090109 webinar ca-ssos_slides

CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Jack O’Connell, State Superintendent of Public Instruction September 1, 2009 Webinar Fred Balcom, Director, District and School Improvement Division Julie Baltazar, Administrator, Regional Coordination and Support Office California Statewide System of Support School and District Improvement



Transcript of 090109 webinar ca-ssos_slides

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CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONJack O’Connell, State Superintendent of Public Instruction

September 1, 2009 WebinarFred Balcom, Director, District and School

Improvement DivisionJulie Baltazar, Administrator, Regional

Coordination and Support Office

CaliforniaStatewide System of Support

School and District Improvement

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JACK O’CONNELLState Superintendent of Public Instruction


California Context

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JACK O’CONNELLState Superintendent of Public Instruction


Educational Entities

• 10,129 schools • 1,050 school districts • 58 county offices of education• 11 regional county consortia

Source: California Fact Book 2009 – Handbook of Education Information http://www.cde.ca.gov/re/pn/fb/documents/factbook2009.pdf

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California Regions

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JACK O’CONNELLState Superintendent of Public Instruction


Student Population (2008-09 Data)

• 6,286,943 K-12 students

• 1,553,091 English Learners (ELs)

– Approximately 25 percent of total population

• 3,271,334 Students on Free or Reduced-Price Lunch (FRPL)

– Approximately 52 percent of total population

Source: California Department of Education – Dataquest 2008-09

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JACK O’CONNELLState Superintendent of Public Instruction


Federal Accountability

• Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)

• Status model

• Participation rate

• Percent proficient

• API as additional indicator

• Graduation rate

• Academic Performance Index (API)

• Growth model

• Single number between 200-1000

• Each school has own target; schools measured on ability to meet target

• Ranks schools on annual basis

California State Accountability

Overlay of Accountability Systems

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JACK O’CONNELLState Superintendent of Public Instruction


School Program Improvement (PI) Status

Data as of 4/29/09

School PI Status

District PI Status

No. LEAs

Not Designated

At Risk

Yr 1






Not PI Designated

80 121 41 4 3 7 2 8 186

Early Warning

3 945 288 50 44 45 19 37 1428

At Risk 131 346 266 60 52 44 31 86 885

YR 1 62 196 197 46 37 40 28 60 604

YR 2 34 80 80 21 23 20 16 48 288

YR 3 145 642 564 140 210 235 169 673 2633

Total 955 2330 1436 321 369 391 265 912 6024

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JACK O’CONNELLState Superintendent of Public Instruction


Polling Question

Using the polling tool, indicate if your SEA:

a. Uses a layered approach for Program Improvement

b. Does NOT use a layered approach

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JACK O’CONNELLState Superintendent of Public Instruction


Statewide System of School Support (S4)

• Regional Consortia, also known as Regional System of District and School Support (RSDSS)

• District Assistance and Intervention Teams (DAIT)

• Other Technical Assistance (TA) providers

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JACK O’CONNELLState Superintendent of Public Instruction


What Are the Pieces of the S4?

• Comprehensive needs assessment

• Revision of the local educational agency (LEA) and School Plans

• Faithful implementation of the revised plans

• Professional development and support for staff

• Reallocation of resources

• Ongoing monitoring, analysis, and support for improvement plans

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JACK O’CONNELLState Superintendent of Public Instruction


• California is divided into 11 regions, each region having a lead county office of education (COE) housing the RSDSS.

• Schools and districts are offered general technical assistance as staff are introduced to the CDE tools.

• Assistance in establishing the district and school liaison team (DSLT) and in revising the LEA Plan.


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JACK O’CONNELLState Superintendent of Public Instruction


Nine Essential Program Components (EPCs)

1. Use of SBE-adopted English/reading/language arts and mathematics instructional materials

2. Instructional time- adherence to instructional minutes

3. School Administrator Training Program

4. Fully credentialed, highly qualified teachers and Professional Development Program on SBE-adopted instructional materials

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JACK O’CONNELLState Superintendent of Public Instruction


5. Student achievement monitoring system - use of data to monitor student progress

6. Ongoing instructional assistance and support for teachers

7. Monthly teacher collaboration by grade level kindergarten through eight (K-8) and department grades nine through twelve (9-12) facilitated by the principal

8. Lesson and course pacing schedule (K-8) and master schedule flexibility for sufficient numbers of intervention courses (9-12)

9. Fiscal support

Nine EPCs (Cont.)

