48153760 Origins of Industrial Engineering and Management 2008 Is


Transcript of 48153760 Origins of Industrial Engineering and Management 2008 Is

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NOVI SAD, 2-3. OKTOBAR 2008. NOVI SAD, OCTOBER 2-3, 2008.

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Ivana Ignjatovi�1, Dragan Šešlija1

1Faculty of Technical Sciences, Trg Dositeja Obradovi�a 6, Novi Sad, Serbia


AbstraktU radu je opisan istorijat nastanka industrijskog inženjerstva na evropskim univerzitetima. Samo industrijsko inženjerstvo vezuje se za industrijsku revoluciju, kada je došlo do iznenadnog i naglog razvoja svih društvenih sfera. Industrijsko inženjerstvo se tada pojavilo kao prilaz u fabrikama, ne zato što su preduzetnici to hteli, ve� iz razloga što im je bilo neophodno za rešavanje problema sa kojima su se susretali u procesima proizvodnje. Tako�e se kao razlog za nastajanje industrijskog inženjerstva navodi i potreba za širenjem znanja i iskustva. Iz tog razloga je i razumljiva �injenica da su prve škole industrijskog inženjerstva osnovali upravo uspešni preduzetnici. Industrijsko inženjerstvo se kao program na univerzitetima pojavilo sredinom XIX veka i to najpre u zemljama koje su bile industrijski razvijene i mo�nevojne sile. U radu je opisan proces stvaranja industrijskog inženjerstva na nekoliko najstarijih univerziteta u Evropi. Dati su i pregledni starih zapisa i novinskih �lanaka. Opisano je i ra�anje i razvoj industrijskog inženjerstva u Srbiji, a posebno na Fakultetu tehni�kih nauka u Novom Sadu na osnovu sa�uvane arhive i razgovora sa jednim od osniva�a prof. dr Dragutinom Zelenovi�em.

Klju�ne re�i:Industrijsko inženjerstvo, Istorija, Evropa, Univerzitet

1. UVOD Sam nastanak industrijskog inženjerstva vezuje se za industrijsku revoluciju, kada je došlo do iznenadnog i naglog razvoja svih društvenih sfera. Industrijska revo-lucija dovela je do brzog razvoja proizvodnih procesa. Uvo�enjem novih tehnologija, tehnoloških sistema, pove�avanjem obima proizvodnje, usložnjavanjem po-stupaka rada, angažovanjem ve�eg broja radnika, javili su se mnogobrojni komunikacioni, organizacioni i upra-vlja�ki problemi. Potrebno je bilo da pojedinac pose-duje znanje iz više nau�nih oblasti: iz tehni�kih, ekono-mskih i humanisti�kih nauka, kako bi mogao na pravi-lan na�in da pristupi problemu, prona�e mogu�arešenja, analizira rešenja i obezbedi implementaciju optimalnog rešenja.

ORIGINS OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENTAbstract In this paper the history of genesis of industrial engineering on European universities is described. Early beginnings are tightly connected with an industrial revolution. In that period, each field of society passed through sudden and hasty development. Industrial engineering appeared as a concept in factories, not because businessmen wanted that, but because of necessities for solving the problems which they had in production processes. One of the reasons for industrial engineering appearing is need for dissemination of knowledge and experience. For that reason is understandable that successful businessmen were establishers of schools of industrial engineering. Industrial engineering appeared on the universities in the middle of XIX century and first in the countries which had been industrial well developed and military powerful. In this paper the process of genesis of industrial engineering on few the oldest universities in Europe is given, and also reviews of old notes and articles. Also are described the origins of industrial engineering in Serbia on Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad, on the basis of archive and interview with one of the founders Professor Dragutin Zelenovi�.

Key words:Industrial Engineering, History, Europe, University

1. INTRODUCTION The origin of industrial engineering is connected with industrial revolution. That period was a period of sudden and rapid development of all areas of society. Industrial revolution led to fast development of production processes. Implementation of new technologies and machines, expansion of production volume, more complex working procedures and involvement of larger number of employees cause a lot of problems in communication, organisation and management. The demand was that each individual must have knowledge from different scientific areas: technical, economical and humanities, in order be able to approach to problem, find solutions, analyse all solutions and implement the best of them.


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Efekti koje je izazvala industrijska revolucija i koji su se ogledali u projektovanju proizvodnih sistema, plani-ranju proizvodnje, analizi toka procesa i analizi troško-va, predstavljali su suštinski odgovor na neorgani-zovano stanje koje je zavladalo u fabrikama. Iako je industrijska revolucija zapo�ela u Velikoj Bri-taniji, industrijsko inženjerstvo se kao profesija prvi put pojavilo u Francuskoj još 1829. godine. Slede�i primer Francuske, mnoge zemlje su sredinom XIX veka po�ele sa osnivanjem politehni�kih škola. U po�etku, na njima nije postojalo industrijsko inženjerstvo kao zaseban studijski program ve� su se u okviru svake profesije izu�avali organizacija proizvodnje i procesa, upravlja-nje procesima, itd., što sve predstavlja koncepte indu-strijskog inženjerstva. Ubrzo potom, industrijsko inže-njerstvo se izdvojilo kao zaseban studijski program.


