4833 Diird Action Plan Small Technologies

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  • 8/8/2019 4833 Diird Action Plan Small Technologies


    Victorian Action Plan or Small TechnologiesBringing big benefts to industry and the community

    April 2010

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    Victorias small technologies promise togenerate many benefts or our economy,environment and community.

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    Message from the Minister for Innovation 3

    Victorian Action Plan for Small Technologies 5

    What are small technologies? 7

    Small technologies in Victoria a strong foundation for growth 9

    Small technologies big benets 11

    A challenging future 13

    Action One Industry uptake of small technologies 15

    Small Technologies Industry Uptake Program 15

    Small Technologies Roadshow 15

    Small Technologies Industry Uptake Awards 15

    Evaluation measures 17

    Action Two Skills for small technologies 18

    Developing a skilled workforce 18

    Evaluation measures 18

    Action Three Promotion of small technologies 19

    Promoting Victorian small technologies 19

    Evaluation measures 19


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    Over the last decade, the VictorianGovernment has invested around$250 million in inrastructure andactivities to support small technologies.

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    Small technologies have thepotential to change the way wedo and see many things. Asour knowledge o micro andnanotechnologies advances,new discoveries at the atomicand molecular level will createmany new products romsensors that detect diseases atmuch earlier stages to materialsor stronger and lighter carsand aircrat, and many more.

    Investment in small technologies is increasingdramatically and the global market ornanotechnology- and microtechnology-enabled

    products and services is expanding rapidly. Othercountries are directing substantial unding towardsresearch and development in these areas. With manyexciting opportunities being generated by thesetechnologies, Victoria cannot aord to be let behind.

    Over the past decade, the Victorian Government hasinvested around $250 million in inrastructure andactivities to support small technologies.

    Our challenge now is to convert more o our researchand development activities into innovative solutionsthat meet the needs o industry and the community,attract higher levels o investment and jobs, improveproductivity in our industries and enhance Victoriasglobal competitiveness. We must also make sure thatyoung Victorians have the skills they need to takeup the many new careers emerging because o thesetechnologies.

    The Victorian Government recognises that thedevelopment o new technologies must be undertakenresponsibly. We are working with scientists, researchorganisations and business and industry leadersto devise rameworks that will ensure the sae

    development o small technologies or workers,consumers and the broader community.

    In 2008, we released the Victorian NanotechnologyStatement the frst nanotechnology policystatement made by a state government in Australia.The statement sets out priorities or developingnanotechnology in Victoria.

    The Victorian Action Plan for Small Technologiesbuilds on and broadens this statement, investing$10.5 million to deliver new initiatives that willincrease the adoption o small technologies by

    businesses, improve skills and training, and increaseawareness o small technologies. The plan eatures anew Small Technologies Industry Uptake Program tohelp businesses to apply small technologies to meetchallenges, solve problems and improve productivity.

    The Victorian Government is investing in the utureo small technologies, research and industry, andis taking action to ensure Victorians will beneftrom more eective and saer medicines, moreenvironmentally riendly manuacturing processes,and more sustainable methods or managing ournatural resources.

    This plan will increase the development o innovativeproducts and services in Victoria - reinorcing ourleadership in supporting science, technology andinnovation, and helping Victorians to capture thesubstantial health and environmental opportunities

    being created by advances in these technologies.

    Gavin Jennings MLCMinister or Innovation

    Message rom the Minister or Innovation

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    Small technologies applications havethe potential to be applied acrossvarious industries including climatechange, health and ICT.

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    The Action Plan builds on the Victorian NanotechnologyStatement 2008, investing $10.5 million to delivernew initiatives that will increase the adoption osmall technologies by businesses, improve skills andtraining, and increase awareness o small technologies.

    The Victorian Action Plan for Small Technologies includesa range o new actions to meet three key objectives,with a particular ocus on acilitating access to andtake-up o small technologies products, techniquesand processes by Victorian businesses.

    ACTION ONE Industry uptake of small technologies Outcomes

    Increase the adoptiono small technologies based solutions byVictorian businesses

    Small Technologies Industry Uptake Program

    Small Technologies Roadshow

    Small Technologies Industry Uptake Awards

    Increased private sectorinvestment in and developmento small technologies-enabledproducts and processes

    Increased private sector adoption

    o small technologies-enabledmanuacturing processes

    Increased exports o smalltechnologies-enabled productsand services

    ACTION TWO Skills for small technologies Outcomes

    Develop skills andtraining in small


    Developing a skilled workorce A Victorian workorce with theskills needed to support long-term

    growth in small technologies.

