and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to...

… and some colourful plans! …and made plans for the future! 123

Transcript of and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to...

Page 1: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

… and some colourful plans!

…and made plans for the future!


Page 2: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

Architectural floorplans for a new community hall designed by the children.

These plans from the children outline the ideas of what the children would like to see become of community sports grounds and buildings.

This note here reads: “Costs more than we have!”

First Floor

Ground Floor

Site Layout


Page 3: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

Design Forum

Overnight, a concept plan was drawn up to help test ideas…



Page 4: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

Vicarage RoadThe link between existing parts of Yalding and the areas of potential new development was a focus of the testing.


Page 5: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

Vicarage RoadThis is the site allocated for new homes in the Maidstone Local Plan (red line).


Page 6: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

Local PlanH1 (67)

The site has been allocated by Maidstone Borough Council. Although the neighbourhood plan cannot challenge this allocation outright, it can try to influence the layout and density of the development, given that the site sits within an important green stretch of land that provides countryside access.

Extract from the Reg. 19 Local Plan


Page 7: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

Vicarage Road

expanded schoolchurch

new hall


Warde’s Moat

1. Uses & Activities

potential site

The highlighted buildings (pink) are important community assets within Yalding parish.

Wealden Homes’ potential development site is also marked on the plan.



Page 8: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

Vicarage Road

active woodland

church yard

car park?


“green chain”

2. Green Spaces

A series of green spaces can be identified and developed along this west-east corridor:

a new recreation ground and car park in the west; then on to the church yard; the old cemetery, the new cemetery; a series of green paddocks and allotments and open space; and then onto what could become an active public accessible woodland (currently private)



Page 9: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

Vicarage Road

church yard“green chain”

car park?


active woodland

3. Linking Up

Preserving these green spaces could allow for a “green chain” to be developed, linking woodland, sports grounds, the church and potential recreation and parking grounds. Pretty much the length of this is car-free and could provide a good alternative to the traffic-heavy route of Kenward Road and Vicarage Road.



Page 10: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

4. New Housing

Vicarage Road

Kintons 1

Kintons 2

Approx. 45 homes

To achieve this link though, the local plan allocation (red line) would need to be reduced in numbers to keep the central section undeveloped. In this scenario, only the southern section would be developed, accessed off the Kintons access track. Where, then, would the displaced housing go?

This could be realised by allowing housing to spread along the edge of the woodland, overlooking the Kintons. This south-facing development would have views over open countryside, down towards the river

This diagram also shows the expansion of the Kintons from its current location, marked as “Kintons 1”, to include a new, larger area to the east, marked as “Kintons 2”.



Page 11: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

Vicarage Road

Kintons 1

Kintons 2



5. Access

Access points in this scenario will be from the north, off Vicarage Road via the Kintons track and from the east, via what becomes Mill Lane.

The eastern access allows vehicles to get to the sports pavilion without necessarily using Vicarage Road. Two access points also spreads the load and does not put as much pressure onto Vicarage Road, that is already congested at peak times.

Approx. 45 homes



Page 12: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

Vicarage Road



What role for this site?

6. Reduced numbers?

Kintons 1

Kintons 2

What role for this site?

However, to place new housing on the edge of the woodland will require loss of some tress and significant damage to areas of mature bluebell woodland. This was not universally supported at the design forum with some participants making it clear this was not welcome at all.

So if the scenario is rolled back to only include approx. 25 homes on the southern edge of the local plan allocation, where do the other 40+ homes go?

Does this bring into play the Wealden Homes’ site (north west) or the land at the end of Blunden Lane (north east)?

Approx. 25 homes



Page 13: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

Concept Plan: Syngenta recreation land to the Kintons expansion land

Looking at the wider parish, another element of testing was how to connect Syngenta land and the Kintons along the river corridor.

This expanded “green chain” could be a pedestrian and cycle path that connects two areas together.


Ex-Syngenta rec. land

river corridor link?


Page 14: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

Testing the Concept PlanFeedback

Day TwoMorning

Participants began to test these ideas in earnest on the morning of the second day.


Page 15: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

Groups began to test the concept plan and the challenges and opportunities it presents.

Different groups began to test the ideas and concepts that had emerged from day one.


Page 16: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

Day TwoMorning

Group One


Page 17: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

Looking at how sites connect and work together.

