an insider’s guide to the environmental records of New York State...

2007 VOTERS’ GUIDE EPL•Environmental Advocates an insider’s guide to the environmental records of New York State lawmakers

Transcript of an insider’s guide to the environmental records of New York State...

Page 1: an insider’s guide to the environmental records of New York State … · l Bigger Better Bottle Bill succumbs to



an insider’s guide to the environmental records

of New York State lawmakers

Page 2: an insider’s guide to the environmental records of New York State … · l Bigger Better Bottle Bill succumbs to

EPL•Environmental Advocates

EPL/Environmental Advocates is one of the first organizations in the nation formed to advocate for the future of a state’s environment and the health of its citizens. Through lobbying, advocacy, coalition building, citizen education and policy development, EPL/Environmental Advocates has been New York’s environmental conscience for almost 40 years. We work to ensure environmental laws are enforced, tough new measures are enacted, and the public is informed of, and participates in, important policy debates. EPL/Environmental Advocates is a nonprofit corporation tax exempt under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Irvine Flinn, PresidentLaura Haight, Vice PresidentCara Lee, Secretary & TreasurerRichard AllenEric A. GoldsteinLarry ShapiroLee Wasserman

EPL/Environmental Advocates Board of Directors

Robert Moore, Executive Director

EPL/Environmental Advocates 353 Hamilton StreetAlbany, NY 12210518.462.5526

Find out who represents you. Visit and, or call the New York State Senate at (518) 455-2800 and the New York State Assembly at (518) 455-4100.

Scores begin on page 10. For details on how scores are calculated, see page 17.

See pages 6-9 for bill descriptions

Not in office/ excused absence ~not counted

Correct environmental voteIncorrect environmental vote

Party and district

Governor’s action: S-signed into law, V-vetoed





















Not a Super Billsponsor

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Few had higher expectations than environ-mental groups when Governor Eliot Spitzer arrived in Albany last January. The Governor’s actions took center stage for most of the 2007 legislative session. His first budget and executive appointments were big winners for the environment.

However, several environmental accom-plishments were driven by the New York State Legislature this year.

Among these successes was passage of the Hudson Valley Community Preservation Act and the Environmental Protection Fund Enhancement Act, both “3-tree” priority Super Bills (evaluated to have the most benefit for New York’s environment, see page 6). This year also saw 12 measures passed by both houses and sent to the Governor’s desk.

The Hudson Valley Community Preservation Act was a compromise bill that Senator Vincent Leibell (R-Brewster) drafted and worked with Assemblyman Adam Bradley (D-White Plains) to pass. The legislation is a regional version of the statewide Community Preservation Act, and will provide new funding tools to protect natural areas, farmland, and historic buildings.

While the Hudson Valley law only applies to Westchester and Putnam counties, it was designed so that counties can be easily added in the future.

The Environmental Protection Fund Enhancement Act establishes by law that New York will increase its Environmental Protection Fund to nearly $300 million by 2009.

Governor Spitzer also named a veritable all-star team to take the helm of our environmental agencies.

Former EPL/Environmental Advocates ex-ecutive director Judith Enck was named the new administration’s Deputy Secretary for the Environment.

Carol Ash, a long-time leader in the envi-ronmental community, was tapped to head the Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation. And Assemblyman Pete Grannis

AFTEr DAY ONE WAS DONEtook over at the Department of Environmental Conservation after a contentious confirmation hearing.

The Governor also added 166 desperately needed staff to the state’s environmental agen-cies.

The question is, how will the 2007 legislative session affect next year’s elections?

The Senate has become the subject of electoral speculation of late, as the Republican majority has slimmed in recent years. If Senate Demo-crats were to take two more seats, they would win the majority for the first time in more than 60 years.

As the environment is an issue that often draws a distinction between the two parties, we anticipate that New York’s republicans and Democrats will make our natural heritage a priority in 2008.

More Highlights

l Governor announces “15 by 15” effort to decrease energy demand 15% by 2015

l 12 pro-environment measures go to the Governor’s desk

More Lowlights

l Bigger Better Bottle Bill succumbs to all-out propaganda attack; see page 5 for details

l Governor vetoes tax incentives for bio-fuels in home heating oil and bill to create climate action plan and task force


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EPL•Environmental Advocates

Leadership Scores

House Averages








Senate Democrats

Assembly Democrats

Senate Republicans


Assembly Republicans

Senate Minority Leader Malcolm Smith

Assembly Majority Leader Ron Canestrari

Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno

Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver

Assembly Minority Leader James Tedisco

HOW TO REVIEW THE SCORESLawmakers’ scores are calculated as follows: Total points earned (including bonus points) / Total points possible for each individual

Please note, because bonus points were awarded this year, several lawmakers received scores in excess of 100. See page 17 for more information.

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Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno

Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver

Assembly Minority Leader James Tedisco

Assemblyman Robert Sweeney was named the Assembly Environmental Conservation (EnCon) Committee Chair three months into the 2007 legislative session. Environmental groups worried that it might be difficult for him to achieve a great deal, given the time that had passed. We needn’t have worried; he exceeded our highest expectations.

The Assemblyman wasted no time settling in as chairman and moving on measures that had been stalled while the committee awaited a new leader. He acted as the primary sponsor for 15 of the bills supported by environmental groups this year, including all of the priority Super Bills. Highlights of his efforts also include support for increas-ing New York’s investment in our natu-ral heritage by passing the Environ-mental Protection Fund Enhancement Act and the introduction of much-need-ed legislation to mitigate New York’s contribution to climate change.

While his work with the EnCon Commit-tee has just begun, EPL/Environmental Advocates anticipates only bigger and greener things from the Assemblyman in the future. However, it’s never too early to celebrate his efforts. That’s why we selected Assemblyman Sweeney as our 2007 Legislator of the Year.

“I thank EPL/Environmental Advocates for choosing me as Legislator of the Year. We are fortunate to have numer-ous committed environmentalists who work together with many of my As-sembly colleagues to advance smart policies,” said Sweeney. “Protecting our natural resources, making sure our families’ lives are not compromised by environmental hazards, and ensuring that future generations will be able to enjoy the vast wonders of New York are all vitally important to me.”




This year’s oil slick award goes to a group that poured special interest money into a campaign to kill one of the environmental community’s priority Super Bills—the Bigger Better Bottle Bill. This measure would expand New York’s bottle deposit law to include non-carbonated beverages such as bottled water and match the needs of today’s consumers. It would also earmark unclaimed deposits for the environment.

While it’s no surprise that the bottling industry opposes legislation that would reclaim millions of dollars of the pub-lic’s unclaimed bottle deposits, what is surprising is the group’s name, “New Yorkers for Real Recycling Reform.”

Such a name suggests civic-minded recyclers or well-meaning citizens. In truth, the Real Recyclers’ agenda is set by big business interests. The coalition behind the group includes the Food

Industry Alliance, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Anheuser-Busch, the Beer Wholesal-ers Association, Snapple/Cadbury Schweppes, and the New York Association of Convenience Stores—not exactly a list of recyclers or reformers.

