A Healthy Hospital is a happier, safer and more productive place for care

iTH E HOS PIT AL AF- TER HOU RS 24 May PRELIMINARY PROGRAM* A Healthy Hospital is…. a Happier, Safer and More Productive Place for Care improving patient care, professional relationships, patient safety and performance through culture change and leadership development initiatives Wednesday 12Thursday 13 October 2016 AFL Dining Room, Gate 6A Entry, Melbourne Cricket Ground Brunton Ave, Richmond, Victoria, Australia Change Champions & Associates present... “...people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did but people will never forget the way you made them feel” Maya Angelou

Transcript of A Healthy Hospital is a happier, safer and more productive place for care

Page 1: A Healthy Hospital is a happier, safer and more productive place for care






24 May


A Healthy Hospital is….

a Happier, Safer and More Productive Place

for Care

improving patient care, professional relationships, patient

safety and performance through culture change and

leadership development initiatives

Wednesday 12– Thursday 13 October 2016

AFL Dining Room, Gate 6A Entry, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Brunton Ave, Richmond, Victoria, Australia

Change Champions & Associates present...

“...people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did but people will never

forget the way you made them feel”

Maya Angelou

Page 2: A Healthy Hospital is a happier, safer and more productive place for care

The seminar showcases successful initiatives that have positively impacted on quality,

safety and performance by improving workforce and organisational culture.

Topics to be presented include, but are not limited to:

Health facility wide culture reform programs including those inspired by patient


Professional College reforms to address issues around workforce culture and


Building respectful relationships so that all staff feel valued and can deliver their

best, especially how this was achieved and any challenges

Initiatives where a positive organisational, departmental, team etc culture has

inspired creativity, innovation and engagement on redesign, patient flow, quality

and safety initiatives etc

Initiatives to create a more positive health facility/departmental/team culture

and/or eradicate toxic culture and toxic behaviours amongst staff including

challenges and wins

Impact of culture change initiatives on patient/client care, complaints, staff

satisfaction, absenteeism, retention

Strategies, programs etc for successfully developing leaders and middle managers

to become more positive role models for their staff so they want to come to work

Case studies where positive interactions between leadership and staff have

influenced behaviour and the converse, including what worked and what didn’t



This seminar is for executives, managers, emerging managers, clinical teachers and all

health professionals working in all facilities.

*This program is subject to change without notice.


Page 3: A Healthy Hospital is a happier, safer and more productive place for care

PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Wednesday 12 October 2016

Session 1 A Healthy Hospital is a Safer Place for Care

08.30-09.00 Registration

09.10-09.40 Opening Address

To be advised

09.40-10.10 Keynote Address

Healthy, happy workplaces are safer for patients and health workers

Prof David Watters OBE

University Hospital Geelong and Deakin University, VIC

10.10- 10.40 Keynote Address

The Ethos Program; Defining who we are

Dr Victoria Atkinson

Group General Manager, Clinical Governance and Chief Medical Officer

St Vincents Health Australia, VIC

10.40-10.55 Questions to Speakers

10.55-11.25 Morning Tea


and Managing Venous Thromboembolism (VTE)

Page 4: A Healthy Hospital is a happier, safer and more productive place for care

PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Wednesday 12 October 2016

Session 2 Caring to Care

11.25-11.45 Because We Care Cultural Transformation Program

Diana McDonald

Cultural Transformation Program Director

Melbourne Health, VIC


Carly Bairstow, Director Workforce Capability and Development

Tim Reinders, Director, Health, Safety and Wellbeing

Fiona Herco, Safety Culture Program Lead

Nicky Webster, Director, Public Affairs

Melbourne Health, VIC

11.45-12.05 The Caboolture Hospital “Taking Time to Care” Series

Ann Whalley

Co-ordinator, Education Services

Caboolture Hospital and Redcliffe Hospital, QLD


David Liddy, Manager Education and Training

Natasha Eaton, Simulation Educator

Caboolture Hospital and Redcliffe Hospital, QLD

12.05- 12.25 The Executive Leader’s Program

Dr Kellie Wren

Director, Periprocedural Support Unit

Royal Brisbane & Womens’ Hospital (RBWH), QLD

Co Author:

Sue Cadigan, Nursing Director, Surgery and Perioperative Services RBWH, QLD

12.25-12.45 The Heart of CARE: reconnecting with our purpose and defining our future

Margaret Martin

Manager Leadership and Practice Development Initiatives

Nursing & Midwifery Practice & Workforce Unit

South Eastern Sydney Local Health District, NSW


Kim Olesen, Robin Girle , Keith Jones, Karen Tuqiri, Tamera Watling, Michelle Gibbons,

Sharon White, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District, NSW

12.45-13.05 Questions to Speakers

13.05-14.00 Lunch


Page 5: A Healthy Hospital is a happier, safer and more productive place for care

PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Wednesday12 October 2016

Session 3 R.E.S.P.E.C.T—find out what it means ......

14.00-14.30 Keynote Address

Our pathway to change: Eliminating bullying and harassment in healthcare

Department of Health and Human Services, VIC

14.30-14.50 Changing culture, one interaction at a time

Fiona Herco

Safety Culture Lead

Melbourne Health, VIC


Prof George Braitberg, Director of Emergency Medicine

A/Prof Louisa Ng, Rehabilitation Physician and Supervisor

of Royal Melbourne Hospital Intern Training

Fiona Watson, Director Transformation and Quality

Melbourne Health, VC

14.5015.10 The “BAD behavior” project – (B.A.D = Bullying and discriminatory)

Dr Joanne Brown

Medical Advisor

Postgraduate Medical Council of Victoria, VIC

15.10-15.25 Questions to Speakers

15.25-15.40 Afternoon Tea


and Managing Venous Thromboembolism (VTE)

Page 6: A Healthy Hospital is a happier, safer and more productive place for care

PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Wednesday 12 October 2016

Session 4 Leadership and Professionalism

15.40-16.00 Is it enough to just be a committed health professional

Andrew Lewis

Senior Industrial Relations Adviser

AMA Victoria

16.00-16.20 Establishing an Innovative Allied Health & Community Services Workforce Planning

Blueprint to Ensure Best Care and Plan for Tomorrow’s Workforce Today

Gabriela Veliz

Allied Health Clinical Lead – Workforce & Credentialing

Allied Health & Community Services Planning, Innovation, Research & Education


Western Health, VIC

Co Author:

Claire Moody, Western Health, VC

16.20-16.40 A coaching program for senior medical trainees at the Sydney Children’s Hospital


Susan Sims

Workplace Leadership Coach

GROW Mind and Body Coaching/ Helen O’Grady Consulting


Dr Tara Brown, Dr Sarah Dalton, Anya Johnson, and Helen O’Grady

16.40-16.50 Questions to Speakers

16.50 Close

18.00-18.30 Dinner

Registered delegates only

Geppetto Trattoria

` 78A Wellington Parade, East Melbourne VIC

(includes 3 course meal and beverages)


and Managing Venous Thromboembolism (VTE)

Page 7: A Healthy Hospital is a happier, safer and more productive place for care

PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Thursday 13 October 2016

Session 5 Culture Eats Strategy for Lunch

8.30-9.00 Registration—for new arrivals and one day delegates only

09.00-09.30 Opening Address

Cutting Through the Noise of Culture

Ashleigh Smith

State Manager, Victoria and Tasmania

Human Synergistics Australia

09.30-10.15 Keynote Address

Driving a Speaking Up Culture for Patient Safety and Professional Accountability

Dr Mark O’Brien

Founder and Medical Director

Cognitive Institute, QLD

10.15- 10.45 Keynote Address

Adj Prof Kylie Ward


Australian College of Nursing, ACT

10.45-11.00 Questions to Speakers

11.00-11.25 Morning Tea


and Managing Venous Thromboembolism (VTE)

Page 8: A Healthy Hospital is a happier, safer and more productive place for care

PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Thursday 13 October 2016

Session 6 Resilience at Work

11.25-11.55 Keynote Address

Can Resilience Build Conflict Competence?