Pored želje za vojnom dominacijom, Francuska je žele-la da se ravnopravno takmi�i sa Velikom Britanijom na polju industrijskog razvoja, koja je krajem XVIII i po�etkom XIX veka bila mo�na industrijska sila upravo zahvaljuju�i industrijskoj revoluciji. Tehnološke inova-cije su doprinele tome da se veliki broj operacija, koje su se tradicionalno obavljale ru�no, zameni mašinskim radom. Time je došlo do pove�anja ekonomije obima i pojave masovne proizvodnje. Konceptom proizvodnih sistema, koji se pojavio u fabrikama koje su napravljene uz primenu novih tehnologija, najavljen je za�etakmodernog industrijskog inženjerstva. Odmah potom javili se se koncepti podele rada i motivacije zaposle-nih, organizovanja i upravljanja proizvodnjom. Ubrzo nakon toga po�elo je da se razmišlja o upravljanju troškovima, smanjenju škarta i pove�anju produkti-vnosti [1]. Tada je i uo�eno da je neophodno postojanje obrazovnih institucija koje bi edukovale kadar koji bi bio u stanju da odgovori na nove zahteve privrede.

2.1 “École Polytechnique” Davne 1794. godine Napoleon je u Parizu osnovao „Politehni�ku školu“ („École Polytechnique”). Škola je 1829. godine preimenovana u „Centralna škola umetnosti i industrije“ („École Centrale des Arts et Manufactures“) i ta godina se vezuje za pojavu industrijskog inženjerstva na univerzitetima. Najza-služniji za ovaj doga�aj su �etiri francuza, koji su bili naro�ito naprednih shvatanja u pogledu razvoja nauke u industriji: Alfonso Lavale (Alphonse Lavallée), biznismen iz Nanta, Žan-Baptist Duma (Jean-Baptiste Dumas), poznati nau�nik u to doba, Teodor Olivije(Théodore Olivier), profesor i Eugen Pekle (Eugène Péclet), profesor. Školovanje na „Centralnoj školi umetnosti i industrije“ trajalo je tri godine. Studenti koji su se upisivali nisu smeli biti mla�i od osamnaest godina i morali su da

Effects of the industrial revolution, which includes new approaches in design of production systems, production planning, analysis of production flow and financial analysis, had been just a response to disorganised situation which became dominant in factories. Despite the fact that industrial revolution begun in Great Britain, industrial engineering as a profession appeared in France 1829. Following French example many countries started to establish polytechnic schools during the middle of XIX century. In the beginning industrial engineering was not separate course but the main concepts such as process and production organisation, process management, etc. had been subjects in the other courses. Soon after that industrial engineering became individual course on the most of polytechnic schools.

2. FRANCE-THE CRADLE OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Beside the tendencies for military domination, France strove to be equal to Great Britain in the field of industrial development, which was powerful industrial force at the end of XVIII and beginning of XIX century thanks to industrial revolution. Technological innovation led to that that many manual operations had been mechanised. That caused expansion of production volume and appearance of mass production. Concept of production system, which appeared in factories which were made on the basis of new technologies, presented the origins of the modern industrial engineering. Soon after that appeared the concepts of labour division, motivation of employees, organisation and management of production. After that followed the concepts about costs management, reduction of rejects and increasing the productivity [1]. In that period was noticed that establishing of the educational institutions which will educate personnel who would be able to respond to the new industry demands.

2.1 “École Polytechnique” 1794 in Paris Napoleon Bonaparte established Polytechnic School („École Polytechnique”). 1829 school was renamed in Central School of Art and Industry („École Centrale des Arts et Manufactures“) and that year can be considered as the year of birth of industrial engineering on universities. Meritorious people for that act was four Frenchmen, who had progressive ideas concerning the development of science in industry: Alphonse Lavallée, businessman from Nantes, Jean-Baptiste Dumas, famous scientist, Théodore Olivier, professor and Eugène Péclet also professor.Studying on the „Central School of Art and Industry” lasted three years. Students could not be younger than eighteen and had elementary school or secondary industry school finished. The subjects on the first year