Expanding New York’s bottle deposit law would result in major environmen-tal and fiscal benefits while reducing the volume of plastic bottles overtax-ing our landfills and littering parks and roadsides. It’s also worth noting that in 2005 alone an estimated 53.5 million barrels of crude oil were consumed nationwide to replace the 144 billion containers that were wasted and not recycled.

Thanks in large part to the efforts of this group, the Bigger Better Bottle Bill won’t be in place to reduce New York’s contribution to this number until next year at the earliest.

New Yorkers for Real

Recycling Reform


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SuPEr BiLLS are our legislative priori-ties, chosen by the Green Panel, which includes representatives from New York State’s leading environmental groups. Bills not voted on were scored on sponsor-ship of the bill. For more information on how Super Bills are scored, see page 17.


EPL•Environmental Advocates

Bills with THrEE TrEES will bring major benefits to New York’s environment if implemented.

Three Tree Bills (6-13)

Super Bills (1-5)

1. Wetlands Protection Ensures protection of freshwater wetlands of an acre or more in size, regardless of whether the wetland has been mapped by the state. A.7133 (Sweeney)/S.3835 (Marcellino) passed Assembly; died in Senate Rules Committee.

2. Climate Change Solutions Act & FundEarmarks revenue from the sale of CO2 emissions allowances under the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) for energy efficiency and clean energy and creates a dedicated clean energy fund. A.7365 (Sweeney)/S.5347 (Marcellino) & A.7366(Gianaris)/S.5371 (Marcellino) both bills passed Assembly; died in Senate Environmental Conservation Committee.

3. Hudson Valley CPA Gives municipalities in Putnam and Westchester counties the authority to create community preservation funds using a local real estate transfer fee of up to 2%, subject to approval by local referendum. A.7849-b (Bradley)/S.6271 (Leibell) passed Assembly and Senate. Signed into law by Governor August 15, 2007.

4. Bigger Better Bottle BillExpands definition of “beverage” in current bottle deposit law to include non-carbonated drinks other than milk and liquor, and to direct unclaimed deposits to the Environmental Protection Fund. A.8044 (Sweeney)/S.3434 (LaValle) or S.5850 (Marcellino) not voted on in either house.

5. EPF Enhancement Act Raises Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) to $300 million by fiscal year 2009-2010. A.8339 (Sweeney)/S.5304 (Marcellino) passed Assembly and Senate. Signed into law by Governor July 18, 2007.

6. Environmental Access to JusticeAllows plaintiffs access to courts to challenge a State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) decision if demonstrated injury results from a project’s environmental impact. A.1435 (Bradley)/S.5182 (Morahan) passed Assembly; died in Senate Environmental Conservation Committee.

7. Recyclables in LandfillsProhibits disposal of recyclable materials in landfills and incinerators and identifies materials for mandatory recycling, such as newsprint, glass and metal containers, and certain plastics. A.3318 (Colton) passed Assembly; not introduced in Senate.

8. Burn Barrel BanExtends prohibition of open burning of solid waste, excluding material such as yard debris, landscaping waste, and some agricultural waste, to towns with populations under 20,000. A.5457 (Koon) passed Assembly; not introduced in Senate.

9. Community Preservation Act*Gives towns throughout the state the authority to create community preservation funds using a local real estate transfer fee of up to 2%, subject to approval by local referendum. A.7333 (Sweeney)/S.3836 (Marcellino) passed Assembly; died in Senate Rules Committee.

10. Lighting EfficiencyRequires Department of Environmental Conservation to issue regulations to reduce mercury from certain lights, establish schedule of energy efficiency standards for lighting, and set energy reduction targets. Also requires manufacturers to recycle lighting products containing mercury. A.8641-b (Sweeney) passed Assembly; not introduced in Senate.

11. Net MeteringMakes fuel cells eligible for net metering, expands size of all eligible net-metered systems, makes eligible any electric corporation customer for net metering, and eliminates system-wide cap on net-metered load in NYS. A.8690 (Englebright) passed Assembly; not introduced in Senate.

12. Assembly Article XReauthorizes Article X of Public Service Law governing power plant siting and extends it to 12/13/2017. Establishes a siting process that is more open to the public and requires analyses of potential environmental and public health impacts. Re-establishes State Energy Planning Board. A.8697 (Tonko) passed Assembly; not introduced in Senate.

13. Great Lakes CompactEight state agreement that limits large-scale water withdrawals from Great Lakes while protecting rights of basin states to continue current uses of Great Lakes waters. A.7266-b (Sweeney)/S.4324-b (Maziarz) passed Senate; amended version awaiting approval in Assembly.

*= not currently a same as

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Two Tree Bills (14-21) Bills with TWO TrEES will bring substantial benefits to New York’s environment if implemented.

Bills with ONE TrEE will be beneficial to New York’s environment if implemented.

One Tree Bills (22-44)

14. Cancer MappingRequires Department of Environmental Conservation and Health Department conduct studies to examine cancer incidence in relation to environmental risk factors. A.1143 (Brodsky)/S.1592 (Libous) passed Assembly; died in Senate Environmental Conservation Committee.

15. Ballast WaterProhibits discharge of untreated ballast water into NYS waterways in order to prevent introduction of exotic/invasive species. A.1355 (Aubertine) passed Assembly; not introduced in Senate.

16. Nuclear PreparednessDirects state Public Service Commission to determine costs for governments to maintain preparedness for emergencies at nuclear facilities; establish fees that these facilities must pay to reimburse for preparedness expenses. A.1370 (Brodsky)/S.251 (Morahan) passed Assembly; died in Senate Energy & Telecommunications Committee.

17. Environmental Impact ReportsRequires Department of Environmental Conservation to issue biennial report listing areas most adversely affected by existing environmental hazards. A.2002 (Diaz, R.) passed Assembly; not introduced in Senate.

18. Green Building Construction*Requires construction of new state buildings or substantial construction on existing buildings to meet Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) standards established by U.S. Green Building Council. A.2005-b (Lupardo) passed Assembly; not introduced in Senate. S.5442-a (Marcellino) passed Senate; not introduced in Assembly.

19. Smart GrowthRequires NYS agency projects that construct, expand, or reconstruct public infrastructures comply with smart growth criteria and maximize use of existing infrastructure to minimize cost to taxpayers. A.7335 (Hoyt)/S.4369 (LaValle) passed Assembly; died in Senate Environmental Conservation Committee.

20. Climate Change Task ForceCreates interagency Climate Change Task Force to develop recommendations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and measures to mitigate impact of climate change on NYS. A.7367-a (Sweeney)/S.5427-a (Marcellino) passed Assembly and Senate. Vetoed by Governor August 15, 2007.

21. Outdoor LightingDevelops efficiency standards for new and replacement outdoor lighting used by state agencies and public corporations and provides guidance for roadway and other nighttime lighting through model ordinances. A.7438 (Rosenthal)/S.4364 (Marcellino) passed Assembly; died in Senate Rules Committee.

