
Post on 06-Apr-2016

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Transcript of Werkboek


ContentsChapter 1

1.1 Personal DNA 41.4 Brand model 81.6 Grid 101.8 Brand values 12

Chapter 2

2.2 People who inspire 142.5b Mindmap your life 202.9 Moodboard 23

Chapter 3

3.1 Typography in the wild 243.2 Typography 263.3 3 Colour schemes 323.4 Design a logo 343.5 Finalize a logo 36

Chapter 4

4.1/4 Brand identity 384.2 Poster 42

Chapter 5

5.1 Photography 445.2 Abstract poster 52

“Saw a little girl touch a big bug and shout, “I conquered my fear! YES!” and calmly

walk away. I was inspired.” - Nathan Fillion


1.1 Personal DNA

INTP The INTP personality type is fairly rare, making up only three percent of the population, which is definitely a good thing for them, as there’s nothing they’d be more unhappy about than being “common”. INTPs pride themselves on their inventiveness and creativity, their unique perspective and vigorous intellect. Usually known as the philosopher, the architect, or the dreamy professor, INTPs have been responsible for many scientific discoveries through-out history.

The unexamined life is not worth living

INTPs are known for their brilliant theories and un-relenting logic - in fact, they are considered the most logically precise of all the personality types.They love patterns, and spotting discrepancies between statements could almost be described as a hobby, making it a bad idea to lie to an INTP. This makes it ironic that INTPs’ word should always be taken with a grain of salt - it’s not that they are dishonest, but people with the INTP personality type tend to share thoughts that are not fully devel-oped, using others as a sounding board for ideas and theories in a debate against themselves rather than as actual conversation partners.

INTP personality

This may make them appear unreliable, but in reality no one is more enthusiastic and capable of spotting a problem, drilling through the endless factors and details that encompass the issue and developing a

unique and viable solution than INTPs - just don’t expect punctual progress reports.

People who share the INTP personality type aren’t interested in practical, day-to-day activities and maintenance, but when they find an environment where their creative genius and potential can be expressed, there is no limit to the time and energy INTPs will expend in developing an insightful and unbiased solution.

Wisdom begins in wonder

They may appear to drift about in an unending daydream, but INTPs’ thought process is unceasing, and their minds buzz with ideas from the moment they wake up. This constant thinking can have the effect of making them look pensive and detached, as they are often conducting full-fledged debates in their own heads, but really INTPs are quite relaxed and friendly when they are with people they know, or who share their interests. However, this can be replaced by overwhelming shyness when INTP per-sonalities are among unfamiliar faces, and friendly banter can quickly become combative if they believe their logical conclusions or theories are being criti-cized.

When INTPs are particularly excited, the conversa-tion can border on incoherence as they try to explain the daisy-chain of logical conclusions that led to the formation of their latest idea. Oftentimes, INTPs will opt to simply move on from a topic before it’s ever

“Whether the chicken crossed the road or the road crossed the chicken depends on your frame of reference.”

-Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein


understood what they were trying to say, rather than try to lay things out in plain terms.The reverse can also be true when people explain their thought processes to INTPs in terms of subjec-tivity and feeling. Imagine an immensely complicat-ed clockwork, taking in every fact and idea possible, processing them with a heavy dose of creative rea-soning and returning the most logically sound results available - this is how the INTP mind works, and this type has little tolerance for an emotional mon-key-wrench jamming their machines.

Let those who would move the world first move themselves

Further, with Thinking (T) as one of their governing traits, INTPs are unlikely to understand emotion-al complaints at all, and their friends won’t find a bedrock of emotional support in them. People with the INTP personality type would much rather make a series of logical suggestions for how to resolve the underlying issue, a perspective that is not always welcomed by their Feeling (F) companions. This will likely extend to most social conventions and goals as well, like planning dinners and getting married, as INTPs are far more concerned with originality and efficient results.

The one thing that really holds INTPs back is their restless and pervasive fear of failure. INTP personal-ities are so prone to reassessing their own thoughts and theories, worrying that they’ve missed some crit-ical piece of the puzzle, that they can stagnate, lost in an intangible world where their thoughts are never truly applied. Overcoming this self-doubt stands as the greatest challenge INTPs are likely to face, but the intellectual gifts - big and small - bestowed on the world when they do makes it worth the fight.

