博 士 後 期 課 程 【選択科目】...techniques 授業の目標 Course Objectives By the end...


Transcript of 博 士 後 期 課 程 【選択科目】...techniques 授業の目標 Course Objectives By the end...

博 士 後 期 課 程



科目名 Course Title 先端総合化学特論Ⅰ [Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering I]

講義題目 Subtitle 総合化学特論Ⅰ [Modern Trends in Physical and Material Chemistry]

責任教員 Instructor 村上 洋太 [Yota MURAKAMI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095111

期間 Semester 1学期(春) 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7111

キーワード Key Words



授業の目標 Course Objectives




到達目標 Course Goals



授業計画 Course Schedule









準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework


成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System



テキスト・教科書 Textbooks


講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information


科目名 Course Title 先端総合化学特論Ⅰ [Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering I]

講義題目 Subtitle 総合化学特論Ⅱ [Modern Trends in Organic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry]

責任教員 Instructor 村上 洋太 [Yota MURAKAMI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095112

期間 Semester 1学期(夏) 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7111

キーワード Key Words



授業の目標 Course Objectives




到達目標 Course Goals


授業計画 Course Schedule







準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework


成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System



テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information


科目名 Course Title 先端総合化学特論Ⅱ [Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering II]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Molecular Chemistry and Engineering IA - 2019

責任教員 Instructor 村越 敬 [Kei MURAKOSHI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Hogan YU (Simon Fraser University)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095121

期間 Semester 集中 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7121

キーワード Key Words

Molecular spectroscopy and microscopy, Bioanalytical Chemistry, Optical biosensors, Electrochemical biosensors, Microfluidic and microarray


授業の目標 Course Objectives

By the end of this course the students will be able to ;

1. understand the basic principle of modern microscopy for imaging microassasys and microarrays.

2. understand the basic principle and state-of-art techniques in surface analysis.

3. understand the basic principles of biosensors and their applications.

4. improve the scientific presentation skills.

到達目標 Course Goals

By the end of this course, the instructor will be able to

1. provide the students an overview of the modern techniques that are essential for today's bioanalytical and materials chemistry research.

2. improve the students' capability of understanding scientific lectures in English.

3. improve the students' confidents in communicating with the instructor and fellow students.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Lecture I: Modern optical microscopy

Lecture II: Surface analysis: from composition to morphology

Lecture III: DNA microarray biochips to microfluidic techniques

Lecture IV: Electrochemical biosensors

Seminar: Mobile electronics as point-of-care diagnostic tools: from disc player to smartphone

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

to be announced

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Your grade will be determined by how well you demonstrate your achievement of the course goals through

1. Daily course quizzes. 20%

2. Course discussions on specific topics. 40%

3. Short presentations on selected literature. 40%

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture notes will be distributed at the class.

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory



備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 先端総合化学特論Ⅰ [Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering I]

講義題目 Subtitle 総合化学特論Ⅱ [Modern Trends in Organic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry]

責任教員 Instructor 村上 洋太 [Yota MURAKAMI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095112

期間 Semester 1学期(夏) 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7111

キーワード Key Words



授業の目標 Course Objectives




到達目標 Course Goals


授業計画 Course Schedule







準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework


成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System



テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information


科目名 Course Title 先端総合化学特論Ⅱ [Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering II]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Molecular Chemistry and Engineering IB - 2019

責任教員 Instructor 村越 敬 [Kei MURAKOSHI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors David LEWIS (Flinders University), 野口 秀典(物質・材料研究機構)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095122

期間 Semester 集中 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7121

キーワード Key Words

nano-cylinders, selective transport of molecules, polymers, solar cell, nano-devices, microwave processing

授業の目標 Course Objectives

By the end of this course you will be able to ;

1. understand the basic principle of polymer materials for device applications.

2. understand basic principle and state-of-art techniques on organic electronics

3. understand basic principles of microwave processing of materials.

4. capable of designing a novel polymer materials for enhancing coating and photochromism.

到達目標 Course Goals

By the end of this course you will be able to

1. write appropriate syllabus with correct understanding.

2. carry out a class incorporating the education technique such as experiment, e-learning, the clicker and so on.

3. present science (or their speciality) knowledge clearly.

4. design an active learning class.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Lecture I: Fundamentals of Polymer Materials for Nanodevices & Genetics

Lecture II: Microwave processing of materials

Lecture III: Materials and processes for microelectronic applications

Lecture IV: Ophthalmic lens materials and performance enhancing coatings

Lecture V: Photochromic systems


Seminar: Nanotechnology and Polymer Science; Converting research and ideas into new products and technologies

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

to be announced

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Your grade will be determined by how well you demonstrate your achievement of the course goals through

1. Daily course quizzes. 10%

2. Course discussions on specific topics. 40%

3. Short course proposal & presentation. 50%

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

to be announced

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory




備考 Additional Information


科目名 Course Title 先端総合化学特論Ⅱ [Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering II]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Molecular Chemistry and Engineering II - 2019

責任教員 Instructor 伊藤 肇 [Hajime ITOH] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Eunsung LEE (POSTECH)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095123

期間 Semester 集中 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7121

キーワード Key Words

Organometallics, Organic Chemistry, Organofluorine Chemistry, Organic Synthesis, Radiochemistry

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Fluorinated compounds have been of great interest for many applications such as pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, fluoro plastics (Teflon), and

18F-labeled radiopharmaceutical imaging agents because of the benefits from fluorine’s unique properties such as thermal and oxidative stability

and lipophilicity to enhance bioavailability. For example, strong C-F bonds on the fluorine-containing material such as Teflon®, Nafinon, and

PFA (perfluoroalkoxy) enable a low polarity, small surface tension and reflective index, which are desired properties of waterproof and insulating

materials. Approximately 25% of current pharmaceuticals and 30% of agrochemicals contain fluorine. Although there was considerable demand

for facile preparation of fluorinated compounds, the methods have been significantly developed only for the past two decades. From these

lectures, I will discuss the early fluorination history and then move on the recent development including reagent based and transition metal

catalyzed fluorination. In addition, [18F]fluorination methods will be discussed. Finally, the efforts to disconnect the strong C-F bonds will be

described for useful applications.

到達目標 Course Goals

By the end of this course, you will be able to

1. understand the importance of C-F bonds in many applications.

2. design a new synthetic route for fluorinated organic molecules.

3. have knowledge about radiochemistry.

4. understand different views on C-F bond cleavage.

授業計画 Course Schedule

The first aim is to get advanced knowledge for fluorination of organic compounds.

The second aim is to understand application of organofluorine compounds.

1. Early Fluorination

2. Fluorination Reagents

3. Nucleophilic and Electrophilic Fluorination

4. Aliphatic and Aromatic fluorination

5. Fluorination for Positron-Emission Tomography (PET)

6. Activation and functionalization of C-F bonds

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students need the preparations for discussion about fluorination.

You will be asked to write two pages (A4) of report at the end of each lecture.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Assignment on a specified subject regarding to "Development of Synthesis and Reaction of Organofluorine Compounds " (60%).

In addition, we also consider it as the important factor for assessment how actively students participate in each class (40%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

No textbook required. Handouts will be distributed.

講義指定図書 Reading List

Organotransition Metal Chemistry: From Bonding to Catalysis/John F. Hartwig

The Organometallic Chemistry of the Transition Metals/Robert H. Crabtree

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory



備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 先端総合化学特論Ⅱ [Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering II]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Molecular Chemistry and Engineering IB - 2019

責任教員 Instructor 村越 敬 [Kei MURAKOSHI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors David LEWIS (Flinders University), 野口 秀典(物質・材料研究機構)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095122

期間 Semester 集中 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7121

キーワード Key Words

nano-cylinders, selective transport of molecules, polymers, solar cell, nano-devices, microwave processing

授業の目標 Course Objectives

By the end of this course you will be able to ;

1. understand the basic principle of polymer materials for device applications.

