Zion Hill Baptist Church • pronouncedzionhill.org/liu_march2012.pdfempowered as we listened to...

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Transcript of Zion Hill Baptist Church • pronouncedzionhill.org/liu_march2012.pdfempowered as we listened to...


pronounced LEE-OO

The Zion hill (pronounced LEE-OO)

Zion Hill Baptist Church • Reverend Aaron L. Parker, Ph.D., Pastor

Email: zhbc@zionhill.org Website: zionhill.org

“Living to Love and Loving to Serve” Vol. 18, No. 2

It is a known fact that the second largest continent in the world, Africa, is rich in wealth and history. Africa and its

Diaspora makeup the oldest living people in the world. All people, regardless of color, originate from Africa. How-ever, Black people both in Africa and its Diaspora have had to fight systemic oppression and inequality for genera-tions. Historically and presently, religious leaders of the Black community have used their voices to represent Black people and speak out against such oppression. Zion Hill’s Celebration of Black History entailed the production The Long Journey from the Motherland: Spiritual Leaders on our Path to Righteousness. The production, envisioned by our very own, Minister A. Faye Taylor, honored African American minis-ters of the gospel who made contributions to the advance-ment of Black people. The preachers and religious leaders highlighted were from various faiths such as Christian and Islam, and a plethora of churches including Baptist, Holi-ness Church of God, United Methodist, non-denomina-

tional, African Methodist Episcopal, Anglican, and Nation of Islam. These leaders and trouble-makers all showed up at the “One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism” Convention to deliver empowering speeches. From the abolitionist and women’s right activist, Sojourner Truth, to the politi-cal activist Louis Farrakhan, to the first female bishop in the African Methodist Episcopal church, Vashti Mckenzie, we heard moving messages of our history and the charge to continue moving forward and create a path for those to come. We were stirred and even shouted as we listened to the deacons give a rendition of a prayer by James Weldon Johnson. We were enlightened as we listened to Rev. Mar-tin Luther King, Jr. share those experiences that influenced him to take up the fight for equality and justice. We were empowered as we listened to Donna Farrakhan speak of the liberation of Black people. Indeed, this convention was one to attend to remind us all of our heritage and that as leaders we need to continue to fight for our people.

–Minister Angela Covington




March is Evangelism Emphasis Month at Zion Hill and all of us have a divine

charge to become evangelists; that is, we have a God-given responsibility to

spread the good news that God in Christ Jesus loves, saves and delivers. Therefore,

we are summoning to active duty all believers to carry God’s healing message to others.

I want to make three requests of the Zion Hill family in this regard.

First, I want us to pray that God will give each of us the courage, will and wisdom to witness

to someone else about the goodness and power of God. For some of us fear hinders our abil-

ity to communicate the gospel message to others. We fear appearing awkward, too fanatical,

or too out of touch with reality. Furthermore, we sometimes fear being rejected, that people

will dismiss us with a harsh word. Such fear often robs us of our will to share with others that

God loves them. When you encounter a person to whom you believe God is sending you as

a representative, whisper a little prayer in your heart that goes something like this: “Lord, help

me to be real in approaching this sister or brother; I know you do the drawing and the saving,

enable me, therefore, to adequately lift you up. Amen.”

Second, I am asking that every member of the Church family bring or be responsible for

getting at least one person to share the love of God here at Zion Hill. This is not because Zion

Hill is the only place this love can be experienced, but it is one place and so let us not only

invite, but do all we can to make sure that at least one individual – whether relative, friend, co-

worker, acquaintance, or stranger – comes to worship with us. We will let God do the rest. To

aid us in this endeavor, we have prepared some small invitation cards

that we can share with them. Please, pick up five, ten, twenty or more

from our associate ministers and members of the evangelism team as

you exit the worship services this month. We will distribute them until

they are all gone.

