Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 16


Transcript of Arc-en-Ciel: A Sims 3 Rainbowcy, Episode 16

Been a while hasn’t it? Well it started to get hot here again and my room is like a sauna so I can’t be on the computer when it’s like that. But for the last few days it’s been tolerable in here so I figured I’d get a chapter out while I can. Also I’m trying a new thing with my talking to my heirs, I am shadowing my dialogue since I picked a yellow gradient and orange doesn’t show up that well on it. And I want to play again

my Blue gen heir is already nearly a YA and I need some Indigo babies. Oh and spoilers, there are of course Blue gen babies…

Kiwi: It’s been like a Greek tragedy, first time I got here I thought I found someone, we got married and everything and then suddenly; she’s gone, vanished. Camera Lady says the game ate her; I don’t know what game she’s talking about but it sounded ominous. She did come back, only she was different, glitched if you will. So that leads me to you

Sugar, we’re good friends but I’d like to be more if you want.

Sugar: Sure darlin’ I’d love to live with you in your fancy mansion and big city bucks. It’s every little girl’s dream to marry rich! Especially this good ole’ Southern gal.

So for introduction’s sake; meet Sugar Free (love the name), she’s a Riverview Townie who was blond and wearing sunglasses before I got my hands on her and made her a redhead. She was a

newly turned YA and I’m glad I got to her first before SP did. She did live with someone else called Candy Bar (awesome name) but I could not find their house anywhere so I assume they were

Townies. Kiwi was halfway through this YA stage and I was starting to freak out about my Blue gen not being born.

Kiwi: I’m taking no chances this time since I heard that lullaby. So Sugar will you marry me?

Sugar: Oh you surely know how to make a gal swoon, look at the size of that rock… I

mean of course honey pie.

Sugar: Wait, what do you mean you heard a lullaby?

Kiwi: A wonderful sound for an heir to hear isn’t it?

And a very relieved Camera Lady too, Generation Blue is on the way. *phew*

Shasha: Is that what I looked like?

Sugar: Sake’s alive!! This is mighty painful!! *screams*

Shasha: Suck it up buttercup; this is a legacy. And great-grandbabies!! Woo!

Sugar: Why can’t I have a nice, home birth? Why do I have go all the way here in pain?

Because you queued it up before I noticed; and well proof shot is proof.

Generation Blue!

Kiwi, you actually WENT this time?!

Kiwi: Of course as if mom wouldn’t have told me how dad missed my birth and Kale’s, I wasn’t about to make his mistake.

Sugar: Kiwi must be so proud; I gave him a son on the first try.

He would be, if this were a Patriarchy; we need a female Blue gen heir this time.

Sugar: Love to; but the dang house is full up.

Crap. >_<

And now I wait for Carrot to croak and Kale to move out…Shasha will be going as soon as Carrot does and then I can have the space I need for my Plumbot! Anyway, this is Sapphire the first born of Generation Blue. Sapphire is an Evil, Excitable kid who likes French music, Stir Fry and the

colour Hot Pink. Sapphire is the gemstone for September and one I like. There are several different types of sapphires but blue is the most common, there are also yellow ones and paler blues. In Sims 3 though there are yellow sapphires and they’re the only ones you can get. I would love to have a

sapphire Skull cut that’s actually blue though.

Carrot: I heard my name…did you call me Camera Lady?

Oh no not now!! I didn’t mean to have you croak now!

Carrot: I understand; but when your hourglass runs out, it runs out.

Out of order since Jered is still an adult but I didn’t want to show Sugar just yet which is why this is here now.

Carrot: I hope there’s an ocean in the Afterlife, I am still a merman after all.

This hurt, really. I loved Carrot…my little merman…*sniff*

Kiwi: Grandpa? Oh grandpa no!

Carrot: What a send off, I’m touched. Family, I’ll see you again soon enough when I figure out how to wander like everyone else who’s died so far.

Kale: Grandpa!! This is my first pic in the whole chapter!