2. understand basic principle and state-of-art techniques on organic electronics

3. understand basic principles of microwave processing of materials.

4. capable of designing a novel polymer materials for enhancing coating and photochromism.

到達目標 Course Goals

By the end of this course you will be able to

1. write appropriate syllabus with correct understanding.

2. carry out a class incorporating the education technique such as experiment, e-learning, the clicker and so on.

3. present science (or their speciality) knowledge clearly.

4. design an active learning class.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Lecture I: Fundamentals of Polymer Materials for Nanodevices & Genetics

Lecture II: Microwave processing of materials

Lecture III: Materials and processes for microelectronic applications

Lecture IV: Ophthalmic lens materials and performance enhancing coatings

Lecture V: Photochromic systems


Seminar: Nanotechnology and Polymer Science; Converting research and ideas into new products and technologies

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

to be announced

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Your grade will be determined by how well you demonstrate your achievement of the course goals through

1. Daily course quizzes. 10%

2. Course discussions on specific topics. 40%

3. Short course proposal & presentation. 50%

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

to be announced

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory




備考 Additional Information


科目名 Course Title 先端総合化学特論Ⅱ [Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering II]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Molecular Chemistry and Engineering III - 2019

責任教員 Instructor 安住 和久 [Kazuhisa AZUMI] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors 幅﨑 浩樹(工学研究院), 忠永 清治(工学研究院), 村越 敬(理学研究院),

八木 一三(地球環境科学研究院), 松島 永佳(工学研究院), 髙草木 達(触媒科学研究所)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095124

期間 Semester 集中 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7121

キーワード Key Words

Nanostructure, Functionalization, Catalyst, Fuel cell, Solid battery, Photo-electrochemistry, High-speed atomic level microscopy

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Electrochemistry is an one of basic science supporting our modern society in various fields. Advantage in electrochemistry is that chemical

reaction can be controlled via operation of electric parameter as voltage and current. This concept is applied to wide application from basic

engineering such as battery, plating, corrosion and refining to advanced science in atomic level reaction, photo-synthesis, catalysts and

innovative new functions. In this lecture, seven researchers working in electrochemistry-related field present fundamental principle, function,

mechanism and recent topics of selected subject.

到達目標 Course Goals

By the end of this course, students will be able to

• understand fundamental concept of electrochemistry,

• know how electrochemistry is used in many scenes in our life,

• explain how Li-ion battery and fuel cell work to supply high energy,

• imagine how atomic level phenomena provide macroscopic functions,

• and think about new ideas using advanced electrochemistry for future.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Seven professors will lecture on various topics. In the final lecture, student will discuss about the subject their interest in related to lectures.

• Concept and basics of electrochemistry (Jun.25)

• Controlling nano-scale physico-photo-electro-phenomena (Jun.25)

• Controlling nanostructure of surface to provide new functions (Jun.26)

• Very-fast atomic-scale imaging (Jun.26)

• Exploration into the horizon of catalyst (Jun.27)

• Deep understanding of fuel cell (Jun.27)

• Development of innovative all-solid-state battery (Jun.28)

• General discussion (Jun.28)

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students will be asked to write a report at the end of each lecture.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Grading will be done based on report for each topic.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information


科目名 Course Title 先端総合化学特論Ⅱ [Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering II]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Materials Chemistry and Engineering I - 2019

責任教員 Instructor 島田 敏宏 [Toshihiro SHIMADA] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Nicolas CLEMENT (CNRS)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095125

期間 Semester 集中 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7121

キーワード Key Words


授業の目標 Course Objectives




理と化学の基礎を学ぶ。それから分子スケールのデバイス作製技術の現状を概観する。Prof. Nicolas Clement はこの分野の若手の第一


到達目標 Course Goals


1. ナノデバイス作製の基本概念。

2. 分子スケールのエレクトロニクスの物理的・化学的背景知識

3. 国際共同研究のノウハウ

4. 生体分析のための分子スケールデバイスの設計の基礎

授業計画 Course Schedule



作製の部分では、リソグラフィと自己組織化について 3 コマの講義を行う。最後に、分析デバイスとしての応用を講義する。


1. はじめに:分子エレクトロニクス

2. ナノ・分子接合における電気伝導

3. マイクロ・ナノ流体力学

4. トップダウン微細加工技術

5. ボトムアップ微細加工技術

6. 分子・ナノ流体電子デバイスの生体分析化学への応用

7. ナノ材料合成と評価技術に関するラボツアー

8. Prof. Nicolas Clement によるセミナー

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework


成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System


テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

This course will be provided as part of the Hokkaido Summer Institute., For more information (invited lecturers, course details, etc.), please

visit the website below:, https://hokkaidosummerinstitute.oia.hokudai.ac.jp/courses/CourseDetail=G041

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory



備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 先端総合化学特論Ⅱ [Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering II]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Molecular Chemistry and Engineering III - 2019

責任教員 Instructor 安住 和久 [Kazuhisa AZUMI] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors 幅﨑 浩樹(工学研究院), 忠永 清治(工学研究院), 村越 敬(理学研究院),

八木 一三(地球環境科学研究院), 松島 永佳(工学研究院), 髙草木 達(触媒科学研究所)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095124

期間 Semester 集中 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7121

キーワード Key Words

Nanostructure, Functionalization, Catalyst, Fuel cell, Solid battery, Photo-electrochemistry, High-speed atomic level microscopy

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Electrochemistry is an one of basic science supporting our modern society in various fields. Advantage in electrochemistry is that chemical

reaction can be controlled via operation of electric parameter as voltage and current. This concept is applied to wide application from basic

engineering such as battery, plating, corrosion and refining to advanced science in atomic level reaction, photo-synthesis, catalysts and

innovative new functions. In this lecture, seven researchers working in electrochemistry-related field present fundamental principle, function,

mechanism and recent topics of selected subject.

到達目標 Course Goals

By the end of this course, students will be able to

• understand fundamental concept of electrochemistry,

• know how electrochemistry is used in many scenes in our life,

• explain how Li-ion battery and fuel cell work to supply high energy,

• imagine how atomic level phenomena provide macroscopic functions,

• and think about new ideas using advanced electrochemistry for future.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Seven professors will lecture on various topics. In the final lecture, student will discuss about the subject their interest in related to lectures.

• Concept and basics of electrochemistry (Jun.25)

• Controlling nano-scale physico-photo-electro-phenomena (Jun.25)

• Controlling nanostructure of surface to provide new functions (Jun.26)

• Very-fast atomic-scale imaging (Jun.26)

• Exploration into the horizon of catalyst (Jun.27)

• Deep understanding of fuel cell (Jun.27)

• Development of innovative all-solid-state battery (Jun.28)

• General discussion (Jun.28)

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students will be asked to write a report at the end of each lecture.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Grading will be done based on report for each topic.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information


科目名 Course Title 先端総合化学特論Ⅱ [Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering II]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Materials Chemistry and Engineering IIA - 2019

責任教員 Instructor 忠永 清治 [Kiyoharu TADANAGA] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Li LU (National University of Singapore),


開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095126

期間 Semester 集中 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7121

キーワード Key Words

Electrochemical devices; Electrolyte; Electrode; Nano-structure; Batteries

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Recently, safe, low cost, high energy density, and long-lasting electrochemical devices for energy conversion and energy storage are highly

required for the application to mobile devices, electric vehicles, and energy storage system for the renewable energy. Development of novel

materials and morphology control of these materials are key issues. The aim of this course is to describe the importance of electrochemical

devices and materials science involved in the development of such electrochemical devices.

Fundamental concepts in electrochemical energy conversion and storage are firstly overviewed, and then the materials chemistry for the

electrochemical devices will be described. Preparation process for materials of electrochemical devices, effect of nano-structures in electrodes

for lithium and sodium ion batteries, development of all solid-state lithium secondary batteries are also described.