Third, I am requesting that each of us becomes a permanent mem-

ber of the hospitality ministry this month. You don’t have to attend

any special meetings or receive any extraordinary training to do this;

just understand that if we put forth the effort to invite others to experi-

ence God’s love here at Zion Hill, then that is exactly what they need

to experience as we meet and greet them. Let us, therefore, be genuine

in our smiles, handshakes, and greetings as brothers and sisters enter

and worship this sanctuary, always reflecting upon how good God has

been to us. Let us allow that energizing reflection to come forth as we

interact with others.

Sisters and brothers, let each of us, regardless of age, life condi-

tion, or length of time here, use this month to put forth a conscientious

effort to gather others into the family of God. For this reason, we are

calling all evangelists!

–Pastor Parker

Bible for Life New Lesson Series

“Crisis and The ChrisT”

Prepare your hearts and minds now to deal with lessons that will make you

want to come back Wednesday after Wednesday!

Every Wednesday night at 7 p.m. Taught by Pastor Parker



our FirsT 2012 ConversaTion wiTh The PasTor

The new series “Conversation with the Pastor” inau-

gural session was held on Tuesday, February 28 in

the church’s chapel. The audience was treated with to

a casual conversation with Pastor Parker that was filled

with sharing, laughter and insight.

Pastor Parker set the tone by pulling out a folding

chair, sitting amongst the participants and announcing

that the meeting would be casual and they should pre-

pare to laugh. Like all meetings at Zion Hill, the group

of 15 began with a prayer and then each participant

was instructed by Pastor Parker to share interesting

aspects of their lives.

The conversation quickly turned to shared personal

stories of family and life lessons that included triumphs,

losses, redemption and hope. The participants quickly

became aware that though they seemed to be diverse

in appearance they shared similar experiences, most

noteworthy a desire to find a church home where they

felt welcomed and inspired to develop their Christian

discipleship. Everyone shared stories of a special con-

nection to Zion Hill and most commented on feeling at

home almost immediately and being moved to join the

congregation much sooner than they’d expected.

Pastor Parker then opened the floor to an open

dialogue of questions and comments and emphasized

that no subjects were off limits. He graciously ad-

dressed tough subjects ranging from very specific

Biblical dilemmas of scripture interpretations—literally

versus figuratively--, the Bibles use of symbology, and

the controversy of the intersection of religion & science

and the church’s political candidate policy. Pastor

Parker patiently addressed each question but summed

up the debates by saying “there are lots of questions

that cannot absolutely be answered without faith”.

When asked about the vision for the church Pastor

Parker proclaimed that ‘vision’ by its very nature is not

detailed but instead the bigger picture. Using Zion

Hill’s motto ‘Living to Love and Loving to Serve’, Pas-

tor Parker assured the group that love is the center for

all his vision for Zion Hill and that outreach ministries

to the community are dearest to his heart. “Doing

something for someone the church in your Christian

life is not restricted to being right here”, he said. Pas-

tor Parker also added that being an inter-generational

church is also important and that all of us, including

himself, learning tolerance for each other is vital since

otherwise we run the risk of being non-inclusive.

Pastor Parker also shared that the 2nd phase of the

building project will include an adjoining building that

is planned to house a fellowship hall, gymnasium, auxil-

iary rooms, choir rehearsal room, and classrooms—to

be utilized for a world class after school program,

spiritual teaching & language lessons as well as senior

activities. “We’ll do it all when we have the money, the

particulars are being worked out”.

He also acknowledged that some ministries had

been suspended, including the singles ministry, but are

slated to be revitalized in the next few weeks as well as

a voter registration drive for the upcoming November

presidential election. Pastor Parker also joked of his

inability to keep a single youth minister as the most

recent has become engaged and the one before him

married his daughter.

When asked his expectation for the congregation

he said that in principal it’s simply for a love that ex-

pands and in terms of a concrete goal for us to create a

$25mm surplus that will enable the church to eliminate

all existing debts and complete Phase II of the building

project debt-free. Pastor Parker ended by reemphasiz-

ing that his number one goal is to increase Zion Hill’s

outreach ministries.

