20 projects in 10 countries! Voluntary Service...International Long and Middle Term Voluntary...

Organized by NVDA (Network for Voluntary Development in Asia) and its 13 member NGOs for hosting; BWCA (Bangladesh), CYA (Cambodia), FSL/ RUCHI/ SMILE (India), IIWC (Indonesia), NICE (Japan), COM (Myanmar), VIN (Nepal), YSDA (Philippines), DALAA/ VSA (Thailand), SJV (Vietnam) Philipines With disadvantaged kids Nepal Improving sanitation India Renovate the check dam Thailand Protection of cultures Vietnam Empower the slum area Japan Protecting forests Bangladesh Planting trees 20 projects in 10 countries! Mainly Asian can join! Work & Stay for 1-12 months! < What are special in AVS? > Higher quality & impact Get valuable networks! 1st chance in the history! Indonesia Planting mangrove trees Myanmar Education in Monastry Cambodia Building Learning center

Transcript of 20 projects in 10 countries! Voluntary Service...International Long and Middle Term Voluntary...

Page 1: 20 projects in 10 countries! Voluntary Service...International Long and Middle Term Voluntary Service (LMTV) has been rapidly developed in Asia with creating unique impact to improve

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Organized by NVDA (Network for Voluntary

Development in Asia) and its 13 member NGOs for hosting;

BWCA (Bangladesh), CYA (Cambodia), FSL/ RUCHI/ SMILE (India),

IIWC (Indonesia), NICE (Japan), COM (Myanmar), VIN (Nepal),

YSDA (Philippines), DALAA/ VSA (Thailand), SJV (Vietnam)

Philipines With disadvantaged kids

Nepal Improving sanitation

India Renovate the check dam

Thailand Protection of cultures

Vietnam Empower the slum area

Japan Protecting forests

Bangladesh Planting trees

20 projects in 10 countries! Mainly Asian can join!

Work & Stay for 1-12 months!

< What are special in AVS? > Higher quality & impact Get valuable networks! 1st chance in the history!

Indonesia Planting mangrove trees

Myanmar Education in Monastry

Cambodia Building Learning center

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< Table of contents >

1. General Information (page 2-3) 2. Application guidance (page 3-4) 3. Summary List (page 5) 4. Project description (page 6-45) 4-1. Bangladesh (page 6-7) 4-2. Cambodia (page 8-9) 4-3. India (page 10-17)

4-4. Indonesia (page 18-19) 4-5. Japan (page 20-23) 4-6. Myanmar (page 24-25) 4-7. Nepal (page 26-31) 4-8. Philippines (page 32-33) 4-9. Thailand (page 34-41) 4-10. Vietnam (page 42-45)

5. Brief introduction of NVDA (page 46)

1. General Information of Asian Voluntary Service (AVS)

1-1. Background - why and how AVS has been created? -

International Long and Middle Term Voluntary Service (LMTV) has been rapidly developed in Asia with creating unique impact to improve the situations of the environment, culture, development and so on, to activate the local communities and to promote intercultural understanding and friendship naturally, widely and deeply among the volunteers (mostly youth) and local people. It is also distinguished as one of powerful tools to grow up “global human resources” expected in many of universities, companies and governments.

On the other hand, the projects are not promoted yet widely enough compared with the potential needs in the societies due to lack of cross sectional collaboration, recognition in the societies and capacities of NGOs. In Europe, an exchange scheme of Long Term Volunteers named EVS (European Voluntary Service) has been actively organized since 1996 by collaboration between European Commission and NGOs in each country. As there is no such a wide inter-governmental agency in the whole Asia, NGOs have even a bigger role and mission to lead creation of AVS (Asian Voluntary Service) that could bring huge benefits for the betterment of the societies as well as stronger collaboration, promotion and quality improvement of international voluntary service NGOs by having common, standardized scheme.

So, AVS got good start in 2014 Apr. with gathering 14 volunteers from 3 countries for the projects in 6 countries till 2014 Oct. In 2015, NVDA will develop and promote this project more strongly in various ways!

1-2. Aims and expected impact of JAVS

< General aims applying to all projects >

< Specific aims depending on the themes of the projects >

By these outcomes, we aim to create a sustainable, fair and peaceful world;

- Where various types of ecologies/ cultures/ personalities/ communities can harmoniously glittered with their own colors - Beyond limitation of the present modern civilizations with huge destruction of nature, traditions and human relationship.

1. Strengthen solidarity and positive

peace in Asia.

2. Improve situations of commnities by direct actions.

3. Promote volunteerism and active


4. Grow up friendship and inter-cultural understanding.

5. Develop global human resources and capacities.

1. Environment Forests, Water, Climate change, Bio-divercity, etc.

2.Development Poverty, Health, Disaster relief, Activating villages, etc.

3. Culture Heritage, Diversity, Creation, etc.

4. Education Formal, Informal, Non-formal, etc.

5. Social welfare Children, refugees, challenged people, indigeous, etc.

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1-3. Basic forms of the Projects

1) Place

20 projects hosted by 13 NGOs in 10 countries have been selected from the open call to the international voluntary service (i.v.s.) NGOs of NVDA members in 19 countries/ areas of Asia-Oceania region; Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Japan, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.

2) Period 3-12 months starting from 2014 Feb. 01, May 01, Aug. 01 and Nov 01.

* Starting/ ending dates of some projects are some days later/ earlier (see Project description). * 1-2 months participation is possible if there are still places 2 months before the start.

3) Activities

A) Voluntary work: Varies in each project based on the local needs and plans. Working hours also depend on each project, but there is at least one free day/ a week.

B) Other activities: Study programs, discussions, excursions, visits, exchange parties, sports, etc. can be organized either by the vols. themselves or the local hosts.

C) Collective life: Usually, simple community conditions of meals with cooking by themselves by turns and of accommodations such as community halls, youth centers.

4) Volunteers

* Volunteers basically need to come from “Asia-Oceania” region (with some exceptions below). * If they live in for more than a year or originally come from the following 19 countries/ areas in Asia-Oceania, they need to apply through the member NGOs of NVDA; Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Macau, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam.

* If they live in for more than a year or originally come from other countries of Asia-Oceania region (besides the above 19 countries/ areas), they need to apply through NVDA.

* Some projects can be open to people in other parts of the world if there are any vacant places 2 months before the project starts. In this case, volunteers can apply through the i.v.s. NGOs in their countries (Member of CCIVS and Members/ Partners of ALLIANCE).

* Each project should have volunteers from at least 3 countries incl. hosting ones.

5) Organizers

NVDA (Network for Voluntary Development in Asia) and its 27 member NGOs (IVP, JIA, SJ,

VT, DJF, IWO, KNCU, MNCYA, MCE, FFN, GVC, GV4GF, VYA, VPV + following 13 hosting NGOs; BWCA (Bangladesh Work Camp Association)/ CYA (Cambodian Youth Action)/ FSL (Field Services and intercultural Learning), India/ RUCHI (Rural Centre for Human Interests), India/ SMILE (Situational Management And Inter Learning Establishment society), India/ IIWC (Indonesia International Work Camp)/ NICE (Never-ending International workCamps Exchange), Japan/ COM (Charity Oriented Myanmar)/ VIN (Volunteers Initiative Nepal), Nepal/ YSDA (Youth for Sustainable Development Assembly), Philippines/ DALAA (International Volunteers for Social Development Association), Thailand/ VSA (Volunteer Spirit Association), Thailand/ SJV (Solidarity Jeunesse Vietnam)

2. Application Guidance

2-1. How to apply and join the projects?

Step 1: Sending applications! (as soon as decided to apply) Volunteers need to apply through the i.v.s. NGOs (Members of NVDA) in their countries or NVDA itself/ i.v.s.

NGOs in other countries outside Asia-Oceania in the special cases as mentioned in 1-3. Sending NGOs should send the common format of the application forms to both Hosting NGOs (contact addresses are written in each project description) and AVS Coordinator ([email protected] in cc) by e-mail. * Applicants may need to pay the inscription fee to Sending NGOs at this stage (depending on their rules though). This fee should include the fee for Asian Volunteering Ambassadors (AVA) which details will be guided in Step 3.

* There is no deadline of the applications unless written in the project description, until all the places will be full. * Hosting NGOs should send the common format of the Vacancy List, when there is any change, to NVDA members. AVS Coordinator may combine the whole List and introduce it on the website, SNS, etc.

Step 2: Acceptance (or refusal) of the volunteers Hosting NGOs should decide acceptance/ refusal and inform Sending NGOs and AVS Coordinator (in cc) by

e-mail within 2 weeks, at latest, after the applications (first reply should be sent in 3 working days). * Some hosting NGOs already send the Acceptance Letter, the Information Sheets together with Acceptance Mail.

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Step 3: Preparation for participation 1) Book the flights without waiting for the Information Sheets not to miss economical flights! Volunteers should not expect so much time for sightseeing during the projects, so if they should take enough time beforehand/ afterwards.

2) Sufficient information and instruction for visa should be given by Sending and Hosting NGOs to the volunteers. If needed, Hosting NGOs should send the invitatin letters for visa to the Volunteers through the sending NGOs.

3) The Information Sheets should be sent to Sending NGOs and AVS Coordinator (in cc) by e-mail by 2 months before the starting date of the projects.

4) Sending NGOs should organize Pre Departure Training and do any other necessary guidance to the volunteers. Hosting NGOs may also contact with them by e-mail (cc: Sending NGOs and AVS Coordinator), skype, etc.

5) Volunteers should do any other preparation by themselves besides/ based on the instruction above mentioned, such as studying languages/ cultures/ histories of the hosting countries, vaccination, etc.

6) Hosting NGOs will do all the necessary preparation with the Local Hosts (e.g. getting tools and materials for work) and may also raise fund for the projects through crowd funding, etc. together with AVS Coordinator of NVDA.

Step 4: Participation in the project! 1) After arrival at the hosting countries, Hosting NGOs should firstly organize On Arrival Training with keeping the minimum standard globally defined (mostly in their national offices, but sometimes in the projects). The participation fee for the Hosting NGOs (see each project description) should be usually paid at this stage.

2) Volunteers are expected to regularly report the work & life through the tools of Hosting NGOs and NVDA. Daily work and life will be usually dealt with the Local Hosts, but Hosting NGOs may also do some communication/ support such as project visit, monthly or mid evaluation meetings, introducing mentors, etc. (depending on their ways). Sending NGOs and NVDA should also cooperate well to run the projects and deal with any emergent cases.

3) Hosting NGOs should finally organize (Pre Departure) Evaluation Meeting in the national offices or the projects.

Step 5: Follow up 1) After coming back to their own countries, some Sending NGOs may invite Volunteers to their Evaluation Meeting.

Volunteers are also welcomed to actively cooperate for further development of AVS and Sending/ Hosting NGOs.

2) Volunteers will be asked to write on the common format of Final Report (to be presented externally for sharing experience and impact) and Evaluation Form (to be used internally for quality assessment and improvement).

3) Useful Certificate should be signed by all parties and given to the volunteers after submission of 2). NVDA may also organize Post AVS Gathering to share the experience and to promote AVS when possible.

2-2. Qualification of the volunteers

Volunteers should be at least aged 18 and each project may have further age limit. The general qualification is as follows in addition to specific qualification (see each project description);

a) Best motivation for the voluntary work (special good skills and power are usually not very necessary.) b) Responsibility to keep rules of NVDA, Sending and Hosting NGOs and cooperation to run the project. c) Best efforts to understand and respect cultures both of the hosts and other volunteers d) Open mind to make friends with trying to speak English (in the groups) and the local language e) To adapt and enjoy simple, local conditions of the living such as food and accommodation

2-3. Financial regulation

* Travel cost should be paid by the volunteers themselves unless there is any special fund. * Volunteers are also required to pay 1) Inscription fee to the Sending NGOs (maximum: 600 Euro), 2) Participation fee to the Hosting NGOs (maximum: 300 Euro per month. See each project description) and 3) Fee for Asian Volunteering Ambassadors to NVDA (30 US$ for those from ‘expensive countries’, where the annual GDP per person is more than 10,000 US$, and 15 US$ for ‘less expensive ones’, valid for 2 years in 2015-16).

* NVDA and Sending/ Hosting NGOs may also support self-fundraising actions of Volunteers (e.g. crowd funding) in a proper way by providing information/ reference, etc. if the conditions are matched. In 2014, a volunteer from Myanmar have applied and successfully got the fund to support his travel cost to Japan by wonderful efforts of himself and his Sending NGO.

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3. Summary List of the registered projects

Country Code Name Main theme Fee 1 Fee 2 Start End Dur Min

Bangladesh BWCA-1 Ujgram DEVE, ENVI 200 - 02/01 01/31 12 1

Cambodia CYA-1 Kampot DEVE, EDUC 400 - 02/01 11/30 9 2


FSL-1 Kundapur ENVI 317 - 02/01 04/30 3 3

RUCHI-1 Boghdhar EDUC 360 - 05/01 07/31 12 1

RUCHI-2 Baddi ENVI, EDUC 360 - 02/01 01/31 12 1

SMILE-3 Madhyamgram-G ENVI 356 - 02/01 04/30 3 1

Indonesia IIWC-1 Mangkang ENVI 254 157 02/01 07/31 6 3

Japan NICE-1 Mashiko ENVI 0 - 02/01 12/04 9 1

NICE-2 Kurogi ENVI 0 - 05/01 11/30 7 2

Myanmar COM-1 Payartaung EDUC, DEVE 265 230 02/01 04/15 2.5 2.5


VIN-1 Jitpurphedi-W EDUC 381 305 02/01 07/31 12 1

VIN-2 Jitpurphedi-C DEVE, EDUC 381 305 02/01 01/31 12 1

VIN-3 Jitpurphedi-W SOCI, EDUC 381 305 02/01 01/31 6 1

Philippine YSDA-1 Manila SOCI 112 - 05/01 07/30 3 1


DALAA-1 Kok Payom EDUC 247 185 02/01 01/31 12 3

DALAA-2 Roy Wan Phan Pba ENVI 247 185 02/01 01/31 12 3

DALAA-3 Baan Kok Riang ENVI 247 185 02/01 01/31 12 3

VSA-2 Yor Island CULT 247 - 02/01 04/15 2.5 1

Vietnam SJV-1 Hanoi SOCI, EDUC 353 282 02/01 01/31 12 1

SJV-2 Ha Long SOCI, EDUC 353 282 02/01 01/31 12 1

10 countries 13 NGOs 20 projects

* Main theme: ENVI=Environment, DEVE=Development, CULT=Culture, EDUC=Education, SOCI=Social welfare

* Fee 1: Normal fee, per month by US$/(as of the rate of 2014 Oct. 28).