This group mapped out potential alternative development sites and discussed how these could replace or complement the local plan allocation.


Page 18: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

Group OneFeedback

• Do not approve of extended development on/outside of the bluebell wood.

• Reduce amount of housing allocated for the site south of Vicarage Road. No more than 20 dwellings?

• And then also….


Page 19: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

Group OneFeedback

• … build 12 dwellings on the old “Curley’s Site” south of the river.

• … build between 20-40 houses on the development site north of Kenward Road, as offered by Wealden Homes (but not the full 65 they wish to see).

• … and consider housing on the neglected orchard land to the east of Blunden Lane.


Page 20: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

Group OneFeedback

• Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road.

• Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket pavilion.

• But a concern was how to stop limiteddevelopment south of vicarage Road becoming simply phase one of a larger development later on? In other words, how can the green gap be maintained in perpetuity?


Page 21: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

This plan highlights other potential development sites as an alternative to a large Vicarage Road site development.

Maybe here?

Maybe here?

Not here!


Page 22: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

Day TwoMorning

Group Two


Page 23: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

The group discussed pedestrian links and how a new car park could connect with existing areas of Yalding

This group began to map out the potential pedestrian links between the east and west of Yalding, discussing how the High Street and Vicarage Road could provide a better pedestrian environment.


Page 24: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

Group TwoFeedback

• Housing numbers, suggest keeping the bulk of development within one area.

• But do allow for other more limited areas of development.

• Development north of Kenward Road will have a huge impact on immediate surrounding areas, not favoured at all.


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Group TwoFeedback

• Provide a car park on the “gifted land” south of Kenward Road and deliver an easy to access pedestrian footpath into the centre of Yalding.

• Provide further river-frontage access and bridges below the Kintons site and back towards the Syngenta site.


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Group TwoFeedback

• If the cemetery is to be surrounded by development, the cemetery ceases to have the ability to expand!

• We only have a few years of burial space left!


Page 27: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

This map marks out the different green links that could be implemented to improve pedestrian access and movement.


Page 28: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

Day TwoMorning

Group Three


Page 29: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

The group focused on development in Laddingford and the mix of homes that could be provided.

This group began to mark on the plan where they thought new development could be accommodated within Laddingford and the sizes and styles of homes that could be built.


Page 30: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

The group also discussed the need to improve access to Beltring Station.

There were also discussions about how to improve the use of Beltring Station and how safer, more convenient access could be provided.


Page 31: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

Group ThreeFeedback

• Teiside Nurseries site, Laddingford. Could this become a nature area with limited “green surface” parking?

• Laddingford has sites available too, Yalding is not the only option!

• Bring affordable housing into Laddingford and help spread the housing load.


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Group ThreeFeedback

• Can also provide market-value housing and allow funding from these to improve connections and access to Beltring Station.


Page 33: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

This plan highlights the current and potential land uses surrounding the built-up areas of the settlements.


Page 34: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

This plan shows the possible alternative areas for small-scale development within Yalding.


Page 35: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

This plan shows where the group decided development would be most appropriate within Laddingford and also where particular green space should be retained.


Page 36: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

This group began to look at the possibility of new development lining the norther edge of an expanded Kintons. The annotated map reiterates the importance of Yalding’s southern “green chain” but is concerned about the impact of housing on the edge of the woodland.


Page 37: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

Wealden Homes Development Proposal

Day TwoAfternoon

The development company Wealden Homes have plans for new homes along Kenward Road, however permission is yet to be granted.


Page 38: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

Site B is Wealden Homes’ current preferred site for the development of up to 65 new homes. Site A has been offered to the “community” for free as land to be used in line with community wishes, should development be granted permission on Site B.


Page 39: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

The oast houses on the western edge sit prominently within the landscape.

The problem is that Site A has significant visual issues as any development here would obscure the view of the oast houses on the western edge of Yalding.

Already MBC planners have ruled this site out as unsuitable for development for this reason. So any community use is likely to only be public open space, not built development.

But the design forum generated a consensus around an expanded Kintons. A split site for recreation was not a popular option.

So what exactly is the benefit of Wealden Home’s land offer?


Page 40: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

This view provides a sense of arrival as you round the bend on Kenward Road.

The views of the existing oast houses provide a strong sense of arrival into Yalding. The visual impact that any use or development of this land may have will need to be carefully considered.


Page 41: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

As Site A is approached, greenery begins to hide the view.