-SISter Pamela Crutcher


our Children & YouTh MinisTrY

“My Heart to Yours”

At Zion Hill, “living to love and loving to serve” is what it is all about. That’s why the Azizi ministry made its first event of the year about outreach. “My Heart to Yours” event took place on Sunday, February 26,

2012. “My Heart to Yours’ is an opportunity for the youth to share the love of God with others by making cards for the sick and shut in members of Zion Hill. The scriptural reference for this event came from Romans 12:13 which states that we should “Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.” “My Heart to Yours” gave the children and youth a chance to write inspiring and God-filled messages to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ that will hopefully lift their spirits. The children who participated really showed their creative talents and designed colorful and glitter-packed cards that entailed messages such as “God loves you, and so do I”, and scriptures on hope and peace. There was a great turn out of children and youth with over 30 kids from the Azizi, DP², and Generation 8 ministries. Overall, we had a great time while helping others at the same time.

–Minister Angela Covington


The first of the 2012 Couples Affirmation & Relationship Enhancement (C.A.R.E) Seminars

occurred on Wednesday, February 8. The theme for the session was entitled “Single...

How to Live Abundantly, Curiously and Expectantly.”

After the opening prayer and musical selection, Pastor Parker introduced the facilitator,

Sister Alison Reed, who is a licensed professional counselor and a certified Imago Relationship

Therapist. (Imago Relationship Therapy weaves together leading psychological theories and

practical observations).

Pastor Parker joked with the audience that he and Sister Parker have been married so long

he’s simply forgotten what single was like. He also shared that the 50% divorce rate is still a

reality and that he is routinely asked for relationship advice.

Sister Reed’s presentation was casual, thought provoking and interactive. She began by ask-

ing the audience to share aloud what single meant to them which resulted in a mixed bag of af-

firmations including ‘exhausting’, ‘freeing’, ‘scary’ and ‘peaceful’. Sister Parker’s question brought

home that being single is different to individuals’ and their unique circumstances and perspectives.

Sister Reed advised attendees to think of being single as simply a season and offered a new

definition, ‘consisting of a separate, unique whole’ and that they should enjoy their season of

singleness. She shared that she too is single and went on to explain that a luxury of the single

season is being able to focus on yourself and that like all seasons, it won’t last always.

In keeping with the program’s theme she distributed a detailed worksheet to the audience

that solicited answers on how to live more abundantly, curiously and expectantly as a single

person. The content of the worksheets made the participants ponder both basic and complex

questions such as; who they are at their core, in both the best & worst situations, what they

want & need in a partner/relationship, and what they have to offer a partner/relationship.

Sister Reed closed the her presentation with practical advice on the need to date expectant-

ly, spotting red flags , creating & respecting boundaries and creating a gratitude journal to record

how rich life is even as a single person. “Reframe the single season by thinking of it in terms of

a picture and how it can look completely different when framed different’ she suggested.

The program ended with audience questions and feedback, a wrap-up by Pastor Parker and a

closing prayer.

The next C.A.R.E. Seminar is scheduled for Wednesday, May 23rd at 7:00.

–Sister Pamela Crutcher

C.a.r.e. seMinar


sChool oF love, learninG and serviCesPrinG Classes * MarCh - MaY 2012

TITLE OF COURSE: “Bible Basic” 2-3 Year Olds Nursery

INSTRUCTORS: Sis. Castell Dargan and Sis. Sadie Howard

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This quarter the children will be richly blessed to learn about God’s love through bible stories, creative expression, and singing songs of faith.

*** TITLE OF COURSE: “Bible Basics” 4-5 Year Olds Room 8

INSTRUCTORS: Sis. Shelia Parker, Sis. Gwendolyn Daniel and Sis. Lori K. Gaines

COURSE DESCRIPTION: During this spring quarter the students will study biblical scripture from the Old and New Testament to learn more about how God created the world; gave us the ability to choose right from wrong, and longs for us to trust and obey. Also the students will focus on Jesus as Savior to be praised, their duty to tell others about Him and, how He wants them the help their family and others.

*** TITLE OF COURSE: “Bible Teachings” 6-7 Year Olds Room 6

INSTRUCTORS: Sis. Jeanette Gadsden and Sis. Verna Merritt

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The lessons for the spring quarter will focus on key prophets in the Old Testament; and Jesus the Savior and the Early Ministry of Jesus in the New Testament.

