3-teori-belajar humanistik.ppt

Dosen Febriyanto



Transcript of 3-teori-belajar humanistik.ppt

  • Dosen Febriyanto

  • Teori BELAJAR

    4 Mazhab UtamaBehaviorisKognitifHumanisPavlovThorndikeSkinnerBandura.GagneBrunerAusubelSosialRogers

    *Multimedia allows the development of different types of presentations that suit to different types of intelligences. Use of MI in the multimedia environment caters to the premise that different type of intelligences requires different instructional approaches as these applications have the ability to be individualized to suit the learner. Although the theory was not originally designed for use in classroom application, it has been widely embraced by educators and enjoyed numerous adaptations in a variety of educational settings [7, 8] but its application to courseware design is still undergoing research. Presentation of the contents is very important in designing an educational courseware in order to promote effective learning. The way content is structured, organized and presented need to be designed carefully. The success of the courseware depends on the activities presented in the courseware.For this study, I chose only three types of intelligences (4 actually + musical which is included inside the three) and. Activities that can be included in the design of this courseware content that meet and comply with learner centred instructions.

    ORThe these are the strategies that I used for my coursewareREAD

  • PavlovThorndikeSkinnerTeori BELAJARMemandang individu hanya dari sisi fenomena jasmaniah, dan mengabaikan aspek mental, tidak mengakui adanya kecerdasan, bakat, minat, dan perasaan individu dalam suatu belajar.Behavioris

    *Multimedia allows the development of different types of presentations that suit to different types of intelligences. Use of MI in the multimedia environment caters to the premise that different type of intelligences requires different instructional approaches as these applications have the ability to be individualized to suit the learner. Although the theory was not originally designed for use in classroom application, it has been widely embraced by educators and enjoyed numerous adaptations in a variety of educational settings [7, 8] but its application to courseware design is still undergoing research. Presentation of the contents is very important in designing an educational courseware in order to promote effective learning. The way content is structured, organized and presented need to be designed carefully. The success of the courseware depends on the activities presented in the courseware.For this study, I chose only three types of intelligences (4 actually + musical which is included inside the three) and. Activities that can be included in the design of this courseware content that meet and comply with learner centred instructions.

    ORThe these are the strategies that I used for my coursewareREAD

  • Kembali ke TEORI BELAJAR Belajar: Perubahan tingkah laku PBM:

    Kritik:mProses belajar yang kompleks tidak terjelaskan

    m Asumsi stimulus-respon terlalu sederhanaStimulusProsesResponPenguatanPenguatan

  • 1.Menentukan tujuan-tujuan instruksional2.Menganalisis lingkungan kelas yang ada saat ini termasuk mengidentifikasi entry behavior mahasiswa (pengetahuan awal mahasiswa)3.Menentukan materi pelajaran (pokok bahasan, topik dan sebagainya)4.Memecah materi pelajaran menjadi bagian kecil-kecil (sub pokok bahasan, sub topik, dsb)5.Menyajikan materi pelajaran6.Memberikan stimulus yang mungkin berupa: pertanyaan tes latihan tugas-tugas

  • 7.Mengamati dan mengkaji respons yang diberikan8.Memberikan penguatan/reinforcement (mungkin penguatan positif ataupun penguatan negatif)9.Memberikan stimulus baru10.Mengamati dan mengkaji respons yang diberikan (mengevaluasi hasil belajar)11.Memberikan penguatan12.dan seterusnya

  • Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berfikir siswa, dan membantu siswa menjadi pembelajar yang sukses, maka pengajar yang menganut paham Kognitivisme banyak melibatkan siswa dalam kegiatan dimana faktor motivasi, kemampuan problem solving, strategi belajar, memory retention skill sering ditekankan.

  • Kembali ke TEORI BELAJAR Belajar: Perubahan persepsi/pemahaman PBM:

    A, B, C, DStruktur kognitif mahasiswa

  • 1.Menentukan tujuan-tujuan instruksional2.Mengukur kesiapan mahasiswa (minat, kemampuan, struktur kognitif), baik melalui tes awal, interview, review, pertanyaan, dan lain-lain3.Memilih materi pelajaran dan mengaturnya dalam bentuk penyajian konsep-konsep kunci4.Mengidentifikasi prinsip-prinsip yang harus dikuasai mahasiswa dari materi tersebut5.Menyajikan suatu pandangan secara menyeluruh tentang apa yang harus dipelajari

  • 6.Membuat dan menggunakan advance organizer, paling tidak dengan cara membuat rangkuman terhadap materi yang baru saja diberikan, dilengkapi dengan uraian singkat yang menunjukkan relevansi (keterkaitan) materi yang sudah diberikan itu dengan materi baru yang akan diberikan.7.Mengajar mahasiswa memahami konsep-konsep dan prinsip-prinsip yang sudah ditentukan, dengan memberi fokus pada hubungan yang terjalin antara konsep-konsep yang ada8.Mengevaluasi proses dan hasil belajar