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imaju završeno osnovno obrazovanje, odnosno srednju školu iz oblasti industrije. Na prvoj godini su prou-�avane osnove tehni�kog crtanja, analiti�ka geometrija, mehanika, promene kretanja, fizika, hemija, higijena, opšta istorija, primena nauke, itd. Na drugoj godini postojali su predmeti: viši kurs iz tehni�kog crtanja, industrijska fizika, materijali u tehnici, analiti�ka hemi-ja, javni radovi, procesi prerade gvož�a i �elika, itd. Predmeti na prvim dvema godinama su bili obavezni za sve studente. Tek je na tre�oj godini bio omogu�enizbor predmeta, a me�u izbornim predmetima nalazili su se: parne mašine, hidrostatika, konstruisanje, orga-nska analiza, industrijska organska hemija, poljo-privreda, arhitektura, livenje metala, tekstilna industrija, grn�arstvo, predenje, tehnike glodanja, itd. [2]. Kao što se može primetiti prou�avani su procesi iz svih grana industrije koje su tada postojale i studenti su bili obu�a-vani tako da se u potpunosti upoznaju sa procesima, kako bi mogli da uvide njihove nedostatke i izvrše optimizaciju. To se poklapa sa današnjim shvatanjem profesije industrijskog inženjerstva. Dvadesetak godina nakon osnivanja pojavili su se prvi diplomirani inženjeri industrijskog inženjerstva koji su privla�ili pažnju akademske i stru�ne javnosti svojom inovativnoš�u, timskim duhom i smislom za upravlja-njem. Najpoznatija imena su svakako Ajfel (Eiffel, koji je diplomirao 1855. godine), Lehlanš (Leclanché, 1860.), Mišelin (Michelin, 1877.), Pežo (Peugeot, 1895.), Blerio (Blériot, 1895.) [3].


Velika Britanija predstavlja perjanicu modernog indu-strijskog razvoja. U toj zemlji došlo je do revolucionarnih inovacija u oblastima poljoprivrede, proizvodnje i transporta, po�ev od inovacija u oblasti proizvodnje i prera-de tekstila, preko Vatove parne mašine, pa sve do inovacija u oblasti industrije prerade gvož�a. Industrijska revolucija dovela je do ekonomskog napretka Velike Britanije, ali i do velike podele rada u proizvodnim pogonima kako bi efikasnost proizvodnje bila što ve�a. To je zahtevalo i primenu koncepata projektovanja proizvodnih sistema, organizacije rada, upravljanje proizvodnim sistemima, itd. U skladu sa novim zahtevima koje je nametnula industrija, ovi koncepti po�eli su da se izu�avaju i na mašinskim institutima koji su se osnivali u Velikoj Britaniji u ovom periodu. Me�utim, otvaranje obrazovnih ustanova nije pratilo dinamiku nastajanja i širenja industrijskih dostignu�a. Širenje znanja i obu�avanje radnika vršili su sami proizvo�a�i (vlasnici firmi) i njihovi zaposleni.

were: Basics of Technical Drawing, Descriptive Geometry, Analytical Geometry, Mechanic, Transformation of Motion, Physics, Chemistry, Hygiene, Natural History, Applied to the Arts, etc. Subjects on the second year were: Technical Drawing (advanced), Industrial Physics, Mechanics’ Material Used in the Construction of Machines, Analytical Chemistry, Public Works, Manufacture of Iron and Steel Technology, etc. Subject on the first two years were obligatory for all students. On the third year subjects were elective and those were: Steam Engines, Hydrostatics, Construction of Machines, Organic Analysis, Industrial Organic Chemistry, Agriculture, Architecture, Furnaces and Foundries, Textile Materials, Potteries, Spinning, Milling, etc. [2]. As can be noticed processes from different kinds of industries from that time were studied. The aim was to introduce students with industrial processes in order to realise their disadvantages and optimise them. That totally fits to modern concept of industrial engineering. Twenty years after the establishing, the first graduates were promoted. They got attention of academic and expert public because of their innovations, team spirit and managerial skills. The most famous industrial engineers from Central School of Art and Industry are Eiffel (who graduated 1855.), Leclanché (graduated 1860.), Michelin (graduated 1877.), Peugeot (graduated 1895.), Blériot, (graduated 1895.) [3].


Modern industrial development had started in Great Britain. In that country appeared a lot of revolutionary innovations in the areas of agriculture, production and transportation. There were a lot of innovations in the areas of textile processing and manufacturing and in the industry of iron refining. Certainly the most important was Watt steam engine. Industrial revolution caused the strong economic development of Great Britain. Also, industrial revolution brought the great division of human labour in the factories in order to increased efficiency of production. All that had required appliance of concepts of designing the production systems, work organisation, management of production systems, etc. In accordance with new demands which were forced by industry, those concepts became subjects on mechanical institutes which were established in the Great Britain. Establishing of education institutions was not synchronised with spreading of industrial accomplishment. Training of employees was made by businessmen and other employees by themselves.

