7 Tips From Top Gamification Experts On How To Boost User Engagement

7 Tips From Top Gamification Experts On How To Boost User Engagement A list created by Captain Up Read Full Blog Post Here

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Page 2: 7 Tips From Top Gamification Experts On How To Boost User Engagement

In order to provide you with some valuable insights we turned to the Gamification experts

themselves and asked them:

“What do you believe is the key element to boost user engagement or loyalty using


This is what they answered...

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Mario Herger

“It is important to ask, who the audience is, who is the company, and what is the emotional connection? GoPro, Tesla, Apple, and Harley Davidson don’t need an artificial loyalty program to boost user engagement. If you tattoo your loyalty on your skin, or people wait days before a new product launch in front of stores, then what is the purpose of a point-earning program?

If you think you absolutely want or need a loyalty program, then focus on how you can make it a social experience. If you just hand out points and free stuff, you get the people that you don’t want to have. The people who jump ship immediately when there is a cheaper offer in town. But if you can create a community around your brand and product, then you have a loyalty program that you can rightly call so.”

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“I’d say the key is to first and foremost understand the benefits Gamification can bring in,  the target actions you want your players to undertake and the core users of your experience. Once that is clear, go for the right mechanics and aesthetics and develop your system in several stages using agile methodologies.”

Victor Manrique


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Karl Kapp

“The key element to boost user engagement or loyalty using Gamification is “meaningful choice.” The person who is engaging in a Gamified experience needs to feel that what they are doing is meaningful to them. If they feel like they are jumping through hoops or randomly clicking for points then the experience becomes meaningless. Additionally, they have to feel that they have a choice in what they are doing and that they are not being manipulated into doing something they don’t really want to do. The best way to boost engagement is to make the gamified activities meaningful and important and allow the person to make a choice as to how much involvement he or she wants. Strive to make the experience fun, immersive and congruent with what the person “wants” to do anyway. When you can combine those elements, you can boost engagement or loyalty.”

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An Coppens

“My top tips to boost user engagement and loyalty is to know or get to know your user well. Find out what is already consuming their time and minds ideally by checking out who they are through their social profiles for example or by asking questions socially or in blogs. Find out their answers and then deliver this +1. I mean surprise them, go one step further than everyone else, give them what they want only one bit better than they imagined. This can be through an element of surprise or a feel-good factor. I think the key to customer loyalty is to show that you care and they as a customer belong in your community with relevant and amazing rewards, so that coming back is a no-brainer.”

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“The best way to boost user engagement is first of all to make the whole experience fun to do; Gamification is a business practice but DON’T FORGET ABOUT THE FUN! On a practical level, you should also try to put your “players” on challenges they know they can overcome with some efforts; and don’t forget to reward them properly even on a long time basis, in order to improve the loyalty to your brand, service or company.”



Marco Tonetti

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Andrzej Marczewski “For me it is making the user feel that they are the centre of the whole experience. That means tailoring it to them specifically in some way or at least including elements that will appeal to a wider audience. It is easy to fall into the trap of designing what you find “fun” and forgetting that you are probably not the intended target audience and that other people may not be quite as interested in what you enjoy.

Keeping that in mind, it is also essential to balance any rewards that may be available in your scheme / system. If a user feels that their personal investment in getting the reward does not match the perceived value of the reward to them (not to you, to them), then they won’t engage for long!”