* Fee 2: Special fee, per month by US$ (as of the rate of 2014 Oct. 28) for volunteers from «less expensive countries».

“-“ means hat there is no discount rate for them )all vols. need to pay Fee 1).

* Start/ End: Starting/ Ending dates (M/D). Those for 6, 9, 12 months can have also 3 months participation.

* Min (minimum participation): 1 = Open to 1 & 2 months participation, 2 = Open to 2 months participation. Both can be

possible if the places are not full 2 months before the project starts. Starting from the first day of each month.

Code NA Location Main work

BWCA-1 Yes Bogra Plant & maintain trees on Greening Asia campaign

CYA-1 No Kampot Construct Learning Center and Teaching English

FSL-1 Yes Karnataka Assist Sustainable Agriculture Project

RUCHI-1 Yes Himachal Pradesh Teach English & cultures to the children informally

RUCHI-2 Yes Himachal Pradesh Renovate the chck dam and education in the villages

SMILE-3 Yes Kolkata Construct Green House to help organic farming

IIWC-1 Yes Semarang Planting Mangrove at coastal/green belt

NICE-1 No Tochigi Maintain Children's forest and revive Disaster area

NICE-2 No Fukuoka Revive forests & fields in the depopulated area

COM-1 Yes Southern Shan Teach in the monastry school and do manual work

VIN-1 Yes Kathmandu Teach for Early Childhood Education Project

VIN-2 Yes Kathmandu Research and awareness campaign on health

VIN-3 Yes Kathmandu Research and awareness campaign on women

YSDA-1 Yes Manila Take care of and play with disadvantaged children

DALAA-1 Yes Satun Run nature education in the alternative community

DALAA-2 Yes Nakhon Srithammarat Faming & house work in the alternative community

DALAA-3 Yes Songkhla Faming & house work in the alternative community

VSA-2 Yes Songkhla Help cultural maintenance of Folklore museum

SJV-1 Yes Hanoi Improve infra-structure and child care in the slum

SJV-2 Yes Quang Ninh Teach & take care of the disadvantage children

* NA (Non-Asian): Yes = Open to Non-Asian if the places are not full 2 months before the project starts.

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4-1. Bangladesh (Code) (Name) (Location) (Period) (Main theme) (Maximum no. of vols.)

BWCA-1 Ujgram (Bogra) 2015/02/01-2016/01/31 DEVE, ENVI 8 vols. (incl. 5 international)

Hosting NGO BWCA (Bangladesh Work Camps Association) www.mybwca.org

Contact person Abdur Rahman, Director & Org. Secry., [email protected] Tel: 880-29356814, 1923671283

Project Place VTC, Ujgram, Bogra- Bangladesh

Remark for Period 3 months participation from 02/01, 05/01, 08/01 and 11/01 is possible. Open to 1 month participation if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date.


1. Local/ social situation/ needs for the project As to develop the quality of people’s life style in and around of project site at Ujgram,

BWCA has been establishing a pilot model project namely “VTC” (Volunteer Training Center) since 2005 with its glorious history & experience of last 56 years. As such a sustainable Institute like VTC for the promotion of work camp movement as well as organizational development aspects it is needed to be established. In establishing VTC’s infrastructural and overall development, BWCA has been organizing its regular activities like local, national, bilateral and international work camp aimed to undertake different social issues like climate change, environment, cultural exchange, health and community development as well. 2. Name and description of the local host

VTC is a pilot model project of the BWCA. BWCA Bogra unite itself hosting the project with the cooperation of local Govt., educational institutions and people around Ujgram (Project site). 3. Aims and expected impact of the project

Main aim of this project is to create awareness about the health, agriculture, environment and climate change among the local people and also to make them aware about the NVDA action plans and BWCA as well. Also aiming to promote volunteering attitude and spirit among the local youth and students of the concern area. To see an impact of people, they would act as an activist in favor of environment by plantation, demonstrative activities by reducing use of energy and doing waste management.

Main voluntary work

Plantation, maintenance work of existing project which have been already done like: taking care and nursing of planted trees inside the VTC, maintenance work of the incomplete and complete construction works, addressing of half done project like: nursery, organic fertilizer component, earth filling on low land and re-excavation of water pond inside VTC. * Approximate working hours: 6 hours x 5 days in a week.

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Type of building: BWCA Dormitory * Sleeping: Sharing with locals * Meals: Cooked by vols. & locals * How and how long to go to work: 15 min by walk from dormitory * Smoking: OK also inside * Internet access: Available (slow speed) * Any other points: Tele communication is also available through cell phone


Location is at Ujgram, which is a village of Bogra.Very calm and quite environment. Though the work camp time is May-June,so it’ll be summer season. Maximum people of the village are Muslims and it has natural beauty with hospitable people VTC surrounding area.


* Nearest international airport: Hazrat Shahjalal Int. Airport in Dhaka. * Transportation from the capital or other major city: Road transportation and train communication is well established.

Other activities

Beside the project works school visits will be also arranged by the host organization. Local cultural parties will be also arranged by the local people and volunteers. Free time activities will be organized by the innovative ideas of participants together.

Qualification for vols.

* Required: No skill required but well-motivated having volunteering attitude is most welcomed. * Preferable: Experience in any sort of activities in the project would be preferred as co-leader.

Attraction for vols.

The volunteers will have free access of mixing with local people, explore cultural heritage through interacting each other, enjoying Bengali traditional hospitality, language and also test of Bangladeshi food.

Financial condition

* Participation fee to the host NGO: 600 US$ for 3 months (200 US$ per month)


* On arrival training: Brief orientation about the project, culture and local situation * Special care during Project: Whole time staff and local vols. will accompanied * Evaluation meeting: At mid-term of the project and at the end of the project.

Other remarks

Volunteers may bring some souvenirs for the school students (if they want to). Open to Non-Asian if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date.

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4-2. Cambodia CYA-1 Ujgram (Bogra) 2015/02/01-11/30 DEVE, EDUC 7 vols. (6 int.)

Hosting NGO CYA (Cambodian Youth Action) www.cyacam.org

Contact person SORN Sophat, President [email protected] Tel: 855-10678669

Project Place Kampot province, Cambodia

Remark for Period 3 months participation from 02/01, 05/01 and 09/01 is possible. Open to 2 months participation if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date.


1. Local/ social situation/ needs for the project Education is the most important aspect for the developments of Cambodia where 70% of

population are under 30 years old, therefore to educate youth is the immediate action needed. According to our work experience with communities in 4 provinces, we have found that many Cambodian young people drop off school in very early age, after primary school.

Angkor Chey is one of the communities where there are a big percentage of young people drop off school to look for job in urban area or neighboring countries such as Thailand and Vietnam. Many of them are migrated illegally to those countries and they are end up in prison or back to their communities becoming drug users. It’s a very serious situation for the community now, but they have no choice as their families are poor and need support from them but instead they only can make the family situation getting worse. On the other hand, the community is now left behind elderly people and children.

To improve the situation of this community, CYA is going to cooperate with local people, local authority and all partners around the world to create a CYA-Learning Center where education is considered as an important aspect for community development, specific skills will be trained to local people for generating income and job will be created in this community.

CYA-Learning Center is taking our first step for building a better future of our children and teenagers in this village by building our first alternative school to provide language classes, library and E-learning center to enable them to free access to education. As for now, our building is completed, language classes are started and new building is now ready to equip all books and computers for the next step. We are now in need of your support for providing our library with books and and our E-learning Center computers so that we can start everything at one. 2. Name and description of the local host

This is the second CYA’s project which everything is organized and manage by CYA staff members with cooperation from local people and authorities. 3. Aims and expected impact of the project

To educate youth in Cambodia/ To promote global education among Cambodian youth/ To bring back lives to local community/ To re-connect people to community lives/ To prevent illegal migration of young people.

We are expected that by 2016, we will be able to privide children and teenagers in this surrounding area languages classes, library, computer center, and able to conduct an environmental course «Eco-village Design Education» for local and international people with technical support from Gaia Education Network.

Main voluntary work

1) Education work: Teaching English, Arts and Sanitation to local children and teenagers 2) Manual work: They will help the construction workers to build or construct the path to the village, paint and draw on the new building wall and join other local activities such local ceremony, celebration and so on.

* Approximate working hours: 5-6 hours x 5 days in a week.

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Type of building: CYA-home stay * Sleeping: Sharing with other vols. * Meals: Cooked by locals * How and how long to go to work: 3 minutes work from accommodation * Smoking: ? * Internet access: ?


It is located in a rural village where most of the time temperature is above 30 C but fortunately, we have planty of three and the north and the south-west wind is blowing all the time that make the admosphere cooler. Cambodia has two main season dry season and rainy season. In the rainy season, the temperature a bit cooler but sometimes it has a heavy rain. People here in this village are Budhism so there are several Budhist temples around the area and all of them are farmers which is planting rice during rainy season.


* Nearest international airport: Phnom Penh International Airport * Transportation from the capital or other major city: From Phnom Penh capital, we have several bus companies passed by our camp site and some bus companies are alread known our project site just tell them that you are CYA volunteers

Other activities

We have one genocide area left from Khmer rough regime and several Budhist temples so that during their free time, volunteers can visit. They can also freely join local celebration such harvesting ceremony which normally organise in February, and other events. There are also several valleyball court so they also can join and play with local teenagers.

Qualification for vols.

* Required: Only motivation of being together with kids and teenagers in a rural village. The presence of the volr. is very helpful to local for enlarging their dream and see the world better. English is a language using by all volunteers, so your English ability is also important.

Attraction for vols.

Living and working together with multi-nationalities is the best way to learn and understand the differences of one another I am sure this will be a life time experience for all volunteers. They will also able to make more international friends where all travellers are looking to have it. More than that, living and working in a place you never know, new people, different condition can enhance the volunteer their adaptation skill in their life and it might also help them to find their true way of life as well.

Financial condition

* Participation fee to the host NGO: 1,200 US$ for 3 months (400 US$ per month)


* On arrival training: In both CYA office and the project site for 3 days to oriente volunteers about the work, area and other important info. for living condition and way of life in Cambodia.

* Special care during Project: CYA staff or member will be together with volunteers for the entired project and time to time our office staff will travel and visit them to check the situation.

* Evaluation meeting: Mid term and final evaluation to share vols.’ knowledge, experience and skills they get with university students and other stakeholder in Phnom Penh the capital.

Other remarks We are keen to make this first AVS a fruitful and remarkable project with all your motivated

volunteers and provide them a wonderful life time experience and unforgettable friendship with local people and volunteers. We are looking forward to start this new ara of AVS!

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4-3. India FSL-1 Kundapur (Karnataka) 2015/02/01-04/30 ENVI 3 vols. (2 int.)

Hosting NGO FSL (Field Services and intercultural Learning) http://www.fsl-india.org/

Contact person Rohan D’Souza, Director [email protected] Phone: 91-9945231228

Project Place Kundapur, Karnataka state. It is a town situated on the coastline of the south Indian state of Karnataka, close to the Western Ghats (a mountain ridge).

Remark for Period None


1. Local/ social situation/ needs for the project Since 2005, FSL has been implementing a range of self-initiated and self-funded Home

Based Projects (HBP) in Kundapur. The Sustainable Agriculture Project (SAP) is one such project under FSL India’s HBP initiative. For information about our programs and activities, please visit our website (http://www.fsl-india.org/) or our blog (http://www.fsl-india.org/blog/)

Vision of SAP: To evolve a model of sustainable agriculture for sustainable livelihood Mission of SAP: To demonstrate all sustainable agriculture practices to evolve a model for

the benefit of the farming community through involving National and international volunteer and local community. 2. Name and description of the local host

FSL was established in India in 2000 with the support of various international organizations. It is a non-profit, charitable, social and independent NGO with the main objective of promoting Global Understanding/Inter-cultural learning and to work for togetherness to promote World Peace through Youth Mobility. FSL-India is registered under the Indian Trust Act and is not inclined to any political or religious groups and is structured with a constituency-based network. It is a partner of various International organizations and prominent networks like Alliance, NVDA (Network for Voluntary Development in Asia), YAP (Youth Action for Peace) and CCIVS-UNESCO (Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service). 3. Aims and expected impact of the project 1) To provide an opportunity for international volunteer to understand and experience

sustainable agriculture practices of the local area.

2) To demonstrate different sustainable practices for creating awareness for the trainees of the

centre and the community.

3) To generate enough Farm produce to meet the requirement of the centre.

4) To integrate different farming systems for efficient use of conservation and management of

Natural resources.

5) To revive, conserve and highlight the benefits of the traditional practices, local germplasm.

6) To replicate the sustainable Agriculture practice in around the villages.

Main voluntary work

SAP has 8 major components as below. Vols. will be engaged in any of them; 1. Base line Survey, Mapping & planning (Topographic survey/ Soil Analysis/ Treatment map) 2. Pooling information on sustainable Agriculture practices (Net searching/ Exposure visit/ Training/ Collection of books/ Organising workshop)

3. Conservation of Natural resources (Soil& water conservation - Trench cum bunding, farm pond, gully plugging, fodder promotion, waste weir, stone bunding, Nalabund, pit digging and filling/ Live hedge fencing/ Plantation - Fruit and forestry)

4. Implementation of sustainable Agriculture practices (Crop cultivation - ploughing, sowing, weeding, plant protection, harvesting/ Composting - NADEF, Vermi composting/ Azolla cultivation, Kitchen garden/ Animal rearing - Poultry, goat, cattle, rabbit, bee keeping, etc. / Fishery, Floriculture, Bio pesticide making/ Medicinal plants cultivation/ Nursery management/ Conducting training and awareness in the villages around the centre.

