Annual Report 2015 - Riverside Presbyterian Day School

RIVERSIDE REVIEW Annual Report 2014 - 2015

Transcript of Annual Report 2015 - Riverside Presbyterian Day School

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RIVERSIDE REVIEWAnnual Report 2014 - 2015

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Features4 The Year of the Heart

- Prudence Baldwin, RPDS Bible Teacher

7 The Importance of 6th Grade- Leslie Prohaska, Dean of Upper School

16 Welcome to the Castle- Debbie Rogers, Director of Instructional Digital Design

18 The Debut of Family STEAM Night- Lea McConnell, 3rd Grade Teacher & Jamie Roberts, 2nd Grade Teacher

20 Thriving in Admission- Ruthie Simmons, Director of Admission

23 RPDS Promise Week- Elizabeth Ingram, Director of Advancement

1 Headmaster’s Message

2 The Year in Review

3 Honoring our Faculty & Staff

6 Faculty Vertical Teams

10 Graduation

12 Honors & Awards

14 Alumni News

15 Class of 2009

22 The RPDS Family Partnership

26 Promise Fund Donors

34 Endowment Funds

35 Business Partners

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Clearly, RPDS is an educational community that provides the superior programming and educators required to stimulate three pillars: cognitive growth, spiritual formation and physical accomplishment. We seek to grow as a school of exceptional balance that cements broad and solid foundations in each of

these three arenas. Internally, we often reflect that our strength as a school and in the preparation of contented, happy and successful children is derived from the unity of these three stanchions. I am proud of our faculty, staff and student body for the commitment each makes to healthy maturation. I am equally thankful for each parent, grandparent and supportive friend of RPDS that has contributed to our success. As you enjoy this summary of our year now concluded, may you be reminded often of the joy that is alive in our RPDS community!

Headmaster’s MESSAGE


Someone has written, “When you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve neverdone.” In my seven years at RPDS we have boldly embraced new ideas, innovative curricula, imaginativedreams and creative methodologies to capture the enthusiasm of children and to enliven our physicalsurroundings and facilities. The result continues to be an educational community afire with the joy ofteaching and learning, and one that is mission-centered and hope-filled.

Prolific business management guru Tom Peters recently charged his readers, “you better be trying stuff atan insanely rapid pace.... Relentless experimentation was probably important in the 1970s—now it’s do or die.”He, of course, is directing the business of business and not the education of children. Regardless, the artof leadership remains the knowledge to select the areas for experimentation and those best served by“hands off.” However, as we prepare this generation of students for the challenges it will face, it is essential that schools like RPDS are nimbly adept at seeking rejuvenation, refreshment and relevance. In the pages that follow, you will find numerous examples of an academic year filled with “first times.”Opportunities have been seized, dreams realized and seeds planted. To be sure, there have been risks and pitfalls; however, the rewards have yielded a stronger school and one better positioned to educatethe contemporary child.

H. Palmer Bell



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PassagesI am constantly amazed at how quickly time passes. Wasn’t it justyesterday that the usual group of students, parents, family members,teachers, staff and administration joined together as RPDS stakeholders in Kissling Hall to celebrate Sundae Monday? The eventwas fraught with all the nervous anticipation of what may come.

Spin the dial and here we are, looking back at the 2014 – 2015school year. And what a great year it was, filled with bright-eyed students learning to navigate new social and academic norms. Caringparents and other family members were learning and giving as theirbeautiful students morphed personalities, sometimes daily. I want toexpress my thanks to the ever-thoughtful faculty, always reaching forexcellence in every aspect of their profession as they delivered theutmost school experience to their students every day. Hats off tothe caring school staff that went above and beyond the call of dutyby giving 110% simply because it was in their DNA. I recognize ourawesome administration for being ever diligent in exploring new avenues to academic excellence. Lastly, I extend my deepest gratitude to the Board of Trustees for their tireless contributions toward the betterment of our school.

During the past year, the future sustainability of independent schools such as ours has been a topic often discussed atthe Board level. It is a fact that the landscape is certainly changing for our institution and others. That being said, on themorning of May 29th, 2015 I stood in the Riverside Sanctuary and witnessed an incredible gathering of the finest youngmen and women as they beamed with eagerness, pride, joy and possibility. I was truly humbled by these beautiful souls.They remind me of the light in the world and of a rite of passage here at Riverside that, as I see it, is most certainly aliveand well.

Board of Trustees

YEAR IN REVIEWBenjamin J. Philips, IIIPresident, RPDS Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees2014 - 2015

Benjamin J. Philips, IIIPresident

Scott C. VerlanderVice President

Natalie RosenbergSecretary

Peter S. MooreTreasurer

Jan A. AndrewsPaula B. BriceRonnie S. CarterAshley DiebenowCeleste R. DonovanM.C. Harden, IIIWilliam T. Hunt, Jr.Rev. Dr. Nicholas LouhJ. Clay Davis Meux, Jr.James W. Moore, Jr.Curry G. PajcicBrooke W. RiceRyan T. RiggsDorothy L. RisleyJohn-Paul SaenzSally Ball SharpLeigh H. Smith

Matthew S. Stevenson, M.D.Kristen Surface

Theodora D. Walton2

830 Oak Street | Jacksonville, FL | [email protected] |

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2015 Bo Cotton Award HonoreeAnthony Franklin

Congratulations to RPDS 5th and 6th grade history teacher, Anthony Franklin, recipient of the 2015 Bo Cotton Award.

A long-standing RPDS tradition, this award is presented everyyear to one outstanding RPDS faculty member for excellence inteaching as voted by his or her peers. The 2015 honor goes to Mr. Franklin, who has served Riverside Presbyterian Day Schoolstudents for the past 15 years.

It is difficult to imagine a teacher more invested in fostering each individual student’s love of learning. Tony’s rapportwith his students is rooted in the depth of his caring, which works to fuel each lesson and experience. Each adventure in Mr. Franklin’s classroom, on a Washington, DC trip or while serving within Project Leads is an opportunity to help achild love to learn, in full expectation that learning will become self-driven. Tony is tireless in his dedication to RPDS. He is known for his willingness to drop everything to help a child or an adult colleague. He is an amazing teacher, ahumble professional and a kind leader.

The RPDS family is so very grateful for Mr. Franklin!

Faculty & StaffMilestone Years of Service

5 YEARSCaroline Bentley, Kindergarten Teacher

Jaime Brasseit, Kindergarten Teacher

Tiffany Heavener, PreK 3 Teacher

Julie Perez, Spanish Teacher

Jennifer Sherlock, PreK 4 Teacher

10 YEARSGabe Clark, P.E. Coach

Brian Roes, Music Teacher

Ruthie Simmons, Director of Admission

Samantha Stokes, 1st-4th Grade Science Teacher

15 YEARSAnn Cranford, 1st Grade Teacher

Anthony Franklin, 5th/6th History Teacher

Rebecca McNeil, PreK 3 Teacher

Debbie Rogers, Director of Instructional Digital Design

20 YEARSDale Child, Art Teacher

2015 J. Beatty Williams Outstanding Service Award

Joanne Kanobroski

In honor of her thirty-two years of service to Riverside Presbyterian Day School, Joanne Kanobroski earned theJ. Beatty Williams Outstanding Service Award. Joanne haspoured herself into RPDS, thereby winning the hearts of all she serves.

Sixty-six years ago, Dr. Albert Kissling and the Riverside Presbyterian Church Session dreamed of starting a day school.They asked J. Beatty Williams, the volunteer chairman of the Educational Committee to assume leadership to ensure theschool’s formation. The foundation of RPDS was built quite literally upon Christian love, spiritual focus, selfless serviceand educational excellence. Each time this award is given it honors both the foundational service of J. Beatty Williamsand the latest contemporary RPDS servant.

The Riverside family offers a most heartfelt thanks to Mrs. Joanne Kanobroski for her countless hours shared in serviceand for her joyful spirit and dedication to the mission, goals and aspirations of RPDS.


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The moment the faculty arrived on campus this past August, we could see that something special was in store. Our hands, hearts, and minds logo had a new look. It was now in the shape of a heart and no longer blue, but bright red. At the opening faculty meeting, Headmaster Palmer Bell announced that 2014-2015

would be “the year of the heart.” Tears were shed as teachers shared moments fromtheir summers that had touched them. These moments were written on hearts and attached to a cross in the front office.

At our opening assembly on August 20th the students, teachers and staff were told of our year-long celebration and asked to complete aheart each time they glimpsed the “heart of Riverside” at school. These acts of kindness could be physical, emotional or spiritual. Teachers actedout specific examples and then Mr. Bell issued the challenge! Could we have enough paper hearts by the end of the year to circle The Rice SportsZone?

Red, pink and white hearts began to fill “heart jars” in classrooms and lounges. While students enjoyed being recognized with aheart, they soon discovered that giving a heart also made them happy. The jars were being filled, but how were we doing with

the challenge? When the first trimester ended each classroom attached their hearts to ribbon and took them to chapel to see if there would be enough to circle the sanctuary. The hearts not only circled the sanctuary, they continued down the aisles.

Soon the ribbon was mounted in the Kissling Gallery where students, faculty and visitors could read thecompleted hearts. Walking down the gallery they saw all the things kids do for each other that arethe “Heart of Riverside.” Little things that make a heart swell to bursting and show what it takes

to create a caring, supportive and successful community.

