6 Signs of Depression in Your Child

. Decreased Interest in Pleasurabl Activities A child’s desire to participate in sports or school activities diminishes. They may also engage less with their family unit and spend more time withdrawn or in their room.

Transcript of 6 Signs of Depression in Your Child

1. Decreased Interest in Pleasurable Activities

A child’s desire to participate in sports or school activities diminishes. They may also engage less with their family unit and spend more time withdrawn or in their room.

2. Decline in Grades

A child has trouble concentrating in school and following along with lessons in class.

3. Sleep Disturbances

A child may have difficulty falling or staying asleep OR is sleeping too much.

4. Complaining of Aches and Pains

A bodily complaint such as headaches or stomach aches, but there is nothing medical underlying it.

5. Irritability

Younger children may become more cranky and show poor behavior.

6. Weight Loss or Weight Gain

Children and teens often experience a change in eating behaviors, either eating more or less than usual.