到達目標 Course Goals

By the end of this course you will be able to

1. explain and compare the electrochemical energy conversion and storages systems.

2. understand the basic requirements for materials used in electrochemical energy conversion and energy storage devices.

3. explain the effects of nanostructures on the properties of electrochemical devices.

4. understand and discuss materials and electrochemical devices in future energy storage system.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Following topics will be covered during this course.

1. Fundamental concepts about electrochemical energy conversion and storage

2. Introduction of inorganic materials science for electrochemical devices

3. Introduction to defects chemistry – dopants in materials for electrochemical storage

4. Nanostructured materials applied to electrodes for lithium and sodium ion batteries

5. Fundamentals of solid electrolyte

6. All-solid-state lithium/sodium secondary batteries

7. Overview of recent trends in materials for electrochemical devices and future energy storage system

8. Students presentation on topics in electrochemical devices

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students will be expected to download class notes from WEB page and read designated chapter in advance.

Students should read some papers on electrochemical devices during this course and make presentation.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Grade will be determined by how well one’s achievement in this course through

1. a report on nanostructured materials in electrochemical devices (weightage 80%), and

2. a presentation on one’s research or some topics in electrochemical devices (weightage 20%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

No textbook required. Handouts will be distributed.

講義指定図書 Reading List

"Recent Advances in Energy Storage Materials and Devices", Li Lu edited, Materials Research Forum LLC, ISBN 978-1945291265 (2017).

"Ceramic Electrolytes for All-Solid-State Li Batteries", M. Kotobuki, S. Song, C. Chen, and Li Lu, World Scientific Pub Co Inc ISBN: 978-


研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory



備考 Additional Information


科目名 Course Title 先端総合化学特論Ⅱ [Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering II]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Materials Chemistry and Engineering IIB - 2019

責任教員 Instructor 加藤 昌子 [Masako KATO] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Vivian Wing-Wah YAM (University of Hong Kong)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095127

期間 Semester 集中 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7121

キーワード Key Words

luminescence, photochemistry, photopysics, supramolecule, metal complexes

授業の目標 Course Objectives

This course is designed to acquire basic knowledge in coordination chemistry and photochemistry/photopysics of coordination compounds, and

applications as new materials towards device, photocatalytic, and bio-medicinal fields.

到達目標 Course Goals

Students will gain not only knowledge of photofunctional coordination and supramolecular chemistry, but also acquire problem-solving ability

for exploring functionality of metal-based materials.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Day 1 Lecture 1: Introduction – Luminescent metal-based materials

Day 1 Lecture 2: Basic concepts and principles of photophysics and photochemistry

Day 2 Lecture 3: Energy transfer and electron transfer processes

Day 2 Lecture 4: Nature of selected excited states

Day 3 Lecture 5: Utilization of luminescent metal-based materials for energy

Day 3 Lecture 6: Utilization of luminescent metal-based materials for biomedical applications

Day 4 Lecture 7: Discussion

Day 4 Lecture 8: Open Seminar

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

To be announced

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Assignment on a specified subject regarding "luminescent metal-based materials" (60%).

Assessment how actively students participate in each class (40%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Handouts will be distributed.

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory



備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 先端総合化学特論Ⅱ [Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering II]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Materials Chemistry and Engineering IIA - 2019

責任教員 Instructor 忠永 清治 [Kiyoharu TADANAGA] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Li LU (National University of Singapore),


開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095126

期間 Semester 集中 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7121

キーワード Key Words

Electrochemical devices; Electrolyte; Electrode; Nano-structure; Batteries

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Recently, safe, low cost, high energy density, and long-lasting electrochemical devices for energy conversion and energy storage are highly

required for the application to mobile devices, electric vehicles, and energy storage system for the renewable energy. Development of novel

materials and morphology control of these materials are key issues. The aim of this course is to describe the importance of electrochemical

devices and materials science involved in the development of such electrochemical devices.

Fundamental concepts in electrochemical energy conversion and storage are firstly overviewed, and then the materials chemistry for the

electrochemical devices will be described. Preparation process for materials of electrochemical devices, effect of nano-structures in electrodes

for lithium and sodium ion batteries, development of all solid-state lithium secondary batteries are also described.

到達目標 Course Goals

By the end of this course you will be able to

1. explain and compare the electrochemical energy conversion and storages systems.

2. understand the basic requirements for materials used in electrochemical energy conversion and energy storage devices.

3. explain the effects of nanostructures on the properties of electrochemical devices.

4. understand and discuss materials and electrochemical devices in future energy storage system.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Following topics will be covered during this course.

1. Fundamental concepts about electrochemical energy conversion and storage

2. Introduction of inorganic materials science for electrochemical devices

3. Introduction to defects chemistry – dopants in materials for electrochemical storage

4. Nanostructured materials applied to electrodes for lithium and sodium ion batteries

5. Fundamentals of solid electrolyte

6. All-solid-state lithium/sodium secondary batteries

7. Overview of recent trends in materials for electrochemical devices and future energy storage system

8. Students presentation on topics in electrochemical devices

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students will be expected to download class notes from WEB page and read designated chapter in advance.

Students should read some papers on electrochemical devices during this course and make presentation.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Grade will be determined by how well one’s achievement in this course through

1. a report on nanostructured materials in electrochemical devices (weightage 80%), and

2. a presentation on one’s research or some topics in electrochemical devices (weightage 20%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

No textbook required. Handouts will be distributed.

講義指定図書 Reading List

"Recent Advances in Energy Storage Materials and Devices", Li Lu edited, Materials Research Forum LLC, ISBN 978-1945291265 (2017).

"Ceramic Electrolytes for All-Solid-State Li Batteries", M. Kotobuki, S. Song, C. Chen, and Li Lu, World Scientific Pub Co Inc ISBN: 978-


研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory



備考 Additional Information


科目名 Course Title 先端総合化学特論Ⅱ [Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering II]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Materials Chemistry and Engineering IIC - 2019

責任教員 Instructor 島田 敏宏 [Toshihiro SHIMADA] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Fei CHEN (Wuhan University of Technology), 長浜 太郎(工学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095128

期間 Semester 集中 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7121

キーワード Key Words


授業の目標 Course Objectives

現代社会は材料と化学に関する技術がなければ成り立たない。本講は、セラミックスと酸化物系複合材料を対象とし、中国から Prof. Fei

CHEN を招いて共同で講義を行う。 セラミックスの応用はその物性によって制限されるが、セラミックスと他の材料を複合化することによ

って応用が広がる。Prof. Fei CHAN はエネルギー分野に関するセラミックス複合材料の応用について講義を行う。その中には、グリッド

スケールのエネルギー貯蔵技術、全固体電池及び関連するプロセス技術である。Prof. Fei CHEN は MIT で学んだ中国で著名な若手


到達目標 Course Goals


1. 材料の電子的、力学的性質およびエネルギー応用。

2. セラミックス材料のプロセスに関する物理と化学。

3. 海外での留学と仕事に関する知識。

授業計画 Course Schedule



1. はじめに:現代社会におけるセラミックス

2. 原子スケールでの材料創成における基礎概念:熱力学・速度論と化学の利用

3. グリッドスケールのエネルギー貯蔵を目標とする高エネルギープロセス

4. 半導体回路のための電子的・光学的性質

5. 固体電解質と固体電池のための電気化学

6. スピントロニクス

7. 実験見学:プラズマ CVD、高圧合成、種々の評価手法

8. Prof. Fei CHEN によるセミナー

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework


成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System


テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

No textbook required. Handouts will be distributed.

講義指定図書 Reading List

No textbook required. Handouts will be distributed.

