Assignment 2 student brief

Student Brief Beautiful films are a UK film production company specialising in Romantic Comedies. Thank you for your application for the position of Creative Director, we are pleased to invite you for interview. In preparation for this we would like you to complete the following task and email them to us in advance. Topic: Cross media – film promotion (romantic comedies) Title: explore the ways in which films are represented and promoted across the media Key concepts: representation and institution Task 1 (AO2) 1000words Choose a film that promotes itself through the media. Explore how it is represented and promoted across two different media forms. You may wish to look at some of the following: Film posters Trailers Features in magazines Interviews Merchandising and other promotional material DVD case Internet homepage Task 2 (AO3) Choose either: An existing film that you wish to promote in a different way to how they are currently represented OR A new film, either real or a creation of your own For your chosen film create two of the following (one from list A and one from list B)



Transcript of Assignment 2 student brief

Page 1: Assignment 2  student brief

Student Brief

Beautiful films are a UK film production company specialising in Romantic Comedies.Thank you for your application for the position of Creative Director, we are pleased toinvite you for interview. In preparation for this we would like you to complete thefollowing task and email them to us in advance.Topic: Cross media – film promotion (romantic comedies)

Title: explore the ways in which films are represented and promoted across the mediaKey concepts: representation and institution

Task 1 (AO2) 1000wordsChoose a film that promotes itself through the media. Explore how it is representedand promoted across two different media forms.You may wish to look at some of the following:

Film posters Trailers Features in magazines Interviews Merchandising and other promotional material DVD case Internet homepage

Task 2 (AO3)Choose either:An existing film that you wish to promote in a different way to how they are currently representedORA new film, either real or a creation of your own

For your chosen film create two of the following (one from list A and one from list B)

List A Mock up of a film poster Magazine article DVD case Internet home page

List B Devise a storyboard of a trailer Script for television or radio interview

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Analytical taskCompare the impact and effectiveness of two promotional methods used by one film: aDVD cover or poster; and a cinema, video or viral trailer. You should focus mostly onthe concepts of representation and institutions.

Notes to help you:The best way to present this might be by annotating smaller images of the printproduct and screengrabs of the trailer. You might include further bullet points.You should use approximately 1000 words for this whole assignment, including theexplanation for the research and planning task (900 - 1100 words would beacceptable).

What are the typical codes and conventions of the two media products? What devices and techniques have been used to produce them? How have the promotional ideas been adapted to suit the two different media platforms? How would the products market the film to their audience and what audience would that be? What images of people, groups or places are represented? What different production processes have been required? How have the products been financed, scheduled, produced and distributed?

Research and Planning TaskProduce a mock-up design for either an internet home page or a DVD cover, andeither:

a storyboard or Flash animation for a television or viral advert; or a script for a radio interview, promoting the same film.

These two products should be connected and be representative of a wider cross-media campaign.Explain your planning choices and intentions, with particular reference to how youhave represented people or ideas from the film and institutional aspects such asfinance, marketing or industry roles.

Notes to help youThe best way to present this would be to include: any extra research you have doneapart from the analytical task, one or two rough drafts of the designs, a print-out ofyour final computer-based design, storyboards, a Flash animation (saved as aquicktime movie) if applicable and an annotated version of the designs, explainingyour choices and intentions.

You should show how you have used sources of information, such as other film promotion products. You should show what you have learnt about film promotion products, and their codes and conventions. You should make sure you use those codes and conventions in your own designs. You should present your research and your planning as effectively as possible. You should make use of the film promotion-related media terminology that you have learnt. Your annotated explanation should refer back to the analyses from the first task.