02 - TYIB - Idea Generation & Evaluation


Transcript of 02 - TYIB - Idea Generation & Evaluation

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•  Part 1 –  Ideas? – Source of ideas – How to generate ideas?

•  Part 2 – How to evaluate ideas?

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Part 1 Idea Generation

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•  Problems – Too many errors, too slow, incorrect,

incomplete – Lots of complaints, loss of sales, no sale

•  Opportunities – Trends – History

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•  Brainstorming •  Fishbone Diagram

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Warming Up 

Restate Problem 




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•  In group of 5, please identify a problem –  disease –  Traffic jam in UTM –  Bus ticket price fluctuation

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•  Identify the causes towards the problem, categorize by the people, machine, process, etc

•  Are there any primary cause? How about the secondary causes?

•  Draw the diagram in the mahjong paper •  Do a quick presentation & get other group


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Part 2 Idea Evaluation

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•  In analyzing your business ideas you must be able to pass them through a test to determine if they truly are valid opportunities

•  All of your ideas must have a demonstrated need, ready market, and ability to provide a solid return on investment.

•  Is the idea feasible in the marketplace? Is there demand? Can it be done? Are you able to pull together the persons and resources to pull it off before the window of opportunity closes? These questions must be considered and answered.

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•  Opportunity-focused entrepreneurs start with the customer and the market in mind.

•  Evaluation criteria: – Market – structure, size, growth rate, capacity,

market share, Ccost structure, the core economics, exit strategy

issues, time to breakeven, opportunity costs, and barriers to entry

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1.   Does this business get you excited? 2.   Is this business "you"? 3.   Have you done this before? 4.   Can you walk the walk? 5.   Got customers? 6.   What's your "natural advantage"? 7.   Can you do it now? 8.   Will it support you?