The Yearof theHeartPrudence Baldwin • RPDS Bible Teacher


Total Hearts Collected


Feet of RibbonUsed

Stretching Hearts Around the Rice Sports Zone!


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When May arrived we all began to wonder, had we met the challenge? Would thehearts reach around The Rice Sports Zone? We also realized that it didn’t matter. Thehearts had reached deep into the Riverside Presbyterian Day School community. They hadreached hundreds of needy individuals in the Jacksonville community as we served thepoor. They had reached thousands in the global community as we helped fund research tofind the cure for leukemia.

On May 22, 2015 there was an air of excitement and nervousness as classes filed outof buildings and onto the Rice Sports Zone. As the minutes passed and the circle grew itsoon became apparent that we had met and exceeded the challenge!

The 2014-2015 school year will be remembered as “the year of the heart.” This wasthe year we focused on all the small things that shape the “Heart of RPDS.”


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RPDS Way Goes Global Team Faculty Leaders: Prudence Baldwin and Anthony Franklin

Accomplishments• Planned and coordinated the “Year of the Heart.”

• Instituted and organized monthly school-wide flag-raising ceremonies.

• Skyped with other schools to learn about their cultures.

Literacy Team Faculty Leaders: Annette Brinson and Fran Wulbern

Accomplishments• Ongoing organization and promotion of two school-wide

writing projects displayed in the Kissling rampway and throughout the school during the months of December and May.

• Implemented the Writer’s Workshop for narrative writing assignments in the Fall and in the Spring.

STEAM Team Faculty Leaders: Elizabeth Body, Dale Child and Debbie Rogers

Accomplishments• Designed and implemented a unique STEAM experience for

the ELC using a Design Systems Mindset.

• Led and implemented STEAM projects for grades 1-6 focusing on the “Creative Design Wheel.”

• Planned and executed a family STEAM Night in February based on a Florida version of the “Three Little Pigs.”

FCIS Accreditation TeamFaculty Leaders: Mike Sullivan and Gabe ClarkCurriculum Leaders: Sally Hart and Samantha Stokes

Accomplishments• Facilitated faculty committee work on an updated curriculum

guide for the upcoming FCIS accreditation.

• Compiled and edited first draft of curriculum.

• Organized and led the “self-study” process for our on-site visit.

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Sixth grade at RPDS is a year of great opportunities. Truly, I mean many great opportunities!There are so many special events, assignments, and trips that are planned for our sixth graders. Ilooked up the word opportunity and I found the definition to be – “a favorable or advantageous combination of circumstances.” When I read that definition I thought definitely sixth grade is anopportunity - an advantageous combination - for our students. You can think of RPDS and the student experiences here as being one huge opportunity, and their sixth grade year is just our final set of circumstances to mold and polish our students and ready them for the next step.

I like to think of the sixth grade year as our students’ senior year. They are at the top of theschool; they sit in the balcony at Chapel and they are looked up to by the younger students, bothliterally and figuratively. They serve throughout the year all across campus as patrols, ELC Aides, Library Aides, and Chapel Guides. This connection between our sixth graders and all the others oncampus is a very important experience that adds to everyone’s opportunity here at RPDS.

Not only do our students serve around the school but in sixth grade they are given the opportunity to participate in Project Leads, a programdeveloped to further grow students as servant leaders in our surrounding community. Our leadership training begins with an overnight trip inSeptember to Southwind, a Young Life camp in Ocklawaha, Florida. Our retreat goal include providing our sixth graders with an opportunity for




The 6th Grade Year at RPDSLeadership COUNCIL


Project LEADS


The Importance of by Leslie Prohaska, Dean of Upper School

6th Grade

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personal growth, team growth, and an understanding of how we are called by God to bethe hands and feet of Christ. Project Leads continues in October with two and half daysof service out in the community. The leadership team of faculty, administrators and staffserve along side the students in a variety of agencies nearby. The final phase of ProjectLeads continues from January through early May. During this time there are about 12 – 15 volunteer service opportunities after school for our sixth graders.

As sixth grade teachers, one essential opportunity that we provide is to academically prepare students for the next step. Each teacher works to cover the curriculum and prepare these sixth graders to move on to middle school. With that in mind special projects are planned. Two long-rangeprojects that students face in 6th

grade are the Science Fair in the fall and a research paper in the spring. Each of these isstretched over a 3-4 month period with deadlines and mini-goals to help keep thempaced. Our annual “egg drop” is a chance for sixth grade scientists to design and build a device that will protect an egg as it is being dropped from the William’s Building roof. Another special opportunity that 6th Graders are given is the chance to participate in debates in History. They learn persuasive speaking techniques and the ability to look at a topic from multiple points of view.

The DC trip is a wonderful opportunity for learning and growing friendships. We spendfive days on the trip touring DC, Gettysburg, Annapolis and Baltimore. It is a very busytime, but it gives the teachers an opportunity to spend time with the 6th graders and interact with them in a different environment. Students discover an education is personal, interactive and not bound by classroom walls.




FebruaryScience Fair

5th & 6th Grade Play



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As we look to foster the whole child, several opportunities are presented for our studentsto express themselves creatively. The 6th graders fill the cast roles in our 5th and 6thgrade play while musical accompaniment is provided by the 5th grade. The sixth grade students also showcase their art in May during in a three day Art Show.

When May arrives in the life of a sixth grader it is an unbelievably flurry of activity and excitement. They begin designing a class t-shirt to represent their memories of RPDS.They work on their skits for Flying Chapel where they express in their own words theirfeelings about RPDS before they jump off the stage and fly away. There is the Service Appreciation Luncheon where students are presented with bronze, silver or gold levels

of the President’s Volunteer Serviceaward. At this luncheon they alsoreceive their yearbooks, a full day before everyone else in the school, and view a “SpecialMemories” video compiled of pictures of each student through their RPDS years.

Sixth Graders are NOT done yet! The last week of school involves Swimming with theManatees, a Reading Auction, Honors Chapel and finally Graduation. The Manatee trip and the Reading Auction have become historical “rights of passage” here and are our lastchances to spend time with the class before graduation.

The 6th Grade year is multi-faceted, uniquely balanced and a culmination of a uniqueRPDS education. It is a wonderful experience as an educator to lead, watch, and mentorthese students through their last year here; to see how the opportunity of RPDS has readied them to fly and to be prepared for all God has planned for them.



Flying Chapel & Graduation


MayArt Show

Egg Drop

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Amelia Christine Barakat, EpiscopalSarah Elizabeth Barksdale, EpiscopalMacie Lauren Barron, EpiscopalAbby Elizabeth Beaver, EpiscopalIsabel Fuhong Blanton, EpiscopalDavid Shelton Clark IV, HarvestKatherine Paige Creveling, BollesMeagan Dianne Donovan, BollesNicholas Charles Elksnis, BollesKatherine Mae Enoch, San Jose Catholic

Whitney Mckenna Fix, ProvidenceHannah Pendleton Goldfield, EpiscopalKurt Wolfgang Greiner, Jr., EpiscopalJack Lucas Jenkins ll, BollesKelly Dawn Jenkins, EpiscopalSara Patricia Kasierski, EpiscopalJulia Hamilton Kato, EpiscopalNicholas Samuel Riese Leibinger, ProvidenceFord Harrell Milne, BollesCynthia Scott Montgomery, Episcopal

Olivia Marie Nolan, EpiscopalJohn Michael Nowicki, St. JohnsWentworth Grace Pajcic, EpiscopalGabriel Alexander Pearson, BollesLilah Aitang Philips, East Yancey - N. CarolinaIsabel Sigrid Ritch, EpiscopalChloe Isabella Shaw, San Jose CatholicHazen Sherlock, UndecidedAnna Catherine Smith, EpiscopalElla Jane Smith, Episcopal

On Friday, May 29, thirty-eight RPDS students received their graduation certificates and Bibles from Headmaster, Palmer Bell; Board President, Ben Philips; and Rev. Dr. W. Stephen Goyer of Riverside Presbyterian Church.

The graduating class performed the “Tree Song” prior to commencement remarks by Mr. Bell. Following the ceremony, a reception hosted by Riverside’s Fifth Grade was held in Kissling Hall to honor the graduates and their families.

Congratulations to the Class of 2015!

Emily Blythe Spinning, EpiscopalKelsey Browning Stankard, EpiscopalJalen Michael Sullivan, OakleafMichael Robert Teal, AssumptionShelburne R. Thomas, EpiscopalIsabella Marie Wright, EpiscopalAnna Simmons Wulbern, St. JohnsElizabeth Augusta York, Episcopal

Class of 2015



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EXCELLENCE Honoring 2015 Student AchievementEducational

Ella York and Sally BarksdaleHighest Academic Honors

Sims Wulbern and Kelsey StankardHigh Academic Honors

Meagan DonovanAcademic Honors

Ellen Millar Award for Excellence in Writing

Sally BarksdaleLong-time RPDS language arts teacher, Ellen

Millar, was known and respected by her students and colleagues as a professional

who expected the best effort that each hadto give. She guided her students through thewriting process with care and patience andtaught them how to write with clarity and

expression. This year’s award was presentedto 6th Grader, Sally Barksdale, whose writingreflects excellence in the elements of written

thought and expression.