*** TITLE OF COURSE: “Biblical Learning” 8-9 Year Olds Room 7

INSTRUCTORS: Bro. Ed Walker and Sis. Helen Mathis

COURSE DESCRIPTION: During this quarter, the first four lessons are taken from the Old Testament highlighting several prophets. These are persons who spoke for God and who communicated God’s message courageously to God’s chosen people. The remaining nine les-sons will focus on New Testament scripture lessons about Jesus the Savior as a teacher; and his early ministry. ***

TITLE OF COURSE: “A Bible Teaching Experience” 10-12 Year Olds Room 5

INSTRUCTORS: Sis. Pauline Anderson and Bro. Kirk Carr

COURSE DESCRIPTION: During this quarter, the first four lessons are taken from the Old Testament highlighting several prophets (Elijah, Elisha, Daniel and Jo-nah) - persons who spoke for God and who communicated God’s message courageously to God’s chosen people. The remaining nine lessons will focus on New Testament scripture lessons about Jesus the Savior as a teacher; and his early ministry.

*** TITLE OF COURSE: “Lordship, Integrity, and Forgiveness” 13-18 Year Olds Room 10

INSTRUCTORS: Min. Tiffany Walker, Bro Robert Green, Min. Wanda Heard, Sis Stephanie Peyton, Min. Gloria Wilson

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The lessons this quarter are divided into three Units. Unit 1 will help students to know Jesus better as Lord and Savior. They will understand what it means to make His life their life; Unit 2 teaches that “Integrity” is an aspect of God’s nature; therefore, as His children we also should demonstrate that character trait. As students understand and own this truth, they can begin to demonstrate the quality of integrity in their lives. Unit 3 will help students to understand that God loves them and forgives them and they should begin to live in His forgiveness. As they begin to own that part of their faith, they can begin to make Christ known by practicing the type of forgiveness shown them.

*** TITLE OF COURSE: “God’s Creative Word” Traditional l Room 1

INSTRUCTORS: Sis. Nealean Austin, Sis. Jeanette Gist, Sis. Reda Pierre, and Sis. Cheryl Thompson-Williams

COURSE DESCRIPTION: There thirteen lessons that will be studied during the spring quarter, our first lesson is based on Proverbs 8:22- 25 which provides the background, presenting God’s wisdom in personal terms as one who acts with God to create the world and instruct God’s people. During the remaining twelve lessons, we will examine

sChool oF love, learninG and serviCesPrinG Classes * MarCh - MaY 2012

the Gospel of John. As we study John’s Gospel we see Jesus interacting with diverse people as he shares the word of truth with them, such as, Nicodemus, Pilate, the woman of Samaria, the money changers in the Temple, Martha, and the blind man who is healed.

*** TITLE OF COURSE: “God’s Creative Word” Traditional II Room 2

INSTRUCTORS: Rev. Damon Williams, Min. Jennifer Walton, and Rev. Michael Manning

COURSE DESCRIPTION: There are thirteen lessons that will be studied during the spring quarter. Our first lesson is based on Proverbs 8:22-25 which provides the back-ground, presenting God’s wisdom in personal terms as one who acts with God to create the world and instruct God’s people. During the remainder twelve lessons, we will examine the Gospel of John. As we study John’s Gospel we see Jesus interacting with diverse people as he shares the word of truth with them, such as, Nicodemus, Pilate, the woman of Samaria, the money changers in the Temple, Martha, and the blind man who is healed.

*** TITLE OF COURSE: “Christian Discipleship” Room 4

INSTRUCTORS: Min. Monty Montgomery, Rev. K. LaMarr Jones, Dea. Marilyn Cruter, and Sis. Veda Brown

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The Christian Discipleship class is designed to assist members, as followers of Christ, to fulfill the Great Commission in their personal life. Matthew 28:19: “So you must go and make disciples of all nations.

