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<j— iH&s i m testa l: 4ae*MMO>l8 O^TOM Og&ERVef> IN A WASHINGTON C6METERY. j K-' Ml !•- 1. f • 1 jftkteted ItawHiWko t-itjtw the Gmi«t pf K Yawl* Departed Friend» With Articles i timed In X&ft>- OM 18«ratZion C*av«- t yard and Its White Haltjbd Sextor*. i A curious custom Is still observed In an «M;»egroburying ground] in Washington »~4bat of .plhciEg upon t- ie' graves of de- Batted friends and relat vos the articles that werelmust enjoyed or used "by them While living »ad the bcttles containing the reeMiium of the medicines that>were •AslniBtfaPBd dtufiog the last Illness. •Use Mount 2fton g^feyard,, as it Is . inHed, Il<e in tha" shadow of the beautiful Oak Hill seraetery, on Georgetown heights. Both apt charmingly situated on rising gaonad overlookingRockjereck at its most p»CtwreBo,ue» point. SepArated only by a abort Btieteh of land and a high board fence, thja two '•{silent ctMes" present the aeoet vivid contrast Imaginable. On on* side are soft grcten lawns, flower- teg ahru tas, •graveled wajlks and magnifl- *e»t m< mnmrate; on the other, a rank growth bf grass and wseds, worm eaten -.and discolored wooden headboards, and , Instead 6f flowers a mls< ellaneous jumble »f toys, ornaments, toolf, etc. Bat Mount Its own peculh tr charm, and its unique in the belief that the by the dep irted during lift by them inth eland of shadowB, <bld» whiie haind sexton, In fall satalnt dialect, e Ives mi ny amusing obit- «*ri« mi eipJalns tlto ilgnlftoMtoe ol •ertaln irttclee th»t litt -r the xnotmda. " Thel lea ot the negro « in placing them JsktHecraaekiry itethat ;hey may be with- Je- jjgug reach of the skxitt, whom they Sae»*Bdeii$iy belseve mot 'the scenes of «hel»«!rthly KiffcringB. It they flndfa- «»Ular' >bjects oh their g raves, they confine Ifcefcr liaSifesta;tionB tc the cemetery; if ass*, tb >y bauni the families Who have ^fectBd to.provide then. . <hte grave he* instead of « monument * large wooden 'bobby torse, buried to its iskttnel tea in the grout d. It marked, so ' the sea ton said to a reporter, the last rest- :. log plane of one Mr. Jol casing, Who while Jiving Vfa* the driver of wa express wagon. 31e was eitremely fond of fait hcursa, and Uta Widow, Who was obliged to sell it, used ; > ^nv5.^tb«pr6yxsedsto^rehaseawooden one. JA complete set ol harness was pro- vided ialso, and, to quote the old negro? VEbery night he hitches an onhitches det bees, ajn den goes back an lies down again «rniet. I Ef be didn't have dat to ockerpy 'to, nja'd bant de ole wdman." Often one grave is mide to serve for an «Dtb» family. One ot the moist pretea- •tfcjus tttontunents in thejeemetery—aplain asarblts slab—has curved upon Its surfaos the names of Andrew Jerdan and bis font Erastus, Sophia, Andrew and gton. *«Ob oou*se," said the sex- i M , ebmrnenttng On thje practice, "I has •o dig! die nrst.grafce deeber, bat it's ecker- KQ sosherble ih deend.;' Heat •T this insetipttoFa aak Mai oiiziosHlea. With I-few •WeptJons they am paints in blaak on white woodna tabtota. IPsw «tf than beat /*ny date wtialtfitu, and aft ahfc Ktajoaisyor aaaU naxoss aaa not ajknnlia foO. ITaarty «JI <* taaaa aea oaov Maed!wadprlB*ad b y « U aartoo, brwisslf, ' 'ydepkied taa f ast that ha aa haady aft U aa ha aaajht ba, iajlljaa leak at piatewtth whkh ha*». H) baaalHsoaa belisA the m ' « * . « « • aaaaa at * ik Van CMel *i high ehatranda •atsot. goasd. SEa had of tie old aaxtoa^ acid >-<•>»•" ftaa mt **• iyanaatb itlc, 8o«l« laaidhrtift. ^iagMe*^.t*br*w*..v., : { A man of ^alatdSa & girth sat.aleapittg i In tho doorway of M' Vhltohaflstwa^with' ablgHettored placarc hanging from bit nook This tvas the legend on rot •aid'- board, T1.JSflatto 1st" | Nearly every pasar thought the! sign Was very fanny .Many aim *M$pa&, lined up near the Icurbstono facing ths : sleeping man land grtfmed »ympa<i»Mcaily with pthi.r grinders lerrjOB at the foot of who harrisd^to th% the street. U»5 Washt Presently a foreign looking yonng xaanj of Jewish aspect ca)jne along. He looked! at the sleeping man,; and aftar apparsntiy reading the sign, which he probably inter- preted to mean ''Please help the blind," ha put a nickel in the tetn's lap." Th* spec-4 tators did not kEov^ what to inake of the young man's action. He looked "Wry sol^ emn as he walked op Whitehall street A bright faced little boy about 11 yaars- old came trot^ng down tha strest, evli dently bound for one of the ferriss; 3* was whistling merjrlly. He carrlad two schoolbooks jundar bis. left anm. Whsri he got opposita the jileeplng-maa and_ no- ticed the placard, the happiness vanished from his face. Hefiooked Indignant. He ran up to the sleeping man, put down hit books, grabbed the sign with bath hands and tore ii from the man's naofe- The sadden pressure of the cord om the man's neck awakened hljoa instantly., &a saw friendliness In, thj» eyes of tha boy aiid smiled at him 'in la maudlia way. Then he got up. Sis. hat fell oft, and tha Utile boy picked IVii^ahd handsd » to him. The man Walked out o* tha sldswalk, with the nJeksl Jcohteibutod by tks benevo- lent Hebww in i ortrnteol biitrouMn log. The nick«l t nally fall «ut Xh*baj picked It up nod utndtd it to tht Man, who smiled again and took off his kat and bowsdwlth ludiciont graea to tha dittla fallow. The lini of spsoaatats W t h s sldswalk meltad away with grave aaun- cldeottatd tenanoas. One passer who hadssan tha in -Meat said: "•' ! \ - I wish I had!* boyUka taaa.'*--)S^W nrk firm ' I > I - l-iiw -T, ). ta»lthe;tf^*f. : t t.iae'slsati-CKrotii |tke^eSllM*h (rvwa; char*** Jtltt tha,tr»sh-#fei iSrtteiirf W* 1 **,, ITM-private—wMt»>4fh« ft ' «* ^coloiiel" hoatii how his hora|'fell I Oil •Georeia's blaMl itaiiiled fcUlt, ;aw : h*st*»aa»edtb)i*ari««f that,Wlt«a»*a, ' Knii»4hi*»^t*w^ilutt ;ij . . , r ia*«h%«liv»M&«f |hs «*Uak slaia 1 .^-jWa^^i<jA4dli*Wgw*ad-*-i &ftk»llki?life i ipM|Piete.v^ ; . •, . !There were tie 5rijy|te»roTmd. " tfh,\ the "maJorVj fword,' it was tied With {Ahdgreatwas thb •»r.' 'tatir&m "fkjktfam - ^u]L^^^^h^^j|ft 'h^^^^a «f «iStt$aib(a>M atHkiiig eouaraat «,i^a MM ^^ij i ^»^ -wwtt ^ < »ttha» aMa, Hie aexton adsnJ ttsd thaa thaaa ab- iastaioftaB, dlastpsiHai fanm tha grava- but, aeosntag th t idea that tbata aaks toy one mean an sigh to" atasl front ^deadfelks,*' assesittd that it was a-sign that Ithe aptoitswere nevea coming haek again and ae> hs|d askan, tiiem to "gkay." fAe !«*edVoina bottles, acaompanied In ; Instances by a glass and spoon, wars. Issasld, plaoad npon t&e graves that tiiay asagkt be "finished up." The old tain <»Uad| atttctioa to tha >,.«>f ."Aunt Chloe Brown," whom he pMaed a"regnar tenor," Oh its anrfaoe isalarge palm leaf fan. Xt i "Aunt <ao*\ "vm tey git np In an talk an pray louder *an «ny- t'else^an den go borne an cut up live- ly, "j The chief, bona <* contention with hea'ras that the rest of tha family would iassfck on eaiing twice* day. She usually «em inated the family repasts, when in mm opinion they lasted long enough, by »aaattagthe feastors With a broomatiek. ©lie day while ebajing her husband, ••wlowas the pa^entast nigger alive," •he i aught her foot inbevdraai and fell, atriking her temple on a sharp stone. Whe n they picked, her up,, aha was dead. "I puta> fan on her grave," said the «Kt Isexton, flniahlng his recital, ?