2016 Manual

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Transcript of 2016 Manual

  • 8/16/2019 2016 Manual



  • 8/16/2019 2016 Manual




    OUR MISSION: Provide a safe, educational and enjoyable Auburn Experience to help youth discover

    their passion, shape their future and become leaders.



    Service before self











    OUR MOTO: Start Here. Go Anywhere!



    As I serve, I will strive to embody our values. Regardless of my role I will serve with humility.


    I will assist others by stepping out of my primary role to effectively provide service to my guests.


    It is my responsibility to identify and correct defects in any area before they affect my guest’s

    experience. Even if it is not my fault, I will take responsibility. I will ensure that the “stage” is

    immaculate, safe and represents excellence.


    I will proactively recognize the needs of our guests. When a guest is within 12 feet I will stop

    what I am doing and offer assistance with a smile. I will put myself last and the guest first.


    I will strive to exceed the expectations and needs of my guests. I with deliver service with

    enthusiasm and warmth.


    In order to serve and respect our guests, I will choose to use phrases such as “good morning,good afternoon, absolutely, ma’am and sir”. 


    I will take pride in my appearance by exceeding grooming and dress requirements in order to

    convey a professional, respectful and safe image.


    I will be knowledgeable of the key programs and offerings of OPCE.


    I will strive for efficacy in the processes of my job in order to steward the resources of the office



    I will work to create memorable and world-class experiences for all guest by planning ahead and

    bringing my best daily.


    I will love my co-workers, honor their dignity and treat them with respect. I will guard my

    tongue, speak highly of others and remain a trustworthy teammate.


    When I am “on stage” my cell phone will be put away and I will have an approachable posture,

    inviting questions and interaction with my guests.


    I will lovingly encourage my teammates to remain true to these standards. If, at any time, I find

    myself unwilling or unable to remain true to these standards, I will immediately bring this to my

    supervisor’s attention. 

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    The following is the AYP code of conduct. AYP requires that its employees obey rules of conduct in the

    workplace. AYP reserves the right to dismiss immediately any employee who engages in the following

    activities. This list is not all-inclusive.

      Release of confidential information.

      Removal of Auburn or AYP Property, records or other materials from premises without proper


      Theft or attempted theft of Auburn or AYP property including property of counselors, staff, or


      Reporting to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and/or bringing alcoholic beverages

    or other intoxicants, drugs (other than personal prescription), narcotics, or hallucinogens.

      Insubordination or use of abusive language towards AYP staff.

      Possession of a weapon, firearm, or other instrument designed to do bodily harm or which

    might threaten the safety of others.

      Immoral conduct or indecent behavior on the premises.

      Deliberate or reckless abuse or destruction of Auburn or AYP property, tools or equipment.

      Commission of a crime on Auburn’s premises or under such circumstances as to reflect

    unfavorably on AYP and or its employees if employment continues.

      Unauthorized or reckless use of any AYP vehicle.

      Unauthorized computer access or tampering, altering or destroying computer records or


      Consistent failure to report to work at a specified time, including excessive tardiness or irregular



    Violence towards counselors, staff, campers or parents.  Sleeping on the job.

      Neglecting job duties and responsibilities, refusing to perform work assignments or failure to

    follow the instruction of a supervisor.

      Dishonesty, lying to a supervisor or other authority, either overtly or by omission.

      Failure to report work related injury or accident and/or falsely stating or making claims of injury.

      Negative and inappropriate humor or remarks, slurs or jokes about sex, religion, age, handicap,

    nationality, race or color.

      Failure to adhere to AYP’s established Dress Code 

    **See Employee Warning Notice: Any disciplinary action is corrective –  3 strike policy.


    SOLE 7 – I will take pride in my appearance by exceeding grooming and dress requirements in order to

    convey a professional, respectful ad safe image.


    Uniform of the day is khaki shorts, AYP polo or t-shirts and tennis shoes.


    Clothing should not be noticeably worn and should not have holes, tears or be frayed.

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    Non-athletic shorts are required every day, unless they are necessary (games on the green

    space, etc.)


    Name tags should be worn at all times.