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3.1 Mašinski instituti u Britaniji u prvoj polovini XIX veka Po�etkom XIX veka, u stotinama industrijskih gradova u Velikoj Britaniji osnivani su mašinski instituti. Osniva�i su bili kapitalisti i njihovi zaposleni, pošto država u prvih stotinu godina od po�etka industrijske revolucije nije preuzela odgovornost za obrazovanje nacije. Osniva�i mašinskih instituta smatrali su da Velika Britanija treba da se koncentriše na predo�a-vanja ljudima (radnicima) menadžerskih i nau�nih principa koji stoje u pozadini novostvorenih na�inaobavljanja posla i uslova rada i oni su ujedno bili i glavni finansijeri ovih institucija [4].

3.2 „University of Manchester“ Kako su prve fabrike i njihove administrativne kancela-rije nastale u Man�esteru, tako su i prve obrazovne usta-nove na kojima se javljalo industrijsko inženjerstvo u Velikoj Britaniji nastajale tako�e u ovom gradu. Grupa uglednih man�esterskih kapitalista, na �elu sa Džordžom Vudom (George Wood) napravila je 7. aprila 1824. godine plan o osnivanju Mašinskog instituta. Njih je okupila zajedni�ka ideje o pove�anju efikasnosti i organizovanju proizvodnje. Kako je sa industrijskom revolucijom došlo do razvoja tehnike i pojave mašina, glavni problem u fabrikama postao je kako snabdeti mašine potrebnim sirovinama i kako organizovati proi-zvodnju, da bi bilo obezbe�eno njihovo maksimalno iskoriš�enje i najviša efikasnosti. Kona�no, 1825. godine osnovan je Mašinski institut u Man�esteru. Umesto usavršavanja za obavljanje pojedinih operacija rada, koje je do tada preovla�ivalo, težilo se upozna-vanju radnika sa celokupnim procesom proizvodnje, kako bi svaki radnik imao uvid u celinu i u svoj nepo-sredan položaj i zna�aj u procesu. Dakle, težilo se siste-matskom prilazu. Smatralo se da bi se time zna�ajno pove�ala efikasnost i kvalitet rada. Tako�e su i radnici doprinosili formiranju nastavnih predmeta. Oni su znali kakvo je sve znanje bilo potrebno posedovati za oba-vljanje nekog posla, šta može radnik o�ekivati sve na svom radnom mestu i kako najbolje može biti obu�enza njega [5].

3.3 „London Mechanics’ Institute“ Džordž Birbek (George Birkbeck) osnovao je 11. novembra 1823. godine Mašinski institut u Londonu (London Mechanics Institute). Od po�etka XIX veka Birbek je držao predavanja o primeni nau�nih principa u mašinskoj industriji, o pristupu radu, o na�inu organi-zovanja rada, itd. Predavanja su bila besplatna i održa vana su u ve�ernjim �asovima i samim tim su bila veoma dobro pose�ena, budu�i da je do tada obrazovanje bilo dostupno uglavnom imu�nima i sveštenstvu. Vladalo je veliko interesovanje za upoznavanje sa celokupnim odvijanjem procesa koji su bili prisutni u fabrikama. Zaposleni su imali velike

3.1 MECHANICAL Institutes in Britain in the first half of XIX century Mechanical institutes had opened in more than hundred industrial cities in Great Britain at the beginning of XIX century. Founders were capitalists and their employees, because state was not interested to educate nation in the first hundred years from the beginning of industrial revolution. Founders of mechanical institutes considered that state should have educated workers about managerial and scientific principles which are in the background of new ways of working processes. Also, founders were the most important financiers of these institutions [4].

3.2 „University of Manchester“ The first factories and their administrative centres were in Manchester. According to that the first educational institutions in Great Britain which had industrial engineering had appeared also in this city. At April 7th 1824 a group of prominent Manchester’s capitalists headed by George William Wood had made a plan for establishing of Mechanical Institute. They gathered round idea to increase efficiency and organise production. Industrial revolution cause rapid development of technique and machines. The main problem became how to supply machines with necessary raw materials and how to organise the production processes in order to exploit machines to their maximum. Finally, 1825 Mechanical Institute in Manchester was established. Until industrial revolution, specialisation for separate working operations had dominated, but after that the main concept was to get know employees with the working processes in general, how they could be able to realise the whole and their own position and importance in the processes. It was a system approach. That approach significantly increased efficiency and quality of work. Employees had been involved in creation of subjects on the Institute. They had the best overview what were the necessary things which employee had to know, what can expect on the working place and how can be the best trained for it [5].