22. Littering FinesIncreases fines assessed for littering under Section 1220 of the vehicle and traffic law. A.206 (Fields)/S.53 (DeFrancisco) passed Assembly and Senate. Signed into law by Governor August 1, 2007.

23. Environmental Justice & PermitsRequires permit applicants to disclose if siting of new environmental facility in a low-income or minority neighborhood would result in disproportionate or inequitable burden on that community. A.1098 (Brodsky) passed Assembly; not introduced in Senate.

24. Green Power PurchasingAllows municipalities to spend up to 15% more to purchase electricity produced from wind, solar, and selected other clean sources. A.2162 (Galef) passed Assembly; not introduced in Senate.

25. Landlord DisclosureRequires that prior to execution of a rental or lease agreement a landlord notify prospective tenants of results of tests for known contamination. Landlords also required to notify current tenants of test results. A.2742 (Lupardo)/S.1586 (Libous) passed Assembly and Senate. Vetoed by Governor August 1, 2007.

26. Wetland Neighbor NotificationRequires that nearby landowners be notified when a proposed activity in a tidal wetland requires a permit under Section 25-0402 of the Environmental Conservation Law. A.2799 (Cusick)/S.3035 (Lanza) passed Assembly; died in Senate Rules Committee.

*= not currently a same as

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EPL•Environmental Advocates

One Tree Bills (22-44) continued

27. Greenhouse Gases Research Creates greenhouse gas management research and development program within NYS Energy Research & Development Authority to provide grants to research institutions for development of technologies or processes to avoid, abate, mitigate, and capture greenhouse gases. A.3414-a (Magnarelli)/S.6276 (Wright) passed Assembly; died in Senate Rules Committee.

28. Refrigerator ReplacementAuthorizes NYS Power Authority to finance replacement of outdated refrigerators with energy efficient models in “class A” multiple dwellings. Costs associated would be repaid over 10-year period with savings that accrue by operating efficient equipment. A.5177 (Perry)/S.4531 (Golden) passed Assembly and Senate. Signed into law by Governor August 1, 2007.

29. Urban Pesticide Board Creates an urban pesticide board to examine and make recommendations regarding pesticide use in urban areas. A.5299 (Wright)/S.1560 (Marcellino) passed Assembly; died in Senate Environmental Conservation Committee.

30. Small Business Energy LoansAmends the Urban Development Corporation Act and establishes small business energy loan program under which small businesses receive either 0% or reduced interest rate loans up to $100,000 to finance cost of facility improvements to reduce energy use. A.5494 (Weprin) passed Assembly; not introduced in Senate.

31. Solar Energy Tax CreditsMakes taxpayers who install solar energy systems eligible for tax credits and increases size of eligible solar energy systems from 10 to 50 kilowatts. A.7451 (Farrell)/S.4482 (Skelos) passed Assembly and Senate. Signed into law by Governor July 3, 2007.

32. Clean Heating Tax CreditsExtends allowance of tax credits for purchase of energy efficient home heating systems (up to $500 until 2009) and for purchase of cleaner heating fuel oil (extends bio-heat tax credit until 2011). A.7909 (Sweeney)/S.5451 (Marcellino) passed Assembly and Senate. Vetoed by Governor August 15, 2007.

33. Fishkill CPFAuthorizes establishment of Community Preservation Fund in Town of Fishkill to acquire land and preserve historic properties. A.7939 (Miller)/S.4829 (Saland) passed Assembly and Senate. Signed into law by Governor August 15, 2007.

34. Brominated Flame Retardant Ban*Includes decabromodiphenyl ether (deca-BDE), a suspected carcinogen, among brominated flame retardants whose manufacture, process, or sale is prohibited (phase out by July 1, 2008) A.7977-a (Sweeney) passed Assembly; not introduced in Senate. S.5244 (Marcellino) not introduced in Assembly; died in Senate Environmental Conservation Committee.

35. Chatham CPF Authorizes establishment of Community Preservation Fund in Town of Chatham to acquire land and preserve historic properties. A.8217 (Gordon, T.)/S.4692 (Saland) passed Assembly and Senate. Signed into law by Governor August 15, 2007.

36. LIPA Termination Fee ProhibitionExtends until 2014 provisions that prohibit Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) from charging extra fees to residential customers who terminate service and utilize alternative electricity generation systems. A.8304 (Englebright)/S.5975 (Johnson, O.) passed Assembly and Senate. Signed into law by Governor July 3, 2007.

37. Plastic Bag RecyclingRequires retailers provide a location to facilitate plastic bag recycling and offer option of purchasing reusable bags. Bill requires manufacturers provide for collection, transport and recycling of plastic bags upon retailer’s request, and directs fines collected to Environmental Protection Fund. A.8810-b (Sweeney)/S.6253 (Marcellino) passed Assembly; died in Senate Rules Committee.

38. State Greenhouse Gas AuditRequires state agencies conduct annual audit of their greenhouse gas emissions, including steps taken to reduce emission. A.9169 (Sweeney) passed Assembly; not introduced in Senate.

39. National Grid Amendment Allows construction of power line along State Route 56 in St. Lawrence County on forest preserve lands in return for additional lands for the preserve. By using lands along an existing right of way, disturbed land will be minimized. A.9190 (Sweeney)/S.6216-a (Little) passed Assembly and Senate. Delivered to the Secretary of State.

40. Greenhouse Gas WebsiteRequires Department of Environmental Conservation website promote means for individuals and businesses to calculate greenhouse gas emissions and recommendations to reduce emissions. Also requires best management and procurement practices for state agencies. A.9199 (Sweeney) passed Assembly; not introduced in Senate.

41. Congestion PricingAuthorizes NYC Mayor to present traffic congestion mitigation plan to new 17-member NYC Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission. Commission to review Mayor’s plan and other proposals, hold hearings, and make recommendations to state legislature, Governor, Mayor, and New York City Council. A.9362 (Silver)/S.6432 (Rules) passed Assembly and Senate. Signed into law by Governor July 26, 2007.

*= not currently a same as

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Bills with TWO SmOkESTACkS will be detrimental to New York’s environment if implemented.

Two Smokestack Bills (48-50)

Bills with ONE SmOkESTACk will be detrimental to New York’s environment if implemented.

One Smokestack Bills (45-47)

One Tree Bills (22-44) continued

42. Alternative Energy Tax CreditEstablishes tax credits to assist in offsetting the initial costs of constructing and installing solar and wind energy systems and fuel cell electric generating equipment. A.8350 (Gordon, T.)/S.1634 (Fuschillo) passed Senate; died in Assembly Ways & Means Committee.

43. Cellulosic Ethanol Tax CreditProvides tax credit of 25 cents per gallon for production of cellulosic ethanol, but only on gallons produced after first 40,000 gallons, with cap of $2.5 million per facility. Facilities only eligible for credit during first 4 years of operation. A.7570-a (Magnarelli)/S.5389 (Wright) passed Senate; died in Assembly Ways & Means Committee.