    Increased number o jobsinvolving small technologies.

    More successul and sustainablesmall technologies businesses.

    ACTION THREE Awareness of small technologies Outcomes

    Increase public andbusiness awareness osmall technologies

    Promoting Victorian small technologies Greater community-wideawareness o the applications and

    benefts o small technologies.

    Work with the CommonwealthGovernment to improveunderstanding o the responsibleand sae use o smalltechnologies.

    More international partnershipsinvolving Victorian businessesand researchers.

    Victorian Action Plan or Small Technologies

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    The Action Plan is aimed at encouragingthe uptake o small technologies byVictorian industry.

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    The term small technologies reers to the convergenceo microtechnology, nanotechnology, biotechnology,inormation and communication technology (ICT) andadvanced engineering technologies. The integration othese technologies is already driving transormationand innovation in products, services and industrialprocesses and is likely to have a major impact acrossthe Victorian economy and community.

    Microtechnology is engineering on the scale o onemillionth o a metre. Microtechnology is appliedto miniaturising electrical devices (such as wires,transistors and sensors) and mechanical devices (suchas electric motors, pumps, gears and levers). Advancesin microelectronics have led to the inormationrevolution, while micromechanical devices are

    expected to become more and more prevalent as newways are ound to reduce the size, cost and weight omechanical devices.

    Nanotechnology is engineering on the scale o onebillionth o a metre or at the scale o an atom. Objectsat this scale have unique physical and chemicalproperties, such as greater exibility or strength,exceptional electrical conduction or resistance, or ahigh capacity or storing or transerring heat. Theseproperties are enabling the manuacture o productsthat are lighter, expected to lead to new metals,plastics, composite materials, coatings, uids andfbres that will have a proound impact on our lives.

    Microtechnology and nanotechnology are enablingtechnologies. Their integration with dierentfelds o science and industry sectors particularly

    biotechnology and ICT has the potential to generatea broad spectrum o new products, techniques and

    processes, as shown in the table below.

    What are small technologies?

    Industry Potential small technologies applications

    Health Improved medical diagnostics; better targeted drug delivery; biocompatible materials orprostheses and implants; tissue growth; more precise medical instrumentation and surgicaltools; more treatment options

    Environment Better environmental remediation and waste management techniques and processes; sensors;

    better water and soil quality; monitoring and prevention o pollution; clean-up technologies

    Climate change Better outputs rom renewable energy technologies; next generation batteries and uel cells;more efcient hydrogen powered vehicles; energy-efcient materials and coatings; heat-resistant materials; clean, green manuacturing processes

    Water Improved water quality and monitoring; highefciency fltration; better waste treatment;improved recycling technologies

    Building andconstruction

    Stronger, lighter construction materials; CO2-ree concrete; improved insulation materials; heatand energy producing coatings; UV-reective and sel-cleaning glass

    Food andagriculture

    Bio-degradable and sensory packaging; supply-chain tracking; high-value ood and dairyderivatives; sensors and flters

    Chemicals Saer, environmentally-riendly substitutes or toxic chemicals; new solvents; better sunscreensand cosmetics

    Automotive andaerospace

    Lighter, stronger materials; sensors; scratch-proo, dirt-repellent coatings and abrics; improvedbattery and energy storage technology; perormance enhancing and cleaner uel additives

    Energy Lower cost solar photovoltaics; improved battery and storage technology; stronger, lightermaterials; better insulation; more energy-efcient lighting systems and coatings

    Textiles Stronger fbres; anti-microbial textiles or clothing and wound treatment; dirt repellent andwrinkle-proo clothing; fre-resistant abrics; active textiles

    ICT High-capacity storage; exible, lightweight displays; improved processors; quantumcryptography and computing; clothing electronics

    Mining Less invasive mining processes; environmentally-riendly core processing techniques;waste reduction

    Leisure andsports

    Stronger lightweight materials; breathable clothing; improved playing suraces; interactiveentertainment; cheap computers

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    Victoria is home to around hal oAustralias small technology companies.

