75-1052H Recorder Jazz Time insides - Lorenz · A stylish jazz piano accompaniment ... Some of the...

2 Preface This unique recorder book contains ten toe-tapping jazz pieces to inspire and encourage young musicians as they begin their musical journeys. The pieces have been carefully written in a variety of styles including rock, blues, swing, ballads, and tango—with some reggae rhythms thrown in for good measure! They are arranged here in a sequence that contrasts livelier rock, dance, and swing styles with slower blues and ballad pieces, giving the player a chance to enjoy various jazz styles. The music in this book is both authentically jazz and accessible for young players. It covers the basic notes: the natural notes from middle C to high E, plus B-flat and F-sharp. A stylish jazz piano accompaniment provides a fun and jazzy backing for the recorder part. The accompaniment CD includes a similar accompaniment with more instrument sounds, and it can be used for practice or to add a layer of audio excitement. Recorder Jazz Time also includes all of the tools beginners need to play each piece successfully. Each music page is prefaced by a practice exercise introducing a basic skill needed to play the upcoming music. Practicing these elements first will ensure success with each style, making the learning process more enjoyable for everyone, and resulting in a stronger performance. A glossary in each practice section defines new vocabulary terms. Some of the pieces also ask the recorder player to clap their hands, snap their fingers, or even shout! These fun activities enhance the music and make it even more enjoyable for students and their teachers. Whether you are an adult beginner, a young person, or a music teacher, we are glad to join you on your musical journey into recorder jazz. Contents Recorder Fingering Chart .................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Ice Cream Boogie.................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Pow! Pow! Power! ................................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Railroad! ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Moochin’ ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Forgotten Promise ............................................................................................................................................................................ 12 Strut Your Stuff! .................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 The Clumsy Ballerina ........................................................................................................................................................................ 16 Mango Tango! ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Starry Night ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Bubble Gum Blues............................................................................................................................................................................. 22

Transcript of 75-1052H Recorder Jazz Time insides - Lorenz · A stylish jazz piano accompaniment ... Some of the...



This unique recorder book contains ten toe-tapping jazz pieces to inspire and encourage young musicians as they begin their musical journeys. The pieces have been carefully written in a variety of styles including rock, blues, swing, ballads, and tango—with some reggae rhythms thrown in for good measure! They are arranged here in a sequence that contrasts livelier rock, dance, and swing styles with slower blues and ballad pieces, giving the player a chance to enjoy various jazz styles.

The music in this book is both authentically jazz and accessible for young players. It covers the basic notes: the natural notes from middle C to high E, plus B-flat and F-sharp. A stylish jazz piano accompaniment provides a fun and jazzy backing for the recorder part. The accompaniment CD includes a similar accompaniment with more instrument sounds, and it can be used for practice or to add a layer of audio excitement.

Recorder Jazz Time also includes all of the tools beginners need to play each piece successfully. Each music page is prefaced by a practice exercise introducing a basic skill needed to play the upcoming music. Practicing these elements first will ensure success with each style, making the learning process more enjoyable for everyone, and resulting in a stronger performance. A glossary in each practice section defines new vocabulary terms. Some of the pieces also ask the recorder player to clap their hands, snap their fingers, or even shout! These fun activities enhance the music and make it even more enjoyable for students and their teachers.

Whether you are an adult beginner, a young person, or a music teacher, we are glad to join you on your musical journey into recorder jazz.


Recorder Fingering Chart ..................................................................................................................................................................3

Ice Cream Boogie..................................................................................................................................................................................4

Pow! Pow! Power! .................................................................................................................................................................................6

Railroad! ...................................................................................................................................................................................................8

Moochin’ ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 10

Forgotten Promise ............................................................................................................................................................................ 12

Strut Your Stuff! .................................................................................................................................................................................. 14

The Clumsy Ballerina ........................................................................................................................................................................ 16

Mango Tango! ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 18

Starry Night ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 20

Bubble Gum Blues ............................................................................................................................................................................. 22


Fingering Chart


Left Hand

Right Hand

ThumbHole Left Hand

Right Hand


Left Hand

Right Hand

ThumbHole Left Hand

Right Hand



Left Hand

Right Hand

ThumbHole Left Hand

Right Hand



Left Hand

Right Hand

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Right Hand

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Right Hand


Left Hand

Right Hand

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Left Hand

Right Hand

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Right Hand




Left Hand

Right Hand

ThumbHole Left Hand

Right Hand



Left Hand

Right Hand

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Right Hand


Left Hand

Right Hand

ThumbHole Left Hand

Right Hand



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& wLeft Hand

Right Hand

ThumbHole Left Hand

Right Hand

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Right Hand

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Right Hand


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Sometimes, three swing eighths can be found in a group. An effective way of playing this rhythm is to think “ba-na-na!” Now, clap and say this swing rhythm, which appears frequently in “Ice Cream Boogie.”

