110623 Orangery Academy: Robert powell

Helping People Make Better Places



Transcript of 110623 Orangery Academy: Robert powell

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Helping People Make Better Places

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2005 - 09 Up-skilling Community Leaders

across the Yorkshire region

Yorkshire Forward !Partnership Skills Programme!

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Yorkshire Forward Programme!Context

Yorkshire Forward Renaissance Programme

•  Evolves during 2001-2, runs up until 2011…. •  A methodology for guiding RDA investment in regeneration

Key Ideas: •  The centrality of ‘design’: Good design = good places = economic & social regeneration •  Involving key local stakeholders (LA’s, business, citizens) •  Meaningful engagement with local people •  25-year Visions to identify ‘key projects’ for RDA investment •  Helped by selected experts – the ‘Renaissance Panel’ •  ‘Town Teams’

…to be supported by a ‘Partnership Skills Programme’, managed through Integreat Yorkshire.

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Yorkshire Forward !Partnership Skills!Context

Yorkshire Forward Partnership Skills Programme

Tender issued late 2004 --- i.e. 2 years in to the Renaissance programme Contract value c. £2 million

Possibly the largest investment of its kind at regional level?

Huge, demanding set of expectations / outputs / audit

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Aim: to develop the capacity of town teams and equip them with the skills to make excellent decisions about the future of their towns.


Tendered for & delivered in Partnership…


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Mentors / Facilitators

Training Workshops

Accredited learning

Online learning / resources

‘Action Based


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Mentors / Facilitators Workshops

Accredited learning

Online learning / resources

ARTS Based Action


Networking Conferences

Study Tours

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The ‘Town Team’

A locally based team of individuals from a wide range of interests and groups. Town Team members are active citizens, key local authority officers and members, private sector and community representatives

Who was it for?

Ensuring that the Town Team had the most appropriate skills to be able to turn vision into reality was a priority.

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Developing Visions for the Future

Supporting town teams to conceive and guide the delivery of 25-year Visions & Plans

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Accredited Learning

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•  Related to live public realm projects based on real regeneration sites

•  Each town received an individual package tailored to meet their specific needs

•  Enabled the town team to engage others in their areas • Offered the town team promotion opportunities about its work • Helped build the team • Embedded partnership working •  Taught practical project management skills

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Engaging Young People

•  ‘I-Town My-Town’ – digital diaries •  Inspirational site visits •  Placecheck •  Film projects •  Design competitions •  Temporary youth café’s designed by young people

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“Excellent conference with first class speaker George Ferguson offered inspiring !advice and general renewed motivation.” Conference delegate. !

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•  To identify and learn from examples of best practice which successfully deal with issues currently faced by cities, towns and villages in Yorkshire and the Humber. •  Develop a shared consensus on successful approaches which can be transferred to the Yorkshire region. •  Build capacity within Town Teams.

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Exit Strategy

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24 Town Teams were engaged in

both rural and urban settings.

1,884 people were engaged in the learning programme - 16,500 hours of learning.

Facilitator support for each Town


All towns had the opportunity to undertake

significant projects.

Creative approach--

plays and films being


5 major conferences - over 100 Town Team members

gathered at each event.

Study trip to Holland for 50 delegates from

20 towns.

Accredited learning

programme delivered.

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People Changing Places - The Design ‘Journey’

Place transformation


Design workshops

Place transformation


Site visits

Design awareness & training

Good practice seminars

PCP Journey

Dissemination ! Broadcast ! Publication ! Evaluation

Partner & Site Identified. Programme Participants Identified.

Site specific


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Exhibition Square

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YourSpace - York

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