Advertisement Essays

6 1 Advertisement essays 1. Advertising encourages consumers to buy in quantity rather than promoting quality. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Whether it is on TV, radio or hoardings at the side of the road, advertisements have become a part of our lives. Advertising is a powerful and persuasive medium. I agree with the former half of the given statement that adverts encourage people to buy in quantity. However, I disagree that adverts do not promote quality. I shall put forth my arguments to support my views in the following paragraphs. On the one hand, advertisements make us pile up things in the home which we may never ever use. For example, we get lured by the one-on-one scheme that companies promote just to sell their old stock in bulk. For example, recently, I bought three pairs of jeans of Levis brand because there was a two-on-one offer. What I did not realise then was that the designs were outdated and defective. Now those jeans are just occupying space in my almirah. Because of advertisements, sometimes we buy what tempts us without the insight of what we need actually. Impressive images, videos, or captions are bound to leave an imprint on us. For example, media is flooded with the advertisements of beauty products and they all claim to make you fair in a few days. Women, and these days, even men are crazy about these things and buy these things even without consulting their dermatologist. On the other hand, advertisements are very crucial given the fast pace of life today. The advertisements open our eyes to all the latest facilities and trends and with that give us the chance and opportunity of choosing from the wide range of products available for we have little time to make discoveries about what is required. Advertising links producers and consumers by providing relevant information of the latest products and services. Thanks to advertising, we know that there are so many nice things available. Moreover, an overwhelming majority of consumers are sensible enough to consider their options before they decide on a particular item. To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that adverts promote quantity but they tell us about quality too. The onus lies on us to look into our real needs and not be swayed by adverts.

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Page 1: Advertisement Essays 1

Advertisement essays

1. Advertising encourages consumers to buy in quantity rather than promoting

quality. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Whether it is on TV, radio or hoardings at the side of the road, advertisements have become a

part of our lives. Advertising is a powerful and persuasive medium. I agree with the former half

of the given statement that adverts encourage people to buy in quantity. However, I disagree

that adverts do not promote quality. I shall put forth my arguments to support my views in the

following paragraphs.

On the one hand, advertisements make us pile up things in the home which we may never ever

use. For example, we get lured by the one-on-one scheme that companies promote just to sell

their old stock in bulk. For example, recently, I bought three pairs of jeans of Levis brand

because there was a two-on-one offer. What I did not realise then was that the designs were

outdated and defective. Now those jeans are just occupying space in my almirah.

Because of advertisements, sometimes we buy what tempts us without the insight of what we

need actually. Impressive images, videos, or captions are bound to leave an imprint on us. For

example, media is flooded with the advertisements of beauty products and they all claim to

make you fair in a few days. Women, and these days, even men are crazy about these things

and buy these things even without consulting their dermatologist.

On the other hand, advertisements are very crucial given the fast pace of life today. The

advertisements open our eyes to all the latest facilities and trends and with that give us the

chance and opportunity of choosing from the wide range of products available for we have little

time to make discoveries about what is required. Advertising links producers and consumers by

providing relevant information of the latest products and services. Thanks to advertising, we

know that there are so many nice things available. Moreover, an overwhelming majority of

consumers are sensible enough to consider their options before they decide on a particular


To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that adverts promote quantity but they tell us about

quality too. The onus lies on us to look into our real needs and not be swayed by adverts.

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2. There is an increasing amount of advertising directed at children which

encourages them to buy goods such as toys and snacks. Many parents are

worried that these advertisements put too much pressure on children, while

some advertisers claim that they provide useful information to children. Discuss

both views and give your opinion.

Advertisements are ubiquitous nowadays and especially advertising targeting children who are

considered vulnerable target by companies. As a result, many parents are worried about this

phenomenon. However, some advertisers claim that they provide beneficial information to

children. In the following paragraphs I intend to discuss both sides of the argument.

Admittedly, in sensitive areas such as the toy industry, some censorship should be there to limit

children’s access to excess advertisement. Because children under a certain age lack abilities to

make wise judgment as to what they really want. They are attracted by colourful pictures on

advertisement and swayed by misleading information. So they pester their parents to buy those

things and this can upset the budget of many families. Even the advertisements of fast foods

are bad for children. Children cannot understand that the slim-trim models advertising Mac

Donalds burgers hardly ever eat such foods themselves. They are attracted to fast foods and

these are very detrimental for their health.

On the other hand, advertisements also provide beneficial information also. For example, the

advert of Colgate toothpaste which tells that we should brush our teeth twice daily is good for

children. Then there are ads about health drinks such as Complan and Bournvita which are

good for children. Furthermore, advertisement also conveys positive attitudes towards life. For

instance, the advertising slogan of Nike—“impossible is nothing” is very motivating.

In fact, it is advertisement that presents television audiences and newspaper readers with first-

hand information and boosts the economy of a country. It also informs people of the availability

of new commodities and their working. Without advertisement, we would not have known that

we have so many choices.

To put it in a nutshell I pen down saying that, it is imperative that regulations be imposed on

advertisers which make false claims. However, advertisement is indispensable in this highly

competitive market and produces much more positive effects than negative ones to the society

as a whole.

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3. The society would benefit from a ban on all forms of advertising because it

serves no useful purpose, and can even be damaging. To what extent do you

agree or disagree with this opinion?

