2014 FSAE Rules Clarifications and Examples

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  • 8/20/2019 2014 FSAE Rules Clarifications and Examples


    2013 Formula SAE RuleClarifcations and



    Version 11

     !"is document is su#$ect to c"an%e and update &lease c"ec' t"e SAE (e#site )or t"e latest *ersion

  • 8/20/2019 2014 FSAE Rules Clarifications and Examples



     !"is document is intended to address common ,uestions a#out t"erules and clari) (it" additional pictures. illustrations and examples

     !"is document is re)erence onl and an con/icts #et(een t"is

    document and t"e rules t"e rules pre*ail !"is is simpl a clarifcationand expansion o) t"e intent o) t"e rules

     !"ese dra(in%s are onl pro*ided to %i*e ou examples o) somepossi#le conf%urations o) certain )rame structures t"at are and are notaccepta#le !"ese dra(in%s are not )ull inclusi*e and t"ere are man

    ot"er solutions possi#le !"is document is pu#lis"ed onl as a startin%point and (e are not recommendin% an particular #racin%conf%uration

    As al(as t"e accepta#ilit o) a %i*en desi%n depends on #ot" desi%nand )a#rication All *e"icles are su#$ect to fnal appro*al at tec"nical


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    T3.13.6 Main Roll Hoop Brace BarSupport Options


    ig 1

    Fig 2 F

    ig 3

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    T3.13 Main Roll Hoop Brace BarSupport Options

    Fi% Fi% Fi%  Fi%

    Fi% 4

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    Question: + "a*e a ,uestion concernin% rule !313. specifcall t"e last sentence t"at states.

    56racin% loads must not #e )ed solel into t"een%ine. transmission or di7erential. or t"rou%"suspension components5

     !"is ear (e (ant to attac" our rear supports to t"eposts t"at fxture our roc'ers to our car and (ere(onderin% i) t"is (ould #e considered a 5suspensioncomponent8 A structural e,ui*alenc (ill #esu#mitted )or proo) o) t"e rear supports and post

     !"e desi%n mentioned a#o*e "as #een utilied in t"e:! series as s"o(n

    Answer:  !"e picture s"o(s exactl ("at t"e rule(as (ritten to pre*ent !"is arran%ement is notallo(ed +t (ould #e accepta#le i) t"ere (asadditional tu#in% pro*idin% trian%ulation and a

    redundant load pat" #e)ore t"e attac"ment to t"eroc'er post. i) t"e tu#es are properl sied and )ollo(t"e rules

    T3.13 Main Roll Hoop Brace BarSupport Options

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     !3141 Frontal +mpactStructure

    Feet outsidema$or structure

    o) t"e )rame

  • 8/20/2019 2014 FSAE Rules Clarifications and Examples


     !3141 Frontal +mpactStructure

    Feet (it"in ma$orstructure o) t"e)rame

    see 633?

    @t"er conf%urations possi#le #utintent is to s"o(n t"at ("en*ie(ed in side. dri*er must #e

    #elo( 10 x 009 tu#e

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     !320 Front 6ul'"ead Support

    For 2013 t"e )ront #ul'"ead supportmust extend to t"e )ront roll "oop

    This is diferent than !!" #ut the

    sa$e as !1!% !11 and !1

    &'a$plesOr na(i)ate to:




  • 8/20/2019 2014 FSAE Rules Clarifications and Examples


    T3.! ,ront Bulhead Support !3201 !"e Front 6ul'"ead must #e securel inte%rated into t"e Frame !3202 !"e Front 6ul'"ead must #e supported #ac' to t"e Front Roll oop # a minimum o) t"ree =3? Frame

    Bem#ers on eac" side o) t"e *e"icle (it" one at t"e top =(it"in 04 mm =2 inc"es? o) its top-mostsur)ace?. one =1? at t"e #ottom. and one =1? as a dia%onal #race to pro*ide trian%ulation

     !3203 !"e trian%ulation must #e node-to-node. (it" trian%les #ein% )ormed # t"e Front 6ul'"ead. t"e dia%onaland one o) t"e ot"er t(o re,uired Front 6ul'"ead Support Frame Bem#ers

     !320 All t"e Frame Bem#ers o) t"e Front 6ul'"ead Support sstem listed a#o*e must #e constructed o) closedsection tu#in% per Section !31

