SSY's~ - tile...

Scan ding FLOUR--' North \Veetern: '' Gatnxy ," "Sunll!ltiun," "f'.,..t,or.• _. and" Goldw'e Star ." _____________ ..... ;:.,_ PORK-FIUDily Mea,· lle11vy Mess llnd Bean P<>rk. BE.EF Pl"te and Boneh!es Beef. " - Kero. Oil, 115 nnn 160 Tat; Coal Tar, Pi.&cb, Oakum,:Euglhth nnd _ Local Brick. Full line of and General If you need auy article in the B .. u.nw.u• line, yoa are aure to be auited, in quali&fand prioe, by purohuing at hia Ston. Water Street, St. John's, Nfi.d. I . I have a large apecially-eeleoted etock of GROOW&q and PROVISIONS which they are eelling at prioe' · that cannot. be beaten. "' ' FLOUR--Moant Royal, Athlete, Pillabury'a Beat, Whitt'Bloe- aom, Aberdeen, &mUgbt, Cabot. PORK-Family Mett, family, Bean and Ke-. " Plate and Packet. I DREAD- Harve 'a r and M, in bage 4 b Tjj;A, SUGAil, BUTTER, RIOB, lrxaos miL, k ·Call a.nd obWn our price• befoH purobuing et.wber.. --R .. D. Jlcll4• &r .. , Watu Slr.t, Harbor G1'(J(», - If you Want to .An Wttdtii'flg 4 Wcaloh or 4 Qool\ . - go or · Nnd to d. Our atoOk ia of TJU BUT and the nroa· xonmu.n. <'ur · RIP.uaura DIP.A.&TXU'l' i• tully equipped to do all klnda of Watch, Clock and Jewelery work. , All kindt ot Engraving, Monogr&me, &o., to order. A largefueort.ment of Silver aud Silver-plated War. alway• oo hatul. w, MJ.tWfcaction. Giu , .. 4 trial. T. J. DULEY & Co., Jewelers . .. Wat. &wl, &. Jo!m'., Nfol. SEND , YOUR ·, ) Cleaning . and Dyeing, "lao your _/_ : Shirta, cOllars, Outre, Lace Cur· ., taina, Pillow Shams and all old Garm'ente to the Globe Steam Laundry and Dye to be new goode.---: w ork don t very llDt.ll coat Orders will ceive prompt. at- t.eotion. G • shipped every ... Monday, ana delivered on Sat. urday. R. & J. DU.F.F, .Agent, Barlxw Grac., Mrt. C. McOARTHY, .Agen4

Transcript of SSY's~ - tile...


Scan ding

FLOUR--' North \Veetern: '' Gatnxy ," "Sunll!ltiun," "f'.,..t,or.• _. and" Goldw'e Star." ~

·.:;.:;;.~~..;.:;..;~_..w..; _____________ .....;:.,_ PORK-FIUDily Mea,· lle11vy Mess llnd Bean P<>rk. BE.EF Pl"te and Boneh!es Beef. " -

Barb;uJ~ Mola~~~ea, Kero. Oil, 115 nnn 160 Tat; Coal Tar, Pi.&cb, Oakum,:Euglhth nnd _Local Brick.

~ALSO,- ~

Full line of G~oceries and General .1Ja.4~:nanaiSe. a~


If you need auy article in the B .. u.nw.u• line, yoa are aure to be auited, in quali&fand prioe, by purohuing at hia Ston.

Water Street, St. John's, Nfi.d. I . I

have a large apecially-eeleoted etock of GROOW&q and PROVISIONS which they are eelling at prioe'

· that cannot. be beaten. "' ' FLOUR--Moant Royal, Athlete, Pillabury'a Beat, Whitt'Bloe-

aom, Aberdeen, &mUgbt, Cabot. PORK-Family Mett, family, Bean and Ke-. " BBEF-~nelea, Plate and Packet. I -~ DREAD- Harve 'a r and M, in bage 4 b •

Tjj;A, SUGAil, BUTTER, RIOB, lrxaos miL, k ·Call a.nd obWn our price• befoH purobuing et.wber..

--R .. D. Jlcll4• ~ &r .. , Watu Slr.t, Harbor G1'(J(», -

If you Want to .An ~~or Wttdtii'flg ~' 4 Wcaloh or 4 Qool\ .