Advertising in modern society is ubiquitous - on the radio, TV, the internet and in our letterboxes. While advertising has many disadvantages, the positive influence of advertising outweighs the negative. So, I disagree that there should be a ban on all advertisements. It is true that advertising provides us with information on new products. If it were not for electronic and print advertising, many products would not be bought. In this way, advertising provides an important service to manufacturers and some consumers. Additionally, it fuels the advertising industry, creating jobs for thousands of people. In this respect it has the backbone of many economies of the world. Furthermore, advertisements touch social issues. For example, when Amitabh Bachhan tells people to bring their children for pulse polio immunization, people listen. Then there are ads against female foeticide which are very informative. Advertisements also teach a lot about the country from where the ads come. This is because through satellite TV we can see ads from all over the world. When we see a Japanese advert of a lady in a kimono, we come to know about the clothes of Japan. However, Adverts also have a downside. Television commercials are a great example of this. Just as we are enjoying a TV program, a commercial break occurs, forcing us to listen. Advertising can also promote consumerism. People can become greedy for a new product and they can become discontent with what they already have. In the end, the consumer is never really satisfied, always wanting ‘newer and better’ products. Then, ads show dangerous stunts which may be copied by children and they may get hurt. Finally, some ads target children and so children pester parents to buy things which can upset the family budget.

On balance, I believe that as every rose is accompanied by thorns, ads too have their

disadvantages. Overall, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. So we should not ban

ads. The government can, however, ban some ads which show stunts or which make false


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4. Consumers are faced with increasing numbers of advertisements from

competing companies. To what extent do you think are consumers influenced

by advertisements? What measures can be taken to protect them?

Whether it is on TV, radio or hoardings at the side of the road, advertisements have become a part of our lives. Advertising is a powerful and persuasive medium. Consumers are influenced by advertisements in both positive and negative ways. This essay shall delve into the ways adverts affect the common man and suggest ways to protect people from the negative effects of adverts. On the positive side ads tell us about the new products that are launched in the market. They also tell us about the working of these products. After seeing the ads, consumers can go to the market and select things of their choice. On the other hand, advertisements can cause people to be dissatisfied with what they already gave and make them want more. Being exposed again and again to products which one cannot afford leads to dissatisfaction. Furthermore, not all parents are in the position to afford the goods which the children see advertised and want to possess. This often leads to feelings of inadequacy among them. In addition to this advertisements lead to materialism and people lay too much emphasis on material goods. People are prepared to work long hours or even turn to crime to get these goods. The solution is not simple as advertising has become a very pervasive medium. To begin with, advertisements which make false claims should be banned. Then there should be consumer awareness programmes. Consumers should be warned against too much consumerism. Finally, advertisements for liquor and those ads which show stunts should also be banned. To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that today we are influenced a lot by

adverts, both in positive and negative ways, without adverts we would lose a

valuable source of revenue which is used for the benefit of majority. Our lives

would be dull without these ads and there is not much that can be done against

the consumerism they promote.

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5. Nowadays, a lot of advertisements are aimed at children. Some people think

there are lots of negative effects for children and should ban the

advertisements. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Advertisements are ubiquitous nowadays and especially advertising targeting children who are

considered vulnerable target by companies. As a result, many parents are worried about this

phenomenon. However, we cannot ban advertisements because they serve a lot of useful

purposes as well.

Admittedly, in sensitive areas such as the toy industry, some censorship should be there to limit

children’s access to excess advertisement. Because children under a certain age lack abilities to

make wise judgment as to what they really want. They are attracted by colourful pictures on

advertisement and swayed by misleading information. So they pester their parents to buy those

things and this can upset the budget of many families. Even the advertisements of fast foods

are bad for children. Children cannot understand that the slim-trim models advertising Mac

Donalds burgers hardly ever eat such foods themselves. They are attracted to fast foods and

these are very detrimental for their health.

On the other hand, advertising provides us with information on new products. If it were not for

electronic and print advertising, many products would not be bought. In this way, advertising

provides an important service to manufacturers and some consumers. Additionally, it fuels the

advertising industry, creating jobs for thousands of people. In this respect it has the backbone

of many economies of the world.

Furthermore, advertisements touch social issues. For example, when Amitabh Bachhan tells

people to bring their children for pulse polio immunization, people listen. Then there are ads

against female foeticide which are very informative. Advertisements also teach a lot about the

country from where the ads come. This is because through satellite TV we can see ads from all

over the world. When we see a Japanese advert of a lady in a kimono, we come to know about

the clothes of Japan.

To put it in a nutshell I pen down saying that, it is imperative that regulations be imposed on

advertisers who target children or who make false claims. However, advertisement is

indispensable in this highly competitive market and produces much more positive effects than

negative ones to the society as a whole. So, we should not ban advertisements.

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6. If a product is good or it meets people’s needs, people will buy it. So advertising

is unnecessary and no more than an entertainment. To what extent do you

agree or disagree?

Advertising in modern society is ubiquitous - on the radio, TV, the internet and in our letterboxes. While

it is true that a good product will sell even without any advertisement, I disagree that advertisements

are unnecessary and just a form of entertainment.

It is irrefutable that advertising provides us with information on new products. If it were not for

electronic and print advertising, many products would not be bought. This is because, there is a flood of

consumer goods in the market and consumers ask for those products which they have heard of or seen

in the market. Therefore in the initial stages, adverts are necessary but later on only those products will

sustain in the market which are really good. In this way, advertising provides an important service to

manufacturers and some consumers.

Additionally, the advertising industry creates jobs for thousands of people. In this respect it has become

the backbone of many economies of the world. Jobs are also created in the manufacturing industries

because of adverts. As demand increases, mass production has to be done and therefore more and

more people are employed.

Furthermore, advertisements touch social issues. For example, when Amitabh Bachhan tells people to

bring their children for pulse polio immunization, people listen. Then there are ads against female

foeticide which are very informative. Advertisements also teach a lot about the country from where the

ads come. This is because through satellite TV we can see ads from all over the world. When we see a

Japanese advert of a lady in a kimono, we come to know about the clothes of Japan.

To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that, adverts are not just a form of entertainment but they

serve many other purposes as well. Even the good products need propaganda in today’s competitive