    5.  Shorts should be appropriate in length. 4”-5” for female employees and no chubbies for male



    For all male employees - a fully grown in, well-maintained mustache, beard, or goatee ispermitted, unless otherwise restricted by regulatory codes and standards. Men without a fully

    grown mustache, beard, or goatee are expected to be clean-shaven every day.


    For all female employees - Hair should be neatly combed and arranged in a classic, easy-to-

    maintain style. Extreme styles and colors are not permitted.


    Personal property brought to AYP is at one’s own risk. AYP cannot be responsible for personal property.

    This also applies to purses and wallets, which should not be left unattended in places where they are

    easily seen or otherwise vulnerable to theft.


    Cell phones are not to be used during camp hours. If a counselor chooses to bring his/her cell phone, it

    must remain in his/her backpack and turned off at all times unless in an emergency situation.


    The “open door” policy is an important concept for employees to understand. “Open door” means that

    you, as an employee, are encouraged to communicate with your directors regarding concerns,

    suggestions, problems, etc., as they relate to you and AYP.

    If you do not communicate with your supervisor, you not only deny your supervisor the opportunity to

    dialogue with you regarding your concerns, but, your concerns may go unheard and change will not be

    able to occur in some cases.

    **In every case, always use the chain of command. Do not bypass command organization.


    The following guidelines regards to any online communication via social media platforms.

      Do not post any pictures suggesting illegal or unbecoming behaviors.

      Do not accept friend requests from campers.

      Do not post any personal information.

      Do not post any camp related pictures with minors


    Do like our pages on social media  Do set your accounts to private

      Do take pictures and share with Social Media coordinator

      So share/repost AYP posts on social media

    You can post pictures with campers – it must first go through the AYP social media accounts and then

    you can share the posts. Must have AYP connected because AYP has the rights to post pictures with

    campers – not you.

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    Auburn Youth Programs has 2 mini vans and 6 golf carts. Treat them like they were your own. Follow the

    following guidelines in regards to any AYP vehicle.

      When checking out a minivan or golf cart, sign them out in their appropriate binder noting the

    mileage on departure and return.  Do not overload the vans or golf cart in weight when transporting items.

      Vans and golf carts are to be cleaned weekly.

      DO NOT take the keys home with you. Keys are to be returned upon completion of task.

      Always lock doors to vans and lock golf carts when not in use.


    Auburn Youth Programs are revenue generating programs that give back and support University

    Outreach – a priority in Auburn’s Strategic Mission. Meals, shoe tags, t-shirts equal revenue!


    All campers and counselors will observe the university's NO smoking ordinances. No counselor or staff

    member will smoke, chew tobacco, or involve themselves in other behavior that is inappropriate for



    The camp policy is that NO camper or staff member is allowed to consume alcohol on campus whether

    or not camp is in session. Moreover, no staff member is allowed to possess nor consume any substance

    that is deemed illegal by the university or by city, state, or federal law. The possession or consumption

    of alcohol (as well as any other illegal substance) on campus is prohibited and will not be tolerated.

    Building security officers have the right to confiscate alcoholic beverages from under age drinkers and

    other violators of this policy.

    Do not wear any clothing with alcoholic products or messages during camp. All these measures are

    taken to ensure a professional atmosphere and to avoid the appearance of encouraging the

    consumption of alcohol.


    Never allow yourself to be in a position to be alone with a child. This includes all facilities, vehicles, etc...

    Perception is reality. Use the battle buddy concept - never be alone.


    During any counseling session with children, youth, or adults of the opposite gender, any door of theroom used should remain open for the entire session. Ideally the session will be conducted with a Lead

    Counselor and in a timely manner.

    Always document any counseling session with a camper using the AYP Incident Report. Keep one copy

    and give a second copy to your Program Developer.

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    Bullying is when one or more people exclude, tease, taunt, gossip, hit, kick, or put down another person

    with the intent to hurt another. Bullying happens when a person or group of people want to have power

    over another and use their power to get their way at the expense of someone else. Bullying can also

    happen through cyberspace: through the use of e-mails, text messaging, instant messaging and other

    less direct methods. This type of bullying can also lead to persons being hurt during or between camp

    seasons and can be especially hurtful when persons are targeted with meanness and exclusion.