44. Ocean Sludge DumpingProhibits disposal of dredged spoils containing toxic pollutants into marine district. A.3320 (Colton)/S.5583 (Lanza) passed Senate; died in Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee.

48. Sprawl SubsidiesWaives property tax payments for developers paying for initial construction of desired infrastructure improvements and saddles neighboring businesses and residents with costs of maintaining expanded infrastructure. A.871 (Destito)/S.1483 (Skelos) passed Senate; died in Assembly Local Governments Committee.

49. Municipal ImmunityProhibits state agencies from fining municipalities that are in violation of environmental laws or regulations if the municipality promises to remediate the violation after they are caught breaking the law. A.9269 (Gunther)/S.4265 (Bonacic) passed Senate; died in Assembly Government Operations Committee.

50. Senate Article XReauthorizes Article X of Public Service Law governing siting of major electric generating facilities but does not do enough to include public in decision making or protect public health and environment. S.5908 (Wright) passed Senate; not introduced in Assembly.

45. Striped Bass Fishing BanProhibits commercial fishing of striped bass from Hudson River and sets repeal date for its provisions of April 1, 2011. A.1147 (Brodsky)/S.5582 (Leibell) passed Assembly; died in Senate Environmental Conservation Committee.

46. Forest Tax BreaksAmends Real Property Tax laws to allow third parties to substitute for Department of Environmental Conservation in certifying forest management plans, opening the door to questionable certification programs that could inhibit forest conservation. A.872 (Destito)/S.1120 (Little) passed Senate; died in Assembly Ways & Means Committee.

47. Petroleum Tax ExemptionExtends petroleum business tax exemptions on heating oil sold to businesses, thereby incentivizing consumption of such fuels and further degradation of NYS’ air quality. A.8886 (Cahill)/S.5011 (Alesi) passed Senate; died in Assembly Ways & Means Committee.

You didn’t vote for sprawl and

pollution in New York State.

Did your legislators?

*= not currently a same as

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Governor Eliot Spitzer (D)

Super Bills


Cancer Mapping

Climate Change SolutionsBigger Better Bottle Bill

Hudson Valley CPAEnvironmental Access to Justice

Recyclables in Landfills

Lighting Efficiency

Ballast Water

Nuclear Preparedness

Environmental Impact Reports

Outdoor Lighting

Burn Barrel Ban

Community Preservation Act Assembly Article X

Great Lakes Compact

Net Metering

Wetlands Protection

Climate Change Task Force

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

EPF Enhancement Act

KEY: Correct Environmental Vote, Incorrect Environmental Vote (Includes Unexcused Absences), l Super Bill sponsor/co-sponsor, - Not Super Bill sponsor, N Not in Office/Excused~Not Counted GOVErNOr’S ACTiON: S Signed into Law, V Vetoed, ? Awaiting Action at Time of Print, a Blank Space Means Bill Did Not Pass Both Houses

BONUS: Hudson Valley CPA

2006 Score

2007 Score


EPL•Environmental Advocates

Peter J. Abbate, Jr. (D-49/Brooklyn)Marc S. Alessi (D-1/Wading River)

Thomas W. Alfano (R-21/Franklin Square)Carmen E. Arroyo (D-84/Bronx)

Darrel J. Aubertine (D-118/Watertown)Jeffrion L. Aubry (D-35/Corona)

James G. Bacalles (R-136/Bath)Greg Ball (R-99/Carmel)

William A. Barclay (R-124/Fulton)Robert D. Barra (R-14/Lynbrook)Michael Benedetto (D-82/Bronx)

Michael A. Benjamin (D-79/Bronx)Jonathan L. Bing (D-73/New York City)William F. Boyland, Jr. (D-55/Brooklyn)

Philip Boyle (R-8/Bay Shore)Adam T. Bradley (D-89/White Plains)

James F. Brennan (D-44/Brooklyn)Richard L. Brodsky (D-92/Elmsford)Alec Brook-Krasny (D-46/Brooklyn)

Daniel J. Burling (R-147/Warsaw)Marc W. Butler (R-117/Herkimer)Kevin A. Cahill (D-101/Kingston)

Nancy Calhoun (R-96/New Windsor)Karim Camara (D-43/Brooklyn)

Ronald Canestrari (D-106/Albany)Ann-Margaret E. Carrozza (D-26/Bayside)

Joan K. Christensen (D-119/Syracuse)Barbara M. Clark (D-33/Queens Village)

Michael Cole (R-142/Elma)William Colton (D-47/Brooklyn)

James D. Conte (R-10/Huntington Station)Vivian E. Cook (D-32/Jamaica)

Clifford W. Crouch (R-107/Binghamton)Michael J. Cusick (D-63/Staten Island)

Steven Cymbrowitz (D-45/Brooklyn)Francine DelMonte (D-138/Niagara Falls)

RoAnn M. Destito (D-116/Utica)Luis M. Diaz (D-86/Bronx)

Ruben Diaz, Jr. (D-85/Bronx)Jeffrey Dinowitz (D-81/Bronx)

Janet L. Duprey (R-114/Plattsburgh)Patricia A. Eddington (D-3/Patchogue)

Steven Englebright (D-4/Setauket)Joseph A. Errigo (R-130/Henrietta)

Adriano Espaillat (D-72/New York City)Herman D. Farrell, Jr. (D-71/New York City)

Ginny Fields (D-5/Sayville)Gary D. Finch (R-123/Auburn)

Michael J. Fitzpatrick (R-7/Smithtown)Dennis H. Gabryszak (D-143/Cheektowaga)

BONUS: EPF Enhancement Act

Smart Growth

Green Building Construction

Name (Party - District)


















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Urban Pesticide Board

Fishkill CPF

Environmental Justice & Permits

Green Power Purchasing

refrigerator replacement

Solar Tax Credits

Outdoor LightingLittering Fines

Landlord Disclosure

Brominated Flame Retardant BanChatham CPF

Greenhouse Gases Research

Wetland Neighbor Notification

Small Business Energy LoansClean Heating Tax Credits

Climate Change Task Force

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 45

Striped Bass Fishing Ban

LiPA Termination Fee

Plastic Bag Recycling

State Greenhouse Gas AuditGreenhouse Gas Website

Congestion Pricing


2007 Score

KEY: Correct Environmental Vote, Incorrect Environmental Vote (Includes Unexcused Absences), l Super Bill sponsor/co-sponsor, - Not Super Bill sponsor, N Not in Office/Excused~Not Counted GOVErNOr’S ACTiON: S Signed into Law, V Vetoed, ? Awaiting Action at Time of Print, a Blank Space Means Bill Did Not Pass Both Houses

Governor Eliot Spitzer (D)



