5c M-CARE: Experience in piloting of the training material BG

Mobile Training for Home and Health Caregiver For People with Disabilities and Older People 539913-LLP-1-2013-1-TR-LEONARDO-LMP WP4 PILOTING RESULTS BULGARIA Slaveyko Slavkov Interprojects Ltd.

Transcript of 5c M-CARE: Experience in piloting of the training material BG

Mobile Training for Home and Health Caregiver For People with Disabilities and

Older People


WP4 PILOTING RESULTS BULGARIA Slaveyko Slavkov Interprojects Ltd.


Number of participants

• 22 participants (learners) in total


Profile of participants

Personal caregivers;

• Social workers;

• Personal assistants;

• Nurses.


Involvement of trainers

• 3 trainers have been involved;

• Trained how to conduct the piloting phase of M-CARE project;

• Familiar with the M-CARE pedagogical approach;

• Experienced in the provision of trainings in the fields of personal care and social services.


Profile of the trainers

• 1 VET trainer

• 1 Pedagogical expert in the field of non-formal training

• 1 Practitioner who is working as PCG


Induction sessions held

– Two piloting panels :

• Started at 15/03/2015 (10 piloters)

• Started at 15/10/2015 (12 piloters)


Overview of the results from pre-assessment

• Overall good level of results

• Good level of knowledge in terms of disability awareness, hygiene, physiological needs, daily care at home, first aid and risks, communication and social inclusion

• Average level of knowledge in terms of psychological empowerment, PCG burnout, policy and mobility


Use of e-learning platforms (e.g. frequency, interface, usability, presentation of the

content etc. ) • Frequency: Average 2-3 times a week

• Interface: Ease navigation through the content

• Usability: Easy to use with tablet

• Presentation of the content: Well organised; Easy navigation


Encountered problems & their troubleshooting

• Rarely registration problems – some users provided wrong email accounts

• For people without experience with e-learning platforms an additional demonstration sessions were required and conducted.

• Now the platform is accessible without restriction for registration.


Frequency of required support

• At the beginning of the pilot phase more intensive support was required – average 2 times per week.

• Some piloters who are employed in the same organisation support each other based on peer to peer support.


Results from post assessment (midterm results)

• Improved level of knowledge in terms of: disability awareness, hygiene, physiological needs, daily care at home, first aid and risks, communication and social inclusion, psychological empowerment, PCG burnout, policy and mobility


Certification (final events)

• 09 December 2015 – Sofia • 18 December 2015 – Plovdiv




Induction session


Contact details:

You can find us at:

• www.mcare-project.eu

• twitter.com/Mcareproject

• www.facebook.com/MCareproj