«'cause «t eb>r any one went to de hot place the did, (pertain shore, an shell find it refresh- istwpen she oomee back, in de night" A( grave in which be evidently took pride has arranged around the V a toy fence, ineideof the inolosure jap farmed a wooden soldier stands like a el at either end. In front of each is» row of smaller ones, and in i are York eon. _ H , ROMAN DICE THWOWWtO. ttavtMa trsMi.«o r^rwtt iriaaa-fc> «BM» Days oCthsCsilsvs. The number off dioe used wea threa, be- togmarkedwlthaminlmutaaf ana «Hi * mailnjum of six spot*. ^Tai, aaoat for- tunate throw, oalled tWW*^' byj : Citato (deDevln. 1, f i ) and basllieai by Kaul (Curculio 11, 3, 179), was whan" iba dies! showed three senionei, or ;18 apatt. Th« progress of the game was masked on thai board by the movement.,of .the. man (la-i tauhcull) beflkward and; torwaxd. The! gravity of thelossai dapanded naturally upon the amount of money* at stake aad theflhes that Wlere paid whah the dies showed one or 'mora aces. '" It Is difficult *6 explain What akttl had to do with suchpa game, still ItskdaM da- ^ scribes haw inveterate, gamble* eouldsiH oead in sarewiag the six and in avoiding- the unit InagtaffltoatPeatptalanhea-L est player oevigratulafess alBMall »»r*hav- i«rg gatDSd -a ' g ^ ' s u m ef' : i»ea«r wlaheat frauji l^ataa,^^ : a.awaWss-st an taaat dlahoaast peattlisa, to^vo|l:w>lah'aavana inaaranM^«waas^lavahtaf:,'fasBa ttasate time, attich aa ahk^hajaa; j(flajBa^#sa1iNaal ajad thetrtttlUta. It aesia*, howaeea, that ahata aatat* inai^dldtK»idwars»a«nll ahawyarpsas A ahbdoa* was ninnayiisaay treated in thea^iiiswe^<jsiaiettw|lfc^ai^lstaia' sees iaaiaa and a :f*n«al'eti am 1 ^ Aa diet, •hilen llat In (pa ImMfei ss'saTaa IsttOass, wen threwn into the taaa^-aaalatUad down tha spiral ststrsissajsait theylia4il on the table. Aoah nhas>lng almost t Tlam. * -ir •-^^•^p T^'ytT.aaw** A well known'maa ebeat tewei ef fasttty, whela m aa*etta*atUattsa, ie- asntty waa eoantpHad to aaaka aoaaeam- Twiieasing aspljaawWisii an h s m l l t They farm,} . • i * ' a^dfltdbtfora rstlUfferfitS **t§."f:.' -;'. at theto «*tottiy?s call, Wfroall .•' ^and^kajors^aa I i g n n n uavviowbrttat, r Aad the "captains" staid, tan thtmsasd .' sitroer, I k ii • I |InteUhoW;i»tlMh*Was.«^s»*- , • t But where was thallpH^a^M^kat IKro>ti$^ •UndJrlalaDwler. As they eharxed at |^1^eSwlaiye*' :h * , , Bnitre«4*ail As she *•*•*•«•* And ihs lcn«ly.p*iii "jfhattheipHVar fiowbravetksyj , "rotheotttposUfi *f<Jteerals, , ' w eolsn To Strive the bat AUs, there Was a \ipvm « MEETING. Foragiag^ 'The propensity % - caapr»«« joa««*f a 'the Ainerican soldki'. ta*eri*s> In t)cr«K>lt}«k«»J» i»8T*ifle«*i-tke irwtomettaiUjr ssitmaraesaa, lghti»>< tse hundreds tirvadiaitkawair, irhaaivAytiaaa' < uire a tall ami theehaalalawaa stChastsneega •'haasealawssa 1 loving aut on toemity iaCod' .enes<at least IraaiOait'eubiaV i h»ta> « » w d ilj» tstd i)ok«f the midst ot em* Jenea' revival foragbatptetr wxmrsdhlllaa* from an ear of eoi ehaaeed that thU just as one of"Uroi. ingswatinfulib; in full blast, for had loud vol truths hurled at ence struck like • barn. Just as Weae passing fi ohaneedtobawl M BehakL now, «atlth«taafc hallowe* "Tew*re *aw*^" .^^•^•*e»ja^*'ayaV j > • • i naalntheeMwd m m Beya taker the wi utead own th* crac! death mi«! i*V<stran saeclal de- ^etwtenwh^ 'l%MemU*> of what aloes timt t'-ajan'sas:- ," Chaplain --him>hea fl aa»a,and> _.. -thataeten a'tiresome, fh agsWaiGhaplain e*& Saalth topk a raldjreB'aridgsand tecjuiy*aU>gadU4e asaddUskiH. It r returned to oeinp ioJi'rsvlTalmaet; knovi-ntlokel 1 Miaaaarfaasaai , y^^yiiliiatt. j Istiat > lll#f •** nil iiTll jfila t l . V t s a a t Y wAHlsT Msa ' ^ ^ H ^ M ^ V ^ ^ - ^ m . ' JP^aW^faJ {•• w^P WafW WW aawVsfaaTraa^am jRpP*?Maf Wm ' ^ ^ •* 1 ^ ' Mi-iM^mtBstss^^ * in >%ra»^«^¥^*S!^^ &£&Es3sSLXHMfoSISi^ tantenfeielativtsMthonAtdHkotth* fety, agalijsfe ,a run-of large. ..^4» ht - B ,_i,u.»» 1 | l a * ] biin"»M!wpi/JiiJ' *Mj*-iiitttt> mS&> mtm(>^.*m. greasy, littikef W, and 'eetcral'.^oundi- 'l 61 **!^^.-*^^^?*!*^ which tlie Italllatt Wi States silve:', alt lough ho was willing to take-fellil • •;'• • i- ,>*totn¥liMhe-of: l3al^nieir?md tteola, i, thoutod |JFi ed, i olntinglin dismay to the heap i?f 001 %i l M "aye you oornered the oop^ 'ptiimi'ijm i *ttie world? v7JH«»e-did yoa get-*lltiatM>.- 'I ...:•-' , •'\^m'n)^ kjil' **.ae»4 m,» iejpUea.tibe venderSjfc nuBij.cheerjtulIy as ho waited for Fred to give him his; change. ' -tt'W«.tc6''bii:^eb1htr«c^j^^^^ 'however^.- i^j^nk»;teii*i^lt(^J^tobk:. on weight W. h/l0*d«l; him»*lt Up With the tioppe* areas ire,!^aad as he xtlsappearea thrdugfajth s doo rtheWid waftodla «onM> t h i n g - t l ^ Miun led like' thi»- "SAefeotichS f«W* , bl00d*^Buffal0 **P»« i OOWiXWT iiVn la-miift D PRO»«:WTY. *x*m*im* [ It w«a-a baker's Sfflce. The droning te|QOtt»cwn*ntti it had just jban' JwJ^lh11S,^S'dStigs'7iK'T'gpi*aw*4to-«i- mt •. i »n-3nfl«iS'.-thO iksunter-^Ss.aiter*lly cov 1 * ^ - In ^o.«W-' 5le.i8is«iuisjoli *a? but. i 'Walt fhle pn'w ! man wTjta-lmtieal -tht *&*£. ^ii^^/.t.^h.ita&V^-**>«*»« *r* 'Otn'^ri''iKa%ed ttiisilf1a^.e^cha}i8ant , ^•. ^ r a a ^ ^ ^ j g j ^ ^ « ^ begun fc ••A-vsviStr HI St ACariod st-f-thitrfa, Jonas was Was the revival He |md 'taps.** his great 1 unappreciative *udi- lof canister hitting ln*«am ah'dpaWy or Chaplain Jonas 1 captain ol oa* f salva- sUdiMo the dees and Ljk%, ahaebUm. I'v. -'saa««gh to aetaeary aVnsttag"' 4i GaMaa**laal -flattil aa.^ aWslaal tJaa# ^Lysaa^Ualtt stssmly, *I asa; sa HSted tbat ya« aaoald disaoSeh*a*ssa1afpss < rsr''—- • -•- It I eatt awt aaeaa Ihjfc^^^^Z^samaW^UaaaA ilL5«a5rQ*«*i -^IS^tl'tlMMsV —»^.-i^.^-.--4;w>^ay*- —t^.^. had base. drivinft|threagh Use yaak, Msd tarn aWilloMafeitBa eantage.to buy an aftaraeo% 'pajaar free* a ataad. When returning .to- .the isariagi, he was approaeaed by a a%dy lsskiag hadlvldaal, with "apertr a t o ^ S ^ e e a t The gentleman si ' "" once as being one ojf _ _„ friendly "boi!ng«»tss4"'w»ian he had refeieed at a wall known elubhouee. The aportlBilsted qn shaking heads with the referee and said: "I'ss proud tar shake der head tiv i «agtatela ^ head UT any ea da* list •JBa^krAla^'ti£2v^e^^MiMa^a^tf ^da-^F- l^ihavairi 1a1X»await«sr' •ere ax uv me frena, an IknoWye'se since de serap. j Sea!" •'• t -.-^ - ( The gsmtlsnkn dlsehdawd the bene* and asld be oh^aotsdifaMr*Bt$be "Ah, come off,'^aaid the sf«ti woB, btit: • fren o' miaaV SarryT. I a sport wot sticks to hi* " Baring thlt wnvarsatJoathe BMUI'I , aplcrura. | Ha tried to hide behind peacefully in an pasteboard band- Mr * *i She isenter of the mound three bottles jasebedinto the oarth. lijajdy'* sioeps ) corner under a ; "lase-was a.gpod^omwn," said the "an earned a nice livin anenuff mfor^'ble o n a-makin dresses." She liked to dress we^l herself also and hBdja regular passion-fdr bonnet*. Nearly , swery week she went to eharoh wltaymew •vejand as often bestowed her discarded «ae< upon a leas fortunate friend injorder *».