  • Teori BELAJAR

    Jenis model dalam Tingkah laku kanak-kanak adalah dipelajari melalui

    peniruan atau pemodelan.Orang diperhatikan sebagai model.Proses pembelajaran melalui pemerhatian tingkah

    laku model sebagai permodelan (modelling).Bandura.Sosial

    *Multimedia allows the development of different types of presentations that suit to different types of intelligences. Use of MI in the multimedia environment caters to the premise that different type of intelligences requires different instructional approaches as these applications have the ability to be individualized to suit the learner. Although the theory was not originally designed for use in classroom application, it has been widely embraced by educators and enjoyed numerous adaptations in a variety of educational settings [7, 8] but its application to courseware design is still undergoing research. Presentation of the contents is very important in designing an educational courseware in order to promote effective learning. The way content is structured, organized and presented need to be designed carefully. The success of the courseware depends on the activities presented in the courseware.For this study, I chose only three types of intelligences (4 actually + musical which is included inside the three) and. Activities that can be included in the design of this courseware content that meet and comply with learner centred instructions.

    ORThe these are the strategies that I used for my coursewareREAD

  • Teori Pembelajaran SosialTeori Pemodelan : Bandura

    Tingkah laku kanak-kanak adalah dipelajari melalui peniruan atau pemodelan.Orang diperhatikan sebagai model.Proses pembelajaran melalui pemerhatian tingkah laku model sebagai permodelan (modelling).

  • Teori Pembelajaran SosialTeori Pemodelan : Bandura4 unsur utama

    Perhatian (attentian)Mengingat (retention)Reproduksi (reproduction)Peneguhan/Motivasi (reinforcement/motivation)

  • Diharapkan siswa memahami potensi diri , mengembangkan potensi dirinya secara positif dan meminimalkan potensi diri yang bersifat negatif dan tujuan pembelajaran lebih kepada proses belajarnya daripada hasil belajar.

  • Kembali ke TEORI BELAJAR Belajar: Memanusiakan Manusia PBM:

    Pengalaman Kritik: Lebih dekat ke filsafat daripada

    pendidikan. Lebih menekankan pada deskriptif dari pada preskriptif

    Ilmu Pengetahuan

  • Mazhab HumanisFitrah manusia mulia dan baikIndividu akan tumbuh secara semula jadi jika persekitarannya sesuai.Oleh itu guru perlu mengikut keperluan pelajar, membantu mereka mempelajari ilmu pengetahuan yang bermakna.Sekolah harus mengutamakan pendidikan afektif berasaskan ilmu pengetahuan.Pembelajaran manusia bergantung kepada emosi dan perasaannya.

  • Mazhab HumanisSetiap individu adalah berbeza, dan mempunyai cara belajar yang berbeza.Strategi p&p hendaklah mengikut kehendak dan perkembangan emosi pelajar.Ahli mazhab : Carl Rogers dan Maslow.Setiap individu mempunyai potensi dan keinginan untuk mencapai kecermelangan kendiri.Guru hendaklah menjaga kendiri pelajar dan memberi bimbingan supaya potensi mereka dpt dikembangkan.

  • Ciri-ciri Khusus Mazhab HumanisPengalaman dan psikologi manusia berlainan dgn haiwan.Kajian tema akur dengan kehirupan manusia yg bermakna.Kajian tingkah laku manusia merangkumi proses dalaman yang subjektif serta tingkah laku luaran.Kajian berdasarkan teori psikologi dan psikologi gunaan,Pertimbangan asas- perbezaan individu.Sumbangan mazhab kehidupan manusia yg bermakna dan sejahtera.

  • Hiraki Keperluan Maslow FisiologiKeselamatanKasih SayangPenghargaan SendiriKognitifEstetikAktualisasi Sendiri80%70%50%40%10%

  • Teori Keperluan MaslowPembelajaran berkesan bergantung kepada motif pelajaran sendiri.Motivasi intrinsik merupakan penggerak asas bagi manusia mencapai kejayaan.Keperluan = kehendak manusia untuk mensempurnakan keadaan kekurangan, gangguan dan ketidak seimbangan dalam diri

  • Konsep Asas Teori Keperluan MaslowKeperluan manusia :Keperluan fisiologi asas (makanan, minuman, oksigen, kepuasan deria, tidur, rehat )Keperluan psikologi keperluan sekunder (lahir dari perhubungan dan interaksi antara orang dan persekitaran keselamatan, kasih sayang, sempurna kendiri dll.)

  • Teori Keperluan MaslowMotivasi Intrinsik kuasa dalaman yg berada dalam perkembangan fisiologikal dan psikologikal manusia.Kuasa dalaman ini mendorong manusia mengejar kecermelangan.Perkaitan antara motivasi dengan hiraki keperluan apabila individu mendapat kepuasan dlm sesuatu hiraki, keperluan kepada hiraki yg lebih tinggi berlaku secara semula jadi.