参照ホームページ Websites

This course will be provided as part of the Hokkaido Summer Institute., For more information (invited lecturers, course details, etc.), please

visit the website below:, https://hokkaidosummerinstitute.oia.hokudai.ac.jp/courses/CourseDetail=G049

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information


科目名 Course Title 先端総合化学特論Ⅱ [Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering II]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Materials Chemistry and Engineering IID - 2019

責任教員 Instructor 幅﨑 浩樹 [Hiroki HABAZAKI] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Byungjin CHO (Chungbuk National University), 朱 春宇(工学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095129

期間 Semester 集中 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7121

キーワード Key Words

Inorganic nanomaterials, nanoporous materials, nanocarbons, energy conversion and storage, nanoelectronics

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Diverse inorganic nanomaterials are becoming more and more important in modern technology. In this lecture, we invite Prof. Byungjin Cho

from Chungbuk national University, Korea, who is a leading young scientist in advanced inorganic materials. Th synthesis, characterization,

functionalization and device applications of a range of nanomaterials are briefly introduced to get fundamental knowledge on 1D and 2D

nanomaterials with various functionalities. Basic concepts for electronic and energy applications will be proposed in this lecture.

到達目標 Course Goals

By the end of this course you will be able to

1. explain the basic concepts for diverse applications of inorganic nanomaterials.

2. explain the synthesis methods of diverse inorganic nanomaterials and their applications.

3. explain the basic chemistry and physics behind the fabrication and characterization of nanomaterials.

授業計画 Course Schedule

This course is focused on fabrication, properties and applications of advanced inorganic materials. The course is organized as follows:

1. Introduction: How inorganic nanomaterials are used in modern technology.

2. Synthesis of 2D nanostructures

3. Characterization methods for physical and chemical properties of nanomaterials

4. Diverse applications of 2D inorganic nanomaterials

5. Fabrication and applications of nanocomposite materials

6. Self-organized fabrication of nanostructured materials and their applications

7. Lab tour, showing various characterization techniques of nanomaterials

8. Seminar by Prof. Byungjin Cho

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

To be announced

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Grading will be based on the final reports submitted some period after the lectures.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

No textbook required. Handouts will be distributed.

講義指定図書 Reading List

Not required. Handouts will be distributed.

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory



備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 先端総合化学特論Ⅱ [Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering II]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Materials Chemistry and Engineering IIC - 2019

責任教員 Instructor 島田 敏宏 [Toshihiro SHIMADA] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Fei CHEN (Wuhan University of Technology), 長浜 太郎(工学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095128

期間 Semester 集中 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7121

キーワード Key Words


授業の目標 Course Objectives

現代社会は材料と化学に関する技術がなければ成り立たない。本講は、セラミックスと酸化物系複合材料を対象とし、中国から Prof. Fei

CHEN を招いて共同で講義を行う。 セラミックスの応用はその物性によって制限されるが、セラミックスと他の材料を複合化することによ

って応用が広がる。Prof. Fei CHAN はエネルギー分野に関するセラミックス複合材料の応用について講義を行う。その中には、グリッド

スケールのエネルギー貯蔵技術、全固体電池及び関連するプロセス技術である。Prof. Fei CHEN は MIT で学んだ中国で著名な若手


到達目標 Course Goals


1. 材料の電子的、力学的性質およびエネルギー応用。

2. セラミックス材料のプロセスに関する物理と化学。

3. 海外での留学と仕事に関する知識。

授業計画 Course Schedule



1. はじめに:現代社会におけるセラミックス

2. 原子スケールでの材料創成における基礎概念:熱力学・速度論と化学の利用

3. グリッドスケールのエネルギー貯蔵を目標とする高エネルギープロセス

4. 半導体回路のための電子的・光学的性質

5. 固体電解質と固体電池のための電気化学

6. スピントロニクス

7. 実験見学:プラズマ CVD、高圧合成、種々の評価手法

8. Prof. Fei CHEN によるセミナー

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework


成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System


テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

No textbook required. Handouts will be distributed.

講義指定図書 Reading List

No textbook required. Handouts will be distributed.

参照ホームページ Websites

This course will be provided as part of the Hokkaido Summer Institute., For more information (invited lecturers, course details, etc.), please

visit the website below:, https://hokkaidosummerinstitute.oia.hokudai.ac.jp/courses/CourseDetail=G049

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information


科目名 Course Title 先端総合化学特論Ⅱ [Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering II]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Materials Chemistry and Engineering III - 2019

責任教員 Instructor 坂口 和靖 [Kazuyasu SAKAGUCHI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors 山浦 一成(物質・材料研究機構), 辻本 吉廣(物質・材料研究機構)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095130

期間 Semester 集中 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7121

キーワード Key Words

Solid state chemistry, superconductivity, strongly correlated electrons, magnetic properties

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Solid-state chemistry is a common background for developing research fields such as quantum materials, materials engineering, and condensed

matter science. By mastering knowledge of solid-state chemistry and deepening your understanding, you can strengthen research abilities and

activities in the latest fields. This course is designed as an introduction to solid state chemistry useful for materials development for hands-on

properties mostly for superconductivity and correlated electrons properties.

到達目標 Course Goals

By the end of this course, you will be able to

1. present fundamental knowledge of solid state chemistry.

2. carry out a laboratory work for solid-state materials synthesis.

3. reveal the lattice structure and local coordination of solid-state materials by diffraction.

4. explain fundamental magnetic properties and practical functions of solid-state materials.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Introduction for solid-state and crystal chemistry

2. Introduction for materials synthesis and phase diagram

3. Structure principles and structure characterization of solid-state compounds

4. Magnetic and electrical properties of solid-state compounds

5. Introduction for superconductivity

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

No specific requirements for this course, but recommended to read text books for solid state chemistry at undergraduate level.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Written assignment on a specified topic in solid state chemistry or related fields (60%).

Class participation (40%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

No textbook required. Handouts will be distributed.

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information


科目名 Course Title 先端総合化学特論Ⅱ [Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering II]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering IA - 2019

責任教員 Instructor 佐田 和己 [Kazuki SADA] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Kostas SARAKINOS (Linkoping University), 角五 彰(理学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095131

期間 Semester 集中 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7121

キーワード Key Words

Atomic Layer, Crystal Growth, Thin Films, Metal, Epitaxy, Nucleation, Layer-by-Layer, Polymers, Self-assembly, Supramolecular Chemistry,

Organogels, Organic Crystals, Soft Crystals, Kinesin, Tubline, Microtubles

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Atomic or molecular level thin films are key materials for modern technology and related science. Learning the thin films should be of

importance for material researchers. In particular, this lecture covers science and technology of both physics and chemistry aspects.

In the former, definition of thin films for surface physics and engineering is provided with reference to specific examples of applications and

devices founded upon thin films. Then, physical- and chemical-vapor deposition techniques used for thin-film synthesis are discussed on a

conceptual level, and film-formation stages. The atomic-scale mechanisms that lead to vapor condensation on solid substrate surfaces are

discussed from the view point of thermodynamics and kinetics. The atomistic theory of nucleation of the thin film is introduced and explained.

The concept of epitaxy, both homo- and heteroepitaxy, is also introduced for film morphological evolution such as 2D and 3D islands. Strategies

for manipulating growth of morphology evolution using surfactants, energetic ions, and temporally modulated vapor fluxes are also discussed.

Finally, revisiting the film-formation stages, the atomic-scale processes that control film morphological evolution are discussed. Film

morphologies are then classified in the framework of the so-called structure zone models (SZMs) which describe the effect of growth temperature

and impurity concentration of fundamental structure-forming processes.

In the latter, starting from the applications of the polymer thin films in the daily life, the fabrication of polymer thin films and layer-by-layer

method fro hybrid polymer thin film are discussed. Then, the topics moves to chemistry of molecular assemblies. Many examples of two

dimmensional crystallization of organic molecules on a substarte are reviewed in relation to formation of organic crystals and fibrious aggregates.