|i»ake Toom in hecba^box for the latest. when she died, ha? sister'' put the last tliae bought In the cherished band- ! toajether with a smaU handglass with li*he used to view herssJf, and placed tha- grava ' All but -the box dls- ~ longiagQ, whirih fact serves only iihelxiUel ' W ju* ibe ' "tfcofXiiae- ae^grava.-maikad M OsoalhB,**'wa« by means «f ail xoedeof w: :W«r», ' 'pu saj ,bejt* ! the sexton that i most desired hy wtth the single t in perpetual Immense rose- paper.-^Sew the hwass, soils wife eould hot laee him and bis "friend," but jWittaot ceeoesaT When he enteral the oarrtagai ahewaated to knew who tit •'ttenei* T wae* 1 bat he was in no moo I tqx fexpTsaarlen.---Phlla- delphlaCall. HaVdsFsA] Handel was appetite, and oounta, true taken by ite gasteonoBcde theobjeotof thecompoaar beer barrel, are attached turbo* lie* updn .noor:«|-:1B«e ' oyster shails.. versaries invented and * wonderfal . •amislng , ''ao- i as--to'-tha Jnaans > fee. Hit , sae&ely e t e earioattire a*'*ltslng«ka aaSrthe *idw»h manyof $be wild storli s eonoarolnghis eating and drinking powers than that they had any foundation in literal feot. Ho aa* would probably ordsi a dinner for thxaer^enons,' for instance, a &d .because itwaaheingkept backforthsoimpany tojanive blart out to the astonished waitcV: "Ianidsgom- pany. pringxpde tihatar Blapkwood's 1 lagasina. _/*va»''ih'" •a^aaw a,^p^Wwsa»e<Baaaj^jBa aara^imaeceaat eOertiaaha; ' tores Whiah n e n t s jsCaaati, demaBdingi nsntsaryto havad^iaan e< "TulaTltaaaiat l a i a at alas, ahape and aytcial peenUarttlet ot difterent asesda, with what:a»paata'trtale4 ooaeoasitaat lea b^thair tataWgi»as7 li appears to asa, it a word, that •**.'•' koeht ot this TM oe aulmalrw.aer. Wf«ora*«nelt,la inrfi |i-B«ibner'a.»lr UV t*",;* - syv* Aid %m 4 w< |o oUt the follies otjuuth Will beidei »$no\ »ed>y^Be»on ln.the choice omtteJiB 1 it«nd« ^»w*eh*topyf Sbtf pleasing, i she* inet be lively In her humor, but notshitt A her c^nverekaon; 1|iansi- temper; *ltho! * ' v axtrtmaiL^ nelW *^ L-S^^^tiJHOi^ nahUclpls feet •. iad •mixed eoshpahyTMit may la* I said, all" aalde aiblghaf-, ae- ; V»alMsMlal<L j jha meet'hath ftOeJreeta' Seirv^ ^* r a ^ ^ p a ^ a t otll?^ Jai! k T d J - o v a r ^ i ^ a t i t . feaatialaad Hi a taUak. 4haMBttsaaaaTttlv>- •^•W^^^^w m^m j^m i^**^BU ^^ww •a.^^^^^^sa^a^^^ w e r v * ta« o W « a iaaTsasb^lat <»ly raakas e y * ^ A ^ i j ^ t rm <J4* hAt+JL."* ;^eMaka£^a. v^as ^v ^s^aaw ^W^ W ^^^ ^aawaa)» j a^p^Ba J^CV^BB^B^^ aaaaeas»—• lisfhsas ^^• a -~*•*•-- M -^%^ 'fc'T L a ^ atS^y? 9 ' read thenewspatiejs., . f .A'Sood jfhorntSi, hal'hal <&»&*&, ha' •^Pgrgg^lneSw^omei'' "^towThu'ht "•htthr--:b:taiF'l&wli : ^'•-.^ii-halr**! thte imirnin#." : Mm ma ft Miidnhe w e n t on .to,t ' : > i ae^Mu : cijMaik>p;i;*houm and, as 1 •ijemasl^'Mforei^- feould nb!t heir ftmllihgand feeling glad with hli«. No: jso the brokefc jWti*,tooubied Wok ik :iiim i a * i p w g o I p M d M d l t t ^ ^ l K h c latter ^ ^ W - W M p W - W - d ^ like »rt«T*rwrout*t teakettle. Pre**Btl.T * JttatriUoaiaiAdlettUemoat'niat *»ldisW , laitt*^ Herelsajcurh us mattinionial advertise- ment, publishei. In an JAmerican newspa- per | n , 1787, --Whether] t>e gentleman of ''easy teniper, J ' whose only mode. jot^M- atraintW i "ati i#ng rt 4-wMcneVei!y^om- an knows Isof all scheme* the most dbv bolital-f-fmud i'ladypb«ess«l of all the enumeijeti id pe fections who Was-WilUhg to hide kh sin abbot at thbi late date be asceriafaeiT V { t > "ATma ilea^ ^a^ekajfl»a»ely tPJ»- ed*0*nd as.yot unmarried b desirous of altering h s ept dltlon, | He has a, good es- tate, -sojun i con ftltutio* and easy temper, At, Pittsburgh, N. Y., Tjtestiaya Weanestfay, Tfearstiiay and Friday, i • • fit,: 12, 13 and 14, IN -PREMIUM; the broker ra-snteiad, shook his b< *tg1ie4. j- i * * c ThaV]E«o*eBali.»^vat a»a theahl.. , he said. "I wlsh| ht would : keep out t here " Then he wtntion to explain 1 tott>*\ what was fattilllair teall his Mgulat villi ' ore u, ^t'manif h* said.'^waa-'»jspecA- ktor. 'fit had.nisvsr Atadt much in s m- deaiandwa*i^fr^lyb*tb*i<>slngsldr - A fewnarsjkgtf^cainiin 3uet>f^e tl - opening a a d i W k p |I,iooO, "aU'he bad, %, •Ml tr. R. f » fiod *t lit, mWW, *j jfoonxwtth % kial^t, dasjslsats air/iayiE t [ « Xf, I*. IiseiaiiIB^tti aB^Iwll»>¥liSrdt-?) he should n*ver]|*pieulaas agWa'^tW;! ^hOQtaha wit thl last h* had. ^W<K i% 1 'on tliatday-tr, E.-w*nt ; downiin the niof j to poini* a^a^cjfe i^ wWttatohpedJt4 vvwdown to 60. i Every point meant lr , ' PURSES ANa.-PRIZlta —a. . * UNRIVALED EXHIBIT Of Liv| Stocky Poultry, Worts of t and General MAHT1N ii. it HHit s -''inehied ha wtll wmmmi iTalariart tit 3MM|«W' UaVaa wul net del taa?aCs Uil% danger of anatb- -tAaatstas aaa|Osaaa "There i» very ga&atd lete dying ot l^m |tattableif heever'osaess fhU«5<)ii^ M -aaJdlKpeaaBr ( A^ ~ f^-attfletle"^'' T " ths^Tmatu^sH j" ^. •*"** - ^^™~ B^^s™*a("*"a' fMaa Mi ^ ^•BB^BB^BBB "°^^^^>j^a>BK^ proaehlng a asds ttalry Hfej thelunga, ing largely into dupes, aiuniy decay, ajad theraiuUis4al<ke>iiaaj4»t»e«. Ztlxirei ^faently thacaaa MtyowgBMoinoeUac* who are a^lttk leaden after graduation go late stores,.,* Bees ,se-^*ounttac',*eoi»s and in a f^ya «]dW c^ ecsisumpttenT IBvetyone ls*a srj^aed, ia»d it U *S- •Such a sWong, 1 ^thy mAwben be left ecllaaai 1^-irould hire thought be would die w i 4 « enimiaptioal v 'Must have &a^SkaiiaiSlfi^& MOught it upetoi alBMalf or failing te keep uptbep«aetieas tha^eaaaadedhUlunga.'* Fife—You isay* -min does not awear jsoadosn, 1MM hascmoi icusly to theaub- jteW^im^tL*^ BW, bow would he %atM| ^ h e s e w i a T ^ d S a a r i n a i g h t t " 'jmtM esses.--owt !>at.^pluint, xou ahooldnt •- -t "Smr ^wia^|ba*wi aa^^1%e*-JwW'ha »t» , Uanes'i'a&d tiaere-w ssa't"aa« fllnaar •jhMJitftB , ffW hweBtara- an^-sitaaaa Jbaf ln the raajbrity -of baraaaa 'jOke right hand is more lensitlvete toeehi-and * sensitive to te nperature;!? foe two hands be dipped In -stwop water at the .lamef*" "—' hand win fail the warmth- It^rtliao mometers'sbo v thai r: r *sln is really somewhai lit the right. 'These ««4 4owIng *o t h e | act 5 " hasatondenclf^e light hand teft^haldaa!- -S«aI3lC««Bl ' iMra,. I V n f a l r T l h J ^ f B t h t h»ebaad.iv £ . **^ Wi^ ,*|ll3r**6 aas's 'Sgalbth* ; "J lam box it ofl< -iBM aMtf >iasa £av£l -•""•a* i.asaaa aa«ax •^/IpBtlUi J- kaa«(*a> , w , 1 {stufefasd U^B ltad.i f-ThareJ;are',— yoiaii.yda.doa't. •Wfw J l*V*egp *T"B^f ••B' ; Inrealllfc^opl, fcW^tln^wlUjbnt Isheuld »1d»1»iaxl«ra,r: many books g itodaft t .„ 3&e. Whaaavjar; makayotur •BVBi^siaaa; ^v^waa^ • dowottalklourt shopping; aWi: 'clever men don , ynWhe' tbw.*elfc©l*verly M Clever people dc hi*.' It 1. only the stapid ones whe ^adial - wiey must Jalk elewadr e Ud^m*. -A' adFdpjeft detain /your »aad- rtoo long. If ydu must have *' eueset, |I il i ,—j, 1 (.1 f III i { 4 (S. j. U ;Keif HampaJtye Was formerly ealled tioaan) r shl3sWasvfellasmtlMdl*trb^ sahsaisjei as* s>-looaUtles..,'Baldness or ^aa^'a^oa^iooked upon"**.* dlaaase; buTaailt^laa ii to m w ^ s e r t o B s •<»»#»- - a ^ S h ^ S V l e o a ^ 4 ' ' ^ttcJhi^^ apprehension, ^ forta a U 4 m made to check it son* sho«J d ur dersbsnd that redness ot the eyettda te pob ihly i^,fi#tl<aWS'at J t«>n i ulatton*eg-ifc > Innertmurfaotoif fita lllds .