2006 ScorePeter J. Abbate, Jr. (D-49)Marc S. Alessi (D-1)Thomas W. Alfano (R-21)Carmen E. Arroyo (D-84)Darrel J. Aubertine (D-118)Jeffrion L. Aubry (D-35)James G. Bacalles (R-136)Greg Ball (R-99)William A. Barclay (R-124)Robert D. Barra (R-14)Michael Benedetto (D-82)Michael A. Benjamin (D-79)Jonathan L. Bing (D-73)William F. Boyland, Jr. (D-55)Philip Boyle (R-8)Adam T. Bradley (D-89)James F. Brennan (D-44)Richard L. Brodsky (D-92)Alec Brook-Krasny (D-46)Daniel J. Burling (R-147)Marc W. Butler (R-117)Kevin A. Cahill (D-101)Nancy Calhoun (R-96)Karim Camara (D-43)Ronald Canestrari (D-106)Ann-Margaret Carrozza (D-26)Joan K. Christensen (D-119)Barbara M. Clark (D-33)Michael Cole (R-142)William Colton (D-47)James D. Conte (R-10)Vivian E. Cook (D-32)Clifford W. Crouch (R-107)Michael J. Cusick (D-63)Steven Cymbrowitz (D-45)Francine DelMonte (D-138)RoAnn M. Destito (D-116)Luis M. Diaz (D-86)Ruben Diaz, Jr. (D-85)Jeffrey Dinowitz (D-81)Janet L. Duprey (R-114)Patricia A. Eddington (D-3)Steven Englebright (D-4)Joseph A. Errigo (R-130)Adriano Espaillat (D-72)Herman D. Farrell, Jr. (D-71)Ginny Fields (D-5)Gary D. Finch (R-123)Michael J. Fitzpatrick (R-7)Dennis H. Gabryszak (D-143)

Smart Growth

Name (Party - District)



National Grid Amendment

V S V S S V S S S S10010110010096













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Governor Eliot Spitzer (D)

EPL•Environmental Advocates

KEY: Correct Environmental Vote, Incorrect Environmental Vote (Includes Unexcused Absences), l Super Bill sponsor/co-sponsor, - Not Super Bill sponsor, N Not in Office/Excused~Not Counted GOVErNOr’S ACTiON: S Signed into Law, V Vetoed, ? Awaiting Action at Time of Print, a Blank Space Means Bill Did Not Pass Both Houses

Sandra R. Galef (D-90/Ossining)David F. Gantt (D-133/Rochester)

Michael N. Gianaris (D-36/Astoria)Joe Giglio (R-149/Olean)

Deborah J. Glick (D-66/New York City)Diane Gordon (D-40/Brooklyn)

Timothy Gordon (I-108/Bethlehem)Richard N. Gottfried (D-75/New York City)

Aurelia Greene (D-77/Bronx)Aileen Gunther (D-98/Monticello)Stephen Hawley (R-139/Albion)

James P. Hayes (R-148/Williamsville)Carl E. Heastie (D-83/Bronx)

Andrew D. Hevesi (D-28/Forest Hills)Dov Hikind (D-48/Brooklyn)

Earlene Hooper (D-18/Hempstead)Sam Hoyt (D-144/Buffalo)

D. Janele Hyer-Spencer (D-60/Staten Island)Rhoda S. Jacobs (D-42/Brooklyn)

Ellen Jaffee (D-95/Pearl River)Hakeem Jeffries (D-57/Brooklyn)

Susan V. John (D-131/Rochester)Brian Kavanagh (D-74/New York City)Micah Z. Kellner (D-65/New York City)Thomas J. Kirwan (R-100/Newburgh)

Brian M. Kolb (R-129/Geneva)David R. Koon (D-135/Fairport)

Ivan C. Lafayette (D-34/Jackson Heights)Rory I. Lancman (D-25/Fresh Meadows)

George Latimer (D-91/Mamaroneck)Charles D. Lavine (D-13/Glen Cove)

Joseph R. Lentol (D-50/Brooklyn)Barbara S. Lifton (D-125/Ithaca)Peter D. Lopez (R-127/Catskill)

Vito J. Lopez (D-53/Brooklyn)Donna A. Lupardo (D-126/Binghamton)

William Magee (D-111/Oneida)William B. Magnarelli (D-120/Syracuse)

Alan Maisel (D-59/Brooklyn)Margaret M. Markey (D-30/Maspeth)

Nettie Mayersohn (D-27/Flushing)Roy J. McDonald (R-112/Fort Edward)David G. McDonough (R-19/Levittown)

John J. McEneny (D-104/Albany)Tom McKevitt (R-17/Garden City)

Joel M. Miller (R-102/Poughkeepsie)Joan L. Millman (D-52/Brooklyn)

Marcus Molinaro (R-103/Red Hook)Joseph D. Morelle (D-132/Rochester)Catherine T. Nolan (D-37/Ridgewood)

Super Bills

Cancer Mapping

Climate Change SolutionsBigger Better Bottle Bill

Hudson Valley CPAEnvironmental Access to Justice

Recyclables in Landfills

Lighting Efficiency

Ballast Water

Nuclear Preparedness

Environmental Impact Reports

Outdoor Lighting

Burn Barrel Ban

Community Preservation Act Assembly Article X

Great Lakes Compact

Net Metering

Wetlands Protection

Climate Change Task Force

EPF Enhancement Act

BONUS: Hudson Valley CPA

2006 Score

2007 Score


BONUS: EPF Enhancement Act

Smart Growth

Green Building Construction

Name (Party - District)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18















l-l-lNlNNNN-l-----l-NlN--lNlN l-lNN-NNNNNNNNNNN---l-llll--NNl-llll--l--l-N--N




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15KEY: Correct Environmental Vote, Incorrect Environmental Vote (Includes Unexcused Absences), l Super Bill sponsor/co-sponsor, - Not Super Bill sponsor, N Not in Office/Excused~Not Counted GOVErNOr’S ACTiON: S Signed into Law, V Vetoed, ? Awaiting Action at Time of Print, a Blank Space Means Bill Did Not Pass Both Houses

