Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1906-11-12 [p 5].THE WASHINGTON HERALD MONDAY NOVEMBER 12 1906 5...

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Transcript of Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1906-11-12 [p 5].THE WASHINGTON HERALD MONDAY NOVEMBER 12 1906 5...


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Miss Luvie Jones Butjer IsMarried to Capt Moore-


Capt S A Colman anti BridetobeEntertained at Luncheon at theChevy Chase Club Mra James W-

Wndsworth Jr IM to Visit Wash-ington Next Week Society Notes

The marriage of Miss Luvl JonesButler daughter of Mr and Mrs A BButler of Washington and California toCapt Dan Tyler Moore U S A is an-

nounced from Lucerne Switzerland onSaturday November 18

Both Capt and Mrs Mooro are wellknown in army circles In Washington theformer having been on duty at the WhiteHouse last season when the latter passedthe winter at the Highlands with hermother and sister

rapt Moore who is a cousin of MrsRoosevelts and formerly from Alabamais now stationed at Fort Myer Va towhich post he and his bride wilt shortlyreturn

Capt S A Column U S A the re-

cently appointed military attache at Lon-don and hto future heWs Mrs VictorClement were entertained at luncheonyesterday at the Chevy Chase Club by theComptroller of the Currency and MrsRWgely

The additional guests were the BritishAmbassador Sir Mortimer Durand Mrand Mrs Arthur Addison the naval attache of the German Embassy CaptHobbtaghavs and Frau HebWrtbaus MrsLaurence Benet Mrs Frank Denny MissKatharine Williams of Chicago GenBuchanan Mr Arthur Hay and Mr MUllThompson

Jflrs J Donald Cameron and her youngdaughter Miss Martha Cameron arrivedin New York Saturday on the Americanliner SL Paul after live months in Europe

Mrs Cameron sad Miss Cameron whoare expected at their home on LafayetteSfluare later in the week enjoyed greatdistinction during their recent trip notonly their presentation at the Court ofSt James but a number of very smartcountry house visits in England andFrance

Mrs D P Morgan whose house onScott Circle has been leased for anotherseason by Mr and Mis Perry Belmontwill pass the winter In New York herformer home where she win present hertwo gnuHMaittchters Miss Mildred Carterand Mtes Gladys Kteeel to society at atea at her home on Park avenue Decem-ber 6 Later in the month Mrs Morganwill give a ball at Sherrys for these fa-

vored bods

Mrs Richard Towneend and Mtos Townsend who passed the week foNowtag theirreturn from Europe ia New York arenow ax their home OR Massachusetts

for the winter

Gen mid Mrs Forbes left for New Yorfcyesterday to pass two weeks in that cityas the guests of Mr sad Mrs George HClark before sailing on November 7 tospend the w4nter in Italyi i

Mr John C Wilson and Mtac Wilson arelate Washington arrivals registered inParis

Mr Walter Wellmaa of this city andMaJ Hersey sailed from Havre Saturdayon the Savote for New York Mr Wellman will spend six weeks hi America before returning to Paris to complete hispreparations for hfe forthcoming expedi-tion to the north pole

Mr and Mrs Henry May who proposepassing the next two weeks in New Yorkwill in all probability not open theirWashington house until late m the SOIlson as Mrs May is considering the de-sirability of giving her personal attentionto her affairs in San Francisco where shesuffered great loss by the earthquake

Mrs James W Wadsworth jr for-

merly Miss Alice Hay youngest daughterof the late Secretary of State will cometo Washington next week for her annualThanksgiving visit to her mother who isnow established In her Washington homefor the winter

At the marriage of Miss Helen Luciteand Mr Sylvan Benetager at Rauschersthis evening the bride will be attended byher cousin Miss ZeUs Bayersdorfer ofPhiladelphia as maid of honor and thegroom will have for his best man MrHenry Goidschmid of Altoona Pa Theushers will be Mr Eugene Luchs brotherof the bride Mr Gilbert Bensingerbrother of the groom Mr Harry HahnMr Stanley Auerbach Mr Milton Strasburger and Mr Irving Strasburger RabbisStern and Simon of the Temple will of-ficiate