    T3.! ,ront Bulhead Support

    Question: +s it permitted to usemultiple tu#es to ma'e up eac" o) t"ere,uired )ront #ul'"ead supportmem#ers i) t"e are not in a strai%"tline D"at a#out #ent tu#es

    Answer:  es. #ut t"e minimum sies%i*en in t"e rules are )or sin%le strai%"t

    tu#es a*in% non strai%"t tu#es=eit"er multiple mitered tu#es or #enttu#es? reduces t"e stren%t" A 3rd tu#eis re,uired in t"is case per 63 tocarr t"e additional load. and it mustmeet t"e minimum structuralre,uirements =10 x 009? @t"er

    arran%ements and conf%urations ma#e su#mitted )or re*ie( t"rou%" an SEF+ncreasin t"e tu#e sie )or non-

  • 8/20/2019 2014 FSAE Rules Clarifications and Examples


    T3.1 /$pact Attenuator

    Question: !"is rule states t"at t"e impact attenuator must #e at least 4 inc"eslon% and(ide and at least 39 inc"es "i%" !"ese dimensions ma'e up a rectan%le. #ut is t"ere,uired s"ape o) t"e impact attenuator re,uired to #e rectan%ular For instance. + amplannin% to ma'e more o) a cone s"aped impact attenuator and (anted to 'no( i)t"is (ould #e o'a

    Answer: &er rule 63201. t"e +mpact Attenuator must "a*e t"e minimum rectan%ulardimensions o) 200mm =4 inc"? lon% # 100mm =39 inc"? "i%" # 200mm =4 inc"?(ide !"e +A can #e #i%%er t"an t"e minimum dimensions #ut t"e specifed minimum8#ox must #e present (it"in t"e desi%n Essentiall. a rectan%le o) t"ose dimensionsmust #e )ull contained (it"in t"e impact attenuator *olume )or it to compl (it" t"erules An s"ape ot"er t"an rectan%le must consist o) additional *olume o) materialin addition to t"e rectan%le &lease #e sure t"e additional material (ill still allo( t"e+A to meet t"e ener% a#sorption re,uirements o) rule !3221

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    T3.1 /$pact Attenuator

    Rectan)le o+ $ini$u$

    di$ensions 0ts withinen(elope o+ actual i$pactattenuator.

    Fig 1Fig 2

    hile len)th% width and

    hei)ht $eet the $ini$u$si2es in the rules therectan)ular (olu$e doesnot 0t within the sur+ace o+the attenuator.

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     !322 +mpact Attenuator GataRe,uirement

    Question 1: Accordin% to t"e rule !3221. t"e team must su#mit test data to s"o( t"at t"eir +mpact Attenuator.("en mounted on t"e )ront o) a *e"icle (it" a total mass o) 300 '% =1 l#s? and run into a solid. non-ieldin% impact

    #arrier (it" a *elocit o) impact o) 0 metersHsecond =230 )tHsec?. (ould %i*e an a*era%e deceleration o) t"e *e"iclenot to exceed 20 %Is (it" a pea' deceleration less or e,ual to 0 %Is !o simulate suc" a scenario. + (ould need to attac"a 300'% mass to m impact attenuator and raise it to a "ei%"t t"at is deri*ed )rom t"e conser*ation o) ener% Gue tot"e lac' o) )acilities. + am una#le to raise it to t"is re,uired "ei%"t !o o*ercome t"is. + (ould li'e to drop a "ea*ier mass)rom a lo(er "ei%"t +s t"is accepta#leAnswer 1: De purposel do not speci) "o( a team must test t"eir +mpact Attenuator #ecause di7erentuni*ersities "a*e di7erent le*els o) )acilities and capa#ilities o( ou test our +mpact Attenuator is up to ou

    Question + "a*e a ,uestion re%ardin% t"e +mpact Attenuator !estin% met"od Goes t"e test "a*e to #e a 1l#o#$ect stri'in% a solid #arrier or can it #e a smaller (ei%"t (it" a "i%"er *elocitAnswer :  !"e Rules do not speci) "o( t"e test data s"ould or s"ould not #e ac,uired !"e do not e*enre,uire t"at t"e test #e a dnamic test !"at is up to t"e teams to decide o(e*er. a stron% case could #e made )orstatin% t"at ener% is ener%. and t"at )or a dnamic test. a smaller mass at a "i%"er *elocit is e,ui*alentK