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    Victoria has a longstanding record o world-classmedical research, globally recognised strengths in

    biotechnology and a growing international reputationor innovation in nanotechnology and microtechnology.Victorias high levels o investment in science-relatedinrastructure support the convergence o thesetechnologies to generate opportunities or developingnew commercial products, services and processes.

    The states investment in science inrastructure, suchas the Australian Synchrotron, the Small TechnologiesCluster and the Melbourne Centre or Nanoabrication(MCN), has positioned the state at the leading edge omicrotechnology and nanotechnology research.

    Victorian universities, public research institutes

    and cooperative research centres are leaders inmicrotechnology, nanotechnology and biotechnologyresearch. These developments have boosted the statesknowledge, skills and inrastructure base in smalltechnologies, enabling Victorian businesses to developnew practical and commercial applications.

    Victoria is home to around hal o Australias smalltechnology companies. In addition, a signifcantnumber o multinational companies and oreigngovernment agencies are investing in the developmentand commercialisation o small technologies inVictoria.

    Successes have been in the application o materialsand devices in health and hygiene, advanced bulkmaterials, coatings and environmental monitoring.A number o Victorian companies have achievedinternational success and recognition:

    Dulux Group coatings and paints

    Starpharma cancer and HIV treatments

    Recaldent a nanostructure extracted rom milk

    Micronisers nanoparticles or UV-reective coatings

    MiniFAB partner in an award-winning diagnosissystem or eye disease.

    Victoria has invested in acilities and services tohelp researchers and companies turn discoveriesinto commercial outcomes. These includecommercialisation programs and inrastructure,

    business and technical support services, and capacityin prototyping and manuacturing.

    Skills development, training and education insmall technologies are now available; includingnanotechnology-related degrees at a number ouniversities, practical courses in nanotechnologymanuacturing at TAFE institutes, and vocationaleducation and training (VET) courses in secondaryschools.

    High levels o Victorian Government investment

    alongside Commonwealth Government supportor nanotechnology research and development have contributed to this strong oundation in smalltechnologies. The OECD estimates that the impacto microtechnologies and nanotechnologies will begreater than US$3 trillion by 2015. Ongoing investmentin inrastructure and skills will be needed to ensurethat Victoria shares in the strong and rapid globalgrowth in this area.

    Government support

    or small technologies

    Over the past decade, the Victorian Governmenthas invested around $250 million to provideinrastructure, acilities and services to supportsmall technologies activities, including:

    Australian Synchrotron

    Melbourne Centre or Nanoabrication

    Small Technologies Cluster

    The Victorian Centre or AdvancedMaterials Manuacturing

    Victorian businesses are also benefting romthe Commonwealth Governments investmentin small technologies, including around$108 million per annum on nanotechnologyrelated research projects and the $100 millionAustralian National Fabrication Facility, whichis providing laboratories and support or micro-and nano-abrication research.

    Small technologies in Victoria a strong oundation or growth

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    CSIRO Future

    Manuacturing FlagshipAs part o the Victorian Organic Solar CellConsortium research program, researchers basedat CSIRO Clayton have developed printed polymer

    based photovoltaics that have the potential toprovide a low cost energy source alternative tocurrently available technologies. The IndustryUptake Program through the voucher scheme willenable industry to gain access to researchers andacilities such as those at CSIRO.

    CSIRO Future Manuacturing Flagships Dr Scott Watkins holds

    a sample o printed plastic solar cells (Photo courtesy o CSIRO)

    Melbourne Centre orNanoabrication

    The new Melbourne Centre or Nanoabrication(MCN) will provide Australias leading scientistsand engineers with the tools to build miniaturedevices, opening up opportunities to dramaticallychange the ace o health care and environmentalmanagement.

    The Victorian node and headquarters o theAustralian National Fabrication Facility, theMCN is a purpose-built centre that draws on theknowledge o six Victorian universities and CSIRO.MCN combines state-o-the-art instrumentationor micro- and nano-scale abrication with speciallaboratories or making smaller devices. The MCNwill support and produce research and prototypes

    in areas such as environmental sensors, medicaldiagnostics, micro- and nano-actuators, novelenergy sources (such as solar cells) and novel bio-nanotechnology products (such as drug deliverydevices).