Jered: Mr. A!! I never said thank you for making me a witch and having it last so long in

the gene pool. Little Sapphire will get the best training I can give him!

Shasha: Just kill me now Camera Lady, this hurts too much for my vampire soul to bear.

Kiwi: Grandpa!! I wish you could have had a mermaid grandchild!! You could

have swam together, it would have been so cute!

Carrot: That would have been nice, a mermaid grandchild, or even great grandchild to swim with.

Grim: One day maybe; perhaps once I see the family again in Isla Paradiso.

Shh, spoilers. That’s my planned destination for Generation Aqua/Nine.

Carrot Arcenciel: heir, merman, husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather Lived: 118 days

LTW: One Sim Band (completed) Spouse of: Shasha Arcenciel (nee Parks)

Father of: Canary, Chickadee, Sulphur, Daffodil Grandfather of: Emerald, Jade, Ivy, Kiwi, Kale

Great-Grandfather of: Sapphire

I will miss my merman heir, don’t worry though Generation Aqua will have another in your honour.

Five urns in the Ancestor’s Basement which means five ghosts roaming, soon to be six. Surprisingly, they don’t lag my lot that much and I haven’t lost any heir portraits or graves so far. Every time they move I go around and check all the walls and cabinets, clear them out into

inventories then I move them. My portraits are always safe and sound in the inventories. They are hard enough to do in Sims 3 without losing them in moves.

Shasha: Finally! Thank you for letting my join my Carrot-top Camera Lady. After making me suffer through two days of hell alone.

Don’t you want to wait for everyone?

Shasha: No, I love my family but I just want to be with my merman. Let me go to him.

Grim: So I finally get my vampire soul, about time.

Shasha: You’re lucky I wanted to go, otherwise I’d live forever. The power of mods man, they’re epic.

Grim: No one is here to see you off?

Shasha: I didn’t want to make a fuss.

Grim: Well then, let’s go. A vampire soul collected during a full moon is very powerful…I can finally break through the veil.

Shasha: What does that mean?

Grim: It’s a secret; I can finally put my plan into action when I come back for your daughter Chickadee.

Shasha: How? What’s your plan?

Grim: Never you mind. Off we go.

Shasha Arcenciel (nee Parks): wife, vampire, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother Lived: 118 Days (a guess since she’s a vampire)

LTW: Descendent of Da Vinci (completed) Spouse of: Carrot Arcenciel

Mother of: Canary, Chickadee, Sulphur, Daffodil Grandmother of: Emerald, Jade, Ivy, Kiwi, Kale

Great-Grandmother of: Sapphire

My first vampire that I had to manually age up to elder, that never happens anymore with my Immortal Life mod.

Six urns in the Ancestor’s Basement now and one Red Gen spouse, hi Shea!

Shea: I was handsome wasn’t I? Look at that full head of perfectly greened leaves…

Yes, and you made me have to cheat; how dare you not be able to have actual babies.

Shea: Sorry, you should have read the rules.

Sugar: What are y’all starin’ at? Ain’t you never seen a birthin’ before?

Kale: I never wanted to!! Scarred for life.

Kiwi: I’m going with you this time babe.

Sugar: Much appreciated darlin’.

No baby pics, and once again full house. But here we have the last two of Blue generation, twins. Blueberry (pom-pom hat) and my heiress Bluebelle. Yes I know bluebell doesn’t have an E on the end but their mother liked the E, it sounds more like a Southern Belle. Blueberry is a Brave Disciplined child who likes Roots music, Autumn Salad, and the colour Hot Pink just like

his brother. Bluebelle is a Grumpy Genius who likes Island Life music, French toast, and the colour Grey. Finally, a non-clashing colour that doesn’t make my eyes bleed. Sapphire’s third

trait is Party Animal, like his mother who I still have to do a spouse card for.

Sapphire: Grandma, what happened to your fins? They’re green now.

Chickadee: If only I knew baby; colour changing fins was not something I knew about. I miss my purple ones.