3.3 „London Mechanics’ Institute“At November 11th 1823 George Birkbeck had formed London Mechanics Institute. Since the beginning of XIX century Birkbeck had been giving the lectures about usage of scientific principles in mechanical industry, working access, organisation of work, etc. The lectures were free and were held in the evenings and because of that they were crowded. Until than only aristocracy and priests could afford education. The biggest interest attracted lectures about working processes which were present in factories. Employees had great desire for their own improving and increasing

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želje za usavršavanjem i pove�anjem sopstvene efika-snosti i doprinosom ukupnoj produktivnosti sistema. U skladu sa tim, Birbek je na svojim predavanjima pri�aoo strukturama procesa proizvodnje (uglavnom mašinske i tekstilne, pošto je u Velikoj Britaniji bilo najviše fabrika tog tipa) i na�inu organizovanja procesa rada. Institut se veoma brzo širio, ako se uzme u obzir broj angažovanih profesora i studenata koji poha�ajunastavu. Istovremeno, institut je uticao na pojavu sli�nih instituta širom Velike Britanije. Tako je do 1826. godine bilo osnovano oko stotinu sli�nih instituta, a 1841. ovaj broj je dostigao 300 [6].


Prva škola industrijskog inženjerstva u Španiji osno-vana je davne 1850. godine, pod nazivom „Kraljevski industrijski institut“, sa sedištem u Madridu („El Real Instituto Industrial de Madrid“). Svake godine, od dana svog osnivanja pa do 1858. godine (kada je nastupila reorganizacija studijskog programa), institut je upisivao od 100 do 150 studenata. Ubrzo je došlo do toga da je tržište rada postalo zasi�eno ovim profilom. Tome je doprinelo i otvaranje škole industrijskog inženjerstva na univerzitetima u Barseloni, Sevilji i Valensiji. Institut je bio, sa organizacionog stanovišta, veoma do-bro struktuiran. Sastojao se iz više funkcionalnih delo-va: škole industrijskog inženjerstva, poslovne škole i škole za obuku predava�a i umetni�kog konzervatori-juma. Škola industrijskog inženjerstva podrazumevala je tri nivoa studija, i to: osnovne, studije srednjeg nivoa i visoke studije. Poslovna škola obuhvatala je obrazo-vanje iz ekonomskih nauka. Škola za obuku predava�aformirala je obrazovni kadar za ostale škole industri-jskog inženjerstva u Španiji, u periodu od 1851. do 1854. godine. Umetni�ki konzervatorijum je obezbe-�ivao prakti�nu obuku majstorima i zanatlijama i poseban naglasak bio je na usavršavanju tehni�kog crtanja i matemati�kih alata. Osim obrazovanja stru�nog kadra, Institut za industri-jsko inženjerstvo imao je zavidne ljudske i materijalne resurse, organizovao je seminare i obuke, koji su bili zna�ajno ispred svoga vremena i situacije na ostalim univerzitetima. Institut je u zna�ajnoj meri sara�ivao sa industrijom. �esto je obavljao konsultantske poslove, bio angažovan u pisanju izveštaja, rešavao probleme patentiranja i zaštitnih obeležja firmi, itd. Deceniju nakon osnivanja, institut se suo�io sa jednim velikim problemom. Evropu je zahvatila „Velika depre-sija“ (ekonomska i politi�ka kriza). Usled problema koji su se javljali u industriji, došlo je do sve manje potrebe za ovom profesijom, tako da su poteško�e prilikom zapošljavanja industrijskih inženjera postajale sve ozbi-ljnije. Suo�ena sa sve ve�om i ve�om krizom u zemlji, Španija je najpre zatvorila industrijsko inženjerstvo na Univerzitetima u Gijónu i Vergaru u 1860. godine,

their own efficiency. In accordance to that on his lectures Birkbeck had been talking about structures of working processes (mostly mechanic and textile, because the most of factories in Great Britain were that kind) and ways for organisations of working processes. Institute expanded very fast from the hired professors and student who attended lectures point of view. In the same time Institute had caused opening similar institutes all over the Great Britain. 1862 were formed more than hundred institutes like London Mechanics’ Institute. 1841 this number increased to 300 [6].