    MCN aims to fll a gap in Australia or open access,multi-scale abrication inrastructure and will hosta set o state-o-the-art tools, including:

    an electron beam lithography (EBL) system orgenerating patterned structures and eatures ona nanoscale

    a dual-beam ocused ion beam electronmicroscope (FIB-SEM) or etching nanoscalepatterns

    systems or nanoimprinting and plasma etching.

    Businesses, publicly unded researchers andstudents will have access to the centres acilities,either or their own use (ollowing inductiontraining) or by having their project carried out byMCN sta.

    The MCN will actively encourage multidisciplinaryand multi-institutional collaborations betweenthe research sector and industry with the aim o

    assisting businesses and researchers to achieveglobal competitiveness in nanotechnologies ormedical and environmental applications.

    The Victorian Government has provided$15 million unding or the MCN, along with$15 million rom the Commonwealth Governmentthrough the National Collaborative ResearchInfrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) and $15 millionrom the MCNs collaborating partners.

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    Integrating Victorias emerging capabilities inmicrotechnology and nanotechnology with ourstrengths in biotechnology, materials science,advanced manuacturing and ICT has the potential todeliver substantial economic, social and environmental

    benefts to Victorians.

    Economic benefts

    Victoria is well-placed to capture some o the lucrativeopportunities small technologies are generating.

    A global market worth billions o dollars hasalready emerged, based largely on the capacity omicrotechnology and nanotechnology to revolutionisevirtually all aspects o manuacturing.

    In 2007, manuactured nano-enabled products hada global value o US$146 billion, with the OECDorecasting this value will exceed US$3 trillion by2015. A 2005 Commonwealth Government reviewpredicted that nanotechnology could be worth upto AU$50 billion to the Australian economy in newproducts and processes by 2015.

    Environmental benefts

    Small technologies are now regarded as pivotalenablers in environmental protection and

    management, and are expected to play a key role inthe global response to climate change.

    Nanotechnology will assist in energy savings andCO2 reductions through various applications relatedto energy efciency, improved water and landmanagement, and better water and air quality.

    According to the UK Nanotechnologies Strategy (March2010), wide-scale adoption o nanotechnology couldcut greenhouse gas emissions by up to two per centin the near term and up to 20 per cent by 2050,

    with similar savings being realised in air pollution.Developments in small technologies are also likely tocut the costs o solar energy, lead to more eective uelcells and batteries, enhance the viability o renewableenergy sources and improve carbon sequestration.

    Small technologies are also likely to play anincreasingly important part in ensuring a sae andreliable water supply through their contribution toimprovements in membrane technology, more efcientdesalination processes and more accurate sensors.Small technologies may also be applied to removeheavy metals and other damaging substances (such

    as oil spills) rom the environment and help in thereduction and recycling o waste.

    Business and industry benefts

    Across almost all industry sectors, small technologieswill lead to new products and processes opening

    up new markets, reducing costs, driving higherlevels o innovation and productivity, and improvingthe competitiveness o Victorian businesses andindustries. These technologies will also improveexisting products, increasing their internationalcompetitiveness. For example, the Dulux Group isalready using these emerging technologies to improvetheir paints, while Universal Biosensors is incorporatingmicrotechnologies and nanotechnologies into theirhand-held blood glucose sensor.

    Victorias manuacturing and agricultural sectors can

    beneft rom small technologies through more efcientprocesses that are lower in cost, generate less wasteand use less energy.

    Small technologies-enabled products designed andmanuactured in Victoria will create new jobs and

    businesses, and help to attract new investors.

    Health and social benefts

    Small technologies are likely to lead to a major leaporward in our ability to detect and treat diseases, healinjuries and repair damaged tissues and organs. In

    particular, small technologies will contribute to thedevelopment o new sensory devices that can detectdiseases at very early stages, improvements in thedelivery o drugs, new biological and pharmacologicaltreatments, more precise medical and surgicalinstruments, and improved products such as artifcialskin, implants and aids or people with disabilities.

    Our quality o lie has the potential to improvethrough small technologies. From households,through products such as sel-cleaning windows,

    better insulation and urnishings that repel dirt,

    to our personal appearance, with clothes that staycleaner or generate their own heat, and new cosmetics.Small technologies can also be used in recreationalactivities, through more exible, interactive andportable entertainment products, better equipmentand protective gear or playing sports and new wayso accessing and exchanging inormation.

    Small technologies big benefts

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    Victorias solid oundation in smalltechnologies means we are in a goodposition to beneft rom breakthroughsand developments.