Mr and Mrs Thomas Nelson Page arehiving their home in Washington put inorder and ready for occupancy by themiddle of the coming week when they ex-pect to return to the city from their sum-mer home at York Harbor Me

Mrs Preston Gibson Mrs Pages daugh-ter who has been ill in a hospital in NewYork is expected to leave that institutiontomorrow but will remain in New Yorkat the Holland House until she to able totravel

Among the outoftown weddings of themonth of local interest will be that ofMiss Manny of Philadelphia and MrFranklin M Dixon of city on Saturday November 34 The brideelect is aPhiladelphian and was the ward of thelate Mrs Anne Dundas Whittaker ofPhiladelphia Mr Dixon is a son of thelate William Dixon and brother of DrWilliam Dixon of the navy Mr Dixonand his bride will make their home inWashington

Howard Gould Henry Blossom theplaywright and William H Hall of NewYork are here on their way to do someshooting on Jekyll Island Ga

Stationeryand Engraving

execution and fincharacter-

ize all Galt engraving WeddingInvitations and AnnouncementsPersonal Cards c Samplesand estimates furnished

GALT BROEstablished Over a Century

Jewellers Silversmiths Stationers

1107 Penna Ave























J Henry Smith nnil Bride to IlenminAbroad This Winter

New York Nov 11 That J HenrySmith and his bride formerly Mrs WRhlnolander Stewart do not intend toreturn to Now York this winter is Inferred from a private cablegram receivedhereyasterday from Mr Smith in whichhe said that he would not require his boxat opera in the coming season

For several years Mr Smith has occu-pied on Monday nights box 2ii in theGolden Horseshoe at the Metropolitan

Opera House This box belongs to theestate of tho late Samuel D Babcock-

It is understood that Mr and MrsSmith Intend to remain abroad for thewinter and that they will go to Egypt-

for the ReasonMrs Smiths sister Mrs Anthony J

Drexel who had been hero for the Jammonth sailed for Europe a few days agoand will probably Join Mr and MrsSmith who have been for some time inScotland where they were married a fewmonths ago


Kimball Accepts Decision in NolleProssing of Cases

Declare However lie has FoundSevern Instances Where Rule Does

Injury to Innocent Persona

Judge I G Kimball of the PolleeCourt while accepting the decision ofCommissioner Macfarland regarding thenolle pressing of cases by the corpora-tion counsel and his assistants as finalie disposed to believe that the Commis-sioners are mistaken in their assump-tion that be was Incorrectly informedregarding two cases which he recentlybrought to their attention

The decision Of the Commissioners ofcourse settles the matter as far as I amconcerned said Judge Kimball Theassumption of the Commissioners however that I was misinformed with re-gard to the two cases which In my opin-ion were without warrant of lawbrought before me for trial to an

oneThe cases were brought to my per-

sonal attention within a week of thedate on which I wrote to the Commis-sioners la one of those instances awarrant was issued sad by some mis-take it was served on a man of the n mename who was haled into court toanswer to the charge When the easewas called the prosecuting policemanformed me that the man at the bar wasnot the oae for whom the warrant hadbeen issued

This fact he said he bad explainedto the assistant protfjMittng attorney MrPush I asked Mr Pugh for an explana-tion and he replied that under the Cornraisakmers order he was required topresent the ease for trial The defendantof course was immediately dischargedbut at the same time had been compelledto appear court to answer to a chargeof which be was wholly guiltless

The other case was that of a womanover seventy years of age who wasbrought into court charged with a minorinfraction of the building regulationsThe evidence developed that site was notthe owner of the property in question andIn no way concerned with the manage-ment of it Nevertheless she had beencompelled to appear in the Police Courtand remain until her case was called

In my opinion the assistant prosecuttog attorney would not be usurping thepower delegated to the Judge by enter-ing a nolle prosee In these cases Onessimilar to these are constantly occurringand as a Judge who to called upon toadminister the laws to the best of hisability I would feel myself derelict inmy duty If I did not call these mattersto the attention of the Commissioners-