*** TITLE OF COURSE: "Faith, Success, and the Bible" - How to succeed in Hard and in Good TimesTopical Class I Room 3

INSTRUCTORS: Dea. Shelby R. Wilkes and Rev. Kevin Jackson

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This class will include a thorough discussion of the principles of success and how

these principles can be applied pragmatically to the problems and opportunities in our lives based upon Biblical examples. The following principles will be covered: definite-ness of purpose, goal-setting, a positive mental attitude, organized planning, persistence, faith, prayer, initiative, gener-osity and gratitude, tithing, and the power of the mastermind theory. In addition, we shall examine some of the most common causes of failures and how to overcome these challenges.

*** TITLE OF COURSE: “I'm a Piece of Work!” Topical Class II Annex Assembly Room

INSTRUCTORS: Min. Niomie Bren-Wilson and Sis. Gale Thompson

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This class is geared to reach sisters ages 18-35 who will study biblical scripture that relates to the book entitled I’m a Piece of Work!” Sisters Shaped by God by Cynthia L. Hale. This study features poetry, reflections, and scripture, taking women on a journey from brokenness to wholeness. It is a study designed to help women affirm themselves and to claim God s best. *** SPECIAL CLASS OFFERED ON TUESDAY AT 6:30P.M.

TITLE OF COURSE: “In His Image 2.0” (Now that I know, Now what?) Topical Class II INSTRUCTOR: Rev. Michael Manning COURSE DESCRIPTION: Genesis 1:27 – “So God created man in his own image; in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” You are a reflection of God! You are a unique creation, created in the image of God. There is no one else like you. When God brought you into existence he broke "the you mold." You have been blessed with a specific giftedness. It is this gifted-ness that God seeks for all of us to use as tools in our vineyards for the purpose of the advancement of God's King-dom here on Earth. Join us as we ask and answer these questions. Why me? What are my gifts? How do I move from the recognition of my gifts to the working in my Giftedness God desires of my life?

*** RESOURCE INSTRUCTOR: Sis. Clarice Wright and Sis. Myra Carmichael


sChool oF love , learninG & serviCenine reasons To BrinG Your Child To saTurdaY ChurCh sChool

Have you considered the benefits of Saturday morning Church School attendance for your child? Here are 9 reasons to make it a priority in your family.

1. Age Targeted Teaching: Your children can get Biblical instruction that’s focused toward their developmental abilities.

2. Friends: In Saturday Church School, your children will build positive friendships with their peers by discovering God’s Word together.

3. It’s Fun: Our teachers work hard to teach the Bible in ways that are relevant and fun for kids.

4. Spiritual Mentors: We have dedicated teachers who can be a Christian role model, sup-port you and help to inspire your children.

5. Systematic Bible Learning: Our curriculum is designed to give a broad foundation, so children will understand how the Scripture points to Christ.

6. Praying Teachers: Our teachers consistently pray for your children’s faith to grow.

7. Big Reward for a Small Investment: Making this one change to your Saturday morning schedule, by coming to church school, will equal over 800 hours of additional Chris-tian teaching before your children graduates.

8. Send the Right Message: Making Saturday Church School a priority teaches your children that God’s Word is real, not just at pillow-time, but all the time!

9. Adult Bible Fellowship: While the children enjoy their class, you can fellowship with other adults in your own Bible study group.




Many Caregivers are tired and stressed and don’t

even know they are caregivers! That was a key

message of the Zion Hill Seminar held on Saturday Feb-

ruary 25. The Seminar was sponsored by The Zion Hill

Senior Ministry services, the Zion Hill Health Ministry,

and Caregivers Hope, a non-profit organization founded

by Deborah Rucker- Turner.

There were over 91 attendees from Zion Hill and

the Community who learned about useful and valu-

able resources to help those who care for elderly or ill

individuals. They were informed that many caregivers

are the sole person responsible for their loved one, and

begin to feel the strain of the constant responsibility

after extended periods of time.

The meeting was opened with a welcome by Dr. Jet-

tie Burnett of the Zion Hill Health Ministry, followed by

a prayer by Pastor Parker.