Elizabeth Martinson Poetry Award

Lilah PhilipsThe Elizabeth Martinson Poetry Award

fosters an ongoing love of poetry at RPDSand annually honors a student or

students who have demonstrated an excitement for learning, appreciating and/or

interpreting poetry during their years at RPDS. This year, the award was

presented to 6th Grader, Lilah Philips.

Barnabas Award for Christian Spirit

Emily SpinningIn scripture, Barnabas is mentioned as a

trusted Christian friend, encourager, mentorand evangelist. Emily Spinning, recipient of

the 2015 Barnabas Award for Christian Spirit, emulates Barnabas by consistently recognizing the perfect time for a helpful

word, a hand to share life’s load and a prayerof encouragement when it’s needed most.Her encouraging spirit is an inspiration to fellow students, faculty, family and friends.

Andrew L. Clarke Music Performance Award

Julia KatoThe Andrew L. Clarke Music Performance

Award is in honor of long-time RPCorganist, Andrew Clarke, to cultivate an

ongoing excitement for, and love of, individual music performance at RPDS.

The 2015 award was given to 6th Grader, Julia Kato, who demonstrates an

accomplished foundation for studying, appreciating and performing musical

compositions through private study and/or in music classes at RPDS.

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*Headmaster’s Honor Society (All A’s and Ex’s in Citizenship)

A/B Honor Roll



5th GradeDayci Adkins

Emma-Sophie AlthuisAddie AndersonFrancesca BorgheseCaroline CavendishKeegan CharlesJacob Christy

John Patrick Coll*Maria ConnersWill Crowe*

Carter CummingsElizabeth CurranDaniel DeLong

Amy Donovan*Christopher Edge

Ava FreelScotty Froats*

Katherine Gabriel*Parklyn Gardner*Grady Gillam*Patrick Green*

Audrey Gunnlaugsson*Dutch HeavenerMackie HobbyWalker JarvisPiper Jones*

Miller Lockwood

Adam Lynch*Anthony MattoxCharlie MedureAbby MencnerGraham Moore*Lilly Moore*Will Moore*Michael OfficerClayton PhilpottAlex Ravis

Peter ScherkenbachGrant StevensLee Tritt

Mary Verlander

Ali Vetsch*Mac WaltersLon Walton

Jackson WhitchurchIan Wilkinson

6th GradeAmelia BarakatMacie BarronAbby Beaver*Sally Barksdale*Isabel BlantonShelton ClarkKatie Creveling

Meagan Donovan*Katherine Enoch*Whitney Fix*

Hannah Goldfield*Jack Jenkins*Kelly JenkinsTrish KasierskiJulia Kato

Nick LeibingerFord Milne

Scotty MontgomeryOlivia Nolan*Winnie Pajcic*Gabe Pearson

Lilah PhilipsIsabel RitchChloe Shaw

Hazen SherlockAnna Kate Smith*Ella Smith*

Emily Spinning*Kelsey Stankard*Jalen SullivanMichael TealShelby ThomasIsabella Wright*Sims Wulbern*Ella York*

Olivia NolanWinnie PajcicLilah PhilipsChloe ShawHazen SherlockAnna Kate SmithElla SmithEmily SpinningKelsey StankardJalen SullivanShelby ThomasIsabella WrightSims WulbernElla York


Amelia Barakat Sally BarksdaleShelton ClarkKatie CrevelingMeagan DonovanNicholas ElksnisKatherine EnochWhitney FixHannah GoldfieldJack JenkinsTrish KasierskiJulia KatoNick LeibingerFord MilneScotty Montgomery

FLORIDA MATH LEAGUE1st PlaceKatherine EnochScotty Montgomery

3rd PlaceHannah Goldfield




Sally Barksdale




Adam Lynch

6th GradeEmily Spinning

SPANISH4th GradeAlex McLaurineEllie SpickelmierAlison TippinsNatalie Rabil

5th GradePeter Scherkenbach

Ava Freel

ARTShelton ClarkKatherine EnochWhitney FixKurt GreinerJack JenkinsScotty Montgomery

DRAMAAmelia Barakat

Whitney FixWinnie PajcicGabe Pearson

MUSIC5th GradeDayci AdkinsKatherine GabrielPiper JonesAdam LynchCharlie MedureIan Wilkinson

PHYSICAL EDUCATION4th GradeAubrey FinnTy OfficerEvelyn RitchSpencer Surface

6th GradeAbby BeaverKurt Greiner

Kelsey StankardMichael Teal

2nd PlaceGrady Gillam

6th GradeAbby BeaverJulia KatoOlivia Nolan

Winnie PajcicChloe ShawMichael TealIsabella WrightSims WulbernElla York

5th GradeElizabeth CurranCalvin MauldinLilly MooreMichael Officer

6th GradeKatherine EnochOlivia NolanEmily SpinningKelsey Stankard

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Burney Dawkins and his wife MaryCraven welcomed Cora Smith Dawkinsto their family in November, 2014. Corajoins sisters, Johnsie and Tate. Burneyand Mary Craven live in Nashville, TNwhere Burney is a Vice President withHealthcare Realty Trust.

1989Emily Dale Child married Tyler James Grove on October 11, 2014 at Riverside Presbyterian Church.  Emily graduated from FSU with Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting and one in Finance. She is currently employed byKPMG as an Senior Associate. She and her husband Tyler reside in Jacksonville with their puppy, Tally.


Sally Van Cleve, RPDS Alumnus ‘07, visited the Dominican Republic on a highschool missions trip in 2010. She was immediatley impacted by the needs ofthe people there. Shortly after her second trip to the country in 2011, shestarted her own business called “WATERring the World.”

Sally designed a ring that uses minerals native to the Domincan Republic. Thelight blue mineral, larimar, represents clean water, while the amber symbolizesthe dirty water. So far, she has sold around 85 rings! Her mission is to use theproceeds from her business to install water filtration systems for an orphanage she worked with during her trips and then, hopefully, to expand throughout Hispaniola.

“When these people have access to clean water, it cuts the time they have totake out of their day that they have to search for it,”Van Cleve says. “They canfocus that time on other beneficial things. Water is something that is so crucial tolife and the gift of water truly does give people the gift of life.”

Sally is currently a junior at Queens University of Charlotte where she isdouble majoring in international studies and spanish, while minoring in entrepreneurship. She plans to move to the Dominican Republic after graduation and continue her efforts for those in need. For more informationon “WATERring the World” please visit

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CLASS of 2009

Onyeka Acholonu, South FloridaLarsen Bartholomew, StetsonAnna Blake, FSUCynnie Boney, EuropeEmily Bradford, FloridaChris Brown, Central FloridaDanielle Chavis, UndecidedCaroline Cook, Jacksonville UniveristyErin Coonan, Boston CollegeCarly Crump, FloridaReilly Edwards, Virginia

Caroline Elksnis, AuburnBentley Forrester, AlabamaMichaela Fox, South CarolinaMadeline Franson, FSUJay Friedl, UndecidedDanielle Gabriel, UndecidedShane Gallagher, GeorgiaLB Gay, FSUPeyton Grant, BaylorJackie Jagger, FloridaJack Jolly, Florida

Jake Kerr, Sewanee UniversityPhillip Klindt, South FloridaDani LeGrand, FloridaLeah McNeil, Presbyterian CollegeNick Nessmith, ArmyOliver Nichols, UNFSam Nussbaum, FSUWilshem Pennick, FSUAnne Arden Pomar, FloridaNathan Reeder, FSCJFrances Rice, South Florida

Robert Rogers, FloridaCole Scherer, Southern CaliforniaBowen Schwalbe, WoffordJordan Smith, NYUMargaret Smith, FSCJJesse Snyder, TCCChristian Suddath, TulaneAbby Verlander, Samford UniversityKara Virtue, Florida SouthernDavid Wells, AlabamaWill Wickenden, Rollins CollegeMason Williams, Undecided 15

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Once upon a time, RPDS kindergarten students traveled to acastle dressed in their finest royalclothing. As they prepared forknighthood they gracefully sippedtea from miniature china cups atlavish miniature-scaled dining roomtables and recited poetry. Preciousmemories like these are shared instories that are imagined andreimagined as they playfully stimulate creativity. The power ofstorytelling is not limited to RPDS.One notable foundation, the National Storytelling Network (NSN) emerged in the early 1970’s dedicated to promoting the art of storytelling as “a process of cultural transformation.” The group’svision frames its work as “connecting people to and through storytelling.” RPDS students love toconnect with their peers through storytelling.

Today at RPDS, our “Castle” is a creative physical and digital classroom where materials and activities excite natural student curiosity and a love of storytelling to empower our STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) experiences for our youngest students.Such storytelling lies at the heart of what I refer to as our vision to inspire in children a “design-systems mindset” throughout RPDS. In our contemporary Castle, students must imagine,design, create, refine, explain and disassemble physical and virtual worlds; the stories our studentscreate to reflect upon their experiences are foundational to the educational process.

Every day at RPDS, young students share stories through an intermingling of digital and physicaltools. On the journey students learn; however, they also learn to learn in teams. Come, as I share a glimpse of how one activity unfolded to guide children’s stories within our Design Systems curriculum.