In my letter I was careful to say thattheir order an enforced caused needlesshumiliation to citizens who were beinghaled into court on minor charges whichupon Investigation by the corporationcounsel and his assistants might be nolleprossed

A broader interpretation of the orderby these officials might tend to relieve thesituation The question of adding to ordetracting from my own duties did notoccur to me as I am willing and glad totry every case justly presented to me Inthe two eases I have mentioned howeverthere certainly seems to me ground forthinking they should have been acHepressed

In Commissioner Macfarlands recom-mendation on Judge KimbaHs request hesaid the Commissioners were disposed toassume that he Was incorrectly informedas to the facts in the cases since it wasplain that neither of them under theletter and spirit of the law should havebeen taken into court


Special Agent Investigating Condi-tions of Woman Lnborers

Mrs J Ellen Foster recently detailedby direction of the President from the De-partment of Justice to investigate the condition of woman and child laborersthroughout the country is at the MarthaWashington Hotel in New York

From there she is making dailyInto the factory districts where

women and girls are employed and it isanticipated she will have some recommen-dations to make to President Rooseveltthat may be embodied in his next messageto Congress Legislation on the subjectIs still cendlng

Mrs Poster was one of the first womenin the country to study and practice lawand most of her clients were moneylesspeople whom she defended as aof Justice From that she entered philan-thropic work


Minister Says Mrs Stevens Iin Dealing with Prohibition

Portland Me Nov llClosing histo a large congregation in Wll

llama Hall today at a temperance meet-ing held under the auspices of ArcanaLodge of Good Templars the Rev HenryT Shillings one of the most prominentprohibitionists in Maine attacked MrsL M N Stevens of Portland nationalpresident of the Womans Christian TernRerance Union saying that she Is Insin-cere in her dealings with the liquor

in the State of MaineThe sudden attack coming from Mr

Skllllngs in a public meeting has causeda great sensation among the ministersand temperance workers of the city

Prominent British Couple EngagedLondon Nov 1L The marriage will

probably occur in February of WalterBurns brother of the wife of Mr LewisHarcourt M P and Evelyn Cavondish-Bentinck whose sister May was mar-ried in the Chapel Royal on Novembera to John Ford of the British Embassyat Rome Mr Burns is a son of thelate Walter H Burns of New York andNorth Mymms Park Hatfleld

Herald Want Adswill be received at Nelsons store1st and C sts nw and promptly for-warded to the main office






Inspec-tion tripe



























Prince Francis of Teck WillPay Visit to America


Family IK Poor nnil Needs theMoney Kin Edward Curtailed BinBusiness Career Lord Cnrzon Com-

ing on MfMwIon Slay Bring Mm-

Icltcr to Country

European royml society has evidentlya great fancy to this country for

right upon the departure of UM thirtySecond Prince Henry of Reuse comes thenews that his royAl highness PrinceFrancis of Teck brother of tho futureQueue of England intends paying w avIsit in the near future

Washingtons most exclusive social iswondering now whether the royal Teck Its

going to make himself as scarce withthem the thirtysecond Henry ofReuM did They are hoping for the bestand are preparing for eventualities forTeck will be among them before ibng

But that te sot all Washington it soonto be honored also with a visit from LordCanon formerly Viceroy of India andsoninlaw of Mrs LevI Z Letter TiltLord of Kedleston will curtail his visithere as much as it ic possible for him todo while attending to some business af-

fairs He intends merely to pay a callto a number of personal friends In thiscity It is also expected that while inthis city he will pay his reSpectS to thePresident Lord Carson is in deepmourning over the loss of his wife andit goes without saying there wilt be nosocial functions in his honor

lies Willing lo WedIt Is said with a semblance of authority

that the Prince of Tecks visit to Amer-

ica Is for ta purpose of inspecting allthe New York Brooklyn anti HarlemRiver properties owned by his god-

parents Mr slid Mrs von Andre It te

also claimed that this Immensely valua-

ble property may some day be his ifThe truth of the matter as matrons of

social standing and wealth withdaughters are aware is that Teck

Is coming to pay us a visit for the pur-pose of looKlnc them over Tech is poorand the Tecks are poor In fact theyoung prince makes no secret of the factthat If be can find an American girl ofthe proper beauty wealth and positionhe wont tad any trouble in getting theroyal sanction to marry

