Whast goes up must come down: challenges of getting evidence back to the ground

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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What Goes up Must Come Down: the Challenges of Getting Evidence

Back to the Ground

Rigmor ArgrenMarch 2013

Photo Credit: Jonathan Hyams/ Save the Children UK


Save the Children International

Photo Credit: Rigmor Argren/ Save the Children, Bonga, Ethiopia 2006

29 Save the Children Members

SCI in 47 Countries(6 remaining)Development andHumanitarian



Save the Children’s Humanitarian Responses

26 responses in 30 countries. (Feb 2013)

• Education in Emergencies • Health and

Nutrition • WASH• Food Security and

Livelihoods• Shelter• Child Protection in



”Evidence”: 1. Monitoring2. Real Time Reviews3. Evaluation of Humanitarian

Action”Back to the Ground”: Actions to Improve

Humanitarian Response

Photo credit: Save the Children

“Getting Evidence Back to the Ground”


Real Time Reviews

Real Time Reveiws:• In Real Time (8-10 weeks)•Mandatory for large scale responses• Internal• facilitatory approach


ALNAP Evaluation Frame Applied

Photo Credit: Nyani Quarmyne/ Save the Children

Capacity Area 1:

Increased demand for evaluation information

Capacity Area 2:

Purpose and Strategic timing

Capacity Area 3: Focus on what to evaluate

Capacity Area 4: Adequate resourcing


Evidence for Learnings

Why We Do What We Do

What We Get

What We Do

What We Do


Argyris & Schön (1978)


Evidence for Single Loop Learning

Photo Credit: Save the Children

”Evidence”: 1. Monitoring2. Real Time Reviews3. Evaluation of

Humanitarian Action


RTR Evidence for Single Loop Learning

Photo Credit: Colin Crowley/Save the Children

• Strengthen sector integration

• Improved interaction with local communities

• Re-enforcing security protocols

• Increased visibility


Photo Credit: Helene Caux/ UNHCR, 2004

RTR Evidence for Double Loop

•Changed approach to implementation•Re-inforced

leadership•Creating the

Strategic Momentum


Challenges with RTR Evidence

Photo Credit: Save the Children

• Short Lived Data•Destill Generic and

Transferable Learnings•Evidence from

External Sources•Decision Making•Needs follow-up


Photo credit: Rigmor Argren/ Save the Children


•Connect available Evidence• Seek Trends,

through Longitudinal Observations•Leverage the Dual

Mandate•RTRs can be

prepared/planned•RTRs can relate to