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    Victorias small technologies promise to generatemany benefts or our economy, environment andcommunity.

    The Victorian Government is ocused on establishingan environment that allows or the successul uptakeo small technologies by a wide range o industries.

    Victorias solid oundation in small technologiesmeans we are in a good position to beneft rom

    breakthroughs and developments occurring inAustralia and around the world.

    In order to take ull advantage o these developments,Victorian industry will need to understand and takeup the opportunities small technologies present in

    order to improve products and processes, attractinvestment, reduce costs and increase productivity.

    The ability o our businesses to absorb thesetechnologies and turn them into eective solutionswill become increasingly important to their uturesustainability and competitiveness.

    While businesses in Victoria are increasingly aware othe potential o small technologies, many are uncertaino their practical application. To ully realise the beneftso small technologies, Victoria will need to:

    increase the awareness o small technologies inbusiness and industry

    accelerate the commercialisation o smalltechnologies knowledge and discoveries

    develop a more entrepreneurial culture aroundsmall technologies

    improve business and industry access to theresearch, advice and support needed to createpractical solutions.

    This approach recognises that small technologiescan be enablers or a wide range o industry sectorsand that action will be needed by industry andgovernment to convert developments in smalltechnologies into commercial and social outcomes.

    The Victorian Government is taking a leading role inencouraging the development o emerging technologiesrom research to business solutions. The VictorianNanotechnology Statement2008 has a strong ocus onstimulating business uptake o small technologies.

    In 2008 the Victorian Government also launcheda major innovation statement, Innovation: VictoriasFuture, delivering $300 million in programs andinvestment to ensure Victorias uture as a healthy,

    sustainable and productive state. A core initiativeis the $145 million Victorias Science Agenda, whichdelivers a suite o strategic investments designed to

    build on Victorias robust science and technology base,strengthen and diversiy our broader industry baseand improve our competitiveness in emerging globalmarkets. The Victorian Action Plan for Small Technologiesis one o these strategic investments.

    This Action Plan provides $10.5 million or targetedactivities that will promote the uptake o smalltechnologies by industry, ensure that our workorcehas the right mix o skills to support growth insmall technologies, and improve awareness andunderstanding o the benefts and risks o smalltechnologies.

    The plan has a strong ocus on enabling existing anddeveloping small technologies to be integrated intocommercial applications, products and process thatwill support the competitiveness o a broad range oVictorian businesses.

    Through the Action Plan, the government aimsto ensure that Victorian businesses recognise and

    embrace the potential o small technologies, so thatVictorians reap the many benefts.

    A challenging uture

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    New abrics, coatings

    and suracesFrom clothes that change colour, to paints thatcan generate or store energy, to coatings that arescratch-ree and abrics that clean themselves- these are just a ew o the possibilities beinggenerated by applying small technologies to thedevelopment o new materials.

    Developments underway in Victoria include:

    Researchers at RMITs School o Fashionand Textiles are using a natural bio-polymer

    ound in crab shells to create odour-repellentabrics or use in the automotive industry. Bycombining this biopolymer with a ragrant oil,a durable fnish can be applied to abrics used

    by the industry that has excellent antimicrobialproperties and may be able to resist odours andstay cleaner or longer.

    Researchers rom Deakin Universitys Centre orMaterial and Fibre Innovation are working on aproject with the Australian Nuclear Science and

    Technology Organisation and Tuts Universityin the United States, investigating ways o

    converting natural fbres such as wool and silkinto ultra-fne powders with the potential tolead to new products such as artifcial skins,medical bandages and materials that can absorbpollutants.

    Melbourne company Micronisers has developeda nano-sized zinc oxide powder and a zinc oxidein acrylic polymer that are transparent, enablingthem to be used in clear varnishes that providelong-lasting protection against the eects oultraviolet sunlight.

    Using liquid crystal polymer technology,Melbourne-based company iGlass has developedglass that becomes opaque at the ick o aswitch. As well as being used in buildings (toincrease privacy, eliminate glare and reduceenergy costs), iGlass can also be used as aprojection screen, opening up new possibilitiesor products such as see-through appliances,museum showcases, advertising screens,display windows and partitions in shops,

    businesses and homes.

    Small technologies are used in everday lie such as in the paints and coatings above.Photo courtesy of Dulux Group.