*ndi*7a xlgh y contaclou* dlaaase. ' It Is - k ^ufeapWyiB^ tb* haadkar- -ooo for that man; "Toward the cloas of buslheWhi can,. In*- He hadn't bjenwatcAihg the *ark? during the day, and he,oouWh't Mndc- \ *t«ndlt When ha.lookedi\s%,htaa«|^ V, ' hadtbW*4o^and^ilM^^t*^ j \zb R4ND BALLOON B R^CES, : ftm. Lady! and Centletiiaii at 2 P. laugh;, Halaugh^^whenhadepoaii ch«ck at hi. ban., l H > J M i m laughlnet-»at.fI'-^f * M^^TT^T^ <; It was 6«af«rtJsgt* knew that Icwtuiiase, turwd sraay by gcod lu ted snbBgh by hi g^fwpajlefiuj van|l keep imSmm ^e5^»V^l>4v laraaar allhaJsas **- w |^^^jd t* »«U - '- - 4 " I + Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 12 and 13 i-, .netreOeeV ^ t u i s a s a i l Y spi ^i' ! '•^gfejg! S K ^ ^ r ^ ^ ^ j t j i o k M prl^|i.^Q}'not transferable, en^tj^ purclia: i.aJat.**" It ^fwd thai Caahimbug ¥aa. -aVMJk - • - - *•• >' PW^10aM|OT^sJWli iMana&fc-. ' toth* axtioles *t^»*^l^' ^Bl^CsaVlaWe y ^ aavantwbohas ' cause* of mountain ib^and'puTSem with a diminution ig;to an altitude of fowls was aliowed _ . „ .,„ fOne that Was wed signs of sickness, lemalaed unaifsfated; wt^lniaaaaadto a point . t'beretnetAerpeeasareat thefowlaganoutand*e- iTtsatotBd on ba- the otnee_wettfr- lUi»ei Tb. lnfereno* Is that mountain sloknaa i*a, muohTdu* to fatigue end wear o; tlaw a as to ; rarity of th7atmos- Phare,:• nd-fl at/if lift* or b^loooaoould teappl ad to ^Hlin*layaa, for lralince, mouata Inaerl ag would>> deprived,of ooa of Its m oat 4« ^leaaantfaatares.-PaliMall Qaastaj, ^, » *• ^ f-l?- v ? ^ ? - ' 1 f '*"' "'L''i'j,MM l .,., > t t J„ I "TUfflaanTTatalll^Maa laiea* 1 ables that animal to echtave the untying i^^L^B^ ^^^^^^^ 4jLii «be : aBdaBu.ah plied ,pMW«at.. ^ereaahamaV -«a,^^a^ya-^|ya^r^ «nd%ScW newgnMiB at . "Jtouad *e*a ^ ,VJalp>a« M U B ^ ^ i B & ^ U B t «t » jfuat dewn;:Blgh> thej-«aaaA'ajb4jwentl^- •aea*wla»rji|ii .Tte-'Wae.^MWUiafe-- *W 0^ wa^lad^sthclad l?Wft< Whisky'eer>an5 'liai^itea^ateiaS-aulr he was retaflbTi eut a i t h a othafm,^givt '«n •«. grain t* thai atrt see three gtalr. ol my pleated t >ea, aM dlaged if th*. hadn r t,bawand"oWedu» thatlullnal byaactioaax'^^tLinta JouraaL '" Ats^getesa. } f^ alr;:as ~ r moac r* ahevr •-^lii JiatiVflfed, * that 4,. tarn irf tTTManslrth it ','and^the|-ab»*'e» C4fi.di#ons to S|4rt—By fnrenasW one'ei&ititotS * b » laSNaf t that It aeomi "and : th*-gaae* re^uiraTtia pe* hour-per h< arstated.it »| mooiey's lntaUiaano* be* naver a >!• to arrire at a i^lrwlrd|h7«a- -4^.an mat to laoWeve the uhfcying leuroaytieara.cTikeywltha Hi with the alntplas* form of kae t,>aod )unleas ; tbe^beaet <*h t4miatioci ^ reasoning aWtr, t—Hj iiKaikerrr^pcaasaj both be fa ja suiBetsat-'deaW Jtb-eo-' »o-e sesoome ^ aa4»ealty. IT 1 ) >. .1 I .Ul . Iill I I J Jl 1 M^^W.^MfA ^ * ^ S AajteBeat Bawa^iaW-fcBBBi »eaaat jaaaaj-4lyaaat'Z^>Z r *aBd^: . T-%higu>eai,''said the w a M ' - a a U|.sp H MSfSRI lajaur/ * * r -if |1 3 1* ^d ^-|»^fcM^eil^w4 «**«^ W ^ W - t h l a e r J l r a ^ J M t i ^ --rboni- atA&^»*r''- u ^""' J ^-" - ' - " "" otjtt^imi puapoaat. theorettoal any otherv ^ temperiture, wBl he-vaigr -; J dnlttMaMmat * exhaust Is co ictensed, «-^^a»ld,1^ve»J^»-aame iat-^aa/3rj(* Son, T 1 11 ,-ltf /{ 1 .,, Acuriou* turtle (Ci the Atlan tptbereptOe ural History, oldlnaSwav »»d **»«% J BM^Oftth anedbyth* Cietndo Olobe.. htiSTO 3K b4 MIDIBNOI. *aatWjlj T h e dapper With A bulky "^«el^ todnd out 1 )prawd% gath' " lEhe'" a£^a^-^piaB^p^stBrT^^^na ^av t'otaaonstrc slty in a * )p|ok«d apl» ., ."haa-peanaent •of the Muasu] not Ns» fThe.earapaoi >, Insteed •^41ke»;»cf r iStt : ie j r t upward at'he edgw' 1 inverted shw k shell or ^imlini^whOM n'psisssd sou I JengtV u^Z-MOf^lalHWe^ It shasjoseurrsd aJaonjtfc^ ada-oi »uope.--Iiondo:i .4 ..t . . ' «n«l Whea He Itocaa t. reviagAppeUiss. tfeman in the check aait, lianda large jellow va sjxed^crowd on the rtreev mediately ^ved into the *-dida?ttaw'ame tottor . the';;raa*qn ot thr hu^>egan businesa at ... , _... . „-.,. -.j»»1»a»a^^adexl»»- ou* twist 4^ r|lete|ope» jaM a tripod, *«fl^famei > began the dapper man. 13».orowd pa kwtrated. ita eotetlve ayes on iSL «I la^^Hh^pj^ ^ ; «?*Sj!?#* •?"«^r|MAft«eJD£ a man **/#«.taw»|oV52e *f lE^entalB ^iJi^^ra^ P*m>'* Remade t »bot4»^i.|Siae]Tb®^ gtotlemen, ^J^SISSSfia?*? a*-Bdoasbat« m taasl'lins wtll .makethr "^dyapsptie raaa want parterhoua- SaS&SavBfiW *• *^T * * ligi * *i***P!'iWI«' ^^^•aBaJB(|rs , hoagr?' Ja^^ria^^aaj ^P^^^^BB *TfAAa aT^JBgBi "^««Wa|aw% •afPBHf *ia?0TOfli eBhhB,>aaaasd«JMyaUowvallaf, ova* Ida 1 - 1 v M*T •»n>- f* s A « ^ fc, J. MARKS. If H, P-. Gtt.LILAiSD. ^SWlF-aaigiM^t street, t'teusbur^h, N, \ .togfcrega'*. '««<.'« np •«,« aa&t J] 'ts^BLoW C WATSON \ ^iSF &m eoaflseter-atlnw * * 1 8 « f Itett glTOJ to bustiHMBtosun F - *t^ HSJJSSSloe*. Cllatunstreet,Watts Wednesday, Tl.rsday and Friday Artenoons. W|edjjes|a^ Sefet! rf~-*> 2 Mile, Cottons ricei Pil» ^'Sl » '"lTf4tlaat^ Wm\ t$r~i Htie, opettj ?t ft|^'-Sitre! |ay t fepf^f #4^ |«l%s, ©pen, ffee, Sitirtifitchci r -6 tojeig^ a-toissions during tne^ fam and gives h a i ^ ^ ^ r ^ ^ ^ ^ d t n a liVffeiit to starfin races wnere hi is elgiWe.- ^^T-HR AKC^DE, lit**-: vf'. *f , < «- ' "v^-'T* - «,«, HatMUHit B*** n < \ l l^^Sy 8 *y «feiitt?«i9KT.tt^i-aw ._ 1 -mmtm *•*•*»&wm .'tJe.B.LAiu(0i;' . ^ -E».fc,LOW. M, BC""' fl' ^ffig^aia^tftwatWdeftee, ' IHsWE^.^B 0 * °* M «< tl*. U. .. ant ^r-. hour ^^ffilL«*« t& »8tW to BS-. & or mvuamaSS&vJt, *> , W.B, BOWEL, p ? ; ^*o««pai8 8«(aaai l ipatotm9nts. , s buildings and f»rfc *e» Hotel and Restaarant* ExfciDjtion of Sri#» and toad Parade W tie Traa V; 1 ^^?* 8 ^^^^ f AT 10 A. | l 4 WEDNESDAY, ^fiPT. 12. ji'S*''* -, Tew 1 AMtelE ACC0IV1IV10DAT10NS ON THE CROUP A -I IEAY, smW AKB STTABLlNd FEES. ' PWriSBUBuH, s. y. y ALLEY; HOUSE, » " « ' l ^>y the day «r week at FH^onabte 'n and 10 River street, j { AMERICAN HOUSE. 1 Animals and Articles for Ej|aibi$jm Transp)^ t ed Free by Railroads, if Returned by Champfc* Transportation €o„ for Fare one Way. : 1 | i CWldren u-^s 12 years of age, accompanied! partes, free evlry d^/ oi tlie Fair. ' Rddoced Rates mMm WAmoK$ Send yomr Entrissj to W. T. $URLE|GH, Sic, ... J Plattbbur^h, N. •aw* 1 / » •»•«. OLIVET n,|iir Rjvcr St., Plattsharsrh, Nm y.*! » . . £UROP£AN PLAN. '. tW*iI«nl* at ail tumrn- ^ f H £ DELMONICO, j "j Hotel and Restaurant, •n J.C. BLki'fci;, »»Tj, , Protection avenue, i _ f i'l.lTThtil H',fl ,s 1 \ OTEL DELAWARE 1 . and RcbUinrant. <>KO. t.co rilingf r <) •i i-f "(.IV.-I. ! ^M 80-eii-U u„. Jw§| Wpr.-n.-i,..- to utu-dii , i: i w .. . ri .Str^njiK,. ^ Hr „v, , u ; n Will U- —rv„| rr .ii. . , ,Mb>u Tiv u-^i »,.. . , qpHE CCHJGH HOLSL, Sa^s every afteWoa, commencing at « o'clock sfi G.|F. HUTCHINSON, Si^erintendcnt ot Ki c j N EWHmvt r , „.- lKl{jrii>vi-!u^ I1( .. j, mmm. (^*i »i a t rf .,,.. boarding ct,ari. .,.'"- I. I>. M U M lY I' CEO* TAPPAN, r, HON. D. F. D0BIE, PrcsiiJcgt. ' HUGH P. CONWAY, SBpcriotcadcot. m. r. PARKHiw Trcdsorcr. 1 i J HTGrand Attractions at Platt^l'iu^ Evenings, of the Fair. Wednesda\ i" 1 "fihAQK CROOK," 60 People m t'u t t 400 and Monogran Private stu.k UhiNhi^. SmokerV Supplit-^ f.B.Q. . te-i3dwl t l'r » fwRtof M.. pi M !>BiHt,M j.i::J 1- ,i^^5«i 'jRw!,;'^.. ^rdj* "*