“Today, we are going to tell our Spring Break adventures using ROK Blocks and Thinglink,” I announce to thepre-kindergarten and kindergarten design engineers.” Students immediately, independently, organizethemselves into work groups and begin interpreting the day’s challenge. Children spend about tenpercent of their time preparing in the whole group setting to support various developmental skill-sets including: numeracy, literacy, designing, engineering, visualization, collaboration, executive function and assembling background knowledge. An important aspect of each challenge’s leadingquestions is to foster each student’s executive function skills,such as the sense of time and how thepassage of time “feels.” Therefore, students must decide how to split their work time efficiently.

Welcome to the C STLE!

Debbie Rogers • Director of Instructional Digital Design


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Work teams collaboratively create ipad timers to remind of the need to move between “mid-work,” “preparing to move on,” and “ending our work time.” In this way we always try to work for half of our timeand to save time for reflections during the other half.

Students enthusiastically jump into action! Our young engineers opt to work independently or in partnerships of threes or fours as students talk, build, re-engineer, check-in with peers for ideas and thenthey emerge from their shared workspaces with their Spring Break stories. As students finish this first stageof self-paced designing, they select reflection partners and work with them in quiet spaces to begin recording their reflections using ipads and the Thinglink application, a camera app, or other creative reflection tools. Students snap a picture of their “story-builds” and then add many “touch points” to thecaptured images in the form of self-taken videos. Soon the partners swap the roles of videographer and interviewee, sometimes taking selfies as well! Students discuss their design process, shapes, numeracy, reallife experiences and a variety of their personal

thoughts in one minute “touch point” videos linked to the initial image. I then assist partners to upload theirThinglinks to our web based “shared Design Reflection channel” and time permitting, we watch a few reflections projected from student ipads before saving them all for future reminiscing. We often analyze howand why we choose to communicate with our device tools (airplay, Apple TV, wired projectors, Macbooks,ipads and other digital devices). After sharing our reflections we begin the “un-building” process.

I encourage students to think of our design-space challenges as a “sandbox process”, building up in the sand,smoothing out, rebuilding again (perhaps with remnants of another’s build) or with enhanced ideas. Prior toun-building, I remind students of their early estimates of the numbers of Rok Blocks they thought each variable or characteristic of their story would take. As our blocks are unassembled we report the accuracy of those estimates as we prepare to leave the Castle STEAM Design Space.

In the ELC Castle, we do not raise hands. We use our design space to practice our respect for the ideas ofothers by active listening and by “putting ourvoices on” when needed in quiet space and “turning our voices off” when someone else is speaking. A respectful, active classroom honors the teacher’s voice and the voices of classmates. Finally, each studentshares a “word or sentence on their mind” with me as we end our time together for the day! I am alwaysamazed at the insights and connections shared by young children as we wonder together!

This glimpse of one day’s story building design activity provides insight into the creative world of early learners. I designed our curriculum to spiral and be adaptive to each group’s daily needs. Each day, new stories are told through building projects and reflected upon. Our children are invisibly developing their design-systems-mindsets utilizing creative play with traditional and digital tools as well as computer coding,robotics and real life interactions! Words alone do not effectively paint the full color story of the RPDSchild’s ELC STEAM learning experiences in this contemporary Castle. Please visit us virtually or in personto experience our world first-hand any time!


Page 20: Annual Report 2015 - Riverside Presbyterian Day School

It all began with four teachers and a dream – build upon past science nights, to create Science Night 2015 as a celebration of the interplay between science, technology, engineering, art and math. We traveled toBoston for the National Science Teachers Association conference for threedays. We decided to divide and conquer, gleaning to as many ideas as wecould from the variety of workshops available. Each night, we would reconvene and discuss our experiences. Our collaboration led to a new concept - Family STEAM Night 2015. By the time our plane landed in Jacksonville, we had created the foundation for an exciting evening STEAMadventure.

We elected to utilize a fairy tale to create lessons across all subjectareas. We decided that Family STEAM Night 2015 should begin with a spe-cial version of “The Three Little Pigs.” In our version,

the three little pigs moved to Floridaand their mother reminded them to watchout for the “Hurricane Wolves.” The play camealive with music and the amazing talent of our faculty. Ourintroductory skit concluded with a challenge from the three little pigs – “Can you help usbuild a house that can withstand three hurricane simulations?”

Families accepted the challenge and entered the second session where they receiveda bag of supplies to build their houses. They were given a combination of supplies that included paper, foam sheets, popsicle sticks and index cards. Some families received hotglue gun tickets while others received tape tickets. The variety of building materials encouraged creativity from the students and their parents. Each family worked as a teamto turn its ideas into 3-dimensional models.

The Debut of FamilySTEAM Night

Lea McConnell, 3rd Grade Teacher • Jamie Roberts, 2nd Grade Teacher


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Houses were then carried to our last session where they were “hurricane tested.” If a house did not passa test, families were given the opportunity to revise, repair and test again. Each house was sequentially tested and had to survive three “hurricanes:” a fan, a hair dryer and finally, a leaf blowerand watering can downpour. Forty-six houses survived! These houses were then put on display for

the school to enjoy while a social media vote was conducted to choose the winning house design and its builders.

It was our hope that the evening would explore with parents a representative example of the daily student experiences in the RPDS Imagination Station STEAM Lab. When families arrived for Family STEAM Night 2015, they wereintentionally given a very brief overview of the night, but no real directions. Family teams entered the first session withlooks of bewilderment and wonder as they questioned what they had signed up for. When the families left, they werealive with broad smiles as they remembered the excitement of the evening, which sparkled in the children’s eyes as theyproudly displayed their “I Survived” stickers.

Our dream was that our little plan born in Boston would become a night of family collaboration that caused parents to understand and fall in love with the RPDS STEAM program. Mission accomplished! Our students and familiesalso left filled with the poise to accept new challenges. As teachers, we strive to instill in our students the confidence tolet their potential shine. Family STEAM Night did just that!

Thank you to all the families who were able to join us for Family STEAM Night.

We look forward to continuing to inspire RPDS students and families to apply the lessons of STEAM

throughout daily adevntures.


Page 22: Annual Report 2015 - Riverside Presbyterian Day School


The BIG news out of the Admission Office is that our enrollment is on the rise forthe first time since 2008! We believe this success is attributed to many new ideasexplored by the Admission Office in the 2014-15 school year.

One of the most noticeable additions came in the form of a subtraction. We threwout all paper enrollment forms and moved everything online. This transition madere-enrollment much easier for our current families. In just the first three weeks 80%of our families had re-enrolled. We usually don’t see this type of re-enrollment

percentage until mid-April or early May. Our goal was to make the process as quick and easy as possible for families and the feedback from ourparent community has been overwhelmingly positive.

Another first for the Admission Office was the launch of our video enhanced online viewbook. This digital version is a new way to stay competitive and on the cutting edge, while making an immediate impact to all new family inquiries. Furthermore, our materials can be updatedcontinually. Since its launch in November, our viewbook has had over 10,000 views with over 60% of traffic coming from mobile devices. Ourprespective parents are on the go and seeking accessibility to information from a variety of outlets and our online viewbook does just that!

THRIVINGin Admission

By Ruthie Simmons, Director of Admission


Experience the Pulse of Riverisde

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Although our changes online have been successful, the main goal this year was to reach a wideraudience. We accomplished this by trying new avenues in advertising, which we believe hashelped bolster inquiries and new enrollments. Our largest advertising campaign utilized clickable banners on the frequently visited website of First Coast News. These banners generated over 76,000 views within a three month campaign. Printed advertisements onMetro Diner’s placemats and in multiple editions of Family Magazine were other new venturesused. The Family Magazine alone has more than 600 distribution points on the First Coast allowing us to reach a wider, more diverse population. Although our student body travels from37 zipcodes, these ideas have increased the interest and attendance from across the region.

It has certainly been a busy year in the Admission Office and one filled with many exciting firsts.We could not be more thrilled about the future. We believe the entire RPDS community ispart of the Admission team and even with all these changes, our parents are still the BEST ambassadors. We look forward to serving your family, and all of our many NEW families, thisupcoming school year!

80%Re-Enrollmentin Three Weeks 10,000

Viewbook Page ViewsSince Launch


Online Traffic

76,000Ad Impressions on

600Magazine Ad

Distribution Points(Sample of Banner Ad)

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Through the Riverside Parents Association (RPA), RPDS encourages parents and grandparents to share in the daily educational life of their children and grandchildren.

Opportunities to have lunch together, to serve as a homeroom parent or to chaperone a field trip, are examples of the myriad ways parent and grandparent volunteers support RPDS on a daily basis.

We are deeply appreciative to all of our volunteers for their strong leadership, and generous investment of time and talent on behalf of RPDS – such advocacy, participation and generosity make a big difference in the life of our students and the entire Riverside community.

There are a variety of volunteer roles available for all interests, skill sets and levels of availability, so we hope you will find the right fit for you, or suggest a new way you would like to volunteer.