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    Under the Action Plan, the Victorian Government willhelp Victorian businesses apply small technologiesin new commercial products and services solvingproblems, increasing exports, and boosting businessproductivity and competitiveness.

    The government will invest in three new initiativesto accelerate the adoption o small technologies

    by Victorian businesses. These initiatives aim toincrease national and international competitiveness oVictorian companies by:

    improving manuacturing techniquesand processes

    creating new products or enhancing

    existing products

    opening up new export opportunities.

    These initiatives will stimulate business access tosmall technologies research, inrastructure andexpertise, and encourage businesses to explore andadopt small technologies ideas and solutions. Theinitiatives also ocus on creating and expandingindustry clusters around small technologies in areaswhere Victoria has existing strengths and can buildcritical mass and achieve global leadership.

    Small Technologies Industry Uptake Program

    The Small Technologies Industry Uptake Programwill provide support to Victorian businesses througha voucher system. Vouchers can be exchanged oraccess to small technologies acilities, services,advice or expertise provided by participating serviceproviders. This new approach to technology uptakewill give businesses a broad range o options to scopehow small technologies can help their businesses orundertake activities to develop products and processesusing small technologies.

    The program will ocus on: increasing business knowledge o small

    technologies applications in Victoria

    encouraging businesses to explore the use o smalltechnologies to solve problems, enhance existingproducts or increase their competitiveness

    improving access by businesses to smalltechnologies capabilities (people and acilities)within publicly unded institutions and serviceproviders

    building stronger links around small technologiesbetween Victorias publicly unded research anddevelopment organisations and the private sector

    attracting private investment and leveraging publicprograms such as the Victorian GovernmentsVictorias Science Agenda and Boosting Highly InnovativeSMEs programs, and the CommonwealthGovernment Commercialisation Australia program

    helping businesses to move more rapidly romconcepts and ideas to commercial products andservices.

    The three-year Small Technologies Industry UptakeProgram will commence in mid 2010.

    Small Technologies Roadshow

    To help businesses access the Small TechnologiesIndustry Uptake Program, a Small TechnologiesRoadshow will take place in Victoria.

    The roadshow will include industry events to raiseawareness o the potential o small technologiesapplications or industry, provide inormation aboutVictorias capabilities in small technologies andshowcase examples o where businesses have appliedsmall technologies successully.

    Recognising success and excellence in applyingsmall technologies is important in encouraging other

    businesses to consider small technologies solutions,and to promote interest and awareness within thewider Victorian community.

    Small Technologies Industry Uptake Awards

    The Small Technologies Industry Uptake Awardswill highlight innovation, best practice and export ormarket success by Victorian businesses in applying

    or producing small technologies. The awards will bepresented each year by the Minister or Innovation.

    Microtechnology- and nanotechnology-enabledproducts are on the cutting-edge o science andengineering, and generating excitement about theseproducts will encourage more young Victorians toconsider careers in small technologies.

    Action One Industry uptake o small technologies

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    The Victorian Government will help

    businesses apply small technologies innew commercial products and servicessolving problems, increasing exports,and boosting business productivityand competitiveness.

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    Evaluation measures

    Action One will be evaluated by the ollowingmeasures:

    Within 12 months: number o Small Technologies Feasibility (STFeas),

    Small Technologies Technical (STTech) and SmallTechnologies Trial (STTrial) vouchers provided

    increase in industry demand or small technologyinrastructure (such as MCN, AustralianSynchrotron, MiniFAB)

    number o participants in industry awarenessprograms and roadshows

    amount and breadth o media coverage o awards.

    Within three years: number o new or improved products and processes

    as a result o provision o vouchers

    amount o new investment into small technologiesas a result o provision o vouchers.

    TearLab using nanouidicsto treat eye diseases

    Melbourne micro- and nano-abrication companyMiniFAB has made a major contribution to thedevelopment o the award winning TearLabTMOsmolarity System, which will assist in thediagnosis and treatment o patients with dry eyedisease.

    The TearLabTM system (a product o US-basedTearLabTM Corporation) will enable eye care

    practitioners to measure the osmolarity (soluteconcentration) o tears in clinical settings. This willenable practitioners to make a quick diagnosis odry eye disease without the need to use expensiveconventional systems that require large samplevolumes.

