcu nt 'hnng­ltai; o ver 1000 Luild i IIJ: burnt.

'fhc t:ni,·ersity uf \\'nrsaw hns hcen clo::c,l o wi 11g tu riots, antl m:uty arrc.~ts of !:ltu•lcuts cl: nr~ed with nihili::na.

The Trndc 'f rcal \· Lntwecn Hus ­ia and A us tria li n~ been COlli•

pl.e te tl. AI'HII. G.-A riol hnK taken vlacc

at 'unncllsd lle. Penn yh·nnia, by striking miners. Fifteen Huugun­ans k illed. 'hicf En&rineer Pad­d ock was killctl Ly the strikers. The m ilitia was crllled o ut. The wl111l c dL; tric t b wild ; ll) rioters a rrc::!ted. .

Another b•)lll h ex pl tl,;io n bus oc­c·u rrc(l in a l'n t·i:s rc:Haurnnt.

l 'o~t:\ H.icn i · under 111nrtiul lnw. All Central A11sericn i di lurbed .

Cnn:ttl i:m l'nci tic Hni I wny net earni ng::i las t year were l'C\'Cn mil­lion two hundred nnd ~ixty thous· o. nd llul l:tr . ( irossearnings twen ty­nne will ion ·. --------The S. S. llope, Cnpt. Britt, arrh·c..t ut St. Jullll'l!, lt~sL C\'cuin~ t.o Meaan. T. c 'f. with IG,OOO sealfl. Sho re~rt& ll•c fullowinJ; ate•llnt.'ra :-~eptuue 1000, \\'.,11 :~),000, Wnlrus 10,000, Diana 20,--00\l, Term Xovll 5,000, Lnbrador ,G,OOO.

l'en IJ~Ar~lr. Ucorgo P" rlcr, agent of thu C~&u:.ifoJnsur.mcoCo.,iaoow i11 town ~r. Sheldon, of the New York Mutu11l Insun•nce Co., who hu been here for l\ 11hort. lint(: pna~, tal.:et his de­pArLure for ::it. John's by the morning's Ln1i11.

I'oTATv~.-Mr. H. C. Watta v.·iU have later on a cargo of P. E. I . ploduce­(IOL!tlocs, oata, tumipe, &c. All soon U ua,·igation OJ)ena tho schooner Urilliau~ williCA\'O P. E. I. for Lhia place. Mr. W11t11 has 111WIL}'s deuiL in produce, and the q,ualit.y sold by him hu been ~be best. lmportt.od.

THE BVOLUTIOll Of mcJicinal "genta ia gradually rele­gAting the old·limc herbs, pills, draught.a and veget11Lio extracta to lhe rear and bringing into sencml UIO the pltaaaol. and ell't.>ctivo hquid la:xativo, Syrup of l •'ige. l'o gc~ the true reru.:dy 1ee tba~ i c. i• manufacLurcd by tho <..'aUforoia ~·i6; Syrup Co. only. For aale by all leatling droggiat.a.

liUID. A~ Heart'• Ease, T. B., on Feb. 11,

after aebort illness, Mary, beloved wife of Eliol .Balaon, afod 21 yean, leaYing two children.-R. . P.

tAt Northern Bigb~l T. B., on Feb. 251 a tcr a lingering i lot~~, Archibald

Jauca, aged 48 yean, le"ving a wife nml four children to niourn \heir aad lou.

AL LilLie Heart.'a Eue, T. D., on March 2-.lod, Mallfuet, belond wife o( Jotm t;bao, Sr., aged 00 yean.

AJ, .Nott.hem Bight, on Karch 8, Lev~ second son of Nehemiah and Jane Freet. and U<'pbew of .Mr. L. Froa~ oUhb &own, aged 2a yean, 1eav1og a wile aod one child and a Jarse cilole of frieude \o mourn Lbelr aad lou. • .

AI. the aame place, on Karch 10, aRer a abort illllt'll, R•becca, wUeofJ.A•err1 aced 30 yean, lea\lnl a buaballd IUlCI rour ohltdno lO mOCUD Lbelr l&d 1011.