1 HIGHER PAGE Taking Your Business Higher. Pay Per Click – Success Guaranteed Considered the most...

1 HIGHER PAGE Taking Your Business Higher

Transcript of 1 HIGHER PAGE Taking Your Business Higher. Pay Per Click – Success Guaranteed Considered the most...


HIGHER PAGE Taking Your Business Higher

Pay Per Click – Success Guaranteed

Considered the most effective online advertising method today, Pay Per Click advertising, with the power of social media can get your business the fruitful results you desire.

PPC – What is it?An Internet Advertising Model to drive traffic to your website, wherein

You bid for various key words matching/describing you business to target right audience

Users search for content on the web on different search engines

Visitors looking for product/service you offer will get your company ad with the search results

If they click on your ad and visit your website, you pay the search engine

PROs - Instant & guaranteed traffic on your website- Quick & vast Visibility on the world wide web- Right market can be targeted with relatively low cost- Increased leads & sales

CONs- Pay for every click (potential buyer) whether it was a sale or not.- Difficult to handle in the long run- One might end up paying a fortune with little gains- Competitors can outbid you

What’s The Catch?- A PPC campaign must be expertly managed to bring the desired fruitful results, it just cannot be left on its own expecting to make money for you.- Choose the right online partner for your business

Online Advertising Methods

Television, Billboards, Radio (Traditional methods)SEO (Search Engine Optimization)E-mail advertising (E-mail & Newsletter)Pop-up & floating ads

Traditional Methods (TV, Radio, Billboards)

Traditional advertising methods only help big players launch products & services, with celebrities promoting them. - What about the small businesses, like your flower, catering or pre-owned cars business? - Are they bound to get a specific amount of business locally? - Not with the fast-paced Internet world today. - Create a website, drive a PPC campaign and experience growth in leads and sales.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

- Longer time to set up a good ranking in search engine.- All the Search engines have different criteria for page rankings.- Beyond control - the way Google or any other service providers are going to change their algorithms; you can’t be sure of being the no. 1 listing today and at 1000 the next day.- Highly dependent upon the random trend of the keywords.- Creates limitations to the website’s design, e.g. flash based contents.

E-mail advertising (E-mails & Newsletters)

- Do you remember the last time you purchased something online after receiving a promotional e-mail from that company? If your answer is yes, then you are probably one of the few users, who still receive a lot of spam messages. - All the E-mail service providers today are trying to make sure that you receive less & less SPAM (unwanted marketing e-mails), and - With the internet users being more SPAM & Junk cautious this technique of marketing on the internet is bringing in low results and becoming less & less popular.

Pop-ups & Floating ads

- Considered the most annoying form of advertising online by users worldwide, pop ups & floating ads mostly are used to distract internet users and get them to different web pages. - This technique of marketing online shall become obsolete with time, as it hardly targets the intended audience and 99% of internet users close down a pop-up the moment it appears.

PPC (Pay Per Click)

With a choice of 43% marketers, Pay Per Click advertising is the best way to increase the number of visitors to your website.- According to a study by comScore, over 14 billion searches are performed every month online.- Think over, how many of them could be looking for what you have to offer?- PPC is definitely the guaranteed choice to bring qualified traffic to your website.

Corporate Advertising budget trends

•Search marketing today, has clearly beaten out all other methods of advertising as Internet dominates the mode of communication and information being the fastest of all.

Let’s compare the top 2 in Online Advertising

PPC SEOInstant Implementation (couple of hours

for advertisement to appear)No fixed timeframe

Instant & measurable results A minimum of 6 months to see results

Reliable (certainty to appear high in the search results)

The way search engines change their algorithms, you can’t be sure of the

appearance in the search results

Cannot disappear overnight from the search results.

Due to change in algorithms, you could be no. 1 today and in thousands the next day.

You can test inside a pay per click platform to get a better “click through”

rate and conversions, hence it lowers the cost of conversion

You have to wait to see the results first to test, and then implement any change

which means another 6 months to see the results of the change.


Higher Page - a group of experienced individuals dedicated to make your

business profitable and grow your company.

Website designing

Business system consulting

Pay Per Click Advertising

Outsourced customer service

Split Testing (Taguchi Split Testing)

PPC (Pay Per Click) Advertising

- We can set up a Campaign for you and you can choose to use us to maintain that campaign or not. - If you already have a Campaign going you can use us to improve on the one you already have.- We can maintain a Campaign for you at set intervals.- We will create your Campaigns for one flat rate.- You don’t need to wait on a quote or some drawn out process of trying to gather information.

