AssessmentTask 1.3 - WHS Hazard Checklist

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  • 8/18/2019 AssessmentTask 1.3 - WHS Hazard Checklist


    Professional Year Program

    Assessment Task 1.3 – WHS Hazard & Risk Identiation Re!ort"o#er S$eet

    %nit of"om!eten'

    (S(WHS)*1 Im!lement and monitor WHS !oliies+ !roed,resand !rograms to meet legislati#e re-,irements

    To!i' To!i 1 – A,stralian Work!lae ",lt,re


    Task 1.3 WHS Hazard & Risk Identiation Re!ort

    Assessment /,e/ate'

    Week )/,ration'

    3 hours

    Assessment "riteria'


    • applying organisational WHS management systems and procedures in the work team area

    • applying procedures for assessing and controlling risks to health and safety associated withthose hazards, according to the hierarchy of control and as specied in commonwealth andstate or territory WHS Acts, regulations and codes of practice

    • providing specic, clear and accurate information and advice on workplace hazards to work

    teamknowledge of legal responsibilities of managers, supervisors, !"#s or their o$cers andworkers in the workplace%

    Assessment Instr,tions to St,dent'

  • 8/18/2019 AssessmentTask 1.3 - WHS Hazard Checklist


    Professional Year Program

    Assessment Task 1.3 – WHS Hazard & Risk Identiation Re!ort

     (he following activities contain &uestions regarding Work Health 0 Safety% (he WHS .eporting)ocuments 7including Hazard !hecklist, -ncident 0 -n/ury .eport, .isk assessment and !ontrol

    and 'onitoring forms are all provided below8 and can be completed during class following the

    criteria below* lease refer to relevant legislation when outlining your recommended actions%

    2% !omplete a Hazard !hecklist using the classroom facility9building as a simulated workplace


    5% "ased on the completed Hazard !hecklist, choose one hazard and create a hypothetic

    incident based on this hazard% :rom this incident, complete an -ncident9-n/ury .eport%

    3% "ased on the Hazard checklist and -ncident report you have now completed, complete a

    .isk Assessment based on the hazard 0 incident you choose%

    6% "ased on the Hazard checklist, -ncident .eport and .isk Assessment, complete the !ontrol

    0 'onitoring :orm%

  • 8/18/2019 AssessmentTask 1.3 - WHS Hazard Checklist


    Assessment Task 1.3 – WHS Hazard & Risk Identiation Re!ort

    Hazard !hecklist

    32425642 Page ' of !2Disclaimer: Printed copies of this document are regarded as uncontrolled

    Please check Navitas Professional – Careers & Internships Workplace Information Point to ensure this is the latest version

     © Navitas Professional 2!" #$N 2" ! %% !

  • 8/18/2019 AssessmentTask 1.3 - WHS Hazard Checklist


    Assessment Task 1.3 – WHS Hazard & Risk Identiation Re!ort



    lement' Yes 0o 02A Ation re-,ired

    1. AY4%T

    Area is tidy and well kept

    :loor is free of obstructions

    Aisles are free from obstructions

    :loor coverings are in good condition

    5. 06IR4070T

     (emperature is comfortable

    ighting is ade&uate

    Area is free from odours

    ;oise level is acceptable

  • 8/18/2019 AssessmentTask 1.3 - WHS Hazard Checklist


    Assessment Task 1.3 – WHS Hazard & Risk Identiation Re!ort

    32425642 Page " of !2Disclaimer: Printed copies of this document are regarded as uncontrolled

    Please check Navitas Professional – Careers & Internships Workplace Information Point to ensure this is the latest version

     © Navitas Professional 2!" #$N 2" ! %% !

