21 Days of prayer for Buenos Aires · Day 4: Comuna 4 Barrios - La Boca, Barracas, Parque Patricios...

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Transcript of 21 Days of prayer for Buenos Aires · Day 4: Comuna 4 Barrios - La Boca, Barracas, Parque Patricios...

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21 Days of prayer for Buenos Aires


The Purpose of the Prayer Guide

The purpose of this prayer guide is to provide churches and followers of Christ with a tool to mobilize prayer for Buenos Aires, Argentina. Each church and believer can use the guide as they feel led. Our prayer is that God would save many people, these people become true disciples of Christ, the existing churches would be healthy and growing, new works would be opened in the city, and God be glorified.

If you have any questions, you can contact us via facebook by “liking” Mission Buenos Aires, “follow” us on twitter @MissionBA, or email us [email protected].

The International Mission Board Megacity Team for Buenos Aires has completed the research found in this document. The prayer requests are provided by local leaders ministering in each particular comuna (a specific geographical area of the city).

Brief Overview of Baptist work in Capital Federal

• There are approximately 42 Baptist works in Capital Federal for nearly 3 million people.

• One Evangelical church exists for every 15,000 people in Capital Federal. But, several barrios have as few as one evangelical church for every 40,000 people.

• There are 5 barrios without an Evangelical church.

• There are 18 barrios without a Baptist church.

General Observations from our Street Surveys

• The majority of churches in Capital are not located in the most populated areas of the city.

• The least evangelized people group segments of the city are the upper-class, higher educated, and those on the fringes of the culture.

• The most important concern for people living in Capital Federal is insecurity.

• The majority of the population is Catholic, but Catholics represent only 59% of the Capital’s population. “None” (12%) or “Atheist” and “Other” (7%) are the most common religious beliefs following Catholicism.

• The top five religious beliefs differed in where they would prefer to learn about the Bible. Catholics prefer to learn about the Bible in a church building. None and Other would prefer a neutral site to learn about the Bible. Most non-Catholics do not want anything to do with the Christian church.

• The majority of people in Capital Federal do not have a negative opinion about evangelicals. Rather, the majority of people do not have any opinion of evangelicals. Most likely, evangelicals do not exist in their daily lives at all.

• There are more evangelical women than men.

• People 70 years old and older are 3.6% evangelical. Ages 60 -29 were 6.5% evangelical, and people between 30 and 39 are 6.8 percent evangelical.  

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Day 1: Comuna 1 Barrios - Puerto Madero, San Nicolás, Retiro, Monserrat, San Telmo and Constitución

Baptist work: Iglesia Bautista Del Centro

Population: 205,886 Barrios without a Baptist Church: (5) Puerto Madero, San Nicolás, Retiro, Monserrat and San Telmo Barrios without an Evangelical Church: (2) Puerto Madero and Retiro

One Baptist church for every 102,943 people One Evangelical church for every 17,157 people

• Evangelicals compose 9.62% of the population. • Only 10% of the population have a negative opinion of evangelicals, while 54%

have no opinion at all. • 32% do not know an evangelical. 28% of the people who know an evangelical

say he has never shared with them how to follow Jesus. • Most people would prefer to learn about the Bible in a neutral place. • The average monthly salary for each home is about $519 USD per month. • Only 35.8% of the population older than 25 years old have completed more than

14 years of school. • Comuna 1 has grown more than any other comuna in the last 10 years. • Puerto Madero is an exclusive and upper-class barrio that has been created in Comuna 1. • The majority of people live alone in apartments.

Prayer Requests 1. Pray for those living in extreme poverty. Pray that God will provide for these people physically and spiritually.

2. Pray for the very wealthy that live in the exclusive areas of this comuna. Pray that God will open doors for the Gospel to the professionals and the highly educated.

3. Pray for more workers and opportunities to open new works in Puerto Madero and Retiro.

Day 2: Comuna 2

Barrio - Recoleta

Baptist work: Iglesia Bautista Barrio Norte and Centro Cristiano Recoleta

Population: 157,932 One Evangelical (Baptist) church for every 157,932 people

• 3.9% of the population claims to be evangelical. • The two largest groups of the population are 20-29 year olds and those over 60. People over 60 are about 2% evangelical. • Males in this comuna are also only 2.6% evangelical. • Only 7% of the population has a negative opinion of evangelicals. • 52% of the people do not have any opinion of evangelicals. • 66% of the population of Recoleta do not know an evangelical. • 43% of the population that know an evangelical say the person has never shared with them how to follow Jesus. • Most people would prefer to learn about the Bible in a church or neutral place.

