Access Audit Report -

Access Audit Report Directorate of Information & Public Relations Aizawl, Mizoram Submitted under: Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan (Accessible India Campaign) Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment Government of India

Transcript of Access Audit Report -

Access Audit Report Directorate of

Information & Public Relations Aizawl, Mizoram

Submitted under:

Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan (Accessible India Campaign)

Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities

Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment

Government of India

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Submitted under:

Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan (Accessible India Campaign under Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities,

Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India)

Prepared By:

Centre For Rehabilitation and Training For Multiple Disability

Birubari, Guwahati - 781016, Assam. Phone : 0361-2470990/2478912, Mobile : +91-9207049810

Email : [email protected]

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Accessible India Campaign (Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan)

Accessible India Campaign is a nationwide flagship campaign of the Department of

Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice and

Empowerment, Government of India, for achieving universal accessibility for persons

with disabilities and to create an enabling and barrier free environment, with a focus on

three verticals of built-environment accessibility, transportation system accessibility and

information and communication eco-system accessibility.

The task involved under the initiative, include identification of important public

buildings in 48 selected cities across India, conducting access audits and retro-fittings of

ramps, lifts, toilets, and signage in the buildings; making 75 important railway stations

and all international airports fully accessible and ensuring that at least 50% of all web

sites and public documents of the central and the state governments meet accessibility

standards. Specific timelines have been set all the above goals.

Aizawl, the capital city of the state of Mizoram is one of the selected cities, wherein 33

government / public buildings have been identified for conducting access audits and

retro-fittings to ensure barrier free environment.

Shishu Sarothi, a not-for-profit organization working in the field of disability for the

past around 30 years is an empanelled Access Auditor under the said initiative, and

participated in the Invitation for Bid process and was duly awarded the Work Order

bearing No. F.No.4-14/2015-A/C dated 19.03.2016 for conducting access audit of 33

buildings in Aizawl city.

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction

1.1 Accessibility in the built-environment Page 4

1.2 The Legal Framework Page 4

2. Access Audit

2.1 Purpose of Access Audit Page 5

2.2 Standards Page 5

2.3 Premises where Access-Audit was conducted Page 5

2.4 Access Audit Team Page 6

3. Access Audit Report

3.1 External Environment

3.1.1. Parking Lot Page 7

3.1.2. Alighting Page 8

3.1.3. Accessible Route Page 8

3.2 Internal Environment

3.2.1. Accessible Entrance Page 9

3.2.2. Reception & Lobby Page 10

3.2.3. Stairs Page 12

3.2.4. Ramps Page 13

3.2.5. Handrails Page 13

3.2.6. Elevators / Lifts Page 14

3.2.7. Escalators / Passenger conveyors Page 15

3.2.8. Corridors Page 15

3.2.9. Doors and doorways Page 16

3.2.10. Accessible Toilets Page 19

3.2.11. Cafeteria Page 22

3.2.12. Drinking water facilities Page 23

3.2.13. Control and operating mechanisms Page 24

3.2.14. Signages Page 26

3.2.15. Emergency Evacuation Page 28

3.2.16. Common building elements Page 29

3.3 Information, communication and services Page 30

4. Conclusion Page 31

5. Appendix Page i - lxiv

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1. Introduction:

1.1. Accessibility in the built-environment:

Environmental access is a set of norms and standards designed to provide safe and

independent use of varied environments such as transportation, roads, buildings and

communication by persons with disabilities. Universal design is a commitment for

designing products and environments for the broadest population possible, especially

for the people who have not been considered as part of the general population.

1.2. The Legal Framework

The importance of promoting greater access as an

effective approach to reversing exclusion and

enhancing the equalization of opportunities in a

sustainable way has been the mandate of the United

Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with

Disabilities (UNCRPD), approved by the General

Assembly in December 2006, ratified by India on

October 1, 2014 and which entered into force in

May, 2008.

The Convention also mandates that all Governments

shall take measures for implementation of minimum

standards and guidelines for accessibility of facilities

and services open to the public; to ensure that private

entitles that offer facilities / services open to the

public comply with all aspects of accessibility for

persons with disabilities; train stakeholders on

accessibility issues; provide Braille signage and live

assistance, professional sign language interpreters to

facilitate accessibility to buildings and other facilities

open to the public.