  • 8/18/2019 AssessmentTask 1.3 - WHS Hazard Checklist


    Assessment Task 1.3 – WHS Hazard & Risk Identiation Re!ort

    -ncident9-n/ury .eport

    =utcome of incident*

    ;ear 'iss   -n/ury   roperty )amage  

    2% )etails of person involved


    >ender* 'ale   :emale )ate of "irth*



    'ob hone* Home hone*

    osition* +mployee !ontractor

  • 8/18/2019 AssessmentTask 1.3 - WHS Hazard Checklist


    Assessment Task 1.3 – WHS Hazard & Risk Identiation Re!ort

    ;ature of in/ury 7eg burn, cut, sprain8*

    !ause of in/ury 7eg fall, grabbed by person8*

    ocation on body 7eg back, left forearm8*

    Agency 7eg lounge chair, another person,

    hot water8*

    6% (reatment administered

    :irst Aid >iven @es ;o

    :irst Aider ;ame*


    .eferred to*

    )id the in/ured person stop work

  • 8/18/2019 AssessmentTask 1.3 - WHS Hazard Checklist


    Assessment Task 1.3 – WHS Hazard & Risk Identiation Re!ort

    B% -ncident investigation

    !omments to include causal factors, add e1tra sheets if needed*

  • 8/18/2019 AssessmentTask 1.3 - WHS Hazard Checklist


    Assessment Task 1.3 – WHS Hazard & Risk Identiation Re!ort

    .isk Assessment :orm

    2% Hazard identication

    )escribe the hazard -dentify the potential risk

    5% Assess the risk


    otential risk

    .are #nlikely


    ikely Almostcertain

    !atastrophic ' ' H ! !

  • 8/18/2019 AssessmentTask 1.3 - WHS Hazard Checklist


    Assessment Task 1.3 – WHS Hazard & Risk Identiation Re!ort

     Almost certain +1pected to occur in most circumstances

    ikely Will probably occur in most circumstances

    ossible !ould occur at some time

    #nlikely -s not likely to occur in normal circumstances

    .are 'ay occur only in e1ceptional circumstances

    .isk level .e&uired action

    !ritical 7!8

    Act immediately*

     (he proposed task or process activity must not proceed% Steps must be taken tolower the risk level to as low as reasonably practicable using the hierarchy of riskcontrols%

    Hi h 7H8

    Act today*

     (he proposed activity can only proceed, provided that*

    7i8 the risk level has been reduced to as low as reasonably practicable usingthe hierarchy of risk controlsF

    7ii8 th i k t l t i l d th id ti d i l i l ti St d d

  • 8/18/2019 AssessmentTask 1.3 - WHS Hazard Checklist


    Assessment Task 1.3 – WHS Hazard & Risk Identiation Re!ort

    "ontrol & 7onitoring 8ormAction to prevent recurrence

    e#el of ontrol S$ort term ontrols W$o29$en ongterm ontrols W$o29$en

    +liminate the hazard I removeit completely from yourworkplace

    Substitute the hazard I with a

    safer alternative

    -solate the hazard I as much

    as possible away from workers

    #se engineering controlsJadapt tools or e&uipment toreduce the risk

    #se administrative controls I

    change work practices andorganization

    #se personal protectivee&uipment 7+8 I this should

    be the last option afterconsidering all other options

    5% 'onitor and review

    32425642 age 22 of 25Disclaimer: Printed copies of this document are regarded as uncontrolled

    Please check Navitas Professional – Careers & Internships Workplace Information Point to ensure this is the latest version © Navitas Professional 2!" #$N 2" ! %% !

  • 8/18/2019 AssessmentTask 1.3 - WHS Hazard Checklist


    Assessment Task 1.3 – WHS Hazard & Risk Identiation Re!ort

    otential Hazard7s8 to 'onitor 0 .eview .eview date erson to .eviewed


    An 8,rt$er "omments2Information to re!ort'

    32425642 age 25 of 25Disclaimer: Printed copies of this document are regarded as uncontrolled

    Please check Navitas Professional – Careers & Internships Workplace Information Point to ensure this is the latest version © Navitas Professional 2!" #$N 2" ! %% !