Kathryn McEwen

Managing Director

Working with Resilience , SA

11.55-12.15 The Three Faces of Resilience

Andrew Craker

Staff Psychologist and Team Leader

Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

Metro North Health Service, QLD

12.15- 12.35 West Moreton Perioperative Staff Wellbeing and Resiliency Pilot

Ruby Shillito

Registered Nurse

West Moreton Hospital and Health Service, QLD

12.35-12.55 Allied Health and Community Services Negotiation Skills and Influencing Behaviours


Anna Nethercote

Allied Health Clinical Education Lead

Western Health, VIC

Co Authors

Gabriela Veliz, Western Health, VIC

Linda Betts, Linda Betts & Associates

12.40-12.55 Questions to Speakers

12.55-13.55 Lunch

How to Thrive in a Challenging Job

Book Signing with Kathryn McEwen


and Managing Venous Thromboembolism (VTE)

Page 9: A Healthy Hospital is a happier, safer and more productive place for care

PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Thursday 13 October 2016

Session 7 Constructive Cultures and Engaged Healthcare Professionals

13.55-14.15 #hellomynameis

Jenni Lloyd

Project Officer

Mildura Base Hospital, VIC

Steve Portelli

Manager, Aboriginal Health Unit

Mildura Base Hospital, VIC

14.15-14.35 “Hey you”- A simple way to improve learning experience

Dr John Waugh, UQ Northside Clinical School, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine

and Biomedical Sciences

Caboolture Hospital, Metro North Hospital and Health District, QLD

Liz De Boer

UQ Student Coordinator

UQ Northside Clinical School, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical


Caboolture Hospital, Metro North Hospital and Health District, QLD

14.35-14.55 Engaging staff at all levels through a new leadership portfolio structure

Julie-Anne Ross

Allied Health Workforce Development Officer

Metro South Hospital and Health Service, QLD

Co-authors: Sarah Bailey and Kathy Grudzinskas

14.55-15.15 The Team Development Program enhancing team performance, patient outcomes

and staff satisfaction

Julie-Anne Ross

Allied Health Workforce Development Officer

Metro South Hospital and Health Service, QLD

Sarah Bailey

Allied Health Workforce Development Officer

Metro South Hospital and Health Service, QLD

Co-Author: Angela Wood

15.15-15.25 Questions to Speakers

15.25 Close


and Managing Venous Thromboembolism (VTE)

Page 10: A Healthy Hospital is a happier, safer and more productive place for care


Delegate 1: Prof/Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss:

Surname: _________________________________________________________________

Given Name: ______________________________________________________________

Company/Organisation: ____________________________________________________

Position: ___ _______________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________

State:_____________ Postcode: ____________Country: __________________________

Telephone:________________________ Preferred Name for Badge: ______________

Special Diet: _______________________________________________________________

Disability Assistance: ________________________________________________________

Delegate 2: Prof/Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss:

Surname: _________________________________________________________________

Given Name: ______________________________________________________________

Company/Organisation: ____________________________________________________

Position: _ _________________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________

State:_____________ Postcode: ____________Country: __________________________

Telephone:________________________ Preferred Name for Badge: ______________

Special Diet: _______________________________________________________________

Disability Assistance: ________________________________________________________


Package 2 full days including dinner after 5 October 2016_ @$705.00 inc GST = $_______

Package 2 full days including dinner after 5 October 2016__@$660.00 inc GST= $_______

2 full days standard after 5 October 2016________________ @ $625.00 inc GST = $_______

2 full days before 5 October 2016_______________________ @ $580.00 inc GST = $_______

One day 12 October after 5 October 2016______________ @ $330.00 inc GST = $_______

One day 12 October before 5 October 2016____________ @ $297.00 inc GST = $_______

One day 13 October after 5 October 2016_______________@ $330.00 inc GST = $_______

One day 13 October before 5 October 2016_____________@ $297.00 inc GST = $_______

Dinner at Geppetto’s Trattoria___________________________@$87.50pp inc GST = $_______

Online Sustain Success Resilience Program_______________@$350.00pp inc GST =$_______

TOTAL __________________________________________________________________ $________


Page 11: A Healthy Hospital is a happier, safer and more productive place for care



AFL Dining Room, access via Gate 6A, look out for the statue of Hayden Bunton

Melbourne Cricket Ground

Brunton Ave, Richmond, Victoria, Australia.



If you are arriving by taxi please asked to be dropped off at Gate 6.


If using public transport, you will need a Myki card, available from newsagents, major rail

and tram stops in the Melbourne CBD. The nearest railway stations are Jolimont or Rich-

mond. The 48 and 70 trams also stop close to the MCG on Wellington Parade.