5. Maintenance and management (After care, basin making, watering, pruning, protection, etc.) 6. Post harvest practices (Threshing, cleaning) 7. Documentation (Local Traditional practices) 8. Evaluation (Developing system , taking up evaluation) * Approximate working hours: 09:00-14:00 x 5 days in a week

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Type of building: Training center. FSL India has recently completed the construction of this with its Regional Office. The center can accommodate up to 60 participants and has conference hall, kitchen and dining facilities. * Sleeping: Sharing with other vols. * Meals: Cooked by vols. & locals * How and how long to go to work: The project site is located where the volunteers will stay. * Smoking: Only outside building * Internet access: Wifi is available


The Western Ghats is India's prime zone for bio-diversity, known for its variety of animal and plant species in the region. Kundapur is also described as the "town of the sun". The Portuguese settled here in the 16th century and built a fort. A well-built redoubt constructed by Haidar Ali commands the entrance to the river. After the fall of Tipu Sultan in 1799, the town was taken over by the British. There was once a tank of fresh water near the town in which was bred a special type of fish said to have been exclusively reserved for Tipu Sultan.

Taluk of Kundapur is well blessed with more rivers than any other Taluk of South Kanara. It has also a 45 km long sea coast on the western side extending up to its northern boundary. The bridge at Gangolli is the longest in the district. The Kundapur Taluk has played a significant role in evolving the Yakshagana dance-drama of the northern school known as Badagutittu.

A blend of culture, religion and ethnicity is represented here. They built their settlements in various locations in plains, coastal plateau, hills and mountainous areas. They converse with each other in different languages. However, Kananda language is spoken by majority and they also speak in other languages like Malayalam, Hindi, etc. Although Hinduism is the most prevalent religion, there are only a handful of tribes of Karnataka who have adept to religions like Islam and Christianity. Several other communities of Karnataka possess their distinct tradition and ethnicity. They communicate in their local dialect and also maintain their own tradition. Some of them are also reckoned as being originated from the warrior race.


* Nearest international airport: Bangalore International Airport * Transportation from the capital or other major city: From Bangalore, Kundapur is about 420 km, 10 hour overnight journey by bus. There are many government and privates buses from Bangalore to Kundapur and the cost of an a/c luxury bus is Rupees 750 (10 Euros).

Other activities Opportunity to engage in the other HBP’s of FSL India like Environment Education and

Tent school project. The volunteer will have free time on Saturdays and Sundays and there are several places of historical and cultural interest near Kundapur.

Qualification for vols.

* Required: Basic knowledge of Sustainable Agriculture practices and an interest in Natural Resource Management. Open mind to learn new skills. Willing to experience joy of farming and to work closely with soil, water, vegetation. No special skill required.

* Preferable: Must be physically fit to work in the field.

Attraction for vols.

1) To understand and experience sustainable agriculture practices of the local area.

2) To demonstrate different sustainable practices for creating awareness for the trainees of the

centre and the community.

3) To integrate different farming systems for efficient use of conservation and management of

Natural resources.

4) To revive, conserve and highlight the benefits of the traditional practices, local germplasm.

5) To replicate the sustainable Agriculture practice in around the villages.

Financial condition

* Participation fee to the host NGO: 750 Euro for 3 months (250 Euros per month)


* On arrival training: For a week at the FSL regional center in Kundapur * Special care during Project: SAP is a part of FSL’s Home Based Project (HBP), which is a self-funded project implemented by full time staff of FSL. The volunteer will work closely with our HBP staff in implementing the various activities of SAP. A Quarterly Plan will be prepared for the volunteer which will be further broken down into monthly and weekly plans.

* Evaluation meeting: For 2 days at the FSL regional center in Kundapur

Other remarks None

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RUCHI-1 Boghdhar (Himachal Pradesh) 2015/02/01-2016/01/31 EDUC 3 vols. (2 int.)

Hosting NGO RUCHI (Rural Centre for Human Interests) www.volunteer-ruchi.org

Contact person Dharamvir Singh, Executive Director [email protected] Tel: 91-8679078500

Project Place Boghdhar village, near Rajgarh town in Himachal Pradesh state, India

Remark for Period 3 months participation from 02/01, 05/01, 08/01 and 11/01 is possible. Open to 1-2 months participation if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date.


1. Local/ social situation/ needs for the project Boghdhar is a small hilly village of Sirmour district. This is accessible via Rajgarh town.

2. Name and description of the local host

There is a small private school there which is trying hard to improve the quality of education for their children. Mostly children of poor families study there. 3. Aims and expected impact of the project

The school has requested us to provide a Teacher with good knowledge of English and creative skills. The volunteers will teach basic English and improve on pronunciation. Besides they will encourage creativity in classes through arts, crafts and games for overall personality development of children. The impact will be seen in terms of confidence among students and etiquettes developed.

Main voluntary work

1) Interact and educate children up to 15 years old on English pronunciation improvement. 2) Introduce arts, crafts and games. 3) Assist in overall personality development * Approximate working hours: 09:00-14:00 x 5 days in a week


Type of building: Host family (probably with one of the school teacher’s family). This will be basic with wash room facilities * Sleeping: Sharing with other vols. * Meals: Cooked by vols. & locals * How and how long to go to work: hardly 10 minutes walk * Smoking: Only outside building * Internet access: Not guaranteed

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The area is predominantly rural with Hindu religion followers. However, people are open minded and accept people of all religion. Climate is pleasant throughout summer and gets very cold in winter. Monsoon months (June to August) may have severe rains.


* Nearest international airport: IGI, New Delhi * Transportation from the capital or other major city: 320 km from New Delhi. Connected with road and rail. Nearest domestic airport is Chandigarh and railway station is Kalka. Cost varies from Indian rupees 300 to 600 (by rail or bus).

Other activities

Volunteers have plenty of opportunities to merge with local people, culture and learn from age old traditions. During free time, they would be welcomed by other village families and may plan to go to nearby touristic areas like Shimla city and Renuka lake.

Qualification for vols.

* Required: Knowledge of English, Creative skills and good motivation * Preferable: Experience of teaching may help.

Attraction for vols. Good knowledge of local culture, Indian traditions and festivals.

Financial condition

* Participation fee to the host NGO: 850 Euro for 3 months (283 Euro per month)


* On arrival training: at RUCHI for 3 days * Special care during Project: RUCHI staff will stay in touch with the volunteers and assist them as per their needs to stay in touch with their families and friends.

* Evaluation meeting: Mid term evaluation will be done monthly at the office. Final evaluation and feedback sessions will be held before their departure. Each of them will be for one day.

Other remarks The area is full of scenic beauty and volunteers will find them very close to nature which

they miss in industrialized urban areas. Open to Non-Asian if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date.

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RUCHI-2 Baddi (Himachal Pradesh) 2015/02/01-2016/01/31 ENVI, EDUC 4 vols. (2 int.)

Hosting NGO RUCHI (Rural Centre for Human Interests) www.volunteer-ruchi.org

Contact person Dharamvir Singh, Executive Director [email protected] Tel: 91-8679078500

Project Place 30 villages in Baddi township area, Solan district in Himachal Pradesh state, India

Remark for Period 3 months participation from 02/01, 05/01, 08/01 and 11/01 is possible. Open to 1-2 months participation if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date.


1. Local/ social situation/ needs for the project The area is mountainous where the living of people is dependent on farming. The weather

is pleasant round the year, pollution free and safe and secured. It is also not crowded like other Indian towns or cities. 2. Name and description of the local host

You will be working in RUCHI office and staying at Guest House in RUCHI campus. RUCHI is an NGO committed to community development and promotes international volunteer services for over 30 years. We have taken up an ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT lasting 36 months. You will be responsible to prepare environment education material and educate people on environmental issues/concerns. RUCHI is situated 1000 meters off the village. The altitude varies between 1,050 meters (3,200 ft) and 2,000 meters (6,560ft). 3. Aims and expected impact of the project

The impact will be seen in terms of confidence among students and etiquettes developed.

Main voluntary work

1) Renovate the check dams for soil and water conservation and also assist in overall development of people.

2) Educating rural communities on various aspects of environment including preparing educational materials and taking feedback from the people.

3) Assist in office work and work as a team with RUCHI staff in community development area * Approximate working hours: 09:00-14:00 x 5 days in a week


Type of building: Guest House in RUCHI campus * Sleeping: Sharing with other vols. * Meals: Cooked by vols. & locals * How and how long to go to work: To stay at working place * Smoking: Only outside building * Internet access: available but slow speed

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Dining area Accommodation main office block


The area is close to Shimla, the state capital and once the summer capital for British army when they ruled the country. The town still proudly displays the British architecture. Shimla is connected with Kalka with a small gauge train (known as toy train) started during British raj. The train ride is recommended for a short visit to Shimla. The train passes through 101 tunnels on this 90 km stretch moving through the beautiful scenic sites. The area is predominantly rural with Hindu religion followers. However, people are open minded, respect other religions and cultures. All guests are given warm welcome and hospitality. Climate is pleasant throughout summer and gets very cold in winter. Monsoon months (June to August) may have severe rains.


* Nearest international airport: IGI, New Delhi * Transportation from the capital or other major city: 320 km from New Delhi. Connected with road and rail. Nearest domestic airport is Chandigarh and railway station is Kalka. Cost varies from Indian rupees 300 to 600 (by rail or bus).

Other activities

Volunteers will have opportunities to merge with local people, culture and learn from age old traditions. During free time, they would be welcomed by other village families and may plan to go to nearby touristic areas like Shimla town (used to be British capital when they ruled India and Chandigarh city (famous for Rock garden).

Qualification for vols.

* Required: Knowledge of English, sincerity, adaptability and good motivation * Preferable: Experience of teaching may help.

Attraction for vols. Good knowledge of local culture, Indian traditions and festivals and enjoy warm Indian


Financial condition

* Participation fee to the host NGO: 850 Euro for 3 months (283 Euro per month)


* On arrival training: at RUCHI for 3 days * Special care during Project: RUCHI staff will stay in touch with the volunteers and assist them as per their needs to stay in touch with their families and friends.

* Evaluation meeting: Mid term evaluation will be done monthly at the office. Final evaluation and feedback sessions will be held before their departure. Each of them will be for one day.

Other remarks The area is full of scenic beauty and volunteers will find them very close to nature which

they miss in industrialized urban areas. Open to Non-Asian if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date.

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SMILE-1 Madhyamgram-G (Kolkata) 2015/02/01-04/30 ENVI 7 vols. (6 int.)

Hosting NGO SMILE (Situational Management And Inter Learning Establishment society) www.smilengo.org

Contact person Kamala, International Volunteer Coordinator [email protected] Tel.:91-9830150249

Project Place Madhyamgram, Kolkata, India

Remark for Period Open to 1-2 months participation (01/01-, 02/01-, 03/01-) if the places are not full on 12/01.


1. Local/ social situation/ needs for the project Exciting workcamp at SMILE, India!! Save the mother planet!!! Green House construction

project in support of Rain water harvesting to grow vegetable for our street children everyday requirement!! Recently, we just completed the first phase of Rain water harvesting project where Rain water being stored for further use. Now, we are going to start Roof top Green House project at our Building to Grow vegetables to help daily need of our Children at different projects. 2. Name and description of the local host

SMILE society India. 3. Aims and expected impact of the project

Green House construction project in support of Rain water harvesting to grow vegetable for our street children everyday requirement!! Recently, we just completed the first phase of Rain water harvesting project where Rain water being stored for further use. Now, we are going to start Roof top Green House project at our Building to Grow vegetables to help daily need of our Children at different projects.

Main voluntary work

1) Construction 2) Painting 3) Culture exchange

First, we will construct the Green House and go for plantation there after. This project can help to grow organic vegetables and fruits, let’s help us to bring revolution in horticulture and floriculture at our place. There would be painting activities as well as cultural exchange program as well!! * Approximate working hours: 3-5 hours x 5 days (weekdays) in a week

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Type of building: Local family. * Sleeping: Sharing with other vols. * Meals: Cooked by vols. & locals * Smoking: Totally impossible * Internet access: Wifi 2 hours per weekdays * Any other points: Follow the local rules, policies, culture, tradition, following in charge.


Madhyamgram, West Bengal,India. Kolkata (ccu), the city of joy, was known before as Calcutta since the colonial time. This ancient city was used to be the capital of British colonial period. This city has full of heart ,people are basically belongs to the middle class. There are also rich and poor people all around. City Kolkata is know for its busy traffic, huge population, warm welcome and poverty around the street corners! It is a great place to visit for every tourist coming to India.

Terminal * Nearest international airport: Kolkata airport (ccu), India * Transportation from the capital or other major city: by air, train

Other activities Cultural exchange, language learning, training

Qualification for vols.

* Required: Ready to get the hands dirty * Preferable: Open and flexible mind. Should have rabbis vaccination before arriving.

Attraction for vols.

If anyone get a chance to live with the local host family then that brings extra bonus to any traveller. It helps to learn the culture, tradition, language while staying within the normal people of the society. Living on any hotel can never give any traveller such wide scope to know the society and communities as a whole. SMILE society always tries to give international volunteers a big scope to know about the local communities and understand the family environment.

Financial condition

* Participation fee to the host NGO: 840 Euro for 3 months (280 Euro per month)


* On arrival training: 2 days orientation * Special care during Project: Local guidance at home, project in charge, training * Evaluation meeting: Every thursday evening .

Other remarks

www.flikr.com/photos/smilengo www.instagram.com/smilengo www.facebook.com/SmileNgo.India Open to Non-Asian if the places are not full on 12/01.

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4-4. Indonesia IIWC-1 Mangkang (Semarang) 2015/02/01-07/31 ENVI 3 vols. (2 int.)

Hosting NGO IIWC (Indonesia International Work Camp) http://www.iiwcindonesia.wordpress.com

Contact person Ben Pramudya, LMTV Coordinator [email protected] Phone: 62-2476035013

Project Place Semarang, Central Java

Remark for Period 3 months participation from 02/01 and 05/01 is possible.