Famous INTPs:

Socrates, Rene Descartes, Blaise Pascal, Isaac Newton, Carl Jung, Albert Einstein, James Madison, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Gerald Ford

ReflectingMy personality type: INTP (turbulent variant)Strength of individual traits:Introverted: 24%Intuitive: 19% Thinking: 3% Prospecting: 21%Turbulent: 17%

Reading these results, and looking at the description provided it scares me how accurate such a simple random internet test is. Though i can not agree with certain social aspects provided, most of it hits close to home.

I’m not sure how to reflect on these results. On one hand I feel pride, to share with such great men and woman who have done so much in their respected fields. Yet on the other hand it bothers me. It furthers the outside pressure to perform well past the provid-ed norm.

Dwight D. Eisenhower


1.2 Brand modelReflecting

Looking back on the way i created the image on the left I do see several things i would do different now.

First of all i would have used far more layers, to ensure a better work flow. The image on the left was not the original one i made, and has been changes just to fit the overall theme of this magazine.

In hindsight i would have kept things far more simple, so they can be changed more easy later on, when the design of the document has been decided.

But, even though i am not happy with the final result, the image does show a clear knowledge of my self, and that I understand how i function.


Ruud de BoerRuud de Boer is the director Bataafsche Teeken Maatschappij. He has 12 years of

experience in marketing, and 13 years as a company manager. He has also writ-ten 2 books. “Brand Design” and “Als jij een merk zou zijn”.

Ruud spends most of his time developing brand face and design. And coaches brands how to get themselves to the public

In his lecture he talked about the do’s and don’t s of designing around a certain brand. Especial what is important to think of in your design.

And pitfalls to avoid. like wanting to much, or forgetting the message you want to get across.He did most of this with examples

of his work.

Most notably he has designed the brand face of “ Fair trade original” He clearly explained his design decisions. Of

maintining the original logo, and simply adding to it. And make it universable applyable. He also told that now

more than ever a brand has to make contact with the consumer, instead of the other way around. This is a

clear change of what you saw several decades ago.

His lecture clearly shows the amount of work and thought is behind every seemingly small deci-

sion behind the design and face of a brand. And its amazing to see how a simple looking

design is far more complicated.

Ruud de Boer


When i look back at this spread, i do enjoy what i created. But only because this is not really my style.

I tried to so something different, but within my own realm of design possibility’s, hence the black and white.

The result is a simple spread that does clearly il-lustrate the propose of the page, even though most elements are not connected.


1. Mijn visie“Hoe ziet jouw omgeving er over 5 à 10 jaar uit?”

Privé: Huisje, Boompje, Beestje. Hopelijk een vrouw/vriendin, wel of geen kinderen en een baan.

Zakelijk: Hopelijk een baan in een sector waar ik me een beetje kan uitleven.

“Hoe ziet jouw ‘positie’ hierin er over 5 à 10 jaar uit?”

Privé: Ligt er aan. Of dat ik überhaupt kan gaan werken.

Zakelijk: Kan ik wel werken?

“Wat zou je daaraan willen veranderen?”

Privé: Niet veel. Zakelijk:Afhankelijk van de ontwikkelingen. Er zijn nog te weinig antwoorden op andere vragen om hier een goed antwoord op te kunnen geven.

“Wat is je toekomstdroom ?”

In 5 jaar afstuderen. Daarna werk zoeken of gevon-den hebben. Mijn problemen meer onder controle krijgen. Eigen game bouwen. Eigen huis hebben.Huisje, boompje, beestje. Meer kan ik er niet van maken.

2. Mijn missieIk wil mij zelf profileren naar buiten als iemand die creatief is en hard werkt. Ik wil de wereld laten zijn waar mijn kwaliteiten liggen. Dus het behalen van mijn propedeuse is stap 1 hierin.

3. Mijn waardenUniekCreatiefHard werkendEerlijkOut of the box

4. Mijn (merk-)persoonlijkheidAdobeVan GoghWacomSmith Micro Studio

5. Mijn belofte /credo“Waarom zijn mensen in mijn omgeving bevriend met mij of willen ze met me samenwerken?”

Ik werk ben iemand vol met ideeën en kan dit goed uitleggen en overdragen aan anderen. Verder werk ik hard en hou mij aan mijn afspraken. Ben dus een erg betrouwbare collega

“Wat zouden anderen over mij zeggen als ze mij in één zin moeten samenvatten?”