Prayer Requests 1. Pray that new works can be planted in this area.

2. Pray for professionals and business people that live in this comuna. Pray for God to lead the churches to new strategies to reach these people.

3. Pray for evangelism in this area, especially for the least reached groups.

Day 3: Comuna 3 Barrios - Balvanera and San Cristóbal

Baptist work: Iglesia Bautista del Once, Primera Iglesia Bautista

Eslava, and Centro Mesiánico Comunitario

Population: 187,537 One Baptist church for every 93,769 people

One Evangelical church for every 18,754 people

• 5% of the population is evangelical, but only 3.6% of men claim to be evangelical. • Only 7% of the population have a negative opinion about evangelicals. • 32% of the population do not know an evangelical. 26% of the people who know an evangelical say the person has never shared with them how to follow Jesus. • If they had to go somewhere to learn about the Bible, the people in this comuna would prefer to go to a church. • A large population of Jews reside and work in this comuna.

Prayer Requests 1. Pray for the families of the area that suffer from domestic violence, and for the children that live in a negative family environment.

2. Pray for the large number of immigrants who live in this area, especially for the Peruvian immigrants, that they can be reached and can become part of a church home.

3. Pray that the Messianic Community Center can make a big difference and be effective in its ministries (see page 20 for more information about the Messianic Center).

Day 4: Comuna 4

Barrios - La Boca, Barracas, Parque Patricios and Nueva Pompeya

Baptist work: Iglesia Bautista Constitución, Iglesia Bautista “Sinai”, and Iglesia Bautista Nueva Almagro

Population: 218,245

Barrios without a Baptist Church: (1) La Boca

One Baptist church for every 72,748 people One Evangelical church for every 24,249 people

• There are 82,973 homes in Comuna 4. • The average monthly salary is $284 USD. • 8% of the population is evangelical. • Only 10% of the population have a negative opinion of evangelicals, while 54% do not have any opinion. • 32% of the population does not know an evangelical. • 29% of the people who know an evangelical say he has not shared how to follow Jesus. • Most people would prefer to learn about the Bible in a neutral place. • Only 19.6% of the population older than 25 years old have completed 14 years of schooling. • This comuna is home to the famous Caminito and La Boca soccer team, which draw many tourists and soccer fans to the area. • A large population of new immigrants from Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru reside here.

Prayer Requests 1. Pray that the believers that live in this area can be a light to the darkness and share the Good news of Jesus Christ to non-believers.

2. Pray for immigrants from Bolivia, Peru, and Paraguay who were following Christ in their home country, but now are separated from God and are not involved in a local church.

3. Pray for the mentally ill in the Moyano and Borda Hospitals. Pray for ways to take the Gospel to these people.

Day 5: Comuna 5 Barrios - Almagro and Boedo

Baptist work: Iglesia Bautista Siloam and Iglesia Bautista “Distrito Sud”

Population: 179,005 One Baptist church for every 89,503 people One Evangelical church for every 13,770 people

• 4% of the population is evangelical, but only 3% of people between 20 and 59 years old are evangelical. • 0% of the population surveyed between 20-29 are evangelical. • 3% of the people who have lived 4 years or less in the comuna are evangelical. • Only 8% of the population has a negative opinion of evangelicals, while 61% have no opinion. • Crime and insecurity are a major problem in this comuna. • 37% of the population do not know an evangelical. • 35% of the people that know an evangelical say the person has never shared with them how to follow Christ.

Prayer Requests 1. Pray that the churches of this area will put new strategies into practice to reach their neighbors and coworkers with the gospel.

2. Pray that God brings peace and reconciliation to dysfunctional families of this area.

3. Pray for more security in the comuna (especially Boedo) because street crime and robberies are increasing.

Day 6: Comuna 6 Barrios - Caballito

Baptist work: Iglesia Bautista de Caballito and Iglesia Bautista Ministerio Presencia de Dios

Population: 176,076 One Baptist church for every 88,038 people One Evangelical church for every 19,564 people

• 5% of the population is evangelical. • 1.67% of people between 30-39 years old are evangelicals. • Most people would prefer to learn about the Bible in a neutral place or a church. • 38% of the population do not know an evangelical and 38% of the people who know an evangelical say the person has never shared with them how to follow Jesus. • Only 9% of the population has a negative opinion about evangelicals. 63% of the population have no opinion.