1. Local/ social situation/ needs for the project Preserving natural diversity and sea shore from the erosion because of no more mangrove

and too strong waves from the Ocean will be the main focus. The coastal side of North Java Sea in Mangkang is now in danger due to the abrasion of the sea, cutting mangrove by local factory and heavy force from the river flows. Before, many kinds of fish and shrimps are living there, but now since the condition of the mangrove forest is getting worse, it is quite difficult to find the species anymore. Fisherman also needs to go further to the ocean to fish and it means much work they need to do to earn money. IIWC also organizes World Tanabata Action in this place since 2008, a global common action initiated by NICE (Japan) with NVDA and CCIVS at UNESCO. where volunteers all over the world plant trees and hang their wishes in Tanzaku paper on a bamboo leaf. Mangkang is an area in the border of Semarang and not in touristic part. There are 2 villages, Mangkang Wetan and Mangunharjo which separated by Street.

2. Name and description of the local host Lepas NGO, now called the BIOTA Foundation (biotafoundation.blogspot.com) and Bumi

Lestari Mangrove Farmer Association plant mangroves in this area.

3. Aims and expected impact of the project Goal: to save the 2 villages from flood due to erosion and rising of sea level in the coastal line. Aims (a) To prevent the rate of erosion in the 2 villages (b) to support the garbage issue as part of solving the environmental problem in the 2 villages.

A special video to show the background of Mangkang project: Bapak & Mangrove part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_Pf4iB5NTQ&index=5&list=UUI4l15_1E4LyhY9c7XDPOTA Bapak & Mangrove part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEA2_qH_K8Y&index=4&list=UUI4l15_1E4LyhY9c7XDPOTA

One project story created by previous MTV of Mangkang will give you more pictures and stories of Mangkang http://www.project-mangkang.com

Main voluntary work

1) Planting Mangrove at coastal/green belt in muddy habitat, organizing environment educational activity with local schools, planning and campaign about environmental Issue, promote Mangrove issue to some local school and university, organizing weekend workcamp for mangrove planting and education, Raising awareness among community, making fund raising action.

2) Since 2014, the previous long and middle term volunteers from different countries in this project together with IIWC members develop the project addressing issue garage management system. Therefore in this AVS we expect the volunteers to contribute the development of the project. Meaning not only doing something but also to see, understand the whole context and give ideas on the strategy of making appropriate approach to local people in Mangkang to pursue garbage management system there.

* Approximate working hours: 6 days a week. Free day is Friday. However, this is not time based activity; instead this is task based activity. Volunteers should be flexible.

A special video to show work http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Kjjj3kSxJ4&index=19&list=UUI4l15_1E4LyhY9c7XDPOTA

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Type of building: Volunteer house * Sleeping: Sharing with other vols. * Meals: Cooked by vols. * Smoking: Only at smoking area, limited not in front of children * Internet access: NO. Volunteers should provide their own internet access via smartphone or modem

* Any other points: Sometime electricity is black out due to lack of resources.


Semarang is located in Java Island between latitudes 11°S and 6°N, and longitudes 95°E and 141°E. It has a tropical climate with wet and dry seasons. Average annual rainfall in the lowlands varies from 1,780–3,175 millimeters (70–125 in), and up to 6,100 millimeters (240 in) in mountainous regions. Humidity is quite high, averaging about 80%. The average daily temperature is 26–45 °C. Mangkang area is religious muslim with high tolerance for differences.


* Nearest international airport: A Yani Airport Semarang (IATA Code: SRG) * Transportation from the capital or other major city (mode, time, cost): From Jakarta to Semarang by plane for 50 minutes, price starts from 40 US$. By train from Jakarta Gambir station for 7 hours, price starts from 30 US$.

Other activities

Possible free time activities in Semarang down town are: School visit, local festivals for new year (to be confirmed), visit to other IVS projects in Semarang or out of Semarang including our World Heritage Volunteers project in Borobudur temple in Magelang. It is 80 km away from Semarang.

Qualification for vols.

* Required: Healthy body for high humidity and hot weather. Interest in environment issue. Strong commitment in learning Bahasa Indonesia. Flexible and relax. Easy going with new people and new culture.

* Preferable: Coastal area conservation. Community development.

Attraction for vols.

Sharing culture with local people and peer volunteers for eternal friendship. Join the seedling-harvesting Mangrove trees from different species. Cooking skill with Mangrove as based ingredients. This is new thing even in Indonesia and still being developed.

Financial condition

* Participation fee to the host NGO: 600 Euro for 3 month (200 Euro per month) * 370 Euro for 3 months ((123 Euro per month) for those coming from less expensive countries where the annual GDP per capita is less than 10,000 US$).


* On arrival training (place, length, etc.): in Semarang city, located in IIWC volunteer house. For 4 days upon volunteers’ arrival.

* Special care during Project: Staff visit, buddy system we call them peer volunteers, 24/7 emergency response.

* Evaluation meeting: Monthly meetings with staff and other international volunteers from different projects in Indonesia. Middle and Final evaluation with local partners. Location to be confirmed. Each meeting is for 1 day.

Other remarks * Open to Non-Asian if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date. * JAVS (Japan ASEAN Voluntary Service) will be also held in 02/01-04/15 where AVS and JAVS volunteers will work and live together.

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4-5. Japan NICE-1 Mashiko (Tochigi) 2015/02/01-12/04 ENVI 5 vols. (2 int.)

Hosting NGO NICE (Never-ending International workCamps Exchange) http://www.nice1.gr.jp/en/

Contact person IGUCHI Yasunori, LMTV Incoming Coordinator [email protected] Tel: 81-3-33587140

Project Place Mashiko town, Tochigi prefecture, Japan

Remark for Period 02/01-04/15, 04/20-07/10, 09/14-12/04 are the basic period. Longer term can be consulted. Open to 1-2 months participation if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date.


1. Local/ social situation/ needs for the project Needless to say, the forest is very important for the environment in the world. About 67%

of Japanese lands are covered by the forests. But their quality are getting worse and even about to collapse. Because the villages have been facing with depopulation and foresters have been decreasing rapidly. We import a lot of timbers from abroad, but on the other hand, we do not use our forests because of the difference of prices. These elements have been making big problems for Japanese and global forests and their eco-systems.

On the other hand, many people recognized the problems and started voluntary activities in the forests that movement has been bigger than ever. But most of them are still in the level of working experiences for them in the forests, so we need more practical impact to really improve the situation of the forests! We expect the following changes; 2. Name and description of the local host

Tochigi Conservation Corp (TCC). Conservation Corps provides long term workcamp programs in USA where 10-20 youth work for local development and environment. About 25,000 vols. join every year. To create similar programs in Japan, TCC was created in 2009 by the leader who was a LMTV coordinator of NICE. Because there are few children who are able to play and grown up in nature, TCC creates a children’s forest in which local community residents can play. TCC has the following missions; A) Restore and Conserve valuable nature for next generation. B) Empower and train youth as future community leader. C) Develop Community and friendship in communities “To develop youth empowerment through the nature conservation”. 3. Aims and expected impact of the project

< Now/ Future (actions to change!) > 1) Ruin of forests/ Restore the forest! 2) Shortage of foresters/ Create new power and change the image of forestry! 3) Advanced age of foresters/ Make more forest work more popular to young people! 4) Depopulation of rural villages/ Take out of charms of rural life and gather youth! 5) Decrease of the public function of forests/ Take care of forests well to raise the values 6) Stagnation of rural villages/ Promote International and different generations’ exchange! 7) Shortage of voluntary power/ Longer term volunteers with gaining skills & knowledge!

Main voluntary work

1) Maintain/ upgrade the bamboo forests (cutting and utilizing bamboo trees) to protect bio-diversity and natural environment as well as utilizing natural resources in a good way.

2) Maintain/ upgrade the children's forest and organize the events for the children to play in the forests to improve the nature and to create opportunities where they can enjoy the nature.

3) Revive the forest in disaster area of Iwaki city that got huge damaged by Tsunami, etc. * Approximate working hours: 7 hours x 5 days (weekdays) in a week (can be changeable)

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Type of building: Volunteers House where TCC office is also located * Sleeping: Single room * Meals: Cooked by vols. * Smoking: Only outside building * Internet access: There is wifi in the accommodation.


Mashiko town is located in the east part of Tochigi prefecture and famous for pottery even internationally, so the atmosphere is artistic with some cultural heritages. The population is about 25,000. Waterfowl flying down mountains and hills, the slightly elevated spring in fields spread over gently and grace of the four seasons decorate the village pond covered with thin ice, strawberries, persimmons, grapes, apples and winter. People coming for the first time can also feel some nostalgia. Mashiko pottery has a character of smooth skin and shiny, thick vessel. When wrapped in palm, warmth is gradually handed down. It has been remarked since the Taisho era as a center of folk art movement and locality-rich enterprising is also a big attraction. You can discover the new face of Mashiko every time you carry your feet and know the depth.


* Nearest international airport: Haneda airport * Transportation from the capital or other major city: From Utsunomiya, the capital city of Tochigi prefecture, it takes 40 min. by car and 2 hours by train. From Tokyo, it takes 3-4 hours by train.

Other activities * Study part:About Environment, nature, a NPO, leadership, field trip, etc.

* Free time activity: You can visit Nikko, the World Cultural Heritage place, for example.

Qualification for vols.

* Required: Speaking some Japanese and good English. Interested in environmental issues and their activity. Motivation to work hard, open mind, cooperation with others.

* Preferable: Speaking good Japanese.

Attraction for vols. You can get to know how to manage a NPO, how to cope with disaster rehabilitation, etc.

Financial condition

* Participation fee to the host NGO: None! * There may be some pocket money to support additional cost by the group (e.g., transportation and meals outside on free days) in some cases.

Meetings * On arrival training: In the project site for 2days * Special care during Project: Staff visit, planning to do have local buddy. * Evaluation meeting: In the project site for 2days

Other remarks

* JAVS (Japan ASEAN Voluntary Service) will be also held in 02/01-04/15 where AVS and JAVS volunteers will work and live together.

* AVS Special Forum will be held in this place in 01/27-01/30 where the organizers of hosting/ sending NGOs and a few ex. AVS vols. will share practice and future plans/ cooperation.

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NICE-2 Kurogi (Fukuoka) 2015/05/01-11/30 ENVI 3 vols. (2 int.)

Hosting NGO NICE (Never-ending International workCamps Exchange) http://www.nice1.gr.jp/en/

Contact person IGUCHI Yasunori, LMTV Incoming Coordinator [email protected] Tel: 81-3-33587140

Project Place Kurogi town, Yame city, Fukuoka prefecture, Japan

Remark for Period 3 months participation from 05/01 and 09/01 is possible. Open to 2 months participation if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date.


1. Local/ social situation/ needs for the project As well as many other villages in Japan, the area has a serious depopulation problem

where traditional life, cultures and communities are disappeared and abandon forests and fields are increased that damages nature and industry (biodiversity, capacity to keep water, CO2 emission, etc.). Thus, the hardest rain ever attacked in 2012 that seriously damaged the area with erosion and blocking some parts of the main road. The local people have less hope for the future and some families are giving up faming and leaving the area.

To improve this situation, NICE has been organizing the short and mid term workcamps since 2008 together with the local partner, Sanson-juku. 2. Name and description of the local host

Sanson-juku. It was established by the organic farmer and the forester in 1994 and aims to promote a widespread understanding of organic agriculture and the sustainable forest management. It organizes various kinds of events throughout the year in nature to experience making rice and maintain forest with local farmers. Volunteers are mainly from the cities and to participate with the family is ideal to share the experience to think about the nature and conservation with local people in Kurogi.

Since 2008, Sanson-juku started co-organizing international workcamps for 80 days and 20 days together with NICE that has made footpath of the Forest Therapy Road commissioned by Yame City and maintained/ revived the forests and fields. In 2013 Nov., Sanson-juku hosted the Asian Summit of International Long Term Volunteering organized by NICE and NVDA where the project scheme of AVS was created! So, Sanson-juku has decided to host the first AVS to support its concept and also expect the higher impact. 3. Aims and expected impact of the project

We believe, this project can create new power for the following impact; A. Conserve rich nature, culture and community by global and local voluntary power. B. Promote awareness and actions among local people to improve their own community. C. Promote friendship, inter-cultural exchange and solidarity among locals and volunteers.

Main voluntary work

1) Help rice farming in the terraced rice fields (e.g. rice planting and its preparation, cutting grasses and weeding) that was damaged and abandoned by the very heavy rain in 2012.

2) Help other local farms and forests (green tea, rice and vegetable, cutting woods, etc.) where many fields and forests are abandoned by lack of young farmers and foresters succeeding.

3) Support the events of Sanson-juku to involve people in environmental conservation and coordinate the short term international workcamps for 2-3 weeks as the project leaders.

* Approximate working hours: 7 hours x 5 days (weekdays) in a week (can be changeable)

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Type of building: Egao no Mori (abandon school, the base of Sanson-juku) * Sleeping: Sharing with other vols. * Meals: Cooked by vols. * Smoking: Only outside building * Internet access: There is wifi in the accommodation. * Any other points: You do not need to bring a sleeping bag (we have sleeping attire), soap, or shampoo. We have special soap and shampoo for the environment because the daily life water directly goes down to the river. Please use the ones we will provide. Rain boots and rain coats will be provided by Sanson-juku.


Kurogi is located in Yame City, the southern part of Fukuoka prefecture. The population is 12,333 (as at the end of 2012 Jan.). 70% of the land is forests and this mountainous climate brings Kurogi with various kinds of agricultural products and fine green tea as a big part of the special local products in this place. Especially, Kasahara district in Kurogi town, where this project is held, is the original place for famous “Yame tea“ since 600 years ago. Average temperature from April to September is 21.6 degree.

This district was seriously damaged by the very heavy rain on 2012 Jul. By which many places were isolated by the landslide and agricultural lands were destroyed by muddy stream and landslide. Sanson-juku started recovery efforts recruiting daily volunteers and many volunteers have come to support this initiatives to maintain farming here.


* Nearest international airport: Fukuoka airport * Transportation from the capital or other major city: From Fukuoka city, it takes 2 hours by train and bus. It cost about 1,790 JPY.

Other activities

* Leadership training and First Aid training * Study part: Seminars or discussions about environment regularly * Cultural workshops involving local people * Exchange arties, excursion on free days, etc.

Qualification for vols.

* Required: Motivation to learn and speak Japanese language! Speaking good English. * Preferable: Interest in environmental issues and agriculture. Motivation to work hard, open mind, cooperation with others.