To learn more or to complete the online volunteer form, please visit

Welcome 2015 - 2016 RPA OfficersVice-PresidentCara Hodges

PresidentAnna Williams

SAVE THE DATESundae MondayAugust 17, 2015

RPA Volunteer FairAugust 27, 2015

OctoberfestOctober 23, 2015

Grandparents’ DayOctober 30, 2015

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During the 2015 STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Arts and Math) Night (see pg. 18 for anoverview of STEAM Night), Headmaster Bell announced the exciting news that a generous donor hadgiven a $20,000 gift to the RPDS STEAM program. The donor asked that the gift be highlighted in away that would inspire others in the Riverside community to help raise additional funds and feed thepassion for the then four-month-old program.

To reach and inspire as many people as possible, we decided to use a fundraising method that has beentrending predominately at the university level – a campaign based entirely within social media such asFacebook, Twitter and e-mail.

An entire school week (April 27-May 1, 2015) was devoted to this new Promise Week campaign, withthe hope that it would become an annual fundraising week for Riverside. Our initial goal for the campaign was to raise $10K by May. Prior to launch, an additional $10,000 was raised from generousdonors so that a successful RPDS Promise Week would result in doubling the original $20,000 gift.


By Elizabeth Ingram,Director of Advancement

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Our STEAM Imagination Station fosters hands-onand creative solutions to challenges, therefore wewanted our campaign to be visual, to transmit excitement and to involve each child in the STEAM program.

To share what STEAM looks like across every gradelevel, all students participated in building Wonder,the RPDS Robot. Each student in grades 1-6 was responsible for contributing a specific attributeand/or physical piece of Wonder. For example, 5thgrade designed the blueprint for Wonder andhelped decide his scale. Other grades were responsible for deciding how his arms and legsshould function, and identifying how to use technology to allow him to speak and have movingparts. Students from every grade, including our tiniest artists in PreK-3, decorated Wonder with a“tile” depicting one of their own “Wonders.”

The Promise Fund2014-15


380Number of Gifts Received

100%Board Participation

50%Parent Participation

94%Faculty & Staff Participation

$2,850Matching Gift Dollars

$500United Way of NE Florida

$55,400STEAM Challenge



$2,285Target Stores Partnership

$1-$20,000Range of Gifts

$210,739Total Dollars Raised


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Each day of the week-long campaign, a video of Wonder’sprogress was shared via e-mail, Facebook and Twitter. Thesevideos showcased our students in action creating and thenmaking Wonder “come to life.” Other daily posts to Facebook and Twitter focused on RPDS history, facts aboutSTEAM, alumni pictures, and interactive polls for supportersto add their own “crowd-sourced” ideas.

The amazing result of this campaign was that our original$10,000 goal was surpassed by $15,000…with an astoundingtotal of $25,000 raised in five days during the first-ever RPDSPromise Week! When combined with the original $20,000gift the grand total raised for STEAM in 2014-15 was$55,000!

Many thanks to all of our STEAM supporters for making theinaugural RPDS Promise Week such a spectacular success. If you missed RPDS Promise Week or just want to visit the week again, please visit theRiverside Facebook page at and view posts beginning on April 27.


Capers, the annual signature RPDS fundraiser, omitted the social event for the 2014-15 school year to host a silent auction completely online. 132 bidders from near and

far placed over 576 total bids and raised $35,000 in support of the Riverside mission.

Proceeds from Capers Online will fund campus improvement projects, technology upgrades and new curriculum for the 2015-16 school year.

Many thanks to an incredible committee for welcoming Capers into the 21st Century with a bang!

Save The Date For The 29th Annual Capers & Social Gathering

Grit and GraceOnline Auction:

Monday, February 1st – Saturday, February 6th

Social Event, Live Auction & Final Hours of Silent Auction Bidding:Saturday, February 6, 2016

Auction Chairs: Event Chairs:Katie and Skip Borghese Jill and Jed Davis

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Promise Fund 2014-15DONORS by Giving Circle

Kissling Circle$10,000+James E. Davis Family Charities, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Jed V. Davis

Williams Circle$5,000 - $9,999Celeste DonovanMr. and Mrs. James D. FrancisMr. and Mrs. Russell B. Newton, Jr.The Dianne T. Rice FamilyMrs. Dorothy L. RisleyMs. Paula W. Smith

1948 Circle$1,948 - $4,999Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. BallMr. and Mrs. Willis M. BallAubrey and Elizabeth EdgePeter and Deborah GunnlaugssonMr. and Mrs. Michael GuthrieChristopher L. and Colleen E. HaleyMC Harden, IIITiffany and Micah HeavenerMr. and Mrs. David HicksMr. and Mrs. Victor Hughes, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hughes, IIIDr. and Mrs. Ross T. KruegerAllen and Delores LastingerMr. and Mrs. Frank S. McGeheeMr. and Mrs. James W. Moore, Jr.Frank and Colleen SanchezThe Stevenson FamilyMr. and Mrs. John S. SurfaceTargetThe Verlander Family

$1,000 - $1,947AnonymousAnonymousAnonymousJan Adams AndrewsJohn and Leslie AtchisonMr. and Mrs. H. Palmer BellMr. and Mrs. Franklin R. BeardMr. and Mrs. Louis Body, VSkip and Katie BorgheseBen and Robin CampenMr. and Mrs. Bryan ClontzDr. and Mrs. Thomas Swift DavisNate and Taylor DayMr. and Mrs. Darryl A. ElksnisDrs. Michael and Elise FalluccoMr. Todd Froats and Dr. Heather FroatsMr. and Mrs. Lane GardnerMr. and Mrs. Kurt Wolfgang GreinerMr. and Mrs. Edwin L. HallCorkey and Pam HarveyCara and David HodgesMr. and Mrs. William Talmadge HuntThe Jenks FamilyMr. and Mrs. Robert LynchMatthew MedureElizabeth and Clay Meux, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Michael MoralesCurry and Annie PajcicSteve and Jenny ParkerSarah Patterson and Walt QuinnMr. Wallace A. PatzkeMr. and Mrs. William E. Rabil, Jr.Candace and Ray RavisRyan and Lindsey RiggsJohn-Paul and Jennifer SaenzMr. and Mrs. John E. Sawyer, IVMr. and Mrs. Sidney Simmons, IIThe Spinning FamilyMr. and Mrs. William H. SteedleyMr. and Mrs. William DeWitt Storm

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas, IIIScotty and Stephanie VerlanderBrad and Annika WallaceRob and Kassia Zinn

Bridge$500 - $999Karen and Oliver Barakat, Sr.Amy and Joseph L. Barrow, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. F. Russell Beard, Jr.Daniel and Allison BlanksMichael and Michele CavendishMr. and Mrs. Doug Chunn, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Dan DavisRobin and David EdwardsMr. and Mrs. Julian FantJeff and Trina ForbessMr. and Mrs. Martin HarrellWendy and Mikael HellmanWilliam and Brenda HuntNancy and Richard KohlerTim and Trudi LockwoodNicholas and Roxanne LouhMr. and Mrs. William P. MauldinDawn and Jonathan MontgomeryMr. and Mrs. Peter S. MooreMr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Moore, Jr.Jorge and Margie MoralesMr. and Mrs. William T.M. NewtonMr. and Mrs. Elliott PedrickCharles and Judy PillansThe Rice FamilyDr. and Mrs. Ronald K. RoesslerMr. and Mrs. Mark L. RosenbergW. Chris SchmidtMr. Harold Stankard, Jr. and Mrs. Crystal BrowningStankardMr. and Mrs. B. DeWitt StormRay and Linda VanLandinghamAlan and Bonnie VerlanderMr. Kristian and Dr. Kathryn Villano

Danny and Kate WeidlichAlex and Sabrina Willis

Cornerstone$250 - $499AnonymousAnonymousAnonymousBrad and Heather ArrowsmithKim BaileyMr. and Mrs. Richard BarronAnna and Dave BroscheRonnie S. CarterJ.J. and Sarah ConnersMr. and Mrs. Clark CooganDr. and Mrs. Steven DavisLane and Clint DawkinsMr. and Mrs. Patrick DussingerMr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Ekrem, Jr.Ms. Kristina A. GabrielAllen and Allison GinderNatalie and West HerfordJon and Kym HorstmanshofMr. and Mrs. Joseph J. HuieDrs. Danny and Natalie IndelicatoMiss Elizabeth IngramRandall and Andrea KatoBill and Liddy KlimaMrs. Pam MacCulleyMr. Harry Massey and Dr. Tiffany MasseyChristopher and Jennifer McCranieMr. and Mrs. Anthony MegasJohn C. and Kay NorrisTed and Mary Lee PappasTitus and LaKisha PittmanJames and Dana RileyMr. and Mrs. Brian SmithMr. and Mrs. Barney SmithMorgan StarksBeth and Patrick SullivanEric and Josephine SummaMr. and Mrs. David SurfaceMr. and Mrs. Stewart TaylorEthan O. Todd




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Promise Fund 2014-15DONORS by Giving Circle

Mr. and Mrs. Brent UngerUnited Way of Northeast FloridaTerry and Lon WaltonRobert and Linda Wolf