Prayer Requests 1. Pray that God would open doors for believers to share the Gospel with people who live in high rises and apartment buildings. These people are hard to access with the Gospel.

2. Pray for the adolescents and youth of the area, that they can be won for Christ.

3. Pray for the problems of drugs and addictions and the effect they have on people of the barrio, especially the youth.

Day 7: Comuna 7 Barrios - Flores and Parque Chacabuco

Baptist work: Iglesia Bautista de Flores, Iglesia Bautista de Flores Sud and Iglesia Bautista Coreana

Population: 220,591

One Baptist church for every 55,148 people One Evangelical church for every 9,591 people

• 7.7% of the population is evangelical. • 30% of the population say they do not know an evangelical. • 32% of the people who know an evangelical say the person has never shared with them how to follow Jesus. • Only 9% of the population have a negative opinion of evangelicals and 62% do not have any opinion. • Most people would prefer to learn about the Bible in a neutral location. • There are 89,637 homes in Comuna 7. • The average monthly salary per person in Comuna 7 is $326 USD. • Only 35.9% of the population over 25 years old has completed 14 years of school. • Only Comuna 1 and 8 have grown more than this comuna in the last 10 years. • The majority of people live alone in an apartment.

Prayer Requests 1. Pray that the churches will be effective in reaching the people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 2. Pray for the large number of people who are in the area daily (working, going to school, etc.) but don’t live there, that this group of people will be ministered to and impacted in a positive way. 3. Pray that the people who live in apartments or high rises can be reached with the Gospel, even though access to them is difficult.

Day 8: Comuna 8 Barrios - Villa Soldati, Villa Lugano and Villa Riachuelo

Baptist Work: Iglesia Bautista de Villa Soldati, Iglesia Bautista de Villa Lugano, Iglesia Bautista Parque Indoamericano and Piletones

Population: 187,237 Barrios without a Baptist Church: (1) Villa Riachuelo

One Baptist church for every 62,412 people One Evangelical church for every 11,702 people

• There are 55,400 homes in Comuna 8. • Has the highest percentage of evangelicals in Capital (21%) • Only 7.9% of the people have a negative opinion of evangelicals. 43% do not have any opinion of evangelicals. • 27% of the population say they do not know an evangelical. • Most people would prefer to learn about the Bible in a church. • The average monthly salary for people over the age of 10 is $212 USD. This is the lowest in Capital Federal. • Only 15.7% of the population over 25 years old has completed 14 years of school. This is the lowest in Capital Federal. • Comuna 8 is second only to Comuna 1 in population growth over the last 10 years. • Most people live in houses. • There are many villas (squatter camps/slums) in Comuna 8.

Prayer Requests 1. Pray for the opportunity to open new works in each of the barrios of this comuna.

2. Pray for the families that live here, especially the youth and children, who are negatively effected by addictions.

3. Pray for safety in the area.

Day 9: Comuna 9 Barrios - Parque Avellaneda, Mataderos and Liniers

Baptist work: Iglesia Bautista Liniers, Iglesia Bautista Nueva Chicago and Iglesia Bautista Latinoamericana

Population 161,797 One Baptist church for every 40,449 people One Evangelical church for every 10,112 people

• There are 63,393 homes in Comuna 9. • The average monthly salary for each home is $632 USD. • 8% of the population is evangelical. • Only 7% of the population have a negative opinion of evangelicals, while 60% does not have any opinion. • 31% of the population does not know an evangelical, and 25% of the people who know an evangelical say the evangelical has never told them how to follow Jesus. • Only 27.8% of the population over 25 years old has completed 14 years of school. • The majority of people live in houses. • The comuna is home to the famous barrio of Mataderos. • Liniers has a significant community of new immigrants especially Bolivians and Peruvians. • The majority of people would prefer to learn about the Bible in a church.

Prayer Requests 1. Pray for the immigrants who live in this area, that they can be reached with the good news, and that a work can be opened to reach them. 2. Pray that the churches can be effective and fruitful in reaching the people of their barrio. 3. Pray for the impoverished areas. Pray that God would satisfy their material needs (such as education and work opportunities) as well as their spiritual needs.