Attraction for vols. To get know about green tea, Japanese traditional lifestyle, how to make fire by yourself.

Financial condition

* Participation fee to the host NGO: None! * There may be some pocket money to support additional cost by the group (e.g., transportation and meals outside on free days) in some cases.


* On arrival training: In Sanson-juku for 3days * Special care during Project: Staff visit, planning to do have local buddy. * Evaluation meeting: In Sanson-juku, the last 2 days

Other remarks None.

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4-6. Myanmar COM-1 Payartaung (Southern Shan) 2015/02/01-04/15 EDUC, DEVE 3 vols. (2 int.)

Hosting NGO COM (Charity Oriented Myanmar) http://www.commyanmar.org.mm/en/

Contact person Thazin Aung, Program Director [email protected] Phone: 95-0973131717

Project Place Payartaung village, Nyaung Shwe township, Shan State, Myanmar

Remark for Period None


1. Local/ social situation/ needs for the project Payartaung village is located in Saga Lake with is near to Inlay Lake but the corner of 4

townships. There are over 500 students with age 6-20 coming from different villages, study in the monastery. Because of the geographical area, young people in that area has less opportunity to learn efficient education, knowledge about global world and international language. Hence, they are nearby Inlay lake (the tourist attraction area) the students have dream to become tour guide or open the window of globalization. Therefore, it is fundamental needs to do voluntary work for their education and knowledge. 2. Name and description of the local host

Payartaung youth development centre monastery is also a young charity development centre and founded since 1982. There are over 500 students stays the whole year as dormitory in the monastery to attend government high school from the village. The villages is located in the rural underdeveloped area of Nyaung Shwe Township, Pin Laung Township, Phae Kone Township, Sesine Township are need to development in several sectors and the abbot from Payar Taung Yay Sein established this charity school. The Abbot has vision to holistically develop the area with educational improvement. 3. Aims and expected impact of the project

The aim of the project is the advancement of the language skill of young people. It is expected at least 20-50 young people to receive language skill especially Communication in English. Moreover, young people have confident to communicate with foreigners.

Main voluntary work

1) The first main task is to teach communicable foreign language (Especially English) to the youth.

2) The other will be included cooking, cleaning the monastery area and helping the local community in their field of work.

* Approximate working hours: 6 hours a day (3 hours each in the morning and the afternoon). But please be flexible and ready to do any other work in the field.

* There might be a trial to the hot spring and helping in library construction are optional activities based on local preference.

* There will be a group workcamp in March 4-17 with a university students of Japan, so you can enjoy to work and exchange with them and are expected to help to run it well!


Type of building: In the monastery * Sleeping: Sharing with other vols. * Meals: Cooked by vols. & locals * How and how long to go to work: 5 to10 minutes * Smoking: Totally impossible

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* There is no access to international phone and internet during the workcamp, it takes 2 hours by boat to nearby town to access internet. (if you have emergency access to internet you can go after activity), so please inform your family about it!

* Any other points: By Myanmar law, foreigners can only visit permitted area so we highly encourage them to stay only in the project area and not to travel other area by themselves.


The village tract of Payartaung Yaysate village is Sagar and it’s located on Sagar Inn (lake) that connected with Innlay lake. The monastery is located in the small hill, the centre of the village. Closed to the monastery has Basic Education High school and local people are very simple and honest. They have diverse minority races; Pa Oah, Kayah, Danu, Lisu, Shan and Inn Tha. Since Myanmar lies under tropical rainforest area, the summer times start on March until June and the highest temperature is 39’C. However, the project is located in hilly area the temperature is between 18-25’C during March to April.

Terminal * Nearest international airport: The most reliable one is Yangon international airport. * Transportation from the capital or other major city: It may cost about 70-75 US$.

Other activities

There is local market visit activity. In Shan state, the local market is opened once only in 5 days so we can visit there. The volunteer can also visit to ancient pagodas that built hundred years ago nearby village by boat. Inlay lake is one of the most attracted area in Myanmar and volunteer can visit around Inlay lake in free day.

April 12th-17th is Myanmar water festival and different area celebrate differently. So you can experience the culture of Shan and festival also called Thingyan festival.

The volunteer can visit to natural hot spring nearby monastery. There is hydro electronic power plant that built for monastery.

Qualification for vols.

* Required: Have a volunteer spirit. Demonstrate proficiency in teaching English. Open minded and respect to local and other religious and culture. Demonstrate the motivation and capacity to successfully complete the voluntary work to the end. Be responsible for voluntary service and community work

Attraction for vols. Culture exchange, teaching skills to the youth, living with no internet access and enjoy the

nature and local people, learning diverse culture in one place

Financial condition

* Participation fee to the host NGO: 795 US$ for 3 months (265 US$ per month) * 690 US$ for 3 months (230 US$ per month) for those coming from less expensive countries where the annual GDP per capita is less than 10,000 US$.


* On arrival training at COM office in Yangon and also in the project (1 day) * Special care during Project: Since we have COM sub-office in Taunggyi, COM staff will visit at least once per month. The monks have strong partnership with COM since 2012, so there will be strong support to volunteer by local community.

* Evaluation meeting: in Payartaung. It will take a whole day including farewell.

Other remarks

* Open to Non-Asian if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date. * JAVS (Japan ASEAN Voluntary Service) will be also held in 02/01-04/15 where AVS and JAVS volunteers will work and live together.

* For Myanmar’s law, the host has to inform to the local authority for overnight local/ international guest in advance so we can only stay in arranged accommodation.

* Volunteers need to commit to respect on local culture and customs moreover follow and take responsible for ground rules that agreed from local community and the volunteer itself.

* There is no hot shower and we recommend not to take shower at night as its cold. There is no washing machine so volunteers have to wash their clothes by hand.

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4-7. Nepal VIN-1 Jitpurphedi-W (Kathmandu) 2015/02/01-07/31 SOCI, EDUC 6 vols. (4 int.)

Hosting NGO VIN (Volunteers Initiative Nepal) www.volunteersinitiativenepal.org

Contact person Dinesh Khatiwada, General Secretary [email protected] Tel: 977-9851100350

Project Place Jitpurphedi Village Development Committee, Kathmandu

Remark for Period 3 months participation from 02/01 and 05/01 is possible. Open to 1-2 months participation if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date.


1. Local/ social situation/ needs for the project From the baseline study, it was found that most women in the community cannot read or

write. Subsequently, they feel they cannot argue and fight for their rights with men. To date Nepal operates under patriarchal value system. The female child will often spend most of their time with their mother at home. The mother, largely uneducated, is unable to provide proper support for her daughter’s education and this results in great difference in the literacy rate between males and females, which in turn has a large impact on social and gender disparity. The women of the under developed nations like Nepal are exposed to any kind of exploitation and violence. We strongly believe Until and unless our woman doesn't feel safe and protective in their own nation the women empowerment initiation obviously would not be beneficial. 2. Name and description of the local host

The holistic and sustainable development of the community is the main focus of VIN. The community can never proceed toward development unless the women in the family are educated, independent, safe and empowered. We thus prioritize the women empowerment project to achieve our mission of community development. VIN's Women Empowerment projects consists of four sub programs: 1) Education, Rights and life skills, 2) Income Generation and Marketing, 3) Microcredit Cooperative/Support Program, 4) Women's Trafficking Prevention. VIN has developed a project which is focused on developing the capabilities of women. VIN plans to conduct various life skills training sessions for women groups, and to develop a literacy centre, running women literacy classes. 3. Aims and expected impact of the project

VIN aims to empower the Nepalese women by addressing the various problems which create an obstacle in the overall women development process.

Main voluntary work

1) Impart awareness (cause, challenge and probable solution) regarding the women issues 2) Research and conduct case studies in the community 3) Provide psychological counseling and moral support to the women 4) Involve in a research and documentation 5) Provide life skill and income generation training, so that they don't have to depend on others 6) Work for micro co-operative and with women in their fields for their income generation 7) Help & support the poor women to construct their toilet to improve their health and sanitation 8) Teach English and computer to women * Approximate working hours: 5 hours x 5 days (weekdays) in a week

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Type of building: The host family identify by VIN in the working site in a simple building * Sleeping: Sharing with other vols. * Meals: Cooked by vols. & locals * How and how long to go to work: 10-25 minutes’ walk from their family * Smoking: Only outside building * Internet access: In working site internet is not available. It is available in half an hour travel by public vehicle. They can also use internet in VIN’s office which is in 40 minutes distance by public bus. VIN will provide them the local SIM cards to use in their phone.

* Any other points: The volunteers should come with their sleeping bags and personal use materials like laptops, camera and other cream, towels, etc.


VIN has been implementing its programs in the Jitpur community of Kathmandu District, which is only about 10 km away from main ring road of Kathmandu. About 95% people are Hindus. However, people are open minded and accept people of all religion.There are mixed castes within the communities. Dalit (otherwise known as ‘untouchables’) and Balami (a mongoloid tribe) seem to be particularly marginalized. There ere are more than 550 women following income-generation activities facilitated by VIN. The community area is very beautiful surrounded by woods, hills and fields.

Nepal has a typical monsoonal climate, with a dry season from October to May and a wet season from June to September. The main monsoon is from mid-June to September, and the very best times to visit are Autumn (September to November) and Spring (March to May).

Kathmandu is not as cold as many people think. Even in the winter months (December to February) the day time temperature in the sunshine can reach a pleasant 20 degrees, but night-times can fall to near freezing. In the summer the temperatures in Kathmandu climb to 30 degrees and above. For detail, please visit http://www.volunteersinitiativenepal.org/faq/

Terminal * Nearest international airport: Tribhuwan International Airport. VIN’s staff will pick the vols. up. * Transportation from the capital or other major city: VIN arranges the hotel/ accommodation, food and transportation to go to the project. The flight detail should be sent in 2 weeks prior.

Other activities

The volunteers will be involving in different local festivals and events with their host families. They also can go for sightseeing around Kathmandu valley and outside Kathmandu like Chitwan Jungle Safire, Pokhara, Lumbini in their own costs. VIN can organize these visits if they are interested.

Qualification for vols.

* Required: Those who can communicate in English, motivated and who want to contribute for marginalized communities.

Attraction for vols.

The volunteers will get chance to work with children, women and community people. They can develop the construction skills, presentation, communication and so many other skills.

The volunteers will be working with VIN’s community staffs especially doctors and Women Empowerment program officer. They can learn the community development process of the organization.

Financial condition

* Participation fee to the host NGO: 900 Euro for 3 months (300 Euro per month) * 720 Euro for 3 months (240 Euro per month) for those coming from less expensive countries where the annual GDP per capita is less than 10,000 US$.


* On arrival training: For a week at the beginning. It will be conducted at VIN office. * Special care during Project: VIN coordinator will visit twice on the first week and every two weeks to the project or the family. Besides, we make phone calls, text message/ email (where available) regularly. VIN’s local staffs will be always available in the community/ project site.

* Evaluation meeting: Monthly at VIN office. We conduct written evaluation every month to the working site and final written and oral evaluation and send it to Partner NGOs with pictures.

Other remarks Open to Non-Asian if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date.

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VIN-2 Jitpurphedi-C (Kathmandu) 2015/02/01-2016/01/31 EDUC 6 vols. (4 int.)

Hosting NGO VIN (Volunteers Initiative Nepal) www.volunteersinitiativenepal.org

Contact person Dinesh Khatiwada, General Secretary [email protected] Tel: 977-9851100350

Project Place Jitpurphedi Village Development Committee, Kathmandu

Remark for Period 3 months participation from 02/01, 05/01, 08/01 and 11/01 is possible. Open to 1-2 months participation if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date.


1. Local/ social situation/ needs for the project Learning starts from right at birth. The first six years of a child’s life are crucial. During these years, a

child’s brain is maturing at a rapid rate. Children are developing the language and social skills to interact with others. They are learning about the world and everything in it. Appropriate early childhood education supports brain development, while giving young children a head start for life.

In 2000, UN Committee on the Rights of the Child outlined how countries can protect children’s rights in early childhood. Early childhood education is also an obligation under international and regional education frameworks. The Education for All (EFA) goals, adopted in Dakar, provided a clear framework for quality early childhood programs. The Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 2 emphasizes equal access to primary education for every boy and girl. Early intervention helps children to enter school at the right age, to stay there for longer and to improve their learning outcomes.

Child care: early childhood education project fosters a congenial learning environment for

children aged 3-6 to develop motor, mental, social and emotional skills. In Nepal, little effort is made by the government and various other sectors, to nurture and promote the overall intellectual and physical wellbeing of the young. A healthy childhood is the vital foundation of a functional future working force.

Although the government of Nepal has, upon several occasions, encouraged early childhood development centers (ECD) to set up in communities, due to the scattered nature of rural villages,

institutions such as local schools, become near to inaccessible for the local people. As a result, most children spend their early years at home, without any play material, acquiring no communicative or social skill. What we hear is “encouragement” from a seemingly confident government, but what we see is a lack of required facility to put that encouragement for ideals into effect. While some regions in Nepal may appear to uphold efficient early childhood development centres, when digging beyond that exterior,

one can be sure to find unqualified teachers, in classrooms that are far from child friendly and resourceful. VIN therefore aims to equip school based early childhood development centres and for

the first time in Nepal, provide an efficient means of education for the young children. We train ECD teachers to make their classes joyful and creative for children. 2. Name and description of the local host

VIN now supports over 40 early childhood education centers based in schools and communities. These centers have purposefully been set up in the impoverished / disadvantaged communities, which have often been shadowed during times of development effort. District Education Office, Kathmandu and Okhaldhunga, Villagae Development Committees and local community based and private schools are our partners. More than half of the Nepalese children do not have a chance to attend early childhood programs that provide a chance to improve the language, cognitive, social and pre-literacy skills that are the foundations for lifelong learning.