In the summer a strong, green boundary begins to shelter the view of the built areas as the edges of Yalding are approached. But it isn't like this all year around.


Page 42: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

Site A is surrounded by mature landscape.

The potential community site is surrounded by mature vegetation.


Page 43: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

Both Site A & B have long-distance views of the surrounding landscape.

This western edge of Yalding has long distance views out into the countryside. Any development will need to have strong, positive architectural qualities to respond to these views in to and out of the settlement.


Page 44: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

The Wealden Homes potential development site will replace existing horticultural land with housing.

Site B of the Wealden Homes development plan will replace current working farm land…


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…there needs to be consideration for the impact that a loss of farming land may have upon the local environment and local economy.

The Wealden Homes potential development site will replace existing horticultural land with housing.


Page 46: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

The site’s current entrance is off a gentle bend along Kenward Road.

If development were to be granted on Site B, how could the entrance to the new housing complement and connect with the current country lanes?

The Wealden Home’s concept plan shows a roundabout here. But is this the right type of entrance to a rural village? Probably not, as roundabouts are a more urban or suburban solution to traffic issues. This can only lead to a loss of rural character.


Page 47: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

Kenward Road is lined with tall green edge.

The green boundaries along Kenward Road have a strong presence as people approaching Yalding. How can potential new development here protect and enhance experience rather than damage it?


Page 48: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

How could new development along Kenward Road positively fit with the existing architectural character?

There is a mix of architectural styles along Kenward Road and within the streets leading off from the road. Should new development here take its cure from the existing character of buildings? Or from elsewhere?


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Joining Up SitesPedestrian Link to The Kintons

Day TwoAfternoon

After the morning discussions around the “green chain” participants walked area between the Wealden Homes’ land the Kintons.


Page 50: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

If Site A was gifted, Oast Court could provide a new pedestrian link onto the High Street from whatever community use is delivered on Site A.

Oast Court sits adjacent to Site A and could become a vital link between existing and new development within Yalding.


Page 51: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

It could become a well-used route within the village.

The pedestrian link would predominantly be a connection between Site A’s green space or other community use with the High Street.


Page 52: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

The Oast Houses and a good access point can be clearly seen from here.

The route can be clearly seen from the High Street and is an obvious, direct link between the centre and edges of Yalding. Although it is in private ownership, this link is regularly used by the public.


Page 53: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

This route already provides a clear link onto the High Street.

The route is already used as a pedestrian connection and a driveway entrance for the residential properties that line the path.


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The Kintons footpath is a well-established link from the eastern side of the High Street out towards the sports area.


Page 55: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

This route is already well-used at school pick-up and drop-off times.

Children and parents from Yalding Primary School use this route as a pedestrian alternative to walking along Vicarage Road. It is a well-used route for families and is also a safe, off-road connection between the sports grounds and the High Street.


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Site Visit OnePotential development sites in Laddingford

Day Two Afternoon

A group of participants explored Laddingford to assess the areas that they had considered for development earlier in the day. 178

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Beltring Station, possible housing behind St. Mary’s Close and possibly something at Teiside Nurseries.

The group inspected existing footpaths to Beltring Station, possible development of the land east of St. Mary’s Close and the potential for car-parking or a campsite at Teiside Nurseries.


Page 58: and some colourful plans! · 2019. 1. 17. · Feedback • Convert the existing school to residential along Vicarage Road. • Provide vehicular access to the potential new cricket

Designated pedestrian access to Beltring Station starts here, at a public footpath just next to the Chequers Inn.

This is the start of the footpath access to Beltring Station and the surrounding wetlands. Access from Laddingford village begins here.


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It is a leafy route, with a good surface for walking. But what is this like at night and in the winter?

These narrow, well-walked but slightly overgrown routes are traditional rural features. If routes are to be better-used there will need to be careful consideration for the impacts that lighting and all-year-round access could have upon this largely naturalistic environment.


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The path leads out onto Gravelly Ways…

Existing walking routes and their destinations (the pub!) are clearly indicated. Could more cohesive signage and alternative routes become part of the experience too?


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Here, the footpath vanishes and fast cars take over.

Once Gravelly Ways is reached, the footpath ends and makes way for narrow bends and speeding cars. This is the point at which a pedestrian link needs to be improved a lot if pedestrian access to Beltring Station is to be further encouraged.