Their formation are discussed from the view point of the nucleartion-growth theory similar to the formar part. The role of the moelcualr

structures and weak intermolecular interactions are also discussed. Finally, one-dimensional biological molecular assemblies such as

microtubles are reviewed.

到達目標 Course Goals

Atomic or molecular level thin films are key materials for modern technology and related science. Learning the thin films should be of

importance for material researchers. In particular, this lecture covers science and technology of both physics and chemistry aspects.

In the former, definition of thin films for surface physics and engineering is provided with reference to specific examples of applications and

devices founded upon thin films. Then, physical- and chemical-vapor deposition techniques used for thin-film synthesis are discussed on a

conceptual level, and film-formation stages are explained. The atomic-scale mechanisms that lead to vapor condensation on solid substrate

surfaces are discussed from the view point of thermodynamics and kinetics. The atomistic theory of nucleation of the thin film is introduced

and explained. The concept of epitaxy, both homo- and heteroepitaxy, is also introduced, followed by a discussion on shape evolution of

2Dislands and 3D film morphological evolution. Strategies for manipulating growth of morphologicalevolution using surfactants, energetic ions,

and temporally modulated vapor fluxes are also discussed. Finally, revisiting the film-formation stages, the atomic-scale processes that control

morphological evolution in polycrystalline films are discussed. Film morphologies are then classified in the framework of the so-called structure

zone models (SZMs) which describe the effect of growth temperature and impurity concentration on fundamental film structure-forming


In the latter, starting from the applications of the polymer thin films in the daily life, the fabrication of polymer thin films and layer-by-layer

method fro hybrid polymer thin film are discussed. Then, the topics moves to chemistry of molecular assemblies. Many examples of two

dimmensional crystallization of organic molecules on a substarte are reviewed in relation to formation of organic crystals and fibrious aggregates.

Their formation are discussed from the view point of the nucleartion-growth theory similar to the formar part. The role of the moelcualr

structures and weak intermolecular interactions are also discussed. Finally, one-dimensional biological molecular assemblies such as

microtubles are reviewed.

授業計画 Course Schedule

(Topic I) Thin films, atomic and physical aspcet

Lecture 1: Introduction to inroganic thin-film science and technology

Lecture 2: Thin-film nucleation from the view point of thermodynamics and kinetics

Lecture 3: Growth evolution and growth manipulation of epitaxial films

Lecture 4: Growth and microstructural evolution of polycrystalline films

科目名 Course Title 先端総合化学特論Ⅱ [Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering II]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Materials Chemistry and Engineering III - 2019

責任教員 Instructor 坂口 和靖 [Kazuyasu SAKAGUCHI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors 山浦 一成(物質・材料研究機構), 辻本 吉廣(物質・材料研究機構)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095130

期間 Semester 集中 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7121

キーワード Key Words

Solid state chemistry, superconductivity, strongly correlated electrons, magnetic properties

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Solid-state chemistry is a common background for developing research fields such as quantum materials, materials engineering, and condensed

matter science. By mastering knowledge of solid-state chemistry and deepening your understanding, you can strengthen research abilities and

activities in the latest fields. This course is designed as an introduction to solid state chemistry useful for materials development for hands-on

properties mostly for superconductivity and correlated electrons properties.

到達目標 Course Goals

By the end of this course, you will be able to

1. present fundamental knowledge of solid state chemistry.

2. carry out a laboratory work for solid-state materials synthesis.

3. reveal the lattice structure and local coordination of solid-state materials by diffraction.

4. explain fundamental magnetic properties and practical functions of solid-state materials.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Introduction for solid-state and crystal chemistry

2. Introduction for materials synthesis and phase diagram

3. Structure principles and structure characterization of solid-state compounds

4. Magnetic and electrical properties of solid-state compounds

5. Introduction for superconductivity

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

No specific requirements for this course, but recommended to read text books for solid state chemistry at undergraduate level.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Written assignment on a specified topic in solid state chemistry or related fields (60%).

Class participation (40%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

No textbook required. Handouts will be distributed.

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory


備考 Additional Information


(Topic II) Thin films and related molecular assembly, organic and biological aspect

Lecture 5: Fabrication of polymer thin films basic and applications

Lecture 6: Two-dimensinal crystal growth of organic molecules on the substrate

Lecture 7: Growth of organic crystals and fibrous aggregates

Lecture 8: Fibrous aggregates of biomacromolecules and its applications

PBL(Problem Based Learning) type discussion will be done in the two topics.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students will read reviews and the primary literature on each topic, and submit questions for instructor after every classes and some written

reports on the topics.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Attendance more than 70% classes is requisite for evaluation of the credit. The grade is evaluated in the following two items;(1) reports on each

class with learning attitude (40%), (3) term examination or paper or PBL presentation (60%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

No textbook required. Handouts will be distributed.

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory



備考 Additional Information


科目名 Course Title 先端総合化学特論Ⅱ [Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering II]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering IB - 2019

責任教員 Instructor 山本 拓矢 [Takuya YAMAMOTO] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Michael TURNER (University of Manchester), 佐藤 敏文(工学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095132

期間 Semester 集中 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7121

キーワード Key Words

polymer chemistry; conjugated polymers; organic electronics; OLEDs, OFETs, solar cells

授業の目標 Course Objectives

On successful completion of this course students should be able to: (i) Understand how to prepare conjugated polymers with control of the

microstructure; (ii) Understand how the polymer microstructure influences the polymer electronic and optical properties; (iii) Describe the

operation of light emitting diodes, transistors and solar cells and (iv) Understand how the conjugated polymer microstructure and morphology

can influence the performance of organic electronic and optoelectronic devices.

到達目標 Course Goals

The goals of the course are to: (i) Provide students with a solid underpinning of the synthetic methods used to prepare conjugated polymers;

(ii) Introduce students to the relationship between conjugated polymer structures and electronic/optical properties; (iii) Provide students with

a basic understanding of how OLEDs, OFETs and OPV device operate and (iv) Enable students to relate the structure of conjugated polymers

to the performance of the material in a device.

授業計画 Course Schedule

1st lecture:

• Introduction to course

• Introduction to polymers

• Introduction to bulk electronic properties

• Organic conductors and applications of conducting polymers

2nd lecture

• Organic semiconductors, applications of conjugated polymers

• Organic electroluminescence, conjugated polymers for OLEDs, device efficiencies.

3rd lecture

• Donor acceptor polymers, polymer blends, thin film morphology

• Conjugated polymers for organic photovoltaics, power conversion efficiencies and figures of merit

4th lecture

• Extended conjugation in conjugated polymers

• Organic electronics and conjugated polymers for OFETs, device performance.

Seminar: Conjugated polymers of many shapes and sizes: rings, chains and nanoparticles.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework


成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Assignment on a specified subject regarding to "Novel Synthesis of π-Conjugated Polymers" (100 %).

We consider it as the important factor for assessment of three short tests (90%) and final report (10%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture notes in PDF files will be provided.

講義指定図書 Reading List

References suitable for this course:

(1) M.P. Stevens, Polymer Chemistry - An Introduction, OUP

(2) A. R. West, Basic Solid State Chemistry, Wiley.

(3) W. J. Feast, J. Tsibouklis, K. L. Pouwer, L. Groenendaal, and E. W. Meijer, Polymer, 1996, 37, 5017.

(4) R. H. Friend, R. W. Gymer, Holmes, AB, J. H. Burroughes, R. N. Marks, C. Taliani, D. Bradley, D. A. Dos Santos, J. L. Bredas, M.

Logdlund, and W. R. Salaneck, Nature, 1999, 397, 121-128

(5) D. Braun, Materials Today, 2002, 5, 32-39.