Further, Goal No. 3 of the Incheon Strategy, which

provides the Asian and Pacific Region and the world

the first set of regionally agreed distinct inclusive

development goals, mentions that access to the physical environment, public

transportation, knowledge, information and communication is a precondition for

persons with disabilities to fulfill their rights in an inclusive society.

Sections 44, 45 and 46 of The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities,

Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995, categorically provides for non-

discrimination in transport, on the roads and in built environments.

Article 9 of the UNCRPD on

“Accessibility” stipulates that

persons with disabilities are

to be enabled to live

independently and

participate fully in all aspects

of life. The Article casts an

obligation on all signatory

governments to “….take

appropriate measures to

ensure to persons with

disabilities access, on an

equal basis with others, to the

physical environment, to

transportation, to

information and

communication, including

information and

communications technologies

and systems, and to other

facilities and services open or

provided to the public, both in

urban and in rural areas…..”

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2. Access Audit:

2.1. Purpose of an access audit

The purpose of an access audit is to assess how a particular building or environment

performs in terms of access and ease of use by a wide range of actual and potential

users, including person with disabilities and to recommend access improvements. The

aim of the access audit and its follow-up are to:

Identify the extent of the problem of access to public buildings and recommend

changes / additions to make the environment accessible

To create awareness of the importance of the concept of barrier-free

environments for persons with disabilities

To enforce the inclusion of accessibility for persons with disabilities in the

official agenda of government and private agencies.

The report includes observations, measurements, sketches and photographs covering all

parts of the public building audited including the external and internal environment as

well as the services provided in the building.

2.2. Standards:

The accessibility standards and parameters adhered to in the instant access audit are as

per the revised guidelines (2014) of the Central Public Works Department Manual,

Handbook on Barrier-Free and Accessibility (URL: For some

points not specifically covered by the said Handbook, reference has been taken from the

Harmonized Guidelines and Space Standards for Barrier Free Built Environment of

the Ministry of Urban Development Government of India.

2.3. Premises where Access-Audit was conducted:

The Information & Public Relations Department (I & PR) is the nodal agency of the

Government of Mizoram for disseminating information on various activities of the

Government to the people through the media and providing feedback to the

Government on important matters reflected in the media. Being also the authoritative

and official publicity agency of the Government of Mizoram, the Department plays a

pivotal role in the promotion of schemes and policies that lead to a greater and better

understanding between the Government and the people. It also works as communication

medium between the Government and Media and plays a vital role in taking the welfare

schemes to the people.

The Department, functioning with PR wing, Photo wing and Technical wing for the

media operation, is charged with multifarious duties of creating awareness among the

people about the nation, the state, its history, diversity, heritage, traditions, its

development in various fields and its problems. It disseminates information about the

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Government, its activities, policies and programmes and also solicits and motivates the

public to participate in the national endeavour for the integrated development of the

state. It also gives feedback to the Government about its activities. All these involve

public relations work such as multi-media publicity campaign, coordination with

various departments, the press, AIR, Doordarshan and Local Cable TV operators.

The Directorate of Information & Public Relations is housed in two buildings,

adjacent to each other, and has about 30 employees. There is one disabled staff working

in the department. While the old building mainly has the office establishment, the new

building has the Office of the Director, the Conference Hall and the Auditorium besides

other office rooms.

2.4. Access Audit Team:

Access Audit Team Name Designation

Access Auditor Ms Amvalika Senapati Coordinator, Disability Law Unit,

Shishu Sarothi

Architect Mr. Devadeep Gupta Alternate Architect & Installation Artist, Guwahati

Persons with Disability K. Lalhmingsanga Treasurer, Mizoram Blind Society

Accompanying Official from the Directorate of Information & Public Relations:

Ms. Lallianpuii, Deputy Director, Contact: +91-9436158348

Date of Access Audit : April 28, 2016 (Thursday)

3. Access Audit Report:

This report gives a narrative outline of existing facilities, lays down the areas of concern with

pictorial illustrations of the existing infrastructure. The report comes with an annexure which

is a compilation of recommendations with technical details along with photographs and


The Audit is structured into three parts, viz, the external environment, internal environment

and information, communication and services.