Governor Eliot Spitzer (D)

continued 13


Urban Pesticide Board

Fishkill CPF

Environmental Justice & Permits

Green Power Purchasing

refrigerator replacement

Solar Tax Credits

Outdoor LightingLittering Fines

Landlord Disclosure

Brominated Flame Retardant BanChatham CPF

Greenhouse Gases Research

Wetland Neighbor Notification

Small Business Energy LoansClean Heating Tax Credits

Climate Change Task Force

Striped Bass Fishing Ban

LiPA Termination Fee

Plastic Bag Recycling

State Greenhouse Gas AuditGreenhouse Gas Website

Congestion Pricing

2007 Score


2006 Score

Smart Growth

Name (Party - District)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 45

Sandra R. Galef (D-90)David F. Gantt (D-133)Michael N. Gianaris (D-36)Joe Giglio (R-149)Deborah J. Glick (D-66)Diane Gordon (D-40)Timothy Gordon (I-108)Richard N. Gottfried (D-75)Aurelia Greene (D-77)Aileen Gunther (D-98)Stephen Hawley (R-139)James P. Hayes (R-148)Carl E. Heastie (D-83)Andrew D. Hevesi (D-28)Dov Hikind (D-48)Earlene Hooper (D-18)Sam Hoyt (D-144)D. Janele Hyer-Spencer (D-60)Rhoda S. Jacobs (D-42)Ellen Jaffee (D-95)Hakeem Jeffries (D-57)Susan V. John (D-131)Brian Kavanagh (D-74)Micah Z. Kellner (D-65)Thomas J. Kirwan (R-100)Brian M. Kolb (R-129)David R. Koon (D-135)Ivan C. Lafayette (D-34)Rory I. Lancman (D-25)George Latimer (D-91)Charles D. Lavine (D-13)Joseph R. Lentol (D-50)Barbara S. Lifton (D-125)Peter D. Lopez (R-127)Vito J. Lopez (D-53)Donna A. Lupardo (D-126)William Magee (D-111)William B. Magnarelli (D-120)Alan Maisel (D-59)Margaret M. Markey (D-30)Nettie Mayersohn (D-27)Roy J. McDonald (R-112)David G. McDonough (R-19)John J. McEneny (D-104)Tom McKevitt (R-17)Joel M. Miller (R-102)Joan L. Millman (D-52)Marcus Molinaro (R-103)Joseph D. Morelle (D-132)Catherine T. Nolan (D-37)



National Grid Amendment

V S V S S V S S S S10210010275














Page 14: an insider’s guide to the environmental records of New York State … · l Bigger Better Bottle Bill succumbs to


Governor Eliot Spitzer (D)

KEY: Correct Environmental Vote, Incorrect Environmental Vote (Includes Unexcused Absences), l Super Bill sponsor/co-sponsor, - Not Super Bill sponsor, N Not in Office/Excused~Not Counted GOVErNOr’S ACTiON: S Signed into Law, V Vetoed, ? Awaiting Action at Time of Print, a Blank Space Means Bill Did Not Pass Both Houses

EPL•Environmental Advocates

Robert C. Oaks (R-128/Lyons)Daniel J. O’Donnell (D-69/New York City)

Thomas F. O’Mara (R-137/Elmira)Felix W. Ortiz (D-51/Brooklyn)

William L. Parment (D-150/Jamestown)Amy R. Paulin (D-88/Scarsdale)

Crystal D. Peoples (D-141/Buffalo)Jose R. Peralta (D-39/Jackson Heights)

N. Nick Perry (D-58/Brooklyn)Audrey I. Pheffer (D-23/Rockaway Beach)

Adam Clayton Powell, IV (D-68/New York City)J. Gary Pretlow (D-87/Mount Vernon)

Jack Quinn (R-146/Blasdell)Annie Rabbitt (R-97/Goshen)

Andrew P. Raia (R-9/Northport)Philip R. Ramos (D-6/Brentwood)

Bill Reilich (R-134/Rochester)Robert Reilly (D-109/Clifton Park)

Jose Rivera (D-78/Bronx)Naomi Rivera (D-80/Bronx)

Peter M. Rivera (D-76/Bronx)Annette M. Robinson (D-56/Brooklyn)Linda Rosenthal (D-67/New York City)

Joseph S. Saladino (R-12/Massapequa)Teresa R. Sayward (R-113/Glens Falls)

William Scarborough (D-29/Jamaica)Michelle Schimel (D-16/Great Neck)

Robin Schimminger (D-140/Kenmore)Mark J. F. Schroeder (D-145/Buffalo)

Dierdre K. Scozzafava (R-122/Gouverneur)Anthony S. Seminerio (D-38/Richmond Hill)

Sheldon Silver (D-64/New York City)Mike Spano (D-93/Yonkers)

Albert Stirpe (D-121/North Syracuse)Robert K. Sweeney (D-11/Lindenhurst)

James N. Tedisco (R-110/Schenectady)Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (R-2/Bridgehampton)

Matthew Titone (D-61/North Shore)Michele R. Titus (D-31/Far Rockaway)

Lou Tobacco (R-62/Staten Island)Paul D. Tonko (D-105/Amsterdam)

Darryl C. Towns (D-54/Brooklyn)David Townsend, Jr. (R-115/Westmoreland)

Rob Walker (R-15/Hicksville)Helene E. Weinstein (D-41/Brooklyn)

Harvey Weisenberg (D-20/Long Beach)Mark Weprin (D-24/Little Neck)

Keith L. T. Wright (D-70/New York City)Ellen Young (D-22/Flushing)

Kenneth Zebrowski (D-94/New CIty)

Super Bills

Cancer Mapping

Climate Change SolutionsBigger Better Bottle Bill

Hudson Valley CPAEnvironmental Access to Justice

Recyclables in Landfills

Lighting Efficiency

Ballast Water

Nuclear Preparedness

Environmental Impact Reports

Outdoor Lighting

Burn Barrel Ban

Community Preservation Act Assembly Article X

Great Lakes Compact

Net Metering

Wetlands Protection

Climate Change Task Force

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

EPF Enhancement Act

BONUS: Hudson Valley CPA

2006 Score

2007 Score


BONUS: EPF Enhancement Act

Smart Growth

Green Building Construction

Name (Party - District)


















Page 15: an insider’s guide to the environmental records of New York State … · l Bigger Better Bottle Bill succumbs to



Governor Eliot Spitzer (D)

KEY: Correct Environmental Vote, Incorrect Environmental Vote (Includes Unexcused Absences), l Super Bill sponsor/co-sponsor, - Not Super Bill sponsor, N Not in Office/Excused~Not Counted GOVErNOr’S ACTiON: S Signed into Law, V Vetoed, ? Awaiting Action at Time of Print, a Blank Space Means Bill Did Not Pass Both Houses


Urban Pesticide Board

Fishkill CPF

Environmental Justice & Permits

Green Power Purchasing

refrigerator replacementSolar Energy Tax Credits

Outdoor LightingLittering Fines

Landlord Disclosure

Brominated Flame Retardant BanChatham CPF

Greenhouse Gases Research

Wetland Neighbor Notification

Small Business Energy LoansClean Heating Tax Credits

Climate Change Task Force

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 45

Striped Bass Fishing Ban

LiPA Termination Fee

Plastic Bag Recycling

State Greenhouse Gas AuditGreenhouse Gas Website

Congestion Pricing

2007 Score


2006 Score

Smart Growth

Name (Party - District)