    The TearLabTM system consists o a desktopinstrument and a disposable nanouidic sensor,the Osmolarity Test Card a device that cancollect 50 nanolitres o tear uid without the useo pumps or valves. Tears are collected direct rom

    the eye and then moved via embedded nanouidicchannels to electrodes that measure the sample.Sampling time is reduced to less than a second andthe results o the test are available in less than twominutes. The system was awarded the prestigiousMedical Design Excellence Award in 2009.

    TearLabTM photo courtesy of MiniFABTM

    MiniFAB managed the development o theOsmolarity Test Card and delivered technicalexpertise in micro- and nano- uidics andtechnology. MiniFAB is now the sole globalmanuacturer o the Osmolarity Test Card.

    As well as being a key partner in the development

    o the TearLabTM system, MiniFAB is using itsmicrotechnology and nanotechnology expertiseto develop numerous devices and components,including micro-chemical reactors, biosensorcartridges, bio-uidic handling systems andconnectors, and integrated active componentssuch as valves and pumps.

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    New workorce initiatives will be needed to build onVictorias existing strengths in small technologies.This will ensure that our workorce has the skills andexpertise required to drive greater business uptake osmall technologies and underpin uture growth.

    The Victorian Government delivers a range oprograms to develop a skilled workorce or the state,working closely with industry to ensure that educationand training programs match current and uture skillsneeds. These programs are being used by companiesworking in small technologies to improve the skillso their existing workorces and to inuence the skillscomposition o Victorias uture workorce.

    A skilled workorce is critical or businesses to be

    able to solve problems by adopting and integratingsmall technologies that are not necessarily exclusiveto a specifc industry. Particular skills will needto be available in small technologies frms andacross a broad range o businesses and industrysectors. For example, small technologies may leadto improvements in polymers that lead to thedevelopment o new coatings, which in turn mayhave applications in sectors such as biotechnology,

    building and construction, automotive and advancedmanuacturing. Dierent skills will be needed to takethese improvements rom the concept stage through totheir commercial application and marketing.

    The government will support new initiatives designedto improve the available skills mix and range withinthe Victorian workorce to support small technologies

    and their uptake by business and industry. Theseinitiatives will consolidate Victorian expertise in keyareas o microtechnology and nanotechnology, andmaintain Victorias longer term skills requirements orsmall technologies, address skills gaps and supportentrepreneurship in business and education. Allinitiatives will encourage much greater engagement oindustry with education and training activities.

    Developing a skilled workorce

    To determine the most appropriate directionor new skills initiatives, and to identiy wheregovernment and industry eorts should be directed,the Victorian Government will commission a smalltechnologies skills and workorce review. The review

    will be completed by early 2011 and will makerecommendations to the government on the best waysto ensure that Victoria continues to have a supplyo highly skilled workers to support the uptake andintegration o small technologies.

    Evaluation measures

    Action Two will be evaluated by the ollowingmeasures:

    Within 12 months: completion o skills audit.

    Within three years: number o projects implemented to improve skills

    or small technologies in Victoria.

    Action Two Skills or small technologies

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    Community support or small technologies is vitalor the uture growth, success and internationalcompetitiveness o industry in Victoria. Initiativesundertaken through the Action Plan will create newopportunities to promote Victorias strengths in smalltechnologies, inorm Victorians about breakthroughsand stimulate public discussion about the many

    benefts being generated by small technologies.

    Public understanding o small technologies isimportant as industry, governments and researchorganisations increase their eorts to promoteawareness o microtechnology and nanotechnology.Potential benefts created by the convergence o thesetechnologies with other scientifc felds and industrysectors will also be promoted.

    The government is providing support to promoteVictorias strengths in small technologies, and toimprove understanding and awareness o thesetechnologies within the Victorian community,

    businesses and industry.

    In addition, the Victorian Government is workingclosely with the Commonwealth GovernmentsNational Enabling Technologies Strategy CommunityAwareness and Engagement Group to ensure consistentprograms are being run and that public attitudes andconcerns are addressed.

    Promoting Victorian small technologies

    Victoria has considerable strengths in areas omicrotechnology and nanotechnology and mustcontinue to promote these to keep up with the rapidchanges, attract investment and establish new markets.New eorts to promote small technologies will ocuson three key areas.