Iemand die maar door blijft werken tot het eindje. Als hij niet uitkijkt zijn eigen eindje.

“Wat zou er in mijn overlijdensbericht kunnen staan?”

Vergat zichzelf en stierf in het harnas.

Mijn belofte of credo:

Ik zal werken tot de opdracht op tijd met tevreden-heid van mij, mijn collega’s en opdracht gever is afgerond.

6. Mijn kernconcept

Betrouwbaar, hardwerkend en innovatief.

1.8 Brand values

? Reflecting

There is not much to reflect on. It is what is is. I still stand by the answers I’ve given. There is no doubt in that.

I wish reality would be different, but it isn’t.



2.2 People who inspire me

Name: Corey Taylor

Birthdate: December 8, 1973 Des Moines, Iowa, U.S.

Know for: Vocalist/writer for Slipknot and Stone Sour

Bio: Corey Taylor (born December 8, 1973) is an American musician best known as the lead vocalist and lyricist of Slipknot and Stone Sour.

Corey Taylor is a founding member of Stone Sour, and has released five studio albums with that band. Taylor joined Slipknot in 1997 to replace their orig-inal vocalist, Anders Colsefni. He has released five studio albums with them. He has worked with sever-al bands, including Junk Beer Kidnap Band, Apoca-lyptica, Anthrax, Aaron Lewis of Staind, and Soulfly. Taylor was ranked number 86 in Hit Parader’s Top 100 Metal Vocalists of All Time.Corey was also found, by VVN Music, to possess the second-highest vocal range of any known singer in popular music with a range of 5 and a half octaves. He was beaten only by Mike Patton (6 octaves)

Media: Twitter Facebook

“You have to live in these moments, not for them. If you look too hard, they blow right by you.

If you do not live enough, you will regret every breath.” - Corey Taylor


Name: George Takei

Birthdate: April 20, 1937

Know for: Star Trek Actor TV/Film/Stage

Bio: George Hosato Takei is an American actor, director and author, originally known for his role as Hikaru Sulu, helmsman of the USS Enterprise in the television series Star Trek. He also portrayed the character in six Star Trek feature films and in an episode of Star Trek: Voyager.

Takei’s involvement in social media has brought him new fame. He currently has over 7 million likes since joining Facebook in 2011, frequently sharing photos with original humorous commentary.

He is a proponent of LGBT rights and active in state and local politics apart from his continued acting career. He has won several awards and accolades in his work on human rights and Japanese–Ameri-can relations, including his work with the Japanese American National Museum.

Media: Twitter Facebook

“Yes, I remember the barbed wire and the guard towers and the machine guns, but they became part of my normal landscape.

What would be abnormal in normal times became my normality in camp.- George Takei


Name: Herman van Veen

Birthdate: March 14. 1945

Know for: Writer Actor Clown Director Composer/musician

Bio: Born in Utrecht, the Netherlands, he grew up as the only boy in a working-class family and studied violin, voice and music pedagogy at the Utrecht Conservatory.

He made his theatrical debut in 1965 with the mu-sical, clownish, solo program, Harlequin. Since then he has traveled all over the world, performing in four languages. He was the creator of Alfred Jodocus Kwak, a courageous little duck from Waterland who became world-famous thanks to a 52 episode televi-sion series.

To date he has recorded 175 CDs, 21 DVDs, some seventy-odd books, scenarios for, among others, the feature-length films, Uit Elkaar (Break-up) and Nachtvlinder (Night Butterfly) and for the music theatre productions Jukebox, De Kamerrevue (The Room Revue), Lune, The First Lady (together with Lori Spee), Chanson de Daniël (Daniëls Song), Mata Hari, Windekind (Child of the Wind), Een Dag in September (A Day in September) and Juliette.

Media: Twitter Facebook

“Lieve God, ik bid u: bewijs dat u niet bestaat, u bevrijdt ons daarmee van een geweldige hoop narigheid.“

- Herman van veen


2.5 Mindmap your lifeReflecting

I decided not to create a proper mindmap of my life. To be honest I’ve been through much to put this in a school project. If you want to hear about me being at the bottom of society, dealing and using drugs. Los-ing some very important people around me. Living with a clinical depression and more. Just ask, and maybe I’ll tell you. Most of the events in my life that shaped me, resulted in me even hiding more behind my rhetoric and intelligence. In the end i became a prisoner in my own mind, hiding behind a wall of knowledge.

