Arcenciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 10


Transcript of Arcenciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 10

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So soon? Well yes I play too far ahead then forget to write the chapter, or I don’t take enough pictures and forget to write the chapter. Yes, I said that twice because it

happened twice already. Anyway, I won’t be showing the whole town since I find Dragon Valley awfully dark even in the day time. It’s one of the things I don’t like

about it or Moonlight Falls. It must be the mountains surrounding both towns. Most of the focus is on the Yellow gen kids with a few of my heir travelling for work and

because I like treasure hunting. So let’s go shall we?

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Ha! Got you to face me this time!

Canary: Hooray for you, you learned how to take proper pictures.

Brat…so glad you aren’t my heir.

Canary: That makes two of us.

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Carrot: Being the heir isn’t so bad, I actually don’t mind it.

Canary: Yeah well Camera Lady actually likes you…you’re a fish.

Carrot: Merman; but fish too I suppose.

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Carrot: What about you mom, did you hate being heiress?

Pom-Pom: Ha! I wasn’t the “official” heir, that was supposed to be my brother Goji. But I won Camera Lady over with my wit and charms. And landing a hot Plantsim, that

helped too.

No, actually I didn’t check the poll in time before I went back into the game…that’s all.

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Shasha: I was supposed to end up with Goji, if I had I’d be old now. Or still be young and hot.

Enjoy it while you can, because once Carrot has his Adult birthday so will

you. Can’t have an immortal spouse now can I?

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Shasha: Spoke too soon, OWWIE!!

Canary: Mommy!! Mommy what do I do?!

Shasha: Nothing sweetie, just stand there and freak out.

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Shea: Son! Your wife is in labour! Why are you not freaking out?

Carrot: I’ve seen it before.

Pom-Pom: No, you haven’t you missed Canary’s birth. And you are my youngest.

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Shasha: Whatever, if he wants to stare at the wall then I’ll just go to the hospital myself. Hopefully I won’t fry too badly getting there.

Oh he’ll go, I’ll make sure he does, this could be my heir.

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You made it I see. I always wanted to see what that design thing is inside there but it vanishes when I get too close, damn rabbit holes.

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Still…can’t see…design…

Shasha: It’s nothing exciting, trust me.

Oh hey, a girl! Heiress potential and not a vampire!! I got my mermaid baby! Second born of Yellow generation!

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Carrot: See? I showed up.

And you missed the birth AGAIN! Not a good start as heir honey.

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Cake time! Canary is becoming a teen and her sister, my heiress, Chickadee is becoming a toddler. You’ll see her toddler self after the makeover in CAS. Why is Chickadee my heiress? Because A) She’s not a vampire, B) She’s not green, and C) Because mermaid


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Shasha is pregnant again, for the last time because the house will be full.

Canary: Why do I have to share MY birthday with HER?

Because. That’s why.

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So chickadees aren’t entirely yellow but they are adorable, just like my heiress here. They are winter birds and up here in Canada, I haven’t seen one for years but I hear

them. Their adorable cry : chickadeedeedee…

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Carrot: See, I’m making it up for missing her birth.

Hmm, still not convinced. You need to grovel some more.

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Carrot: What if I smile ever so coyly? Like this?

Closer, but no cigar. Why don’t you take that trip to China and see if you can win me over there? Work wants you to learn music theory.

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First thing he got was the Learn From The Master’s Palm adventure. He already knows Martial Arts (lack of pictures) so he was able to spar with Song Chen-Kim here.

Despite the fact he’s a black belt and she’s only an orange belt. He was way above her class level. He won 2-1 before I realized she was the wrong Chen! We needed to beat her


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Aren’t face shots illegal?

Carrot: If this were an official match…

Go find her father, brute. Not winning points here by beating up a girl way below your level.

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Carrot: I won.

I see that.

Carrot: Now they want me to catch koi for them.

Find me a Dragon Fish, those things are freaky looking but oh so cool.

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Ah yes, the Tomb of Fiery Death. I rarely get this one.

Carrot: I thought I was stealing the gold of a dead warlord named Dong Huo?

Same thing; my description is cooler.

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Carrot: That should be it, right?

Yes, we did it. Also got to a level 3 Visa, we can buy a vacation house now!

Carrot: Yeah but don’t I still have to go to France for that Dragon Cave key?

Frammit. Yes. I rarely get the Dragon Cave one either.

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Carrot: The Dragon Cave key is here?

No, see we got the message as soon it loaded but then I stupidly clicked Find Adventures board and killed it. >_< We gotta go back to China and hope it respawns.

Carrot: Oh for the love of…I need a break.


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In other news, Shasha had the last kids of Yellow generation. Yes, I chained her to couch and subjected her to hours of the Kids channel to get twins. Now the house is full again. This is Carrot’s only son Sulphur. He wanted a son and Shasha was all about the girl

power. Sulphur on its own is not dangerous but when it’s combined with other elements like carbon and oxygen it become toxic. It also smells like rotten eggs. Poor kid.

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And his twin sister, Daffodil. Both twins are mermaids but since Daffy here is green, Chickadee wins heirship. Although a green kid for generation Green would fit perfectly. I doubt Shea’s

contribution of green will be forgotten any time soon. Daffodils come in pure yellow, white and yellow, yellow and orange, pink and white, white and orange and pure white. They are also the

symbol for cancer charities, and April is cancer awareness month.

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Canary is still around, she’s even found a rare single guy in Dragon Valley. To me he looks like a troll but Canary likes him. He’s also apparently a homeless Townie since I can’t find a house with

his last name anywhere. This is Alexander Orlon, he’s a blue haired, pale orange skinned teen. And I look forward to seeing spare babies with blue hair from these two.

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Canary: So Alex, I think we could get along really well, what do you say?

Alexander: Uhh, sure…yeah. *voice cracks* I like you too.

Canary: Great!

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They had a first date/kiss down at the beach since Alex rejected her the first time! I missed the picture. She even got him to go steady before SP could take him away. He’ll

need a Yellow make over though if he’s sticking around.

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Founder sighting! Hey Clear!

Clear: So we’ve reached Yellow have we? Are any of my great-grandkids in tune with their witchcraft heritage?

Um…no sorry. Carrot became a merman so three of the four kids are mermaids. But I

did save Maxwell though, the grandkid that was born after you died. He got Goji-kun’s witchcraft. I just have to place him somewhere…

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Next time on the Arc-en-Ciel Rainbowcy:

Yes, next time the Yellow gen kids will be getting their own dragon eggs! I wanted to wait until they were all teens, or in Canary’s case, Young Adult, so they could have

their own dragons. I lack pictures again because I forget to take them and end up falling back into casual play with Sims 3. I am getting there, I swear.