3.1. External environment

The external environment includes the following:

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3.1.1. Parking lot:

There is limited parking for the Office, which is just next to a small vehicular road. There

is parking available in stilt area of the new building (Fig. 2) and parking for 3 vehicles

right in front of the old building entrance (Fig. 3).

There is no reserve accessible parking bay for persons with disabilities.



Fig. 1: Road leading to the I & PR building as shown in (b)

Fig. 2: Stilt parking in new building Fig. 3: Parking in front of old building


One of the available parking spaces, nearest to the building entrance(s), can be

identified and converted into a parking bay for people with disability.

Parking bay for people with disability has to be constructed adjacent to the access

route to the two buildings.

The parking bay and the adjacent access route has to be laid with tactile floor

guidance tiles and a leveled pathway minimally 1200 mm wide, laid with anti-skid

tiles and built as per CPWD guidelines, for independent navigation for persons

with disabilities. 1200 mm wide pathway, however, is not possible to connect the

old building as access is through the road itself.

Proper lighting along with accessible directional signage as per CPWD guidelines

should be constructed at the parking bay and adjacent areas, as far as possible.

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3.1.2. Alighting:

Right now there is no designated space for alighting of people with disabilities. But after

the parking bay for people with disabilities has been identified and transformed, alighting

point has to be designed next to it, with required signposts, step free access and tactile



Alighting point has to be constructed next to the parking bay.

Alighting point should be leveled and cleared out of traffic lane.

Proper sign-posts and signage to be installed along with tactile guiding path including

directional, hazard warning and positional tiles directing to the entrance.

There should be a step free route leading from the alighting point to the main entrance

of the buildings, out of the line of vehicular traffic.

3.1.3. Accessible Route:

There is no demarcated access route for the building(s).

A route from the main vehicular road, around 3000 mm wide, leads to the building. It is

not a premise road and has plenty of small shops and parking of two wheelers on the side

of the route (Fig. 1).

The road opens to the stilt parking area of the new building. After an offset of 3 meters in

the parking, a 2000 mm staircase leads to the first floor.

The surface of the pathway is concrete cement, firm and non-slip.

The area has adequate artificial light after sunset hours.

There are no directional, hazard warning and positional tiles provided for independent

navigation across all the chief functions at the building(s).

There is also no accessible directional signage directing to the entrance(s).


There is not much scope to designate a proper accessible route.

Nevertheless, where possible (new building), the access route should connect the

parking, alighting point with the entrance.

The accessible path should be ideally 1200mm wide (in this case, due to lack of space,

it can be 700 mm - 800 mm), firm, non-slip, preferably covered, free of any barriers or

obstacles and should be constructed away from vehicular traffic route in the premises.

The route should have guiding path including directional, hazard warning and

positional files provided for independent navigation across all the chief functions at the


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There should be kerb ramps in case there are any level changes between the traffic lane

and the accessible path.

There should be accessible directional signage directing to the accessible entrance.

3.2. Internal environment

The internal environment includes the following:

3.2.1. Accessible Entrance:

The new building has two steps from the road leading up to at the entrance landing and

then a collapsible gate 4000 mm wide (Fig. 4).

As far as the old building is concerned, the entrance door is wide, but there are a lot of

level differences with steps (Fig. 5) and also a 100 mm high threshold on the doorway.

The entrances are not accessible for persons with disabilities.

The entrances have adequate landing of 1500 mm x 1500 mm.

The entrances are well illuminated.

There is no difference in floor finish at the door entrance easily identifiable by blind users

for the new building but difference is seen in the old building.

There is no accessible identification signage at either of the entrances to identify the


The entrances have no audio signal.



Fig. 4: Entrance to new building

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Fig. 5: Entrance to old building


As far as the new building is concerned, there is no space to suggest a ramp to make

the entrance accessible.

The old building entrance needs a ramp sloping down from near the road [Fig. 5(a)] to

make it accessible for persons with disabilities (Refer to section 3.2.4. on Ramps).