She must be to the manner born andrich enough to support a prince who to

close to the throne Teck Is a Jollyyoung fellow who la twentyfour yearsold He is pod looking clever fond offun and an allround likable chaphas been to the war in South Africa Hedances well He plays bridge to perfec-tion and can deal baccarat the Kingsfavorite game He is seen at all the bigrace meets and is a member of thesmartest London clubs Some of themare the Bachelors Naval and MiHtryWhites Jaarlborongh Beefsteak sadPrinces

Francis or Prowl as he to called bywho know him intimately ensues

with the royal sanction He cawift do asingle thing dont you know witftovt theconsent of his august patron his maj-esty Edward m defender of Uwfaith King of Ireland and fatherinlaw-

hfe sisterSinter I Princess of Wales

It to true that the young man to noblood relative of the King but comesdangerously near it His sister who wasPrincess Mary Victors of Tec to nowPrincess of Wales Some floe day If sheand her royal hubby live she wilt beQueen of Englandthai to 1C the Britishera dont take It Into their heads beforethen to put the whole royal household upat auction at Christies Londons fatuoussecondhand dealer

Should Queen Alexandra survive Ed-

ward this would not prevent the presentPrincess of Wales from being Queen ofEngland at once

And now what interests thte countrymost about the situation is that our royalvisitor would then be the brother of areal live queen He would also be uncleto the next King of England now PrinceEdward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David twelve years oldand sure to be King should be liveenough

Career BriefOnce upon a was ia fiH Prince

Francis of Teck resolved to enter busi-ness He was offered a partnership inthe stock brokerage firm of PanmureGordon Co London with a salary of

15000 a year He was delighted and nothaving seen so much real money for along time accepted at once King Ed-

ward thinking the idea of a royal youngster working for a living a reflection onhis position ended that business quicklyHe told the young man that as the fu-

ture Queens brother he couldnt go intoany form of business and told him todraw H0 N a year from the royal ex-

chequer and forget it The princepromptly did and has been drawing onthe public pocketbook ever since

But now the King has told the youngfellow that it to high time he found awife And for the first time King Edward is wilting it is frankly claimed thatone so close to the throne shall

American girl Not that King Edwardopposes Americans far be it Some ofthe most conspicuous members of what iscalled the Kings set are American

The Dowager Duchess of Manchesterperhaps closer to the throne than any otherwoman In England save the Queen Is anAmerican woman As many of the wivesof the most prominent British peers areAmericans Prince Francis of Teck wouldnot be committing any error by addinganother to the list

The King knows everybody knows thatthe prince has been very attentive tocertain American girls of wealth and so-

cial standing In fact if he managesrightly the prince would very much pleasethe King by taking the proper kind

American wife And who are the availshies There are a hundred American girlspossessed of every qualification to enterroyalty just as well as the late MissLetter d there was never a vicereinewho could equal her

lies Met Miss ReidOf course Prince Frank has met Miss

Jean Reid daughter of the American Am-

bassador at the Court of St James SHeIs one of the most beautiful girls in NewYork society and a great chum of MrsLongworth the Presidents daughterThen there is Marjorie Gould eldestdaughter of George Gould Her father isyoung yet and nobody knows how muckhe will amass Commodore EldrIdge TGerry has two unmarried daughters bothof whom will inherit millions Then thereare the Misses Bnrden Evelyn andGwendolyn heiresses to the great Troyironmaster Little Miss Carnegie Is therichest young woman in the UnitedStates Miss Helen Frlck Is a bud Herfather might give her a dower of JlftO-

OOUOO without unduly hampering himselfMiss Dorothy Whitney has several milliens in her own right already and isone of the most charming girls in NewYork society Miss Gladys Vanderbilt theonly unmarried Vanderbilt girl inherited10000000 from her father She Is most





































popular clover faultless in style andJust as pretty as her eldor sister Gertrude now Mrs Harry Payne Whitney-If Mrs Hetty Green divides her fortuneequally Miss Sylvia Green will have 34