Day 10: Comuna 10

Barrios - Villa Luro, Vélez Sarsfield, Floresta, Monte Castro, Villa Real and Versalles

Baptist work: Iglesia Bautista de Monte Castro, Iglesia Bautista “De Los Hechos Hoy”, Iglesia Bautista “Cristo Vive” , Iglesia Bautista Betel, Iglesia Bautista Martinez Castro, Iglesia Bautista Vida y Esperanza and Cristianos Extremos

Population 166,022 Barrios without a Baptist Church: (2) Villa Real and Versalles One Baptist church for every 27,670 people One Evangelical church for every 6,641 people

• There are 71,657 homes in Comuna 10. • 7% of the population claim to be evangelical. • The average monthly income of a person older than 10 years old is $318 USD. • 37.6% of the population over 25 years old has completed 14 years of school. • More people live in apartments than houses. • The majority of the population live alone or with one other person. • There is a high amount of prostitution and insecurity in the streets of Comuna 10. • 10% of the population has a negative opinion of evangelicals, while 58% have no opinion. • 31% of the population does not know an evangelical, and 25% of the people who know an evangelical say the person has never told them how to follow Jesus. • Most people would prefer to meet in a friend’s house or a neutral place.

Prayer Requests 1. Pray for evangelism in the barrio, that the churches will be unified in preaching the good news, and that people will be receptive to it.

2. Pray that the people of the area will open their homes in order to study the Bible with family and neighbors.

3. Pray for all the different ethnic and social groups that live in the barrio, that each group can be reached with the good news.

Day 11: Comuna 11

Barrios - Villa Devoto, Villa del Parque, Villa Santa Rita, and Villa General Mitre

Baptist work: Iglesia Bautista Villa del Parque and Iglesia Bautista Villa Mitre

Population 189,832 Barrios without a Baptist Church: (2) Villa Devoto and Villa Santa Rita

One Baptist church for every 94,916 people One Evangelical church for every 11,167 people

• 4.9% of the people are evangelical. • People between 30-39 years old are only 2.56% evangelical. • Only 9% of the population have a negative opinion toward evangelicals. • 37% of the people in the comuna do not know an evangelical. • 34% of the people who know an evangelical say the person has never shared with them how to follow Jesus. • The majority of the people would prefer to study the Bible in a church or a neutral site.

Prayer Requests 1. Pray that the church and ministry leaders of this area are well equipped and prepared to evangelize and disciple the people of their barrio.

2. Pray for ministries like AVEL (a prison ministry) and “programa vida” (ministry to the drug addicts), that these ministries can help with physical and spiritual needs.

3. Pray for the families in the comuna, especially the youth and children, who suffer from domestic violence and difficult economic situations.


Day  12:  Comuna  12    Barrios  -­‐  Villa  Pueyrredon,  Villa  Urquiza,  Coghlan  and  Saavedra  

 Baptist  work:  Iglesia  Bautista  Villa  Pueyrredón,  El  Aposento,    Rey  de  Paz    and  Iglesia  Bautista  Villa  Urquiza  


Population: 200,116 Barrios  without  a  Baptist  Church:  (2)  Coghlan  and  Saavedra    Barrios  without  Evangelical  Church:  (1)  Coghlan    One  Baptist  church  for  every  50,029  people  One  Evangelical  church  for  every  13,341  people    

•  7%  of  the  population  is  evangelical.  •  Only  10%  of  the  population  has  a  negative  opinion  of  evangelicals.  •  57%  of  the  people  have  no  opinion  of  evangelicals.  •  36%  of  the  population  of  the  comuna  does  not  know  a  single  evangelical  person.  •  40%  of  the  population  says  the  evangelical  that  they  know  has  never  told  them          how  to  follow  Jesus.  •  The  people  would  prefer  to  learn  about  the  Bible  in  a  neutral  place  or  a  church.    

Prayer  Requests    

1.  Pray  for  the  people  of  the  comuna,  that  their  eyes  would  be  opened  to  their  spiritual                    needs  and  that  they  would  be  open  to  receive  the  word  of  God  into  their  lives.    2.  Pray  for  the  ministry  to  the  sick  in  Hospital  Tornu,  that  this  ministry  will  reveal  spiritual            needs  and  the  need  for  God  in  their  lives.    3.  Pray  that  the  word  can  reach  the  apartment  buildings  and  high  rises,  even  though  access            into  them  is  difficult.                