Transcript of Y spi...

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iH&si m testa l: 4ae*MMO>l8 O^TOM Og&ERVef> IN A


j K - '


!•- 1.

f • 1

jftkteted ItawHiWko t-itjtw the Gmi«t pf K Yawl* Departed Friend» With Articles i timed In X&ft>- OM 18« rat Zion C*av«-t yard and Its White Haltjbd Sextor*. i

A curious custom Is still observed In an «M;»egroburying ground] in Washington »~4bat of .plhciEg upon t- ie' graves of de-Batted friends and relat vos the articles that werelmust enjoyed or used "by them While living »ad the bcttles containing the reeMiium of the medicines that>were •AslniBtfaPBd dtufiog the last Illness.

•Use Mount 2fton g^feyard,, as it Is . inHed, Il<e in tha" shadow of the beautiful

Oak Hill seraetery, on Georgetown heights. Both apt charmingly situated on rising gaonad overlookingRockjereck at its most p»CtwreBo,ue» point. SepArated only by a abort Btieteh of land and a high board fence, thja two '•{silent ctMes" present the aeoet vivid contrast Imaginable.

On on* side are soft grcten lawns, flower-teg ahru tas, •graveled wajlks and magnifl-*e»t m< mnmrate; on the other, a rank growth bf grass and wseds, worm eaten

-.and discolored wooden headboards, and , Instead 6f flowers a mls< ellaneous jumble »f toys, ornaments, toolf, etc. Bat Mount

Its own peculh tr charm, and its unique in the belief that the

by the dep irted during lift by them inth eland of shadowB,

™ <bld» whiie haind sexton, In fall satalnt dialect, e Ives mi ny amusing obit-«*ri« mi eipJalns tlto ilgnlftoMtoe ol •ertaln irttclee th»t litt -r the xnotmda. "

Thel lea ot the negro « in placing them JsktHecraaekiry itethat ;hey may be with-Je- jjgug reach of the skxitt, whom they Sae»*Bdeii$iy belseve m o t 'the scenes of «hel»«!rthly KiffcringB. It they flndfa-«»Ular' >bjects oh their g raves, they confine Ifcefcr liaSifesta;tionB tc the cemetery; if ass*, tb >y bauni the families Who have ^ f e c t B d to.provide then. . <hte grave he* instead of « monument * large wooden 'bobby torse, buried to its iskttnel tea in the grout d. It marked, so

' t h e sea ton said to a reporter, the last rest-:. l og plane of one Mr. Jol casing, Who while

Jiving Vfa* the driver of wa express wagon. 31e was eitremely fond of fait hcursa, and Uta Widow, Who was obliged to sell it, used ;

> ^nv5.^tb«pr6yxsedsto^rehaseawooden one. JA complete set ol harness was pro­vided ialso, and, to quote the old negro? VEbery night he hitches an onhitches det bees, ajn den goes back an lies down again «rniet. I Ef be didn't have dat to ockerpy ' t o , nja'd bant de ole wdman."

Often one grave is mide to serve for an «Dtb» family. One ot the moist pretea-•tfcjus tttontunents in thejeemetery—aplain asarblts slab—has curved upon Its surfaos the names of Andrew Jerdan and bis font

Erastus, Sophia, Andrew and gton. *«Ob oou*se," said the sex-

i M , ebmrnenttng On thje practice, " I has • o dig! die nrst.grafce deeber, bat it's ecker-

KQ sosherble ih deend.;' Heat •T this insetipttoFa aak Mai oiiziosHlea. With I-few •WeptJons they am p a i n t s

in blaak on white woodna tabtota. IPsw «tf than beat /*ny date wtialtfitu, and aft ahfc Ktajoaisyor aaaU naxoss aaa not ajknnlia foO. ITaarty «JI <* taaaa aea oaov Maed!wadprlB*ad b y « U aartoo, brwisslf,

' 'ydepkied taa f ast that ha aa haady aft U aa ha aaajht ba,

iajlljaa leak at piatewtth whkh ha*». H) baaalHsoaa belisA the

m ' «* .«« • aaaaa at *

ik Van CMel *i high ehatranda •atsot. goasd. SEa had of tie old aaxtoa^ acid

> - < • > » • "

ftaa mt **• iyanaatb itlc, 8o«l« laaidhrtift. ^iagMe*^.t*br*w*..v., : {

A man of ^alatdSa & girth sat.aleapittg i In tho doorway of M' Vhltohaflstwa^with' ablgHettored placarc hanging from bit nook This tvas the legend on rot •aid'-board, T1.JS flat to 1st" |

Nearly every pasar thought the! sign Was very fanny .Many a i m *M$pa&, lined up near the Icurbstono facing ths:

sleeping man land grtfmed »ympa<i»Mcaily with pthi.r grinders lerrjOB at the foot of

who harrisd^to th% the street.



Presently a foreign looking yonng xaanj of Jewish aspect ca)jne along. He looked! at the sleeping man,; and aftar apparsntiy reading the sign, which he probably inter­preted to mean ''Please help the blind," ha put a nickel in the tetn's lap." Th* spec-4 tators did not kEov^ what to inake of the young man's action. He looked "Wry sol^ emn as he walked op Whitehall street

A bright faced little boy about 11 yaars-old came trot^ng down tha strest, evli dently bound for one of the ferriss; 3 * was whistling merjrlly. He carrlad two schoolbooks jundar bis. left anm. Whsri he got opposita the jileeplng-maa and_ no­ticed the placard, the happiness vanished from his face. Hefiooked Indignant. He ran up to the sleeping man, put down hit books, grabbed the sign with bath hands and tore i i from the man's naofe- The sadden pressure of the cord om the man's neck awakened hljoa instantly., &a saw friendliness In, thj» eyes of tha boy aiid smiled at him 'in la maudlia way. Then he got up. Sis. hat fell oft, and tha Utile boy picked IVii^ahd handsd » to him. The man Walked out o* tha sldswalk, with the nJeksl Jcohteibutod by tks benevo­lent Hebww in i ortrnteol biitrouMn log. The nick«l t nally fall «ut Xh*baj picked It up nod utndtd i t to tht Man, who smiled again and took off his kat and bowsdwlth ludiciont graea to tha dittla fallow. The lini of spsoaatats W t h s sldswalk meltad away with grave aaun-

cldeottatd tenanoas. One passer who hadssan tha in -Meat said: "•' ! \

- I wish I had!* boyUka taaa.'*--)S^W nrk firm ' I >

I -


-T, ). ta»lthe;tf^*f.:t

t.iae'slsati-CKrotii | tke^eSl lM*h (rvwa; char***

Jtltt tha,tr»sh-#fei iSrtteiirf W*1**,, ITM-private—wMt»>4fh« ft '

« * ^coloiiel" hoatii how his hora|'fell • I Oil •Georeia's blaMl itaiiiled fcUlt, ;aw:h*st*»aa»edtb)i*ari««f that,Wlt«a»*a,

' Knii»4hi*»^t*w^ilutt ;ij . . , r

ia*«h%«liv»M&«f |hs «*Uak slaia 1.^-jWa^^i<jA4dli*Wgw*ad-*-i &ftk»llki?lifeiipM|Piete.v^; . •, .

!There were tie 5rijy|te»roTmd. "•

tfh,\ the "maJorVj fword,' it was tied With

{Ahdgreatwas thb


'tatir&m "fkjktfam -^u]L^^^^h^^j|ft 'h^^^^a

«f «iStt$aib(a>M atHkiiig eouaraat « , i ^ a M M ^ ^ i j i ^ » ^ - w w t t ^ < » t t h a » aMa, Hie aexton adsnJ ttsd thaa thaaa ab-iastaioftaB, dlastpsiHai fanm tha grava-

but, aeosntag th t idea that tbata aaks toy one mean an sigh to" atasl front ^deadfelks,*' assesittd that it was a-sign that Ithe aptoitswere nevea coming haek again and ae> hs|d askan, tiiem to "gkay." fAe !«*edVoina bottles, acaompanied In

; Instances by a glass and spoon, wars. Issasld, plaoad npon t&e graves that tiiay asagkt be "finished up."

The old ta in <»Uad| atttctioa to tha >,.«>f ."Aunt Chloe Brown," whom he

pMaed a« a"regnar tenor," Oh its anrfaoe isalarge palm leaf fan. Xt

i "Aunt <ao*\ "vm tey git np In an talk an pray louder *an «ny-

t'else^an den go borne an cut up live­ly, "j The chief, bona <* contention with hea'ras that the rest of tha family would iassfck on eaiing twice* day. She usually «em inated the family repasts, when in mm opinion they lasted long enough, by

»aaat tag the feastors With a broomatiek. ©lie day while ebajing her husband,

••wlowas the pa^entast nigger alive," •he i aught her foot inbevdraai and fell, atriking her temple on a sharp stone. Whe n they picked, her up,, aha was dead.

"I puta> fan on her grave," said the «Kt Isexton, flniahlng his recital, ?«'cause «t eb>r any one went to de hot place the did, (pertain shore, an shel l find it refresh-istwpen she oomee back, in de night"

A( grave in which be evidently took pride has arranged around the

V a toy fence, ineideof the inolosure jap farmed a wooden soldier stands like a

el at either end. In front of each i s » row of smaller ones, and in

i are

York eon. _ H ,


ttavtMa trsMi.«o r ^ r w t t iriaaa-fc> «BM» D a y s oCthsCsilsvs.

The number off dioe used wea threa, be-togmarkedwlthaminlmutaaf ana «Hi * mailnjum of six spot*. ^Tai, aaoat for­tunate throw, oalled tWW*^' byj: Citato (deDevln. 1, f i ) and basllieai by Kaul (Curculio 11, 3, 179), was whan" iba dies! showed three senionei, or ;18 apatt. Th« progress of the game was masked on thai board by the movement.,of .the. man (la-i tauhcull) beflkward and; torwaxd. The! gravity of thelossai dapanded naturally upon the amount of money* at stake aad theflhes that Wlere paid whah the dies showed one or 'mora aces. '"

It Is difficult *6 explain What akttl had to do with • suchpa game, still ItskdaM da- scribes haw inveterate, gamble* eouldsiH oead in sarewiag the six and in avoiding-the unit InagtaffltoatPeatptalanhea-L est player oevigratulafess alBMall »»r*hav-i«rg gatDSd -a ' g ^ ' s u m ef':i»ea«r wlaheat frauji l^ataa,^^ :a.awaWss-st an taaat dlahoaast peattlisa, to^vo|l:w>lah'aavana inaaranM^«waas^lavahtaf:,'fasBa ttasate time, attich aa ahk^hajaa; j(flajBa #sa1iNaal ajad thetrtttlUta.