000000 Miss Sadie Pembroke Jones willhave a fortune some day No Newportgirl has more beauty or tact than sheAnd in the class with her Is Miss MarianFIsh daughter of Stuyvosant FIsh andmillionaire as is Pembroke Jones

There are thousands hundreds of thou-sands of American girls who can fill thebill In all respects save that of moneyYes we must not forget the money forJolly rrlnce Teck needs cash Just now

Curzon to Circle GlobeLord Curzon is en route for a trip

around the world and he begins withthis country In addition he comes tothis country m a sad errand His wifebefore she died made some personal re-

quests with which ho is now complyingho always gratified her every smallest

wish while she lived He was devoted tohis American wife who was so wellknown here where she counted manydear friends who sincerely mourn herdeath

Curzon will try to find the old nursewho attended his wife ae a child LadyCurzon had a deep regard for hot Shehas been living in Florida with a marrieddaughter though nothing has been heardfrom her since the Curaons returnedfrom India It to expected that MrsLoiter will accompany her soninlaw tothis country and it to understood thatduring their absence front England thethree little daughters of Lord Corneawill stay with their aunt Countessof Suffolk at Cbariton Towers LadySuffolk to atoo well remembered here

He IN HeartbrokenBefore entering on his tour of the world

Lord Curzon bad been with Mrs Letterand the countess at Tullock Castle inRow shire He Is heartbroken but seemsU find a sort of passive content with hiswifes relatives He sits for hours

saying a word by the side of hismotherinlaw who has developed a mostwonderful and kindly tact toward himHe used to go out for long drives byhimself or with his eldest girl who to solike her mother In ways and speech thatfor the first week after the sad deathhe could hardly bear to have her nearhim Now he will not be separated fromher more than can be helped The twoyearold Alexandra to rather delicateand the Queen who to her godmotheroften sends to Inquire about her

His preeent intentions are to make atour of the world with a long stay inPersia He will write a book on Persiawhen he returns As far to knownhere Lord Curzon will go to all parts ofthe United States and tour it very thor-oughly


rs Langtrys present week engage-ment ta Washington recalls an incidentthat happen out in SL Paul nearlytwenty years ago and in which the Bng-Iteh actress flgtwad as a nonunion workerin composing room of a newspaepr-olBee

At that time the Globe Building hadJust been completed and was the prideof the cMy Upon Mrs Laagtry Westem tour she managed to combine

pleasures with theatrics businessand when she reached St Paul she wastaken to the Globe Building by a Wash-ington man who held the position of cityeditor on the paper

A big newspaper plant was a noveltyto Mrs Laagtry and she expressed greatinterest hi its workings The composingroom especially delighted her and afterwatchIng the printers at work

Ok now I should like to settype

Immediately the actress was shown thenm of the boxes sad provided with aprinters stick With surprfstag dexterityshe set up m type the following sentenceThe bugle Is the crowning glory of St

PaulThe next morning this sentence brack-

eted appeared to the center of a twocolumn story shout Mrs Langtry whoreceived from the editor of Ute Globe acheck for 4S cents the regular printersdupe for the Jersey Lilys labors in thecomposing room

That the souvenir was highly valued isattested by the fact that Mrs Langtrypreserved the chock In a gold frame andhas it yet among her poseesetong in Eng-land

hi recalled by a celebrated Washing-ton manicure that Mrs Langtry was thefirst to introduce into the United Statesthe fad for foot manicures