I feel slightly insulted to put my entire life in just a small a4 image. I think what i made sums it up, in very basic way.


2.9 MoodboardReflecting

The mood-board i made is similar as the rest of the images i made for the assignments.

The subject for my presentation, the labeling of people, and the emotions i try to awake with these pictures, seem to be clear with me. Trying to remain calm, and see/feel for your self.

If i had more time i would have attempted to make the image more abstract. But the image made does represent quite allot, even though you need too look for something a little further. When you look at the back layers this represents my dreams, these are not realized yet, so it looks like the world is still trapped in fog.

The path represents the way i need to go to get to my goals and dreams. But there are a lot of interesting things on the side of the roads. But i can not afford to wander off my given route, or stand still and look at the surroundings.


3.1 Typography in the wildReflecting

As i changed the picture to gray-scale, i was Wondering. How the hell do you reflect on this. The assignments purpose what to photograph some examples of typography in the “wild” and create a collage.

In the future i would like to use a better camera, and line out all the pictures better.

I did choose most of the pictures quite at random. I went to a mall, and made pictures of almost each sign i could find, and these are the ones i choose. I think they represent a good average.


Parupici nestem. Et quo quas

molor simagnimus, volent

occulpa nonsent

Doluptatem et et odit

pliquis eius vellam, que ni-

modiore pro consectaquid

ma assedi dolum, ut verae

nihicid ucillic atiate

Nempores dendant autenis

aut qui sit verio in et omni-

hicta andae non recae non

res dolorerio es seque quiae.

Nempore autet ipid quiberf

erovit eat que nem volor rati

doluptat ipsusa comnis

rerum et accumque tes enae

provid quiae pla dolum que

rectati dipsaperibea dolupta






94pt title, 12 pt text, 46pt and 23pt decoration

Sans serif

Bold Italic












Modern looks, easy to read. G

reat to use for all kinds

of design. Can just be art if needed.

EmperorFifteenClassic, Retro, 16-Bit

Title 120

Subtitle 32

Text 20

Natias dolorum rem que sim nonet quam, quia quat ut evelloriae doluptat eaturibus

sentiosam dit illab iunt faces as estibusae voluptat hariatemped millaborem dolo

officiis estiis qui dolori officiet ent et in rem harcim quae dictentur?

Thora b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Drawn old english,

Title capitol 120pt

Sub title 24pt

Text 12pt

Paragraphe Capitol 18pt

Udicaepuda dic tem esectem porporume debitatiunt min rest, iur? Quis apelique nessectotat litatur? Itatque conem re non comnissita inum, qui consendi quis qui ditatem-por sim fugit es que cuscipsam alic te dicabore, aces quis as quate re mod quiaestor sumet ma dolut velit aligni rerit magnimus quis utassin ctemper esciument, omnis mosti odi anderiossum alicili gniaest rempore-hent, coruptatus dolessin re, quod quas moloria ectorru ptatureic tecto te sit verro ero verunto cusapedi-tis ut occaborectum eosapicius sitet officiisque verupti berepudi quae.

Venimus acculparum haribus. Arrovid maiossundae nos il mos magnaturi sincto blab inimi, ide moluptaquam, ipsa quisquis et mo magnis dolut ut enest fugias dolute nis dunt velit assiminimi, quiasped que vent alit hit aut est as enit fuga. Aborepe diores aliqui blatem sitas re sus doluptas nos ea sinvelis si resciis sae postia num ellanda esectem ario.

Ut et volecer sperroruptat quo veliquaturem rempedit eatio mo officiet faccatus, ad ut hit que et milla elit, quamet imagnihici aute essit que net dolorepta sumendi onsequas sequo cum none volorror sum quam quam re pores resequament aut odipsap erumquibus, volores suntem facculpa sit aut ad eium as atias aut a doluptasinus solupta temquiam ipiti ad quo et lab is di odia volum que nat ut exceaquia il iduci ad es et, natem facestem et estempel enihil

molest et apidem aut aliquis ad quam est volectu scianduntius voluptat qui te endaerias restiis doluptaturi nimolup turibus dusaper ovidebis excerchil eum id quam recesto

Udicaepuda dic tem esectem porporume debitatiunt min rest, iur? Quis apelique nessectotat litatur? Itatque conem re non comnissita inum, qui consendi quis qui ditatem-por sim fugit es que cuscipsam alic te dicabore, aces quis as quate re mod quiaestor sumet ma dolut velit aligni rerit magnimus quis utassin ctemper esciument, omnis mosti odi anderiossum alicili gniaest rempore-hent, coruptatus dolessin re, quod quas moloria ectorru ptatureic tecto te sit verro ero verunto cusapedi-tis ut occaborectum eosapicius sitet officiisque verupti berepudi quae. Venimus acculparum haribus.

