BUTTER - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · wm riTA dpunRita ob open account, make 45-l-y REAL...

HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 26, L889. PRICE 5 CENTS. VOL. X.-- NO. 99- - lusiness Cards. THE DAILY IF I SHOULD DIE TO-NIGH- T. TIC TABLE or TUB L Commercial Advertiser Gardner Q. P. CASTLE. J. B. ATHERTON. 8. N. CASTLE. K. WILDER, Australian Mail Service through steamers EDW. D. TENHEY. W. A. BO WEN. Fi iiLISUED or TBS .A.tt o rne V" at" L aw OCEANIC S. S. COMPANY. If I should die to-nig- ht Hy friends would look upon my quiet face, Before they laid it in its resting place, And deem that death had left it almost fair, And laying snow white flowers against my hair. Would smooth it down with tearful tenderness. And fold my hands with lingering caress-P- oor hands, so empty and so cold to-nig- ht I If I should die to-nig- ht Bly friends would call to mind with loving thought Some kindly deed the icy hand had wrought; Some gentle word the frozen lips had said; Errands on which the willing feet had sped. The memory of my selfishness and prido, Hy hasty words, would all be put aside. L lornius Except Sundays, Office Honolulu Hale. Merchant Street. CASTLE & COOKE, Shipping and Commission Merchants, FOR SAN FRANCISCO, 40 Merchant St. At N- - 77 1264-l- y J. ALFRED MAGOON, rhe new and fine Al steel steamship Dae at Honolulu from San Francco, on or about. aCBSCKii-noN- S: -- IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN- - 99 And so I should be loved and uiourueu unignu ZEALANDIA 10,Bmr.,ye":i":;.:;.v.1SS Attorney and Counselor at Law and If I should die to-nig- ht month 60 Alameda October 26 Mariposa November 23 Zealandia Deoember 21 Var General Merchandise. Even hearts estranged would turn onco more one year ..... 5 00 : ::rTB, onUJ .. foreign (in- - Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due Bi to me, Office 42 Merchant Street, Honolulu, H.I. 6 00 at Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland on or about 121-lr- a tsge). -- ALSO, AGENTS FOR- - Recalling other days remorsefully. The eyes that chill me with averted glanco Would look upon mo as of yore, perchance Leave Honolulu for San Francisco, on or about iabiy iu Advance. Grove Ranch Plantation, Invar Would soften in tho old familiar way; For who would war with dumb, unconscious clay? able Nov. 16, 1889, Eobala Sugar Co., Haiku Sugar Co.. Paia Plantation, Papaikou Sugar Co. 80 1 might rest, forgiven of all t. R. Halstead's Plantation, A. H. Smith & Co., Eoloa, Kauai, G. F. Blake's Steam Pumps. Oh, friends, I pray to-nig- ht Zealandia November 1G Alameda Deoember 14 NTERPEIS PLANING MILL, ALAKEA, NEAR QUEEN STREET. 174 Telephone 65. And will leave for the abve port with mails and Keep not your kisses for my dead, cold brow; Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO.. 46 Merchant st., Honolulu, H.I. The way is lonely, let mo feel them now. passengers on or about thai date. For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS. apply to Think gently of me; I am travel worn; Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford. MvtYtmnxtm. My faltering feet are pierced with many a thorn. Forgive, O hearts estranged, forgive, I plead 1 Wm. G. Irwin & Co., When dreamless rest is mine I shall not need The tenderness for which I long t. Robert O. V. Myers. AWKNT8. SUN FIRE OFFICE, The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston. D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines. The New York and Honolulu Packet Line The Merchants' Line, Honolulu and San Francisco. Dr. Jayne & Sons Celebrated Medicines. Wilcox & Gibbs, Remington and Wheeler & Wilson (SEWING MACHINES. tf THE PRIVATE TUTOR. OF LONDON. Established 1710. For Sydney and Auckland. WILLIAM C. PARKE, ttomV"at-Law- , Devoted to the Encouragement of description of urn. Insurance effected upon every Street liono , So. 13 kaahumanu , ert at current of premi lulu, 11. 1. The new and tine Al steel steamship v.; Total Sum Insured in 1885 327,333,700 6t 99 ALAMEDA Claims arranged by the Local Agents, and paid AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE LEWERS & COOKE, Successors to Lewers & Dickson) with promptitude and liberality. The jurisdic H. JD. Molntyre & .Bro. IMPORTERS AND DEALBRH III i Groceries, Provisions and Feed EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS. tion of the Local Tribunals recognized. STOCK RAISING and INDUS- TRIAL PURSUITS Lumber .lorv It II ' I MrTT. m r M mm Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due at Honolulu from San Francisco or or about Oct. 26, 1889. G. W. Macfarlane & Co. lm Agents for Hawaiian Islands. itdtll Kinds of Building Materials Two men sat in conversation. The cooling wind played gently with tho short brown curls of tho younger, whilo his handsome eyes and face wero lighted by a bright, animated expression. "I can scarcely credit 6uch good fortune. Are you sure there is no mistake?' ho said. 'Perfectly; hero are tho documents. Prove your identity; prove to our satis- faction that you aro Ralph Hamilton and you are a rich man. Can you prove it?" "I can, immediately. But this is in- deed a welcome change; to spring from deep poverty to such wealth in a mo- ment by the death of an unknown rela- tive, 6eems almost incredible. I am grateful to you, Metcalf, for your pains fn so soon seeking me, also your interest in my welfare. I have one favor only to ask hi addition that you remain silent about it The fact of my changed circumstances need not bo made known as yet. I shall not alter my stylo of liv- ing for a while, but shall fulfill an en 15 GENERALLY, Ljf jBT sTKEET. Honolulu. C. BREWER & COMPANY, New Goods received by every packet from the Eastern States and Europe Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of the fiirv frP of fharei. Tnlnnd orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postoffice Box No. 416 Telephone No. 2 O!17 JOHN T. WATERH0USE, Importer and Dealer in (Limited). And more especially to the develop And will have prompv di3patcn with mails au assengers for the above ports. For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC- COMMODATIONS, apply to Wm. (j. Irwin & Co., AGENTS GENERAL MERCANTILE bERAL MERCHANDISE. GEO. W. LINCOLN, ment and perfection of Cultivation of Cane and the MANUFACTURE OF SUGAR. COMMISSION AGENTS io. 25-- :l Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf I HACKFELD & CO., WELL-KNOW- N BUILDER, IS STILL IN THE FIELD AS A THE and is now better prepared to do any and all kinds of work auDertaininer to contractintr or anv other class of work belonging to his trade, in CALL, FOR DIAMOND CREAMERY the same good and workmanlike manner as heretofore ; having curtailed my shop LIST OF OFFICERS: gagement to become the private tutor of two small boys residing, strango to re tid Coininission Agents P. C. Jones. Jr President and Manager expenses and still retain plenty of room to do any and all kinds of work appertain- ing to the building trade that may be entrusted to my care. 1 am enabled to do the same at very low rates, to suit the extremely dull times, and at the same time bearing in mind that what is worth doing at all is worth doing well. J. O. Carter Treasurer and Secretary late, in the same place where lies this new estate. In takme the property you Hon. W. F. Allen Auditor 0. Fort ft Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltf say I am required to assume tho name of BUTTER This popular journal has entered on it eighth volume, and having been Enlarged to 48 Pages DIRECTORS: its former owner. I his 1 will do alfter a few months spent in the neighborhood Thanking the public for past favors, I remain respectfully yours, GEO. W. LINCOLN. Hon. C. R. Bishop. Hon. H. Waterhous BEAVER SALOON, In lib., 21b., 31b, and 71b. Tins. as a poor teacher. I have met sad re 65 UlNet, Opposite Wilder Co.'s, buffs durmg tho days my poverty, and I have no idea of being made a victim of some fortune hunter, so I will win somo Wm. G. Irwin. Claus spreckels fl. J. NOLTE, PROPRIETOR. Finest Article for el Lunches Served with Tea, Coffee, Soda Water, Ginger Ale or Milk. Monthly, makes a yearly volume of nearly 600 pages, devoted to the agricul- tural and commercial prosperity of the CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO., ood woman for love's sake, then settle own and enjoy myself." In a beautiful residence sat two ladies, Warm Climates. u From S a. m. till 10 p. m. inters' Ri rmislifs a HnecialtV. ltf Mrs. Corsair and her daughter Zoo, while a third, a niece of the elder lady, ... - , BANKERS. S.FOSTER & CO. HawaiianlaUande. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY, Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu, . Hawaiian Islands. GENER A.L AGENTS, EXPERT ACCOUNTANTS AND COLLECTORS, Blanche Gilmore, stood with a light hat in her liand, as though sho was just re- turning from a walk. They wero dis- cussing tho appearance of a new tutor HAWAIIAN ISLANDS HONOLULU Wholesale Grocers, IRON WORKS CO., who had undertaken for a tune, on trial, the education of the two sons of the Steam. Engines, The attention of the business men of Honolulu and of all persons engaged in industrial pursuits is called to this per- iodical as a medium for the SOLE AGENTS. Draw Exchange on the principal parts o world. Brass Nm, Sugar Mills, Cooler, 26 and 28 California St., San Francisco. family. Charley, one of theso boys, had just appeared, and, looking from tho window, whispered: CUSTOM and Lead Casting, feb21,89 45-l- y wm riTA dpunRita ob open account, make REAL ESTATE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS, HOUSE, LOAN AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. Now, girls, there he comes, lell me W inuihiBerv of everv description made to collections and conduct a general banking and Particular attention naid to ships black- - if! what I said was not true." -- o- exchange business. ptiiittg. Job work executed on the shortest 'Yes indeed! exclaimed both young i in ladies, as they surveyed the fine figure and handsome face approaching; and Advertising & Information Which can be obtained in no other pub Deposits bearing interest received in their Sav Ings Department subject to published rules and when the young man smiled pleasantly regulations. 17oc3tf upon Charley, Blanche thought sho had THE ROYAL SALOON, never seen so handsome a man, wmio I Xanana aud Merchant Streets Zoe whispered: lication, here or abroad. If the young heir of tho Belmont LOVE'S BAKERY. No. 73 Nana'in Street. Walker & Redward, ft Contractors & Builders Brick, Stone and Wooden Building Estimates Given. Jobbing Promptly Attended to. 76 KING STREET. Departments of Business : Books and Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted. Collections will receive special attention and returns promptly made. Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titles furmshea Legal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and handsomely engrossed. . Copying and Translating in all languages m general use in this Kingdom. Real Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured. Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected. Fire and Life Insurance effected in firt class Insurance Companies. Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch. Loans Negotiated at Favorable Rates. Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers. Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished. Any Article Purchased or sold on commission. Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention. property prove one half as handsome I will bo content." Under the Management of E. H. F1, Wolter, ?he price of subscription is very MRS. KOBT. LOVE. - - Proprietress. ?lvf in gtock a variety of the best Wines, ietra u . . . r ... i . .A low Two Dollars and a Half ($2.50) per annum, or $3.00 when mailed abroad. . were, ana ice com beers on araugui t P per glass. ltf Every Description of Plain and Fancy. A splendid estate, with a residence of almost royal magnificence, lay wttb.in sight of their pretty home, and had jSst, through the death of old Belmont, a childless widower, passed into the hands of a young relative, expected scon to visit the premises. Zoe Corsair and her prudent mother had decided to appro- priate both owner and estate as soon as ' all and See lls.t A few copies of bound volumes of the Bread and Crackers, P. O. Box 423. Bell Telephone No. 2, 211 tf years 1886 and 1887 can be obtained $3.50 each. F RES H WONG SAI, ALL BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO OUR CARE WILL RECEIVE PROMPT possibte after his am vaL Tho new tutor, r .vrTmrT tmi.nnmrrt.nuAnOTa Mr. Hamilton, soon became a great PIONEER AINU MimtUL Aliii ax imuwijw. favorite with his minils. Living n hts Manufacturer of Soda Crackers 'Back Volumes of the Planters' did in the family, ho soon became well acquainted with all, while ho evidently Wl Yemen's Underclothing -- A N D- - Monthly bound to order. TlAvino- - had an extensive business experience for over twenty-fiv- e years in admired the beautiful Zoe. who treated s toy earn Saloon Bread and Pon pee Coats. o- -- Calico. German and Linen New York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of an him with cool politeness. Of Blanche intricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfully he saw little. 8he was the only poor solicit a trial. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY. relation, depending upon her uncle for Address : H. M. WHITNEY, Always on. Hand. AND Bell Telephone No. 274. 1277-- tt support, inereiore compelled to bear Shirts. 8tt, next door to K. B. Thomas' 14-3- m every imposition ana caprice ner worioiy, selfish aunt and cousin saw fit to inflict. MILK BEEADBAKEEyi Only little enjoyment was hers; a soli- - T, A SPECIALTY. Island Orders Promptly Attended to. 172-S- m WILLIAM C. ACHI, JO H 1ST "NOT DIMOND BLOCK, 95 and 97 KING STREET. Editor Planters' Monthly, 46 Merchant St., 16 1254-3- m Honolulu, H.I. NEW GOODS! Received per Bark Aron from Hongkong. ""y and Counsellor at Lw, and E, HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. Rich and Delicious Ice Cream made by Steam. 71 Hotel Street. Keal Estate Broker. tary spot, a deep ravuio wildl v romantic and secluded, not far from her uncle's residence. Thither she went one beauti- ful afternoon about October 1, tripping along down tho small winding path that led to the depths below. But suddenly she paused, a groan and a faint call for help arresting her steps. Hastening to the spot where she judged the sufferer to be, she saw a man lying at the foot of tho ravine, motionless and now quite etilL Kls all tk n . , .. . m Jnst JReceived ! courts oi tne ivinguoni. Office 36 Merchant St., Honolulu. dm No. 1 Contract Matting, J- - C. MARCHANT, HONOLULU MARKET. (Successor to Wm. McCandless.) No. 6 Queen Street, Fish Market, Ho- nolulu, 0. I. K....L i Ex "J. I HAKWAY," Corning Top Buggies, Piano box Top Buggies r-ima- er & Paner Ruler x Uiel St i ress Pub. Co. Building. Assorted Colors; Rattan Chairs and Lounges New patterns and styles; Assorted Shades of Silk, Choice Manila Cigars, Flower Pots, asstd sizes; Also, an assortment of Mosauito TJrns. WING W0 TAI & CO., 68 1289-l- m Nuuanu Street. LEWIS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Grows, A CARTY In a few minutes she was beside him, and, on lifting his head from the ground, 6he found Mr. Hamilton, the tutor, un- conscious. Running to the stream of water, she dipped in her handkerchief and bathed his orow. At last he opened his eyes and gazed long and vacantly upon her. "Ah, yes, I remember. I did fall I leaned over to pluck a flower and lost my balance. But I feel better again, thanks to you for your care, and I will see if I cannot rise. "Lean on me, Mr. Hamilton. I think I can get you up to the path, if it is too steep to the road, and from thence, after a rest, home." Slowly, yet surely, leaning on thel young girl for that support he was so' accustomed to give to others, he crept along, often stopping to rest, until at last the level road was gained, and from there his own room, to which a physi- cian was soon summoned, and his limb set and bruises attended to. (Continued on page 4). '"una neit t n PHAETONS, One Surrey Carryall, canopy top. ALSO Baggage Express Wagons AND -- Mule Carts, For Sale by C. Brewer k Co., Choicest Beef, Mntton, Fork. Fish VEGETABLES, ETC., Always Kept on Hand. Family and Shipping orders Carefully Attended to. Live Stock Furnished to Vessels at short notice. ""ice, Memhant a. . 18, 37, 66, 75, 180 Stores, Ranges and Housekeeping Goods. AN'n to , . tfK "ivjusjETTE HO. 1 Telenh. . V." mutual ou. ami STREET. 111 FORT I Plumbing. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work P. O. Box 297. 1 Telephone 340. if vol1!? PjMWT ADVERTISER 81 ly No. 212 queen street. Telephones the latest news.

