Active learning


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Transcript of Active learning

Page 1: Active learning

Active Learning Research Papers Power Point Presentations Current event reports These three task or assignments demonstrate that a student

must look in depth in the material and learn it inside and out. With a research paper the student must learn the details of the topic and be able to provide a thorough knowledge about the topic. When using power point presentations students must present to the class key phrases about a topic and then provide more information within the key phrases of the bullet points. With current event reports, students stay up to date with interactions that are going on in the world. It forces them to watch or read the news and understand the hot topics that are happening amongst them. With these demonstrations of task students can get a good feel of obtaining information and then presenting the information in their own words and how they fell about a topic or situation.

Page 2: Active learning

This format of learning I is a great way for classroom interaction. You could divide the classroom to pick two different sides of the story and have one big debate on why students oppose or agree with a topic. This type of learning can really train students to have an open mind and listen to reasons that that they might not have thought about. Using this method with my previous assignments by allowing the student to think of differences people my have with the topic they are studying. That way they can have a better feel for others opinions. Uses of the internet such as news articles and blogs could spark debates between the classes.

Case Based Learning

Page 3: Active learning

This type of learning can be used to study for an exam. To find and understand details of a certain subject. I believe in writing down all in formation about the subject on flash cards and memorize the information. This is the best way to study for a test or to present information to the classroom setting. This is the best way to study because I am able to read the information, write it down, and then constantly go through the cards multiple times.

Inquiry Learning