+7826 0$1 7,(9 - Amazon Web Services

A Journey to The KhmerRouge L ibera ted Zone (S tung Treng prov ince) Kampong Cham Documen ta tion Cen ter (Kampong Cham prov ince) An long Veng Peace Cen ter (OddarMeanchey prov ince) DC -Cam Pub lic In forma tion Room (Phnom Penh /Kanda lprov ince) P rey Veng Documen ta tion Cen ter (P rey Veng prov ince) Takeo Documen ta tion Cen ter (Takeo prov ince) Vea lVeng Reconc ilia tion Cen ter (Koh Kong ,Pursa tand Pa ilin prov inces) Trapaeng Veng v illage (Ban teay Meanchey prov ince) Koh Thma Documen ta tion Cen ter (Tboung Khmum prov ince) Koh Thma village Krong Doun Keo Krong Prey Veng Veal Veng Trapaeng Veng Anlong Veng O Svay SOUTH V IET NAM & & & & & & & & & Documentation Center ofCambod ia MAP FOR KHMER ROUGE RESEARCH AND AREA STUD IES 2020-2022 Map by Ly Kok-Chhay |Documentation CenterofCambod ia | 30 October2020 0 125 250 62 .5 K ilome ters & Northwest Pailin Krong Kampong Cham Ch inese Research (S ihanoukv ille prov ince) & Koh Kong Note:The Prov incia l Centersare forthe proposed reparation project in Case 002/02 ofthe KhmerRouge Tribuna l,titled,“Accessand D issem ination ofDocumentation CenterofCambod ia Documents Re lated to C iv il Partiesand BroaderCommun ity ofV ictims.” & & SIEM REAP , ANGKOR WAT ATTAPEU , LAOS

Transcript of +7826 0$1 7,(9 - Amazon Web Services

Page 1: +7826 0$1 7,(9 - Amazon Web Services

Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community

A Journey to The Khmer RougeLiberated Zone(Stung Treng province)

Kampong Cham Documentation Center(Kampong Cham province)

Anlong Veng Peace Center(Oddar Meanchey province)

DC-Cam Public Information Room(Phnom Penh/Kandal province)

Prey Veng Documentation Center(Prey Veng province)

Takeo Documentation Center(Takeo province)

Veal Veng Reconciliation Center(Koh Kong, Pursat and Pailin provinces)

Trapaeng Veng village(Banteay Meanchey province)

Koh Thma Documentation Center(Tboung Khmum province)

Koh Thma village

Krong Doun Keo

Krong Prey Veng

Veal Veng

Trapaeng Veng

Anlong Veng

O Svay











Documentation Center of CambodiaMAP FOR KHMER ROUGE RESEARCH AND AREA STUDIES2020-2022

Map by Ly Kok-Chhay | Documentation Center of Cambodia | 30 October 20200 125 25062.5 Kilometers

& NorthwestPailin

Krong Kampong Cham

Chinese Research(Sihanoukville province)


Koh Kong

Note: The Provincial Centers are for the proposed reparation projectin Case 002/02 of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, titled, “Access andDissemination of Documentation Center of Cambodia DocumentsRelated to Civil Parties and Broader Community of Victims.”





Returning to China via Hanoi, Viet NamFrom Beijing, China to Siem Reap Angkor, Cambodia


Ho Chi Minh TrailSihanouk Trail