Year 2070

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Year 2070

Year 2070Liz Ong!

English 11 - Period 3

It’s now the year 2070. Many things have changed since the year 2015. Now and

days we have little to no water. When I was a kid we had water and it wasn’t as big as a problem to get it as it is now. Growing up I

would always hear things about how we are going to run out of water soon if no one does anything to help the situation. My parents told me I would never have to

worry about anything because it was just a little problem and that the situation would fix itself. I look back at what my parents

had told me and laugh about it. Not a funny laugh, a laugh of stupidity.

People never thought it would get this bad and now there kids and grandkids are having to

suffer from their mistakes. My kids talk to me and ask me why we have no water, I never

know what to tell them. The only thing that I really can tell them is when I was about 19

years old a war happened. World war III, it was a very intense war and we lost. It ruined our

whole nation, because of this war we lost the little water we had. Everyone is mad that our

nation didn’t do anything and blame everyone else that we have no water when in reality its

our own fault for not doing something about it when it was just a little problem.

We should have been prepared for anything and because we were so selfish and didn’t care, now we are suffering. Now there is no

water being sold in stores, if you want water or need it you need to go out and find

it, and most of the time its not clean. A water purifier is one of the best things that you could own now and days. Sometimes you have to walk miles to even get to any

type of water. Clean water is almost impossible to find. !