3. Aims and expected impact of the project * Enhance children’s cognitive growth and social, emotional, behavioral development increasing overall academic performance

* Provide children the early learning foundations necessary for success in primary and secondary school * Free older siblings from tending younger siblings allowing them to attend school regularly * Allow caregivers to work by providing a safe learning environment for their young children * Raise caregivers’ awareness of how early education can help their children * Help communities, especially the women, to work together for the benefit of their children

Main voluntary work

Assist local teachers in their daily roles/ Teach children different motor and kinesthetic skills/ Play games and rhymes with children/ Provide child care support/ Create resources for the children/ Take children on excursions/ Make campaign to the community and request the people to send their children to the center/ Develop different teaching child friendly materials in the center/ Paint the class rooms and decorate it/ Do a variety of other activities. * Approximate working hours: 5 hours x 5 days (weekdays) in a week (can be changeable)

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Type of building: The host family identify by VIN in the working site in a simple building. * Sleeping: Sharing with other vols. * Meals: Cooked by vols. & locals * How and how long to go to work: 10-25 minutes’ walk from their family. * Smoking: Only outside building * Internet access: In working site internet is not available. It is available in half an hour travel by public vehicle. They can also use internet in VIN’s office which is in 40 minutes distance by public bus. VIN will provide them the local SIM cards to use in their phone.

* Any other points: The volunteers should come with their sleeping bags and personal use materials like laptops, camera and other cream, towels, etc.


VIN has been implementing its programs in the Jitpur community of Kathmandu District, which is only about 10 km away from main ring road of Kathmandu. About 95% people are Hindus. However, people are open minded and accept people of all religion.There are mixed castes within the communities. Dalit (otherwise known as ‘untouchables’) and Balami (a mongoloid tribe) seem to be particularly marginalized. There ere are more than 550 women following income-generation activities facilitated by VIN. The community area is very beautiful surrounded by woods, hills and fields.

Nepal has a typical monsoonal climate, with a dry season from October to May and a wet season from June to September. The main monsoon is from mid-June to September, and the very best times to visit are Autumn (September to November) and Spring (March to May).

Kathmandu is not as cold as many people think. Even in the winter months (December to February) the day time temperature in the sunshine can reach a pleasant 20 degrees, but night-times can fall to near freezing. In the summer the temperatures in Kathmandu climb to 30 degrees and above. For detail, please visit http://www.volunteersinitiativenepal.org/faq/

Terminal * Nearest international airport: Tribhuwan International Airport. VIN’s staff will pick the vols. up. * Transportation from the capital or other major city: VIN arranges the hotel/ accommodation, food and transportation to go to the project. The flight detail should be sent in 2 weeks prior.

Other activities

The volunteers will be involving in different local festivals and events with their host families. They also can go for sightseeing around Kathmandu valley and outside Kathmandu like Chitwan Jungle Safire, Pokhara, Lumbini in their own costs. VIN can organize these visits if they are interested.

Qualification for vols.

* Required: Speaking English and motivation to contribute for marginalized communities * Required: The educational background and love children are welcomed.

Attraction for vols.

The volunteers will get chance to work with children, women and community people. They can develop the construction skills, presentation, communication and so many other skills.

The volunteers will be working with VIN’s community staffs especially doctors and Women Empowerment program officer. They can learn the community development process of the organization.

Financial condition

* Participation fee to the host NGO: 900 Euro for 3 months (300 Euro per month) * 720 Euro for 3 months (240 Euro per month) for those coming from less expensive countries where the annual GDP per capita is less than 10,000 US$.


* On arrival training: For a week at the beginning. It will be conducted at VIN office. * Special care during Project: VIN coordinator will visit twice on the first week and every two weeks to the project or the family. Besides, we make phone calls, text message/ email (where available) regularly. VIN’s local staffs will be always available in the community/ project site.

* Evaluation meeting: Monthly at VIN office. We conduct written evaluation every month to the working site and final written and oral evaluation and send it to Partner NGOs with pictures.

Other remarks Open to Non-Asian if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date.

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VIN-3 Jitpurphedi-S (Kathmandu) 2015/02/01-2016/01/31 DEVE, EDUC 6 vols. (4 int.)

Hosting NGO VIN (Volunteers Initiative Nepal) www.volunteersinitiativenepal.org

Contact person Dinesh Khatiwada, General Secretary [email protected] Tel: 977-9851100350

Project Place Jitpurphedi Village Development Committee, Kathmandu

Remark for Period 3 months participation from 02/01, 05/01, 08/01 and 11/01 is possible. Open to 1-2 months participation if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date.


1. Local/ social situation/ needs for the project Nepal is beautiful in nature and rich in cultural. Over 35% of people is living below the

poverty line. Access to proper health and sanitation facilities is often very limited and awareness of correct hygiene practices is low. Only 46% of people has access to toilets, leaving 54% to practice open-air defecation. Coverage among the poor is even lower at around 12%. About 80% of the communicable diseases in Nepal are due to contaminated water and poor sanitation, while some 13,000 children under five die annually of diarrheal disease due to poor hygiene and sanitation. Nepal continues to bear the loss of some 10 billion rupees each year in terms of health expenses. To achieve the sanitation Millennium Development Goal (MDG), Nepal has to ensure 53% toilet coverage by 2015, while the country's National Goal is to provide basic sanitation facilities to all by 2017. To achieve this National Goal, it requires almost a doubling of the present trend of latrine construction from 148,000 to 320,000 per year (879 per day).

Jitpurphedi community is one of VIN’s project site. A baseline survey conducted by VIN indicated that 26% of the Jitpur Phedi communities are illiterate. Hygiene awareness and access to health and sanitation facilities is also very low, with VIN and community estimates suggesting that around 25% of households do not have access to a permanent toilet and low standards of hygiene contributing to high instances of gastrointestinal and other illnesses. 2. Name and description of the local host

Jitpurphedi Village Development Committee (VDC), Jitpurphedi Health Post, Local community schools and JitpurphediWomen Agricultural Cooperative 3. Aims and expected impact of the project

To raise awareness and provide training on correct health and hygiene practices to the people especially to the women and children. With this, the project will help people increase correct health and hygiene practices (e.g. washing their hands with soap water at critical times). Correct health and hygiene practices refer to people will have regular bath, wash hands with soap water before eating or cooking food and after using toilet, brush teeth twice daily after lunch and dinner, use toilets, keep house environment clean and visit health center when they get sick. VIN also intends to achieve "stool-free" (Open Defecation Free) status with each family having access to and being motivated to use a toilet. The implementation is expected to generate a significant improvement in the health and sanitation conditions of the community, observable as a reduction in the occurrence of sickness within the community and an improved quality of life.

Main voluntary work

Conduct Research on health issues Conduct health awareness campaigns targeting children, youth and community women Organize mobile health camps with the coordination of VIN’s Doctor Provide First Aid training to youth, women, children and teachers Construct toilets for the needy family in the community. * Approximate working hours: 5 hours x 5 days (weekdays) in a week (can be changeable)

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Type of building: The host family identify by VIN in the working site in a simple building. * Sleeping: Sharing with other vols. * Meals: Cooked by vols. & locals * How and how long to go to work: 10-25 minutes’ walk from their family. * Smoking: Only outside building * Internet access: In working site internet is not available. It is available in half an hour travel by public vehicle. They can also use internet in VIN’s office which is in 40 minutes distance by public bus. VIN will provide them the local SIM cards to use in their phone.

* Any other points: The volunteers should come with their sleeping bags and personal use materials like laptops, camera and other cream, towels, etc.


VIN has been implementing its programs in the Jitpur community of Kathmandu District, which is only about 10 km away from main ring road of Kathmandu. About 95% people are Hindus. However, people are open minded and accept people of all religion.There are mixed castes within the communities. Dalit (otherwise known as ‘untouchables’) and Balami (a mongoloid tribe) seem to be particularly marginalized. There ere are more than 550 women following income-generation activities facilitated by VIN. The community area is very beautiful surrounded by woods, hills and fields.

Nepal has a typical monsoonal climate, with a dry season from October to May and a wet season from June to September. The main monsoon is from mid-June to September, and the very best times to visit are Autumn (September to November) and Spring (March to May).

Kathmandu is not as cold as many people think. Even in the winter months (December to February) the day time temperature in the sunshine can reach a pleasant 20 degrees, but night-times can fall to near freezing. In the summer the temperatures in Kathmandu climb to 30 degrees and above. For detail, please visit http://www.volunteersinitiativenepal.org/faq/

Terminal * Nearest international airport: Tribhuwan International Airport. VIN’s staff will pick the vols. up. * Transportation from the capital or other major city: VIN arranges the hotel/ accommodation, food and transportation to go to the project. The flight detail should be sent in 2 weeks prior.

Other activities

The volunteers will be involving in different local festivals and events with their host families. They also can go for sightseeing around Kathmandu valley and outside Kathmandu like Chitwan Jungle Safire, Pokhara, Lumbini in their own costs. VIN can organize these visits if they are interested.

Qualification for vols.

* Required: Speaking English and motivation to contribute for marginalized communities * Required: Vols. with health background

Attraction for vols.

The volunteers will get chance to work with children, women and community people. They can develop the construction skills, presentation, communication and so many other skills.

The volunteers will be working with VIN’s community staffs especially doctors and Women Empowerment program officer. They can learn the community development process of the organization.

Financial condition

* Participation fee to the host NGO: 900 Euro for 3 months (300 Euro per month) * 720 Euro for 3 months (240 Euro per month) for those coming from less expensive countries where the annual GDP per capita is less than 10,000 US$.


* On arrival training: For a week at the beginning. It will be conducted at VIN office. * Special care during Project: VIN coordinator will visit twice on the first week and every two weeks to the project or the family. Besides, we make phone calls, text message/ email (where available) regularly. VIN’s local staffs will be always available in the community/ project site.

* Evaluation meeting: Monthly at VIN office. We conduct written evaluation every month to the working site and final written and oral evaluation and send it to Partner NGOs with pictures.

Other remarks Open to Non-Asian if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date.

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4-8. Philippines

YSDA-1 Manila (Manila) 2015/05/01-07/30 SOCI 5 vols. (4 int.)

Hosting NGO YSDA ( Youth for Sustainable Development Assembly) https://www.facebook.com/pages/YSDA-Pilipinas/461494027302404

Contact person Rior N. Santos, Executive Director [email protected] Phone: 63-2576-0945

Project Place Manila, Philippines

Remark for Period Open to 1-2 months participation if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date.


1. Local/ social situation/ needs for the project Certain social and economic factors sometimes drive parents to leave their children behind,

or expose them to danger. Two local foundations has committed to take care of these children, and the workcamp is organized to assist them in their advocacy. 2. Name and description of the local host * Concordia Children’s Services: Concordia Children's Services, Inc. was founded in 1983. In 1989 Concordia expanded to serve the street and urban poor children in Pasig City. By 1996, they expanded again to serve the needs of street and urban poor children in the Santa Mesa area. For more details, you can visit their website at http://concordiachildrens.org/

* Hospicio de San Jose: For 200 years, this charitable institution has accepted the poorest of the poor, and families in crisis, and has sheltered them, fed them, clothed them, educated them, cared for them when they were sick or wounded, and helped them go on in this world. For more details, you can visit their website at http://www.hospiciodesanjose.org/home 3. Aims and expected impact of the project 1. Assist child agencies in daily operations 2. Assist child agencies & appreciation of vols. On child development issues, sustainable development and cultural diversity 3. Increase technical (social work) and English language proficiency

Main voluntary work

Volunteer activities follow a rotation scheme. The four volunteers are divided into two pairs. Each pair is assigned first to one of the partner orphanages for six weeks, and then change assignments with the other pair and be assigned in the other orphanage. The tentative work schedule is detailed below:

Hospicio de San Jose Concordia Children’s Services

1st Week On-arrival Training

2nd - 3rd Week Caring of Infants and Toddlers Caring of Infants and Toddlers

4th - 5th Week Caring of Slum Children Caring of Children with Special Needs

6th Week Midterm Evaluation Exchange of Work Areas

7th Week Relaxation and Recreation

8th - 9th Week Caring of Infants and Toddlers Caring of Infants and Toddlers

10th - 11th Week Caring of Slum Children Caring of Children with Special Needs

12th Week Final Evaluation

* Approximate working hours: 6 hours x 5 days (weekdays) in a week. There is a short meeting every Friday to do reporting and raise concerns regarding volunteer experience.

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Type of building: ? * Sleeping: Sharing with other vols. * Meals: Cooked by vols. * How and how long to go to work: By public transportation (1 train ride, then 1 jeepney ride) * Smoking: Only outside building * Internet access: Yes but might be slow or unavailable when too many people are using it. * Any other points: Abide in the house rules which will be discussed upon on-arrival training.


Manila is the capital and second largest city of the Philippines. It is one of the sixteen cities which, along with the municipality of Pateros, make up Metro Manila, the National Capital Region, whose overall population is around 12 million.

The city of Manila is located on the eastern shore of Manila Bay It has a total population of 1,652,171 according to the 2010 census and is the second most populous city in the Philippines, behindQuezon City. The populace inhabit an area of only 2,498 hectares (6,172.69 acres), making Manila arguably the most densely populated city in the world.

Terminal * Nearest international airport: Ninoy Aquino International Airport

Other activities * Outdoors Excursion (volunteers may plan for various activities like trekking, beach outing, city tour, etc. on free days and at volunteers’ personal expense)

* Children themed short-term workcamps co-leadership (if there are any)

Qualification for vols.

* Required: Passion for children and orphanage work * Preferable: Basic English speaking skills

Attraction for vols.

They are likely to improve the following skills: English communication skills/ Technical skills on orphanage work such as feeding infants and toddlers, slum children monitoring, etc.)/ Philippines is also blessed with wonderful natural attractions where volunteers can visit during free days and during the 7th week dedicated for relaxation and recreation

Financial condition

* Participation fee to the host NGO: 45,000 PHP for 3 months (15,000 PHP per month).


* On arrival training: For 1 week including culture orientation, orphanages visit and orientation, work area familiarization and public transportation dry run

* Special care during Project: Volunteer will work in diad. In cases that the 4 slots will not be filled-up, they’ll still be accommodated but might work alone with local staff of the orphanage.

* Evaluation meeting: Midterm & Final evaluation in YSDA Conference Area or another venue

Other remarks * Open to Non-Asian if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date. * Volunteers are required to send medical certification and chest x-ray clearing the volunteer from any respiratory illness to ensure safety of kids that they will be taking care of

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4-9. Thailand

DALAA-1 Kok Payom (Satun) 2015/02/01-2016/01/31 EDUC 5 vols. (4 int.)