    Promoting Victorias strengths internationally

    Promoting Victorias strengths in microtechnology andnanotechnology at the international level is an importantelement in increasing the competitiveness o Victorian

    businesses. To achieve this, the government will:

    adopt a stronger ocus on using the VictorianGovernments international presence (includingoverseas Victorian Government Business Ofces)and trade programs to acilitate investment andpartnership opportunities or Victorian smalltechnologies businesses

    develop a strategy to improve access to international

    supply chains or businesses

    acilitate partnership arrangements in smalltechnologies with overseas research organisations,industry associations and government bodies.

    Promoting Victorias strengths locally

    The government will develop a new program with aspecifc ocus on promoting Victorian nanotechnology

    and microtechnology to local industry sectors. Whilethe Small Technologies Industry Uptake Programwill help to improve local awareness about Victoriasstrengths in small technologies, urther action will

    be needed to promote these strengths more broadlyacross industry. In particular, the government willencourage businesses that may have never consideredsmall technologies as relevant to their operationsto take a look at the possibilities these technologiescan oer.

    Supporting conferences and events

    Having access to international expertise, corporationsand markets, and keeping up with the latest scientifcand industry developments, is essential or Victorian

    businesses to successully apply small technologiesand secure new markets. However, making theseconnections can be difcult or smaller businesses.

    The government will support the expansion andinternationalisation o Victorian businesses involvedwith small technologies by providing grants to assisteligible businesses to attend recognised domestic andoverseas conerences and trade events. The grants

    program will commence in 2010 and will be evaluatedater 12 months.

    The government will also continue to promoteVictorian businesses at international events andon trade missions.

    To improve awareness and understanding o smalltechnologies, stimulate public discussion and promotethe achievements o Victorian microtechnology andnanotechnology, the government will support thehosting o small technologies events and conerencesin Victoria, and work with industry to attract theseevents.

    Evaluation measures

    Action Three will be evaluated by the ollowingmeasures:

    Within 12 months: number o recipients o Small Technology Industry

    Partnering Program (STIPP) grants.

    Within three years:

    number and awareness o small technology eventssponsored by the Victorian Government

    number o industry delegations.

    Action Three Promotion o small technologies

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    Universal Biosensors

    changing the utureo blood glucose monitoring

    Victorian company Universal Biosensors is at theoreront o blood glucose testing, and is on trackto change the uture o sel-testing or diabetics.New developments utilising small technologieswill enable point o care testing, community basedmedicine and patient sel-management.

    Over the past decade leading scientists andengineers at Universal Biosensors, through

    small technology applications, have developedsophisticated electrochemical cell technology to beused as a platorm or creating point o care bloodtests or patients.

    The companys frst product was launched byLieScan (a division o Johnson & Johnson) in

    January 2010. The technology is protected by 45patent amilies and more than 500 patents andpatent applications. The company is listed on theAustralian Stock Exchange (ASX:UBI), and operatesrom R&D and manuacturing acilities in theMelbourne area.

    The product marketed by LieScan is theOneTouch Verio blood glucose monitor or homeuse, and Universal Biosensors is now developinga Point-o-Care System capable o measuringother important analytes or the doctors ofce,clinics, aged care acilities and hospitals. Allproducts being developed on the platorm are

    based on Universal Biosensors multi-layer stripwith opposing electrodes which allows or directapplication o fnger stick whole blood. Varying the

    reagents within this strip results in the ability toconduct many dierent types o assays on the sameplatorm.

    Universal Biosensors certifed manuacturingacilities in Australia oer exible, reproducibleand cost-eective manuacturing processes thathave been validated and are being used or the

    OneTouch Verio. The present capacity allowsor hundreds o millions o strips per year, andater implementation o near-term expansionplans, including scaled manuacturing or theimmunoassay platorm, the capacity will approachtwo billion strips per year.

    Exporting their entire product range, UniversalBiosensors continues to develop its platorm andhas now embarked on easibility studies to detectDNA and RNA.

    Examples o Universal Biosensors test strips

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    Published by the Victorian GovernmentDepartment o Innovation, Industry and Regional Development

    121 Exhibition Street, Melbourne 3000, VictoriaApril 2010

    Copyright State o Victoria, 2010

    This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any processexcept in accordance with the provisions o the Copyright Act 1968.

    Authorised by the Victorian Government, Melbourne

    Printed by On Demand Digital.

    I you would like to receive this publication in an accessibleormat please email [email protected]


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