-~ go or ·Nnd to d. .RJWbl~ JWMZ~Jn. Our atoOk ia of TJU BUT and the nroa· xonmu.n. <'ur ·

RIP.uaura DIP.A.&TXU'l' i• tully equipped to do all klnda of Watch, Clock and Jewelery work. ,

All kindt ot Engraving, Monogr&me, &o., to order. A largefueort.ment of Silver aud Silver-plated War. alway•

oo hatul. w, ~ MJ.tWfcaction. Giu , .. 4 trial.

T. J. DULEY & Co., Jewelers ... Wat. &wl, &. Jo!m'., Nfol.

SEND,YOUR ·, ) Cleaning .and Dyeing, "lao your _/_ : Shirta, cOllars, Outre, Lace Cur· ., taina, Pillow Shams and all old

Garm'ente to the Globe Steam Laundry and Dye

.,-Works,~ to be m~liko new goode.---: w ork don t very llDt.ll coat Orders will ceive prompt. at-t.eotion. G • shipped every ... Monday, ana delivered on Sat. urday. R. & J. DU.F.F,

.Agent, Barlxw Grac., Mrt. C. McOARTHY,

.Agen4 <hr~.

At tile ~te\·eral Collieries of the

Dominion Coal Company, Clace Bay, Co1l Mmers and Mine ·Laborers.·

Good ~~~n make 'b• following •II• per day : LOADI'NG . ... .............. 11.75 &o ts per day or 10 houn. DRIVERS ... . .. .. .... ·~ .... tl.liO lo ft-26 I" ' daJ or 10 bourr LANDlNU TENDERS ....•. : ... . . .••• 1~ per day of 10 hours.

, -.,Telegram from Mr~ C. P. Lodw_k, Jbn...,.r of tht1 ~linu at , Glace Ba)", dat.ed Dec. 29th., read•: "Cia 1l-fi emplo>ymont to &n)' nu1nber of good men trho apply here for work." ·

'trains for North Sydner leave ·Sl. John'• ever1 Tueeday, Tbura-day, aud night. and an arent of the Domlnum Coal Company will me~' on their arrival at Nor\b 87dne7 b7 tl. 8. Br~e e,·er1 Taeaday, and &turdax morning.

H. A 110 Qeuer&l PuMn,~r~r

~ceit:>t for eookina Newf~undrand . • \l Salt eodfish. -" . - "' -

1. Bend lbe fl1b sli:llt.lf towards the bac:Jc, &o as toopetl­tbe flakes, :wd allow tho water .to penett'ate.

2. Remo•e the fine by cuttia~ through the a.kin, and takin~ out the roeta. Cut off the ta1l.

3. Skin the fiab, tlei:iaaing at the head. tben cut the fi1b I'D Pkct:• to suit, orplnce in vessel awbole.

<4. Pour boili~g wafer over nell, completely coTerintt. Close the nne! tit&tty. so as to ref:a.ln the aleam. and let it_ remain there for a qull(ter of an hour; U1en atr.lin. Repeat thia .ateriur three tirnea. tben buil in the uau:rl way.

• NOTE.-Bylafing- the 'fish on its back. a ad u1ing- :1. am.all etiff bruah, clipped in bat water, all tbe black vellum can be reinoted, W'hi~ maCh impro't'ea the appearance of the 61b.



-A war of worda lp e"Oill&' oo in tbe preaa oftl' the bone-race that waa to have tabn place at Btig-ue on St. Patridc'a l)ay, betw~n Dr. Macdoaald'a mare and M. BuUer'a hone. A writu in a St. John's dallJ.areta dowo to tile mad, aad aa­ealla tbe doctor in anything bat eeat&elllaDlJ terrnL Tbe fade are that lnlt two hadgea wer&-named. no cbolce of thethiid beiolf made. The race waa to be run in .fiye he:lta, tbree of fiye takinl' the stake.. Dr. AtacdonOlld'e drlftr declwed to driye the mare lu the race. claiming, that

-On St. Patrlck'e niJtht the Cath~a • oholl' ~ave a eoocen ln tho AcadeiD.) J Hall The projtratlliDO eon&tad ot 110np and mo.elcal pJee~ followed by_ a aketcb "Pail ore « Bypooy.m.• Tho r endltfon of tho programme waa up to tho UIUat good uylo or tho ebol.rl~e~ and a falrly lood au41onoe ati4Ddod. -

-<>nn...-lfra. BalJod..l Wito or the Hon. Jemoe Baird, dJed. d ::;t. John•., on Wed, •