    Question 3: Can (e use a press to simulate t"e impact attenuator testAnswer 3:  es. a stead state crus" test (it" a press can #e used )or our impact attenuator testin% !"e Rulesdo not speci) ("at )orm o) test ou must use De le)t it open #ecause o) t"e di7erent le*els o) e,uipment t"atuni*ersities "a*e !"ere are man test met"ods a*aila#le to ou and it is up to eac" team to select one appropriate toour test e,uipment and resources Just ma'e sure ou clearl explain our test met"od and supportin% calculations to

    relate it #ac' to t"e desi%n re,uirements

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     !322 +mpact Attenuator GataRe,uirement

    Question 4: Rule !3221 states t"e impact attenuator "as to #e desi%ned )or a total mass o) 300 '% =1 l#s?Can (e scale do(n t"e test )or t"e actual test (e per)orm +n ot"er (ords. can (e test "al) t"e mass (it" "al) o) t"e

    crus" area De )eel t"is (ould #e sa)er and more practical. especiall i) (e "a*e to %o t"rou%" man iterations o)desi%n i) our current one )ailsAnswer 4:  !"e mass and *elocit specifed in t"e rules are to set t"e desi%n re,uirements )or t"e impactattenuator !"e are not intended to speci) t"e onl test met"od )or e*aluatin% our desi%n ou are )ree to modi) t"emass and *elocit as lon% as ou ac"ie*e t"e re,uired ener% le*el Also. ou are not re,uired to conduct a dnamicimpact test A stead state crus" test could #e conducted on our impact attenuator !"ere are man test met"odsa*aila#le to ou and it is up to eac" team to select one appropriate to t"eir test e,uipment and resources Just ma'esure ou clearl explain our test met"od and supportin% calculations to relate it #ac' to t"e desi%n re,uirements

    o(e*er. alt"ou%" t"e Rules do not speci) t"at t"e tests )or t"e +A Gata Report BLS! #e done on )ull sie test pieces.t"e Rules Committee intended t"at to #e t"e case. and Rules 63213 and 6321 impl t"at tests on )ull sie pieces

    are re,uired Also. t"e consensus o) t"ose ("o re*ie( t"e +mpact Attenuator Reports is t"at scalin% do(n t"e sie o)sstems suc" as +mpact Attenuators is extremel diMcult to o#tain accurate results !"is is #ecause t"ere are man)actors in*ol*ed t"at cannot #e scaled correctl +t is especiall so (it" composites 

     !o ,uote one o) t"e re*ie(ers 8Scaled model testin% is too complicated. and (it" composites e*en more so to capturet"e ri%"t )ailure modes in scale And )rom anot"er re*ie(er 8+n m experience. it is *er diMcult to relate results )rom a scaled assem#l test to )ull sieassem#lies unless EVER aspect o) t"e desi%n is scaled =)asteners. #ond lines. etc? due to complicated )ailure modes inan assem#l

      !"ere)ore. as (e "a*e not #een specifc in t"e Rules. scaled-do(n testin% o) t"e +mpact Attenuator is not pro"i#itedo(e*er. teams t"at do not run tests on )ull scale +AIs (ill need to $usti) in t"eir report. t"at t"e scalin% "as #een donecorrectl. and (ill #e %raded accordin%l

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     !322 +mpact Attenuator GataRe,uirementQuestion 5: Rule !3221 states t"at 8!"e team must su#mit test data to s"o( t"at t"eir +mpact Attenuator. ("en

    mounted on t"e )ront o) a *e"icle (it" a total mass o) 300 '%s =1 l#s? and run into a solid. non-ieldin% impact #arrier(it" a *elocit o) impact o) 0 metresHsecond =230 )tHsec?. (ould %i*e an a*era%e deceleration o) t"e *e"icle not toexceed 20 %Is. (it" a pea' deceleration less t"an or e,ual to 0 %Is