Said ramp should replace the existing steps at the entrance.

There should be clear difference in floor finish at the entrance (new building) easily

identifiable by blind users.

There should be accessible identification signage at the entrance to identify the


Entrance should have an audio signal.

3.2.2. Reception and lobby:

There is no reception counter for the new building. The entrance is manned by security

personnel who guide visitors to respective offices / facilities in the building. Also the

entrance has signage [Fig. 4(b)] indicating the various building facilities / offices / units –

but the same are not accessible.

There is a reception counter in the old building easily identifiable from the entrance.

However, it does not open at the desired height from the floor level and there is no clear

recess under it.

The counter does not have clear colour contrast from the background wall and floors.

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The counter top is adequately illuminated, it has non-reflective surface and there is 900

mm wide and 1200 mm deep clear space in front of the counter.

There is no accessible identification signage for the reception counter.

There is also no accessible directional signage directing to various building facilities /

offices / units at the reception.

There is no loop induction system available in the counter.

Also there is no sign language interpreter for the Office.

There is live assistance available at the counter to guide persons to their destination.

Adequate seating arrangement is provided in the entrance / lobby area.

Fig. 6: Reception counter and lobby in old building


A part of the reception counter should be between 760mm to 800mm from the floor

with a 400mm to 600mm clear recess under the counter.

The counter should have clear colour contrast from the background wall and floor and

should be well illuminated.

All relevant information to be made available in alternate accessible formats.

There should be accessible identification signage for the reception counter.

There should be accessible directional signage directing to various building facilities /

offices / units at the reception.

Loop induction system should be made available in the counter.

It is recommended that there should be at least one sign language interpreter, on call,

for the Office.

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3.2.3. Stairs:

The two buildings have staircase flights with uniform risers and treads of 150 mm and

300 mm respectively.

The stairs leading down to the basement in the old building start from an opening in the

corridor, with a sudden fall [Fig. 8(b)] and there is not much scope of rectifying the

same due to lack of space.

Most stairs have handrails on one side {except [Fig 8(a)]}, at one height, and there is

the supporting wall on the other side. Handrails project beyond the end of the flight and

are grouted without sharp edges.

There are no colour contrast strips

at the edge of the steps and no

tactile warning provided at the

beginning and end of the stairs.

Also, the stair surface is cement

mosaic, which can be slippery

and glary.

There is adequate illumination on

the stairs in the new building but

not in the old one.

The stairs are continuous without

any abrupt breaks and gaps.

Fig. 7: Staircase in new building



Fig. 8: Staircase in old building

The under stairs area is properly cordoned off.

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Handrails should be fitted in all stairs on both sides, as per specifications.

There should be tactile warning provided at the beginning and end of the stairs and

also colour contrast strips at the edge of the steps.

Especially, for the stairs leading down to the basement in the old building, there

should be adequate tactile warning blocks at the beginning.

Floor surface of the stairs should be upgraded. It should also be non-slippery and


Stairs in old building should be well illuminated.

3.2.4. Ramp:

There is no ramp in the building.

Ramp should be constructed at the entrance of the old building as already mentioned

under 3.2.1 Accessible Entrance [Fig. 5(a)].

Ramp cannot be suggested in the entrance of the new building due to lack of space.

Also, ramps are required to connect all other floors of the buildings with the

respective ground floors. However, due to the proximity of the buildings to the

vehicular road as well as acute lack of space on adjacent sides as well, there is no

scope to suggest construction of ramps to connect other floors.


Ramp is recommended to connect the main entrance of old building for step-free


The ramp should have a gradient not steeper than 1:12, with a minimum ideal

width of 1800 mm. However, in this case, there is space for a ramp of around

1300 mm width [Fig. 5(a)].

Handrails should be provided on both sides of the ramp.

There should be tactile warning blocks installed 300 mm from the top, bottom

and landings of the ramp run in external environment.

The floor surface should be non-slippery and non-glary.

3.2.5. Handrails:

There are handrails on one side of the staircase flights.

There are no handrails in the corridors.

Handrails are provided at a single height of 780 mm and 900 mm from the floor level

of the staircases in the new and old building respectively.

