AERO Q209 Article05

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  • 7/28/2019 AERO Q209 Article05

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    Flght management

    sstems have evolv

    a level o sophstca

    that helps fght crew

    commercal arplane

    more sael and ec

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    Contrbton o

    Flght Sstems toPerormance-BasedNavgaton

    B s mller,Assocate Techncal Fellow, Flght Deck, Flght Crew Operatons

    Flght Management Sstems (FMS) and assocated arplane fght sstems are the

    prmar navgaton tools on board todas commercal arplanes. The evolton o these

    sstems has led the wa or perormance-based navgaton (PBN) and the u.S. Federal

    Avaton Admnstratons (FAA) Next Generaton Ar Transportaton Sstem.

    PBN s a concept sed to descrbe navga-

    ton perormance along a rote, procedre,

    or arspace wthn the bonds o whch

    the arplane mst operate. For transport

    arplanes, t tpcall s speced n terms

    o rered navgaton perormance (RNP).

    The PBN concept denes navgatonperormance n terms o accrac, ntegrt,

    avalablt, contnt, and nctonalt.

    These operatons provde a bass or

    desgnng and mplementng atomated

    fght paths that wll acltate arspace desgn,

    termnal area procedre desgn, trac fow

    capact, and mproved access to rnwas

    (more normaton abot PBN can be ond

    nAERO second-arter 2008). The PBN

    concept s made possble largel b

    advances n the capabltes o arplane FMS.

    Ths artcle helps operators better

    nderstand how the FMS and other

    arplane fght sstems have evolved over

    tme, how the contrbte to PBN opera-

    tons, and plans or rther advancement.

    aiR naviGaTiOn TOOLs LEaDi nG UP

    TO THE Fms

    Earl avators reled on ver basc nstr-

    mentaton to keep the arplane prght and

    navgatng toward the desred destnaton.

    Earl trn and slp ndcators and grond

    reerences sch as lghted beacons enabled

    avators to f coast to coast across the

    unted States. However, these earl fghts

    were lled wth ncertantes and ther se

    o vsal fght rles soon gave wa to

    relable atttde ndcators and grond-

    based navgaton ads, or navads. Non-

    drectonal rado beacons and the arplanesarborne atomatc drecton nder ep-

    ment allowed avators to home n on the

    beacon and navgate relabl rom staton to

    staton. Non-drectonal rado beacons are

    stll beng sed toda throghot the world

    in the 1940s, the ntrodcton o a

    rado-magnetc ndcator or dal-bearng

    dstance-headng ndcator acltated the

    se o grond-based navads, ncldng

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    the ver-hgh-reenc omn-drectonal

    range (VOR) navgaton sstem and ds-

    tance measrng epment (DME). VORs

    came nto wde se n the 1950s andckl became the preerred navgaton

    rado ad or fng arwas and nstrment

    approaches (see g. 1). VOR and DME

    provded the ramework or a permanent

    network o low-alttde vctor arwas

    (e.g., V-4) and hgh-alttde jet rotes

    (e.g., J-2), whch are stll n place toda.

    Long-range navgaton over remote

    and oceanc areas, where navgaton rado

    transmtters dd not exst, was orgnall

    accomplshed b dead reckonng and

    celestal navgaton. The ntrodcton o thenertal navgaton sstem (iNS) on arplanes

    acltated long-range capablt b provdng

    a contnos calclaton and dspla o the

    arplanes poston. Flght crews cold enter

    waponts and the iNS wold calclate

    headng, dstance, and estmated tme o

    arrval to the respectve wapont.

    At the same tme, the 1970s el crss

    provded the drve to optme navgaton

    capabltes n commercal arplanes. As

    a reslt, avoncs manactrers began

    prodcng perormance management

    compters and navgaton compters to

    help operators mprove the ecenc o

    ther arlne operatons. Boengs ntal entr

    nto ths arena was represented b the

    mplementaton o the earl Sperr (now

    Honewell) atomatc navgaton sstems

    on the 727, 707, and 747-100. Drng ths

    same tme, Collns prodced the AiNS-70,

    an area navgaton (RNAV) compter on the

    DC-10. Each o these steps redced theamont o nterpretaton b the fght crew

    b presentng more specc ndcatons o

    arplane postonal and statonal stats.