I t aesia*, howaeea, that ahata aatat* inai^dldtK»idwars»a«nll ahawyarpsas A ahbdoa* was ninnayiisaay t rea ted in thea^iiiswe^<jsiaiettw|lfc^ai^lstaia' sees iaaiaa and a :f*n«al'eti am1^ A a diet, •hi len l lat In (pa ImMfei ss'saTaa IsttOass, w e n threwn into the taaa^-aaalatUad down tha spiral ststrsissajsait they l ia4 i l on the table. Aoah nhas>lng almost t Tlam. * - ir •-^^•^p

T ^ ' y t T . a a w * * A well known'maa ebeat tewei ef

fasttty, whela m aa*etta*atUattsa, ie-asntty waa eoantpHad to aaaka aoaaeam-Twiieasing aspljaawWisii an h s m l l t They

farm,} . • i * ' a^dfltdbtfora

rstlUfferfitS **t§."f:.' -;'.

at theto «*tottiy?s call, Wfroall .•' ^and^kajors^aa • •

I ig n n n u » uavviowbrttat, r Aad the "captains" staid, tan thtmsasd .' sitroer, I k ii • I | In teUhoW;i» t lMh*Was .«^s»*- , • t But where was thallpH^a^M^kat IKro>ti$


As they eharxed at | 1^eSwlaiye*':h*,•,

Bnitre«4*ail As she *•*•*•«•*

And ihs lcn«ly.p*iii "jfhattheipHVar

fiowbravetksyj , "rotheotttposUfi

*f<Jteerals,,'weolsn To Strive the bat

AUs, there Was a

\ipvm • «


Foragiag^ 'The propensity %

- caapr»«« joa««*f a

'the Ainerican soldki'.

ta*eri*s> In t)cr«K>lt}«k«»J» i»8T*ifle«*i-tke irwtomettaiUjr ssitmaraesaa, lghti»>< tse hundreds tirvadiaitkawair, irhaaivAytiaaa' < uire a tall ami theehaalalawaa stChastsneega •'haasealawssa 1 loving aut on toemity iaCod' .enes<at least IraaiOait'eubiaV i h»ta> « » w d il j» tstd i)ok«f the midst ot em* Jenea' revival foragbatptetr wxmrsdhlllaa* from an ear of eoi ehaaeed that thU just as one of"Uroi. ingswat infu l ib; in full blast, for had • loud vol truths hurled at ence struck like • barn. Just as Weae passing fi ohaneedtobawl

MBehakL now,

«atlth«taafc hallowe*

"Tew*re *aw*^" .^^•^•*e»ja^*'ayaV j > • • • i

n a a l n t h e e M w d

m m Beya


the wi utead

own th* crac!

death mi«! i*V<stran saeclal de-


'l%MemU*> of what

aloes timt

t'-ajan'sas:-," Chaplain --him>hea f l

aa»a,and> _ . . -thataeten a'tiresome, f h

agsWaiGhaplain e*& Saalth topk a raldjreB'aridgsand tecjuiy*aU>gadU4e asaddUskiH. It

r returned to oeinp ioJi'rsvlTalmaet;




, y^^yiiliiatt.j I s t i a t > l l l # f •** n i l iiTll jfila t l . V t s a a t Y w A H l s T Msa ' ^ ^ H ^ M ^ V ^ ^ - ^ m . ' J P ^ a W ^ f a J { • • w ^ P W a f W WW aawVsfaaTraa^am j R p P * ? M a f Wm ' ^ ^ •* 1 ^ '

Mi-iM^mtBstss^^ * i n>%ra»^«^¥^*S!^^

& £ & E s 3 s S L X H M f o S I S i ^ tantenfeielativtsMthonAtdHkotth* fety,

agalijsfe ,a run-of large. ..^4»ht-B,_i,u.»»1|la * ] biin"»M!wpi/JiiJ' *Mj*-iiitttt> mS&> mtm(>^.*m.

greasy, littikef W , and 'eetcral'.^oundi- ' l 6 1 * * ! ^ ^ . - * ^ ^ ^ ? * ! * ^

which tlie Italllatt Wi States silve:', alt lough ho was willing to take-fellil • •;'• • i-

,>*totn¥liMhe-of: l3al^nieir?md tteola,i, thoutod |JFi ed, i olntinglin dismay to the heap i?f 001 %i lM "aye you oornered the oop^ 'ptiimi'ijm i * tti e world? v7JH«»e-did yoa get-*lltiatM>.- 'I . . . : • - ' , • ' \ ^ m ' n ) ^ kjil' **.ae»4 m,» iejpUea.tibe venderSjfc nuBij.cheerjtulIy as ho waited for Fred to give him his; change. ' -tt'W«.tc6''bii:^eb1htr«c^j^^^^ 'however .- i^j^nk»;teii*i^lt(^J^tobk:. on weight W. h/l0*d«l; him»*lt Up With the tioppe* areas ire,!^aad as he xtlsappearea thrdugfajth s doo rtheWid waftodla «onM> thing- t l^ Miun led like' thi»-

"SAefeotichS f«W* ,bl00d*^Buffal0 * * P » « i


iiVn la-miift D PRO»«:WTY.


I t w«a-a baker's Sfflce. The droning te|QOtt»cwn*ntti it

had just jban'

JwJ^lh11S,^S'dS tigs' 7iK'T'gpi*aw*4to-«i- mt •. i

»n-3nfl«iS'.-thO iksunter-^Ss.aiter*lly cov 1 * ^ - In ^ o . « W - ' 5le.i8is«iuisjoli *a?

but. i 'Walt fhle pn'w! man wTjta-lmtieal -tht *&*£. ^i i^^/ .t .^h. ita&V^-**>«*»« *r* 'Otn' ri''iKa%ed ttiisilf1a^.e^cha}i8ant,

^ • . ^ r a a ^ ^ ^ j g j ^ ^ « ^ begun fc





st-f-thitrfa, Jonas was Was the revival He |md 'taps.** his great 1 unappreciative *udi-

lof canister hitting ln*«am ah'dpaWy or Chaplain Jonas 1

captain ol oa*f salva-

s U d i M o the dees and

Ljk%, ahaebUm. I'v. -'saa««gh to aetaeary

aVnsttag"' 4 i G a M a a * * l a a l - f l a t t i l a a . ^ aWslaal t J a a # ^ L y s a a ^ U a l t t

stssmly, * I asa; sa HSted tbat ya« aaoald disaoSeh*a*ssa1afpss<rsr''—- • -•-

It I eatt awt aaeaa

I h j f c ^ ^ ^ ^ Z ^ s a m a W ^ U a a a A

ilL5«a5rQ*«*i -^IS^t l ' t lMMsV —»^.-i^.^-.--4;w>^ay*- —t^.^.

had base. drivinft|threagh Use yaak, Msd tarn aWilloMafeitBa eantage.to

buy an aftaraeo% 'pajaar free* a ataad. When returning .to- .the • isariagi, he was approaeaed by a a%dy lsskiag hadlvldaal, with "apertr a t o ^ S ^ e e a t

The gentleman s i ' "" once as being one ojf _ _„ friendly "boi!ng«»tss4"'w»ian he had refeieed at a wall known elubhouee. The aportlBilsted qn shaking heads with the referee and said:

"I'ss proud tar shake der head tiv i

«agtatela ^

head UT any ea da* list

•JBa krAla ' ti£2v^e^^M iMa a tf da- F-l^ihavairi 1a1X»await«sr'

•ere ax

uv me frena, an IknoWye'se since de serap. j Sea!" •'•t-.-^ - (

The gsmtlsnkn dlsehdawd the bene* and asld be oh^aotsdifaMr*Bt$be

"Ah, come off,'^aaid the s f « t i woB, btit:

• fren o' miaaV SarryT. I a sport wot sticks to hi* "

Baring thlt wnvarsatJoathe BMUI'I , aplcrura. | Ha tried to hide behind

peacefully in an pasteboard band-

Mr * *i

She isenter of the mound three bottles jasebedinto the oarth.

lijajdy'* sioeps ) corner under a

; "lase-was a.gpod^omwn," said the "an earned a nice livin anenuff mfor^'ble on a-makin dresses."

She liked to dress we^l herself also and hBdja regular passion-fdr bonnet*. Nearly

, swery week she went to eharoh wltaymew •vejand as often bestowed her discarded «ae< upon a leas fortunate friend injorder *».|i»ake Toom i n hecba^box for the latest.

when she died, ha? sister'' put the last t l iae bought In the cherished band-

! toajether with a smaU handglass with li*he used to view herssJf, and placed

tha- grava ' All but -the box dls-~ longiagQ, whirih fact serves only

iihelxiUel ' W j u * ibe ' "tfcofXiiae-ae^grava.-maikad

MOsoalhB,**'wa« by means «f ail xoedeof w:

:W«r», '

'pu saj ,bej t*

! the sexton that i most desired hy

wtth the single t in perpetual Immense rose-


the hwass, s o i l s wife eould hot laee him and bis "friend," but jWittaot ceeoesaT When he enteral the oarrtagai ahewaated to knew who tit •'ttenei*Twae*1 bat he was in no moo I tqx fexpTsaarlen.---Phlla-delphlaCall.