(6) C.D. Dimitrakopoulos, D.J. Mascaro, IBM J. Res. & Dev., 2001, 45, 11.

(Topic II) Thin films and related molecular assembly, organic and biological aspect

Lecture 5: Fabrication of polymer thin films basic and applications

Lecture 6: Two-dimensinal crystal growth of organic molecules on the substrate

Lecture 7: Growth of organic crystals and fibrous aggregates

Lecture 8: Fibrous aggregates of biomacromolecules and its applications

PBL(Problem Based Learning) type discussion will be done in the two topics.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students will read reviews and the primary literature on each topic, and submit questions for instructor after every classes and some written

reports on the topics.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Attendance more than 70% classes is requisite for evaluation of the credit. The grade is evaluated in the following two items;(1) reports on each

class with learning attitude (40%), (3) term examination or paper or PBL presentation (60%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

No textbook required. Handouts will be distributed.

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory



備考 Additional Information


(7) H. Sirringhaus, Adv. Mater., 2014, 26, 1319-1335.

(8) I. Osaka and R.D. McCullough, Acc. Chem. Res., 2008 41 (9), 1202-1214.

(9) I. McCulloch, M. Heeney, et al. Nat Mater, 2006, 5, 328-333

(10) C. B. Nielsen, M. Turbiez, and I. McCulloch, Adv. Mater., 2013, 25, 1859-1880.

(11) X. Guo, A. Facchetti, and T. J. Marks, Chem. Rev., 2014, 114, 8943-9021.

(12) J. Mei, Y. Diao, A. L. Appleton, L. Fang, and Z. Bao, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2013, 135, 6724-6746.

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory



備考 Additional Information


科目名 Course Title 先端総合化学特論Ⅱ [Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering II]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering IIA - 2019

責任教員 Instructor 坂口 和靖 [Kazuyasu SAKAGUCHI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Jianxin LI (Nanjing University), 村上 洋太(理学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095133

期間 Semester 集中 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7121

キーワード Key Words

Interdiscipline; Natural Products; Bioactivity; Chemical Biology; Drug Target; Discovery

授業の目標 Course Objectives

The outline includes an introduction:

1. The main types and major biological activities of natural products.

2. New drugs and drug targets.

3. The intersection of chemistry and biology.

4. The objectives and tasks of chemistry and biology.

5. Examples of bioactive natural products and target discovery.

到達目標 Course Goals

1. To understand the basics of natural products and the importance of drug discovery.

2. To master the characteristics of chemical biology and its role in human health.

3. To learn the importance of bioactive natural products in the discovery of new drug targets.

授業計画 Course Schedule

Day 1: The bioactive natural products and the importance.

• Introduction of importance of natural products.

• Main types and main bioactivity of natural products.

• Famous natural products closely related to human survival.

Day 2: Chemical biology and drug discovery.

• Basic knowledge on chemical biology.

• The main process of drug discovery.

• Drug target discovery and the relations with human health.

Day 3: The natural product based drug discovery.

• Interactions between bioactive natural products and protein.

• The main method of discovering biological proteins that interact with natural products.

• Drug target validation.

Day 4 & 5: Important samples.

Introduce typical and important examples on natural products and novel drug target discovery.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Scan through a few of the articles in the reading list.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Problem-based learning and assignment on a specific topics of this course (60%).

In addition, we also consider it as the important factor for assessment how actively students participate in each class (40%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

講義指定図書 Reading List

1. Nature, 561, 189-194, 2018.

2. Biotechnology Advances, 36(6), 1559-1562, 2018.

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory




備考 Additional Information

(7) H. Sirringhaus, Adv. Mater., 2014, 26, 1319-1335.

(8) I. Osaka and R.D. McCullough, Acc. Chem. Res., 2008 41 (9), 1202-1214.

(9) I. McCulloch, M. Heeney, et al. Nat Mater, 2006, 5, 328-333

(10) C. B. Nielsen, M. Turbiez, and I. McCulloch, Adv. Mater., 2013, 25, 1859-1880.

(11) X. Guo, A. Facchetti, and T. J. Marks, Chem. Rev., 2014, 114, 8943-9021.

(12) J. Mei, Y. Diao, A. L. Appleton, L. Fang, and Z. Bao, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2013, 135, 6724-6746.

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory



備考 Additional Information


科目名 Course Title 先端総合化学特論Ⅱ [Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering II]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering IIB - 2019

責任教員 Instructor 佐藤 敏文 [Toshifumi SATOH] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Guey-Sheng LIOU (National Taiwan University)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095134

期間 Semester 集中 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7121

キーワード Key Words

functional high-performance polymers, polyimides/metal oxides hybrids, triphenylamine (TPA), optical, electrochromic, and optoelectronic


授業の目標 Course Objectives

This course aims to be a comprehensive, authoritative, and general interest to the polymer chemistry and provides the understanding on (i)

high-performance polymers and their representative nanocomposites (ii) specific functionality and its relations to molecular structures, and

characterization skills of these advanced functional polymers.

到達目標 Course Goals

Get knowledge on (1) How to prepare and characterize the high-performance polymers and their hybrid films via sol-gel approaches and their

related application; (2) A variety of strategies and approaches for obtaining the high-performance polymers with different specific functions; (3)

The characterizations and relationships between the structural units and functions in the polymer chains and the investigation of some advanced

applications in terms of their unique functionality. Overall, to build up the background in polymer chemistry and related polymeric physical


授業計画 Course Schedule

1st lecture: Highly transparent polyimide hybrids for optoelectronic applications

1. Preparation and modification of polyimides.

2. Functional organic-inorganic hybrid nanocomposites via sol-gel reaction.

3. Titania-, Zirconia-based nanocomposites and AgNws/polymers hybrid film.

2nd lecture: Recent advances in triphenylamine-based electrochromic derivatives and polymers

Triphenylamine-containing electrochromic materials revealing significant color changes by electrochemically induced redox reactions are

attractive with great potential for low energy-consumption displays, light-adapting mirrors in vehicles, and smart window applications. These

materials have experienced an exponential growth of research interests and have rapidly developed into an emerging field. In this lecture, the

newly developed triphenylamine-based derivatives and polymers in the past few years are summarized, with emphasis on the synthetic

approaches as well as their potential applications.

3rd lecture: Triphenylamine-based Materials for Electrofluorochromic Devices

The term "electrofluorochromism (EFC)", which deals with the electrically driven reversible optical changes in the fluorescence, has only

recently been coined by combination of two functions of electrochromism and photoluminescence in one molecular chain. How to design the

materials with both electroactive and PL-active characters are necessary for such interesting application.

4th lecture: Solution-processable triarylamine-based high-performance polymers for polymeric memory devices

By carefully designing the polymeric structures based on the switching mechanisms, different types and memory characteristics can be produced,

and these memory properties show extremely high endurance during long-term operation, which makes these high-performance polymers very

suitable materials for memory applications.

Seminar: Design and Preparation of Triphenylamine-based Polymeric Materials Towards Emergent Optoelectronic Applications

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Three short tests and final report

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Assignment on a specified subject regarding to "high-performance polymers for advanced applications".

We consider it as the important factor for assessment of three short tests (90%) and final report (10%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture notes in PDF files will be provided.


講義指定図書 Reading List

Recent advances in triphenylamine-based electrochromic derivatives and polymers (Polym. Chem., 2018, 9, 3001-3018)

Highly transparent polyimide hybrids for optoelectronic applications (React. Funct. Polym., 2016, 108, 2-30)

Triarylamine-based high-performance polymers for resistive switching memory devices (Polymer Journal, 2016, 48, 117-138)

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory



備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 先端総合化学特論Ⅱ [Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering II]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering IIB - 2019

責任教員 Instructor 佐藤 敏文 [Toshifumi SATOH] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Guey-Sheng LIOU (National Taiwan University)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095134

期間 Semester 集中 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7121

キーワード Key Words

functional high-performance polymers, polyimides/metal oxides hybrids, triphenylamine (TPA), optical, electrochromic, and optoelectronic


授業の目標 Course Objectives

This course aims to be a comprehensive, authoritative, and general interest to the polymer chemistry and provides the understanding on (i)

high-performance polymers and their representative nanocomposites (ii) specific functionality and its relations to molecular structures, and

characterization skills of these advanced functional polymers.