    At Auburn Youth Programs, bullying is inexcusable and we have a firm policy against all types of


    Unfortunetly, persons who are bullied may not have the same potential to get the most out of their

    camp experince. Our leaders address all incidents of bullying seriously and train all staff to promote

    communication with their staff and their campers so both staff and caqmpers will be comfortable

    alerting us to any problems during their camp experince and between camp seasons. Every person has

    the right to expect to have the best possible experience at camp, and by working together as a team to

    identify and manage bullying, we can help ensure that all campers and staff have a great summer.

    Counselors and staff will ensure a proactive apprach to bullying to:


    identify early


    correct immediately


    prevent escalation



    There will, unfortunately, be instances of campers injuring themselves. Each counselor will receive a list

    of emergency phone numbers for Camp Managers, Program Developers, Directors and EmergencyServices. Always contact the Camp Manager and Program Developer as soon as possible. The following

    are a few guidelines to help you in these cases:

    In a non-life threatening situation: 

      Make the camper comfortable.

      Call the Camp Manager or Program Developer immediately.

      Administer First Aid as required

    In a life threatening situation:

      Have someone call 911 and report the situation. An ambulance, firetruck and police officer will be

    dispatched. Be aware that all are coming.  Remain calm. This will help in calming the camper and situation.

      Call the Camp Manager or Program Developer immediately.

      Administer First Aid as required

    In all injury situations remember:

      Remain as calm as possible.

      With the help of other counselors, establish crowd control within the area. Cordon the area.

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      Never move an injured camper.

      Avoid transporting a camper in your own vehicle. Only use state vehicles (vans).

      Report all injuries no matter how small to the Camp Manager or Program Developer.

      DO NOT attempt to contact parents, friends, etc., off campus during an emergency as it will serve to

    add further confusion to the crisis.

      Completely describe the incident/accident in a written Injury Illness Report. Keep one copy and give

    other to your Program Developer.


    Always remain calm – in an emergency it goes a long way towards infusing order to potentially chaotic



    This information is requested for each camper, but must be verified the first night during orientation.

    Make a list of medications campers have with them. You will receive a copy of everyone's medical

    information at the beginning of the week. Keep this and all other camper information with you at all


    Keep an eye on students who self administer medication to make sure they are taking it properly.

    Report any concerns to the Camp Manger or Program Developer immediately.


    In the event of Severe Weather, Auburn Youth Programs Staff and Counselors will know what to do and

    how to execute a severe weather plan. It is important to remain calm and direct campers to locations

    designated as severe weather shelter areas. After the severe weather threat has passed, normal

    activities can resume. The Office of Professional and Continuing Education will host camps in a variety of

    facilities on campus, so it is important to know where designated shelter areas are located in each

    facility. If you hear the severe weather siren or severe weather is imminent, implement the stepsbelow.

      If outdoors, seek shelter in a building on the lowest floor in an interior room or corridor. If you are

    caught outside seek the lowest area possible. A ditch may be the best solution.

      Indoors, seek shelter on the lowest floor in an interior room or corridor.

      After reaching a suitable shelter area, face an inside wall. In severe danger campers should be told

    to crouch on elbows and knees with hands behind head.

    Dorms: Shelter areas are in first floor interior rooms or corridors.

    Arena/Coliseum: Shelter areas are in first floor internal hallways (not the main floor).

    Student Activities Center: Primary shelter is in Room 104 (old fitness room). The restrooms next to

    Room 104 and the hallway area outside the restrooms only, are also designated shelter areas. If

    those areas are full, please proceed to Room 106 (old weight room).

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    Village Dining Hall: Shelter areas are located in the kitchen. If a situation does not allow for

    everyone to make their way into the kitchen, please direct campers to an interior wall. As a last

    resort, have them get under tables, in a crouch on elbows and knees with hands behind head.


    Severe Thunderstorm Watch - Weather conditions are such that a thunderstorm could develop.


    Severe Thunderstorm Warning - Weather conditions are such that a severe thunderstorm hasdeveloped and may affect areas stated.