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(a) New building

(b) Old building

Fig. 9: Handrails

In the new building, the wooden handrails are well maintained and have contrast in

colour from the background wall and the floor. Handrails are circular, non-slippery,

have an uninterrupted grip and the ends of the handrails are grouted and without sharp


In the old building, the handrails are not well maintained, they do not have contrast in

colour from the background wall and the floor. Handrails are circular and non-

slippery. The opening of the stairs to the basement [Fig. 8(b)] do not have handrails

and there is no scope to install handrails there.


Handrails should be provided on both sides of the stairs at two heights of 900mm

and 760mm.

There should be adequate hand clearance of 50 mm between the wall and the


Handrails should have clear contrast in colour from the background wall and the

floor and should be well maintained.

3.2.6. Elevators / Lifts:

There is no lift / elevator in the premises, either old or new.

Though there is a need for elevator in the buildings (especially in the new one, which

has the Auditorium and Conference Hall) to address the issue of vertical accessibility,

none can be proposed due to acute lack of space and without a lot of internal

dismantling of rooms / corridors to allow for lift shaft and lift lobby.


As the stairs are wide, installation of Stair lift is an option that should be explored

to allow access to different floors. (Refer to Appendix).

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3.2.7. Escalators / Passenger conveyors:

There are no Escalators/Passenger Conveyors present in the premises and none are also

needed. In any case, escalators / passenger conveyors are not considered as accessible for

disabled people and, hence, not recommended.

3.2.8. Corridors:

The corridors in the buildings have minimal required width.

The corridors in the buildings are well maintained but there are protruding objects or

barriers, like furniture, in a few corridors in the new building.

There is 1500 mm x 1500 mm space to allow a wheelchair user to turn around at some

point in the corridors.

Fig. 10: Corridors in the new building

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Fig. 11: Corridors in the old building

Corridors in new building have reflective tiles and the same does reflect a fair amount of

light, which might be disturbing for people with low vision. Some corridor floors in old

building also has glare.

Most corridors are well illuminated.

No handrails are provided on either side of the corridors in either building.

There is colour contrast between the corridor walls and floors.


Handrails should be provided on both sides of the corridors.

Floor finish should be non-slippery and non-reflective.

All corridors should be well illuminated.

Corridors should be kept clear and not be obstructed with furniture etc.

3.2.9. Doors & doorways:

The doors in the buildings generally meet the desired minimum width of 900 mm, with a

few exceptions of a few offices and almost all toilets, which have narrower doors.

The doors, mostly have latches and are easy to open and do not take too much energy.

The buildings have a combination of single- and double-hinged, one-way swing, doors.

There is contrast in colour between doors, door frames, door furniture and background

walls in some instances and not seen in others.

Many doors do not have thresholds. In a few instances, there are thresholds higher than

the acceptable 12 mm height.

Many doors open in the corridor in the old building. This is not the case in the new


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All toilet doors do not open outwards as per specifications.

If there are two doors in a series, there is at least 1500mm deep space between the two

doors. Approach to some doors, especially in the ground floor of the new building with

the stilt parking, are obstructed with parked vehicles [Fig. 12(d)].

Kick plates have not been provided on the doors.

Automatic doors are not provided at the building entrances.





Fig. 12: Doors and doorways in new building

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Fig. 13: Doors and doorways in old building


Where required, door widths should be increased to 900 mm width.

Where not already opening outwards, toilet doors should be corrected to open


Lever type handle should be used with a horizontal bar 800mm from the floor and a

vertical bar in the opening side with its lower edge at 800mm from the floor.

The colour of the door frame should have clear contrast in colour with the door,

background wall and door furniture as well.

Where unavoidable, thresholds should not be more than 12 mm high.

Kick plates can be provided in the most accessed doors like the toilet doors.

Automatic doors would not be practical for these building entrances and, as such, as

not recommended.

Doors to be provided with guardrails where it opens into a route of travel.

There should be clear approach to different offices in the ground floor of the new

building, unobstructed by parked vehicles.

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3.2.10. Accessible toilets:

There are toilets for public use in the upper floors of the new building, where the

Conference Hall / Auditorium are present. For other floors, every office unit has its staff

toilet, not accessible to the public.

