2435.NOV12010.INDIA.SOCIALREL (1).ppt

India’s Society and Social Relations November 1, 2010

Transcript of 2435.NOV12010.INDIA.SOCIALREL (1).ppt

Indias Society and Social RelationsNovember 1, 20102Main questionsHow diverse is India? Is it diversity or inequality?What is the caste system? oes it still e!ist? What is the relationshi" between di##erent reli$ious communities in India? What is the meanin$ o# secularism in India?%ee"er questionsIs India a democracy? How much inequality can a democracy tolerate and still remain a democracy? How does India&s social #abric com"are with the '( and )anada? *India&s society+ some basic #acts1, % billion "eo"le- di##erent reli$ious $rou"s, -2. Hindus,1*. Muslims Hindus have a hierarchical social or$ani/ation, 0nown as caste122 reco$ni/ed lan$ua$es1 many other dialects232 million voters, 2%0 "arties45asic economic #acts30. survive on a$rarian incomes6%. wor0 in the in#ormal sector-0. live in under 72a day*2 million live in slums2 million are homeless60million are mar$inal wor0ers28he tradition o# casteSudra (manual and menial labourers)Untouchables, now called Dalits (the downtrodden)Brahmin(producers of knowledge, particularly theology andinterpretation of religious textsKhsatriya (ruling classes/ political elites/warriors)Vaishya (business classes)38raditional role o# caste"revent social mobilityensure a su""ly o# manual wor0ers"revent social equality-)aste in colonial India9airly stron$ re#ormist movements started with res"ect to the question o# untouchability5ritish re#erred to them as :de"ressed classes; the children o# and i# necessary, end to 5ramhinical Hinduism? , @ead his seminal essay Annihilation o# )aste6Who was Ambed0ar?BHIMRAO RAMJI AMBEDKAR (1891-195! 5orn into a alit #amily5y virtue o# his brilliance became a 5arrister at Baw Was the #irst Baw Minister o# Inde"endent India1 dra#ted the constitution1 ma=or disa$reements with )on$ress leaders, Nehru and alon$ with thousands o# other alits?10Ambed0ar&s theses on casteHe dis"roved both dominant theses on caste8he Baws o# Manu8he orthodo! thesis that (udras were born out o# the #eet o# CF5)? G communities listed by the $overnment who have su##ered systematic "atterns o# disadvanta$e but are not included in the (cheduled )astes or 8ribes, 8hey can be in any reli$ion, 1*(), (8, F5)(cheduled )astes >()?12,-.(cheduled )astes >(8? -.Fther 5ac0ward )lasses 23. >or more? Hven with conservative estimates, it a""ears that more than 40. o# India&s "o"ulation su##ers systematic disadvanta$e and de"ravation14Iuotes #rom Ambed0ar >1?GIt is mischievously "ro"a$ated by Hindu scri"tures that by servin$ the u""er classes the (hudras achieve salvation, 'ntouchability is another a""ellation o# slavery, No race can be raised by destroyin$ its sel#Dres"ect, (o i# you really want to u"li#t the 'ntouchables, you must treat them in the social order as #ree citi/ens, #ree to carve out their destiny, G9rom ambed0ar,or$Iuotes #rom Ambed0ar >2?"#at yo$ #a%e lost ot#e&s #a%e 'ained( )o$& #$*iliations a&e a *atte& o+ ,&ide -it# ot#e&s( )o$ a&e *ade to s$++e& -ants. ,&i%ations and #$*iliations not /eca$se it -as ,&e-o&dained /y t#e sins co**itted in yo$& ,&e%io$s /i&t#. /$t /eca$se o+ t#e o%e&,o-e&in' ty&anny and t&eac#e&y o+ t#ose -#o a&e a/o%e yo$( )o$ #a%e no lands /eca$se ot#e&s #a%e $s$&,ed t#e*0 yo$ #a%e no ,osts /eca$se ot#e&s #a%e *ono,olised t#e*( Do not /elie%e in +ate0 /elie%e in yo$& st&en't#(1213Iuotes #rom Ambed0ar >%?)aste cannot be abolished by inter caste dinners or stray instances o# inter caste marria$es, )aste is a state o# mind, It is a disease o# mind, 8he teachin$s o# the Hindu reli$ion are the root cause o# this disease, We "ractice casteism and we observe 'ntouchability because we are en=oined to do so by the Hindu reli$ion, A bitter thin$ cannot be made sweet, 8he taste o# anythin$ can be chan$ed, 