    Even so, the relance on the fght crew to

    manall nterpret and ntegrate fght

    normaton stll provded opportntes or

    operatonal errors.


    manaGEmEnT COmPUTER

    When Boeng began work on the 767

    arplane program n the late 1970s, the

    compan created a fght deck technolog

    grop wth engneers dedcated to the

    development o the fght management

    compter (FMC) and the control dspla

    nt (CDu) (see g. 2). Boeng merged

    prevos desgns o the perormance

    management compter and the navgaton

    compter nto a sngle FMC that ntegrated

    man nctons beond navgaton and

    perormance operatons. The compansed experence ganed rom Boengs other

    research projects to develop advanced

    mplementatons o perormance manage-

    ment nctons and navgaton nto a

    sngle FMC. The new FMC sstem was

    envsoned as the heart o an arplanes

    fght plannng and navgaton ncton.

    Whle Boeng was contnng work on

    new commercal arplane navgaton sstem

    or the new glass fght decks, a debate

    was nder wa among the arlnes abotthe need or a dedcated fght engneer

    crewmember. in Jl 1981, an ndstr tas

    orce determned that two-crew operaton

    was no less sae than three-crew operaton

    Ths decson wold have a proond eect

    on the desgn o all Boeng commercal

    arplanes, ncldng a short-notce mple-

    mentaton or the new 767. Wth one ewer

    crewmember, Boeng engneers ocsed o

    a fght deck desgn that wold redce crew

    workload, smpl older plotng nctons,

    and enhance fght deck ecences.The earl 767 FMC provded arplane

    perormance predctons sng stored

    arrame/engne data and real-tme npts

    rom other onboard sstems, sch as the

    ar data compter and nertal reerence

    sstem (iRS). Ths perormance ncton

    replaced fght crew back-o-the-envelope-

    tpe estmates wth relatvel precse tme

    and el predctons based pon actal

    arplane perormance parameters, sch as

    gross weght, speed, alttde, temperatre

    and wnds.

    Then, as now, the navgaton ncton

    was based on the iRS poston and sed

    grond-based navads (e.g., DMEs, VORs,

    localers) to rene the iRS poston and

    correct or iRS drt. A navgaton database

    (NDB) was nclded n the FMCs memor

    Fgure 1: Tpcl vOR tllto

    B 1952, more than 45,000 mles o arwas sng

    the VOR were n operaton. A DME transmtter

    was sall located on the grond wth VOR

    statons. DME transmtters wold respond to

    nterrogaton b transcever epment nstalled on

    arplanes and provde the plot wth a relable

    dstance n natcal mles to the transmtter. Plots

    operatng n areas where VOR and DME coverage

    was avalable had both dstance and corse

    normaton readl avalable.270-degree Radal





    15 DME


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    Fgure 2: 757/767 FmC CDU

    One o the rst mplementatons o an FMC

    CDu was desgned or the 757 and 767

    n the earl 1980s.

    and contaned approxmatel 100 klobtes

    o data consstng o navads, arwas,

    approach procedres, and arports. The

    NDB allowed fght crews to easl enterfght plans rom takeo to landng and

    make real-tme rote changes n response

    to ar trac control (ATC) clearances. The

    FMC also provded gdance to the fght

    plan rote sng the lateral navgaton (LNAV)

    and vertcal navgaton (VNAV) nctons.

    intall, the FMC was epped wth LNAV

    onl. VNAV was a new challenge and

    rered a sgncant eort on the part

    o Boeng and Sperr (now Honewell)

    engneers to make the vertcal gdance

    component operatonal.Ater the development o the 757 and

    767, Boeng also worked wth Smths

    Aerospace (now GE Avaton) to develop

    an FMC as part o a major pdate to the

    737 aml. The operaton o the 737 FMC,

    the appearance o the CDu, and the CDu

    men strctre were desgned to parallel

    those on the 757 and 767. The FMC

    became part o the desgn o the 737

    Classc aml, whch nclded the 737-300,

    737-400, and 737-500. The 737-300 was

    the rst o the aml to be certed n 1984.