(a) Partition seen before the toilet entrance at the end of the corridor

(b) Entrance to toilet cubicles behind the partition



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There is no accessible toilet for persons with

disabilities in either building.

The toilet block is roughly 2700 mm x 1500 mm

with two cubicles.

The existing toilet does not comply with standard

specifications in terms of WC style, washbasin and

other toilet fittings and accessories, placements,

colour contrast and so on.

Also there is a lot of level difference in many

cubicles [Fig. 14(c)].

The floor-surface of the toilets is not slippery.


Fig. 14: Different toilet cubicles in the new building

The old building has toilets at one end of the corridor for use by everyone.

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Fig. 15: Toilet cubicles in the old building

The toilets in the old building also do not comply with standard specifications in terms of

WC style, washbasin and other toilet fittings and accessories, placements, colour contrast

and so on. The floor-surface of the toilets are not slippery.


In the new building, there should be at least one accessible toilet in every floor which

are most accessed by the public.

There should be at least one accessible toilet in the ground floor of the old building.

The dimensions of the existing toilets are too small to convert the same into

accessible toilets. As such, two toilets have to be combined to make way for

accessible toilets with necessary specifications.

Level differences, where present in toilet cubicles, should be removed for step free


All toilet doors must be outward opening, double hinged or sliding door.

The WC should be installed in a corner with centerline of the WC at a distance of

450mm to 500mm from the adjacent wall. The front edge of WC should project

750mm of/from the rear wall.

Indian style WC should not be used and WC should be provided with a backrest.

The seat height of the WCC should be 450mm.

Lever type flush control is to be installed at a height of 1100mm from the floor

surface, or on the transfer side of the WC. The force required to flush should be


There should be 800mm of clear transfer space next to the WC.

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A horizontal grab bar is to be installed on the adjacent wall, at a height of 200mm

from the WC seat.

A fold up grab bar is to be installed at a centerline distance of 320m-200mm from

the WC seat.

There should be colour contrast between the floor, wall and sanitary fittings.

There should be an alarm system within easy reach to alert persons outside, in case

of emergency.

Visual alarm must be there to alert people with hearing disability in case of


The door should be able to be locked from inside but also released from outside

in case of emergency.

The accessible toilet should not be kept locked or used as a janitor’s room.

The toilet should be kept clean and well-maintained.

Mirrors should be placed at accessible heights.

All toilet accessories, soap dispensers, coat hooks should be at accessible reach.

In addition to the accessible toilets, the other toilet for public use should also follow

standardization of placement of utilities like

- Basin taps to be placed at the centre of the basin.

- Soap dispensers must be either at the immediate right or left side of the basin.

- Water jets on the right or left side of the WC.

- Flush must be either immediately behind the seat or at the centre.

- WC water tap must be either at the right or left of the WC.

3.2.11. Cafeteria:

There is a very basic canteen in the basement of the new building.

There is a practise of serving food in the respective desks in the office.

The tables in the canteen are at recommended heights, however, benches obstruct clear approach to the tables.

Mostly, plastic cutlery is used in the canteen.

Fig. 16: Canteen in new building


The agreed practise of serving food in the respective desks in the office should be


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There should be a mix of different kinds of cutlery and glassware to allow ease-of-use

for people, based on their needs. (For instance, some people may be unable to use

disposable cups and cutlery and some may find use of very heavy glasses and cutlery


Staff should be trained to assist persons with disabilities, as and when the need arise.

3.2.12. Drinking Water facilities:

There is drinking water facility in both the floors of the old building. Both are not placed

at an accessible height, and the one in the basement is placed as high as 1550 mm from

the floor level.

Drinking water facility is available for the public in the second and the third floors of the

new building. Both are placed at inaccessible heights.

There are push-type taps and also no adequate facilities for drinking glasses have been


There are no signages to indicate the presence of the drinking water facilities.

The area around the drinking water facilities are kept clean and dry.

Fig. 17: Drinking water facilities in the new building

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Fig. 18: Drinking water facility in the old building


It is recommended that drinking water facility should be provided for every floor and

the same should be accessible for persons with disabilities also (Refer to Appendix).