Orrovid maiossundae nos il mos magnaturi sincto blab inimi, ide moluptaquam, ipsa quisquis et mo magnis dolut ut enest fugias dolute nis dunt velit assiminimi, quiasped que vent alit hit aut est as enit fuga.

Aborepe diores aliqui blatem sitas re sus doluptas nos ea sinvelis si resciis sae postia num ellanda esectem ario. Ut et volecer sper-roruptat quo veliquaturem rempedit eatio mo officiet faccatus, ad ut hit que et milla elit, quamet imagnihici aute essit que net dolorepta sumendi onsequas sequo cum none volorror sum quam quam re pores

resequament aut odipsap erumquibus, volores suntem facculpa sit aut ad eium as atias aut a doluptasinus solupta temquiam ipiti ad quo et lab is di odia volum que nat ut exceaquia il iduci ad es et, natem facestem et estempel enihil molest et apidem aut aliquis ad quam est volectu scianduntius voluptat qui te endaerias restiis doluptaturi nimolup turibus dusaper ovidebis excerchil.Udicaepuda dic tem esectem por-porume debitatiunt min rest, iur?

Quis apelique nessectotat litatur? Itatque conem re non comnissita inum, qui consendi quis qui ditatem-por sim fugit es que cuscipsam alic te dicabore, aces quis as quate re mod quiaestor sumet ma dolut velit aligni rerit magnimus quis utassin ctemper esciument, omnis mosti odi anderiossum alicili gniaest rempore-hent, coruptatus dolessin re, quod quas moloria ectorru ptatureic tecto te sit verro ero verunto cusapedi-tis ut occaborectum eosapicius sitet officiisque verupti berepudi quae. Venimus acculparum haribus. Or-rovid maiossundae nos il mos mag-naturi sincto blab inimi, ide molup-taquam, ipsa quisquis et mo magnis dolut ut enest fugias dolute nis dunt velit assiminimi, quiasped que vent alit hit aut est as enit fuga. Aborepe diores aliqui blatem sitas re sus doluptas nos ea sinvelis si resciis sae postia num ellanda esectem ario.

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Middle Ages, very hard to read. Just for style, not function

WindsongStylish, classy, unreadable!

Title: 180s

subtitle: 50

Text: 18

“Evelluptati as simodit et que nobis incient otatium

volorumqui doluptatur, que pe qui occabo. Eped quatur sit lis molore sinventur? Ruptis earit

eum comnimo que quisquia voloreptur? “

-Lorum Ipsum

a b c d e f g h i j k l m -n o p q r s t u v w x y z

A B C D E F G H I J K L M -N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


BEWARE!Atio cusa cor simporae. Et porestium cus doluptur rem. Eque repudam, sequibus min-im ut qui nisci omni occusan dantes nobit, as serit mag-nim ne corum fuga. Et ea po-runt ma viditem. Officimodis essumquiatem rerro berum

Title: 80

Subtitle: 60

Text: 12




Mechanical, simple, not suited for body.

3.2 Typograpy


The choice for verdana is was simple. Personally i think this is one of the better fonts for poster/design work. It looks timeless and can be used in almost every situation.


The font reminded me of the 8-bit era. So i tried to design a old game poster. I think its a font that has not much use outside 8 bitRelated work.

Drawn old English

It reminded me of the way monks used write books in the middle-ages, hence the attempt to create my own interpretation. For reading its quite horrible, and strains the mind quite a bit.


Windsong has its beauty, but is for body text, espe-cially on smaller sizes, hardly readable. I do like the way it looks, and can be used, for example, wedding or birth cards.


Grishenko feels as the odd one out. It seems to change styling halfway though out a single word. I do like it, even though i think it not a font you want to use for body texts


Looking back at the 5 poster i made to represent the fonts. I tried to show a situation in which you can use the font.



3.1 ColourReflecting

The four colour schemes i made all do share the same overall theme. These colours all have a natural place in nature.