Transcript of BUTTER - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · wm riTA dpunRita ob open account, make 45-l-y REAL...

Page 1: BUTTER - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · wm riTA dpunRita ob open account, make 45-l-y REAL ESTATE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS, W inuihiBerv of everv description made to HOUSE,



L Commercial Advertiser Gardner Q. P. CASTLE.J. B. ATHERTON.8. N. CASTLE.K. WILDER, Australian Mail Service through steamers EDW. D. TENHEY.W. A. BO WEN.

Fi iiLISUED or TBS.A.ttorneV" at"Law OCEANIC S. S. COMPANY.

If I should die to-nig- ht

Hy friends would look upon my quiet face,Before they laid it in its resting place,And deem that death had left it almost fair,And laying snow white flowers against my hair.Would smooth it down with tearful tenderness.And fold my hands with lingering caress-P-oor

hands, so empty and so cold to-nig- ht I

If I should die to-nig- ht

Bly friends would call to mind with loving thoughtSome kindly deed the icy hand had wrought;Some gentle word the frozen lips had said;Errands on which the willing feet had sped.The memory of my selfishness and prido,Hy hasty words, would all be put aside.

L lornius Except Sundays,Office Honolulu Hale. Merchant Street.


Shipping and Commission Merchants,FOR SAN FRANCISCO,

40 Merchant St.At N- -

77 1264-l- y

J. ALFRED MAGOON,rhe new and fine Al steel steamship Dae at Honolulu from San Francco,

on or about.aCBSCKii-noN-S:

-- IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN--99 And so I should be loved and uiourueu unignuZEALANDIA10,Bmr.,ye":i":;.:;.v.1SS Attorney and Counselor at Law and

If I should die to-nig- htmonth 60Alameda October 26

Mariposa November 23

Zealandia Deoember 21Var General Merchandise. Even hearts estranged would turn onco moreone year ..... 5 00

: ::rTB,onUJ .. foreign (in- - Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be dueBi to me,Office 42 Merchant Street, Honolulu, H.I.6 00 at Honolulu from Sydney and Aucklandon or about121-lr- atsge).

-- ALSO, AGENTS FOR- -Recalling other days remorsefully.The eyes that chill me with averted glancoWould look upon mo as of yore, perchanceLeave Honolulu for San Francisco, on

or aboutiabiy iu Advance. Grove Ranch Plantation,Invar Would soften in tho old familiar way;For who would war with dumb, unconscious clay?able Nov. 16, 1889,

Eobala Sugar Co.,Haiku Sugar Co..

Paia Plantation,Papaikou Sugar Co.

80 1 might rest, forgiven of all t.

R. Halstead's Plantation,A. H. Smith & Co., Eoloa, Kauai,

G. F. Blake's Steam Pumps. Oh, friends, I pray to-nig- htZealandia November 1G

Alameda Deoember 14



174 Telephone 65.

And will leave for the abve port with mails and Keep not your kisses for my dead, cold brow;Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco.


46 Merchant st.,Honolulu, H.I.

The way is lonely, let mo feel them now.passengers on or about thai date.For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR

ACCOMMODATIONS. apply to Think gently of me; I am travel worn;Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford.MvtYtmnxtm. My faltering feet are pierced with many a thorn.

Forgive, O hearts estranged, forgive, I plead 1

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., When dreamless rest is mine I shall not needThe tenderness for which I long t.


The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston.D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines.

The New York and Honolulu Packet LineThe Merchants' Line, Honolulu and San Francisco.

Dr. Jayne & Sons Celebrated Medicines.

Wilcox & Gibbs, Remington and Wheeler & Wilson



Established 1710. For Sydney and Auckland.WILLIAM C. PARKE,


Devoted to the Encouragement ofdescription ofurn.

Insurance effected upon everyStreet liono, So. 13 kaahumanu , ert at current of premilulu, 11. 1. The new and tine Al steel steamship

v.;Total Sum Insured in 1885 327,333,700

6t 99ALAMEDAClaims arranged by the Local Agents, and paid AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURELEWERS & COOKE,

Successors to Lewers & Dickson)with promptitude and liberality. The jurisdic



Groceries, Provisions and FeedEAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

tion of the Local Tribunals recognized.STOCK RAISING and INDUS-

TRIAL PURSUITSLumber.lorv It II ' I MrTT. m r M mm

Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will bedue at Honolulu from San Francisco

or or about

Oct. 26, 1889.G. W. Macfarlane & Co.

lm Agents for Hawaiian Islands.itdtll Kinds of Building Materials

Two men sat in conversation. Thecooling wind played gently with thoshort brown curls of tho younger, whilohis handsome eyes and face wero lightedby a bright, animated expression. "Ican scarcely credit 6uch good fortune.Are you sure there is no mistake?' hosaid.

'Perfectly; hero are tho documents.Prove your identity; prove to our satis-faction that you aro Ralph Hamiltonand you are a rich man. Can youprove it?"

"I can, immediately. But this is in-

deed a welcome change; to spring fromdeep poverty to such wealth in a mo-

ment by the death of an unknown rela-tive, 6eems almost incredible. I amgrateful to you, Metcalf, for your painsfn so soon seeking me, also your interestin my welfare. I have one favor onlyto ask hi addition that you remainsilent about it The fact of my changedcircumstances need not bo made knownas yet. I shall not alter my stylo of liv-

ing for a while, but shall fulfill an en

15 GENERALLY,Ljf jBT sTKEET. Honolulu.

C. BREWER & COMPANY, New Goods received by every packet from the Eastern States and Europe Fresh CaliforniaProduce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of thefiirv frP of fharei. Tnlnnd orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postoffice Box No. 416Telephone No. 2 O!17


Importer and Dealer in(Limited). And more especially to the develop

And will have prompv di3patcn with mails auassengers for the above ports.For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC-


Wm. (j. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS


ment and perfection of Cultivationof Cane and the

MANUFACTURE OF SUGAR.COMMISSION AGENTSio. 25-- :l Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf


WELL-KNOW- N BUILDER, IS STILL IN THE FIELD AS ATHE and is now better prepared to do any and all kinds of workauDertaininer to contractintr or anv other class of work belonging to his trade, inCALL, FOR

DIAMOND CREAMERYthe same good and workmanlike manner as heretofore ; having curtailed my shopLIST OF OFFICERS: gagement to become the private tutor of

two small boys residing, strango to retid Coininission AgentsP. C. Jones. Jr President and Manager

expenses and still retain plenty of room to do any and all kinds of work appertain-ing to the building trade that may be entrusted to my care. 1 am enabled to dothe same at very low rates, to suit the extremely dull times, and at the same timebearing in mind that what is worth doing at all is worth doing well.

J. O. Carter Treasurer and Secretary late, in the same place where lies thisnew estate. In takme the property youHon. W. F. Allen Auditor

0. Fort ft Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltf say I am required to assume tho name ofBUTTERThis popular journal has entered on it

eighth volume, and having been

Enlarged to 48 PagesDIRECTORS: its former owner. I his 1 will do alfter a

few months spent in the neighborhoodThanking the public for past favors,I remain respectfully yours,

GEO. W. LINCOLN.Hon. C. R. Bishop. Hon. H. WaterhousBEAVER SALOON, In lib., 21b., 31b, and 71b. Tins. as a poor teacher. I have met sad re65

UlNet, Opposite Wilder Co.'s, buffs durmg tho days my poverty, andI have no idea of being made a victim ofsome fortune hunter, so I will win somo

Wm. G. Irwin.Claus spreckelsfl. J. NOLTE, PROPRIETOR. Finest Article forel Lunches Served with Tea, Coffee,

Soda Water, Ginger Ale or Milk.Monthly, makes a yearly volume of

nearly 600 pages, devoted to the agricul-

tural and commercial prosperity of theCLAUS SPRECKELS & CO.,

ood woman for love's sake, then settleown and enjoy myself."In a beautiful residence sat two ladies,Warm Climates.

u From S a. m. till 10 p. m.inters' Ri rmislifs a HnecialtV. ltf Mrs. Corsair and her daughter Zoo,

while a third, a niece of the elder lady,... -, BANKERS. S.FOSTER & CO. HawaiianlaUande.

HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY,Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu, .

Hawaiian Islands.