Our specialization: - Pay Per Click Campaign Setup - Improving Existing Pay Per Click Campaigns - Maintaining a Campaign to Maximize Exposure to the Site

Compare for yourself:http://www.higherpage.com/pay_per_click/new_campaign.html

Website Designing

- With the web design standards always changing, we create web-sites that would give excellent surfing/ shopping experience to your customers.- Flat rate, one-priced web site designing packages

Our specialization:- New Site Design and Creation - Improving and Re-designing Out of Date Sites - Maintaining Current Sites with Constant Updates and Improvements

Compare for yourself:http://www.interpeller.com/web_design/design_prices.html

Business System Consulting

- We provide new businesses with critical information to set-up your business the right way, giving that extra edge to your business to make it successful in the highly competitive online market. - We help in restructuring your business model: * Improve on the existing weak links and * Capitalizing on the strengths your business already has

Our specialization:- Small Business Assistance - Internet Marketing Analysis and Strategic Advertising - Internal Structure Planning - Employee Management Process

Compare for yourself:http://www.interpeller.com/consult/consult_price.html

Outsourced Customer Service

Outsourced customer service- E-mail support, phone chat, and answers to your frequently asked questions by your pre-customers.- Our Customer Service Team Members reside in North America; they all speak English as their First language and work from their own offices.- We keep our cost low because we got rid of the office expenses.- Low cost American Customer Service Department.

Our specialization:- Form Submittal Call Back Support - Email Communication Support - Live Online Chat Support - North American Customer Service Support

Compare for yourself:http://www.interpeller.com/customer_service/services.html

Split Testing (Taguchi Split Testing)

- The best way to individualize your web pages to get the preferred response from your users - An effective way to maximize your site's appeal to its Users.- We have tailor made tests for you to affect each page's performance on your web site to get the best results- Our targeted conversion strategies and cutting edge technologies collect and analyze your advertising campaign and website performances.

Our specialization:- Taguchi Split Test Setup - Analysis of Split Testing Results - Writing Content to Maximize Test Results - Creating New Images for Split Testing

Compare for yourself:http://www.interpeller.com/taguchi/index.html

- Whether you have just decided to try PPC or looking for someone to manage an existing campaign – Higher Page ensures all of its advertising programmes to be highly result oriented.- When every other company in this domain claims to be the best, how can one differentiate?- Doing things differently to get optimum results is what makes Higher Page truly a leader in the industry.

Without cross-lining, let’s take a close look as to what differentiates Higher Page from others:


Customized Individual Campaigns

We provide tailor-made campaign service according to your business need, which differs in: - Choice of ad-words - Split tests - Competition research - Constant tracking of leads & conversions

Campaigns already in place

Most of the PPC advertising companies have campaigns setup for years now which they run for every client with very few or no changes made to it. - Ad-words used are often old, used just to meet the keyword limit.

Dedicated Advertising Professionals We always have a professional advertising team dedicated to every campaign, who - Keep you included in the process - Create & manage a well organized account for your campaigns - Constantly monitor your campaign to ensure high ranking and increased visitors

The crunch of technical manpower faced by most of the companies leads to the failure of development of a team that is technically advanced & updated and knows the tricks of the online marketing trade. - Most of the online advertising service providers lack here And - Operate on work-a-rounds with a less experienced team of individuals from mixed professional backgrounds


Maintain any ongoing campaign 

We maintain any of your ongoing PPC campaigns - Split testing to narrow down areas of improvements - Implementation of changes for good - Constant monitoring & tracking

Most of the PPC service providers will provide you with software to work on your own; a few who do manage campaigns cannot manage existing campaigns effectively as initiated by others.

The Deciding Factor – PRICING- No wait for quotes- One time flat rate fee *No commission *No extra fee (search

engine) *Only a One time FLAT

RATE FEE *No maintenance contract

obligation *Add on services - Pay when satisfied guarantee Pay only

50% up front. Don't pay the other half until after work is completed up to your satisfaction

The Deciding Factor – PRICING - Quotes - You might be billed for *Campaign setup fee *Fee based on the expense you have for Google or any other search engine *A commission, if the campaign does well *Contract to maintain the campaign on a monthly feeA very few companies offer a money back guarantee, (NOT “PAY WHEN SATISFIED”) which means you end up paying for the service in full in advance anyway.

- The wide application and relevancy of PPC (Pay Per Click) to even the smallest businesses have made it the number 1 choice of online marketers, however it is advised to choose your online partner wisely as PPC campaigns tend to juice out a lot of funds if not managed expertly.

- Higher Page is an expert, creating online marketing solutions for everyone: from startup businesses to established corporations.

WE make money if we help YOU make money