Day  13:  Comuna  13    

Barrios  -­‐  Nuñez,  Belgrano  and  Colegiales    

Baptist  work:  Iglesia  Bautista  de  Nuñez  and  Iglesia  Bautista    “Cielos  Abiertos”  



Population:  231,331    

Barrios  without  a  Baptist  Church:  (1)  Colegiales    One  Baptist  church  for  every  115,666  people  One  Evangelical  church  for  every  23,133  people    

•  4.7%  of  the  population  is  evangelical.  •  57%  of  the  population  does  not  have  an  opinion  about  evangelicals.  •  37%  of  the  population  does  not  know  an  evangelical.  •  35%  of  the  population  that  knows  an  evangelical  says  the  person  has  never  shared          with  them  how  to  follow  Jesus.  •  Most  people  would  prefer  to  learn  about  the  Bible  in  a  church  or  neutral  place.    

Prayer  Requests    1.  Pray  that  the  churches  and  believers  develop  a  passion  to  share  the  Gospel  and  that  the            people  have  an  interest  in  listening.    2.  Pray  for  a  spiritual  awakening  and  new  interest  in  the  comuna  for  the  things  of  God.    3.  Pray  for  a  safe,  crime  free  community.                        


Day  14:  Comuna  14    Barrio  -­‐  Palermo  

 Baptist  work:  Iglesia  Bautista  “Encuentro  con  Jesús”    and  Iglesia    Bautista  “Rey  Jesús”    


Population:  225,970    One  Baptist  church  for  every  112,985  people  One  Evangelical  church  for  every  20,542  people    

•  3%  is  evangelical.  •  1.9%  of  the  women  in  the  comuna  are  evangelical.  •  1.8%  of  the  population  between  20-­‐29  years  old  are  evangelicals.  •  49%  of  the  population  have  not  read  any  or  have  read  very  little  of  the  Bible.  •  44%  of  the  population  do  not  know  an  evangelical.  •  39%  of  the  population  that  know  an  evangelical  says  the  person  has  never  shared          with  them  how  to  follow  Jesus.  •  The  majority  of  the  population  would  prefer  to  learn  about  the  Bible  in  a  neutral          place.  •  This  comuna  is  home  to  the  largest  mosque  in  Latin  America  and  various  other          mosques.  A  concentration  of  people  with  an  Arab  background  reside  and  work  in          this  comuna.    

Prayer  Requests    1.  Pray  for  God  to  open  hearts  to  hear  and  be  more  receptive  to  the  Gospel.    2.  Pray  that  the  believers  in  the  area  will  have  passion  and  follow  through  to  share  the            Gospel  with  those  who  live  around  them.    3.  Pray  that  God  would  open  doors  for  evangelism  and  making  disciples  among  young            professionals  and  their  families.              


Day  15:  Comuna  15    

Barrios  -­‐  Villa  Ortuzar,  Chacarita,  Villa  Crespo,  La  Paternal,    Agronomía  and  Parque  Chas  

 Baptist  work:  Iglesia  Bautista  La  Paternal  and  Villa  Crespo    


Population:  182,574    Barrios  without  a  Baptist  Church:  (4)  Villa  Ortuzar,  Chacarita,  Agronomía,  and  Parque                                                                                                                                                                Chas  Barrios  without  Evangelical  Church:  (2)  Chacarita  and  Agronomía    One  Baptist  church  for  every  91,287  people  One  Evangelical  church  for  every  18,257  people    

•  6.3%  of  the  population  is  evangelical.  •  Only  1.8%  of  the  population  between  50-­‐59  years  old  are  evangelical.  •  Only  3%  of  the  population  with  a  bachelor  degree  or  higher  are  evangelicals.  •  33%  of  the  people  do  not  know  an  evangelical.  •  34%  of  the  people  who  know  an  evangelical  say  the  person  has  never  shared  the          gospel  with  them.  •  Only  8%  of  the  people  have  a  negative  opinion  about  evangelicals  while  63%  do          not  have  opinion.    