Blanche Gilmore, stood with a light hatin her liand, as though sho was just re-turning from a walk. They wero dis-cussing tho appearance of a new tutor

HAWAIIAN ISLANDSHONOLULU Wholesale Grocers,IRON WORKS CO.,who had undertaken for a tune, on trial,the education of the two sons of theSteam. Engines,

The attention of the business men of

Honolulu and of all persons engaged in

industrial pursuits is called to this per-

iodical as a medium for

the SOLE AGENTS.Draw Exchange on the principal parts o

world.BrassNm, Sugar Mills, Cooler, 26 and 28 California St., San Francisco.family. Charley, one of theso boys, hadjust appeared, and, looking from thowindow, whispered:CUSTOMand Lead Casting, feb21,89 45-l- ywm riTA dpunRita ob open account, make REAL ESTATE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS,

HOUSE, LOAN AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. Now, girls, there he comes, lell meW inuihiBerv of everv description made tocollections and conduct a general banking and

Particular attention naid to ships black- - if! what I said was not true."--o-exchange business.ptiiittg. Job work executed on the shortest 'Yes indeed! exclaimed both youngi in ladies, as they surveyed the fine figure

and handsome face approaching; andAdvertising & Information

Which can be obtained in no other pub

Deposits bearing interest received in their Sav

Ings Department subject to published rules and when the young man smiled pleasantlyregulations. 17oc3tf upon Charley, Blanche thought sho hadTHE ROYAL SALOON,

never seen so handsome a man, wmioI Xanana aud Merchant Streets Zoe whispered:lication, here or abroad. If the young heir of tho BelmontLOVE'S BAKERY.

No. 73 Nana'in Street.

Walker & Redward,

ftContractors & Builders

Brick, Stone and Wooden BuildingEstimates Given.

Jobbing Promptly Attended to.


Departments of Business :

Books and Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted.Collections will receive special attention and returns promptly made.Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titles furmsheaLegal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and handsomely

engrossed. .

Copying and Translating in all languages m general use in this Kingdom.Real Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured.Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected.Fire and Life Insurance effected in firt class Insurance Companies.Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch.Loans Negotiated at Favorable Rates.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.Any Article Purchased or sold on commission.Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention.

property prove one half as handsome Iwill bo content."

Under the Management of

E. H. F1, Wolter, ?he price of subscription is very

MRS. KOBT. LOVE. - - Proprietress.?lvf in gtock a variety of the best Wines,ietra u . . . r ... i . .A low Two Dollars and a Half ($2.50)

per annum, or $3.00 when mailed abroad.. were, ana ice com beers on araugui t

P per glass.

ltf Every Description of Plain and Fancy.

A splendid estate, with a residence ofalmost royal magnificence, lay wttb.insight of their pretty home, and had jSst,through the death of old Belmont, achildless widower, passed into the handsof a young relative, expected scon tovisit the premises. Zoe Corsair and herprudent mother had decided to appro-priate both owner and estate as soon as

' all and See lls.tA few copies of bound volumes of the

Bread and Crackers, P. O. Box 423.Bell Telephone No. 2,211 tf years 1886 and 1887 can be obtained

$3.50 each.F RES HWONG SAI, ALL BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO OUR CARE WILL RECEIVE PROMPT possibte after his amvaL Tho new tutor,r .vrTmrT tmi.nnmrrt.nuAnOTa Mr. Hamilton, soon became a greatPIONEER AINU MimtUL Aliii ax imuwijw. favorite with his minils. Living n htsManufacturer of Soda Crackers

'Back Volumes of the Planters' did in the family, ho soon became wellacquainted with all, while ho evidentlyWlYemen's Underclothing -- A N D- -

Monthly bound to order.TlAvino-- had an extensive business experience for over twenty-fiv- e years in admired the beautiful Zoe. who treateds toyearnSaloon Breadand Pon pee Coats.o- --

Calico. German and LinenNew York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of an him with cool politeness. Of Blancheintricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfully he saw little. 8he was the only poorsolicit a trial. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY. relation, depending upon her uncle for

Address :

H. M. WHITNEY,Always on. Hand.

AND Bell Telephone No. 274. 1277-- tt support, inereiore compelled to bearShirts.

8tt, next door to K. B. Thomas'14-3- m

every imposition ana caprice ner worioiy,selfish aunt and cousin saw fit to inflict.MILK BEEADBAKEEyi Only little enjoyment was hers; a soli--T,A SPECIALTY.

Island Orders Promptly Attended to.172-S- m


Editor Planters' Monthly,46 Merchant St.,

16 1254-3- m Honolulu, H.I.

NEW GOODS!Received per Bark Aron from Hongkong.

""y and Counsellor at Lw, andE, HORN,

Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker.Rich and Delicious Ice Cream made by Steam.

71 Hotel Street.Keal Estate Broker.

tary spot, a deep ravuio wildlv romanticand secluded, not far from her uncle'sresidence. Thither she went one beauti-ful afternoon about October 1, trippingalong down tho small winding path thatled to the depths below. But suddenlyshe paused, a groan and a faint call forhelp arresting her steps. Hastening tothe spot where she judged the suffererto be, she saw a man lying at the foot oftho ravine, motionless and now quiteetilL

Kls all tk n . , .. . m Jnst JReceived !courts oi tne ivinguoni.Office 36 Merchant St., Honolulu.


No. 1 Contract Matting,J- - C. MARCHANT,


(Successor to Wm. McCandless.)

No. 6 Queen Street, Fish Market, Ho-

nolulu, 0. I.

K....L i


Corning Top Buggies,

Piano box Top Buggies


& Paner RulerxUiel St i ress Pub. Co. Building.

Assorted Colors;

Rattan Chairs and LoungesNew patterns and styles;

Assorted Shades of Silk,Choice Manila Cigars,

Flower Pots, asstd sizes;Also, an assortment of

Mosauito TJrns.WING W0 TAI & CO.,

68 1289-l- m Nuuanu Street.

LEWIS & CO.,Wholesale and Retail Grows,



In a few minutes she was beside him,and, on lifting his head from the ground,6he found Mr. Hamilton, the tutor, un-conscious.

Running to the stream of water, shedipped in her handkerchief and bathedhis orow.

At last he opened his eyes and gazedlong and vacantly upon her.

"Ah, yes, I remember. I did fall Ileaned over to pluck a flower and lostmy balance. But I feel better again,thanks to you for your care, and I willsee if I cannot rise.

"Lean on me, Mr. Hamilton. I thinkI can get you up to the path, if it is toosteep to the road, and from thence, aftera rest, home."

Slowly, yet surely, leaning on thelyoung girl for that support he was so'accustomed to give to others, he creptalong, often stopping to rest, until atlast the level road was gained, and fromthere his own room, to which a physi-cian was soon summoned, and his limbset and bruises attended to.

(Continued on page 4).

'"una neit t n


One Surrey Carryall, canopy top.


Baggage Express WagonsAND

--Mule Carts,

For Sale by C. Brewer k Co.,

Choicest Beef, Mntton, Fork. Fish


Always Kept on Hand.

Family and Shipping orders Carefully

Attended to.

Live Stock Furnished to Vessels at shortnotice.

""ice, Memhant a. .

18, 37, 66, 75, 180 Stores, Ranges and Housekeeping Goods.AN'n to , .

tfK "ivjusjETTE HO.1 Telenh. .

V." mutual ou.amiSTREET.111 FORT I Plumbing. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work

P. O. Box 297.1 Telephone 340.if vol1!? PjMWT ADVERTISER 81 lyNo. 212queen street. Telephonesthe latest news.

Page 2: BUTTER - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · wm riTA dpunRita ob open account, make 45-l-y REAL ESTATE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS, W inuihiBerv of everv description made to HOUSE,





Smith of Redwood and twice baffled jus-tice with a divided jury, has not foundthe Sacramento Courts so easy to deludewith his perjured plea of self-defens- e.

A sentence of ten years at hard labor inthe State Prison has followed his con-viction of manslaughter. It is the ex-treme penalty for that crime and he mav

tage from enlightened and enlargedintercourse with all.

Before the conference shall form-ally enter upon the discussion of thesubjects to be submitted to it, I aminstructed by the President to inviteall the delegates to be guests of theGovernment during a proposed visitto the various sections of the coun-try with a double view of showing toour friends from abroad the UnitedStates,and of giving to our own peo-ple in our own homes the privilegeand pleasure of extending a warmwelcome of Americans to Americans.



Department f Finance.Members of the Tax Appeal Hoard com-

missioned by the Minister of Finance for1889:

Honolulu J. T. Waterhouse, Jr., W. F.Allen.

consider himself still fortunate becausethe verdict was not murder and the sen-tence capital.

It is an old saying that "justice travelswith a leaden heel and strikes with aniron 1 a id." It is especially applicableto the courses of California law. Tardi-ness is the bane of our Criminal Courts ;

while it is their virtue that, as a rule,after much delay they make an effort toaccomplish justice at last. Such is thehistory of this homicide of an honestand inoffensive journalist by a brute heexposed to merited contempt. Powellwill probably end his worthless life injail.

HAva and Waianae J. A. Campbell.


We do not hold ourselves responsible for thestatements made, or opinions expressed by ourcorrespondents.

Sam'l Andrews.Waialua G. Mahaula, W. A. BuickKooiauloa Jas. Donnelly, ?Jas, A. Av- - --3 rLif uiifiyKoliala Matters.

Mr. Editor: There are some peoNATIVE RACES AND CIVILIZATION

pie who are never satisfied, and so itwould appear from a general growl

for the Handkerchief.bv cme "Echo." in the Bulletin. So

lett.Koolaupoko Jas. Olds, Aku.Lahaina J. A. Moore, H. Dickenson.Wailuku S. F. Chillingworth, A. KarnesMakawao Jas. Anderson, A. G. Burch-ardt- .

Hana S. W. Kaai, F. Wittrock.Molokai and Lanai R. W. Meyers, L.B

Wailiinalo.Lihue H. P. Lucas. Iosia Keawe.Kawaihau H. T. Lucas, Geo. MuudonKoloa J. K. Burkett, Kahuakao.Waimea and Niihau-- F. Brandt, Luk;


far as the people here are concerned, r

such stuff as "Echo" has pouredforth proves nothing, but to the un-

informed it may be different.It is a sufficient refutation of his

History and experience teach thatit takes a long period, several gener-ations at least, to educate and fitraces of people that havo been usedto a state of nature, into the usagesand requirements of civilization.Hereditary tendencies cling to themwith an iron grasp, and their intel-lectual faculties have been moldedand shaped by ages to fit them onlyfor the life that their ancestors led.Many of these races show individualaptitude for certain branches of edu






Nakaapahu.Hanalei John Kakina. J. M. RadwajHilo Chas. Carter, Dan'l Porter.North Hilrt T.' T u .1 l--i .. p.

15 "'a refined

first point of grievance, to look atthe --composition of the police orjudiciary department, the roadboard, port collector, tax office andpost-offic- e, to see that not one of theincumbents of these offices is in anyway related to the present Cabinet,

xxnw xj. ,T . Diirnuro, uan I I'orter.

Puna Haaheo, K. Rycroft.Kau-Ch- as. Carter, J. K. Kekaula.


il .C..

B. Fisher, Henry Hallcation, but in nearly all cases theirnatures rebel against the training fall nnor to the "missionary" stock.rurm A.niiaia-1- 1. L. Holstein, Luiina

1and discipline considered necessaryfor civilized youths. rfumes

heihei.South Kohala Paul Jarrett, Thos. Lind

say.North Kona- -J. H. Waipuilani, S. P


Now to look at the matter of roads,his next point of grievance. It cansafely be left to any man of commonsense, whether it is not eminently

Ji-ver- effort has been made to Petrain Hawaiiaus to civilized institu




fitting, that the main thoroughfare.vu nuuu-- o. (wenuniano, fc. v . Kinotions; they have been made politic-ally tho equals of white men, andhave even had special advantages

Each bottle

Gentlemen of the InternationalAmerican Conference: Speakingfor the Government of the UnitedStates, I bid you welcome to thecapital; speaking for the people ofthe United States, I bid you wel-

come to every section and everystate in the Union. You came inresponse to an invitation extendedby the President on the special au-

thorization of Congress. Your pre-sence here is no ordinary event. Itsignifies much to the people of Am-

erica to-da- y; it may signify far morein the days to come. No conferenceof nations has ever assembled toconsider the welfare of territorialpossessions so vast, and to contem-plate the possibilities of a future sogreat and inspiring. Those now sit-

ting within these walls are empow-ered to speak for the nations whosoborders are on both the great oceans:whose northern limits are touchedby the Arctic waters for a thousandmiles beyond the Straits of Behr-ing- ,

and whose southern extentionfurnishes human habitations fartherbeyond the Equator than is elsewherepossible on the globe. The aggre-gate territorial extent of the nationshere represented falls but little shortof 12,000,000 of square miles, morethan three times the area of allEurope, and but little less than one-fourt- h

part of the globe, while in re-spect to the power of producing arti-cles which are essential to humanlife and those that minister to life'sluxury, they constituta even a largerproportion of the entire world.These great possessions to-da- y hereaggregate a population approximat-ing 120,000,000, but if the peoplewere as densely settled as the averagepopulation of Europe the total num-ber would exceed 1,000,000,000.