    Boeng oered the 737 Classc aml wth

    ether sngle or dal FMCs and wth ether

    the tradtonal electro-mechancal atttde

    drector ndcator/horontal staton

    ndcaton fght nstrment ste or the

    EADi/EHSi glass fght deck derved

    rom the 757/767 desgn.

    For several ears ollowng the ntal

    FMS certcatons, mnor changes were

    made to enhance the FMS operaton,

    bt no sgncant hardware or sotwarechanges were made ntl the earl 1990s.


    in the late 1980s and 1990s, the arlne

    ndstr reested the capablt o drect

    rotng rom one locaton to another,

    wthot the need to ollow arwas based

    pon grond-based navads. Modern

    FMS epped wth a mlt-sensor nav-

    gaton algorthm or arplane postondetermnaton sng VOR, DME, localer,

    and iRS data made ths possble, and

    RNAV was transormed rom concept to

    operatonal realt.

    Bt oceanc operatons and fght

    over remote areas where mlt-sensor

    pdatng o the FMC cold not occr

    wth accrac better than the drt o iRS

    sstems made RNAV operatons dclt.

    Operatons n these areas o the world were

    ncreasng drng the 1990s, and there was

    pressre on avoncs spplers, arplanemanactrers, and reglator agences

    to nd a wa to spport precse navgaton

    n remote and oceanc areas. As a reslt,

    the concept o a tre ar navgaton

    sstem (FANS) was conceved n the earl

    1990s (seeAERO second-arter 1998).

    Sbseentl, Boeng and Honewell

    ntrodced the rst FANS 1-capable FMC

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    on the 747-400. At the heart o the sstem

    was a new, more capable FMC that

    mplemented several new operatons:

    n Arlne operatonal commncatons

    Dgtal commncaton o data (data lnk)

    sch as fght plans, weather data, and

    text messagng drectl rom the arlne

    operatons aclt to the FMC.n Controller-plot data lnk commnca-

    tons Dgtal commncaton between

    ATC and the arplane n the orm o

    predened messages.n Atomatc dependent srvellance

    inormaton abot poston and ntent

    generated rom an ATC reest.n Global postonng sstem (GPS)

    incorporaton o satellte navgaton

    nctons n the FMS or the prmar

    means o navgaton.n Ar trac servces acltes notcaton

    ATC commncaton protocol ntalaton.n RNP A statement o the navgaton

    perormance necessar or operaton

    wthn a dened arspace.n Rered tme o arrval Enablement o

    arplane perormance adjstments to

    meet speced waponts at set tmes,when possble.

    Althogh each eatre was ndvdall

    sgncant, the three prmar enablers or

    FANS operatons were RNP, GPS, and data

    lnk. RNP dened the connes o the lateral

    rote, and the FMC provded gdance to

    relabl reman on the rote centerlne. The

    FMCs RNP ncton also provded alertng

    to the fght crew when ths contanment

    mght not be assred. GPS was orgnall

    a mltar navgaton sensor that was

    allowed or commercal se wth somelmtatons. integrated as the prmar FMC

    poston pdate sensor, GPS provded

    exceptonall precse poston accrac

    compared to grond-based sensors and

    enabled the FMCs capablt or precse

    navgaton and path trackng. GPS remans

    the prmar sensor or the crrent gener-

    aton FMCs. Data lnk provded a relable

    method o dgtal commncaton between

    the arplane and the ar trac controller.

    A comprehensve lst o preormatted

    messages was mplemented to provde orecent trac separaton reerred to as

    controller-plot data lnk commncatons.

    Concrrent wth the FANS 1 FMC,

    Alaska Arlnes teamed wth Boeng, Smths

    Aerospace (now GE Avaton), and the

    FAA to develop procedres that wold

    provde relable access to arports that

    are srronded b dclt terran. B

    vrte o the srrondng rogh terran,

    the Jnea, Alaska, arport became the

    prme canddate or the certcaton eort.