5ut "oison cannot be chan$ed into nectar, #rom ambed0ar,or$1-Ambed0ar on the )onstitutionFn the 22th Eanuary 1640, we are $oin$ to enter into a li#e o# contradictions, In "olitics we will have equality and in social and economic li#e we will have inequality, In "olitics we will be reco$nisin$ the "rinci"le o# one man one vote and one vote one value, In our social and economic li#e, we shall by reason o# our social and economic structure, continue to deny the "rinci"le o# one man one value, How lon$ shall we continue to live this li#e o# contradictions? How lon$ shall we continue to deny equality in our social and economic li#e? I# we continue to deny it #or lon$, we will do so only by "uttin$ our "olitical democracy in "eril, We must remove this contradiction at the earliest "ossible moment else those who su##er #rom inequality will blow u" the structure o# democracy which this )onstituent Assembly has so laboriously built u", #rom ambed0ar,or$16Inequality across reli$ion8he 5ritish le#t a hi$hly communali/ed "olity, scarred by the "artitionIn India, the Muslim community #ound itsel# de"leted o# its middle class >who le#t #or Ja0istan?8he community was le#t with a rather shar" divide between its u""er classes and its lower classes20(ituation o# Muslims >1?8he literacy rate amon$ Muslims is substantially below the national avera$e >46. as o""osed to 24.?, Fnly %,* "er cent o# the Muslim "o"ulation obtains $raduate de$rees In the elite civil services, com"rised o# the Indian Administrative (ervice >IA(?, the Indian 9orei$n (ervice >I9(? and the Indian Jolice (ervice >IJ(?, Muslim re"resentation was at % ., 1,- . and * .21(ituation o# Muslims >2?Muslims have the second hi$hest levels o# "overtywith %1 . below the "overty line, Incidence o# "overty amon$ urban Muslims is the hi$hest >%1.?, #ollowed closely by ()K(8 cate$ories%2,*.,Wor0er Jo"ulation @atio #or Muslim women are the least #rom amon$ all communities, more so in urban areas1 the "artici"ation o# Muslims in re$ular =obs in urban areas is quite limited com"ared to even the traditionally disadvanta$ed ()sK(8s,Fther 5ac0ward )lasses >F5)s? constitute *0,3 "er cent o# the total Muslim "o"ulation, In the total F5) "o"ulation, Muslim F5)s have a share o# 14,3 "er cent,22(tructural Inequality)aste and reli$ionDbased inequality in India are structural, i,e, they arise #rom underlyin$ social, "olitical and economic structures >rather than #actors such as lower access to education or =obs?, How did India try to address them? 2%Addressin$ Inequality(ecularism+ nonDdiscrimination and se"aration o# state and reli$ion >i,e, state has no o##icial reli$ionA##irmative action >called reservation in India?+ creatin$ quotas #or admission to educational institutions and id they wor0?2*(olutions? (ecular democracy #ul#illed a very im"ortant role but $enerated contradictions+ it did not reduce the structural inequality between di##erent reli$ious communities, "articularly Muslims@ise o# communal "olitics and #undamentalist "olitics24alit Muslims Muslims $ot some "rotection #or lan$ua$e, se"arate educational institutions, #reedom o# reli$ion etc, but not a##irmative action 8he alit Muslim movement claims that -0. o# India&s Muslims $ained nothin$ #rom these chan$es, 8hey demand a##irmative action based on reli$ion and socioDeconomic situation22Jolitics o# A##irmative actionA##irmative action resulted in some "ro$ress o# individuals but has done little to chan$e the social location o# disadvanta$ed $rou"s'""er castes and classes have reacted stron$ly a$ainst these reservationsAt "resent ma=or social con#lict e!ists over whether ()K(8KF5) should have reserved seats in elite institutions >such as the to" en$ineerin$, business and medical schools?, 8he #ear is that this may lead to admission o# students with less merit and destroy the credibility o# these institutions