到達目標 Course Goals

Get knowledge on (1) How to prepare and characterize the high-performance polymers and their hybrid films via sol-gel approaches and their

related application; (2) A variety of strategies and approaches for obtaining the high-performance polymers with different specific functions; (3)

The characterizations and relationships between the structural units and functions in the polymer chains and the investigation of some advanced

applications in terms of their unique functionality. Overall, to build up the background in polymer chemistry and related polymeric physical


授業計画 Course Schedule

1st lecture: Highly transparent polyimide hybrids for optoelectronic applications

1. Preparation and modification of polyimides.

2. Functional organic-inorganic hybrid nanocomposites via sol-gel reaction.

3. Titania-, Zirconia-based nanocomposites and AgNws/polymers hybrid film.

2nd lecture: Recent advances in triphenylamine-based electrochromic derivatives and polymers

Triphenylamine-containing electrochromic materials revealing significant color changes by electrochemically induced redox reactions are

attractive with great potential for low energy-consumption displays, light-adapting mirrors in vehicles, and smart window applications. These

materials have experienced an exponential growth of research interests and have rapidly developed into an emerging field. In this lecture, the

newly developed triphenylamine-based derivatives and polymers in the past few years are summarized, with emphasis on the synthetic

approaches as well as their potential applications.

3rd lecture: Triphenylamine-based Materials for Electrofluorochromic Devices

The term "electrofluorochromism (EFC)", which deals with the electrically driven reversible optical changes in the fluorescence, has only

recently been coined by combination of two functions of electrochromism and photoluminescence in one molecular chain. How to design the

materials with both electroactive and PL-active characters are necessary for such interesting application.

4th lecture: Solution-processable triarylamine-based high-performance polymers for polymeric memory devices

By carefully designing the polymeric structures based on the switching mechanisms, different types and memory characteristics can be produced,

and these memory properties show extremely high endurance during long-term operation, which makes these high-performance polymers very

suitable materials for memory applications.

Seminar: Design and Preparation of Triphenylamine-based Polymeric Materials Towards Emergent Optoelectronic Applications

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Three short tests and final report

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Assignment on a specified subject regarding to "high-performance polymers for advanced applications".

We consider it as the important factor for assessment of three short tests (90%) and final report (10%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

Lecture notes in PDF files will be provided.


科目名 Course Title 先端総合化学特論Ⅱ [Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering II]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering IIC - 2019

責任教員 Instructor 及川 英秋 [Hideaki OIKAWA] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Tao YE (Peking University)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095135

期間 Semester 集中 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7121

キーワード Key Words

Natural Products, Organic Synthesis, Stereochemistry, Drug Discovery

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Natural products can be broadly defined as the set of small molecules derived from the environment that are not involved in primary metabolism.

Many of today’s small molecule therapeutics trace their origins to natural products, estimated variably as providing or inspiring the development

of between 50–70% of all agents in clinical use today. Although nature provides us with many natural products that have interesting medicinal

properties, the amounts of these compounds that is isolated is usually quite low, making their development into useful medicinal agents very

difficult. The total chemical synthesis of these compounds is therefore important and has been a key tool in drug discovery and development.

The synthesis allows verification of the primary structure proposed on the basis of studies of the marine natural product, and can be employed

to study and address some of shortcomings of natural products through manipulation of pharmacological properties, structure activity

relationship studies, and the preparation of drug candidates for mechanistic studies.

到達目標 Course Goals

By the end of this course, you will be able to

1. understand advanced retrosynthesis principles for the synthesis of complex molecules.

2. have an advanced knowledge about synthetic strategies.

3. make a new synthetic plan for target molecule using selective transformations.

4. understand key principles behind enantio- and diastereoselectivity, and asymmetric approaches.

授業計画 Course Schedule

The aim is to get advanced knowledge for synthesis of natural products.

Retro-synthesis and synthesis of different classes of natural products important for their structure and/or bioactivity. Complex natural products

are chosen to illustrate the evolution of the state-of-the-art of the field.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

No required textbooks. Handouts will contain reference to the primary literature. Students need the preparations for discusion about organic


Students will be asked to choose two total synthesis papers on the same natural product. Analyse each route, identify the key steps, and write

a report explaining important aspects of these syntheses.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Assignment on a specified topic regarding to "Total Synthesis of Natural Products" (60%).

In addition, we also consider it as the important factor for assessment how actively students participate in each class (40%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

No textbook required. Handouts will be distributed.

講義指定図書 Reading List

Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach, 2nd Edition

Workbook for Organic Synthesis: Strategy and Control

Classics in Total Synthesis: Targets, Strategies, Methods

Classics in Total Synthesis II: More Targets, Strategies, Methods

Classics in Total Synthesis III: Further Targets, Strategies, Methods

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory



備考 Additional Information


科目名 Course Title 先端総合化学特論Ⅱ [Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering II]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering IID - 2019

責任教員 Instructor 松本 謙一郎 [Kenichiro MATSUMOTO] (大学院工学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Sudesh KUMAR (Universiti Sains Malaysia)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095136

期間 Semester 集中 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7121

キーワード Key Words

biobased plastics, biodegradable materials, biosynthesis, biomass

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Development of bio-based materials is important and urgent research target as an essential piece of the sustainable social system. Tropical

area plays important role in the biomass production due to its huge capacity of the production. It should be noted that large portion of the

biomass is used for human foods and animal feed, which is also indirectly used for the human food production. In fact, the increasing demand of

animal protein is a serious issue in terms of global food problem. Recently insects attract research interest as a potent solution of the problem.

Based on the background, we should know about the components of edible and non-edible biomass for better design of bio-based material

production. For practical use of the materials, their physical properties are a critical issue. The physical properties of the polymer materials are

determined by structure of the molecules. Thus, fine regulation of synthetic system is required. On the other hand, it should be noted that

biomass is complex mixture and normally is not suitable as starting substance for chemical synthesis. Thus, biological process plays an important

role in the conversion of biomass into useful materials. This lecture focuses on bacterial polyester polyhydroxyalkanote (PHA). PHAs are

processed into film and fiber with pliable property and used as bio-based and biodegradable plastic. In industrial scale production, the cost of

downstream process greatly contributes to the total cost of the production. This course aims to study broad range of field involved in PHA

including feedstock, a basic mechanism of biosynthesis, downstream processes, and polymer chemistry.

到達目標 Course Goals

1. Know the global problems of food, energy and materials

2. Learn about the biomass production

3. Learn the biological and chemical methods to utilize biomass resources

4. Understand the basic biology and chemistry of polyhydroxyalkanoates

5. Know about the latest technology using insects

授業計画 Course Schedule

1. Introduction to the concept of sustainability

2. Life: from microbe (single cell) to human and impact on resources (food, energy, materials)

3. Single cell protein (SCP) and other sources of protein

4. Problems caused by plastics

5. Introduction to PHA: synthesis and properties

6. Challenges in the large scale production of PHA

7. Applications of PHA (environment, medical, diagnostics, cosmetics)

8. Sustainable production of PHA

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

Students will be expected to download class notes using ELMS and read designated chapter in advance.

You will be asked to write a page (A4) of essay at the end of each lecture.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Your grade will be determined by how well you demonstrate your achievement of the course goals in the report.

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

講義指定図書 Reading List

No textbook required. Handouts will be distributed.

