-~. -- MPSJ. hotline staff, ready to roll during Raya...Akta Perancangan Bandar dan Desa 1976...

MPSJ. hotline staff, ready to roll during Raya ,I - By JADE CHAN , OC1-6bt..r if [email protected] S.TA-fl- . NURHidayah Mohd Yakub's slim frame belies a tough cookie who is part of the Subang jaya Municipal Council's (MPSJ) Rescue Squad, whose duty is to provide initial assistance and improve the council's administrative system. The 25-year-old had undergone some mili- tary and emergency training, including learn- ing how to handle rescue missions as well as administer first aid and CPR, in the months leading up to the three-month-old squad's formation. She is one of the MPSJ officers who will be working during the Hari Raya holidays and will beondutyonrotation. . "This is my first time working during Raya. I feel sad yet happy, because even though I'll have time to celebrate in my hometown in Gombak, I won't be able to fully enjoy the fes- tivities. "On the other hand, this would be an oppor- tunity for me to implement what I've learnt and fulfil my responsibilities," the USJ6 resi- dent said. . "My family understands that the nature of my job requires a lot of commitment from me, but I won't feel too lonely because I'll be work- ing with my colleagues and celebrate Hari Rayawith them, too,"she said with a smile. Meanwhile, Zulkipli Abdul Wahab, 48, is used to working during festive seasons and - - -~. - -- t I.; r I . i j 'I .~ "" Ready for action: (From left) MPSJ Landscape Department employee Sathis Kumar, 23, and the Hotline Unit's Kannadasan Ramasamy,36, and Ramli Mohd Noor, 53, ensuring that the chainsaws are in working condition. ,.. .. "" . .-. ~ 11 STAR Tuna.: ._.n.1:g~J'.~¥!fH

Transcript of -~. -- MPSJ. hotline staff, ready to roll during Raya...Akta Perancangan Bandar dan Desa 1976...

Page 1: -~. -- MPSJ. hotline staff, ready to roll during Raya...Akta Perancangan Bandar dan Desa 1976 digubal dengan tujuan untuk me-ngadakan kawalan dan per.aturan yang sempurna bagi perancangan

MPSJ. hotline staff, ready to roll during Raya,I - By JADE CHAN , OC1-6bt..rif [email protected] S.TA-fl-.

NURHidayah Mohd Yakub's slim frame beliesa tough cookie who is part of the Subang jayaMunicipal Council's (MPSJ) Rescue Squad,whose duty is to provide initial assistance andimprove the council's administrative system.

The 25-year-old had undergone some mili-tary and emergency training, including learn-ing how to handle rescue missions as well asadminister first aid and CPR, in the monthsleading up to the three-month-old squad'sformation.

She is one of the MPSJofficers who will beworking during the Hari Raya holidays and willbeondutyonrotation. .

"This is my first time working during Raya. Ifeel sad yet happy, because even though I'llhave time to celebrate in my hometown inGombak, I won't be able to fully enjoy the fes-tivities.

"On the other hand, this would be an oppor-tunity for me to implement what I've learntand fulfil my responsibilities," the USJ6 resi-dent said. .

"My family understands that the nature ofmy job requires a lot of commitment from me,but I won't feel too lonely because I'llbe work-ing with my colleagues and celebrate HariRayawith them, too,"she saidwith a smile.

Meanwhile, Zulkipli Abdul Wahab, 48, isused to working during festive seasons and

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Ready for action: (From left) MPSJ Landscape Department employee Sathis Kumar,23, andthe Hotline Unit's Kannadasan Ramasamy,36, and Ramli Mohd Noor, 53, ensuring that thechainsaws are in working condition.

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STARTuna.: ._.n.1:g~J'.~¥!fH

Page 2: -~. -- MPSJ. hotline staff, ready to roll during Raya...Akta Perancangan Bandar dan Desa 1976 digubal dengan tujuan untuk me-ngadakan kawalan dan per.aturan yang sempurna bagi perancangan

---""-holidays,havingdone so forthe past fiveyearsduring his 10-yearstint at the MPSj'sHotlineUnit.

"It's not a problem for me or myfamily.Myschedule is such that I'll celebrate Hari Rayawith my familyin the morning, and come infor work at night," said the Old KlangRoadresident whose hometownis BatangKali.

EachHotlineUnit team comprisesan offic-er who mans phone calls,another who acts ascoordinator, several who are tasked withchecking on-ground situations and a teamleader.

"I'll also monitor the situation and guidethose who are new to their duties. The mostcommon calls we get are about fallen trees,which we'll cut immediately if they pose adanger to motorists or residents," saidZulkipli.