Ms. Rucker-Turner presented an overview of caregiv-

ing and background on her organization. The numbers

of people requiring some form of assistance is rising, and

some people care for both parents and children, provid-

ing an additional burden

Attorney Donald S. Horace presented the legal aspects

of elder care, including information regarding custodial

right, powers of attorney, and guardianship. He stressed

the necessity of wills and clear legal lines of authority when

caring for the elderly in order to obtain the best medical

care, and avoid abuse by unscrupulous persons.

seMinar helPs CareGivers CoPe

Ms. Sandra Cummings, MSW of Morehouse

School of Medicine helped the group to understand

the difficulties which may arise when a loved one has

dementia along with another form of mental illness.

She presented moving personal anecdotes about caring

for her sister and her mother on those situations.

Ms. Audrienne Stevens, of the Advisory Board of

Caregivers' Hope was the Panel Moderator. The meet-

ing was closed with remarks from Dea. Austin and Dea.

Jacques Pierre, leaders of Senior Ministry Services.

Following light refreshments, a lively question and

answer session allowed participants to address their

individual concerns, and presenters stayed after the

formal program to answer more private questions and

to interact with the attendees. The Zion Hill Senior

Ministry Services and Health Ministry are fortunate

to have the opportunity to partner with organizations

like Caregivers Hope to help empower people through

knowledge. Deacon Willie Austin will be maintaining

an ongoing registry of Zion Hill Caregivers, and will

partner with the Health Ministry for their benefit and

support. The mission will be to insure that all Zion

Hill members receive information about support pro-

grams and resources.

Look for more information from all three groups

as we continue to provide resources for this important

segment of our church and greater community.

–Dea. Willie Austin, Senior Ministry Services–Dr. Jettie Burnett, Health Ministry



Pastor and Mrs. ParkerWe love you and we pray that God will continue to bless you

and give you peace!d

Your Zion Hill Family

For everything you do, in every season of our lives…

Thank You.



LIU 11


Community Minister Tiffani Mitchell, last on the ros-ter but certainly not least in zeal and wisdom, opened her sermon by thanking God for entrusting us with the care of His people – those here and those yet to come. She re-minded us of the argument among the disciples about who would be the greatest in His kingdom, as recorded in Mark 9:33-36. Calling a little child to Him, Jesus issued what can best be described as a charge to the Beloved Com-munity, a term popularized in modern times by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.., aptly describing it as a “movement within a movement.” How we treat each other is of paramount importance as Christians.

Jesus used the specialness of children – instant in trusting, instant in forgiving, but with no voice, no power – to teach one of His greatest lessons: Acceptance and care for those who are vulnerable to oppression. He ad-dressed His lesson to the oppressors as a reminder that we are to create community. How we experience God is more often how we experience our neighbors. Do not forget the struggles of the past – abject poverty, homelessness, abuse – but become witnesses of love, hope, justice, and

As you know Zion Hill Baptist Church is experi-

encing tremendous growth in membership and in

outreach ministries! We expect to experience even more

blessings in 2011 as we move rapidly toward a new era

in our history.

Did you know that the scribes were some of the

most important people in the early days of Biblical

history? It was they who captured most of the spoken

words and activities for transmission to future genera-


We need you to help us record and get the word

out to our church family and the community about the

many activities in which we are/will continue to be en-

gaged. One of our best ways to do this is through The

Liu, our newsletter. The time commitment is minimal,

usually requiring that you cover only two church func-

tions per year… And you will often have the opportu-

nity to choose the ones that you write about.

Please commit to becoming a member of this dedicated

ministry. It is just one more way that you can obey our

Lord’s call to service… to get the message out into the

highways and byways…to spread the Good News about

what Zion Hill is doing!

Count Me In!

Please complete the following form and leave it in The Liu mailbox in the church office. Thank you for your commitment to serve!



Email Address

“Ain’t That Good News!”The Liu Needs You ]

steadfastness as we do the work of the kingdom – feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, raising the dead.

Carrying forward the message of Dr. King’s Beloved Community…love should rule; let it break into our every-day existence and change lives.