Robert C. Oaks (R-128)Daniel J. O’Donnell (D-69)Thomas F. O’Mara (R-137)Felix W. Ortiz (D-51)William L. Parment (D-150)Amy R. Paulin (D-88)Crystal D. Peoples (D-141)Jose R. Peralta (D-39)N. Nick Perry (D-58)Audrey I. Pheffer (D-23)Adam Clayton Powell, IV (D-68)J. Gary Pretlow (D-87)Jack Quinn (R-146)Annie Rabbitt (R-97)Andrew P. Raia (R-9)Philip R. Ramos (D-6)Bill Reilich (R-134)Robert Reilly (D-109)Jose Rivera (D-78)Naomi Rivera (D-80)Peter M. Rivera (D-76)Annette M. Robinson (D-56)Linda Rosenthal (D-67)Joseph S. Saladino (R-12)Teresa R. Sayward (R-113)William Scarborough (D-29)Michelle Schimel (D-16)Robin Schimminger (D-140)Mark J.F. Schroeder (D-145)Dierdre Scozzafava (R-122)Anthony S. Seminerio (D-38)Sheldon Silver (D-64)Mike Spano (D-93)Albert Stirpe (D-121)Robert K. Sweeney (D-11)James N. Tedisco (R-110)Fred W. Thiele, Jr. (R-2)Matthew Titone (D-61)Michele R. Titus (D-31)Lou Tobacco (R-62)Paul D. Tonko (D-105)Darryl C. Towns (D-54)David Townsend, Jr. (R-115)Rob Walker (R-15)Helene E. Weinstein (D-41)Harvey Weisenberg (D-20)Mark Weprin (D-24)Keith L. T. Wright (D-70)Ellen Young (D-22)Kenneth Zebrowski (D-94)
















National Grid Amendment


Page 16: an insider’s guide to the environmental records of New York State … · l Bigger Better Bottle Bill succumbs to

Governor Eliot Spitzer (D)


Municipal Immunities

Petroleum Tax

KEY: Correct Environmental Vote, Incorrect Environmental Vote (Includes Unexcused Absences), l Super Bill sponsor/co-sponsor, - Not Super Bill sponsor, N Not in Office/Excused~Not Counted GOVErNOr’S ACTiON: S Signed into Law, V Vetoed, ? Awaiting Action at Time of Print, a Blank Space Means Bill Did Not Pass Both Houses


EPL•Environmental Advocates

Eric L. Adams (D-20/Brooklyn)James S. Alesi (R-55/Fairport)

John J. Bonacic (R-42/New Paltz)Neil D. Breslin (D-46/Albany)

Joseph Bruno (R-43/Saratoga Springs)Martin Connor (D-25/New York City)

John A. DeFrancisco (R-50/Syracuse)Ruben Diaz, Sr. (D-32/Bronx)

Martin Malave Dilan (D-17/Brooklyn)Thomas K. Duane (D-29/New York City)

Hugh T. Farley (R-44/Amsterdam) John J. Flanagan (R-2/Smithtown)

Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (R-8/Freeport)Martin J. Golden (R-22/Brooklyn)Efrain Gonzalez, Jr. (D-33/Bronx)

Joseph Griffo (R-47/Utica)Kemp Hannon (R-6/Garden City)

Ruth Hassell-Thompson (D-36/Bronx)Shirley Huntley (D-10/Jamaica)

Craig Johnson (D-7/Port Washington)Owen H. Johnson (R-4/Babylon)

Jeffrey D. Klein (D-34/Bronx)Liz Krueger (D-26/New York City)

Carl Kruger (D-27/Brooklyn)Andrew Lanza (R-24/Staten Island)

William Larkin, Jr. (R-39/New Windsor)Kenneth P. LaValle (R-1/Selden)

Vincent L. Leibell, III (R-40/Brewster)Thomas Libous (R-52/Binghamton)

Elizabeth O’C. Little (R-45/Glens Falls)Serphin R. Maltese (R-15/Glendale)Carl L. Marcellino (R-5/Oyster Bay)

George D. Maziarz (R-62/Wheatfield)Velmanette Montgomery (D-18/Brooklyn)

Thomas P. Morahan (R-38/Nanuet)Michael Nozzolio (R-54/Seneca Falls)

George Onorato (D-12/Long Island City)Suzi Oppenheimer (D-37/Port Chester)

Frank Padavan (R-11/Bellerose)Kevin S. Parker (D-21/Brooklyn)

Bill Perkins (D-30/New York City)Mary Lou Rath (R-61/Williamsville)

Joseph E. Robach (R-56/Rochester)John D. Sabini (D-13/Jackson Heights)Stephen Saland (R-41/Poughkeepsie)

John L. Sampson (D-19/Brooklyn)Diane J. Savino (D-23/Staten Island)

Eric Schneiderman (D-31/New York City)Jose M. Serrano (D-28/New York City)

James L. Seward (R-51/Oneonta)

Super Bills Solar Energy Tax Credits

Climate Change SolutionsBigger Better Bottle Bill

Hudson Valley CPA

Littering Fines

Clean Heating Tax CreditsFishkill CPF

Congestion Pricing

refrigerator replacement

Great Lakes Compact

Landlord Disclosure

Wetlands Protection

1 2 3 4 5 13 18 20 22 25 28 31 32 33 35 36 39 41 42 43 44

EPF Enhancement Act

BONUS: Hudson Valley CPA

2006 Score

2007 ScoreBONUS: EPF Enhancement Act

Sprawl Subsidies

Ocean Dumping

Name (Party - District)

Climate Change Task Force

Green Building Construction

Chatham CPF

LiPA Termination Fee Alternative Energy Tax Credits

National Grid AmendmentCellulosic Ethanol Tax Credit

Forest Tax

---------N lll--- lllNN--------- lll---l-----------NN------ ll-N ll- lll---NNNN ll- lll---l-----l-l-l--------l- lll--- lllN l----- ll-N lllN lll ll-NNN ll----N--- ll---- ll- ll-NN lll ll-NN---






Super Bills

Page 17: an insider’s guide to the environmental records of New York State … · l Bigger Better Bottle Bill succumbs to



2007 Score

Governor Eliot Spitzer (D)46 47 48 49 50

Municipal ImmunitiesSenate Article X

Petroleum Tax



2006 Score

To calculate legislators’ scores, EPL/Environmental Advocates uses ratings developed by our sister organization Environmental Advocates of New York. Legislators earn between 1 and 3 points respectively for votes in support of bills rated by Environmental Advocates as 1, 2, or 3 “tree” bills. Tree-rated bills are those that will be beneficial to New York’s environment. Legislators earn between 1 and 3 points for votes against bills that were given a rating of 1, 2, or 3 “smokestacks.” Smokestack-rated bills are those that will harm the environment.

The Assembly voted on 4 of the 5 Super Bills; the Senate voted on 2 of the 5.

Legislators earn points for supporting Super Bills as follows:

Co-sponsoring: Lawmakers receive half-credit (1.5 points of a 3-tree bill) for Super Bills they sponsored or co-sponsored. If a Super Bill is voted on, the vote is counted in the score, but credit is not given for co-sponsorship. Members of the minority party who request to be added as a co-sponsor also receive co-sponsorship credit.

Votes on motions to petition: Votes on motions to petition a Super Bill out of committee are counted as regular votes on the Super Bill. Legislators voting in favor of a motion to petition a Super Bill out of committee receive 3 points. If the Super Bill itself is voted on, that floor vote counts, rather than support for the motion to petition.