    - D"at is t"e intent o) t"is rule !o protect t"e dri*er !o protect t"e *e"icle !o c"allen%e t"e desi%n students- At ("at time does t"e 5a*era%e deceleration5 #e%in to #e a*era%ed- D"en is t"e test considered 5complete5 =ie ("en do ou stop a*era%in% t"e deceleration?- Can t"e ener% dissipation o) t"e material used )or t"e impact attenuator can #e assumed to #e independent o) t"erate at ("ic" it is crus"ed )or calculation purposesAnswer 5: !"e ans(er to our frst ,uestion is 8es to all o) t"e a#o*e !"e impact attenuator data re,uirement isintended to ma'e t"e )ront impact attenuator e7ecti*e at a#sor#in% ener% in a collision De are trin% to add specifc)unctional tar%ets to insure all attenuators (ill operate and (ill sa)el decelerate t"e car in t"e e*ent o) a collision !"especifcs parameters (ere c"osen to maximie ener% adsorption ("ile insurin% t"e 8% loadin%s (ould #e at sa)e le*els)or t"e dri*er Bost o) our specifc ,uestions (e cannot ans(er directl. as t"e rule is purposel open ended toencoura%e students to t"in' t"rou%" t"e desi%n c"allen%eere are a )e( %eneral %uidelines- At ("at time does t"e 5a*era%e deceleration5 #e%in to #e a*era%ed @ne lo%ical point (ould #e ("en t"e attenuator#e%ins to carr load- D"en is t"e test considered 5complete5 =ie ("en do ou stop a*era%in% t"e deceleration? A%ain. one place toconsider t"e test complete is ("en t"e *e"icle ac"ie*es ero *elocit- Dit" respect to t"e rate o) ener% dissipation o) t"e material. (e cannot ans(er our ,uestion So muc" depends ont"e material and ot"er )actors@ne component o) our su#mission (ill #e to clearl state t"e assumptions o) our calculations. and (" ou made


    Question 6: D"at do t"e oMcials or t"e $ud%es do (it" t"e +mpact Attenuator ReportsAnswer 6: E*er +mpact Attenuator Report is re*ie(ed and $ud%ed to meet t"e rules re,uirements !"e decision ispassed #ac' to teams and an reports t"at do not meet t"e re,uirements )or per)ormance. data %at"erin% or dataanalsis are re,uired to #e redone and resu#mitted #e)ore t"e car (ill #e allo(ed to pass tec"nical inspection at t"ecompetition

    Question : Can dnamic simulation results. suc" as fnite element analsis. #e su#mitted instead o) actual p"sicaltestin%

    Answer :

  • 8/20/2019 2014 FSAE Rules Clarifications and Examples


    T3.34 Monoco7ue ,ront Hoop

    T3.36 Monocoque Front HoopT3.36.1 Composite materials are not allowed for the front hoop. See

    Rule T.3.28 for general requirements that apply to all aspects ofthe monocoque.

    T3.36.2 ttachment of the !ront "oop to the monocoque must

    comply with Rule T3.#$.

    T3.40 Monocoque AttachmentsT3.#$.1 %n any direction& each attachment point 'etween the

    monocoque and the other primary structure must 'e a'le tocarry a load of 3$().

    Question: Goes t"e ne( rule !33 and !30 mean t"at inte%rall #onded

    in )ront roll "oops are no lon%er permitted


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    /8.4.5 ,uel Tan &$pt9in)

    Question: Rule +C2 states 5!"e )uel sstem must "a*e a pro*ision )or emptin% t"e)uel tan' i) re,uired5 D"at s"ould t"is pro*ision loo' li'e Bust it ta'e t"e )orm o) a drainplu% =emptied # t"e )orce o) %ra*it?. or can t"e )uel line #e disconnected suc" t"at t"e)uel pump can pump t"e )uel out =)orced out?