Pillar$100 - $249AnonymousAnonymousAnonymousAnonymousMargot and AJ AlthuisJoe Andrews and Jonathan AndrewsMr. and Mrs. Lamberto S. AustriaBeverly and William BakerMr. and Mrs. Haywood M. BallDr. Amanda Bourgeois and Jonathan BarronMr. and Mrs. Thomas BriceDavid and Annette BrinsonMr. and Mrs. Thomas R. BrownMr. and Mrs. James CassellMr. and Mrs. Pete CochraneMr. and Mrs. Richard ConwillBrad and Ashlee CorreiaMr. and Mrs. John D. CorseThomas and Sarah CotchaleovitchKaren and Jim CunninghamMr. and Mrs. Mike DarseyMr. and Mrs. Andrew Keith DawMr. and Mrs. Steven DiebenowWilliam and Charlotte DonovanWilliam and Anita DunfordJanis Lane EcholsWilliam and Suellyn EnrightAnn and Terry FarmandMr. and Mrs. Ryan FixMason and Karin FlintMr. Anthony FranklinLanier Drew and Phil GibbsIra and Marilynn GoldfieldMr. and Mrs. David A. GrissettMr. and Mrs. Barry HenryDavid and Belinda HessClifton and Bettina Huber

Annabelle Welch HudmonMr. and Mrs. John HumesMr. and Mrs. Robert T. Hyde, Jr.Ms. Samantha HydeChris and Michellee JonesSid and Kim JonesCrystal and Jim KatoBill and Susan KlimaLand’s EndPatrick and Cheryl LeddyCurtis and Mary LoftinBarry and Faith MansellJason and Monica MarleyMathnasiumEddie and Colette MayKevin and Undine McEvoyMr. and Mrs. Robert McGeorgeBill and Julie McLaurineThe McNeil FamilyMargaret Leu MeansBill and Becky MentzJoe and Elizabeth F. MeuxEllen MillarReverend Cynthia Montgomery and Mr. JamesMontgomeryDavid and Jeanne MoomawFrank and Tammy MorrealeRob and Laura MouldRebecca and Malcolm MyersChris and Tara NaeoleMr. and Mrs. Paul Cameron Naugle, Jr.Dr. and Mrs. Steven NaumanMr. and Dr. James NolanJosh and Kellie OlmsteadMr. and Mrs. Stephen Pajcic Kay PartridgeThe Perlberg FamilyLeonard and Deena PittmanRPDS PK3 ClassThe Poe FamilyRaymond and Mary Lynn PosgayMatthew and Suzanne PosgayChris and Katherine RabilDr. and Mrs. Webster RiggsChristine Ritch

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Y. RogersMr. and Mrs. John H. RogersMr. and Mrs. Michael SharpMarcia SicolaArthur P. Small, IVBrian and Bonnie SmithDavid and Donna SmithJon and Kristin SpickelmierDr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Stokes, Jr.Ms. Lu StuartBetsy ThompsonDanielle and Arnold TrittJohn and Christy ValentinoAnthony and Daniele VetereJohn WaidnerStephanie J. WaidnerStephanie and Brandon WestermanKen and Carol WhyrickRobert and Dian WilliamsMr. and Mrs. A. Daniel Wolff, IIIJonathan and Michelle WrightMr. and Mrs. Allan Wulbern

FoundationUp to $99AnonymousAnonymousAnonymousAnonymousAnonymousAnonymousJerry and Kittye AlbertDr. and Mrs. Dominick AngiolilloDr. and Mrs. H.A. Beaver, IIIHugh and Jeri BoggsMrs. Denise Brennan FlemingMr. and Mrs. Harper BryanLaurie BuschiniMs. Glenda CaulfieldMr. and Mrs. Kevin CheezumWes and Rachel CochranMr. and Mrs. Thomas P. DavisMr. and Mrs. Gabriel De La Paz and Family

Dorothy J. DeVoreJennifer and Londyn DickensMs. Carol DigesareBrian and Suzanne EnochTom and Julie EnochMr. and Mrs. Bill EppsLawrence and Alice ErtleyMs. Ashley HelmickMr. James B. Hughes, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. E. Rogers IngramMr. and Mrs. Matthew JacksonParks and Carol JonesDean and Michelle KruegerLinda M. LockwoodAnna Katherine and Lillian McCraryMr. Fred Benson Miller, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Michael MunzMr. and Mrs. Nick NapoleonKhristinia OlsonJeremy and Erin RaynorMrs. Courtney ReamesMs. Elizabeth A. RenfroeMr. Pearce RenfroeRichard A. RizziRob and Darby RobinsonMr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. SacksKristie and Eric SchraderDwain and Libby SenterfittElisabeth StapletonCaroline SteedleyReverend and Mrs. Jeff StollEarl and Pat ThomasKurt and Regan ThoresenJohn and Deena WallaceDianna WhiteEbony WilliamsJohn and Sandra WillisAngela Schifanella and Alan Wilson


Page 30: Annual Report 2015 - Riverside Presbyterian Day School

Promise Fund 2014-15GIFTS in Honor

Jerry and Kittye AlbertLee Tritt

Margot and AJ AlthuisEmma-Sophie Althuis

Kim BaileyBrooks Cheezum

Beverly and William BakerRPDS Faculty

Karen and Oliver Barakat, Sr.Oliver Jr, Amelia and William Barakat

Mr. and Mrs. Eric BradfordEmily and Lauren Mikal Bradford

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. BrownKatherine and Adam Enoch and Chloe and Stella Shaw

Tina and Shane BurrowTori Hickinbotham

Ronnie S. CarterEvan Salter

Mr. and Mrs. Doug Chunn, Jr.Margaret Adelaide Chunn

Mr. and Mrs. Richard ConwillDutch Heavener

Mr. and Mrs. John D. CorseEliza Hicks

Thomas and Sarah CotchaleovitvhPeter and Ian Cotchaleovitch

Nate and Taylor DayRPDS Faculty and Staff

Dorothy J. DeVoreJoshua and Alex DeVore

Ms. Carol DigesareElizabeth Digesare

Celeste DonovanRPDS Faculty and Staff

Lanier Drew and Phil GibbsSidney Gibbs

Janis Lane EcholsCasey Lane, Sally Wheeldon Lane, Kelly Lane Ferenc

Mr. and Mrs. Bill EppsKatie Epps

Lawrence and Alice ErtleyHenry Jenks

Mrs. Norma FarnellMy PreK 4 Class

Denise Brennan FlemingMatt and Chipper Brennan

Ms. Kristina A. GabrielKatherine and William Gabriel

Ira and Marilynn GoldfieldHannah and Alexander Goldfield

Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Wolfgang GreinerKurt Wolfgang Greiner, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin HarrellCaroline Harrell

Tiffany and Micah HeavenerDutch Heavener

Ms. Ashley HelmickClass of 2001

Mr. and Mrs. John HumesFrances Humes

Ms. Samantha HydeRPDS Faculty and Staff

Miss Elizabeth IngramCora, Allen and Rosemary Thakkar

Mr. and Mrs. E. Rogers IngramElizabeth Ingram

Parks and Carol JonesParklyn Gardner

Joe and Joanne KanobroskiJoey Kanobroski and PJ Annala

Crystal and Jim KatoJulia Kato

Nancy and Richard KohlerPhebe and Susanna Ball

Barry and Faith MansellBenjamin and Bonnie Thomas

Mr. Harry Massey and Dr. Tiffany MasseyGrace and Blaire Massey

Eddie and Colette MayMaggie Maye Stoll

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony MegasNiko Megas



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Promise Fund 2014-15GIFTS in Memory

Ellen MillarSuzanne Tomlinson

David and Jeanne MoomawSims Wulbern

Rebecca and Malcolm MyersJoshua Myers

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cameron Naugle, Jr.Abigail Naugle

Dr. and Mrs. Steven NaumanEli and Emily Stevenson

Mr. and Mrs. William T.M. NewtonEmma and Trent Newton

Khristinia OlsonAlexandra Vetsch

Ted and Mary Lee PappasGrady Gillam

Kay PartridgeMadeleine Nieman

Raymond and Mary Lynn PosgayMatthew, Suzanne, Caroline Grace and Connor Posgay

Matthew and Suzanne PosgayConnor and Caroline Grace Posgay

Mr. and Mrs. William E. Rabil, Jr.Will and Natalie Rabil

Dorothy L. RisleyOur Outstanding Faculty

Richard A. RizziJulia Kato

John-Paul and Jennifer SaenzJoe and Beverly Seay

Dwain and Libby SenterfitttAbigail Senterfitt

Marcia SicolaJacob Myers

Brian and Bonnie SmithGreyson Smith

Ms. Paula SmithPam MacCulley

Caroline SteedleySharon Steedley and Ellen Wood

Reverend and Mrs. Jeff StollConnor and Maggie Maye Stoll

Mr. and Mrs. William D. StormBayard, Cardin and Ford Storm

Ms. Lu StuartGrant Stuart, class of 1997

Beth and Patrick SullivanJohn Patrick Coll

Michael and Angielyd SullivanJalen and Gabby Sullivan

Betsy ThompsonTucker and Cameron Sharp

Ray and Linda VanLandinghamHudson Norris

Anthony and Daniele VetereSullivan Porter Sims

John WaidnerEmma Grace Waidner

Dianna WhiteShirley Francis

Ken and Carol WhyrickMalachi Clarke

Robert and Dian WilliamsCulver and Courtland Rice

Ebony WilliamsElijah Wilson

John and Sandra WillisAlexis Willis

Robert and Linda WolfAndrew and Luke Kunkle

Mr. and Mrs. Michael DarseyBen Willis

Jennifer and Londyn DickensHarriet Preston

Bill and Susan KlimaDr. and Mrs. Joseph Canipelli

Linda M. LockwoodJames M. Lockwood

Mr. Wallace A. PatzkeMary Patzke



Page 32: Annual Report 2015 - Riverside Presbyterian Day School

Promise Fund 2014-15DONORS by Affiliation

Ms. Jan Adams AndrewsMrs. Paula B. BriceMs. Ronnie S. CarterMrs. Ashley DiebenowMrs. Celeste R. DonovanMr. MC Harden, IIIMr. William T. Hunt, Jr.Reverend Dr. Nicholas LouhMr. J. Clay Davis Meux, Jr.Mr. James W. Moore, Jr.Mr. Peter S. MooreMr. Curry G. PajcicMr. Benjamin J. Philips, IIIMrs. Brooke W. RiceMr. Ryan T. Riggs