    Tornado Watch - Weather conditions are such that a tornado could develop.

    d.  Tornado Warning - Weather conditions are such that a tornado or funnel cloud has formed and may

    affect areas stated.

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    To promote situational awareness and enhance security of summer camp operations, Campus Sponsors

    should provide an Emergency Locator List for their summer camps no later than 3 hours after camp


    The emergency locator list should include the following information:

      Name of the camp

      Contact persons and phone numbers

      Locator list indicating where campers are staying overnight

      Daily schedule

    Send the complete locator list (contact info + schedule) to the following agencies:

      Auburn City Police Public Safety Communications Division:

    »  [email protected] 


    Call 501-3100 to confirm receipt  Auburn University Public Safety and Security:

    »  Susan McCallister – [email protected] 

    »  Denis Ledbeths – [email protected] 

    »  Keith Walton – [email protected] 

    »  Chance Corbett – [email protected] 

      Auburn University Housing Office:


    Rob McKinnell – [email protected] 

      Auburn University Student Center Foy Information Desk:

    »  Andrea Conti-Elkins – [email protected] 

      Auburn University Office of Professional and Continuing Education:

    »  OPCE Director: Hope Stockton – [email protected] 


    OPCE Front Office:

      Katie Thrulow – [email protected] 

      Dannell Lapread – [email protected] 

      Pam Mason – [email protected] 

      Marsha Peters – [email protected] 

    »  Program Developers:

      Jeff Dyal –  [email protected] 

      Brook Barrow – [email protected] 

      Erika Smith – [email protected] 

      Amy Shugart – [email protected] 

    »  Lead Counselors:


    Scott Neff – [email protected]   Samantha Bullinger – [email protected] 

      Laura Gaston – [email protected] 

      Aaron Jordan –  [email protected] 

    »  Day Camp Manager:

      Kyle Edwards – [email protected] 

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    WELCOME: Auburn University Housing is pleased to house your group in the residence halls. If you have

    any questions about your room, building, the campus, or the town of Auburn, please feel free to ask the

    Resident Manager.

    Telephones: There is a telephone available at the front desk for making credit card or collect long

    distance calls. Local calls may be made by dialing 9 and then the number. Dial only the last 5 digits for

    calls to on-campus phone numbers.

    Noise: Please be considerate of your fellow campers. Keep noise levels at a minimum so as to not

    disturb others.

    Maintenance: Report any maintenance problems in your room to your advisor/conference coordinator

    or to the Resident Manager. You are responsible for keeping your room and bathroom clean.

    Security: The security of your accommodations is a shared responsibility. ALWAYS lock your door (even

    if you are just going down the hall) DO NOT PROP OPEN ANY OF THE BUILDING DOORS! Do not let

    anyone in the building who is not part of your group or who is not identifiable as a member of another

    group being housed in your residence hall. Camp participants are prohibited from entering residence

    halls other than those used for their camp. Co-ed visiting will be confined to the lobbies of the residence


    Windows: Please do NOT open windows unless absolutely necessary (to control insects). Also do not

    lean out windows or hang wet clothing out to dry on window ledge. Do not throw anything from the

    windows for obvious safety reasons.

    Furniture: All furniture in your room must remain there. Do not disturb furniture in lobby areas.

    Decorations: Please do not decorate halls, rooms, or doors without speaking with the Resident Manager

    about approved procedures. Do not use chalk on sidewalks outside any buildings on campus.

    Trash Disposal: Please remove trash to the receptacles located on each hall.

    Vending: Soft drink and snack machines are located in the lobby areas. There are no ice or change

    machines in the residence halls.

    Before you Leave: Pick up trash and check closets and drawers for personal belongings. Your room

    furniture must be in place. Because your room WILL be inspected and inventoried after check-out,

    please tidy up to avoid charges to you or your group.

    Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: The possession and consumption of alcohol in the residence halls (as well as

    on the main campus of Auburn University) by persons of any age and the possession, sale, or use of

    illegal drugs is strictly prohibited. All residence halls are entirely smoke free.

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    Fire Alarms: ALWAYS assume that a fire alarm means that there really is a fire. Follow these steps if a

    fire alarm sounds:


    Feel the door from the bottom to top for heat with the back of your hand. Crouch low and

    open the door slowly.2.