While considerations of this char-acter must inspire Americans, bothSouth and North with the liveliestanticipations of future grandeur andpower, they must also impress themwith a sense of the gravest respon-sibility touching the character anddevelopment of the respective na-tionalities. The delegates whom Iam addressing can do much to es-tablish permanent relations of confi-dence, respect and friendship be-tween the nations which they repre-sent. They can show the world anhonorable and peaceful conferenceof seventeen independent AmericanPowers in which all shall meet to-

gether on terms of absolute equality;a conference in which there can beno attempt to coerce a single dele-gate against hi3 own conception ofthe interests of his nation; a conference which will permit no secretunderstanding on any subject, butwill frankly publish to the world allits conclusions; a conference whichwill tolerate no spirit of conquest,but will aim to cultivate Americansympathy as broad as both Contin-ents ; a conference which will formno selfish alliances against othernations from which we are proud toclaim inheritance; a conference, infine, which will seek nothing, pro-pose nothing, endure nothing that isnot, in the goneral sense of all the

of a district, extending from itsprincipal and only public landing,

8. M. DAMON,Minister of Finance.

October 25, 1889. 99 ?291-l- tgiven to them; but, as a race, they through its whole length, should be

put in good repair, notwithstandingthe fact that a railroad runs from Lbears thettam

and trade mark ofthe same port. It is an entirely

have not met expectations and havealmost invariably failed in positionsof trust and responsibility as well asin mercantile persuits. The native


new idea, that the public could makeit convenient or even possible to doall their travelling by rail, whetherthe train runs but once or a dozen

Baseball At Makiki Diamond 3.30 m 52race of the Hawaiian Islands hasi ni mneon uivon-H- in namo- -


0times a day. Colgate a Co.It may here be admitted that

Royal Haw aiian Band - Concert aKmma Square, 1:30 p. m.

Privy CouNciL-Meet- ing at GovemmenBuil. ling, at 11 a. m.Hokoutld Akiok Dance Ipartv for memhers only, 8 p. m.

there are two small bridges betweenallowed to exercise political functionswhen in no other group of this vastocean have tho natives any suchprivilege, excepting in those islands

Halawa and Niulii that are so far oZ2out of repair as to be scarcely safe; TOILET SOAP MAKERS and PERFUMERS. NW YORK.but it must also be stated that allat Y. M. C. AMektinos W. C. T ' U

Hall, 7:30 p. m. the heavy grades in ravines between 64 1287-l- vwhere the people are still in a primative aud barbarous condition. Puehuehu and Niuln, several of

which were before almost impassSUPREME COURT DIARY.

Bekore Mr. J.stice McCullt Estate oH. Bfclntyre, deceased, final account able to carriages after a heavy rain

lieeent events have proved thatthe natives of this group are notabove other Polynesian races in the HARRY'S LUNCH ROOMSof half an hour or less, have been so

changed that it may be stated as a HOTEL, STREET.scale of intellectual endowments fact, that when Wainaia is opened,THE DAILY as it probably will be before long, aand most people now come to theconclusion that tho confidencehithorto placed in them, by allowing

horse in a buggy can be kept on thetrot nearly the whole distance fromPacific Commercial Advertiser. Mahukona to Niulii, a distance ofabout fourteen miles. What part ofthem to take part in the functions of

a civilized government, has been an the district then is it, that "can NOTICE.whistle" for good roads?Since "Echo" complains that the

Be just and fear not:Lot all the euds tbou aim'st at ho

Thy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's.

error. People havo been very slow tobelieve that this phase of the nativeproblem would appear as time rolled Road Board has largely overdrawn

Open Day arid NigntBILL OF FARE:

Tea, Coffee or Chocolate. withHam and Eggs 25 centsEggs to order 25 "Porterhouse Steak 25 "Mutton Chops 25 "Pork Chops 25 "Hamburg Steak 25 "Steak and Eggs 35 "Steak and Chops 35 "Fish 25 M

Tea, Coffee & Chocolate.with Breadand Butter or Cakes.. 10 "

Mush and Milk 10

4S"Fresh Wild Game to order everyTuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Having purchased from J. J. Melchers, W. Z. Schiedam,Holland, the sole right to use histhe appropriation for roads, in doingon ; but it seems that tho higher and what it nas already done on the

better the Hawaiian institutions be most important thoroughfare, exSATURDAY, 6OCT. 26, 1839. 99Elephant Labeltending: it even as a bridle riathCDmp, the less able are the natives tocope with events and the dutiesAn eastern exchange remarks re which these bring in their train

For GIN in this Kingdom, which label bears the picture of

an elephanf, under palm trees, printed in differentcolors, and also the words

garding the address of Mr. Blaine I ho British system of dealingwith uncivilized races may seem a

across several deep gulches beyondPololu an entirely new road it isscarcely consistent in him to com-plain that they did not make a car-riage drive into the uninhabitedwoods, or even over the mountainsto Waimea, where, it is said, surveysare already commenced or contem-plated, for a better grade than theold.

Greatest Gin Distillery of the Netherlands.registered;harsh and stern one; but presentMS-E-

xtra dishes cooked to order.T- - mm . -appearances indicate that confidence umner irom u a. m. to 2 p. m

in inferior races is misplaced, andthat the British system is the resultof long experience in lands peopled

Dishes cooked to order up to 8:30 p m.19-- tf


J. J. Melchers, W. Z, Schiedam,"

And having been granted a Certificate of Registration forthe term of twenty years, dating from the 17th day of Se-ptember, A. D. 1889, under the hand and seal of L. A.Thurston, Minister of the Interior, for the Hawaiian Islands,for the exclusive use of the said label throughout the Ha-

waiian Kingdom, all persons are hereby warned not to usethe said label, or any imitation thereof, under penalty of law.

I pass "Echo's" dig at the schoolteachers with the mere observationthat it never seemed to occur to himthat even a competent master com-ing from a distant land and findinga class of pupils and methods hereso different from what he has been

By the S. S. City of Peking, and Bk.

by all shades of barbarians.Native Hawaiians do not seem

capable of going one step higher inthe scale of civilization than they

Velocity, for and Sale by

at the opening of the Pan-America- n

Congress published in another col-umn, that it "has given him a newhold upon the appreciation of hiscountrymen. His sentences werefull of dignified welcome, of loftypurpose and of sound advice. Hiseloquence was equal to the bestefforts of his earlier years. His sug-gestions were in keeping with hisofficial station as Secretary of Stateadvising the assembled delegates toact in furtherance of the politicaland commercial interests of theWestern Hemisphere, yet droppingno hint of hostility against tho interests or institutions of tho oldworld. It was the ripe expressionof a broad statesman rising to theimportance of the occasion.

W. C. PEACOCK.6-3- mhavo now reached, and the proofs of WING WO CHAN d CO.accustomed to in his own country,

might do something worse than leavehis school half a day to visit anotherone to take observation. The cane


Japan Fire Screens, Picture Frames,Bronze Vases, different kinds:planters of so small a country as

Hawaii, as well as those of Louisi Card Cases, ivory, bronze, sandal wood,A. Aana, have greatly benefited them

delegates, timely and peaceful.And yet we cannot be expected to

forget that our common fate hasmade us the inhabitants of two Con-tinents which, at the close of fourcenturies, are still regarded bevondthe seas as a new world. Like "situ-ations beget like sympathies and im-pose like duties. We meet in thefirm belief that the nations of Am-erica ought and can be more helpfuleach to the other than they now are,and that each will find advantageand profit from enlarged intercoursewith the others. AVe believe that weshould be drawn together moreclosely than by the sympathies ofthe sea, and that at no distant daythe railway systems of the Northand South will meet upon the Isth-mus and connect by land routes thepolitical and commercial Capitals ofall America ; we believe that hearty

n, based on hearty confi-dence, will save all the AmericanStates from the burdens and evilswhich have so long and cruellyafflicted the older nations of theworld; we believe that the spirit of

selves and their business by meeting

this position are becoming so numer-ous and obstructive, that some wayof restricting their action in publicaffairs has already become necessary

even at the risk of the governmentof tho country being placed underthe protectorate of a foreign power.

Determined .obstruction on thepart of native Hawaiians can onlyhave one result, viz.: foreign annex-ation and total exclusion of nativesfrom tho political franchise, thesame as in Tahiti, Fiji and NewCale- -

with one another to compare notesand exchange views. How much

it y n la

Fans, a large assortment ;Framed Japanese Pictures,Ink Stands, bronze ;Paper Knives, ivory, bronze, etc. ;Bronze Plaques,Canes, all kinds and very choice ;

more men, would a planter coming

Dinner and Tea Sets, Hand Painted. New Fancy Dress MaterialsLadies' Bronze Baskets,Japanese Fancy Towels,

JUST OPENED AT THE.jap. iviorning ijrowns, cotton, silk, etc;Silk, Grasscloth, and Ladies' Fancy

donia, or similar to the statewhich the American Indians

from a far country to raise cane herefind it to his advantage to visit otherplantations, however expert a planterhe might be in his own country?

Before "Echo" undertakes to sendanother such growl to the press, hemight tell us what part of the com-munity he claims to echo. If he wasin the district a year ago he oughtto appreciate the difference betweenthe roads now and what they werethen.

Kohala, Oct. 21, 1889.


Popular Millinery Housenow hold.For the past half contury the Ha-

waiian race has received every en

xianuKercnieis,Crepe Shawls,Japanese Sauce,Rattan Chairs, assorted varieties;Chinese Plants,Paving Stones,Chinese Matting, white and colored;Row Boats, etc., etc. 155-- 1 y

justice,of common and equal interests


Our readers will remember thatsome two years ago, the late RalphS. Smith was killed by a man namedPowell, at his home in lledwood,California. Money was on the sideof the culprit, and his friends suc-ceeded in winning over the jury intwo trials. On the third trial atSacramento, Powell was convictedof manslaughter. We copy the re-port of the sentence from the SanJose Mercury of Oct. 5th.

Sacramento, October 2 With quiver-ing lips and trembling limbs LewellynA. Powell fell back in his chair when beheard his fate announced this morning

couragement, and had every chance104 Fort Street. : N. S. SACHS, Prop.offered to succeed ; but whut is the

between the American States willleave no room for an artificial bal-ance of power like unto that whichhas led to wars abroad and drenched

result?&vnttomtm. NEW FANCY FIGURED SATINKS,Europe in blood; we believe thatSydney, Oct. 4. The Protectionist FAJNGY FIGURED ENGL'SH MUSLINS,


CHR, GERTZ,Importer and Dealer n

Gents', Ladies' and Children's

Congress favors Mr. Barton as thefuture leader of the party.

friendship, avowed with candor andmaintained with good faith, will re-move from the American States thenecessity of guarding the boundary

Haiku Sugar Company. CHAMBRIES, LIGHT BLUE and PINK, FACTWflLondon, Oct. 3. The Dolice aro INDIA SINON. VICTORIA LAWNS anastill pursuing the clue to the identity ANNUAL MEETINGlines between themselves with forti-

fications and a military force: wooy juuge mint. 1 he murderer of Ralph l oots, Shoes and Slippers A Small Assortment ofMnith, late editor of the Redwoodfully limes G.izette. has been fnnn.i ANNUAL MEETING OF THETHE No. 80 Fort St., Honolulu.

78-l- y Ladies' Embroidered Suits, in Boxesaiku Sucar Co. will be held on MONguilty by a lenient jury of manslaughterafter two unsuecessiul trials in RedwoodJiiy.

mi m

DAY, October 28, 1889, at 9 o'clock a. ra.,at the office of Castle & Cooke, Honolulu.

Per Order. J. B. ATHERTON,85-t- d Secretarv.

inc ueienuant s attorney made a for At Very Low Prices!

NTHSTS' VEILING-- !mal motion for a new trial on the briefs

believe that standing armies beyondthose which are needful for publicorder and for tho safety of internaladministration should be unknownon both American Continents; webelieve that friendship and not force,a spirit of just law and not the vio-lence of the mob, should be therecognized rule of administrationbetween the Americans in Americannations.

rn il i a i ii


L. ADLER,BEGS TO INFORM THEpublic in general that he has re-

ceived an elegant assortment ofLadies', Gent's and Children'sLadies' evening Slippers a spe- -

Wool, fine quality in the following colors: Light Blue,,Navy ' Blue,AllNOTICE.

oi dacKtne itipper, and are stillhopeful of final success.