Mrs Langtry has large feet That Isan Indisputable fact They were the onephysical attribute not considered siteshttely perfect when the English beautyburst upon the world as the most cele-brated of her type Mrs Langtry coneluded that her feet should become fa-

mous as well as the rest of her charm-ing person and in defiance of nature sheset about the foot culture which filledNew Yorker with amazement and thepapers with sensational stories of justhow the beautifying process was con-

ducted It became quite the thing forMrs Langtry to hold a levee during thehour of the morning when her manicuristwas grooming the renowned feet andher intimate friends came front the pres-ence with wonderful tales of the sym-metry whiteness and large fairness ofthe Langtry feet The fashionable womenof New York were soon engaged in simitar foot culture and following MrsLangtrys theory that the human footcould never attain to beauty until thecustom was abandoned of wearing shoesand stockings from morning till nighthalf the feminine population of Gothamtook to Turkish sandals worn withoutstockings during the hours spettt at homein negligee and White androsysoled feet with highly polishednails became the rage and the manicur-ing business took an upward flight in themarket

Mrs Langtry too inaugurated thocraze for pearls among women of thestage She understood the becomingnessof these jewels and that an effect ofheight Js produced by a long rope ofpearls AH of Mrs Langtrys late pho-tographs picture the actress with the

rope about her neck and sheusually effects one of suck length thatit reaches to the floor white she is in asitting posture

The Langtry voice and the Langtrymemory are two very remarkable at-

tributes of this attractive woman who isevery bit as femininely fascinating today Us she was twenty years ago whenshe appeared in The Unequal Matchas Hester Graysbrook with her splendidhair in a plait down her back for theopening act

Having once hears Mrs Langtrys deepfullthroated voice one never forgets itAnd having been introduced to the Eng-lish actress once one is never forgottenby her Her memory for names wellas faces is remarkable and she recallspersons and incidents that figured conspicuously in her first American tour withperfect accuracy of detail

Mrs Langtry in all her American tourshad just one adequate loading man andthat Charles Coghhtn He broughtout the artistic side of Mrs Langtrysacting and played up to it as none of herleading supports have since done

Herald Want Adswill be received by McChesney Joachimdruggists 2d and sts ne







also exc-


tea gowns







C S S-


























Sir Frederick Lugard an Af-

rican Empire Builder


Ilnplil Rise of Englands Most RecentSoldier of Fortune Makes RomanticStory Mnrrlen nn Intrepid WomanBright Future Still Before HimWon Three Medals for Bravery

London Nov Frederick Lugardwho recently resigned post as highcommissioner of Northern Nigeria on account of Ids health has been

described as a fln de steele diveNow only fortyeight years old with

no one knows what great deeds stillbefore him his career i one of themost dramatic and romantic to be foundIn the list of African empirebuildersTall trained down to nothing but skinand bone and muscle with bright keengray eyes strongly marked aquilinefeatures tanned to the color of a pigskincigar case and ferociously bushy mus-

tache he to the beau ideal of a modernsoldier of fortune He came of militarystock and his father was a chaplainin the Indian army but It was as an ad-

venturer the spiritual descendant ofHawkins and Drake bent on such an en-

terprise s singeing the beard of theKing of Spain that he found his chanceto carve a name for himself in the DarkContinent

Starts for Africa with 950With ft in his belt and with practically

no outfit at all except an old 4M ExpressrUle paid for In India in the absence offunds by shooting a maneating tigerwith a reward on its head Lugard got ona tramp steamer hound for Naples andSuez

He had already won three medals inAfrican Soudan and Burma wars but hewas on halfsay leave His money wasrunning short and be was reduced tostrange shifts So he took a deck passageon a timber ship bound for Maesowah andslept among the cargo He took his morn-ing bath among the sailors in Use fore-castle and his meal of broken victualswith the Italian cook in tim galley along-side the engines and that in the Red Seawhere the heat was enough to grill ablack stoker

An Italian boatswain saw though Lugards disguise told him h knew he wasa genUlhomme said astonished him oneevening by saying with a fervid

I do anything for you You wantshirt Here to my other shirt I give ityou because you have good heart Neverwas present more acceptable but the inci-dent throws a flood of light on the per-sonal qualities which enabled this halfpay captain to save Uganda for the empire mind to rise In the space of fouryears to the rank of brigadier general