> "We had a flood situation at KampungTengah,Puchong,on the firstday of HariRayalast year, but our team was prepared to visitthe site and help the residents,"he added.

MPSjpresident Datuk Adnan Md lkshansaid the MPSj had a Natural Disaster OperationsRoom to prepare for any disasters or situa-tions that could happen during the festiveseasonsand longholidays,suchas duringHariRaya.

From Sept 27 to Oct 5, a few teams, com-prising coordinators and workers, have beenput on standby to help in management andoperations relatingto disasters.

The coordinatorswork on rotation, but areon dutyviaon-callbasis.Theworkersserveashelpers and rescuers in emergencycalls.

"Upon receiving an emergency call, the



coordinatorswould haveto report at the MPSJwithin 45 minutes," said Adnan.

"The coordinators will liaise with relevantagencies like the police, fire brigade and SocialWelfare Department when making rescues ortransporting victims to temporary shelters.

"We have 20 officers on duty at each time,





'This hotline has been in existence for f

many years, but not many people are aware iabout it, so we wish to let the public know Ithat in any emergency,they can call the MPSj !hotline,"Adnansaid. ITheMPSj'shotlinenumber is 03-56376545(24 hours). I

On the job:Zulkipli(seated,left) and NurHidayah areready for theirshift.

comprising personnel from various depart-ments like Rescue Squad, Enforcement,Landscape,Hotlineand Engineering.

"Wehave sufficientmanpower and equip-mentso that they are prepared for any situa-tion, whether itis to attend to fallentrees orhelpingin a floodor fire situation.


Tarikh; ...a4..Q.CI...2QDB....

Page 3: -~. -- MPSJ. hotline staff, ready to roll during Raya...Akta Perancangan Bandar dan Desa 1976 digubal dengan tujuan untuk me-ngadakan kawalan dan per.aturan yang sempurna bagi perancangan



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I The Poliklinik Komuniti Puchong servesas a hospital for low income residents in the area.

Puchongneedsa hospital. By Naveen MathewMenon

[email protected]

PU,CHONG;It is hard to believethat th!, thriving township ofPu~h(mg,which has alJout300,000 residents does. nothave a government hospital,

!fits residents needto goto agovernment hospital, they willhave to go to Petaling Jaya,Serdang or Putrajaya.

For many years, the low in-come group, which comprises40 per cent of the popniationofPuchong, has appealed fOra


NEW STRAITS TIMBSTarikh: ._.Q.1.Jt~.1..~~~......

MP for Puchong, GobindSingh Deo: You don't wantthe person to die in anambulance,

government hospital to bebuiltin the area, Now, they aremaking another appeal to theauthorities.

At present, the residents canonly depend on a governmentpolyclinic at Batu 14,JalanPu-chong and the Petaling Balla-gia Community Clinic at the6thlIliIe of Jalan Puchong.

The residents were happywith the services at the armyhospital in Kinrara but all thatended when the camp wasclosed down two years ago.

Abu Osman, 66, a residentsaid: "The army camp in Kin-rara used to provide medicalservices and we were happygoing there,"

Hesaidit was difficnitforoldI folks and small children to go

to government hospitals asbus services to Serdang, Pu-trajaya and Petaling Jaya arenot regniar and direct to thehospitals.

"Many of us cannot affordtaxi fares. It takes allout anhour to get to any of these hos-pitals from here.

"Try to imagine our situa-tion during emergencies likeheart atiack, premature deliv-ery or accident," he said.

Puchong MP Gobind SinghDeo said: "\ have raised this is-sne in Parliament. The Batu14 clinicis in front of my ser-vice centre and I can see thereis a pressing need for a hospi-tal in Puchong.

"The minister of health andhis deputy shonid come unan-nounced if they want to s.ee theproblems faced by the peopleof Puchong. !f a new hospitalcannot bebuilt, \ don't seewbythe Batu 14 government clinicin Puchong cannot be upgrad-ed to a hospital. There isenough space there.

"Puchong has developedvery significantly and even aprivate hospital has been set


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Awtar Singh: What aboutpoor people?These peoplealso deserveproper medicalattention.

up here which goes to showthere are enough people inthis constituency for a hospi-tal.

"!fyou take a trip to the Batu14 clinic, you'll fmd it is over-crowded, understaffed, lack-ing in facilities and equipment'and doctors often have nochoice but to refer patients .toother hospitals.

"Serdang Hospital, Univer-siti Hospital and other hospi-tals are not very far away. But,when there is an 'emergencyhere, you need to get to thenearest hospital quickly, youdon't want the person to die inan ambnIance," he said.