The Canadian Government hasgranted Colonel Hamilton permis-sion to erect electric generatingmachinery under the Horseshoe fall.

London, Oct. 3. Mr. J. Chamber-lain, speaking at Newcastle, de-clared that he had received satisfac-tory assurances that Lord Salisburywould deal finally with the Irishquestion next session.

The Boston Globe states that ameeting of the Fourth district Democrate was held Sept. 29th in the in-terest of John L. Sullivan's candi-dacy for Congress. Eulogistic speech

Cream, Lemon Color, Ecru, Lilac, Brown, Black andShoes,cialty. VALENCIENE LACE and ORIENTAL LACE FLOUNCLNO- -"

30-l- ni

at extra low prices.VALENCIENE FLOUNCING Skirt Length, at $1 per yard and upwara


ATA MEETING OF THE TRUSTEESof the Planters' Labor and Supply

Company, held this day, it was voted thatthe annual meeting of the Company beheld in Honolulu on MONDAY, October28, 1889, at 10 a. m., at the Rooms of theChamber of Commerce.

W. O. SMITH.59-l- w 12S7-7- t Secretarv.

A Full Line of

xu Luese suojecis ana tnose cog-nate thereto the attention of theconference is earnestly and cordi-ally invited by the Government ofthe United States. There will be agreat gain when we shall acquire

neretotore submitted, and Judge Huntdenied the motion.

"Let the defendant stand up," orderedthe Court, and Powell then attempted tolook indifferent, but soon the heaving ofhis chest and the trembling hand withwhich he held his ear to listen bet;erevinced that w thin his buaom all wasnot at rest. In fact, while the infoima-tio- n

charging him with the murder wasbeing read, tears could be seen in hiseyes, and this was, perhaps the first de-monstration of a conscience that he ex-hibited since he fouly murdered an in-offensive and respected citizen.

After having attentively listened tothe indictment, the Court asked him ifhe had anything to say why sentenceshould not be pronounced.

t.. ii'i.n. I I. ... . .1- -1 11 ..I


Hawaiian GazetteAND

Corsets, Silk & Kid Gloves, Underwear,

BLACK DIAMOND DYE HOSE, for Ladies and Children.

A Fine Assortment of


LATEST STYLE OF HATS AND BONNETS, including our well-know- n

Corporation Notice.

es were made and plans laid forsecuring the champion's nominationat the expiration of Hon. J. H.O'Neil's term.

With the object of assisting GreatBritain and Germany in the sup-pression of the slave trade, the Sul


Daily P. C. Advertiseroffice of Publication,No 46 Merchant street, Honolulu.Julr 1889- - d&w


of Paia Plantation will be held

inat common conndenceon which allinternational friendships must rest.It will be a greater gain when weshall be able to draw the people ofall the American nations into closeacquaintance with each other, to befacilitated by more frequent andmore rapid intercommunication.It will be the greatest gain whenthe personal and commercial rela-tions of the American States, Southand North, shall be so developedand so regulated that each shall

BAILOR HATS in Black and wime.at the office of Castle & Cooke, on MON-DAY, October 28th, at 10 o'clock a. m., forthe election of officers, etc.

W. J. LOWRIE.97-- 4t Secretarv.

.no lanjici mru uuilieiKieu mat I lieCourt had no jurisdiction, as the homi-cide was committed in Sa.n Mateo county,and the Superior Court there alone hadjurisdiction.

Without replying to the objectionJudge Hunt pronounced the sentence,which is the extreme penalty.

The ruffian Powell who killed editor

tan of Zanzibar has issued an edictempowering the commanders ofEnglish and German war ships tosearch all the Zanzibar boats. Thedecree provides that every personwho enters the Sultan's dominions

eThe Daily P. C. Advertiser and Weekly

Are the Leading Newspapers In the Kingdom.

THI? APER IS KEPT ON FILES Dake's Advertising

tT'n6 & 5 Merchant's Exchange,Cal., where contracts foradvertising can be made for it.

ADVERTISER IS THETHE daily paper of the Kingdomafter November shall be free. j acquire the highest possible advan

Page 3: BUTTER - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · wm riTA dpunRita ob open account, make 45-l-y REAL ESTATE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS, W inuihiBerv of everv description made to HOUSE,



--Oil SMMtttWWW. fl,rti ,,, v- -" - Mnv mu,.u,,.r.ll0HtHK1 The Privy Council has beenmeet to-da- y at 11 a. m.I - .

-l' KID A 1 ,

Iiash, 20 days from, v u'ilcox. PIANO LESSONS.The O. S. S. Alameda is due to-da- yI , . n. 21 davs



LAW DIVISION.In re bankruptcy of Choy Tin of Hono

lulu. Ppfifirtn ir i t-- i .

....rl'l;. i v v JMfrom Sanlater news.

lauuiscp wnn eight davs GIVEN BY FELIX OL--lort n - OT 1 l. i 1. if ttPhanev, iroin rvauai.. iPVilel Macauiay, ironiMakeo

11 1 - ' -- naM M an tret, ur UL

II8 S I 1 1 the residence of the pupil,according to agreement.

Charges moderate. 78-l- m

t . v. .ranee, ine astheare

In our '--

Authority" columnmembers of the Tax Appeal Boardannounced.

signee, for allowance of accounts andfrom Hawaii.

GOO KIM,Merchant Tailor,


Cashmere, Diagonals, Tweeds andSerges, Etc.

WA perfect fit guaranteed.NUUANU STREET. HONOLULU.


WZL Kauai.' -

T-n-m Waianae.aiscbarge. Ordered that assignees accounts be approved and that he be dis FOR SALE.fcTfrMn Kauai.

.nia cuarged. VV. C. ParkeIt is probable that the case of R WWilcox will come on again to be heardnext Monday.

present inperson.I)Kr.Krn:KS.

Fbiday Oct. 25. ONE SINGLE HORSEDray. Enquire of

CASTLE & COOKE.1293 93-t- f

danceIt is

at the A Honintended torgstrali,

There will be aHall this evening,members only.

Hoodlette, for San

Nt uhall. for Hum- -Anu'lia.


BW j0renZeD

1,,. Claire, for circuit THIS SPACE IS RESERVEDEI! BisuOJ

The Planters' Labor and Supply Com-pany will have their annual meeting onMonday next at 10 a.m.The Royal Hawaiian Ron.)

SkM. .inland, for Kauai at 4 A GIRL (GERMAN PREFERRED) TO Guns, Pistols,Ammunition, Etc.. ,.i floa. Cameron, for Hama

. . f,,!,,k:li at fi D 111.


The Court was opened at 9 a. m. byDeputy Marshal Hopkins and immedi-atny- i

freafter Chief Justice Juddcaned Albert Loomens, convicted oftencen' t0 baF f the Gurt for sen"

His Honor asked the prisoner if henad anything to say before sentence wasPassed, on him. Mr. Kosa his counselstated that the prisoner had nothing tosay. His Honor then avoiding theusual accompaniments of passing adeath sentence addressed the prisonerbriefly as follows :

"Albert Loomens, you have beenfound guilty by a jury of this Court ofthe crime of treason. The penalty isdeath. The sentence of the Court isthat on the first Monday in Decembernext within the walls of the Oahu Prison

. . . . .in 1 T 1 1. .a i i rt

viammla for bw.mm

mil tor La.mm Pianos For Rent.

the usual concert at Kmma Square thisafternoon at 4 :30 o'clock.

The S. S. Australia carried from theGenera Post Office yesterday 4,997 let-ters and 2,330 packages of papers.

Up to 11:45 o'clock last night therewere seven arrests all r,f ,wLt.

the ADVERTISEMENT of theLeaving To-la- y.

Baeberow, for Puget

A full Assmt. ofBageball, Lawn Tennis & Cricket Goods.

SOLE AGENTS FOR THEWhite & New Home Sewing Machines

ANDNew National and Peerless Machines

Also, all kinds of Material for Fancy Work-Embroider-y

and Stamping Orders "tilled atshort notice.Having procured a workman, we arenow prepared to do all Jobs in the repairline and warrant satisfaction.41'3 79 FORT ST., Honolulu.


123-t- f

sboti for Koolau.vi TV 1111.11 VIHTMChinamen for having opium in posses- - COMPANY.

sion.i ... fniin Karelin Forts.f roni a cruise.f ...;fllr!,.. ( art The baseball NOTICE.'"IVvnii, Kanning's Island.

i- - : ...1 v" iuitKiKi1 i ,.i:p....ti. raiiuuiK o ibwiiu. uuuuiuiu, uetween me nours oi o a.

m. and 12 m. you be hung by the neck7 TU.11"8 auernoon will be betweenIolams and Kamehamehas at 3:30o c 1 oc 1c


Corner of Fort and Hotel Streets.CHAS. J. FUELumu you are dead."Thn : .. i .i I, THE UNDERSIGNED, GIVE

Jt Bishop. Francteco.

Mever, Ne Yok.EjBaekerow, Liverpool.

u. ti;i- -n i. Port 'lovvnsend.nonce mat all persons having pro

tic ynouiier iook xne sentence verycoolly, and was taken in charge by De-puty Marshal Hopkins and returned to such Watches. Guitars, 67 1280


Dentists.tr j ' asEtC, at niV Store fnr rpnairs nnrl if

H B. M. S. Espiegle had a few hourstarget practice outside Um harbor yes-terday, and then returned to her moor-ings in naval row.

Hongkong. 'Martin x ii . . - - i .prison. Kecess was had by the CourtJan Francisco.iftiT. Rush, 1889,not cauea lor belore December 1they will be sold at auction.until 1 o clock at which hour eases Nns. i o i.i ;

jan'ijsnii, oan r 67 and 68 Mao, Ponaha and Rahapa (allnit J A. I 1

A. KRAFT.nvu,c" cuuigeu wnn poij'gamy wereIt is notified elsewhere that the officersthe U. B. S. Iroouoia will not Ua

ARTIFICIAL TEETHfrom one to an entire set in-serted on gold, silver, alluiu- -

of LOST.canea, and defendants all pleadedguilty. Mr. Cecil Brown their counselmade a plea in mitigation, and asked the

from Foreign Ports.Where iroin. Due.

l'ort Townsend. OcUlOP Hartford Oct. 10ban Francisco. ..Oct 2(5

Sail Francisco. ...Oct 13tloston Dec JO


toe Minor

I ipson.rflanier. .

ourtior alight sentence. His Honorsentenced each of defendants to one is NEAR HONOLULU, A RED

Horse, with four white feet;branded JxL. Anyone rindingmontbb' imprisonment at hard labor, $25

sponsible for debts or bills coniricted bvpersons attached to this ship.

Mr. .Tas. F. Morgan's sale of Japaneseplants takes place to-da- y noon, gomeot the ferns have attained a great ageone plant is said to be fifty years old. '

Albert Loomens

inum ami rubber bases.Crown and bridge work a specialty. Topersons wearing rubber plates which are aconstant source of irritation to themouth and throat, we would recommendour Prophylactic Metal Plate. All oper-ations performed in accordance with thelatest improvements in dental science,leeth extracted without pain by the use ofisitrous Oxide Gas.

uue anu ks costs.tremen Dec 27H 1. saia norse, will be rewarded by

returning the same to E. D. Baldwin. 79io lurther business was transactedti Liverpool Dec 30and the Court was adjourned at 11 :30 am. until 10 a. m. on Saturday.

m UongKong, jnov lgkfekl Liverpool Dec 25ttnson Newcastle Ian 15 Office Boy Wanted! Hotel street, Tregloan premises.

55-l- ytQaeea .can prunuwuu.. .uuizo.Wilder Ban Francisco. . .Oct 31

..Portland, Or. . . Nov 2POLICE COURT. 13 XJ IIdeath yesterday for treason. The ex-

ecution is .appointed to take place thetirst Monday in December next. (2d).

Company B of the Honolulu Riflesseems to be in need ofAbout a dozen of its volunteers have re- -

WANTED A BRIGHT, SMART BOY.' One wishing to learn the nrofessionpreferred. Call at Anderson & Lundy'sDental Office after 3 o'clock. 92-lv- v



nasi perstmr Waialeale, Oct 25SfNGarsten. Fred Harrison, VV

Friday, Oct. 25.Puhili, charged with furious driving

at Honolulu, was remanded untilOct. 26th.