·nelday mornlng, at the adnncCd qe of 63yeara. 'l'hodocoued lady b8d tor 110me t.Uno *» eotrertoJr and her death Will not 'DU.lrpet't ed. 'rh~ ltO~ll(eqra, Jamoe, Darid and Ragb Balrd-.nd OM daogbtor-lln. 11. D. Car1er-etu·vh·e bor. ' ·

tbe icc waa not 6t ol' tbe time :favor- sur.a.-Reporte trom Bona villa aay able. It was blowior ag:1le ott the tha' aome old &eale bavo beetl ~ ~ u4 t.U-•.• cbippJ:''ice WM. caJ. .then lA lltele, aoct old Malon~ opjDe at • cal&ted. Ia the drl"ee.-t oplnioa, to l.r~~n = ~f~o .::, -: ..... 01 .care the mettletiOibe marc. No oJcr-laiUid yOQD811eala l.n Uio Strait­race took place, aad for Mr. Butler the "toh olMala that anally b1"6ed tA to claim t6e ata.kea c:&llllot be beld auf ~e!{· Tha , ...... .,. lD the Gulf to be a •-·-anJUre actioa-tbo ba·... oas of .t,ht. IUid 110 oen

I""''..... pa be ~ad from theaD. ' year tha atake waa for a contest betweeo tbe 'lAOparll ant'fed 011 tho 11\b, Ni4 tl.!De )a qllad,rupeda a ad a win Ia •pecod.- Ia now •••ttnc nm ap. . not a wln 6n technicalitiea. Tho.e who 11·ere on the ice tbat d•r do oot -Pal:uol'l.u-M.r.Rao.e Grt~ lOA of hesitate to "Y that the time waa -~U:..~== ~r~anll~a~ ,{1::i aa,tblag bat l'ood for a trotting- Oil Factory In ale tttrtr> h1a taUier mlll­~tch. and that the cf(ktot ()r hla tiODI lhub\e llDelo, a merehaut t&llorol mao wu --"ectly ~.""'t ia decUai:f, Germany, wlahM hlaD to flaT r--• • •·• u • a two filonthl' vtats to Lola\IOn the ~ to enter tbe mare for the tr1 lDa' aom-. IMt-,._. Bu. had a aw With reaped to the judges. It, "Qa month•' IOcr th::fh Ouma'}!..~~-apedba hbetwee.nb the priaclpafe ~! ~Dfj18 ~r~e~cC~!r:~n§ln ve t ree-eac to name one, Jl~~<& where w:UJ be ploued 10 hKr ot the two t'o nomina\e the third. It bulta-, ot h1a p~ta waa underetood to b:I.Ye one'from tJL ao bl1dd. .ul tllat lt. » the '-bloc

;ij=~=~~:~i.i John's u4 two from the Bay;ez• ~alalherladtoOOJDbitle~-..nlb ~ dud~ Brig-u.. Dr. Allaa waa pl~ 11:::1 choae11 by Dr. .Macdoaald, and )(r.' llloanl'e Unlment· la 'Uied bT ~y· 'I Cartwright by Mr. Butler. t The lleia.. ....

former named a Harbor Graclan. bat tbe latter objected, uamiu~ a St. Jnho'a cltbe.a. Dr. Allau. would not ar:ree to thl• choice., aa Jt waa Naw y -~inlt e'XpUcit anderetandloK. Londoa-TUiilall~~:!,BUl Coaeequeat17 bat "'o jadps were ,. .. latroclneild In ~~.Kou•o ot Com. on, and the com-et was broke&a. ID.OU.J'HI~rday~ will tnorab~ ro.

r-'""- col .ad by all par TDo JUU p~ The Harbor Grace J~" held u;t a tr~ grao.tof t- elve m~lon dollar.. bolda ltill that the 'day waa aot Plirl.i-.Utor rcad!ng tho nowepapon faYorable to the race. add the talk ~rw and chargee aaatnae him, Oener-of tb ~ tb t .tb • d al llcotor Maocfonala yoeterd.ay ehot

e ..., papua a e JU gee blmaollln tho hoed In hotel hoi'O, moe&. (3} onJ liM nee on, Ia another loa lnetantdeath. llo loft two pmato ll.izle. For "balling'' ,bone-races tofsen bohom.-..;e returt.Ds tlt tb~L dta aporta are to be commended, 4•~· and u 6 0" Mr. Butler to cl:aira tbe. ndou.-Enst aDd German7 aro ,. ~ hocked OTW llie newa. MWt~ tnoncle eta.kee Ia the quinteaae,Pce of dedare that the General hod lieon ent • .. eport. .. -Ctmt. fet"log, PlanloallY aad mentally, elnco