Awtar Singh, a member ofPusat Bandar Puchong Resi-dents' Association, said; "Resi-dents in Puchong have to de-pend on a couple of govern-ment clinics for their medicalneeds.

"The popniation in Puchongis growing rapidly and eventhough there is a private hos-pital, not everyone can affordprivate medical care. Whatallout poor people? Thesepeople also deserve propermedical attention. How canthey afford exorbitant fees inprivate hospitals?

"We have been asking for agovernment hospital for tllreeyears. It wonid be good if tl1egovernment polyclinic in Batu14 is upgraded to a hospitalcomplete with wards. Alterna-tively, the army camp in Batu 7112 in Kinrara is an excellentplace for a government hospi-tal as it already has wards.

"Yes, there is one govern-ment clinic at Batu 6 nearJalan Kiang Lama but it comesunder the Federal Territory.The present government clin-ics are overcrowded. I under-stand that there are only fivedoctors at the polyclinic in

- Batu 14.

Page 4: -~. -- MPSJ. hotline staff, ready to roll during Raya...Akta Perancangan Bandar dan Desa 1976 digubal dengan tujuan untuk me-ngadakan kawalan dan per.aturan yang sempurna bagi perancangan

ISiapa berkuasa bina bangunan tanpa kelulusan PST?.

j Oleh NOOR ROSLY HANIF.BARU-BARU ini berIaku satu insidendi mana sebuah pihak berkuasa 1;empa-

. tan di Selangor telah merobofikansatubinaan yang didirikan di rizab jalantanpa mendapat kelulusan. Yang men-jadi kepelikannya ialah penjawat ke-rajaan dari pihak' berkuasa' tempatan

, yang telah menjalankan tugasmengikutunlIang-undang tel~ digambar seolah- ,. oIah telah melakukanJ~yah besar keranamerobohkan binaan baram tersebut.

Dan yang bertambah peliknya &coNegeri yang sepatutnya menegakkanundang~undang telah cuba mendapatpopulariti dengan menunjukkan rasakekesalannya kerana penjawat awam

, t itu telah merobohkan bangunan haramtersebut.

Sementara itu pertubuhan yang me-mayungi pembinaan bangunan haramseperti ini yang banyak terdapat di ,ke-banyakan rezab talian elektrik, rizabdan bahu jalan telah dengan beraninyamemberi kata dua kepada ,penjawatawam,dengan mengatakan mereka ti-dak boleh mengambil tindakan mero-

,bohkan binaan tanpa kelulusan ini, se-belum terlebih dahulu merujuk kepadapertubuhan ini. i

. Kepelikan ini berIaku selepas kitabaru sahaja menyambut kemerdekaanke-51. Mesej yang rakyat dapat daripadakes-kes sebegini ialah terdapat pertubu-han,ini amat berkuasa dan berpengaruhdan dengan itu boleh mengatasi segalaundang~undang negara Malaysia. se~hinggakan penjawat awamdi penguasatempatan yang hendak me1iljalankan tu-gas yang dibenarkan oleh undang-un-dang telah diherdik dan dipersoalkankewajara,n tindakan mereka., Ini bererti penjawat awam sebelum~enjalankan tugasnya .bukan sahaja

L .. .. ..,t

perIu mendapat kelulusan daripadaYang Dipertua atau Datuk Bandar atauMen,teri Besar, tetapi juga kepada per-tubuhan ini. . . .

Siapakah mereka di belakang pertu~buhan inisehiJ:lggakan mereka inimen-

,jadi biadap dan berani m'encabar un-dang-undangyang ada? .

Kita biarkari1ah kepadaBadan Pence-g¥J,Ras.uah untukmenyiasat penyala-han guna kuasa oleh mereka yang me-mayungi dan menjadi penasihat pertu-lJuha:h itu yang selama ini berani mem-buat binaan-binaan haram di rizab":rizabjalan clan talian elektrik di seluruh Ma-laysia tanpa kelulusan pembangunan.


, .

. Selama ini tiada tindakan boleh di-ambil' ke atas binaan Iililik pertubuhanini kecuali dengan ugutan bayaran pam-pasan,dan gantian tanah halal kerajaan.Telah banyak kerajaan tempatan danagensikerajaan yang sebelum ini men-jadi mangsa ke atas ugutan bayaranpampasan dan tanah gantian bila ba- .ngunan binaan haram ini hendak diro-bohkan.