& 44 jœ œ œMedium swing q = 114

F%œ. œ. œ. Œ ‰ jœ œ œ œ. œ. œ œ œ> œ


‰ jœ œ œ œ. œ. œ. Œ To Coda ∑ œ œ œ œ œ

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f œ ŒP

œ œ œ Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ


‰ jœ œ œ œ ŒF

œ œ œ œ Œ œ. œ. œ. œ.&16

3 ‰ jœ œ œF

œ Œ


œ Œ Uf

molto rall.

œ œ œ œ œa tempo D.S. al Coda

‰ jœ œ œF

&25 Coda

œ œ œ œ œ œ Œ œ Œf

Ice Cream BoogieDarren Fellows

44 ‰ jœ œ œBa na na

œ œ œ Œone, two, three!- -

Ice Cream Boogie

This swing piece is great fun to play and introduces the swing eighths that give jazz music a laid back, relaxed feel. Swing eighths are played with a longer first note followed by a shorter second one. To get an idea of the style, think of how you would say “Scooby Doo.”

Use this exercise to practice swing eighths. First clap the rhythm, then sing or play.

& œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œNotes included:

& 44 œ œ œ œ œ œHow to play, how to play,


œ œ œ œ Œhow to play jazz!

Here is one more rhythm found in “Ice Cream Boogie.” Practice clapping it first, then try playing it.

44 œ œ œ œ œ œIce cream boo gie a round!

- -

a tempo ......................................................................... in time (return to the main speed of the piece)molto rallentando (molto rall.) .......................... gradually slow down very muchswing eighths* .......................................................... eighth notes performed in a swing style

*Swing eighths are often called swing quavers in the United Kingdom, though they are more commonly called swing eighths in North America. Either term is correct; use whichever you like!


& 44 jœ œ œMedium swing q = 114

F%œ. œ. œ. Œ ‰ jœ œ œ œ. œ. œ œ œ> œ


‰ jœ œ œ œ. œ. œ. Œ To Coda ∑ œ œ œ œ œ

&8 œ> Œ

f œ ŒP

œ œ œ Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ


‰ jœ œ œ œ ŒF

œ œ œ œ Œ œ. œ. œ. œ.&16

3 ‰ jœ œ œF

œ Œ


œ Œ Uf

molto rall.

œ œ œ œ œa tempo D.S. al Coda

‰ jœ œ œF

&25 Coda

œ œ œ œ œ œ Œ œ Œf

Darren Fellows

Ice Cream BoogiePerf.





©2017 Heritage Music Press, a division of The Lorenz Corporation. All rights reserved. The original purchaser of Recorder Jazz Time has permission to reproduce this page for use in his or her own classroom or teaching environment.






jœ œ œ

‰ Œjœ œ œ

Medium swing q = 114

Medium swing q = 114F


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Ice Cream BoogieDarren Fellows

Ice Cream BoogiePerf.







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25 Þ Coda

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About the CDThe CD contains both audio files and other types of files. To play the audio tracks, use any CD player or computer with a CD drive. To access the other files, insert the CD into a CD-ROM drive on any computer, and open the CD to see the files it contains.

Audio Tracks

Ice Cream Boogie1. Performance Track2. Accompaniment Track3. Practice Tempo Accomp.

Pow! Pow! Power!4. Performance Track5. Accompaniment Track6. Practice Tempo Accomp.

Railroad7. Performance Track8. Accompaniment Track9. Practice Tempo Accomp.

Moochin’10. Performance Track11. Accompaniment Track12. Practice Tempo Accomp.

Forgotten Promise13. Performance Track14. Accompaniment Track

Strut Your Stuff15. Performance Track16. Accompaniment Track17. Practice Tempo Accomp.

The Clumsy Ballerina18. Performance Track19. Accompaniment Track20. Practice Tempo Accomp.

Mango Tango!21. Performance Track22. Accompaniment Track23. Practice Tempo Accomp.

Starry Night24. Performance Track25. Accompaniment Track

Bubble Gum Blues26. Performance Track27. Accompaniment Track28. Practice Tempo Accomp.

Digital FilesBubble Gum Blues – Piano Part

Forgotten Promise – Piano Part

Ice Cream Boogie – Piano Part

Mango Tango! – Piano Part

Moochin’ – Piano Part

Pow! Pow! Power! – Piano Part

Railroad! – Piano Part

Starry Night – Piano Part

Strut Your Stuff! – Piano Part

The Clumsy Ballerina – Piano Part