The tap should be lever type and easily operable.

Drinking glasses should be made available and kept at an accessible height not higher

than 1200 mm.

Proper signage should indicate the presence of the drinking water facility.

3.2.13. Control and operating mechanisms:

There are no vending machines in the office buildings.

The switches or controls are not placed consistently and placed at different heights

throughout both the buildings, with some placed as high as 1450 mm.

There is clear floor space with dimensions of 900 mm x 1200 mm adjacent to the controls

/ switches in most cases.

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Fig. 19: Some switches in the new building

No touch panels have been installed

for operating controls or switches.

Little pressure is required to operate

the switches or controls.

Switches or controls do not have

colour contrast from the surrounding

face plate panel and the background


Fig. 20: Switch in the old building


The operable part of controls such as vending machines, electrical switches, wall

sockets should be:

- Located adjacent to the clear floor space with dimensions of at least 900mm x


- Located at the height of between 400mm and 1200mm, measured from the floor,

with the exception of vending machines where the upper limit is relax able to

1300 mm;

- Electrical sockets must not be placed at a height lower than 400mm from the


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- Controls should be placed at not less than 400mm from room corners.

All controls should be colour-contrasted, with the surrounding face plate panel and

the face plate contrasting with the background wall on which they are mounted.

Information on controls and switches should be in relief (embossed letters/symbols

accompanied with Braille information) for tactile reading.

3.2.14. Signages:

There are prominent visible signage present in front of different offices / units,

Conference Hall, Auditorium etc, however, the same are not consistent, in terms of size,

colour, placement etc.

The entrance of the new building has

signage [Fig. 4(b)] indicating the

various building facilities / offices /

units - but the same are not accessible.

Also, there are no accessible signages

in alternate formats like Braille / audio

signs and so on.

There is adequate illumination of visual


There is no international symbol of

accessibility used anywhere in the


Fig. 21: Some signages in the new building

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Fig. 22: Some signages in the old building


There should be prominent visible signage using the international symbol of

accessibility, identifying accessible entrance and exit, reception counter etc.

Signages for presence of toilets for persons with disabilities and availability of other

facilities in the building should be conspicuously placed in the building.

Signage size should comply with not less than 60mm for doors, 110 mm for corridors

and 200mm for external use.

All visual signage in the facility should be provided with Braille and Tactile


Where ever possible, audio signage should be provided along with Braille and Tactile


All Braille and tactile signage should be placed between the height of 900mm and

1500mm, with ideal location at 1050 mm above the finished floor level.

If Braille and tactile signs are provided at a door, the same should be located alongside

the door at the latch side.

Where tactile signs are provided at double doors with one active leaf, the tactile signs

should be on the inactive leaf.

Where tactile signs are provided at double doors with two active leafs, the tactile signs

should be located at the right hand side of the door.

Braille specifications in all signages should follow the handbook specifications.

Braille and Tactile floor plans should ideally be provided, where they are available

for use of public, especially near the entrance of the building / near reception or


All visual signage in the building should use high colour contrast.

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There should be both visual and auditory substitutes for public address systems and

LED Display board information in the building.

3.2.15. Emergency evacuation:

There is no emergency evacuation provision in the building.


Emergency evacuation provision should be planned for the office buildings and

the same should take into account people with disabilities.

For all floors other than the ground floor, the stairs of the building can be used for

emergency evacuation.

For the upper floors, there should be a refuge area designated near the stairs, with

accessible signage, including directional signage leading upto it.

For the basement floors, evacuation plans should compulsorily involve live human

assistance as there are no fire lifts and evacuation chairs cannot be used up the

basement stairs.

There should be an alerting system both visual and audible.

The alerting buttons should be between 600 mm and 1200 mm from the floor and

have a high contrast with the background wall.

There should be directional signage leading to the refuge area and the evacuation

plans should have the refuge area marked on them.

All emergency and directional signage should be accessible.

The refuge area should be minimally a 900mm x 1200mm space for parking a


There should be smoke barriers around the refuge area that can hold the smoke

for at least one hour.