Mrs. Dorothy L. RisleyMrs. Natalie RosenbergMr. John-Paul SaenzMrs. Sally Ball SharpMrs. Leigh H. SmithDr. Matthew S. StevensonMrs. Kristen SurfaceMr. Scott C. VerlanderMrs. Theodora D. Walton

AnonymousAnonymousMrs. Prudence BaldwinMr. H. Palmer BellMrs. Elizabeth Body

Mrs. Vivian BradfordMs. Jaime BrasseitMrs. Annette BrinsonMrs. Kelly BuggMr. Shane BurrowMrs. Tina BurrowMrs. Dale ChildMr. Gabe ClarkMrs. Amber CherryMrs. Becky CoxMrs. Ann CranfordMrs. Cindy DarseyMrs. Julissa Perez DavisMrs. Ashley DawMrs. Jessica De La PazMr. Ron DurhamMrs. Norma FarnellMrs. Denise Brennan FlemingMr. Anthony FranklinMr. Will GayMrs. Lesley GittingsMrs. Annie GoldfieldMrs. Deana GreenMrs. Sharon HarbyMs. Sally HartMrs. Tiffany HeavenerMrs. Bonnie HenryMrs. JJ HowellMiss Elizabeth IngramMrs. Lynn JohnsonMs. Summer JonesMrs. Joanne KanobroskiMrs. Adrienne KentMs. Terry KentMrs. Pam MacCulleyMrs. Lea McConnellMrs. Charlye McGurrinMrs. Rebecca McNeilMrs. Isabelle MilneMrs. Stephanie MilneMs. Nina MontemuroMrs. Leslie ProhaskaMs. Daisha ReedMs. Jan ReederMrs. Molly Rhoden

Mrs. Jamie RobertsMr. Brian RoesMrs. Debbie RogersMrs. Jennifer SherlockMrs. Ruthie SimmonsMrs. Cristi SkeelsMrs. Donette SnyderMrs. Julie SpringerMrs. Sharon SteedleyMrs. Morgan StormMs. Lu StuartMr. Michael SullivanMrs. Elizabeth WimberleyMrs. Karen WorshamMrs. Fran Wulbern

AnonymousAnonymousAnonymousAnonymousAnonymousMargot and AJ AlthuisDr. and Mrs. Dominick AngiolilloBrad and Heather ArrowsmithJohn and Leslie AtchisonMr. and Mrs. Christopher BallKaren and Oliver Barakat, Sr.Dr. Amanda Bourgeois and Jonathan BarronMr. and Mrs. Richard BarronAmy and Joseph L. Barrow, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. F. Russell Beard, Jr.Dr. and Mrs. H.A. Beaver, IIIDaniel and Allison BlanksMr. and Mrs. Louis Body, VSkip and Katie BorgheseMr. and Mrs. Thomas BriceAnna and Dave BroscheMr. and Mrs. Harper BryanLaurie BuschiniBen and Robin CampenRonnie S. CarterMichael and Michele Cavendish





Page 33: Annual Report 2015 - Riverside Presbyterian Day School

Promise Fund 2014-15DONORS by Affiliation

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin CheezumMr. and Mrs. Doug Chunn, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Bryan ClontzWes and Rachel CochranMr. and Mrs. Pete CochraneJJ and Sarah ConnersMr. and Ms. Clark CooganBrad and Ashlee CorreiaThomas and Sarah CotchaleovitvhMr. and Mrs. Jed V. DavisDr. and Mrs. Thomas Swift DavisNate and Taylor DayMr. and Mrs. Gabriel De La Paz and FamilyJennifer and Londyn DickensMr. and Mrs. Steven DiebenowCeleste DonovanMr. and Mrs. Patrick DussingerAubrey and Elizabeth EdgeMr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Ekrem, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Darryl A. ElksnisBrian and Suzanne EnochDrs. Michael and Elise FalluccoMr. and Mrs. Julian FantMr. and Mrs. Ryan FixJeff and Trina ForbessMr. Todd Froats and Dr. Heather FroatsMr. and Mrs. Anthony FranklinMs. Kristina A. GabrielMr. and Mrs. Lane GardnerMr. and Mrs. Will GayAllen and Allison GinderMr. and Mrs. David GoldfieldMr. and Mrs. John GreenMr. and Mrs. Kurt Wolfgang GreinerMr. and Mrs. David A. GrissettPeter and Deborah GunnlaugssonMr. and Mrs. Michael GuthrieChristopher L. and Colleen E. HaleyMr. and Mrs. Edwin L. HallMC Harden, IIIMr. and Mrs. Martin HarrellCorkey and Pam HarveyMr. and Mrs. Micah HeavenerWendy and Mikael HellmanNatalie and West Herford

David and Belinda HessMr. and Mrs. David HicksCara and David HodgesJon and Kym HorstmanshofClifton and Bettina HuberMr. and Mrs. Victor Hughes, IIIMr. and Mrs. Joseph J. HuieMr. and Mrs. William Talmadge HuntDrs. Danny and Natalie IndelicatoMr. and Mrs. Matthew JacksonThe Jenks FamilyChris and Michellee JonesSid and Kim JonesRandall and Andrea KatoBill and Liddy KlimaDean and Michelle KruegerPatrick and Cheryl LeddyTim and Trudi LockwoodNicholas and Roxanne LouhMr. and Mrs. Robert LynchMr. Harry Massey and Dr. Tiffany MasseyMr. and Mrs. William P. MauldinChristopher and Jennifer McCranieMr. and Mrs. Matt McGurrinKevin and Undine McEvoyBill and Julie McLaurineMatthew MedureMr. and Mrs. Anthony MegasElizabeth and Clay Meux, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Joe MilneReverend Cynthia Montgomery and Mr. JamesMontgomeryMr. and Mrs. James W. Moore, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. MooreMr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Moore, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Michael MoralesFrank and Tammy MorrealeRob and Laura MouldMr. and Mrs. Nick NapoleonMr. and Mrs. Paul Cameron Naugle, Jr.Mr. and Dr. James NolanJosh and Kellie OlmsteadKhristinia OlsonCurry and Annie PajcicSteve and Jenny Parker

Sarah Patterson and Walt QuinnMr. and Mrs. Elliott PedrickThe Perlberg FamilyLeonard and Deena PittmanTitus and LaKisha PittmanThe Poe FamilyMatthew and Suzanne PosgayChris and Katherine RabilCandace and Ray RavisJeremy and Erin RaynorMs. Elizabeth A. RenfroeRyan and Lindsey RiggsChristine RitchMr. and Mrs. Kevin RobertsRob and Darby RobinsonDr. and Mrs. Ronald K. RoesslerMr. and Mrs. Mark L. RosenbergMr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. SacksJohn-Paul and Jennifer SaenzFrank and Colleen SanchezMr. and Mrs. John E. Sawyer, IV

Kristie and Eric SchraderMr. and Mrs. Michael SharpMr. and Mrs. Warren SkeelsMr. and Mrs. Barney SmithDavid and Donna SmithMs. Paula W. SmithJon and Kristin SpickelmierThe Spinning FamilyMr. and Mrs. Todd SpringerMr. Harold Stankard, Jr. and Mrs. Crystal Browning-StankardElisabeth StapletonMorgan StarksThe Stevenson FamilyReverend and Mrs. Jeff StollMr. and Mrs. Witt StormMr. and Mrs. Michael SullivanEric and Josephine SummaMr. and Mrs. David SurfaceMr. and Mrs. John S. SurfaceMr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas, III


Page 34: Annual Report 2015 - Riverside Presbyterian Day School

Promise Fund 2014-15DONORS by AffiliationCurrent Parents, cont’d

Kurt and Regan ThoresenDanielle and Arnold TrittMr. and Mrs. Brent UngerJohn and Christy ValentinoAlan and Bonnie VerlanderScotty and Stephanie VerlanderMr. Kristian and Dr. Kathryn VillanoStephanie J. WaidnerBrad and Annika WallaceDanny and Kate WeidlichStephanie and Brandon WestermanEbony WilliamsAlex and Sabrina WillisJonathan and Michelle WrightMr. and Mrs. Allan WulbernRob and Kassia Zinn