Invitation to Christian Discipleship In his own indomitable way as professor/pastor, Dr. Parker used the invitation to encapsulate the messages of all these gifted ministers in one simple but utterly profound statement as he compared stewardship to food:

Stewardship is responsibility sandwiched between blessings! God blesses us (top slice of bread), to be re-sponsible (the middle ingredient) and, as a result of being responsible, we are blessed again (bottom slice of bread)! The invitation to Christian Discipleship and the call to Stewardship are inseparable. To truly feast at God’s table as faithful servants, we must have both!

May God continue to bless Zion Hill as we strive to remain committed to our true calling of stewardship…Liv-ing to Love and Loving to Serve.

–SISter Doris Rash Konneh

Please remember: The Outreach Ministry Team

will be traveling downtown to feed the homeless after

service on March 25th. The vans will leave the church

at approximately 2:30pm. Everyone is

welcomed to come join us in sharing.

Gnew MeMBersWelcome!Baker, DoreenBrothers, EdithColon, LaroseDavis, JarvisGolden, LulaHolloway, Pinky

Jeter, AsabiJeter, CabralJohnson, YolandaLabat, Edwina (Wendy)Lewis, RhondaMorgan, Marie

Morris, SylviaMoton, ShakimaPage, LisaPerson, TitonaraPhillips, DelroseReed, Ranndi

Sibley, SeymoreSibley, SusanWalker, NathanWaller, AnnetteWaller, ArthayerWilliams, Kamaria


Coming in April – The Bible for Life Class Series will be on the book of Revelation

Easter Program Rehearsal – Tuesday, March 6, 2012 – 7pm (in Annex Room 1)

Community Action & Business Ministry – It is time to REGISTER and VOTE! The Community Action/

Business Ministry need members experienced in voter registration drives and registered voters to assist in

voter registration. Stop by the church office and leave your name, phone number and email address or send

your information to ZionHillCAB@yahoo.com by Sunday, March 18, 2012.

VET MINISTRY Establishing Zion Hill’s Style Guidelines – – Are you familiar with Style guidelines

or Logo branding? If so, VET is looking for you to assist with establishing our branding guidelines. If you

are interested in assisting please stop by the church office or email us at VET_Ministry@zionhill.org.

Graphic Designers – Do you have a proficient level

of knowledge designing within Adobe Illustrator, Pho-

toshop or other graphic and illustration applications?

Have you worked on layout designs that follow style

guidelines? Please share your experience and creative

look with VET. All interested in being involved with our

Vision Enrichment Team can stop by the church office or

email us at VET_Ministry@zionhill.org.

12 LIU


We want YOU to contribute!If your ministry has an event or news that you want men-tioned, you can leave your information in the Liu mailbox in the office. Please make sure that your article is emailed or on a CD or flashdrive. We welcome all contributions: writing, story ideas, suggestions, digital photographs, art-work, letters, responses to our columns, reviews, etc. and look forward to hearing from you.

All material is subject to approval and editing. ALL contributions must be in the box by the second Sunday of each month. The Liu will be distributed once a month. If you do not see your contribution in the current issue, it will appear in upcom-ing issues.

CORRECTIONSWe attempt to be accurate and balanced. We apologize for any errors that occur and when notified we will print appropriate corrections.

The Liu Staff

Pat George, editor LaDonna Cherry, designer Mike Newman, photographerErin AndersonGeneva BaxterThayes Carswell

Pamela CrutcherJoyce DavisElisa DixonGretchen Fritz Bradis Jimmerson Kevin JacksonDoris KonnehCharisse Richardson


~ Upcoming Events ~ March – Evangelism Emphasis MonthIn March the Bible for Life Class will be devoted to Evangelism Wednesday, March 14 – Prayer, Fast & Praise Sunday, March 18 – Outreach Ministry Day Monday, March 19 – Conversation with the Pastor 7pm Sunday, April 1 – Financial Applications Available Sunday, April 8 – Early Service 7am, Easter Program 9am, & Worship Service 10:30am