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JACK O’CONNELLState Superintendent of Public Instruction


• Academic Program Survey (APS)

• District Assistance Survey (DAS)

• English Learner Subgroup Self Assessment (ELSSA)

• Inventory of Support and Services (ISS) for Students with Disabilities

CDE-Developed Assessment Tools

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JACK O’CONNELLState Superintendent of Public Instruction


RSDSS Work with Districts and Schools in Improvement

• Initial contact focuses on student achievement and local context

• Follow up meetings address use of data, implementation of the nine Essential Program Components (EPCs), use of CDE tools, and stakeholders’ concerns

• May help develop a specific plan of assistance to address identified areas of concern

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JACK O’CONNELLState Superintendent of Public Instruction


I. District and School Liaison Team - The School Support Team is known in California as the District and School Liaison Team (DSLT).

II. Change Instructional Practice – addresses academic achievement problems.

III. Engage in Partnerships - for delivering technical assistance and professional development.

RSDSS Scope of Work

The Scope of Work (I-V) describes required services provided by RSDSS across theirregions

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JACK O’CONNELLState Superintendent of Public Instruction


IV. Provide Customized Technical Assistance and/or Professional Development - builds the capacity of the LEA and school staff to improve schools.

V. Align with CDE/LEA initiatives and other approaches likely to result in improved teaching and learning in schools identified for improvement, corrective action.

RSDSS Scope of Work (Cont.)

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JACK O’CONNELLState Superintendent of Public Instruction


Polling Question

Using the polling tool, indicate if your SEA focuses program improvement on

a. schools only

b. LEAs only

c. LEAs and schools

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JACK O’CONNELLState Superintendent of Public Instruction


DAIT and Other TA

• Assigned a corrective action

• Required to document implementation of corrective action in revised LEA Plan

• May receive funding, technical assistance, or required to work with a DAIT based on severity of achievement problem

LEA identified for Title I PI Year 3 corrective action

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JACK O’CONNELLState Superintendent of Public Instruction


The DAIT is approved by the state to conduct a needs assessment of the LEAs in the following areas:

(A) Governance

(B) Alignment of curriculum, instruction, and assessments to state standards

(C) Fiscal operations

(D) Parent and community involvement

(E) Human resources

(F) Data systems and achievement monitoring

(G) Professional development

DAIT and Other TA (Cont.)

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JACK O’CONNELLState Superintendent of Public Instruction


DAIT Providers

• 60 organizations

• 191 individually approved DAIT leads

CDE-approved DAIT providers:

List of approved DAIT providers located on the CDE Approved DAIT Providers Web page athttp://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/ti/daitproviders.asp

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JACK O’CONNELLState Superintendent of Public Instruction


Work of a DAIT• Based on standards for work of a

DAIT adopted by State Board of Education (SBE) in March 2006

• Focuses on improving district systems to support schools and student achievement

• Organized around seven areas of district work and support for district implementation of the corrective action

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JACK O’CONNELLState Superintendent of Public Instruction


Advantages of District Intervention to Help Schools

• Builds district capacity to address underlying systems needed to support schools and ongoing student achievement

• Encompasses broader array of issues (resource alignment, negotiations, local board relations) than possible with school-by-school change

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JACK O’CONNELLState Superintendent of Public Instruction


American Recovery and Investment Act (ARRA)


– Set Aside

– School Improvement Grant (SIG)

– Title I

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JACK O’CONNELLState Superintendent of Public Instruction


Monitoring Progress

• AYP• Categorical Program Monitoring• Review of LEA Plans• RSDSS quarterly reports• Organization Management

System• Review of LEAs in Program

Improvement via on-line plans

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• LEA Plans

• District and school needs assessment

• State tools

• California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS)

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JACK O’CONNELLState Superintendent of Public Instruction


Visit the CDE’s Virtual Library

Links to school improvement resources:

Tools (APS, DAS, ISS, ELSSA, etc.) Articles, Curriculum resources, Strategies for improving schools, and PI Training Materials on the CDE Virtual Library Web page at


See also California Comprehensive Center at www.cacompcenter.org (Outside Source)

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JACK O’CONNELLState Superintendent of Public Instruction


CDE Web Pages• Program Improvement


• Program Assessment Toolshttp://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/lp/vl

• Curriculum Frameworks & Instructional Materialshttp://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/cr/cf/index.asp

• Professional Developmenthttp://www.cde.ca.gov/pd/

• California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS)http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/td/lo/index.asp

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JACK O’CONNELLState Superintendent of Public Instruction


For more information


Fred Balcom - [email protected]

(916) 319-0582

Julie Baltazar - [email protected]

(916) 319-0595