    Close the door behind you and go quickly to the nearest stairwell- DO NOT USE AN

    ELEVATOR. Go down the stairs and exit the building immediately.

    Emergency Contact Numbers:  Auburn Police: (334)501-3100 Emergencies: Dial 911


    Auburn University’s concern is that you have a safe and enjoyable camp; however, we must all be

    thoughtful enough not to interfere with regular University programs. Please view the following list as

    “helpful hints” and “rules” that will help all to have a more enjoyable experience at Auburn University.

    1. Camp participants are prohibited from entering residence halls other than those used for theircamp. There will be NO visitations between males and females in residence hall rooms. Co-edvisiting will be confined to the lobbies of the residence halls.

    2. No school banners, flags, or decorations should be attached to any painted area, building curtains,portable staging, or equipment in the University facilities.

    3. Meals will be served in Auburn University cafeterias unless you are told otherwise. Campparticipants must present their camp identification in order to be served (shoe tag, wrist band orname tag).

    4. No intoxicants or controlled substances will be allowed at any time during the camp. Anyoneabusing this rule will be dismissed from the camp and asked to return home. All Auburn Universityfacilities are “Smoke-Free,” including residence halls. 

    5. “QUIET” zones should be established in the following areas:a.


    In and immediately around residence halls;b.


    On the way to meeting facilities; andc.


    In and around the Student Activities Center and/or Auburn Arena (except in areas reserved forcamp use).

    6. Neither the Auburn Arena personnel nor the Student Activity Center personnel have ice available,and they are not responsible for first aid equipment or services. Ice will be provided by AuburnYouth Programs.

    7. Because of the nature of the flooring in the Student Activities Center, two rules are absolutelymandatory: a) only soft-soled, white-soled shoes may be worn in that building on the gymnasiumfloor. b) No food, drink coolers, thermos jugs, etc., will be allowed inside the court areas.

    8. Enter Auburn Arena through the doors on the North side of the building (behind the arena next toVillage Dining); enter Student Activities Center through the first floor doors nearest the AquaticCenter.

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    9. Please do not allow participants to enter the scheduled facilities or to begin any activity before thescheduled beginning of that activity. Camp staff members must also be present in the facility.

    10. When staging (particularly portable staging) is in use, it should be used ONLY for instructionalpurposes; students should never use the platform except for individual talent productions ordemonstrations. Then, only a very limited number of students should be on-stage and supervised

    by camp instructional staff.

    11. No “stick-on” nametags are allowed in the Auburn Arena or in the Student Activity Center.  

    12. Please make absolutely certain that your students are adequately supervised, even during “freetime.” While Auburn University realizes the task of chaperoning these young people is a difficult one,we must insist you maintain a “watchful eye” for the sake of saf ety.

    13. Because of the number of summer programs being undertaken this year, we must insist that allcamp participants, sponsors, staff members, and camp directors vacate their rooms by thedesignated time on the final day of their camp.

    14. Resident students are asked to remain on campus at all times, and under NO circumstances should

    students drive an automobile on campus.

    15. To promote a safe environment, if traveling after dark, it is always wise to travel in groups and stayin lighted areas. The City of Auburn Police Department is aware that your group is on campus, soofficers will be especially diligent in overseeing the group’s safety. 

    16. In the event of a medical emergency, whenever practical you are asked to contact the CampManager before transporting any student. Emergency medical care is available at the East AlabamaMedical Center. Emergencies of a more serious nature should be approached by contacting theRescue Squad. Please make certain that the medical facility is made aware of the patient’s fullname, home address and insurance carrier.

    Have fun!  As your host, Auburn University hopes that you “Experience Auburn” at its best! If you haveany questions or problems during your stay, please feel free to contact the Office of Professional andContinuing Education at 844-5100.

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    Student Activities Center Rules


    The building will be available for use from 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m.


    All camp activities are restricted to assigned courts.


    When staging (particularly portable staging) is in use, it should be used only for instructional

    purposes; students should never use the platform except for individual talent productions or

    demonstrations. Then, only a very limited number of students should be on-stage and supervised

    by camp instructional staff.