Becoming law: If a Super Bill is passed by both houses and signed into law, all legislators who vote for it receive 3 points plus 2 bonus points. This year two Super Bills were signed into law. As such, members who voted for these bills receive up to 4 bonus points, resulting in some lawmakers receiving scores of 100 or more.


Eric L. Adams (D-20)James S. Alesi (R-55)John J. Bonacic (R-42)Neil D. Breslin (D-46)Joseph Bruno (R-43)Martin Connor (D-25)John A. DeFrancisco (R-50)Ruben Diaz, Sr. (D-32)Martin Malave Dilan (D-17)Thomas K. Duane (D-29)Hugh T. Farley (R-44) John J. Flanagan (R-2)Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (R-8)Martin J. Golden (R-22)Efrain Gonzalez, Jr. (D-33)Joseph Griffo (R-47)Kemp Hannon (R-6)Ruth Hassell-Thompson (D-36)Shirley Huntley (D-10)Craig Johnson (D-7)Owen H. Johnson (R-4)Jeffrey D. Klein (D-34)Liz Krueger (D-26)Carl Kruger (D-27)Andrew Lanza (R-24)William Larkin, Jr. (R-39)Kenneth P. LaValle (R-1)Vincent L. Leibell, III (R-40)Thomas Libous (R-52)Elizabeth O’C. Little (R-45)Serphin R. Maltese (R-15)Carl L. Marcellino (R-5)George D. Maziarz (R-62)Velmanette Montgomery (D-18)Thomas P. Morahan (R-38)Michael Nozzolio (R-54)George Onorato (D-12)Suzi Oppenheimer (D-37)Frank Padavan (R-11)Kevin S. Parker (D-21)Bill Perkins (D-30)Mary Lou Rath (R-61)Joseph E. Robach (R-56)John D. Sabini (D-13)Stephen Saland (R-41)John L. Sampson (D-19)Diane J. Savino (D-23)Eric Schneiderman (D-31)Jose M. Serrano (D-28)James L. Seward (R-51)

Sprawl Subsidies

Forest Tax

Name (Party - District)





Page 18: an insider’s guide to the environmental records of New York State … · l Bigger Better Bottle Bill succumbs to

Governor Eliot Spitzer (D)


How to contact your lawmakers:New York State lawmakers are in regular session every year in January through June. While they are scheduled to meet for six months, in recent years budget problems have led to lengthier sessions and additional special sessions. Write your legislators: New York State Assembly, Albany, NY 12248, or New York State Senate, Albany, NY 12247. Call the Assembly at (518) 455-4100 and the Senate at (518) 455-2800. Find out who represents you: Visit or or call the New York State Senate at (518) 455-2800 or the New York State Assembly at (518) 455-4100.

Learn the score. Tell your friends. Take action.

KEY: Correct Environmental Vote, Incorrect Environmental Vote (Includes Unexcused Absences), l Super Bill sponsor/co-sponsor, - Not Super Bill sponsor, N Not in Office/Excused~Not Counted GOVErNOr’S ACTiON: S Signed into Law, V Vetoed, ? Awaiting Action at Time of Print, a Blank Space Means Bill Did Not Pass Both Houses

NOW THAT YOU KNOW THE SCORE1. Hold our legislators accountable if they voted to weaken New York’s environmental safeguards. Send lawmakers a note expressing your disapproval of their performance in Albany. If your legislators are working to protect New York’s natural heritage, write to thank them for doing so.

3. Become a member of EPL/Environmental Advocates. Join us and lend your voice to New York’s first environmental advocacy group in the State Capital. Look on the next page for information on how you can act to protect New York’s water, air and land.

2. Vote at the local, state and federal level. Your vote is critical when it comes to whether or not New York State has a legislature that protects the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the health of our families.

EPL•Environmental Advocates

Dean G. Skelos (R-9/Rockville Centre)Malcolm A. Smith (D-14/St. Albans)

William T. Stachowski (D-58/Buffalo)Toby Ann Stavisky (D-16/Flushing)

Andrea Stewart-Cousins (D-35/Yonkers)Antoine M. Thompson (D-60/Buffalo)

Caesar Trunzo (R-3/Hauppauge)David J. Valesky (D-49/Syracuse)

Dale M. Volker (R-59/Depew)George H. Winner, Jr. (R-53/Elmira)James W. Wright (R-48/Watertown)

Catharine M. Young (R-57/Olean)

SCORESSuper Bills Solar Energy Tax Credits

Climate Change SolutionsBigger Better Bottle Bill

Hudson Valley CPA

Littering Fines

Clean Heating Tax CreditsFishkill CPF

Congestion Pricing

refrigerator replacement

Great Lakes Compact

Landlord Disclosure

Wetlands Protection

1 2 3 4 5 13 18 20 22 25 28 31 32 33 35 36 39 41 42 43 44

EPF Enhancement Act

BONUS: Hudson Valley CPA

2006 Score

2007 ScoreBONUS: EPF Enhancement Act

Ocean Dumping

Name (Party - District)

Climate Change Task Force

Green Building Construction

Chatham CPF

LiPA Termination Fee Alternative Energy Tax Credits

National Grid AmendmentCellulosic Ethanol Tax Credit


-------l- ll- lll lll l ---ll------N---N---



Petroleum TaxSprawl Subsidies

Forest TaxMunicipal Immunities




Page 19: an insider’s guide to the environmental records of New York State … · l Bigger Better Bottle Bill succumbs to

EPL/Environmental Advocates on behalf of New York’s people, land and wildlife. Make a special contribution to the only organization in the New York State Capital tracking the environmental votes of state lawmakers.

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Please make check payable to: EPL/Environmental Advocates 353 Hamilton StreetAlbany, New York 12210

Contributions to EPL/Environmental Advocates are not tax-deductible. For information about our tax-exempt 501(c)(3) sister organization, Environmental Advocates of New York, call (518) 462-5526 or visit

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Governor Eliot Spitzer (D)

This 2007 Voters’ Guide is printed on Mohawk Via Satin manufactured entirely with non-polluting wind-generated electricity. Mohawk is located in New York State and offers a variety of sustainable paper choices.

Dean G. Skelos (R-9)Malcolm A. Smith (D-14)William T. Stachowski (D-58)Toby Ann Stavisky (D-16)Andrea Stewart-Cousins (D-35)Antoine M. Thompson (D-60)Caesar Trunzo (R-3)David J. Valesky (D-49)Dale M. Volker (R-59)George H. Winner, Jr. (R-53)James W. Wright (R-48)Catharine M. Young (R-57)


2007 Score


2006 Score

Name (Party - District)



46 47 48 49 50

Petroleum TaxSprawl Subsidies

Forest TaxMunicipal Immunities

Senate Article X



Page 20: an insider’s guide to the environmental records of New York State … · l Bigger Better Bottle Bill succumbs to

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You Didn’t Vote for Pollution in New York State.


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EPL•Environmental Advocates
