What is Marketing ?

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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What is Marketing ? بازاریابی,مشاوره بازاریابی http://iranmct.com/ Iran Management Consultants Team

Transcript of What is Marketing ?

What is marketing?


1. Introduction

2. Possible Definitions

3. Business Spotlight

4. Marketing Activities

5. Marketing-Mix

6. Factors Influencing Marketing

7. Bibliography


Today marketing is a tool that every entrepreneur should know. Undoubtedly, all companies use some form of marketing techniques, even unknowingly. Marketing is nothing but the realization of exchanges between a minimum of 2 parts so that mutual benefit occurs.

We've all heard sometime Marketing. However, if we ask them to give us a definition, some would say and others sell advertising. We would have those people who think that marketing is the distribution of products, others would argue that it is designed packagings etc ..

And we could say that they are all right, but not independently. These are all tasks that can be developed in marketing


In order to clarify what the Marketing, we will indicate below some possible definitions:

"Marketing is a total system of business activities designed to plan, pricing, promotion and distribution of products and services that meet the needs of potential consumers."

"Marketing is the internal process of a society in which you plan in advance how to increase and satisfy the composition of demand for products and services of commercial nature through the creation, promotion, exchange and physical distribution of such goods or services."

Marketing is the set of activities to achieve a profit, consumer satisfaction with a product or service. "

"Marketing is having the right product at the right time, tailored to the application, at the right time and at the fairest price."

Marketing encourages exchanges. For this to occur, four conditions must exist:

the participation of a minimum of 2 persons is required.

Each party must bring something of value to the other party want to own.

Each party must be willing to cede their thing of value.

The parties must be able to communicate.

From the above definitions it is clear that marketing focuses on the wants and needs of consumers. Do what consumers want instead of doing what we want as a company.

However, the MKT is much more than a set of techniques. It is a philosophy or way of working that should permeate all activities of the company.

If the Marketing Department, located unfulfilled desires, develops the product that meets these desires and communicates through appropriate advertising and optimal price obviously be much easier to sell the product.

"Marketing is not the art of selling what is offered, but to know what it is to be sold"


Most companies have a sales-oriented vision. That is, make the product they want and then Force should purchase.

This approach is called Business-Oriented Product or Production (EOP).

This orientation practiced some more aggressive policies toward consumers "forcing" in a way, to purchase products or services not requested.

New approaches are routed to the Customer Oriented Business or Consumer (EOC). This view is based on:

• Find desires and do not stop until satisfy

• Make what will sell instead of trying to sell what you do

• Love the customer, not the product

• The customer is the owner

• Convert the money of our clients value, quality and satisfaction.

• The customer is the center of our work and everything we do we do the thinking.

Selling focuses on the needs of the seller.

Marketing focuses on the needs of the buyer.

But how should a company do you really want to be focused on the consumer?

Below is a summary diagram:

• Consumer Needs

• Market research to know them

• Previous Marketing Plan

• decision making

• Preparation Products

• Pilot Manufacture

• Pilot Test Market

• Modifications to the test

• Large-scale production

• Marketing Plan Final

• Retail and wholesale

• Return to start (consumer needs)

Under this scheme we start from the premise that consumers have a number of needs (physiological, safety, security, social, belonging, esteem, self-esteem, recognition, status, self etc ..). To find out what has unmet needs we perform a market study that allows us to identify them.

Once identified we produced a "draft" of the Marketing Plan that will contain information on what product at what price, and how to distribute the advertising campaign is based.

In this draft we can make decisions about whether or not to make or sell it.

We started preparing the materials and resources in terms of personnel, machinery etc ... and produce a first sample units.

The pilot test market can be a product acceptance test in different establishments.

From the test we will change the market dictate to us (packaging, sizes, colors, flavors ...).

Once these modifications the large-scale production and the development of the final plan of marketing (Product, Pricing, Distribution and Advertising) in order to start selling consumer begins. But this not the end. It is a continuous process and that at all times we must assess whether the product continues to meet consumer needs and determining what changes every time we perform.


To get a better idea on what possible activities or tasks that are usually performed in a marketing department provide below a list of activities are:

• Marketing Information

o Develop and conduct marketing experiments.

o Observe and analyze consumer behavior

o Develop surveys

o Analysis of the information

Making or market test

o Evaluation of the potential of a market

• Product Policy

o Develop and test market new products

or modify or delete products

Creating or names and trademarks

o Planning packaging designs, shapes, colors and designs

• Pricing Policies

o Analysis of price competition

o Determine pricing strategies

o Setting Prices

Policy or discounts, markups, commissions

o Establish terms and conditions of sale

• Distribution Policy

o Analyze distribution channels

or select channels

o Establish distribution centers

o Analyze the transportation and delivery systems

o Determine locations of plants

• Promotion Policies

Fix or promotional purposes

o Determine the types of promotions to make

or Select media and advertising programs

o Develop advertising

o Measure the effectiveness of campaigns

o Determine areas and sales areas

o Conduct promotions

o Prepare and distribute publications and advertising

• Control of Marketing

o Establish goals and objectives

o Plan marketing activities

o Evaluate and monitor all marketing activities


It is a combination of elements known as variables marketers. Also called the "4 P's" by:

or Product

or Place

or Price

or Promotion

The usual terminology is:

Policy or Product

and Price Policy

and Distribution Policy

Policy or drive or Promotion

There are certain authors like Lambin and Peeters are saying that we can talk of a fifth "P" called Sell Staff (Staff Seelling) to consider the importance and difficulty of getting the sale of a product.

Marketing-Mix is the perfect blend of the 4 P so as to form a coordinated whole.

The 4 P's are also known as marketing techniques.


What determines that a particular strategy work?

It is said that for a marketing strategy have a positive result should match the following variables:

or MCV (Manageable Short Term Variables)

or VNMCP (Variables not Manageable Short Term)

The VMCP are all those entities over which the company may have a direct action. In general only the 4 P, as we control our product policies, price distribution and advertising.

However, there are other variables that can hardly control short-term (VNMCP) and these are more related to the environment in which the company operates. Some of these variables would be.

and Political Factors

or Legal Factors

and Cultural Factors

or Economic Factors

and Demographic Factors

and Natural Resources

Socio-Economic Structure and

Thus we have that for a positive result, in addition to the variables that we can control, other variables should be favorable.

By : Dr. Seyed Reza Agha Seyed Hosseini

BS,MBA,DBA (Marketing & Sales Manager)

Sometimes the best discoveries are the result of simple observations.

- Dr. Seyed Reza Agha Seyed Hosseini


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