    All food, drink, and containers are restricted to outside the court areas.


    No camp activities allowed in the hallways


    Tape is not allowed on painted walls.


    Stick-on nametags are not allowed.


    No pyrotechnics or fireworks are allowed in AU facilities.


    Enter the Student Activities Center through the first floor doors nearest the Aquatic Center.


    Participants are not allowed to enter the SAC or to begin any activity before the scheduled start time

    of that activity. Camp staff members must be present before beginning any activity.


    All outside activities must be to the south side of the building towards the Pavilion.


    The overhang area and covered walkways will be available during rainy conditions only.


    SAC personnel do not have ice available and are not responsible for first aid equipment or services.

    Summer Youth Programs staff will provide for you.


    The SAC is not responsible for any lost or stolen articles. Please do not leave any valuables


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    1. Participants are not allowed to drive or ride in personal vehicles during the dates of the program

    unless they receive specific permission to do so from the Camp Director. While we understand that

    some participants will drive to the campus, our policy is that they must turn their car keys in to the

    Camp Director for the duration of the workshop. Any vehicles parked on campus must have aUniversity Parking Permit. Parking permits will be issued during on-site registration, and clear

    instructions will be given as to where parking is authorized. It will be the responsibility of the

    participant to secure a permit, properly place the permit in the vehicle, park the vehicle in an

    authorized space, and turn the keys in to the Camp Director for safekeeping during the program.

    Neither Auburn University, nor the camp staff, will be responsible for damage to vehicles or for any

    parking tickets, fines, or towing charges that result from violations.

    2. Participants are to remain on campus for the duration of the program unless program activities

    require otherwise. If a participant needs to leave campus for some reason, Camp Directors must receive

    prior written permission from the parent or guardian, and grant specific permission.

    3. Campus regulations prohibit the use of alcohol and other illegal substances. Participants may not

    possess, use, distribute, or sell alcoholic beverages, drugs, firearms, weapons or fireworks.

    4. Coed visitation in the residence halls is permitted in the first floor lobby area only. The only people

    permitted in rooms are staff, members of the participant's immediate family, the participant's

    roommate and other participants of the same gender residing in that residence hall.

    5. Participants must attend all workshops, classes, and planned social or recreational activities. Full

    participation is the only way a participant can gain real value from the camp.

    6. Participants will refrain from using electronic devices (i.e. cell phones, iPads, computers, etc.) during

    instructional periods unless authorized by camp counselors or university faculty and staff.

    7. Participants will abide by nightly curfews and “Lights Out” announcements from the Camp Director or

    Program Counselors. Participants must be in their OWN room at lights out and remain there until

    morning. Any use of cell phones or other electronic devices is prohibited after ‘Lights Out.’

    8. Participants must never misuse internet privileges. Attempting to access unauthorized sites is strictly


    9. Participants must abide by rules and guidelines set by the instructors for each academic facility in use.

    10 In accordance with state law, smoking is prohibited by anyone under the age of 19. Smoking is not

    permitted in any buildings on the Auburn University Campus.

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    11. Any individual found tampering with any fire equipment (i.e. fire extinguishers, fire alarms, smoke

    detectors, etc.) will be dismissed from camp immediately. Participants may not interfere with any

    security system or tamper with locks in participant rooms and other areas.

    12. All furniture must remain unchanged and kept in place.

    13. Vandalism and pranks will not be permitted. Any damages caused in rooms or common areas will be

    charged to the responsible party. Replacement cost will be charged to anyone who removes or damages

    University property.

    14. Participants should keep their rooms locked at all times even if leaving the room for only a few

    minutes. Neither Auburn University, nor the camp staff, is responsible for lost or stolen items. A

    participant should take room key when leaving room. Those who lose a key must pay for a replacement.

    Leave excess money and valuables at home. Valuables, including jewelry, iPods, cell phones, radios, cd

    players, etc., may be brought to camp, but only at participant’s own risk.

    MEDICAL: In cases where medical attention is necessary, parents will be contacted for approval when

    possible. We require completion of a medical release form signed by the parent or guardian in order

    that we may react responsibly in an emergency situation.