Prayer  Requests    1.  Pray  for  the  displaced  families  of  Villa  de  Fraga  who  recently  had  to  move  from  their            makeshift  homes,  causing  some  of  them  to  be  homeless.    2.  Pray  that  the  church  would  be  concerned  about  the  least  reached  in  the  comuna,  such  as            the  people  50-­‐59  years  old  and  those  with  higher  education  levels.    3.  Pray  for  the  recently  started  ministry  in  the  area  of  Chacarita,  that  it  can  grow  and  reach            many  people  with  the  Gospel.            


Day  16:  North  Zone    

Partidos  –  Vicente  López,  San  Isidro,  San  Fernando,  Tigre,    General  San  Martin,  San  Miguel,  José  C.  Paz  and  Malvinas        Argentinas  



Population:  2,380,661    Number  of  churches  in  this  zone:  26    One  Baptist  church  for  every  91,564  people    

• The  Greater  Buenos  Aires  area  is  the  second  largest  urban  area  in  South  America.  • There  are  639,992  homes  in  the  north  zone.  • General  San  Martin  is  the  partido  with  the  largest  population  of  the  north  zone  with  

414,196  people.  • Tigre  is  the  partido  of  this  zone  with  the  fastest  population  growth.    


Prayer  Requests    1.  Pray  for  the  planting  of  more  churches  in  this  area.    2.  Pray  that  all  of  the  churches  can  be  united  in  evangelism  and  planting  of  new  works.    3.  Pray  that  the  people  will  have  a  spiritual  thirst  and  hunger  for  the  things  of  God.                            


Day  17:  West  Zone    

Partidos  –  La  Matanza,  Merlo,  Moreno,  Morón,  Hurlingham,    Ituzaingo  and  Tres  de  Febrero  



Population:  3,767,060    Number  of  Baptist  churches  in  this  zone:  38    One  Baptist  church  for  every  99,133  people    

• The  west  zone  is  an  important  urban  area  in  which  a  large  portion  of  recent  immigrants  (national  and  international)  reside.  

• La  Matanza  is  the  largest  partido  of  the  west  zone  with  a  population  of  1,775,816  people.    

• La  Matanza  is  also  the  quickest  growing  partido.  • Ituzaingo  is  the  partido  with  the  least  number  of  Baptist  churches  (2  Baptist  

churches).  • There  are  1,195,839  homes  in  the  west  zone.    


Prayer  Requests    1.  Pray  that  at  least  one  or  two  new  churches  can  be  planted  in  La  Matanza  in  2014.    La            Matanza  is  very  large  geographically  and  numerically,  and  needs  more  Christian            influence  to  penetrate  the  darkness  there.    2.  Pray  for  unity  among  the  different  churches  in  the  zone,  that  they  will  work  together  for            the  Kingdom  of  God.    3.  Pray  that  the  Christians  of  this  area  will  recognize  the  spiritual  needs  of  people  around            them  and  that  the  people  will  respond  to  the  gospel  message.  


Day  18:  South  Zone    

Partidos  –  Quilmes,  Berazategui,  Florencio  Varela,  Lanús,  Lomas  de  Zamora,  Almirante  Brown,  Esteban  Echeverría,                      Ezeiza  and  Avellaneda  



Population:  3,768,994    Number  of  Baptist  churches  in  this  zone:  64    One  Baptist  church  for  every  58,890  people    

• Greater  Buenos  Aires  (north  zone,  south  zone  and  west  zone  combined)  has  an  area  of  1,488  square  miles.  

• Lomas  de  Zamora  is  the  largest  partido  of  the  south  zone  with  a  population  of  616,279  people.  

• Quilmes  has  one  Baptist  church  for  every  291,472  people.  • Ezeiza  has  only  one  Baptist  church.  • Ezeiza  is  the  fastest  growing  partido  in  the  south  zone.    • There  are  1,009,204  homes  in  the  south  zone.  

 Prayer  requests  

 1.  Pray  that  the  churches  will  develop  and  put  into  practice  a  campaign  for  100  days  of              prayer  that  the  churches  of  this  area  are  organizing.    2.  Pray  that  the  churches  of  this  area  can  work  together  and  encourage  the  churches  of  the            Capital  to  plant  new  works.    3.  Pray  that  the  churches  of  all  the  different  zones  in  the  Greater  Buenos  Aires  area  can            work  together  and  be  fruitful.                



Day  19:  La  Plata      


Population:  799,523    

Number  of  Baptist  churches  in  this  area:  30    One  Baptist  church  for  every  26,651  people    

• La  Plata  is  a  city  about  30  miles  south  of  Buenos  Aires.  