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory



備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 先端総合化学特論Ⅱ [Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering II]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering IIC - 2019

責任教員 Instructor 及川 英秋 [Hideaki OIKAWA] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors Tao YE (Peking University)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095135

期間 Semester 集中 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7121

キーワード Key Words

Natural Products, Organic Synthesis, Stereochemistry, Drug Discovery

授業の目標 Course Objectives

Natural products can be broadly defined as the set of small molecules derived from the environment that are not involved in primary metabolism.

Many of today’s small molecule therapeutics trace their origins to natural products, estimated variably as providing or inspiring the development

of between 50–70% of all agents in clinical use today. Although nature provides us with many natural products that have interesting medicinal

properties, the amounts of these compounds that is isolated is usually quite low, making their development into useful medicinal agents very

difficult. The total chemical synthesis of these compounds is therefore important and has been a key tool in drug discovery and development.

The synthesis allows verification of the primary structure proposed on the basis of studies of the marine natural product, and can be employed

to study and address some of shortcomings of natural products through manipulation of pharmacological properties, structure activity

relationship studies, and the preparation of drug candidates for mechanistic studies.

到達目標 Course Goals

By the end of this course, you will be able to

1. understand advanced retrosynthesis principles for the synthesis of complex molecules.

2. have an advanced knowledge about synthetic strategies.

3. make a new synthetic plan for target molecule using selective transformations.

4. understand key principles behind enantio- and diastereoselectivity, and asymmetric approaches.

授業計画 Course Schedule

The aim is to get advanced knowledge for synthesis of natural products.

Retro-synthesis and synthesis of different classes of natural products important for their structure and/or bioactivity. Complex natural products

are chosen to illustrate the evolution of the state-of-the-art of the field.

準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework

No required textbooks. Handouts will contain reference to the primary literature. Students need the preparations for discusion about organic


Students will be asked to choose two total synthesis papers on the same natural product. Analyse each route, identify the key steps, and write

a report explaining important aspects of these syntheses.

成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

Assignment on a specified topic regarding to "Total Synthesis of Natural Products" (60%).

In addition, we also consider it as the important factor for assessment how actively students participate in each class (40%).

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

No textbook required. Handouts will be distributed.

講義指定図書 Reading List

Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach, 2nd Edition

Workbook for Organic Synthesis: Strategy and Control

Classics in Total Synthesis: Targets, Strategies, Methods

Classics in Total Synthesis II: More Targets, Strategies, Methods

Classics in Total Synthesis III: Further Targets, Strategies, Methods

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory



備考 Additional Information


科目名 Course Title 先端総合化学特論Ⅱ [Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering II]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering III - 2019

責任教員 Instructor 村上 洋太 [Yota MURAKAMI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors 小松﨑 民樹(電子科学研究所), 髙橋 正行(理学研究院), 清水 洋平(理学研究院),

高橋 幸裕(理学研究院), 小門 憲太(理学研究院), 吉田 将己(理学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095137

期間 Semester 集中 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7121

キーワード Key Words

生化学, 生物物理学, 分子生物学, 有機化学, 物理化学, 錯体化学, 高分子化学

授業の目標 Course Objectives

1) エレクトロニクスのための機能素材の合成法を知る。

2) 温度応答性ポリマーの基本知識・分子デザイン・応用を知る。

3) 可逆的刺激応答性を示す金属錯体の詳細を知る。

4) 機能性ディスオーダー・分子個性として知られる、一分子生物学の最先端の成果を知る。

5) 新規分子変換における触媒の可能性を知る。

6) 細胞運動の分子基盤と非筋細胞ミオシンⅡの細胞運動における機能を知る。

7) ゲノムにおけるエピジェネティク制御の基礎と iPS 細胞作成・細胞がん化における役割を知る。

到達目標 Course Goals


1. 有用な分子や素材を作るための化学的基礎

2. 生細胞内での反応の分子機構と生体分子の動きを研究するための方法

3. 構造有機化学の基礎と展開

授業計画 Course Schedule











ゲノムのエピジェネテック制御の基礎と iPS 細胞や細胞がん化での機能(村上洋太)



準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework


成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

二つの講義に関するレポート (100%)

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

This course will be provided as part of the Hokkaido Summer Institute., For more information (invited lecturers, course details, etc.), please

visit the website below:, https://hokkaidosummerinstitute.oia.hokudai.ac.jp/courses/CourseDetail=G028

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information


Leading and Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering IA, IB

Leading and Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering IIA, IIB, IIC, IID


科目名 Course Title 総合化学特別研究第二 [Research in Chemical Sciences and Engineering II]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 村上 洋太 [Yota MURAKAMI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095151

期間 Semester 通年不定期 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7131

キーワード Key Words


授業の目標 Course Objectives



到達目標 Course Goals



授業計画 Course Schedule











準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework


成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System


テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information

科目名 Course Title 先端総合化学特論Ⅱ [Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering II]

講義題目 Subtitle Leading and Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering III - 2019

責任教員 Instructor 村上 洋太 [Yota MURAKAMI] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors 小松﨑 民樹(電子科学研究所), 髙橋 正行(理学研究院), 清水 洋平(理学研究院),

高橋 幸裕(理学研究院), 小門 憲太(理学研究院), 吉田 将己(理学研究院)

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095137

期間 Semester 集中 単位数 Number of Credits 1

授業形態 Type of Class 講義 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students ~

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7121

キーワード Key Words

生化学, 生物物理学, 分子生物学, 有機化学, 物理化学, 錯体化学, 高分子化学

授業の目標 Course Objectives

1) エレクトロニクスのための機能素材の合成法を知る。

2) 温度応答性ポリマーの基本知識・分子デザイン・応用を知る。

3) 可逆的刺激応答性を示す金属錯体の詳細を知る。

4) 機能性ディスオーダー・分子個性として知られる、一分子生物学の最先端の成果を知る。

5) 新規分子変換における触媒の可能性を知る。

6) 細胞運動の分子基盤と非筋細胞ミオシンⅡの細胞運動における機能を知る。

7) ゲノムにおけるエピジェネティク制御の基礎と iPS 細胞作成・細胞がん化における役割を知る。

到達目標 Course Goals


1. 有用な分子や素材を作るための化学的基礎

2. 生細胞内での反応の分子機構と生体分子の動きを研究するための方法

3. 構造有機化学の基礎と展開

授業計画 Course Schedule











ゲノムのエピジェネテック制御の基礎と iPS 細胞や細胞がん化での機能(村上洋太)



準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework


成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System

二つの講義に関するレポート (100%)

テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

This course will be provided as part of the Hokkaido Summer Institute., For more information (invited lecturers, course details, etc.), please

visit the website below:, https://hokkaidosummerinstitute.oia.hokudai.ac.jp/courses/CourseDetail=G028

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information


Leading and Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering IA, IB

Leading and Advanced Biological and Polymer Chemistry and Engineering IIA, IIB, IIC, IID


科目名 Course Title 総合化学研究・指導法 [Research in Chemical Sciences and Engineering III]

講義題目 Subtitle

責任教員 Instructor 武次 徹也 [Tetsuya TAKETSUGU] (大学院理学研究院)

担当教員 Other Instructors 担当は主任指導教員

開講年度 Year 2019 時間割番号Course Number 095601

期間 Semester 通年 単位数 Number of Credits 2

授業形態 Type of Class 演習 対象年次 Year of Eligible Students 1~3

ナンバリングコード Numbering Code CHEM_REQEL 7101

キーワード Key Words

実験法の改良・開発 実験指導法 成果とりまとめとプレゼンテーション技法 論文執筆 化学英語

授業の目標 Course Objectives



到達目標 Course Goals


授業計画 Course Schedule










準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework


成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System


テキスト・教科書 Textbooks

講義指定図書 Reading List

参照ホームページ Websites

研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory

備考 Additional Information