HaVdsFsA] Handel was

appetite, and oounta, true taken by ite gasteonoBcde theobjeotof thecompoaar beer barrel, are attached turbo* lie* updn .noor:«|-:1B«e ' oyster shails.. versaries invented and

* wonderfal . •amislng,''ao-

ias--to'-tha Jnaans > fee. Hit

, sae&ely e t e earioattire a*'*ltslng«ka

aaSrthe *idw»h

manyof $be wild storli s eonoarolnghis eating and drinking powers than that they had any foundation in literal feot. Ho aa* would probably ordsi a dinner for thxaer^enons,' for instance, a &d .because itwaaheingkept backforthsoimpany tojanive blart out to the astonished waitcV: "Ianidsgom-pany. pr ingxpde tihatar Blapkwood's 1 lagasina. •

_/*va»''ih'" •a^aaw a,^p^Wwsa»e<Baaaj^jBa

aara^imaeceaat eOertiaaha; ' tores Whiah nents jsCaaati, demaBdingi nsntsaryto havad^iaan e<

"TulaTltaaaiat la ia at

alas, ahape and aytcial peenUarttlet ot difterent asesda, with what:a»paata'trtale4 ooaeoasitaat lea b^thair tataWgi»as7 l i appears to asa, it a word, that •**.'•' koeht ot this TM oe aulmalrw.aer. W f « o r a * « n e l t , l a inr f i |i-B«ibner'a.»lr UV t * " , ; * - syv*

Aid %m 4 w< | o oUt the follies o t juuth Will beidei »$no\ »ed>y^Be»on ln.the choice o m t t e J i B 1 it«nd« ^»w*eh*topyf Sbtf

pleasing, i she* inet be lively In her humor, but n o t s h i t t A her c^nverekaon; 1|iansi-

temper; *ltho! * 'vaxtrtmaiL^ n e l W * ^

L-S^^^tiJHOi^ nahUclpls feet •. iad •mixed eoshpahyTMit may la* I said, all" aalde a i b l g h a f - , ae-;

V»alMsMlal<L j jha meet'hath ftOeJreeta' S e i r v ^ ^ * r a ^ ^ p a ^ a t o t l l ? ^ Jai! k T d J - o v a r ^ i ^ a t i t . feaatialaad Hi a taUak. 4haMBttsaaaaTttlv>-• ^ • W ^ ^ ^ ^ w m^m j^m i ^ * * ^ B U ^^ww •a.^^^^^^sa^a^^^ w e r v *

ta« o W « a iaaTsasb^lat <»ly raakas ey * ^ A ^ i j ^ t rm <J4* hAt+JL."* ;^eMaka£^a.

v^as ^v s aaw ^W^ W ^^^ aawaa)» j a p Ba J^CV^BB^B^^

a a a a e a s » — • l i s fhsas ^^•a-~*•*•--M- %^ 'fc'T L a ^ atS^y?9'

read thenewspatiejs., . f .A'Sood jfhorntSi, hal'hal <&»&*&, ha' • ^ P g r g g ^ l n e S w ^ o m e i ' ' "^towThu'ht "•htthr--:b:taiF'l&wli:^'•-.^ii-halr**! thte imirnin#.": Mm maft Miidnhe went on .to,t

' : > i a e ^ M u : c i j M a i k > p ; i ; * h o u m and, as 1 •ijemasl^'Mforei^- feould nb!t heir ftmllihgand feeling glad with hli«. No: jso the brokefc jWti*,tooubied Wok ik

:iiim i a * i p w g o I p M d M d l t t ^ ^ l K h c latter ^ ^ W - W M p W - W - d ^ • like »rt«T*rwrout*t teakettle. Pre**Btl.T *

JttatriUoaiaiAdlettUemoat'niat * » l d i s W , l a i t t * ^

Herelsajcurh us mattinionial advertise­ment, publishei. In an JAmerican newspa­per | n , 1787, --Whether] t>e gentleman of ''easy teniper,J' whose only mode. jot^M-atraintW i "ati i#ngrt4-wMcneVei!y^om-an knows Isof all scheme* the most dbv bolital-f-fmud i'ladypb«ess«l of all the enumeijeti id pe fections who Was-WilUhg to hide kh sin a b b o t at thbi late date be asceriafaeiT V { t >

"ATma ilea^ ^ a ^ e k a j f l » a » e l y tPJ»-ed*0*nd as.yot unmarried b desirous of altering h s ept dltlon, | He has a, good es­tate, -sojun i con ftltutio* and easy temper,

At, Pittsburgh, N. Y., Tjtestiaya Weanestfay, Tfearstiiay and Friday,

i • •

fit,: 12, 13 and 14,

IN -PREMIUM; the broker ra-snteiad, shook his b< *tg1ie4. j- i *

*cThaV]E«o*eBali.»^vat a»a theahl.. , he said. "I wlsh| ht would: keep out t here " Then he wtntion to explain1 to tt>* \ what was fattilllair teall his Mgulat villi ' ore u , ^ t ' m a n i f h* said.'^waa-'»jspecA-ktor. 'fit had.nisvsr Atadt much in sm-deaiandwa*i^fr^lyb*tb*i<>slngsldr -A fewnarsjkgtf^caini in 3uet>f^e tl -opening a a d i W k p |I,iooO, "aU'he bad, %, •Ml tr. R. f » f i o d *t l i t , mWW, *j jfoonxwtth % kial^t , dasjslsats air/iayiE t [

« Xf, I*. IiseiaiiIB^tti aB^Iwll»>¥liSrdt-?) he should n*ver]|*pieulaas a g W a ' ^ t W ; ! ^hOQtaha w i t thl last h* had. W<K i% 1 'on tliatday-tr, E.-w*nt;downiin the niof j

to poini* a^a^cjfe i ^ wWttatohpedJt4 vvwdown to 60. i Every point meant l r , '

PURSES ANa.-PRIZlta — a .


Liv| Stocky Poultry, Worts of t and General

MAHT1N ii. it HHit s

-''inehied ha wtll wmmmi iTalariart tit 3MM|«W'

UaVaa wul net del taa?aCs


danger of anatb--tAaatstas aaa|Osaaa

"There i» very ga&atd lete dying ot l m |tattableif heever'osaess fhU«5<)ii^M-aaJdlKpeaaBr(A^ ~ f ^ - a t t f l e t l e " ^ ' ' T "

ths^Tmatu^sH j " . • * " * * -^^™~ B^^s™*a("*"a' fMaa Mi ^ •BB^BB^BBB "°^^^^>j^a>BK^

proaehlng a asds ttalry Hfej thelunga, ing largely into dupes, aiuniy decay, ajad theraiuUis4al<ke>iiaaj4»t»e«. Ztlxirei ^faently thacaaa MtyowgBMoinoeUac* who are a^ l t tk leaden after graduation go late stores,.,* Bees ,se-^*ounttac',*eoi»s and in a f ^ y a « ] d W c ^ ecsisumpttenT IBvetyone ls*a srj^aed, ia»d i t U * S -•Such a sWong, 1 t h y m A w b e n be left ecllaaai 1 ^ - i r o u l d h i r e thought be would die w i 4 « enimiaptioalv 'Must have

&a^SkaiiaiSlfi^& MOught i t upetoi alBMalf or failing te keep uptbep«aetieas tha^eaaaadedhUlunga.'*

Fife—You isay* -min does not awear jsoadosn, 1MM hascmoi icusly t o theaub-j t e W ^ i m ^ t L * ^ BW, bow would he

%atM| hesewiaT^dSaarinaightt "

'jmtM esses.--owt !>at.^pluint, xou ahooldnt •- -t "Smr ^wia^|ba*wi aa^^1%e*-JwW'ha

»t» , Uanes'i'a&d tiaere-w ssa't"aa« fllnaar

•jhMJitftB ,ffW hweBtara-

an^-sitaaaa Jbaf

l n the raajbrity -of baraaaa 'jOke right hand is more lensitlvete toeehi-and * sensitive to te nperature;!? foe two hands be dipped In -stwop water a t the .lamef*" "—' hand win fail the warmth- It^rtliao mometers'sbo v thai r: r*sln i s really somewhai lit the right. 'These ««4 4owIng *o the | act 5 " hasatondenclf^e light hand


-S«aI3lC««Bl ' iMra,. IVnfalrTlhJ^fBth t h»ebaad.iv £ . **^ W i ^

,*|ll3r**6 aas's 'Sgalbth* ;"J lam box it ofl<

-iBM aMtf >iasa £av£l

-•""•a* i.asaaa aa«ax • ^ / I p B t l U i


kaa«(*a> , w , 1

{stufefasd U ^ B

ltad.i f-ThareJ;are',—

yoiaii .yda.doa't . • W f w J l*V*egp *T"B^f ••B'

; I n r e a l l l f c ^ o p l , fcW^tln^wlUjbnt

Isheuld »1d»1»iaxl«ra,r:

many books gi t o d a f t t.„ 3&e. Whaaavjar;

makayotur •BVBi siaaa; ^v^waa^ •

dowottalklourt shopping; a W i : 'clever men don , ynWhe' tbw.*elfc©l*verlyM

Clever people dc hi*.' It 1. only the stapid ones whe ^adial - wiey must Jalk elewadr eUd^m*. -A' adFdpjeft detain /your »aad-

rtoo long. I f ydu must have *' eueset,

|I i l i , — j , 1 (.1 f III i { 4 (S. j .

U ;Keif HampaJtye Was formerly ealled

tioaan) rshl3sWasvfellasmtlMdl*trb^ sahsaisjei as* s>-looaUtles..,'Baldness or

^aa^'a^oa^iooked upon"**.* dlaaase; buTaailt^laa i i to mw^sertoBs •<»»#»-

- a ^ S h ^ S V l e o a ^ 4 ' ' ^ t t c J h i ^ ^ apprehension, ^ forta aU4 m made to check i t son* sho«J d ur dersbsnd that redness ot the eyettda te pob ihly i^,fi#tl<aWS'atJt«>ni

ulatton*eg-ifc > Innertmurfaotoif fita lllds .*ndi*7a xlgh y contaclou* dlaaase. ' It Is

-k ufeapWyiB^ tb* haadkar-

-ooo for that man; "Toward the cloas of buslheWhi can,.

In*- He hadn't bjenwatcAihg the *ark? during the day, and he,oouWh't Mndc- \ *t«ndlt When ha.lookedi\s%,htaa«|^ V, ' h a d t b W * 4 o ^ a n d ^ i l M ^ ^ t * ^ j



ftm. Lady! and Centletiiaii at 2 P.

laugh;, Halaugh^^whenhadepoaii ch«ck at hi . ban., l H > J M i m l a u g h l n e t - » a t . f I ' - ^ f * M ^ ^ T T ^ T ^ <; It was 6«af«rtJsgt* knew that

Icwtuiiase, turwd sraay by gcod lu ted snbBgh by hi g fwp ajlefiuj van|l

keep imSmm ^e5^»V l>4v

• l a r a a a r

allhaJsas * * - w | ^ ^ ^ j d

t* »«U - '- -4 "

I + Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 12 and 13

i - ,

. n e t r e O e e V ^ t u i s a s a i l

Y spi ^ i '

! '•^gfejg!

