What is recruitment marketing?

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of What is recruitment marketing?

What is recruitme

nt marketing


By: Sal Trifilio

Let’s get right into it

The econom

y is finally back ...

(Bye Great Recession)

… and companies are finally hiring


And they’re hiring a lot.

So much so, that


a surplus of jobs

They need talented people like you ...

to help move initiatives forward …

initiatives that have been on the

backburner for …

IDK ...

Just kidding…

But, in all honesty, some of these initiatives are seriously old.

Anyway, chances are, you already have a job ...

… or are looking at a similar job

at a similar company.

Recruitment marketing is when

organizations compete with one


For you

the talent

Because …

while there are a lot of


there’s also a

skills gap

That means there are a lot

of jobs that not many

people are qualified for.

Which means many

companies are competing ...

… for a small number of

talented people like you.

It’s a job-seekers market.

So what are companies doing to win your favor?

They’re revamping

their company culture ...

providing better benefits

positioning themselves better with creative job descriptions

and above all else ...

They’re investing in the latest recruitment marketing


Like the technology we’ve created at

to make sure their jobs are getting …

in front of talented people like you.

So what is recruitment marketing?

it’s a talent arms race ...

and it’s companies marketing themselves to

you …

so you’ll come work for