    Becase the approach to rnwa (RW) 26

    was the most challengng ar corrdor to

    Jnea, t was selected as the most

    rgoros test to prove the real perormance

    capablt o RNP (see g. 3).

    in 1995, Alaska Arlnes sccessll

    demonstrated ts ablt to sael f arplanes

    to RW 26 sng RNP and soon began

    commercal operatons sng RNP, whch

    was a rst or commercal avaton.

    RnP: EnaBLER OF PBn

    The concept o a relable and repeatable

    dened path wth contanment lmtswas not new. Earl conceptal work was

    done at the Massachsetts insttte o

    Technolog n the 1970s, bt the modern

    FMC, wth ts poston accrac and

    gdance algorthms, made relable path

    mantenance practcal.

    The rst demonstraton o the FMCs

    termnal area precson came at Eagle,

    Colorado, n the md-1980s. A team com-

    prsng Amercan Arlnes, the FAA, and

    Sperr (now Honewell) appled RNP-lke

    prncples to approach and departreprocedres to the terran-challenged

    rnwa. Followng smlator trals, the

    procedres were sccessll fown nto

    Eagle and sbseentl approved b the

    FAA. The reslt: relable approach and

    departre procedres that provde mprove

    access to Eagle.

    Althogh Eagle demonstrated the FMC

    capablt to execte precsel desgned

    termnal area procedres, n the md-1980

    t wold take another 10 ears ntl RNP

    epment was avalable or arlne oper-

    ators. The FMCs navgaton poston

    accrac enhanced wth GPS and lateral

    and vertcal gdance algorthms, the

    development o the vertcal error bdget,

    and addtons to crew alertng enabled

    RNP and ts tre applcatons.

    RNP s a statement o the navgaton

    perormance necessar or operaton wth

    An RNP sstem shold contan both perormance

    montorng and alertng: a caton alert s ntated b theFMC and annncated on the dspla sstem to drawfght crew attenton n the event that ANP exceeds RNP.

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    a dened arspace. The FMCs navgaton

    ncton ensres contanment wthn the

    dened arspace b contnosl comptng

    the arplanes poston. The FMCs actalnavgaton perormance (ANP) s the com-

    pted navgaton sstem accrac, pls the

    assocated ntegrt or the crrent FMC

    poston. it s expressed n terms o natcal

    mles and represents a rads o a crcle

    centered on the compted FMC poston,

    where the probablt o the arplane

    contnosl beng nsde the crcle s

    95 percent per fght hor.

    Boeng fght decks dspla both ANP

    and RNP. Wth the advent o the navgaton

    perormance scales (NPS) and assocateddspla eatres, RNP and ANP are

    dgtall dsplaed on the navgaton dspla.

    Addtonall, and as dened n reglator

    gdance, an RNP sstem shold contan

    both perormance montorng and alertng:

    a caton alert s ntated b the FMC and

    annncated on the dspla sstem to draw

    fght crew attenton n the event that ANP

    exceeds RNP. That alert tpcall sgnes

    that the perormance o an FMC poston

    pdate sensor has deterorated, and,

    sbseentl, the compted navgaton

    sstem accrac can no longer ensre

    contanment (see g. 4).

    The FMCs LNAV ncton contnall

    provdes gdance to mantan the lateral

    path centerlne and an devaton rom

    the path centerlne s dsplaed as lateral

    cross-track error. in Boeng arplanes, cross-

    track error s dsplaed on the FMCs

    PROGRESS page or nder the navga-

    tonal dsplas arplane smbol when NPS

    s on board. The dspla provdes fghtcrews wth a precse assessment o lateral

    devaton, partclarl mportant n low

    RNP envronments. Dspla o cross-track

    error on the PROGRESS page was an

    orgnal eatre n the Boeng FMCs and

    contnes as a ndamental ndcaton

    o path devaton.

    Althogh RNP operatons are ncreasng

    n nmbers and applcatons and wll provde

    or the tre or PBN, RNAV s also beng

    ncreasngl mplemented or operatons

    where consstent grond tracks are desred.RNAV approaches, standard nstrment

    departres (SiD) and standard termnal

    arrval (STAR) procedres are beng

    prodced prmarl throghot the unted

    States and n selected areas o the world.