If you are driving, there are multi-story paid car parks at Melbourne and Olympic

Parks. There is a walkway from Olympic Park to the MCG. Look for the statue of Hayden

Bunton and you will be close to Gate 6. At Gate 6, take the lift up to the AFL Dining Room.


If you wish to stay within walking distance of the MCG, we suggest

Mantra on Jolimont, 133 Jolimont Rd, East Melbourne VIC, (03) 9940 2100

Quest on Jolimont, 153-155 Wellington Parade S, East, Melbourne VIC (03) 9668 1200

Pullman Melbourne on the Park, 192 Wellington Parade, Melbourne VIC (03) 9419 2000

Mercure Melbourne Treasury Gardens, 13 Spring St, Melbourne VIC, (03) 9205 9999

We have no arrangements with those hotels. However, we do suggest that if you are

travelling from outside Victoria, you look out for package travel and hotel deals on websites

such as wotif.com, lastminute.com or expedia.com etc

Page 12: A Healthy Hospital is a happier, safer and more productive place for care


20% OFF

Sustain Success Online Resilience Program

Put your best foot forward in 2016!

If you are under the pump and not sure that you are managing as well as you could, this

online program, Sustain Success, will help you to build your resilience at work and


Best of all its easy! There is no need to ask your manager for permission for time off to attend

a course. No need to feel embarrassed about your capacity to cope. No need to

consider withdrawing or watering down decision making because you feel that your ability

and your confidence are living on different planets.

Developed by revered, organisational psychologist, Kathryn McEwen, here's an opportunity

to reflect on the way work pressure impacts on the way you function at work and

beyond. You can complete the program, in your own time and at your own pace.

Better, you will be supported by a Resilience at Work Accredited coach. This is not a one

size fits all program. One 75 minute coaching session is included in the program.

Coaching sessions are confidential, individualized and conducted by telephone.

NOW ONLY $350 inc GST with your seminar registration.

Page 13: A Healthy Hospital is a happier, safer and more productive place for care

Charmaine Weeks T/A Change Champions & Associates ABN 49 833 110 992

1. PREFERRED Register ONLINE (avoid the paperwork!!!) at http://www.changechampions.com.au

Simply visit http://www.changechampions.com.au and scroll down the home page to the seminar of your choice

and click on REGISTER. It’s easy. When you register online, you can select your preferred payment option of:

A) Generate an invoice that will be instantly emailed to the nominated responsible person

B) Pay by EFT or cheque

C) Pay online with a credit card

2. Pay on your Credit Card & email your registration form

Card No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 digit CVN code: _ _ _

Expiry Date: _ _ / _ _ Cardholders Name (PLEASE PRINT)_____________________________________________________

Amount : $ ____________________ Cardholder's Signature: ________________________Date: _ _ /_ _/ _ _

3. Pay by cheque/money order

Please make cheques/money orders for your registration fees only payable to Charmaine Weeks T/A Change

Champions & Associates


Account name: Charmaine Weeks T/A Change Champions & Associates

Bank: Westpac

BSB: 032 569

Account No: 196 411

Ref No: Your Name

5. Request an invoice (All invoices must be paid prior to the seminar)

Name & position title of person responsible for payment : ______________________________________________________________

Email address:____________________________________________________________________Ph:________________________________

MAIL: Charmaine Weeks T/A Change Champions & Associates

P.O. Box 302, Kew, Victoria 3101

[email protected] (registration forms can be emailed)

Your registration will be confirmed by email. Please ensure that you provide a valid email address.



You must pay on a credit card at the time you register if claiming a discount for online registration and payment.

Delegate Cancellation Policy

A 50% refund will be offered for cancellations received up to 28 days prior to the seminar. No refunds will be given

between 0-27 days prior to the seminar but replacement delegate names are accepted. If you have an unpaid invoice

as at the first day of an event and for any reason do not attend, we will pursue payment as we will have already incurred

costs on your behalf. Applications for cancellations and substitutions of delegates are only accepted in writing by email

to [email protected]. The cancellation policy also appears at http://www.changechampions.com.au at

the bottom of the home page under terms and conditions.

I have read and understand the conditions and delegate cancellation policy. (Sign below)

____________________________________signed _____/___/_____ date