Kahai, a boy under sentence in theReformatory school. Application was

The Genuine Article. In Quantities to Suit.oigtwu mr reasons bent known to themselves. REMOVAL.

The Liverpool and Lon-

don and Globe


Aet 9 40,0-00,00-

Tet Income .i7 iwwi

I I deck passengers.DEPASTURES. made for his release by his father

The steamer Kinau left for windwardports yesterday at 2 p. m. with a fullpassenger and freight list; and othersteamers are having all the freight theycan carry.

W. Lee, the shorthand reporter charg- - fllHE OFFICE OF SANDERS'with larceny on August 29th last. press will be removed on Wednesday,

h Francisco, per SS Australia,U Martin . K Alexander, J Niud wife. Mrs F L Leslie, Mrs

Jta SECfddock and child, H. Bardi and valet, Countess

Uct. loth, to the old stand. No. 81 KinirMarsnai Ureiehton stated toueputy u street, directly opposite the present stand. COLGATE'SKing up telephone 80. 89-l- m

the Court that he was instructed by theAttorney-Genera- l to enter a nolle pros-equi in this case.

The annual meeting of the W. C. T.U. will be held this Pvonin.r ; n,, v"- i maul, llaron Heydebrandt,Btri, Baroness Hartling, H Hyi Kawananakoa, H H Prince - ' v t viiiiiz. ill j i ir,

Claims l'aicl 112.569,000

Takes Risks against Loss or Damage by Fireon Buildings, Machinery, Sugar Mills.Dwelling'sand Furniture, on the most favorable terms.

Bishop & Co.

I. 11 Bailey, G A Newhall. Refresh -nro cnr. PROF. Gr. SAUVLET,M. C. A. hall at 7:30 o'clock,

ments......will be served, and allIlcffball, J (' Hulbert and wife,IJrieraon, MrsSHendrv. Count SOAPS :- -: AND -:- - PERFUMESuiauy invited

Fublic Concert.The Royal Hawaiian Band will give a

concert this Saturday afternoon, atEmma Square, commencing at, 4:20.

Jb M Bailey. .1 F Colburn and Piano, Violin and Singing Lessons.

At Residence Cottaere No. 1. Hargus, D M Gedge and wife,

Bfiinni ana sou, .Mr tie V ere. wit pren, L Maya, J Cousins and Following is the programme :

W. Lee, recently shorthand reporterat the Supreme Court, was nolle pros'don a charge of larceny yesterday morn-i- n,

and he immediately thereafter leftby the 8. S. Australia for San Francisco.

FILTER PRESSES.jw performers of Charini's Circus. ur i. vt . ji .t. Mr Andersdarfer. Mrs marcii lanon uenee

Hotel or will visit pupils at their residence.84-l-

FOR SALE.A Full Assortment Just to Hand ex Stmr Australia.m ami dauehter. H B K niprv Overture Slavonian ..Tilt

dL Berry and wife. QC Rnnu Gavotte Domino OclechlaererO I . : ii..: .. ...and child, and about 50 owwuon ratience SullivanW altz Danube Waves lvanovicinti iirciis men .

Polka Simplicius Straussrfciml Hawaii, ner stnir Kinnn -- o-ph. Mr Plenier, Miss

A number of Arabs and Indians areexpected to arrive by the S. S. Alamedato-da- They will be illustrious stran-gers in this part of the world, whateverelse they may be. They are throughpassengers.

'am and Harris, (' inner The Knights Templar have held

Paauhau Plantation,Hawaii, March 9, 1888. j

Risdon Iron and Locomotive Works, San Fran-cisco.

Gentlemen We have used two of yourFilter Presses thisseason. Theyare convenient, easily handled and are workingentirely to our satisfaction. I can recommendno improvement on them.

Very respectfully yours.(signed) A. Moore,

Manager Paauhau Plantation

I WILL SELL AT THE VERYlowest prices, all my Goods andFixtures, such as

i ind chUd, G P Castle, V L- Like. Mrs Chflnin Af r tneir triennial conclave at Wash

tin Brooks, Mr Strenback and ington. Twenty thousand knights Depot for Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla.pffinike. Miss Gussie Lemon. C toon part in the great parade.McGuire, VV Wright, G PMiss .Nelson. Miss Annie

Ufa Martha Holmps A Harlan.

Clocks, Watches,Guitars, Banjoes,

Violins. Curios, Ktc.If I can not sell them before December

1, 1889, they will be sold at auction.7J-l- m A. KRAFT.

The contents of the Planters' Monthlytor October are given elsewhere. Fromthese contents it will be seen that thesubjects treated in this number of themonthly are- - of a very interesting andinstructive nature.

Bismarck, through Dr. van Schloe-ga- r,

the German representative atthe Vatican, says a Berlin Dispatch,has dissuaded the Pope from leaving

Brodie, W H Cornwell, andpassengers.


Heeia, Sept. 28, 1889.Mk. John Dyer, Agent Risdon Iron Works,

Honolulu.Dear Sir: Please ship us one of your

Filter Tresses, 240 square feetsurface, same as the one supplied us last season,which I am pleased to say has given us entiresatisfaction. Yours truly,

GEO. R. EWART,Manager Heeia Agricultural Co.

TtA V, 1 1

uer Viva theis woccupying J. E. GOMES,(Formerly of domes & Wichman.)

No 125 Fort Street,

i r i a a iPkVelocitv i taking in ballast at

piocs , ana mat he will give instructionin drawing, painting, etc., there onluesdavs, Thursdavs. unrl Matnia

ading the streets of Glasgow andAberdeen.i wharf. Extract Malt, EtcSXMier K'ainK..,.- - Mr.K,f Jx c

-- jroThe average monthly temperature Manufacturing: -:- - Jeweler,it , T " HMB u Ul auvi. lor particulars

ft li:irL-- Ito.w. n i. t-- itl I). . A - " ' I lO llArl rr , t U.Ul TIT 1TT-- 1 Island orders promptly attended to. P.

O. Box No. 488, Honolulu. 48-3- m

--.""i lufrt-- t N.und m ballast. 7" i'" "4 jvuul. w. wncox m

These Presses are made extra heavy forhigh pressures, occupies a floor space of llx4 ft., and presents a filtering surface of .' tosquare feet. A limited number in stock inHonolulu and are sold at very low prices.

Kisdon Iron & Loco. Works,San Francisco.

For particulars enquire ofJOHN DYER Honolulu

Room No. 3 Spreckels' Block:

Alameda is due to-da- v with eswrfia.v issue ot the Advertiser., is-- o-wmewa and another Circus. PrPnouncei, by those who have seen the

ui oan jc rancisco ior ine last niteenyears has been 55 deg. The high-est for any month was 59 deg. andthe lowest 50 deg.

The street cars at Lyons, in France,are hereafter to be operated by a sys-tem of compressed air which has

Vaialeale brought 20 baes u3 ' . ? ??oU Jlkeness much ISTOTICE." i.ktrs. sn.wiri Aet:uia man portrait cuts usu- -man.

82 1234 W. fl.IKWTX & Co., Ajrentu awn in newspapers. There is no

eclipsed-moo- n appearance about that s.Hn. ... T' HOLLISTEE & CO.,Miauea Hon took a lot of?.roru the Honolulu Iron Works MY TEMPORARY AF,- -portrait it is a distinct and vvll been found to work satisfactorily in T)UR1NG

u: sence fexe- -

rom the Kingdom, rav brothercuted likeness.Marcus R. Colburn will act for ine underfull power of attorney.

JOHN F. COLBURN.Honolulu, Oct. 25, 1889. 98-- 3t

piweroay,!'ta'r K"piesle went outside the

,raotlCe yesterday morn- -early in the afternoon.

rtl"i1' !' 11 Douglass, CaptainOctober 25th, 21 davs

!" with a full cargo of


Book and Stationery Store,


109 Fort St., HonoluluRegarding the completion of the Oahu

railroad to the south east loch, the roadis not yet sufficiently settled and bal-lasted for other than construction trainsto run upon it. When the road is readyfor passengers, an official announcementto that effect will be made. The layingof the rails to the above mentioned noint.

148 1270Birds Wanted.PiniCft "i'-K't- -n io aessrs.

Two climbers of Mount Ararat,Russians, found in perfect preserva-tion a minimum theremometer whichwas left there last year. It regis-tered 50 deg. below zero, centigrade.

The beautifully paved streets ofLondon are so slippery that an as-

sociation has recently been formedcalled the Society for Promoting theSafety of Horses, and another calledthe Horse Accident Society. Theproposed plan to receive the mostcommendation was to keep thestreets clean and well sanded.

fci... """T --Mill. Hi :iv Irnm' VA O il V"l . , M I- a tin i:arfo f onr.i was completed yesterday atternoon NEW YORK

o1 , l,) Messrs. H

TWENTY-FIV- E OR THIRTYyoung Mynah Birds wanted, forexport to Australia. For furtherparticulars apply to

H. M. WHITNEY,Gazette Office.

a " i roi irnr . t . i t t a . m m'" ties. fe" """Ul Another batch of lepers went bv the91-l- w

THERISDONIron and Locomotive Works,

Corner of Beal and Howard Streets,

San Francisco CaliforniaW. H. TAYLOR PresidentB. 8. MOORE Superintendent

iostralia 8temer Kilauea Hou, to Molokai ves--

w SliSS?SSS terday evening about dusk. The wail- -.3,175 of them and their friendsbags rice 6 476 bete mg upon thef"de3, 369 skins Wk.iJ Kakaako wharf, previous to embarkation

Life Insurance Company

Games! Games! Games !

GAMES for the Young,GAMES for the Old,

GAMES for the Weak,GAMES for the Hold,

In fact, GAMES for everybody!

Set of Checkers and BoardONLY 20 CENXB no excuse forbeing without Checkers now-a-day- s.

. vx-- . 'ill' I - - - - -'1U T V n ( 1 ) l . r.-- - I nrnc mi1 n iwl . .in.it'.M.,l rni

- I ', .... . . m -3 riirw io SPECIAL BUSINESS ITEMS.2"'t. 2 e etihnntQ o ADo

said to be sixteen lepers altogether, col-lected from various parts of the islands,and in one or two cases the disease wasfar advanced.

The Planters Monthly


Value estimated at By the S. S. Australiathe California Fruit Market Assets : $95,000,000.00.


received in their Refrigerator a Try the new Game of HALM Alliantr i . exciting, facinating, amusing Price

$1.2o.Nnn; PfuJPctea bondsis the "Facts are stubborn things."

An unusually large number of peopleassembled at the Oceanic wharf yester-day to see the S. S. Australia leave forSan Francisco. The whole Circus outfitand troupe, as well as the Katie Putnamtheatrical troupe, left by this vessel.The Prince and Princess de Bourbon and

fresh supply of Oysters, in shell andtins; Bartlett and Sekel Pears, Plums,Peaches, Apples, Grapes, Celery, Cauli-flower, California Cabbage, etc.

y a "u British JNorth

Builders of Steam Machinery

In all Its branches.Steamboat, Steamship. Land Engines & BoilersHigh Pressure or Compound. '

SHMSKK S 7U Wnd-- bllilt complete,or composite

ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad-visable.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs con-structe- d

with reference to the trade in whichthey are to be employed. Speed, tonnage anddraft of water guaranteed.Dd .Haear M,k,n Machinerymade after the most approved piaus. Also, allBoiler Iron Work connected therewith.

m iZ tlU!?iraiasia. Farchesi, Chess, DominoesEtc., Etc., Etc.

This pro- -

Impe"a1'and r nadian Govern- -"i soma Ncu) brjcrtiscmcnts.three years.

nunt , anu i iiiiu ivanaiiitil(tHUit MillKalanianoole were also passengers. The uFfawaiian band nlavftd annrnnriatA 1


Pen steP towards itsM Win 1


premium table, and in every year, the

ACTUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policies

of the New York Life Insurance Co.

have been LARGER than those OF

Wr7,aay been taken. - j j rrm f--".- -w

selections, and the steamship leit thewharf a few minutes after 12 noon with avery full complement of passengers.tA,11 survey with r WATER PIPE, of Boiler .!.( ( Irnn ,...OiNOTICE.. 1U1Hlnil - - size, made In suitable lengths for umamm..together, or Sheets rolled, punel.tf! and r,oi,5

lib,. . -- "VJ A 81 nf KAma to be riveted on thefor shipment, readygronnd.