Mr. Pearce RenfroeRPDS PreK 3

AnonymousJerry and Kittye AlbertMr. and Mrs. Lamberto S. AustriaKim BaileyBeverly and William BakerMr. and Mrs. Haywood M. BallMr. and Mrs. Willis M. BallMr. and Mrs. Franklin R. Beard

Hugh and Jeri BoggsMr. and Mrs. Thomas R. BrownMs. Glenda CaulfieldMr. and Mrs. Richard ConwillMr. and Mrs. John D. CorseKaren and Jim CunninghamMr. and Mrs. Dan DavisJames E. Davis Family Charities, Inc.Lane and Clint DawkinsDorothy J. DeVoreMs. Carol DigesareWilliam and Charlotte DonovanWilliam and Anita DunfordTom and Julie EnochWilliam and Suellyn EnrightMr. and Mrs. Bill EppsLawrence and Alice ErtleyAnn and Terry FarmandMason and Karin FlintIra and Marilynn GoldfieldMr. James B. Hughes, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hughes, Jr.William and Brenda HuntParks and Carol JonesCrystal and Jim KatoBill and Susan KlimaNancy and Richard KohlerDr. and Mrs. Ross T. KruegerAllen and Delores LastingerLinda M. LockwoodCurtis and Mary LoftinEddie and Colette MayMr. and Mrs. Frank S. McGeheeMargaret Leu MeansJoe and Elizabeth F. MeuxMr. Fred Benson Miller, Jr.David and Jeanne MoomawJorge and Margie MoralesDr. and Mrs. Steven NaumanJohn C. and Kay NorrisTed and Mary Lee PappasKay PartridgeMr. Wallace A. PatzkeRaymond and Mary Lynn PosgayMr. and Mrs. William E. Rabil, Jr.

The Dianne T. Rice FamilyDr. and Mrs. Webster RiggsRichard A. RizziMarcia SicolaBrian and Bonnie SmithDr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Stokes, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. B. DeWitt StormBeth and Patrick SullivanEarl and Pat ThomasBetsy ThompsonRay and Linda VanLandinghamThe Verlander FamilyAnthony and Daniele VetereJohn WaidnerKen and Carol WhyrickRobert and Dian WilliamsJohn and Sandra WillisRobert and Linda Wolf

Ms. Jan Adams AndrewsJoe Andrews and Jonathan AndrewsMr. Christopher M. BallMr. Eric BradfordMr. Harper BryanMrs. Peyton Duggan ChunnMrs. Sarah Howard CotchaleovitchMrs. Celeste Rice DonovanMrs. Suzanne Brown EnochMrs. Norma Lockwood FarnellMrs. Shirley Waters FrancisMrs. Lesley Marchman GittingsMs. Sally Regitko HartMs. Ashley HelmickMr. David Hodges, Jr.Mr. Victor Hughes, IIIMs. Samantha HydeMr. Bill KlimaMrs. Trudi Miller LockwoodAnna Catherine and Lillian McCraryMrs. Rebecca McNeilMrs. Isabelle Schwalbe Milne





Page 35: Annual Report 2015 - Riverside Presbyterian Day School

Promise Fund 2014-15DONORS by Affiliation

Mrs. Stephanie Risley MilneMrs. Katherine Schnauss NaugleMrs. Courtney ReamesMr. W. Chris SchmidtMrs. Sally Ball SharpMr. Arthur P. Small, IVMs. Caroline SteedleyMrs. Jessica Nauman StevensonMrs. Morgan Dawkins StormMr. Scott VerlanderMr. Alan VerlanderMrs. Deena WallaceMrs. Fran Moomaw Wulbern

AnonymousAnonymousMr. and Mrs. Eric BradfordMr. and Mrs. David BrinsonMr. and Mrs. Jerry CoxMr. and Mrs. Bill CranfordMr. and Mrs. Thomas P. DavisMr. and Mrs. Andrew Keith DawRobin and David EdwardsMr. and Mrs. Cleve FarnellMrs. Denise Brennan FlemingMr. and Mrs. James D. FrancisLanier Drew and Phil GibbsMr. and Mrs. John HumesMr. and Mrs. Robert T. Hyde, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Joe KanobroskiMr. and Mrs. Robert McGeorgeMr. and Mrs. Andy McNeilBill and Becky MentzMr. and Mrs. Doug Milne, Jr.Dawn and Jonathan MontgomeryChris and Tara NaeoleMr. and Mrs. William T.M. NewtonCharles and Judy PillansMr. and Mrs. James ProhaskaThe Rice FamilyJames and Dana Riley

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Y. RogersDwain and Libby SenterfittMr. and Mrs. Sidney Simmons, IIMr. and Mrs. Brian SmithMr. and Mrs. William H. SteedleyMr. and Mrs. Stewart TaylorTerry and Lon WaltonAngela Schifanella and Alan Wilson

Mr. and Mrs. James CassellAnnabelle Welch HudmonBarry and Faith MansellMr. and Mrs. Russell B. Newton, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. John H. Rogers

AnonymousAnonymousAnonymousArtsoniaJanis Lane EcholsMr. and Mrs. E. Rogers IngramLand’s EndMathnasiumEllen MillarMr. and Mrs. Michael MunzRebecca and Malcolm MyersMr. and Mrs. Stephen PajcicSquare 1 ArtTargetEthan O. ToddUnited Way of Northeast FloridaDianna WhiteMr. and Mrs. A. Daniel Wolff, III

AXACoachCSX Corporation, Inc.MerckRegency CentersUBS Financial ServicesWells Fargo

GIFTS TO THEFinancial Assistance Fund Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Pajcic

GIFTS TO THEEndowmentMr. and Mrs. Franklin R. Beard

GIFTS TOEndowed Named FundsMr. and Mrs. Robert LynchBeatty Williams Bible Fund

Ms. Elizabeth A. CoffmanCoffman Community Fund

Mrs. Julie Coffman HesterCoffman Community Fund

Mrs. Emily Coffman KrunicCoffman Community Fund

Joe A. Adams Family FoundationJamie Andrews Scholarship Fund

Ms. Jan Adams AndrewsJamie Andrews Scholarship Fund

Col. William H. TomlinsonSuzanne S. Tomlinson Professional Fund






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ENDOWED NAMED SCHOLARSHIP FundsEach year RPDS provides nearly $350,000 in need-based financial assistance to students enrolled at the school. Although this assistance is one way that we assure the

broadest possible access to all aspects of our outstanding educational offerings, each year our funds are exhausted before all documented needs can be met. The following named funds are instrumental in allowing the school to provide confidential assistance tailored to the documented needs of individual families.

The Riverside Presbyterian Day school endowment is an aggregation of assets invested by school to support the school’s educational mission in perpetuity. Annually, the RPDS Endowment Fund supports school operations in two prominent ways: 1) providing need-based financial assistance and 2) supporting faculty and curricular development.

All gifts to the Riverside Presbyterian Day School (RPDS) endowment fund are restricted and invested to preserve the corpus of each donation, as well as to ensure that each donor's specific restrictions are honored. In such investing, it is the revenue produced and the appreciation of the fund as a whole that provide support for the operating budget of RPDS.

ENDOWED NAMED FundsThese funds provide support for innovation within the instructional curriculum, so that it remains consistent with the finest educational practices nationally.

Additionally, this fund supports the education and professional growth of the faculty, when curricular advancements require retraining.

Beatty Williams Bible Fund

This Fund provides Bibles for graduating 6th Graders.

William T. & Margery G. Christy Fund

For Faculty and Curriculum

Coffman Community Fundin honor of Blanche and Dan Coffman

This fund is used for student leadership and outreach programs such as Project LEADS and Pathfinders.

Suzanne S. Tomlinson Professional Fund

in honor of Headmistress Suzanne Tomlinson (1977-94)This fund supports professional development for faculty.

Jamie Andrews Memorial

Scholarship Fundin honor of the life and memory of

Jamie Andrews.

Robert W. Littell Literacy Fund

in honor of Headmaster Robert Littell (1994-2008)This fund provides support for the Media Center.

Mary M. WilliamsFund

Slaughter Memorial Fund

Harriet LyonsFund for Children



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Focused on the future, the Business Partners Program was started in 2012 as an opportunity to encourage mutually beneficial relationships between RPDS and mission-appropriate business, corporate and/or industry partners.

Many thanks to the following businesses who chose to partner with RPDS:



For more information about the RPDS Business Partners Program, please visit

*Benefits for The Business Partners Program now run from August 15 - June 30. 35

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Page 39: Annual Report 2015 - Riverside Presbyterian Day School

The Promise FundHow willYOU make your mark?

We invite you to visit make an online donation or to return

a donation in the envelope provided.

We are truly thankful for your gift as part of The Promise and the heart of Riverside!

Page 40: Annual Report 2015 - Riverside Presbyterian Day School


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R I V E R S I D EPresbyterian Day School830 Oak StreetJacksonville, FL

PROJECT LEADSUnder the leadership of the RPDS 6th Grade Project Leads program,

the 6th Grade Class of 2015 gave back to theJacksonville community in a big way this year.

14Organizations served in Jacksonville

3,000+Volunteer hours logged

100,000+Lives impacted by RPDS service