The first school of industrial engineering in Spain was founded 1850 with the name The Royal Industrial Institute of Madrid („El Real Instituto Industrial de Madrid“). Every year from the opening day to 1858 (when the industrial studies were reorganised) Institute became richer for new 100-150 students. Soon after that the labour market in Spain was full of industrial engineers. That situation became worse when the schools of industrial engineering were opened on the universities in Barcelona, Seville and Valencia. Even it was almost 200 year ago The Royal Industrial Institute of Madrid was very well structured. Its organisational chart was rather complex. Basically, the Institute comprised the following bodies: the Industrial School, the Business School and the Teacher Training School. The Industrial School offered the three levels of studies: elementary, intermediate and higher. The Business School provided commercial education. The Teacher Training School produced teachers for other Spanish industrial schools between 1851 and 1854. The Arts Conservatory provided practical training for workers and craftsmen with special emphasis on drawing and mathematics. Except education of experts, Industrial Institute had considerable human and material resources. Its activities reached beyond teaching. They had organised seminars and trainings which were significantly progressive in comparison with situation on other universities. The Institute was frequently involved in industrial counselling, reporting and patent and trademark issuing activities, etc. Decade after forming, Industrial Institute faced with one big problem. Europe got into “Great Depression” (economic and politic crisis). Industry had a lot of problems and because of that the needs for industrial engineers fell down. Industrial engineers met more and more serious difficulties while they were finding employments. Faced with deep crisis in country, Spain gradually closed industrial institutes. First were closed industrial institutes in Gijón and Vergara in 1860, than in Valencia in 1865 and Seville in 1866. At the end the Royal Institute was also closed down, in the summer of

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potom u Valensiji 1865. i Sevilji 1866., i naposletku došlo je do zatvaranja instituta u Madridu 1867. godine. Kao obrazovna ustanova za profesiju industrijsko inženjerstvo, sa radom je nastavila jedino Škola industrijskog inženjerstva u Barseloni („La Escuela Industrial de Barcelonesa“), koja je osnovana godinu dana nakon osnivanja Instituta u Madridu [7]. Slede�i primer „Centralne škole umetnosti i industrije“ iz Pariza, mnoge zemlje su sredinom XIX veka po�ele sa osnivanjem politehni�kih škola. Kao najpoznatije škole mogu se izdvojiti „Industrijski institut“ u Berlinu, „Politehni�ka škola“ u Drezdenu, i „Politehni�ke škole“ u Augsburgu, Minhenu, Nirnbergu i Be�u, kao i Državni tehni�ki univerzitet u Cirihu („Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich“). Na njima nije posto-jalo industrijsko inženjerstvo kao zaseban studijski pro-gram ve� su se u okviru svake profesije izu�avali i orga-nizacija proizvodnje i procesa, upravljanje procesima, itd. Na taj na�in u �isto tehni�koobrazovanje uvedeni su aspekti organizovanja i upravljanja, odnosno indu-strijskog inženjerstva.


U izdanju „The New York Times“ (slika 1) od 20. juna 1885. godine se navodi da ameri�ko inženjersko obrazovanje i dalje zaostaje za inženjerskim obrazo-vanjem u Evropi. Evropski studenti pored kvalitetne teorijske nastave koja im je organizovana na fakultetima, imali su i prakti�ne vežbe, na kojima su mogli da primene teorijska znanja. Analize amerikanaca o evropskom sistemu školstva imale su zaklju�ke da je inženjersko obrazovanje u Evropi mnogo bolje zbog prakti�nog rada koji je evropskim studentima omogu�en u toku studija [8].

Slika 1. Ise�ak iz novina „The New York Times“ iz 1885.

Amerika je slala veliki broj svojih diplomaca na studije u Evropu (Nema�ku, Englesku, Belgiju, itd.). Studenti su se nakon završetka studija vra�ali u Ameriku gde su se zapošljavali, pošto su Sjedinjene Ameri�ke Države, ve� od po�etka XX veka, dostigle visok stepen industrijskog razvoja. Me�utim, i dalje je postojao

1867. The only remained educational institution which provided industrial engineering course was The School of Industrial Barcelona („La Escuela Industrial de Barcelonesa“) which was formed one year after establishing The Royal Industrial Institute of Madrid [7]. Following the example of Central School of Art and Industry from Paris, many countries started with establishing of polytechnic schools in the middle of XIX century. Industrial Institute in Berlin, Polytechnic School in Dresden and Polytechnic Schools in Augsburg, Munich, Nuremberg and Vienna and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich („Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich“) can be distinguished as the most famous. It the beginning did not exist industrial engineering as a separate course, but the concepts of industrial engineering such as organisation of working processes, process management, etc. hade been parts of all the courses. On that way, in pure technical education the aspects of organisation and management (industrial engineering) were included.


In publishing of The New You Times (Fig. 1) from July 20th 1885 is written that American engineer education is still lagging behind engineer education in Europe. Beside top quality theoretical lectures on the universities European students had trainings where they applied in practice all theoretical knowledge which they got. American analysis about European education system had conclusions that engineering education in Europe is much better than in America because of practical trainings which European students had during their studies [8].

Fig. 1 Newspaper clipping from The New York Times from 1885

Many students from America had been coming to study in Europe (Germany, England, Belgium, etc.). After graduating they had backing to America where they got employment. From the beginning of XX century USA reached high level of industrial development. However,

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veliki nedostatak u kvalitetnom inženjerskom obrazo-vanju, sve do po�etka XX veka kada se industrijsko inženjerstvo pojavilo na univerzitetima u Americi.