  • Teori Keperluan MaslowCiri individu yang mencapai ke peringkat tinggi:Boleh memahami hakikat sebenar.Mempunyai pemikiran tersendiri.Boleh menerima diri, orang lain dan alam semula jadi.Boleh mengikut aliran masa tetapi tidak kehilangan identiti sendiri.Mempunyai falsafah hidup dan moral sendiri.Mempunyai minat meluas terhadap pelbagai aktiviti sosial

  • Teori Keperluan MaslowCiri individu yang mencapai ke peringkat tinggi:Mempunyai kawan karib dan suka menolong orangMengamalkan demokrasi dan mempunyai sifat berjenaka.Boleh menanggung konflik di antara perasaan kegembiraan dengan kepahitan.

  • 1.Menentukan tujuan-tujuan instruksional2.Menentukan materi pelajaran3.Mengidentifikasi entry behavior mahasiswa4.Mengidentifikasi topik-topik yang memungkinkan mahasiswa mempelajarinya secara aktif (mengalami)Mendesain wahana (lingkungan, media, fasilitas, dsb) yang akan digunakan mahasiswa untuk belajar

    6.Membimbing mahasiswa belajar secara aktif7.Membimbing mahasiswa memahami hakikat makna dari pengalaman belajar mereka8.Membimbing mahasiswa membuat konseptualisasi pengalaman tersebut9.Membimbing mahasiswa sampai mereka mampu mengaplikasikan konsep-konsep baru ke situasi yang baru10.Mengevaluasi proses dan hasil belajar-mengajar

  • Manfaat dari beberapa teori belajar adalah :1. Membantu guru atau dosen untuk memahami bagaimana peserta didik belajar,2. Membimbing guru atau dosen untuk merancang dan merencanakan proses pembelajaran,3. Memandu guru atau dosen untuk mengelola kelas,4. Membantu guru untuk mengevaluasi proses, perilaku guru sendiri serta hasil belajar siswa yang telah dicapai,6. Membantu proses belajar lebih efektif, efisien dan produktif,7. Membantu guru atau dosen dalam memberikan dukungan dan bantuan kepada peserta didik sehingga dapat mencapai hasil prestasi yang maksimal.Teori belajar dan Implikasinya dalam praktek Pembelajaran di sekolah dan Perguruan Tinggi

    *Multimedia allows the development of different types of presentations that suit to different types of intelligences. Use of MI in the multimedia environment caters to the premise that different type of intelligences requires different instructional approaches as these applications have the ability to be individualized to suit the learner. Although the theory was not originally designed for use in classroom application, it has been widely embraced by educators and enjoyed numerous adaptations in a variety of educational settings [7, 8] but its application to courseware design is still undergoing research. Presentation of the contents is very important in designing an educational courseware in order to promote effective learning. The way content is structured, organized and presented need to be designed carefully. The success of the courseware depends on the activities presented in the courseware.For this study, I chose only three types of intelligences (4 actually + musical which is included inside the three) and. Activities that can be included in the design of this courseware content that meet and comply with learner centred instructions.

    ORThe these are the strategies that I used for my coursewareREAD

    *Multimedia allows the development of different types of presentations that suit to different types of intelligences. Use of MI in the multimedia environment caters to the premise that different type of intelligences requires different instructional approaches as these applications have the ability to be individualized to suit the learner. Although the theory was not originally designed for use in classroom application, it has been widely embraced by educators and enjoyed numerous adaptations in a variety of educational settings [7, 8] but its application to courseware design is still undergoing research. Presentation of the contents is very important in designing an educational courseware in order to promote effective learning. The way content is structured, organized and presented need to be designed carefully. The success of the courseware depends on the activities presented in the courseware.For this study, I chose only three types of intelligences (4 actually + musical which is included inside the three) and. Activities that can be included in the design of this courseware content that meet and comply with learner centred instructions.

    ORThe these are the strategies that I used for my coursewareREAD

    *Multimedia allows the development of different types of presentations that suit to different types of intelligences. Use of MI in the multimedia environment caters to the premise that different type of intelligences requires different instructional approaches as these applications have the ability to be individualized to suit the learner. Although the theory was not originally designed for use in classroom application, it has been widely embraced by educators and enjoyed numerous adaptations in a variety of educational settings [7, 8] but its application to courseware design is still undergoing research. Presentation of the contents is very important in designing an educational courseware in order to promote effective learning. The way content is structured, organized and presented need to be designed carefully. The success of the courseware depends on the activities presented in the courseware.For this study, I chose only three types of intelligences (4 actually + musical which is included inside the three) and. Activities that can be included in the design of this courseware content that meet and comply with learner centred instructions.

    ORThe these are the strategies that I used for my coursewareREAD