TABLE OF CONTENTS:Value of the Planter's Monthly.With Our Readers.Diffusion vs. Maceration.The Value of Experience in Sugar

Mills.Ownership of Hawaiian Sugar Planta-

tions.Visit to Sugar Exhibit at Paris Ex-

position.From Saccharine to Sucrose,Fruit Trees and Pests.Dr. Crompton on Chemical Control.Resources of Ceylon.Weighing Cane.Diffusion in Demerara.Vanilla.Some things that every Farmer ought

to know.The Austrian Sugar Industry.How Coffee is Planted and Raised for

Market.Importance of the Diffusion Process.

issuingSanQ Sralkna" ,exed) and to anniS


similar policies.4n7leofthemain

THE OFFICERS OF THE IROQUOISnot be responsible for any debts or

bills contracted by stewards or other per-sons attached to this ship.

JOSHUA BISHOP,99-- 3t Commander, Com'd'g.

ifferp. Tl?e cean andWorrQJL01?ts- - This i,

HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and WaterPipes made by this establishment, riveted byhydraulic riveting machinery, that quality ofwork beiiw; far superior to hand workSw?JS?B:i8hlV St?am CalstAB. SteamCirculating Pumps, madafter the most approved plans.8 r!LAg,e8 a,?d- - mnufacturers for the PacificSafety Boiler.PDvir.eCt Acttn Pumps for irrigation orpurposes, built with th n2iahmA

lin uetaild exam- -

J. N. S. WILLIAMS,ENGINEER and CONTRACTOR,TS PREPARED TO DESIGN ANDa contract for all classes of Sugar Extrac-tion Machinery, Irrigating Machinery,Evaporating Apparatus, Vacuum Pan's,Engines of all kinds and for all purposes,Water Wheels, Water Conduits, both Pipesand Flumes, Steam Boilers of variouskinds, etc., etc.

Diffusion MachineryIn all its branches a specialty ;

Plantations supplied with Chemical andAnalytical Apparatus of the veay best de-scription to oader.

Close attention paid to all orders andsatisfaction to the purchaser guaranteed.

P.O. Box 380. Fort St., Honolulu.57 1287-l- y

y. Sftc- - - he result of ART CLASSES.a, tk 'a,r made bv H M"Ur I r w Itn. T7l . ' ..... .

00TFor particulars apply to

a 0. BEfiGER,

Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Islands.149-t- f


xyjr aiye miouon, superiorof to any otherand most pump.U.T 1

1 sm.VDTT--jjr a vessels

Temperance Convention.The sixteenth annual convention of

the National Women's Christian Tem-perance Union of America, meets inChicago Nov. 8th, holding its meetingsfive days. This society represents overtwo hundred thousand earnest-hearte- d

women who are devoted to works ofphilanthropy along lines that build upthe temperance "form," and includesabout ten thousand auxiliaries fromevery state and territory. Throughtheir influence scientific temperance in-

struction has been secured by ten intwenty-fiv- e of the states and ia all theterritories. They have a publishinghouse in Chicago which sends out aboutsixty millions of pages annually, andprints the Union Signal, which hassixty-thousa- nd subscribers and is thechief paper ever edited and published bywomen. Their gospel work has per-meated the nation and was never moreearnestly pursued than now. They de--

'Mhr0' has been JOHN DYER Honolulu13m Room No. 3. upstairs. Spreckels' Blocl:tK?tedto Parliament.

PfogrPc:astne88 of the H 'K f.' !i . univera '';:,-,- ;

&dairetch between .1.VH


in Painting and Drawing athis Studio, Spreckels Block on Tuesday,Thursday and Saturday afternoons, com-mencing Oct. 29th, at 1:30 o'clock.

The Course includes Freehand and Me-

chanical Drawing, Perspective, etc., Draw-ing and Shading from the object, Mono-chrome Painting, and Painting fromNature, Still Life, etc. in Oils and Water-color- s.

&" Letters may be addressed to P. O.Box 45fi. ?-- 6t

sal ; un.sfartion in theur- of (.Jonorrhtra and

t. I prescribe it andfool safi- - in mrnrimud"ing it to all suITorera.


Yearly subscription $ 2Foreign " 3Bound Volumes 4

Back Volumes bound to order.


uecJ the La vtann RUPTURE"DB. PIEROE'IUrd only by tha

trace Chemical To.JIAfiNKTir V t.A. Twr CincinnateLandew Zealand TRL'&S"Ouiv Kloftrio T.......Address :

f; SECOND-HAN- D KROOG'S PATENTFilter Presses, as good as new, having

been used but a few months; two 42 cham-bers, three 30 chambers.

Eight second-han- d clarifiers. 800 gallonscapacity each.

This machinery has been thrown out ofuse by the Diffusion process being intro-duced; and is offered for sale at very lowprices.

For particulars apply toJ. N. 8. WILLIAMS,

Fort Street, Honolulu.P. O. Box 380. OG-l- m


A.J. STONKU. M.D.,Decatur, 111.

PRICE. SI. 00.Sold by Druggists.

m the world. No Iron Hoops or Steel, Hk ;:'cmy. The 51Truss has rkdfMlW .v.r or patients. Estab. 15. Prft Ktir.HirA thf svmnathv of all irood men andLstn lyear. nnrl

womfm in their self --den vine labors forGiZETTE PUBLISHING CO.,

46 Merchant St., Honolulu.d&w2w

6215 Sj 1 l? of the world and we guarantee safeJJf . E. TroM Co ,704 Sacramento Street.

' US A' For ns ow Newinstrument for Home Treatment. Price, ft or 8 3d,YOUR WANTS INADVERTISE Commercial Adverti erGod and Home and Humanity.

M. S. N.Holt.ister & Co., Wholesale Agents

Benson, Shith & Co., Wholesale Agents.1y

Page 4: BUTTER - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · wm riTA dpunRita ob open account, make 45-l-y REAL ESTATE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS, W inuihiBerv of everv description made to HOUSE,


Advertisements.JCctu gUmttftwmnrtg.HAWAIIAN FOREIGN OFFICE LIST.

M. li., Minister Resident; C. d'A., ChargS d'Affairs; D. A., Diplomatic Agent; Com.,Commissioner; C. G., Consul General; C. A., Commercial Agent;

C, Consul; A. C, Acting Consul; V. C, Vice Consul.PHA'ELE NT'1301313JAS Warranted genuine of J. J. Melchers W.

. ' ochif.ilo...ub UW," "rallr.-eGin,- " "Double RTTr"Royal CI

Foreign Legations and Consulates in the Hawaiian Kingdom. la hi ck and k,. V'UeUHumes,

ALSO TO Al Ki VE, the Finest xv,h qDate of Exequa- -

Bank.Name.COUNTBY.tubob Commission . CRITERION SALOON, FORT ST.

All genuine: "U, L

M. B. June 26, 1889.June 21, 1866.Com., C. G.

Com., C.

United States,Gbeat Britain,pobtdoal,

Japan, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands,CM Sept. 5, 1882.Jan. 12, 1883.Feb. 25, 1886.March 16, 1888.April 4, 1888.

D. A., C. G.V. C. G.Attaches.

Tne finest Brands of WHISKIES

Crawford's Scotch, Mavourneen Irish, Thistle Blend FW IFavorite, Paindexter, Sour lsh. ' Kentntkt

German and American BeUnited States Lagerbeer, Sierra Lagerbeer, Budweiser R,., n


M. B. Foster & Sons, London, and bv W v V' Will-o- n A.-- r.. .

His Excellency John L. Stevens,Major James H. Wodehonse,Senhor A. de Souza Canavarro,

Mr. Taro Ando,Visconat Tadabumi Torii,S. Ban,F. Tanno,Kitchitaro Furukawa,S. Hayakawa,M . G. G. Bosseront d'Anglade,M. Leon Bellaguec,

Aug. 24. 188.Sept. 23, 1889.Dec. 28, 1888.Jan. 16, 1889.March 10, 1888. SOLE LOCAL AGENTFbance, Com. C.

Chan. - . w v n t

List of Foreign Consuls Resident in the Hawaiian Kingdom.a wj. w"" " - n;ll n Ml III T" .For the Sale ofDate of

exequatttb.Bank.Name.COUNTBT. 1291 80-l- y

and 1 ethel

C. July 31, 1889.C. G.United States,

ikying tnus neipiess upon ms oea, medoor partly open to allow a circulationof air, the young man lay half dozing,when he accidentally heard the followingconversation, not, of course, intended forhis ears:

"A pretty piece of work, this," saidMrs. Corsair, who was an intensely self-ish woman. 'Tho is to play nurse, Iwould like to knowf"

"And to a miserable tutor," inter-rupted the equally selfish Zoo.

"I 6hould be very glad to take chargeot the poor young man, alone among

sick." said Bnche, anJ

If aunt is willing I will devote my timeto him."

"And neglect the sewing? There i3my wrapper not finished yet."

"Do not fear, aunt," returned the sameweet voice; "I will finish that also. I

can take my sewing to his room and at-

tend to both; if not able to sew when heIs awake, 1 will do it at night when heBleeps."

"Very well, do as you please; but re-member that wrapper must be finished."

"Come, mother, don't bother abouthim any longer. The carriage waits totake us to the concert. Come on."

So saying, the unfeeling Zoe sweptdown stairs, followed by her mother,while a soft voice murmured by the in-

valid's side:"You are not sleeping, I see. What

Bhall I do for your relief""I feel quite comfortable, thank you,

except a headache, caused by the suddenjar."

"Let me bathe it, then."How soft her fingers were; how gentle

her touch, and what a depth of womanlypity beamed from those large, browneyes.

About two weeks after the accidentBlanche wandered once more to her fa-vorite resort, and seating herself at thefoot of the descent she was soon lost in adeep reverie.

"This is a charming spot, Miss Blanche,"said a well known voice behind her,"and I see is a favorite of yours. Nowthat I know how to avoid its dangers, Ialso am charmed with its deep reposeand picturesque beauty."

"I am glad you like it," was the replyof the young lady, as she blushed slightlywhen ho seated himself by her side. "Butyours is the only face I have ever seenwhen here, and I cannot but wonder howyou discovered the spot."

"One of my little pupils told me of it,and that day when I fell was my first

Oct. 23. 1885.April 26. 1886.Oct. 18, 1886.

V. & Dep. C. G.Con. Clerk,Con. Agent, JXJST RECEIVE-:- - JOHN WIELAND'S -:- -


Kahuloi, Mam,Aiahakona, H.,

Aug. 20, 1880.Oct. 23, 1882.Sept. 22, 1888.

Con. Agent,Con. Agent,C. (Dean of the

Henry W. Severance,

F. P. Hastings,A. W. Bichardson,A. F. Hopke,C. L. Wight,C. Furneaux,F. A. Sohaefer,

A. J. Cartwright,J. H. Paty,H. F. Glade,C. Alee,Goo Kim,H. W. Schmidt, (H. Lose),

May 30, 1869.July 1, 1889. PER STMRS. AUSTRALIA AND ALAMEDACon. Uorps.)Aag. 20, 1878.Nov. 26, 1880.Nov. 28, 1882.

C.C.c.Com. Agent,

Hilo, Hawaii,Italy,Chile,Pebu,Netheblands,AnSTBO-HUNGAB- Y,


Sweden & Nobway,Mexico,

CELEBRATED -:- - BEERS A LARGE AND ELEGANT LINEApril 17, 1884.April 17, 1884.May 28. 1885.

Asst. C. A. OFC. (Aotg.)(Original Feb. 24,C.B. W. Lain,

:o:--1881.) Ke-ap- p.

Dec. 2, 1885.Jan. 22, 1886. LADIES' & GENT'S SHOE WAR

H. B. Macfarlane.J. F. Haokfeld,H. F. Glade, SOLD DURING THE YEAR 1888,

March 14, 1887.Aug. 4, 1887.Feb. 17, 1880.Sept. 24, 1886.

c.c.c.V. c.Aotg. V. C.V.C. (Actg.)

Denmabk,Belgium,Gebman Empibe,Spain,Kussia,Gbeat Bbitain,

B. W. Laine,J. F. Haokfeld,T. B. Walker, (F. M. Swanzy), Oct. 17, 1888.

A FULL ASSORTMENT OFDiplomatic and Consular Representatives of Hawaii.

122,173 BARRELS!Date ofCommission.Rank.Name.Country.

escapes' f1V i 1 A



Feb. 9, 1883.

July 21, 1875.Plen.