Hosting NGO DALAA (International Volunteers for Social Development Association) http://www.dalaa-thailand.com

Contact person Supannee Kaeovichit, Incoming coordinator [email protected] Tel: 66-74-266286

Project Place Kok Payom village, La-Ngu district, Satun province

Remark for Period 3 months participation from 02/01, 05/01, 08/01 and 11/01 is possible.


1. Local/ social situation/ needs for the project 2. Name and description of the local host

Kok Payom is a strong Muslim community surrounded by mangrove forests few kilometers from the Andaman coast of Satun province, South Thailand. Villagers want to preserve their life style and the nature for the next generation. The community has recognized their problems and is working hard to find solutions to the issues they face. They welcome visitors, activists and volunteers to join in any useful activity. 3. Aims and expected impact of the project A) Give non-formal English classes to the local schools and interested village adults B) Help support activities of the Kok Payom local community C) Take care of Klong Toh Lem Academy D) Build friendship between volunteers and local people E) Organize fun and enjoyable activities to the village children F) Be part of the local community of Kok Payom village

Main voluntary work

Since 2009, volunteers have been taking turn to teach at 3 different schools in Kok Payom village and the other villages nearby. Apart from this, in 2011, there was an initiative of starting “Klong Toh Lem Academy”, an alternative school on the other side of the canal, in the middle of mangrove forest where children can learn about environment, local values, wisdoms, and language in very natural method of learning. The informal class at this alternative school is conducted every Sunday. There are approximately 20 children, aged between 7-12 attending. So far, the main school building and other necessary structures have been constructed from collaboration of both villagers and international volunteers. However, there are still works that need to be done.

Volunteer can possibly do the activities as following: 1) Create a place where local people and children can learn and become more aware of the importance of our environment (Alternative School - Klong Toh Lem Academy)

2) Organize nature trips with children (awareness of the importance of nature) 3) Plant young seedlings in the mangrove forests (occasionally) 4) Organize fun and enjoyable activities to the village children * Mon.-Thu.: Teaching/ activities/ environment * Sat. (preparation)-Sun.: Klong Toh Lem Academy (Alternative School) * Vacations of regular Thai schools: Mid. Mar. to mid. May (2 months) and Oct. (1 month) * Approximate working hours: Mon.-Thu: 3-4 hours, Fri. is free day, Sat.-Sun.: 09:00-15:00

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Accommodation Location

Type of building: Wooden huts * Sleeping: Sharing with other vols. * Meals: Cooked by vols. * How and how long to go to work: Bicycle/ walk or get picked up by teachers and the journey takes about 10-20 minutes

* Smoking: Only outside building * Internet access: Local internet café in the village


Kok Payom is a Muslim village, situated about 10 Kilometers away from La-Ngu town. The main careers of the population is fishing and working in rubber plantation. The weather is tropical: hot and humid most of the year, usually more dry from January to May, most rain in September-November


* Nearest international airport: Hatyai International Airport * Transportation from the capital or other major city: You can reach Hatyai through Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur or Singapore by plane, night train and night bus. The price can be very different by plane (minimum 1200 Bahts), the sleeping train from Bangkok is 600 Bahts, the bus 800 Bahts; It may be the same price through Singapore and a bit cheaper from Kuala Lumpur.

Other activities Volunteers will get chance to participate other social events in the village. Sometimes,

they’ll get to participate in other DaLaa’s activities if there is any during their stay.

Qualification for vols.

* Required: Interests in teaching and doing activities with children, moreover, open-minded and being able to live with community and integrate themselves with the villagers. There is a strong requirement for open-mind and eager to learn the language and respect local tradition.

* Preferable: Extra interest in environment and agriculture that will be a benefit for both volunteers and villagers to learn from each other.

Attraction for vols. Experience with living with Thai community/ doing activities with children/ with Thai culture

and language/ of growing their own food

Financial condition

* Participation fee to the host NGO: 24,000 THB for 3 months (8,000 THB per month) * 18,000 THB for 3 months (6,000 THB per month) for those coming from less expensive countries where the annual GDP per capita is less than 10,000 US$.


* On arrival training: 2 days on arrival introduction at DaLaa office in Hatyai * Special care during Project: One DaLaa staff stays from Wed.-Sun. in the village. There’ll be also visits from other staff or Thai members regularly.

* Evaluation meeting: 1 day at DaLaa office or in the village, depending on your convenience

Other remarks Open to Non-Asian if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date.

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DALAA-2 Roy Wan Phan Pba (Nakhon S.) 2015/02/01-2016/01/31 ENVI 7 vols. (6 int.)

Hosting NGO DALAA (International Volunteers for Social Development Association) http://www.dalaa-thailand.com

Contact person Supannee Kaeovichit, Incoming coordinator [email protected] Tel: 66-74-266286

Project Place Kuan Mai Bong village, Cha-Uat district, Nakhon Srithammarat province

Remark for Period 3 months participation from 02/01, 05/01, 08/01 and 11/01 is possible.


1. Local/ social situation/ needs for the project The project was started from nothing but motivation and solidarity in 2011 by the initiatives

of a local environmental activist, Pi Ju (Mr. Surasak Yentua) along with support of Kuan Mai Bong villagers and DaLaa pilot volunteers. Its objective is to focus on participants (kids, volunteers, and locals) to be aware of importance of staying self-sufficient in their environment and to respect it as a vital part of their life. This atmosphere is the basic key of the site that everyone can feel and learn from. Volunteers are working/learning in the week and spreading their experience/feelings with local kids who are coming on Saturdays. We believe the growing temptation of parents to send their kids to study in the city (for “better education”) and the dream of some young locals to leave their village for the consumption world can be refrained by organizing activities, learning and sharing with volunteers from outside. Volunteers are at the same time students and actors of the project. 2. Name and description of the local host

Since 2011, Pi Ju has supervised this project to create a kind of model of sustainable garden. Thanks to great help from the locals and volunteers that they managed to build most facilities to welcome people to live and visit. There is now adequate availability of food from the vegetables garden, and fruit trees which already planted. Food Autonomy is indeed vital to man and Alternative Education is important as well as to give kids the possibility to learn some basic skills of life that are often neglected at regular schools. 3. Aims and expected impact of the project A) Support Roy Wan Pan Pba project B) Experience and see the importance of “Food Autonomy and Alternative Education” C) Build good relationship between volunteers and local people D) Let children be familiar with volunteers and learn in international/multi-cultural atmosphere

Main voluntary work

In general, daily activities for volunteers are taking care of vegetables and plants grown in the area, harvesting vegetables and fruits for daily consumption, as well as helping out in family’s daily tasks such as preparing meals, doing dishes, keeping the whole area clean, etc. Normally, the volunteers will work between Apart from this, there is still some construction work to be built on/ repaired in the project area. As part of the team, volunteers share great support to the local project to help keep the project site and its landscape in good order. One of the school plans concerning the campaign of agricultural self-sufficiency is that people will no longer need to buy food from a market but to grow or to raise whatever edible and make it into meals for their families.

On Saturdays, about 10-15 children from the village will come to the project to do activities with the volunteers from 9a.m.-3 p.m. Volunteers decide together how the activities should be conducted. The opportunities are endless: teaching different subjects such as Basic English, art, agriculture, games. The kids vary in age, the youngest ones are approximately 7, and the oldest about 17. If you know any activities worth arranging for the kids from your country or any teaching ideas, please bring supplies you may need with you. * Approximate working hours: 4-5 hours/ day, depending on the condition of weather.

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Accommodation Location

Type of building: Small wooden hut * Sleeping: Sharing with other vols. * Meals: Cooked by vols. & locals. * How and how long to go to work: Work within the project site * Smoking: Only outside building * Internet access: Internet café outside the village (once in 2 weeks)


Roy Wan Phan Pba is located in a mountainous village of Ban Tad Mountain Range, 16 km away from the main road reaching up to the mountain. The villagers are mainly Buddhist and most work on their own rubber plantations, fruit orchards and some works in the city.


* Nearest international airport: Hatyai International Airport * Transportation from the capital or other major city: You can reach Hatyai through Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur or Singapore by plane, night train and night bus. The price can be very different by plane (minimum 1200 Bahts), the sleeping train from Bangkok is 600 Bahts, the bus 800 Bahts; It may be the same price through Singapore and a bit cheaper from Kuala Lumpur. The project is 2 hours north from Hatyai.

Other activities You will get chances to see local ceremonies and a few visits to other villages or local

temples. During free time, volunteers can spend time on their own to read or do craft activities.

Qualification for vols.

* Required: Strongly recommended to come with motivation to work with the nature physically and mentally, being able to handle the most basic living condition with limited facilities, to handle the spontaneous working environment, and rather to stay the distance from civilization because there are few chances for town as it is not easy to go out often. Volunteers should bear in mind to work in a team, everything shared, and responsibility taken equally. Above all, full involvement in community matters is a must. Volunteers should be able to conduct activities with children by themselves or with other volunteers.

* Preferable: Bringing ideas or some game materials from home country may be very helpful.

Attraction for vols. Experience of growing their own food/ of doing activities with children/ with Thai culture

and language/ with living with Thai community

Financial condition

* Participation fee to the host NGO: 24,000 THB for 3 months (8,000 THB per month) * 18,000 THB for 3 months (6,000 THB per month) for those coming from less expensive countries where the annual GDP per capita is less than 10,000 US$.


* On arrival training: 2 days on arrival introduction at DaLaa office in Hatyai * Special care during Project: One DaLaa staff stays from Wed.-Sun. in the village. There’ll be also visits from other staff or Thai members regularly.

* Evaluation meeting: 1 day at DaLaa office or in the village, depending on your convenience

Other remarks Open to Non-Asian if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date.

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DALAA-3 Baan Kok Riang (Songkhla) 2015/02/01-2016/01/31 ENVI 7 vols. (6 int.)

Hosting NGO DALAA (International Volunteers for Social Development Association) http://www.dalaa-thailand.com

Contact person Supannee Kaeovichit, Incoming coordinator [email protected] Tel: 66-74-266286

Project Place Baan Kok Riang village, Hatyai, Songkhla province

Remark for Period 3 months participation from 02/01, 05/01, 08/01 and 11/01 is possible.


1. Local/ social situation/ needs for the project 2. Name and description of the local host

Our societies nowadays are so used to the convenient way of living and buying everything from the market without realizing that most of the food products sold in market heavily contained dangerous chemicals and pesticides, which would eventually lead to severe health problems. From this concern, Mr. Suthep (Loong Jaeng) and Mr. Kanong (Loong Sian), the main community members in Baan Kok Riang that took the initiative to turn their land properties covering approximately 1 hector of agriculture land and 3,200 sq. meters of the house compound into an experimenting space for non-chemical agriculture in this village. Since last 2 years, both have been laboriously growing variety of vegetables, rice and local seasonal fruits like pineapples, papayas, coconuts, etc. for their own consumption and this have helped generate motivations for the other villagers to follow in their footsteps.

The main purpose for this effort is to try to create a learning space functioning sort of as a working model for the surrounding community members and local Thai volunteers, especially for the new generation, to grow healthy organic non-chemically induced rice, vegetables, and fruits for their family’s daily consumption without harming the nature. Unfortunately, both of the project initiators started their own plans, without having much support from anyone else. Therefore, DaLaa saw this as a meaningful project for us and volunteers to be involved in, as well as taking the opportunity to learn about this highly sustainable self-reliant living, especially the most crucial during the initial time of the project when there are a lot of works to do and things to get improved around. Moreover, it’s very important to give them all the help and support that they need in bringing about the awareness and on the meantime build-up collaborations and train apprentices within their own and neighboring communities. 3. Aims and expected impact of the project A) Support the future “Baan Kok Riang Non-Chemical Agriculture Project” B) Learn from each other among volunteers themselves, and from volunteers to villagers vice versa through “learning by doing” concept

C) Build good relationship between volunteers and local people D) Be a part of Baan Kok Riang community E) Let children be familiar with volunteers and learn in international/multi-cultural atmosphere

Main voluntary work

Considering that this is going to be the initial attempt of the long term project, the volunteers should be able to handle physical hard work, expecting that there will be some construction work involved. Everyday work will involve nurturing and watering vegetables, plants and fruit trees, collecting vegetables for your own consumption and growing seeds or nursing young plants. During the hot afternoon and at the end of the day, you may have your own free time, or you can take the opportunity together with our project hosts and coordinator to further learning the local language. Sometimes, Lung Jaeng may take volunteers to social events in the community, such as on important Buddhist holidays, weddings or funerals in order to get the volunteers to be involved in community events and to enhance the relationship with the locals. * Approximate working hours: Normally, in the morning, you will start work in the vegetable garden around 8 or 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. and again during 3 or 4 p.m. until 6.30 p.m. The work time can differ each day depending on heat, amount of work that has to be done as well as your own ability and endurance. The work schedule may be decided on daily basis depending on what has been done on the day before and the condition of weather. However, there’ll be few hours break during the hottest time of the day.

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Accommodation Location

Type of building: Small wooden hut * Sleeping: Sharing with other vols * Meals: Cooked by vols. & locals * How and how long to go to work: Bicycle or the host’s car, it takes about 10 minutes. * Smoking: Only outside building * Internet access: At home and at internet café in the village


Baan Kok Riang is a small village situated in the outskirt of Hat Yai. The population is mainly Buddhist. The main careers for the villagers are working in rubber plantation, and many young people mainly work in the city.


* Nearest international airport: Hatyai International Airport * Transportation from the capital or other major city You can reach Hatyai through Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur or Singapore by plane, night train and night bus. The price can be very different by plane (minimum 1200 Bahts), the sleeping train from Bangkok is 600 Bahts, the bus 800 Bahts; It may be the same price through Singapore and a bit cheaper from Kuala Lumpur. The project is 20km from the office.

Other activities You will have chances to visit local attractions, participating in local social events, and

attending other activities organized by DaLaa if there is any when during the volunteers’ stay.

Qualification for vols.

* Required: Interests in agriculture activities and be ready to learn the local way of living and working, open-minded, flexible with spontaneous way of working. The willing to learn Thai language is a must for this project.