• Because  of  its  close  proximity  to  Buenos  Aires,  La  Plata  is  often  considered  to  be  part  of  Greater  Buenos  Aires.  

• La  Plata  is  the  capital  of  the  province  of  Buenos  Aires.  • The  largest  population  segment  is  people  between  the  ages  of  20-­‐29  years  old.  • La  Plata  is  known  as  the  “city  of  the  diagonals”  because  of  the  layout  of  the  streets.  • The  La  Plata  area  has  266,205  homes.  • La  Plata  is  the  5th  largest  urban  area  in  the  country  of  Argentina.  


Prayer  requests  

1.  Pray  for  each  of  the  barrios  without  a  church,  that  there  will  be  a  church  in  every  barrio              in  La  Plata.    

2.  Pray  that  all  the  churches  of  La  Plata  will  work  together  to  further  the  Kingdom  of  God.  

3.  Pray  that  God  will  provide  opportunities  to  evangelize  and  start  new  works  in  the              universities  of  La  Plata.    




Day  20:  Jewish  people  group      


Jewish  Population  in  the  city  of  Buenos  Aires:  220,000  


Jewish  Population  in  the  country  of  Argentina:  250,000  

   The  Jewish  community  is  divided  into  two  extremes.  One  extreme  is  the  Orthodox  Jews,  who  dress  in  the  traditional  Jewish  style  and  are  very  religious  and  active  in  their  synagogues.    The  other  extreme  are  those  of  Jewish  descent  who  do  not  practice  any  religion.    There  is  also  a  Jewish  remnant  that  believes  Jesus  is  their  Savior  and  Lord,  the  promised  Messiah.    These  believers  congregate  in  Evangelical  churches  and  Messianic  Congregations.  


Prayer  requests    

1.  That  the  eyes  of  the  Jewish  community  will  be  open  to  the  real  Yeshua  as  Son  of  God  and              Messiah.  Romans  9:27    2.  That  the  Jews  will  be  saved  like  Paul  prayed  in  Romans  10:1.    3.  That  the  Messianic  Community  Center  will  be  used  by  God  as  a  light  to  the  Jewish              community,  proclaiming  Jesus  as  the  Messiah.          


Day  21:  International  Missions        


Global  population:  7,200,000,000    Argentina  not  only  receives  missionaries,  but  sends  missionaries  as  well.  Argentine  missionaries  are  serving  in  many  different  nations  of  the  world.    In  Matthew  28:19  Jesus  said  “Go  and  make  disciples  of  all  Nations…”  The  word  Jesus  used  for  Nation  was  “ethne,”  which  means  ethnic  group,  or  a  people  group.    So  the  command  is  to  go  to  all  people  groups  and  share  the  Gospel  with  them.  

 There  are  16,590  people  groups   in   the  world,  and  7,163  of   them  are  unreached  with   the  Gospel.    There  are  6,000   languages   in   the  world  and  1,967  of   these   languages  don’t  have  any  portion  of  the  Bible  translated  into  their  language.    Our  continued  challenge  as  a  church  is  to  reach  these  people.    How?  Through  prayer,  financial  sacrifices,  and  sending  more  missionaries.    

Prayer  requests    1.  Pray  for  the  more  than  700  Argentine  missionaries  in  the  world,  especially  those            working  among  the  least  reached  people  groups.  (Ephesians  6:19)  

2.  Pray  that  we  recapture  the  importance  of  missions,  and  that  we  see  the  urgent  spiritual          need  of  salvation  in  our  neighbors,  our  communities,  our  country  and  the  world  (Acts  1:8)  

3.  Pray  for  the  4-­‐14  window.    Studies  show  that  most  believers  decide  to  follow  Christ              between  the  ages  of  4  and  14.    We  as  Christians  should  focus  on  presenting  this  group                with  the  gospel  all  over  the  world.  (Proverbs  22:6  and  II  Timothy  3:15)    

4.  13%  of  the  Argentine  population  claims  to  be  an  “evangelical  Christian”  (according  to  the            2010  census).    Pray  that  the  Argentine  Church  can  have  a  global  vision  to  redeem  the  lost                  and  present  the  message  of  Christ  to  all  peoples.  (Romans  10:14-­‐15)