6. INDUSTRIJSKO INŽENJERSTVO U SRBIJI Industrijsko inženjerstvo se u Srbiji prvi put pojavilo u Novom Sadu, na Fakultetu tehni�kih nauka. Katedra za unapre�enje industrijske proizvodnje, koja predstavlja prete�u današnjeg Departmana za industrijsko inže-njerstvo i menadžment, osnovana je 15. maja 1960. god. i predstavljala je deo Mašinskog fakulteta u Novom Sadu. Najzna�ajniji doprinos postojanju industrijskog inže-njerstva na Fakultetu tehni�kih nauka u Novom Sadu i uopšte na prostorima Balkana, nesumnjivo je dao prof. dr Dragutin Zelenovi�. Kao diplomirani inženjer mašinstva Beogradskog Univerziteta više od deset godina proveo je rade�i u privredi, što mu je u zna�ajnoj meri pomoglo da uvidi koja su znanja neo-phodna industrijskim inženjerima za uspešno obavljanje posla. Zna�ajno iskustvo i znanje ste�eno u radu u privredi u oblastima razvoja proizvodnih programa, projektovanju tehnoloških-proizvodnih struktura, oblikovanju organizacionih postupaka i razvoju informaciono upravlja�kih sistema, prof. Zelenovi� je ugradio u razvoj Departmana za industrijsko inženjerstvo i menadžment.

Industrijski sistemi su se 1973. godine prvi put pojavili kao zasebno i izdvojeno usmerenje na mašinskom odseku Fakulteta tehni�kih nauka. Predlog o izdvajanju Katedre za industrijske sisteme sa Instituta za proizvodno mašinstvo u poseban Institut za industrijske sisteme prihva�en je 1978. godine. Tako je 29. juna 1979. godine osnovan Institut za industrijske sisteme na Fakultetu tehni�kih nauka u Novom Sadu sa ciljem razvoja programa obrazovnog, nau�no-istraživa�kog rada i rada na primeni razvijenih rešenja u privredi. Danas Institut za industrijske sisteme nosi naziv Departman za industrijsko inženjerstvo i menadžment i organizaciono je podeljen na �etiri katedre: Katedra za proizvodne sisteme, organizaciju i menadžment, Katedra za mehatroniku, robotiku i automatizaciju, Katedra za informaciono-komunikacione sisteme i Katedra za kvalitet, efektivnost i integralnu sistemsku podršku i sprovodi studije u tri stepena: osnovne akade-mske studije (bachelor), traju �etiri godine; diplomske akademske (master) studije, koje predstavljaju nastavak osnovnih akademskih studija i traju godinu dana i doktorske studije, koje traju tri godine [9].

7. ZAKLJU�AKIndustrijsko inženjerstvo kao profesija pojavilo se kao odgovor na mnogobrojne probleme sa kojima su se suo-�avali preduzetnici u proizvodnim sistemima. Iz potrebe za širenjem ste�enog znanja i veština, uspešni predu-

big disadvantage in quality of engineering education still existed until beginning of XX century when industrial engineering appeared on American universities.

6. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING IN SERBIA Industrial engineering in Serbia for the first time appeared in Novi Sad on the Faculty of Technical Sciences. Department of Improvement of Industrial Production was formed at May 15th 1960 and it was the precursor of today’s Department of Industrial Engineering and Management. It the beginning it was a part of Mechanical Faculty in Novi Sad. The most significant contribution to development of industrial engineering on Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad and Balkan in general, undoubtedly made Professor Dragutin Zelenovi�, Ph.D. After graduating on the Mechanical Faculty on the University of Belgrade, he spent more than ten years working in industry. That experience helped him to realise what kind of knowledge industrial engineers must obtain in order to be able for successful work. Knowledge and experience in the areas of improvement of production programmes, designing of technological and production structures, improvement of managerial procedures and development of information systems, Professor Zelenovi� used in development of Department of Industrial Engineering and Management. Industrial Systems (the first name for industrial engineering) appeared for the first time in 1973 as a separate sub course on Department of Mechanic on the Faculty of Technical Sciences. 1978 Industrial Systems was not any more part of Department of Production Mechanic, it separated in independed Department of Industrial Systems. At June 29th 1979 officially formed Department of Industrial Systems with the following aims: improving education, scientific and research work and implementation of developed solutions in industry. Today Department of Industrial Systems has name Department of Industrial Engineering and Management. Department comprised of the following sub-departments: Sub-department of Production Systems Sub-department of Mechatronics, Robotics and Automation, Sub-department of Information and Communication Technologies, Sub-department of Quality, Effectiveness and Integral Systems Support. There are three levels of studies: bachelor, which lasts three years, master, addition to bachelor and lasts two years and doctoral studies, which lasts three years [9].