During my research i noticed in nature most things have less intense colours. Except for a certain animals and flowers. But only during a single season, spring, nature shows its true beauty. In the other 3 seasons most colours are slightly more flushed out. Less intense.

The colours to the left do have a calming function for me, and i love working with them.

I do, for a time in the future, want to experiment with more vivid colour schemes.



3.2 Design a monochramReflecting

As you can see, i kept throwing around a few ideas. I did know that DIM or DM would need to be in there, because of working under the alias “Dimosa”.

I kept experimenting with certain fonts, certain changes. Adding a line at the bottom extending from the D. I did not really like what it became, and change fonts again.

Eventually i made the first eye monogram. I chose and eye because me and a few friends work with the name “Silent Echo Entertainment” which abbrevi-ates to SEE. Hence the eye.

I kept experimenting with putting the eye in the D, in the end though, i went for something completely different.


3.2 Finalize a logoReflecting

Looking at the logo i made i an quite happy with the result. It represents me very well. I am a very curious person and the eye represents that. But i tend to hide my true self, but want to show it more to the outside world. Thats why i made the hand that tries to crawl out.


4.1/4 Brand IdentityLogo

My choice of logo was influenced by a simple thing. My company name is Silent Echo Entertainment, of wich the abreviation is SEE. This theme and is what steered my design choise towards the eye.


“see my designfeel my design”My choice of slogan was influenced by a simple thing. My company name is Silent Echo Entertain-ment, of wich the abreviation is SEE. So i was look-ing for a way to get a slogan that brings acros what i want to tell you. I think the slogan brings across there is more to design as the visual aspect of it.

Core princibles

My core princibles are to bring something new, and different each and everytime. But aways with a certain guarentee of quallity.

Colour scheme

The reason i chose for these colours this time is be-cause of the overall theme of me. I tend to go towards the more earth like colours becouse it fills me with a sense of calmness and grounded.

Also you can apply both of those emotions to my de-sign style. Its quite clear throught out my workbook so far that all is done with a sence of calm and “simplicity” in mind.




Font: Minion Pro

I made the choise for the fond based on how easy it is to read as text, and the power it carry’s

Head :30pt Bold

The size makes it real easy to read, and the bold makes it carry more strenght and jump out more.

Paragraph head:14pt, Different colour

The head merely has the role of deviding parts of the same text. This is made clear by being slightly larger and in off red colour.

Text:12pt Regular

Its easy enough to read, and is not to large or to small to mislead you of its purpose

Quote:12pt Italic

Due to the Italic use of the font its easly recognised as not a part of the body, and should be considered seperate.


With more or less leading the less becomes a clutter and a bother to read.


By increasing the spread the body looses the feeling as a whole. By decreasing the spread, letters start to merge together too often, and become a bother to read.



The styling is very simple. On every spread there is a clear split between dark and light. This is to excentu-ate the overall theme. Further more there will most of the time be an image of photo on the right spread. or a piece of work. And texts will be placed on the left page of the spread. Also the title will be placed somewhere on the right spread.


All photo’s (if any) will be either artistic, like the 2 above, or simple educative examples. The latter will not be in any style, and will have only a single pur-pose to prove a point.


Youtube: youtube.com/user/DimosasQuestsTumblr: bit.ly/Dimosas-BlogPintrest: pinterest.com/Dimosa_


Youtube will be mainly used to upload a single video with in there also the story that is used for the presentation. To add to the whole, there will be mu-sic and images added, to give it more apeal.


Tumblr will the red thread trough my story. It will be a simple blog with occasional updates on my state of mind and the state of my work.


On pintrest i will upload any photos and images i make for the magazine and final presentation.



Due to unforeseen circumstances i was unable to attend the excursion, and was given this substi-tute assignment.

I like the result of the poster. The poem is sim-ple, yet has a point that has meaning for me. And fits in the theme. The poster itself is in the same vein as the rest of the work I’ve done so far for the other assignments. It is highly stylized posters of nature, with a paper feel to it.

If i would change something it would probably the poem. I think with the given subject matter i could have made something much better.

4.3 Poster with Poem



5.1 Photograpy






The poster is simple, and serves a single purpose. Logo plus message.

Its made in such a way that all colour can be changed to suit the theme. What i am unsure about is the text, but changing that would depend on the feedback.

I like the simplicity of it, if i would have a office, i would certainly hang this in there. Perhaps with a different colour scheme, to suit its surroundings better.

5.2 Abstract poster