    RNAV leverages the orgnal path manage-

    ment capablt o the FMC and, nlke

    RNP, lateral contanment was not speced.

    From an operatonal pont o vew, RNP s

    RNAV wth contanment. i a path s dened

    and actve n the rote, the FMC s desgned

    to mantan the centerlne o the path. That

    basc operaton has not changed snce the

    orgnal 767 FMC.

    COnTinUED FmC mODERnizaTiOn

    The 737, 747-400, MD-80, and MD-11

    FMC nctons that enabled RNP were

    reasonabl robst or the ntal RNAV and

    RNP operatons, bt each o the Smths

    (now GE) and Honewell FMCs on Boeng

    arplanes contned to be pdated wthsotware mprovements and new hardware

    versons wth enhanced processng power

    and memor. Some enhancements

    speccall related to RNP nclde:

    n Vertcal RNP introdced the capablt

    wth whch to dene contanment relatv

    to the compted VNAV path (see g 5).n Rads to x legs implemented the

    ARiNC 424 leg tpe that provded a xed

    rads grond path (smlar to a DME

    arc bt wthot the rered navad).n En-rote xed rads transtons

    implemented a xed rads transton

    between en-rote path segments, to

    enable the mplementaton o redced

    rote spacng n hgher-denst trac

    envronments (crrentl 737 onl).n GPS avalablt Rened algorthms

    that enhanced the navgaton peror-

    mance or ver low RNP procedres.n LNAV trackng Enhanced the pre-

    cson and aggressveness o LNAV

    path trackng.n NPS Provded data to the dspla

    sstem or lateral and vertcal path

    devaton scales, devaton ponters,

    and sensor perormance ndcatons.n RNP rom the NDB Enabled appl-

    caton o RNP vales coded n the NDB

    or rotes and procedres.

    Fgure 3: Jueu, alk: ste o tl

    RnP certfcto eort

    RNP enabled an approach to rnwa 26 and

    access to Jnea that n some weather condton

    was not otherwse practcal.

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    As a reslt o these enhancements

    and addtons to other FMC nctons, the

    modern FMC s well-epped or RNP

    operatons that wll enable tre arspace

    management concepts.

    THE PROmisE OF PBn

    PBN, whch comprses both RNAV and

    RNP speccatons, provdes the bass or

    global standardaton, whch wll acltate

    tre arspace desgn, trac fow, and

    mproved access to rnwas. Ths change

    oers a nmber o operatonal benets,

    ncldng enhanced saet, ncreased

    ecenc, redced carbon ootprnt,

    and redced costs. To ll reale these

    benets, operators ma need to make

    changes to ther arplanes and operatons.

    The prmar premse o a PBN sstem

    s to move awa rom restrcted, sensor-based operatons to a perormance-based

    navgaton sstem that ncorporates

    RNP as the ondaton and a sstem n

    whch operatonal cost ecences are

    emphased (see g. 5). Accordng to the

    internatonal Cvl Avaton Organaton

    Perormance-Based Navgaton Manal,

    arspace procedres shold be desgned

    to redce track mles, avod nose-senstve

    areas, and redce emssons throgh

    the se o ecent descent paths b

    mnmng termnal area maneverng

    (.e., nwanted throttle movement) and

    perodc alttde constrants.

    aiRsPaCE mODERnizaTiOn

    The crrent arspace sstem o arwas

    and jet rotes has not changed sgncantl

    snce the ncepton o non-drectonal

    beacons and VORs n the mddle o the

    last centr. incremental mprovements,

    Fgure 4: RnP prctce

    RNP denes the path and allowable tolerance or contnos operaton (+ 1 RNP). Contanment to

    ensre obstacle clearance s dened as + 2 x RNP. ANP less than the prescrbed RNP provdes poston

    assrance or contned operaton.

    ANP contanment rads

    RNP and ANPdsplaed onthe FMC CDu

    ANP 1 x RNP orcontned operaton

    Lateral bondar = 2 x RNP(arspace and obstacle)

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    Fgure 5: Beeft o PBn

    These actal trac plots at a major arport demonstrate the ecences that can be realed when a PBN desgn s mplemented.