    Please sign below to signify full understanding of the rules discussed above:

    Participant Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ______________

    Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________ Date: ______________ 

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    Each camper has a reasonable expectation to enjoy a positive camp experience. Therefore, the

    misbehavior of one camper, or a group of campers, should not be permitted to impact negatively on the

    camp experience of others. Most camps are short in duration, so prompt action is required when

    problems occur. Parents and campers should be aware of the disciplinary policy.

    First Offense: Campers failing to adhere to camp rules, or exhibiting behavior clearly intended to annoy

    or endanger other campers, will be privately and formally warned by a Camp Counselor and informed

    that subsequent misbehavior will result in formal counseling by the Camp Director.

    Second Offense: Subsequent misconduct will result in counseling by the Camp Director and a warning

    that further misconduct will result in removal from camp. At this point, the Camp Director will contact

    the parent or guardian to advise him/her of the situation and the possible need for picking the child up

    from camp if there is further misconduct.

    Third Offense: Any further inappropriate behavior will result in counseling by the Campus Sponsor of

    the camp and expulsion from camp.





    It should be understood this procedure is intended to provide a reasonable and consistent method for

    dealing with the type of behavior that can be disruptive to a camp, but is not so egregious as to warrant

    immediate dismissal from camp. It in no way precludes immediate dismissal from camp for more serious

    disciplinary problems or violations of campus or camp regulations. A serious disciplinary problem is

    defined as one in which the camp staff determines that a child is engaging in inappropriate behavior

    that includes, but is not limited to the following: actions which put the camper, other campers, or camp

    staff member’s safety in jeopardy; inflicting physical or emotional harm on self or others, vandalism or

    destruction of University property; theft of University property or the property of another camper;

    consistently disrupting the program; possession of alcohol, drugs, or weapons; fighting; sexual

    harassment; sexual misconduct, or behavior that is serious enough to warrant a third offense.

    Parent and Student Pledge: I/we understand the disciplinary procedures described above. I/we

    understand failure to demonstrate proper conduct during camp may result in early dismissal from camp

    without any refund of fees paid to attend. We pledge to abide by all camp rules and to exercise goodbehavior and proper respect for others. 

    STUDENT SIGNATURE _________________________________________________

    PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE _______________________________________

    Camp: ______________________________________ Dates: ______________

  • 8/16/2019 2016 Manual



    Important Telephone Numbers

    Emergency - Police/Fire/Ambulance 911

    Auburn Public Safety Division (City Police) (334) 501-3100

    Auburn University Operator 0

    Auburn University Operator (from off campus phone) (334) 844-4000Auburn Arena 844-9750

    Auburn University Aquatics Center 844-4182

    Auburn University Athletic Department 844-4750

    Auburn University Department of Public Safety and Security 844-8888

    Auburn University Department of Public Safety and Security (fax) 844-2081

    Auburn University Hotel & Dixon Conference Center (334) 821-8200

    Auburn University Housing 844-4580

    Auburn University Office of Professional and Continuing Education 844-5100

    Auburn University Parking Services 844-4143

    Auburn University Student Activities Center 844-4470

    Emergency Room, East Alabama Medical Center (334) 705-1150

    AU Med Clinic 844-4422

    Auburn Urgent Care (334) 821-3221

    Twilight Urgent Care (334) 502-1117

    Foy Information Desk (Student Center) 844-4244

    Tiger Dining (Catering) 844-1234

    Tiger Dining (Main Office) 844-1200

    Tiger Dining (Director of Operations) 844-1275

    BEMC (Building Manager) 844-2394 


    Jeff Dyal (Office) (334) 844 – 5187

    Jeff Dyal (Cell) (540) 429 – 2283

    Brook Barrow (Office) (334) 844 – 5194

    Brook Barrow (Cell) (334) 657 – 8633

    Erika Smith (Office) (334) 844 – 5194

    Erika Smith (Cell) (717) 679 – 3247

    Amy Shugart (Office) (334) 844 – 3109

    Amy Shugart (Cell) (205) 234 - 1605


    Day Camp – Kyle Edwards (334) 543 – 0853