t~11 SOUUi >.Mcaia war. Auckland. N.z.-Rellef lhlp Mormog

-A serloue fire h:u. (or some time repotll &hat~ Brltbh A»larotlc a team. put beea ra~Pg in the Domudon nDI-eover7 baapenouated tho fl).rthed ' Coal Mine, ~lace Bay, and a11 at- IODI.h Oil roiord. Ven of oxPOdlllon on tempts to utla&'Di•h it b.Y orcliaar1 ~~;!,~rJ~t"d laUmtte 82.:1'7. Party ta meana haft faDed. No mq hue Poriol ~D-Cba•ber of Commerce ..... ••l•""'· bat ......... ~... !1::. ~p"'!r!:rcl:.\.~ be(a d~ Tbe mi• had ' to beti&lt~ldiz-a IUIIl JIZlllc.l-

!!1'-!5"!~~i~<fll ~to 1AD4W-ttlllt bill _,.llitmon' &ames; and con•lderablc lou will Of a ~al OOlD D and.I.Qqal!y. Tho CDIDe, which mtly Qerhapa aff«t the d~=r.. wtthd.rawn hla ro­a~pplf of COlli froniS7daeylor some algnation. N~ recolvod wlth popular tune to come. demonatretloa.bol'f'.

-Mr. Charles Crocker, 11 w~ll· known re.aideat o{ Green 'a Barbor. T.B,. died euddenly on the 17th la1t. , whDe ja the ahop of .Mr. Moaea Droyer. The de~ was a moat iaduatrioua aad intelligent m~m.and' waa well·koown Ia tbfa towa. com­lag here for 1eara paat In bia (()Ut· lag ec.hOQdN. He was 66 yean of :age, aod lea Yea a wife but no fa01il1

N11W Yollat Marob Zl. Londo-'.rbo rolaUne o# Oeu. !lac­

donald have doeldod to bury · hJm ln Parta. Xi .II H])Cirtod lo-da.r I bat thodoad Geaeral beclfd th~ War Oll:lco to qnaab tile ooeut-martial proqeodln~:~~, t.acr com­mitted tololdq ~ tho l'eoefpt ot tbelr fonaal retaaaJ. •

LoDdon-Prellldoo& 'Markham, royal gqraphleal Mental')"_,doclaroe tbo ao­ldevtmea~or the DleeOvuy provot con· c.l~lJ" Uanar-&er pu~ of Antarctic reel- lj • Tu.fCODftnent. nta bollcved laiid ma1 , tQ tho Pole..

--- . . ~oa.-AanouDOOCI that tho King -All Newfoandlandera JD future aDCl Qooen wtll mWto a etato v lllt to

entering tbe UaJteil Statu wi1r be Sooal&wl, a11d may hold a l e•- ln Jl oly· t:Ued at tbe rale.of.., -·"' , .............. ~ rood, to be t.ho moet brUJ1anL tunc1lon

~ ~-· - ~er bttld thoro. , of $1 aa heretofore. The farmer Part.t-R.oportod that twooty rollgloua raft ia termed the •• foreii'O." while . ordore aro preparing to reellit tbe now tbc latter ia applied . to Caoadiaaallaw, wbJchwtn n -llatAII.hdr rorclblo enteriag the Great Re-p.bMc. .. Jt 16 '~'1n":.:..Rc~rted t t t b11 Po110, wtah· anderatood the GoYJr.IIJetat · Jaaa I~ t.o holler Oa.nllaal polf; Wlll at tDade repreaeatatlon to the tJ. s. f nutoonelatoryJ..eppol.nt lm aollo" ' ' ko . autboritles with a Tlew of bavlnrr · Cba.oC)(IUor of HOly 8eo o addiUon to , •1 bJ.t pnoeent oftlcot. tbe old nte ~·in an to op- lkrlln-lntoo.o lndl~a n hero o,•er C~ . lt-\lt-U'~ nf Katur'll.nvi!AIIou

to .. ud a United State. batUt!lblp to x:- ,.:., ___ ,_ • ~. •- ..... .... Klel. It Ia roranled aa a rebu.t! to tho ~r ~- uo Ml• aQtlte. Kalaor. . .