Sapphire: And your hair? It’s all beehive-y.

Chickadee: Camera Lady!! Make over please!! This is not yellow enough.

Kale: Do I have to leave? I don’t want to be left behind…

Chickadee: You’ll have fun sweetheart, and you’ll marry that nice young man who always stalks our front gate.

Kale: But…I don’t wanna stay here.

Kale: Well at least something is green.

Sapphire: I’ll miss you Auntie Kale.

Kale: *sigh* Me two Saph, me too.

Kale: I feel bad for you Saph, you’re destined to be sent into the wilds of SP just like me.

Sapphire: But…I’m just a kid!! How do I make sure I’m not kicked out?

Kale: Be interesting to Camera Lady; she’ll make sure to take lots of pics of you if you are. I wasn’t so I got the boot. Though I do get a nice house out of the deal. I love being rich.

Kale: So Lorenzo, I’m all grown up now.

Lorenzo: You sure are…I actually don’t regret stalking your house and trying to get into your pool now.

Kale: Want to date officially now?

Lorenzo: Definitely; you got your own pad right?

Kale: Duh, we’re rich. And you as a homeless Stalker-Ratzi are more then welcome to move in with me.

And that was the last I heard of Kale; I got a few pop-ups like promotions but no news that Lorenzo actually moved in with her, he continued to stalk the house and try to get

into the pool like all my Stalker-Ratzi did. I love locked gates. Kale’s fifth trait was Avant-Garde by the way.

Kiwi: Eureka!

What? Oh...EUREKA is right!! I finally got my Plumbot!!

Kiwi: And I also managed to score me a Legacy Statue too. I am the Pioneer of Plumbotics!

Emit: Hey man, nice work that is one fine Plumbot you made. Your statue is awesome by the way, come see it when you get a chance. What’s her name?

Kiwi: Spectra; and she’s absolutely perfect.

Spectra: Master, what is this one’s function?

Kiwi: I gave you Sentience so you can choose your own function Spectra. You can even choose a new name if you want to as well.

Spectra: The name Master gave this one is fine, this one likes Spectra.

Kiwi: I just have to add one more Trait Chip, it’s a special one just for you.

Spectra: As Master wishes, this one will power down until Master is finished.

Kiwi: There, all done. Now can you tell me which Trait Chips you have?

Spectra: This one is equipped with Simulated Emotions, Robo Nanny, a Sense of Humour, Office Drone, and Limitless Learning.

And just so no one reading this is going, “Hey, the next shot isn’t in Riverview!” You’re right, it’s not. After Carrot and Shasha bit the bullet it was move time and that leads us to here,

beautiful Hidden Springs! I love this world except for the irritating issues of no Festival grounds, or Consignment shops, routing errors for collectables or anything from Ambitions like the tattoo

parlour or the make over place…anyway. Hidden Springs is significant in the Rainbowcy because it marks the first time I actually bought a pre-made house, the only other one on the largest lot

here. I used the other large lot for the Festival grounds.

And of course, once a new advanced lifeform is created it attracts the attention of the Shiny Light People…

Spectra: Help!! Master!! This one was not created to experience fear!! But this one is experiencing it now!! Where are the Shiny People going to take this one?

They will bring you back, you’ll be fine.

Spectra: This one is not comforted by Master’s Creator’s words!!


Next time on the Arc-en-Ciel Rainbowcy:

Yeah, here come the Blue pun titles. I think I heard this quote from Eeyore in Winnie the Pooh once, my sister loved that yellow bear when she was a kid so I saw and heard a

lot about it. I didn’t care but then again, I am the older one so that’s probably why. I finally got my Plumbot, and she’s perfect! Kiwi is now heralded as the Pioneer of Plumbotics because it requires them to build a Level 10 Plumbot and grant them

Sentience in the present day for the legacy statue to appear in the future. I tried before with Clear but since Asha glitched out in a full house she didn’t get the statue. I was worried it was broken or something. Anyway, small victories I’ll take em. Till next
