Business Etiquettes



it talks about the importance of etiquettes in the business world

Transcript of Business Etiquettes

Business etiquettes

Business etiquettes

INTRODUCTORY THOUGHT Etiquettes can bring your real value in the market place as a polished diamond.

WHAT IS AN ETIQUETTE??The rules and conventions governing correct or polite behavior used in society, in a particular social or professional group setting.

In Business Terms..

Understanding overall business decorum Treating others with respect and being courteous Being comfortable around people Making people comfortable around you Presenting yourself with the kind of polish that shows you can be taken seriously

WHAT ARE ETIQUETTES ?Etiquettes are the manners, protocol or the way of behavior one presents during his/her interactions with people.

Every action done in company ought to be done with some sign of respect, to those that are present.George Washington

Professional Etiquette influences success as it differentiates people in a competitive market.

People who have proper etiquette move up the ladder faster & get rewarded better.

Without etiquette, you limit your potential, risk your image, jeopardize relationships that are fundamental to business success.Be one step ahead, practice the social skills necessary to help you make a great first impression and stand out in a competitive job market.WHY ARE ETIQUETTES IMPORTANT

WHY TALK ABOUT ETIQUETTES?? Seems to be a disconnect in expectations between students and business owners. Society has become less formal Living in a "Fast Food Society Rushing, cramming numerous activities Making less time for ourselves Making less time for our appearance Lacking of formalities and using slang/abbreviated written and verbal communications

Why Do We Need Etiquette?Theres no such thing as a vacation from good manners.To be at ease by showing more confidence and poise in business & social situations.Increases the likelihood that your calls, appointments and emails will be received positively. To come across as the polished professional you really are!



How Does Etiquette Benefit us?

Enables you to be confident in a variety of settings with a variety of people

Honors commitment , excellence and quality

Modifies distracting behaviors and develops admired conduct


10Common Business Faux-pasExpressing negative attitudesWearing inappropriate clothingFailing to make proper introductionsDisregarding workplace courtesiesTaking messages carelessly