Attraction for vols. Experience with living with Thai community/ of growing their own food/ with Thai culture

and language/ of doing activities with children

Financial condition

* Participation fee to the host NGO: 24,000 THB for 3 months (8,000 THB per month) * 18,000 THB for 3 months (6,000 THB per month) for those coming from less expensive countries where the annual GDP per capita is less than 10,000 US$.


* On arrival training: 2 days on arrival introduction at DaLaa office in Hatyai * Special care during Project: One DaLaa staff stays from Wed.-Sun. in the village. There’ll be also visits from other staff or Thai members regularly.

* Evaluation meeting: 1 day at DaLaa office or in the village, depending on your convenience

Other remarks Open to Non-Asian if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date.

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VSA-1 Yor Island (Songkhla) 2015/02/01-04/15 CULT 8 vols. (6 int.)

Hosting NGO VSA (Volunteer Spirit Association) http://www.volunteerspirit.or.th/

Contact person LaksanaRodtrakul (Tum), President [email protected] Tel: 66-08-98789355

Project Place The Institute for Southern Thai Studies,Yor Island, Songkhla

Remark for Period Open to 1-2 months participation if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date.


1. Local/ social situation/ needs for the project 2. Name and description of the local host

The officers of The Institute for Southern Thai Studies had high motivation to exchange with international volunteers about culture and language so they asked the international volunteers contribution in their culture seminar activities. The Institute Southern Thai Study is the great museum in the south with fantastic view, located on the hill on Koh Yor island, Songkhla.

Main voluntary work

Volunteer will support the museum, learning Southern Thai culture, receive training to be a guide for tourist visiting and cleaning the antiques in the museum. * Approximate working hours: ?

Accommodation Location

Type of building: ? * Sleeping: Sharing with other vols. * Meals: Cooked by vols. & locals * How and how long to go to work: Stay at working place * Smoking: Only outside building * Internet access: Yes.

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Songkhla, also known as Singgora or Singora (City on the Mountain), is a city (thesabannakhon) in the Songkhla Province of southern Thailand, near the border with Malaysia. As of 2006, it had a population of 75,048. The city is a part of Greater Hatyai-Songkhla Metropolitan Area.

Despite being smaller than the neighboring city Hat Yai, Songkhla is the capital of Songkhla Province as well as the Mueang Songkhla district (Songkhla Town district). Due to its location at the opening of the big Songkhla lake to the Gulf of Thailand, Songkhla is a fishing town and also an important harbor. It is the major seaport on the east side of the Isthmus of Kra.

Songkhla has a tropical monsoon climate (Köppen climate classification Am). Temperatures are very warm to hot throughout the year with only minor variation. There is a short dry season in February and March; the rest of the year is wet, with especially heavy rainfall from October to December.

Terminal * Nearest international airport: Hatyai * Transportation from the capital or other major city:

Other activities School visit, Enjoying local life and local festivals.

Qualification for vols.

* Required: Abilities to communicate in English or full intention to try. Open up and love to learn new things and respect in different culture.

Attraction for vols. Museum staff and guild, team work, cultural exchange.

Financial condition

* Participation fee to the host NGO: 24,000 THB for 3 months (8,000 THB per month)


* On arrival training : 5 days at ICL house (VSA office) * Special care during Project: Staff visit monthly, AVS coordinator weekly contact, local staff coordinator, Mid-term evaluation at projects places

* Evaluation meeting: Final evaluation at ICL house (VSA office)

Other remarks * Open to Non-Asian if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date. * JAVS (Japan ASEAN Voluntary Service) will be also held in 02/01-04/15 where AVS and JAVS volunteers will work and live together.

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4-10. Vietnam SJV-1 Hanoi (Hanoi) 2015/02/01-2016/01/31 SOCI, EDUC 3 vols. (2 int.)

Hosting NGO SJV (Solidarités Jeunesses Vietnam) http://www.sjvietnam.org/

Contact person Do Thi Phuc, Director [email protected] Tel: 84-422154993

Project Place Ha Noi

Remark for Period 3 months participation from 02/01, 05/01, 08/01 and 11/01 is possible. Open to 1-2 months participation if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date.


1. Local/ social situation/ needs for the project The Fisher village is a place that consists of more than 40 families live in temporary

ragged boats on Red river (one small part of the village is on an island). All of them are extremely poor, have no job in their hometowns. They come to Hanoi to get a job for earning more money for their life, families and children.

SJ Vietnam has run successfully Youth house school project since 2005 with help of hundreds (international & local) volunteers and ETAI group to encourage the children to go to the school regularly for free basic education and nutrition food. We have been increasing their awareness of education which can help them to get a simple job and a better future to ensure their independent living, economic self-sufficiency. The scheme will demonstrate the important role of volunteerism and public-private partnerships for social development.

Since 2009, SJV & NICE started a new, fair-trade type of Eco Sponge Action that several women in Fisher village made 300 sponges and handcrafts all of which were sold in various types of events in Japan by the special team in NICE. We got over 1,000 US$ (plus 3,000 US$ of donation), 50% of surplus (after deducting cost of coordination & materials) was already given to those women; another 50% is used for public project in the village. One lady was collecting rubbish in the market that can generate one US$ in a day more or less, but could start a small shop on the bridge selling tea and snack by the fund she’s got from this project! 2. Name and description of the local host

Non-formal education for poor and street children at Youth Center in Red river bank in Ha Noi. The project had been launching from 2004 to support for kids who living in beside Red river in Ha Noi. Now all the kids are studying in public school, but SJV is till supporting/ providing the free lunch/ school fee and taking care of them. Therefore the project would need volunteers to be a tutor for kids after school, cooking lunch and maintain the Youth Center with other activities for Vietnamese young people such as English club, workshop, etc. 3. Aims and expected impact of the project A) Support for kids study in school with good result B) Take care and teach the children living skills C) Create the stage where is place to share, learn and exchange for all international young people

Main voluntary work

1) Various work to improve the life conditions of Fisher village such as farming, renovating the roofs, floors and water filters, selling eco sponges the women will have made, etc.

2) Various work to help the Youth Center such as Teaching English for kids and English club, Cooking, cleaning, and monitoring Youth center with coordinator and local volunteers

3) Organize the workshop, events and leisure activities for kids, students * Approximate working hours: 09:00-16:30 on Mon.-Fri. (with 2 hours of lunch break) * There will be a special workcamp for 2 weeks in March with Japanese volunteers, so you can enjoy to work and exchange with them and are expected to help to run it well!

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Type of building: Volunteers room next to the SJV office * Sleeping: Single room * Meals: Cooked by locals * How and how long to go to work: * Smoking: Only outside building * Internet access: Yes * Any other points: Vols. will live with the local people and should orientate themselves.


Ha Noi is in the North of Vietnam. There are 4 seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. We will contact with volunteers in detail before they come to their project. There are many place for traveling such as Sapa, Ha Long bay, Mai Chau and Ba Vi are near the project site. The volunteers can travel in the weekend.


* Nearest international airport: Noi Bai international airport * Transportation from the capital or other major city: You will be picked up to SJ Vietnam office then the coordinator will go to project with you by bus.

Other activities Volunteers will join all other events, festival with SJ Vietnam and local people during their

time. They are free to travel and discovery culture, beautiful place in Vietnam by themselves.

Qualification for vols.

* Required: High motivation to work with kids/ Adapt quickly with Vietnamese culture/ Open-mind to share and learn new things

* Preferable: Good English is asset

Attraction for vols.

* Improving interpersonal skills. * Discovering Vietnamese culture in very unique way. * Understanding about global issues and local action related to poverty, climate change, gender equality, human right...

Financial condition

* Participation fee to the host NGO: 7,500,000 VND per month. * 6,000,000 VND per month for those coming from less expensive countries where the annual GDP per capita is less than 10,000 US$.


* On arrival training: 2 days in project site after arrival day of volunteers * Special care during Project: Short report every month with coordinator and evaluate the work weekly with mentor.

* Evaluation meeting: 1 day

Other remarks * Open to Non-Asian if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date. * JAVS (Japan ASEAN Voluntary Service) will be also held in 02/01-04/15 where AVS and JAVS volunteers will work and live together.

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SJV-2 Ha Long (Quang Ninh) 2015/02/01-2016/01/31 SOCI, EDUC 3 vols. (2 int.)

Hosting NGO SJV (Solidarités Jeunesses Vietnam) http://www.sjvietnam.org/

Contact person Do Thi Phuc, Director [email protected] Tel: 84-422154993

Project Place Ha Long, Quang Ninh province

Remark for Period 3 months participation from 02/01, 05/01, 08/01 and 11/01 is possible. Open to 1-2 months participation if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date.


1. Local/ social situation/ needs for the project 2. Name and description of the local host

Based on the Ha Long city, Mai Hoang center of disable people exists for several years. All of the people are disable and do not have enough earning to cover their own life. Their children, all of whom are badly malnourished and illiterate, have to live in poverty. There are 65 people permanently stay at the center and 70 come every day to learn making handicraft products. When they could sell products, they have some income for their living. There is a forest behind the center but there is no-one to guide the disability to plant trees so during typhoon season in 2012, 2013, the center suffered huge damages from heavy raining, storm and wind. Almost their accommodation, classrooms, toilets, kitchen were collapsed. The people now have to live under the danger conditions. There is also big land around but not any vegetable is grown yet as the disable couldn’t do manual work. Therefore, sometimes they don’t have enough food. Not many supports from outsiders provided to the center. 3. Aims and expected impact of the project A) To help the disable center for their sustainable life and living in harmony with environment. There are volunteers coming to the center to work with the people and help them to design products, work in forest and garden.

B) Establish this center for disadvantaged, poor and disable children, people to exchange ideas, have a chance to study vocation and to be integrated in the community. We also want this center to be a place for Vietnamese youth to exchange their knowledge, experience and culture with foreigner via workshop and talking that is why youth could play an important role in changing global environment challenges and poverty

Main voluntary work

1) Manual work: supporting for staff build the house for disabled people, gardening, cooking. 2) Teach English: for disabled at the center or children in local school. * Approximate working hours: 6 - 8 hours x 5 days a week, depending on weather and number of volunteers

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Type of building: Guest house of Mai Hoang center * Sleeping: Sharing with other vols. * Meals: Cooked by locals * How and how long to go to work: Working in the same place as the accommodation! * Smoking: Only outside building * Internet access: Yes


Large province located along the northeastern coast of Vietnam. The province is home to Hạ Long Bay, aWorld Heritage Site. The provincial capital is Hạ Long. Nearly 80 per cent of the province is mountainous with abundant land, forest water and mineral resources. Nearly 90 per cent of coal output in the country is extracted in this province. Hạ Long Bay has 1,969 islands, out of which 989 have been given names. The province covers an area of 6,099 square kilometres and as of 2008 it had a population of 1,109,600 people.

Climate: symbolic of the climate of North Vietnam; featuring all four seasons. In summer, it is hot, humid and rainy, while monsoon flourish. The average annual temperature recorded is 22.9 °C. In winter, it is cold (between 1 to 3 °C), dry, and sees little rainfall (between 150 mm and 400 mm). The average humidity is 82 percent. Annual average rainfall, influenced by north-eastern monsoons, varies between 1,700 mm and 2,400 mm (maximum recorded is 2751 mm), with rainfall concentrated in the summer months for 90 to 170 days, particularly in July and August.


* Nearest international airport: Noi Bai international airport * Transportation from the capital or other major city: By public bus for 4-4.5 hours that costs about 200,000 VND (7 Euro).

Other activities

Volunteers are welcomed to discover all the beautiful spots of Quang Ninh province (especially Ha Long bay, Coto island, Van Don beaches...). Quang Ninh province has a comfortable transportation network which enables volunteers to travel to other provinces easily.

Qualification for vols.

* Required: Working level f English, willing to work with disabled people, to be flexible, adaptable and respectful, strong motivation to work hard with such a difficult living condition

* Preferable: Experience of teaching, working with disabled or children

Attraction for vols.

* Improving interpersonal skills. * Discovering Vietnamese culture in very unique way. * Understanding about global issues and local action related to poverty, climate change, gender equality, human right...

Financial condition

* Participation fee to the host NGO: 7,500,000 VND per month. * 6,000,000 VND per month for those coming from less expensive countries where the annual GDP per capita is less than 10,000 US$.

Meetings * On arrival training: First training on the arrival day in SJ office and on job training at the site * Evaluation meeting (place, length, etc.): 1 day only with coordinator before departure day.

Other remarks Open to Non-Asian if the places are not full at 2 months before the starting date

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NVDA (Network for Voluntary Development in Asia)

is a network of international voluntary service (i.v.s.) NGOs in Asia & Oceania. was founded in 1997 and now has 27 member NGOs in 20 countries/ area. organized 1,164 i.v.s. projects/ exchanged 12,719 vols. in 2013. started i.v.s. projects in 17 new countries and actively work for environmental/

social common actions, development of PR/ LMTV, research on impact, etc.

NVDA (Network for Voluntary Development in Asia)

http://www.nvda.asia Facebook: NVDA-Asia International Voluntary movement c/o SJV, Suite 903, Block N1, 282 Linh Nam, Hoang Mai, Hanoi, Vietn am Tel: +84.4.37525190

World Tanabata Action To prevent climate change! 822,831 trees were planted

by 20,400 people in 19 countries since 2008

Eco Sponge Action Common action to protect fresh water & empower

women in the slum of Vietnam through fair trade!

1st Asian LTV Summit Japan, 2013 Nov. 12-17 where 22 leaders of 15 NGOs

in 13 cuntries shared know-how and planned the scheme of Aian Voluntary Service!

10th Training & Networking Workcamp

Thailand, 2014 Jan. 15-21 where 37 leaders of 20 NGOs in 14 countries worked, discussed

and exchanged together!

Greetings for Asian Voluntary Service

International voluntary service (i.v.s.) was started in 1920 in France by youth incluging French and German to revive the fields destroyed by the World War I. Now, over 3,000 projects are organized by NGOs in 90 countries and hude impact for better communities and life has been produced.

This historical project of Asian Voluntary Service will open a new page of international voluntary service mevement and Asian socierty as pioneers, so let’s create a new age together with all of us!

KAIZAWA Shinichiro, President of NVDA (President of NICE, Japan) [email protected]

DO Thi Phuc, General Secretary of NVDA (Executive Director of SJV, Vietnam) [email protected]