There should be an audio and visual two way communication system in the

refuge area at the height of 1000mm.

Evacuation plans should be prominently displayed in all floors of the new / old


Evacuation plans and building maps should be made available in tactile / Braille


The plan should be of right size and easy to read.

The accessible evacuation route and the refuge points should be shown on the


The plan should have a ‘you are here’ point identified on it.

The plan should contrasts well with the background wall.

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The Staff should be trained to assist persons with disabilities in evacuation.

Evacuation chairs must be available for evacuation from the upper floors in the

new building and there must be staff trained to use them.

3.2.16. Common building elements: Colour contrast (in critical surfaces, sudden change in level, toilets,

stairs, handrails, doors, switches and sockets, skirting, free standing

obstacles and signage):

Colour contrast is seen in some instances, like between stairs and wall,

doors and the background wall, signage etc. Contrast in signage is,

however, not as per standard specifications. Also, contrast is conspicuously

missing in other critical surfaces like sudden change in level, toilets and

toilet fittings, edges of stairs, switches and sockets, doors and door frames

and so on.

Fig. 23: Colour contrast seen between

stairs and wall but not with landing

Fig. 24: Lack of colour contrast

between free standing column and floor


Colour contrast to be ensured in all critical surfaces as per specifications,

including in level differences, toilets and toilet fittings, stairs, switches,

siganages, doors and doorways and so on.

Page | 30 Flooring:

Floors in the buildings are different in different places. While some are old

mosaic, there are new tiles in other places. Some places, especially the basement

floors are not very well maintained.

Difference in floor finish between corridors and rooms in seen in many instances.

Most of the tiled floors are slippery and have some glare.

There is some colour contrast between floors, skirtings and background walls in

most cases.


Flooring has to be as per specifications highlighted in the Appendix to this Report.

Floors should be upgraded and be well maintained throughout the buildings.

There should be difference in floor finish from corridors and rooms in all instances.

Floor should be anti-slippery and have anti glare quality.

3.3. Information, communication and services:

The office does not have an accessible website and there are also no alternate

accessible formats of publications / brochures. None of its staff are trained in Indian

Sign Language and neither are there Sign Language interpreters available on call.

There is no facility of availability of a wheelchair; the staff have never attended any

disability sensitization sessions nor do they have trainings on how to extend assistance

to people with disabilities. Also there is no Equal Opportunities Policy in place to

promote employment of staff with disability.


Office to develop an accessible website in compliance with accessibility norms as

per Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG 2.0).

Relevant information to be made accessible for the public in alternate accessible


Staff to be given awareness of accessible facilities in the premises.

There should be a simple procedure of enquiry / complaint lodging / making

suggestions for a visitor with disability.

There should be trained staff to extend live assistance to disabled people

whenever needed and especially during emergencies etc.

All staff to have disability sensitization sessions from time to time.

Department to develop and implement an Equal Opportunities Policy to

promote employment of staff with disability.

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Reasonable adjustment of workplace environment should be made, whenever

the need arise, to accommodate disabled staff.

Services like availability of wheelchairs, loop induction system, sign language

interpreter etc. should be ensured.

All accessibility equipments in the building to be regularly checked and

maintained in good working condition.

There should be a policy to allow guide dogs, wherever a disabled person is

accompanied by one.

4. Conclusion:

The Office buildings are not accessible for persons with disabilities.

There is however, ample scope to incorporate barrier-free built environment

provisions in many aspects, along with ensuring of accessible information,

communication and services.

There is not much possibility of ensuring accessible parking, alighting and route as

per ideal specifications due to space constraint. Ramp at the entrance of the old

building has to be constructed and reception counter should be upgraded.

To address the issue of vertical accessibility in the new building, stair lift should be

installed to connect all the upper floors. Toilets have to be also made accessible as far

as possible in the limited space available.

In other areas like signages, doors, handrails, stairs, corridors, toilets, colour contrast

in all relevant surfaces etc., retro-fittings as suggested, would ensure a reasonably

accessible built-environment.

It is also recommended that drinking water facility be installed in every floor.

All written information / brochures etc should be also provided in alternate accessible

formats and staff should be given basic training / sensitization on disability.