    Track mles can be sgncantl redced throgh redced vectorng, savng tme, el, and emssons. Addtonall, convectve

    weather, restrcted arspace, and nose-senstve areas can be avoded sng ether desgned procedres or dnamc rerotng.

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    sch as RNAV en-rote waponts, RNAV

    SiDs and STARs, FANS dnamc rerotng,

    and q-rotes, have been mplemented, bt

    the general strctre o the arspace stllrefects hstorc ATC methods.

    in a drect contrast to the PBN approach,

    the ncreased trac snce the earl 1990s

    has necesstated more complex arrval and

    departre procedres procedres that

    reentl nfct a penalt on el ecenc

    wth an added conseence o ncreased

    potental or fght crew error.

    The PBN concept s centered on

    operatonal ecences. Several sccesses

    have alread been realed. Procedre and

    arspace desgners n Canada and Astralahave worked wth operators to plan rotes

    and termnal area procedres that redce

    track mles whle addressng envronmental

    sses that are recevng ncreased scrtn

    b the pblc and government. Both

    Erope and the unted States are mple-

    mentng RNAV and RNP procedres.


    Advanced arspace envronments ncldethe FAAs Next Generaton Ar Transpor-

    taton Sstem, whch wll transorm the

    crrent grond-based ATC sstem to

    satellte-based, and Eropes Sngle

    Eropean Sk ATM Research (SESAR).

    Mgratng to these envronments wll

    rere ndamental changes to ar trac

    management methodolog. The arspace

    strctre, procedre desgn, and trac

    control methodolog wll need to ocs on

    saetandecenc capactes are to

    ncrease at major arports and operators areable to mantan el costs wthn reason.

    Concrrent wth the arspace evolton,

    the FMC wll contne to rere enhance-

    ments that ether control or partcpate

    wth other onboard sstems or new trac

    control methods. These methods nclde

    tme-based meterng, mergng and spacng,

    sel-separaton drng contnos descent

    arrvals and/or drng the nal segment,

    atomated dependent srvellance

    broadcast, and cockpt dspla o trac

    normaton. New termnal procedres, schas a hbrd RNP procedre that termnates

    n an nstrment landng sstem or a global

    navgaton satellte sstem landng sstem

    nal and atoland, are alread n the FMCs

    repertore. However, consderatons to

    the assocated fght mode annncator

    changes drng the transton rom FMC-

    based gdance to atoplot gdance on

    short nal and other crew dstractons wll

    rere attenton. The new 787 and 747-8

    FMCs are addressng some o these sses

    and mplementng enhancements that

    poston those models or tre PBN

    operatons. Addtonall, each o the FMC

    desgns has ncorporated growth optons

    so that changes to the FMC can be made

    wth mnmal mpact to the FMC sotware.

    Flght crews wll see sgncant mprove-

    ments n speed, capablt, and operaton

    o the 737 FMC and the new FMCs n the

    787 and 747-8 arplanes. Althogh modern

    n ever respect, each o the FMCs s oper-

    atonall smlar to the orgnal 767 FMC

    o the earl 1980s. To address sstemcomplext and enhance the operatonal

    capablt o the fght crew or the transton

    to the Next Generaton Ar Transportaton

    Sstem, Boeng and ts partners are

    nvestgatng new fght management meth-

    odologes that ocs on fght path trajector

    management and ease o operaton. Sch

    new sstems wll assst the fght crew n

    managng the trp costs and contrbte to

    a sae conclson to each fght.


    Flght management sstems have evolved

    to a level o sophstcaton that helps fght

    crews f commercal arplanes more sael

    and ecentl, whle enablng PBN throgh

    applcaton o RNP and the evolton to

    tre arspace management sstems.

    For more normaton, please contact

    Sam Mller at [email protected].

    Contributors to this article: John Hillier,

    chie engineer, Flight Management SystemsCenter o Excellence, Honeywell Aero-

    space; Robert Bush, sotware tech lead,

    737 Flight Management Computer System

    GE Aviation; John C. (Jack) Grifn, associate

    technical ellow (retired), Boeing.