Malaysia mempunyai undang-un-dang yang baik bagi mengawal pemba-ngunan dan pembinaan bangunan-ba-ngunan. Parlimen Malaysia melalui wa-kil rakyat yang telah dipilih oleh rakyatMalaysia telah membuat'beberapa un-..dang-undang bagi tujuan pengawalansUI1ayaMalaysia boleh menjadi sebuahnegara yang moden dengan. pem:bangu-nan yang terancang dan mapan.

Di antara undang-undang tersebutialah Akta Per~ncang Band¥ dan Desa1976 bagi memberi kuasa k

*' ada perija-

wat awam bagi mengamb' tindakanuntuk menguat kuasa dal" kawasanpentadbiran mereka., .



Akta Perancangan Bandar dan Desa1976 digubal dengan tujuan untuk me-ngadakan kawalan dan per.aturan yangsempurna bagi perancangan bandardan desa dalam kawasan-kawasan pi-ha.}{berkuasa tempatan.

Sehubungan dengan itu, tiada. seo- 'rang pun boleh memula, mengusabaatau membina apa-apa binaan bangu-nan melainkan kehrlusan perancangantelahdiberikan kepadanya (Seksyen 19)dan syarat-syarat bagi kelulusan iniadalah sepertimana yang dinyatakan dibawah seksyen 21Akta: tersebut.

Di bawah Seksyen 26 (1) akta inimenYiltakan seseorang yang mengguna-

,.' kantanah,'atau bangunan atau memula-kan, mengusaha 3;taumenjalankan apa-apakerja binaan tanpa kelulusan peran-caqgab ildalah fiJ,elakukan.suatu kesala-han dan boleh didenda tidak lebihRM100,OOO danjika kesalahan itu ber-terusan sehingga RM1,OOO.bagi tiap-tiap hari kesalahan itu berterusan, .

Seterusnya Seksyen 27 memberi kua-sa kepada pihakberkuasa tempatan un-tuk memberikan notis supaya binaanharam itu dirobohkan dan, tanah itu'dipulihkan dalam keadaan asalnya seper:'ti sebelum binaan itu didirikan.

, " Jika selepastamat tempoh notis pero-'bohan tidak dilaksaIiakan oleh pemilikbinaan tersebut maka seksyen 31 mem-beri kuasa kepada pihak berkuasa tem-patan untuk melaksanakan notis ituterinasuk merobohkan binaan bangu-nan yang telah dibina tanpa kelulusanperancangan.

Pihak berkuasa tempatan boleh me-nuntut perbelanjaan dan kos-kos bagikerja-kerja perobohan yang telah dilak-sanakanitu daripada pemilik (Seksyen31 (3).

Sejauh mana kuasa atau peranan yangbOleh. dijalankan oleh Pihak BerkuasaNegeri atau Exco negeri dalam kes-kes

sepertiini. Dibawah Seksyen '3Akta yangsam~memberikuas~ kepada Exco negeriuntrikmembuat dasar am berkenaan de-ng3:nmerancang pemajuan dan penggu- .naan semu ta.J:).ahdanbangunan.

Dengan yang demikian, Exco negen,boleh memberi araban-arahan am ke-pada pihak berkuasa;tempatan. Bagai-manapun di bawah seksyen yang sarnafuifmenegaskan bahawaarahan-arahanExco negeri ini tidak boleh berIawanandengail mana-mana peruntukan dalamakta ini. .

.Dalamlainperkata:in ,jika sesebuahbangunan' atau binaan itu didirikantanpa kelulusan perancangan ia adalahbangunan haram yang boleh diambiltindakan untuk dirobohkan oleh pihakberkuasa tempatan.

Akta ini juga tjdakmemberi kuasakepada mana-mana Ihenteri atau pertu-buhan untuk menjadi jurucakap atau.dalang bagi menghalang tindakan me-nurut kehendak undang-undang oleh

. pihak berkuasa tempatan.Kita perIu hentikan pembangunan

yang didirikan tanpa kelulusan peranca-ngan ini. Kita dapat lihat sekarang inipembinaan bangunan ini tumbuh seper-ti cendawan selepas hujan di rezab jalandan talian elektrik di seluruh negara.

Jika tiada kesedaran dan tindakantegas oleh pihak berkuasa negeri danpihak berkuasa tempatan tidak diambil,perkara ini akan menjadi satu ,barah '

yang memberikan impak negatif darisegi pembangunan dan sosial di harikemudian kelak.

,...---- ~ - - ~


I.~.oS~.,.fI~Nlf, Tiq1balanDekan(ljazal1D~sar;lf,Pembang!Jnan), .FakUltiAlam Bina, Universiti

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UTUSAN MALAYSIATarikh: 0.1...0£.1.._......

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