7. CONCLUSION Industrial engineering as a profession appeared as a response on numerous problems which businessmen had in their own production systems. The necessity for spreading the industrial knowledge and skills forced businessmen and professors to establish schools of industrial engineering. Industrial engineering as a

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zetnici i biznismeni, kao i ugledni profesori po�eli su sa osnivanjem škola industrijskog inženjerstva. Industrijsko inženjerstvo se kao profesija prvi put pojavilo u Francuskoj još 1829. godine. Slede�i primer Francuske, mnoge zemlje su sredinom XIX veka po�ele sa osnivanjem politehni�kih škola. Na njima nije postojalo industrijsko inženjerstvo kao zaseban studijski program ve� se se u okviru svake profesije izu�avali i organizacija proizvodnje i procesa, upravljanje procesima, itd. �itav vek nakon pojave industrijskog inženjerstva kao profesije, na Fakultetu tehni�kih nauka u Novom Sadu osnovana je Katedra za unapre�enje industrijske proizvodnje, prete�e Depa-rtmana za industrijsko inženjerstvo i menadžment. Tek nekoliko godina kasnije došlo je do uvo�enja studijskih programa na univerzitetima u Beogradu, Zagrebu, Mostaru, Banja Luci, itd. Iako mlada profesija, industrijsko inženjerstvo je za relativno kratko vreme doživelo veliki razvoj. Danas se gotovo ne može zamisliti proizvodni proces u kojem nije prisutan industrijski inženjer koji �e se baviti problemom pove�anja efikasnosti, odnosno, koji �epokušavati da eliminišu gubitke vremena, novca, materijala, energije i ostalih resursa.

REFERENCE[1] Maynard, H., B., Zandin, K. B., Maynard's

industrial engineering handbook, McGraw-Hill Professional, 2001., 1

[2] The New York Times, Free Aducation and Industrial Schools – Lecture of Alexander Jones, February 19, 1853.

[3] École Centrale Paris, http://www.ecp.fr/en/A_ecp/A4_histoire/A4a_fondation_histoire.htm

[4] Wrigley, J., The Division between Mental and Manual Labor: Artisan Education in Science in Nineteenth-Century Britain, The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 88, 1982, S31-S51

[5] Spartacus Educational, http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/EDowens.htm

[6] George Birkbeck and the London Mechanics Institute, http://www.infed.org/walking/wa-birb.htm

[7] Cano Pavón, J., M., The Royal Industrial Institute of Madrid (1850–1867). A Historical Overwiev, Quaderns D’Hist�ria de L’Enginyeria, Vol. V, 2002-2003., 66-73

[8] The New York Times, The System of Industrial Schools in Europe, June 20, 1885.

[9] Razgovor sa prof. dr Dragutinom Zelenovi�em, Novi Sad, 16.06.2008.

profession firstly appeared in France 1829. Following the example of France many countries started with establishing of polytechnic schools in the middle of XIX century. In the beginning industrial engineering was not separate course but the main concepts such as process and production organisation, process management, etc. were studied as subjects in the other courses. The whole century after appearance of industrial engineering as a profession, Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad formed Department of Improvement of Industrial Production which today has name Department of Industrial Engineering and Management. Few years later universities in Belgrade, Zagreb, Mostar, Banja Luka, etc. introduce course of industrial engineering. Even it is relatively young profession, industrial engineering had fast development. Today production processes are almost inconceivable without industrial engineers who will take care of increase efficiency, who will permanently try to eliminate waste of time, money, materials, energy and other resources.

REFERENCES [1] Maynard, H., B., Zandin, K. B., Maynard's

industrial engineering handbook, McGraw-Hill Professional, 2001., 1

[2] The New York Times, Free Aducation and Industrial Schools – Lecture of Alexander Jones, February 19, 1853.

[3] École Centrale Paris, http://www.ecp.fr/en/A_ecp/A4_histoire/A4a_fondation_histoire.htm

[4] Wrigley, J., The Division between Mental and Manual Labor: Artisan Education in Science in Nineteenth-Century Britain, The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 88, 1982, S31-S51

[5] Spartacus Educational, http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/EDowens.htm

[6] George Birkbeck and the London Mechanics Institute, http://www.infed.org/walking/wa-birb.htm

[7] Cano Pavón, J., M., The Royal Industrial Institute of Madrid (1850–1867). A Historical Overwiev, Quaderns D’Hist�ria de L’Enginyeria, Vol. V, 2002-2003., 66-73

[8] The New York Times, The System of Industrial Schools in Europe, June 20, 1885.

[9] Interview with Professor Dragutin Zelenovi�, Novi Sad, 16.06.2008.