    Answer: ou ma use t"e )uel pump to sip"on out t"e )uel )rom t"e tan' +) ouc"oose to desi%n a drain in t"e tan'. (e (ould ur%e ou to use sound en%ineerin%practices ("en desi%nin% t"e location. met"od o) sealin% and ro#ustness o) t"e drain

    plu% For t"is reason. a petcoc'-tpe *al*e t"at protrudes )rom t"e #ottom o) t"e tan'(ould not #e accepta#le. as it ma #e suscepti#le to dama%e )rom t"e road sur)ace +)t"e drain plu% is /us" mounted. locatin% it on t"e #ottom sur)ace o) t"e tan' s"ould #eaccepta#le or ou can mount a drain on t"e lo(est portion o) t"e side o) t"e tan' Justma'e sure ou can )ull drain t"e tan' +) ou use a drain plu%. ma'e sure ouunderstand "o( to desi%n t"e sealin% met"od and )actor in all t"e potential noise)actors ="eat. /uid exposure. etc? and )ailure modes =compression set o) elastomericseals. t"ermal limits. /uid compara#ilit. etc? !"e !ec" +nspectors are *er sensiti*e("en it comes to potential )uel lea's at t"e e*ent

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    B13. Hi)h ressure H9draulic u$psand ;ines

    Question: Can ou explain more a#out !102

    Answer:  !"e rule "as t(o criteria to e*aluate ("et"er a certain line must #e

    s"ielded1? !"e line must operate at pressures a#o*e 2100 '&a =300 psi? %au%e2? !"e line must #e connected to a pump or lar%e reser*oir o) "draulic

    /uid suc" t"at i) a line )ailed it could result in a si%nifcant *olumeo) /uid /o(in% out o) t"e line

    Lsin% t"is clarifcation "ere are some examplesBrae lines:

  • 8/20/2019 2014 FSAE Rules Clarifications and Examples


    Superc"ar%er 6passQuestion:  !"e s'etc" #elo( s"o(s t"e #-pass sstem (e (ouldli'e to install As &lease note t"at t"e #-pass is installeddo(nstream o) t"e restrictor and t"e t"rottle. so it is neit"era7ectin% t"e maximum air/o( rate. nor inter)erin% (it" t"e loadcontrol

    Answer: !"e proposed sstem is allo(ed #ecause it is all

    do(nstream o) t"e restrictor

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    Question: What sort of engine has “a primary heat cycle”?

    Answer: The idea here is that the primary heat cycle is the 4-stroke cycle we allknow and love. Previously you were only allowed to have a primary heat cycle e!ceptfor tur"o chargers which have a secondary heat cycle which is e!tracting thermalenergy from the e!haust to drive the compressor wheel. The idea is now if you wantto use the e!haust gas that was "urned in the 4-stroke cycle you can do something

    with it to generate more power. The idea is not to "uild a hy"rid where you store theenergy "ut you could mechanically e!tract and use it immediately. #or e!ample youcould run the e!haust through a heat e!changer to heat up water to steam and usethe steam to power a piston-cylinder. That$s not the "est e!ample "ut we$re trying toallow advanced powertrain technologies along the lines of waste heat recovery.

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    +dle Air Control

    Ouestion + (ould li'e to 'no( i) it is le%al to use t"e ecu tocontrol t"e idle speed !"e rule in ,uestion is +C12 !"rottle Actuation

      !"e t"rottle must #e actutated mec"anicall. ie*ia a ca#le or a rod sstem !"e use o) electronict"rottle control =E!C?

    or 5t"rottle-#-(ire5 is pro"i#ited

    Ans(er Electronic +dle air control is not allo(ed per t"ecurrent rules #ut is under stud )or inclusion in t"e 201rules update

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    EV 6ra'e Sstem &lausi#ilitGe*ice Reset


    Can t"ere #e a dri*er s(itc" to reset t"e 6ra'eSstem &lausi#ilit Ge*ice


     !"e 6ra'e Sstem &lausi#ilit Ge*ice ma onl #ereset # po(er cclin% t"e :rounded No( Volta%eBaster S(itc"

  • 8/20/2019 2014 FSAE Rules Clarifications and Examples


    EV2 &ositionin% o) t"e !racti*eSstem

    Ouestion&lease can ou clari) ("ere t"etracti*e sstem components can#e placedAns(erSee t"e f%ure 6elo( 30mm

    a#o*e t"e %round. t"e tracti*esstem components must #eprotected )rom impacts )rom t"eside and rear # a trian%ulatedstructure (it" t"e specifed tu#in%sies

    A#o*e 30mm a#o*e t"e %round.t"e tracti*e sstem componentsmust #e (it"in t"e )rame en*elopesuc" t"at t"e are protected )romrollo*er =(it"in t"e red line?