C. G.C. G. for Pacific June 29, 1885. Full Importations by Every Coast Steamer.

2-- tf

His Ex. Hon. H. A. P. Carter,

E. H. Allen,D. A. McKinley,

Lawrence Bond,John McCraken,James G. Swan,

States & Terr.C. Aug. 28, 1883.

April 7, 18G5.C.C. iJuly 10, 1884.


Sept. 21, 1883.March 14, 1887.March 14, 1887.

Col. W. J. De Gress,Anastatio Obregon,Robert James Barney,

United States.Washington, D. C,

New York,San Francisco,

Boston,Portland, O.,Port Townsend,Philadelphia,


Manzauillo,Central Jk South

America.Valparaiso,Lima,Callao,Guatemala,Monte Video,

Great Britain &Ireland.


Fort Street, Honolulu, H. I.

Reduction in Lamp Groods!Sept. 13, 1858.C. d'A. & C. G.C. d'A. & C. G. Aug. 22. 1871.

David Thomas,R. H. Beddy,Sylvanus Crosby,Henry Tolke,Conrad Hughes,

July 24, 1871.July 23, 1883.

C.C.C. New Invoices in Latest Designs Just Received and offered at Specialty Low Prices.Aug. 13, 188G.

C. d'A. July 31, 1885.July 31, 1885.Sec. to Leer. A NEW LINE OF GOODS 103 Fort Street,(Actg. C. d'A.)Feb. 15, 1887.C.(Oriff.Feb.7,185G.) 13

0. Oct. 14, 1885. Artists' Materials, Art Goods,

Abraham Hoffnnng,Sidney B. Francis Hoffnnng,

Manley Hopkins,

Harold Janion,Mark Whitwell,W. Moran,E. Biesterfeldt,

VV. S. Broad,F. W. Prescott,

July 10, 1884.C.C.C.

Sept. 28, 1878.Oct. 12, 1882. Paintings, Pictures, Picture Mouldings,

All of which were personally selected and are of newest patterns.July 10, 1857.March 14, 1887.

PICTURE FRAMING in all its branches a specialty.Hyam Goldberg, July 30, 1879.

Oct. 18, 1873.E. G. Buchanan,




C.C.V. O.C.

C.C. G. for the

Nov. 18, 1870. FOETF. GERTZ,James Dunn,J. G. Zoller,

RUBBER HOSE!Having been appointed AGENTS of some of the largest factories in the

East, we are prepared to supply all grades and sizes of Hose upon unusuallyJuly 25, 1881.

R. J. Murphy, Oct. 12, 1882.Sept. 10, 1888.

visit. Thankful am I that you were mthe habit of coming here, else I mighthave died alone and umrissed."

"Alone, I grant, but not unmissed, foryour pupils love you."

"I would like to tell you, dear MissBlanche, how strongly attached I havebecome to my tender nurse and howmuch I long for her to return my de-voted affection. Dearest, can you love aperson occupying so humble a positionas tutor to your uncle's children? If youcan, and if you will allow me to presentmy deep love and consent to bo my wife,it will be the delight of my life to try tomake you happy. Then he drew her uptoward him and their hps met.

No opposition was offered when Mr.Hamilton asked the hand of BlancheGilmore from her uncle, all thinkingthat their poor relative did well even inmarrying a tutor.

In the meantime the news came thatthe Belmont owner was soon to take pos-session of his property. One of his oddi-ties was that on the evening of his returna largo party of friends and the selectneighbors were to assemble to bid himwelcome. This party, as it happened,was to take place the evening before themarriage of Blanche Cards of invita-tion had been left at Mr. Corsair's, and,much to the surprise and chagrin of MissZoe, Blanche was also remembered.

"Just as if wo wanted to introduceour poor relations," she said, scornfully."I wonder that the tutor also was not in-cluded."

The evening came. The rooms werethronged, but, singular to remark, theyoung owner had not as yet made hisappearance. The guests were receivedby his most intimate friends, Mr. andMrs. Metcalf, and the latter, as soon asBlanche had been introduced, managedto draw her to ono side, and in anothermoment Zoe wondered, as sho saw themleave the rooms together.

About half an hour later, after all theguests had assembled, Mr. Metcalf said:

"Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Belmonthas just arrived and in a few minuteswill bo pleased to meet you and introduce,to all assembled the beautiful young ladywho to-morr- morning will become hisbride."

Scarcely had he finished speakingwhen tho young man entered the roomwith Blanche hanging on his arm, herface radiant with happiness.

"Our late tutor 1" cried Mrs. Corsair."Impossible!" cried Zoe, sinking into a

chair."It is quite true, madame," said the

young man, "and now let me hope to seeyou all at our wedding to-morro-

All were present except Zoe, whosedisappointment was too great to permither to form one of the wedding party.St. Paul News.

G. B. Dawson,favorable terms. 31-- 1 m

Feb. 26, 1886.W. A. Ross

July 11, 1889.Dominion,John Enoch Thompson,C. Aug. 23, 1883. -- A Large Stock of Goods in all Lines Just Received.Uickson AnderBon,V. C.Col. Geo. A. Shaw,

J. D. Buell, V. c.V. c.

March 12, 1884.March 12, 1884.March 12, 1884.March 12, 1884.

Pioneer Shirt Factory, of Honolulu.

ISTo. 104 Fort Street.A. Brown,

Liverpool,Bristol,Hall,Newcastle on

Tyne,Falmouth,Dover and the

Cinque Ports,Cardiff & Swan-

sea,Edinburgh and



Canada.Toronto,Montreal,Toronto,Rockville, Ont.,Hamilton, Ont.,Kingstown, Ont.,Rimouski, Q.,St. John's, N. B.Yarmouth, N. S.,Victoria, B. C,Vancouver, B. C,

Australasia.Sydney, N.S. W.,Newcastle, "Melbourne, Vict.Brisbane, Q.,Hobart, Tas.,Launceston, Tas.Auckland, N. Z.,Dunedin, N. Z.,

Hongkong,Shanghae,Gibraltar,France & Colo-


V. c.G. Richardson,J. N. Pouliot, Q. C, V. c. April 28, 1887. Electric Light Chandeliers and Fixturesc. vi arch 12, 1884.

March 12, 1884.v. c.A. O. Crookshank,E. F. Clements,R. P. Rithet,

The undersigned begs to Inform the public of these islands that he if making MirtilJan. 14, 1879.c. measurement. Directions for will be given on application.


1200 lltfC. G. for Austra White Shirts, Over Shirts and Night mJan. 11, 1885.lasia, etc.V. c. Oct. 1, 1888.

A fit guaranteed by making a sample Shirt to every order. Island orders solicit!Feb. 7, 1873.July 10, 1884.

c.c.c. OJuly 12, 1878.

June 3, 1887. .A.. M. MELLI&

Ernest O. Smith,H. E. Stokes,Captain G. N. Oakley,A. B. Webster,Captain Hon. A. Coote,Geo. Collins,D. B. Cruickshank,H. Driver,Hon. J. Bell Irving,J. J. Keswick,H. Schott,

Bell Telephone 4 in.V. c.c.c.C G.

B. F. EHLERS & CO.'s

Grrand Opening ofJoly y, 1878.Feb. 5, 1871.Sept. 21, 1886.Nov. 17, 1881.Oct. 5, 1882.


C d'A. & C. G.C.

May 21, 1888.March 1, 1866.March 1. 1866. European & AmericanAlfredjHoul6,

A. Couv6,E. de Boissac,C. Schaessler, HAWAIIAN GAZETTEJuly 27, 1874.


O. Aug. 12, 1886.J. T. Cognet Dry and Fancy GroodsMarch 25. 1876.C.E. F. Weber,

C.J. F. Muller, -- :o:-July 8, 1887.Jan. 7, 1883. Printing EstablishiiwC.J. Kopp,

N. B On and after May 15th, MISS CLARK will have charge oi. P. Russ,

Rouen,Society Group.

Papeete, Tahiti,Germany & Colo-

nies.Berlin,Hamburg,Bremen,Frankfort-on-Main- e,


Spain fe Colonies.Madrid,Barcelona,Cadiz,Valencia,Malaga,Cartagena,

Canary Islands.Las Palmas,


March 14, 1881.April 28, 1871. our Dressmaking Rooms. l-- tfH. Muller,

Nov. 19, 1888.C. G.E. Mingnez,Honolulu.July 21, 1887. 46 Merchant St.,C.

C. HAWAIIANJuly 14, 1886.W. Shaw,V. Chust,F. T. De Navarra,J. Paris.


C.V. c.V. C.

March 14, 1887.March 14, 1887.

Sept. 29, 1885.March 14, 1887.March 14, 1887.

L. Falcon y QuevSdo, CAMIAGE MANUFACTUKIM CO,J. B. De Laguna,Santa Cruz de la B. Mattheu y Battaller,

Paluia,Portugal & Colo

C. G.C.C.C.V. C.

April 19, 1888.March 26, 1883.

Nov. 17, 1881.June 6, 1884.

A. F. De Serpa,N. T. M. Ferro,

R. SeemanC. Martins,

March 9, 1886.Aug. 21, 1867.July 14, 1886.March 14, 1887.

C. G.C.C.C.

J. Clinton Hooker,R. De Lnchi,L. Colombo,A. Tagliavia,

Disappearance &X the Mantilla.The classic type seems better pre

served among the "chulas" of the low-er quarters of Madrid than among thehigher classes, and this is due to thefact that the "chula" dresses in a waythat follows the fashions of the past.Her shoes are made and her hair is ar-ranged in the Spanish manner, andshe wraps around her the manillashawl embroidered with bright colors.When the ladies of the aristocracybring out the mantilla during HolyWeek, the classic type shines forthimmediately in all its genuine brilli-ancy like a diamond in its setting. Onvisiting Spain, every tourist of artisticinstincts laments the disappearance ofthe mantilla. Formerly a hope d

for him outside Holy Week,namely, the bull fights. But evenfrom this last stronghold the mantillahas been cast out hy fashion. Nowadavs the proper thing is to go to thebull fight in hats, the more exagger-ated the better; and if the simple truthmust be told the right thing is not togo to the bull fights at all, but to pre-fer the race course, with its insand outs of betting, its rivalry of os-

tentation in the rows of carriages, andits exhibition of loud summer cos-tumes. The taste for bull fightingwhich is the true Spanish taste, withwhich the whole nation is deeply imbued, is now to be found almost ex-clusively among the men, the "chu-las" and the common people. Themiddle class, which always follows inthe steps of the upper, has desertedthe bull ring, and the Spanish womanwhose nerves are getting to be so high-ly strung that she cannot stand a sadplay, cannot now endure the emotionsof a bull fight, which the philan-thropic propaganda has representedto her as similar to those experiencedin the coliseum of old. FortnightlyReview.

nies.Lisbon,Oporto,Madeira,St. Michaels,St. Vincent,

Italy.Rome,Genoa,Naple j,Palermo,



Sweden & NorwayStockholm,Christiania,Lyskil,Gothemburg,



Japan.Tokio,Hiogo fc Osaka,

South AfricanRepublic


J. D. van der Made, P. R. z. n.,

Victor Forge,E. Coppieters,J. Blanpain,E. Vanden Brande,

H. A. Burger,L. Samson,H. Bergstrom,G. Kraak,

V. von Schonberger,

Nov. 15, 1886.

July 31, 1885.Aug. 27, 1880.Sept, 10, 1888.April 6, 1885.

May 29, 1879.May 31, 1886.July 16, 1879.March 14, 1887.

Dec. 20, 1870.

May 4, 1880.

March 30, 1886.Nov. 20, 1882.

Plain and Fancy Printing

V. c.C. G.C.C.C.

C. G.C.V. C.V. C.


C. G.

Min. Res.C.

C. G.

Carriages, Ptatons, Buggies, Brakes, Wagons. Etc.,


CARRIAGE WAGON REPAIRINGSolicited at very low prices.

OUR PATENT BRAKES 0rigUn ns Te25 per cent, in price.

oJust Received a large invoice of

Second Growth of White Oak Spokes.


OF EVERY KINDHis Excellency R. W. Irwin,S. Endicott,


-- :o:-

Address all business letters:


tt wtTTTNTRY. Businessumwilll auu u-y- j ajxjuj jlavajiho, 1'jLVj,, AIjJLj Jxi. A. GRFATLY

The Daily Advertiser and Weekly Gazette


No. 26 Merchant Street J- - OFFICE Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands

KiLVVUED RATE.A'Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian

empire, was founded by Ashur about Large Assortment of Bai Iron. Honolal46 Merchant St.2245 B. C.