S K ^ ^ r ^ ^ ^ j t j i o k M prl^|i.^Q}'not transferable, e n ^ t j ^ purclia:

i.aJat.**" I t ^ f w d thai Caahimbug

¥ a a . - a V M J k - • - - *•• • > '

PW 10aM|OT sJWli

• iMana&fc-. ' toth* axtioles * t ^ » * ^ l ^ '

^ B l ^ C s a V l a W e y ^

aavantwbohas ' cause* of mountain

ib^and'puTSem with a diminution ig;to an altitude of fowls was alio wed

_ . „ .,„ fOne that Was wed signs of sickness,

lemalaed unaifsfated; wt^lniaaaaadto a point

. t'beretnetAerpeeasareat thefowlaganoutand*e-

iTtsatotBd on ba­the otnee_wettfr-

lUi»ei T b . lnfereno* Is that mountain sloknaa i * a , muohTdu* to fatigue end wear o; tlaw a as to; rarity of th7atmos-Phare,:• nd-fl a t / i f lift* or b^loooaoould teappl ad to ^Hlin*layaa, for lralince, mouata Inaerl ag would>> deprived,of ooa of Its m oat 4« ^leaaantfaatares.-PaliMall Qaastaj, ^, » *• ^ f- l?- v ? ? -' 1 f '*"' "'L''i'j,MMl.,.,>t t J„

I "TUfflaanTTatalll Maa


ables that animal to echtave the untying

i^^L^B^ ^^^^^^^ 4jLii



plied ,pMW«at.. ^ereaahamaV - « a , ^ ^ a ^ y a - ^ | y a ^ r ^

«nd%ScW newgnMiB at .

"Jtouad *e*a ^ ,VJalp>a« M U B ^ ^ i B & ^ U B t « t » jfuat dewn;:Blgh> thej-«aaaA'ajb4 jwentl^-•aea*wla»rj i | i i .Tte-'Wae.^MWUiafe--*W 0 ^ w a ^ l a d ^ s t h c l a d l ? W f t < Whisky'eer>an5 'l iai^itea^ateiaS-aulr he was retaflbTi eut a i tha othafm,^givt '«n • « . grain t* thai atrt see three gtalr. o l my pleated t >ea, a M dlaged i f th*. hadnrt,bawand"oWedu» that lul lnal byaactioaax'^^tLinta JouraaL '"

Ats^getesa. } f^

alr;:as ~rmoac r* ahevr • - ^ l i i JiatiVflfed,

* that 4,. tarn irf tTTManslrth i t


C4fi.di#ons to S|4rt—By fnrenasW one'ei&ititotS

* b » laSNaf t

that It aeomi "and:th*-gaae*

re^uiraTtia pe* hour-per h<


»| mooiey's lntaUiaano* be* naver a >!• to arrire at a i^lrwlrd|h7«a--4^ .an mat to laoWeve the uhfcying

leuroaytieara.cTikeywltha Hi with the alntplas* form of

kae t,>aod )unleas; tbe^beaet <*h

t4miatioci ^ reasoning aWtr, t—Hj iiKaikerrr^pcaasaj both be

fa ja suiBetsat-'deaW Jtb-eo-' »o-e sesoome aa4»ealty. IT 1 ) >. . 1 I . U l . I i l l I I J Jl 1 M ^ ^ W . ^ M f A ^ * ^ S

AajteBeat Bawa^iaW-fcBBBi »eaaat

j a a a a j - 4 l y a a a t ' Z ^ > Z r * a B d ^ :

. T-%higu>eai,''said the w a M ' - a a

U|.sp H MSfSRI lajaur/ * * r

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3 1 *

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theorettoal any otherv temperiture, wBl he-vaigr -; J dnlttMaMmat

* exhaust Is co ictensed, «-^^a»ld,1^ve»J^»-aame

i a t - ^ a a / 3 r j ( * Son, • T 1 • 11 ,-ltf / { 1 . , ,

Acuriou* turtle (Ci the Atlan tptbereptOe ural History,

o ldlnaSwav »»d * * » « % J

B M ^ O f t t h


Cietndo Olobe..


*aatWjlj T h e dapper

With A bulky

"^«el^ todnd out 1 )prawd% gath'

" lEhe'"

a£ a - piaB p stBrT ^ na ^av

t'otaaonstrc slty in a * )p|ok«d a p l »

., ."haa-peanaent •of the Muasu] not Ns»

fThe.earapaoi >, Insteed • ^ 4 1 k e » ; » c f r i S t t : i e j

r t upward a t 'he edgw'1

inverted shw k shell or ^ i m l i n i ^ w h O M

n'psisssd sou I JengtV u^Z-MOf^lalHWe^ It shasjoseurrsd aJaonjtfc^ ada-oi »uope.--Iiondo:i .4 ..t . . '

«n«l Whea He Itocaa t. reviagAppeUiss.

t feman in the check aait, l i a n d a large jellow va sjxed^crowd on the rtreev mediately ^ v e d into the

*-dida?ttaw'ame tottor . the';;raa*qn ot thr

hu^>egan businesa at ... , _... . „-.,. -.j»»1»a»a^^adexl»»-

ou* twist 4 ^ r|lete|ope» l» jaM a tripod,

*«fl^famei > began the dapper man. 13».orowd pa kwtrated. ita eote t lve ayes on i S L « I l a ^ ^ H h ^ p j ^ ^

; « ? * S j ! ? # * •?"«^r|MAft«eJD£ a man

* * / # « . t a w » | o V 5 2 e * f lE^entalB ^ i J i ^ ^ r a ^ P*m>'* R e m a d e t » b o t 4 » ^ i . | S i a e ] T b ® ^ gtotlemen,

^J^SISSSfia?*? a*-Bdoasbat« m taasl'lins wtll .makethr " ^ d y a p s p t i e raaa want parterhoua-

SaS&SavBfiW *• * ^ T * *ligi* * i * * * P ! ' i W I « ' ^^^•aBaJB( |rs , hoagr? '

Ja^ ria^^aaj ^ P ^ ^ ^ ^ B B *TfAAa aT JBgBi

" ^ « « W a | a w % • a f P B H f W « *ia?0TOfli

eBhhB,>aaaasd«JMyaUowvallaf, ova* Ida

1 - 1 v M*T


A« ^ fc, J. MARKS.

I f H, P-. Gtt.LILAiSD.

SWlF-aaigiM t street, t'teusbur^h, N, \

.togfcrega'*. '««<.'« np •«,« aa&t

J ] ' t s^BLoW C WATSON \ ^ i S F &m eoaflseter-atlnw *

* 1 8 « f Itett glTOJ to bustiHMB to sun

F - *t^ HSJJSSSloe*. Cllatunstreet,Watts

Wednesday, Tl.rsday and Friday Artenoons. W|edjjes|a^ Sefet! rf~-*>2 Mile, Cottons ricei Pil»

^ ' S l »

'"lTf4tlaat^ Wm\ t$r~i Htie, opettj ?tft|^'-Sitre!

|aytfepf^f #4^ |«l%s, ©pen, ffee, Sitirtifitchci r-6

tojeig^ a-toissions during tne^ fam and gives h a i ^ ^ ^ r ^ ^ ^ ^ d t n a liVffeiit to starfin races wnere hi is elgiWe.- ^^T-HR AKC^DE, l i t * * - : v f ' . * f , < «- ' " v ^ - ' T * - «,«, HatMUHit B***n<

\ l l ^ ^ S y 8 * y «feiitt?«i9KT.tt^i-aw ._ 1 -mmtm • *•*•*»&wm


. ^ -E».fc,LOW. M, B C " " ' f l ' ^ f f ig^a ia^t f twatWdef tee ,

' IHsWE^.^B0* °*M «< tl*. U.

.. ant ^ r - . hour

^ ^ f f i l L « * « t & » 8 t W to BS-.

& or mvuamaSS&vJt,

g» *> , W . B , BOWEL, p

? ; ^ * o « « p a i 8 8«(aaailipatotm9nts. , s buildings and f»rfc


Hotel and Restaarant*

ExfciDjtion of Sri#» and toad Parade W tie Traa V ; 1 ^ ^ ? * 8 ^ ^ ^ ^

f AT 10 A. | l4 WEDNESDAY, fiPT. 12.

j i 'S* ' ' * -, Tew




' PWriSBUBuH, s. y.


» " « ' l >y the day «r week at FH^onabte 'n

and 10 River street,


1 Animals and Articles for Ej|aibi$jm Transp)^ t

ed Free by Railroads, if Returned by Champfc* Transportation €o„ for Fare one Way. :

1 • | i

CWldren u-^s 12 years of age, accompanied! partes, free evlry d^/ oi tlie Fair. '

Rddoced Rates mMmWAmoK$ Send yomr Entrissj to

W. T. $URLE|GH, Sic, . . . J P l a t tbbur^h , N.

•aw* 1

/ » •»•«. OLIVET n, | i ir Rjvcr St., Plattsharsrh, Nm y.*!

» . . £UROP£AN PLAN. '. tW*iI«nl* at ail tumrn-

^ f H £ DELMONICO, j "j Hotel and Restaurant,


J . C . BLki ' fc i ; , »»Tj,

, Protection avenue, i _f i ' l . lTThtil H',fl ,s 1 \

OTEL DELAWARE1. and RcbUinrant.

<>KO. t . c o r i l i n g f r < ) • i

i-f "(.IV.-I. ! ^ M 80-eii-U u„. J w § | Wpr.-n.-i,..-

to utu-dii , i :i w.. . r i .Str^njiK,. ^ Hr„v, , u „ ; n Wil l U- — r v „ | rr .ii. . ,

,Mb>u Tiv u-^i » , . . . ,


Sa^s every afteWoa, commencing at « o'clock sfi

G.|F. HUTCHINSON, Si^erintendcnt ot Kicj

NEWHmvt r, „.-l K l { j r i i > v i - ! u ^ I 1 ( . . j,

mmm. ( ^ * i »iatrf.,,.. boarding ct,ari. .,.'"-

I . I>. M U M lY I'


r, HON. D. F. D0BIE,

PrcsiiJcgt. ' HUGH P. CONWAY,


m. r. PARKHiw Trcdsorcr .

1 i

J HTGrand Attractions at Platt^l'iu^ Evenings, of the Fair. Wednesda\ i" 1 "fihAQK CROOK," 60 People m t'u t t

400 and Monogran Private stu.k UhiNhi^.

S m o k e r V Supplit-^

f . B . Q . .

te-i3dwl t

l'r » f w R t o f M . . pi M !>BiHt,M

j.i::J 1-

, i ^ ^ 5 « i ' j R w ! , ; ' ^ . .

^rdj* "*