Saves Umpire to EnglandHe made his own opportunities Hear-

ing that a trading poet In Nyasealand wasbesieged by Arab stove traders as a bitof recreation be organized a relief expedi-tion and drove the Arabs off after a sharplight in which be was badly woundedThe affair led to his entering the serviceof the East African Company When CarlPeters was trying to gain a foothold inUganda for Germany Lugard made adank for it a hurtful ef black solAiers two white comrades and a Maximgun He bluffed Mwanga into a treatywhich ended in annexation

He played a big part in the earlystcrmy days of Uganda He marchedagainst and defeated Kadbarega of Unyore with a force largely composed ofUgandese He led the Christian levies ofUganda when they fought and beat theMohammedan rebels Then he passed tothe other side of Africa where somethingover six years ago he was appointedhigh commissioner of Nigeria His seiz-ure of Sokoto was accomplished so rapidly that the orders of the colonial officeto avoid action only reached him when hewas reporting the accomplished fact

Had Lady Lugard been a man shewould probably have rivaled her husbandas an empire builder Few women havebeen such intrepid travelers or passedthrough so many adventures She hashad a finger In most of the modern

pies She was a confidante of CecilRhodes and was mixed up in the IH

starred Sentence raid That WPS whenshe was sdll MISS Flora Shaw and thecolonial specialist of the London TimesIn which capacity she visited most ofthe remote regions of the empire Butperhaps her most astonishing feat wastramping afoot through th KkmdykeSir Frederick Lugard met duringone of his brief holiday trips home Hesaw that site was the one woman in theworld for him and laid siege to herwith the same dash and audacity thatcharacterized his military exploits Theyare a wellmatched couple

Vanderbilt Open Idle HourSayvUle I I Nov 1LW K Vander

tilt ST and Mrs Vanderbilt are quietlysojourning at their Long Island countryseat Idle Hour in Oakdale As yet theyhave not announced their plans for thefall and winder social functions It is understood however that for the present atleast they will do little entertainingeither at Idle Hour or their city home



One Week OnlyEGIXXIXG Monday

November 12 and continuing for

WEEK I will offer myFIXE FURS embracing thenewest anti most desirablecreations of the season at 30PER CENT DISCOUNT-for cash Every piece is of

own manufacture theare the very choicest

being my personal selectionsThis is an Anniversary

Souvenir that will be of decided practical value to pur-chasers If you desire fursof any description this isyour chance to secure themat the very beginning of theseason at a most substantialpricesaving









B0 N E


Remember this 3O dis-count

H ZIRKIN821 Fourteenth St N W




















of beautishould

recent importations of genuine Dresden ware

The present showing isthe most comprehensive wehave ever offered embracing complete assortments-of Dinnerware as well asa great variety of oddpieces including FruitDishes Compotes Candlesticks Figure



scj unuiublly fine assort-

ment of exquisitely beautiful piecesfrom the royal Dresden factories

Your Inspection Is Invited

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1215 F 121418 G St

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and Furnishing House

Rich and exclusive designs-in Pocketbooks Belts Neck-laces Art Jewelry ImportedBricaBrac and other odd andbeautiful things suitable forgifts

The newest fads in Neckwear and Ruches exclusiveeffects not shown anywhereelse in Washington

Complete line of fall andwinter styles in Street andEvening Gloves

Dont FailTo ReadThe Sign Boajd AdTODAY

Watch This tifca Daily


FMtuoMbk T X WHaM deeemtMM ty N T mrtteu hardwood S-

i tbnociMat finished m cfacnr Bftbcgtoy ud quartered o k rivals ny-

8M house in Washington Prim onlySISW8 SEND FOR DESCR1IT1VPAMPHLET

i Built for a bora not for tptculfiti-oQHAYESSHARP

Keep an Eyeon the

Sign Board Ad andthe Men Behind it


Welcomes RnTieninnn OrKnnixation in Second Concert

appreciative and wellfllled audiencewas entertained last evening at thcsecond concert of the Rakemann Orches-tra which was assisted by Miss Fran-cesca Kaspar soprano

In a particularly enjoyable and wellselected programme the house showedIts Interest in this company of Wsshlngton players under the direction of MrHerman C Rakemann The best numberby the orchestra was a selection fromTannhauser the cello solo Song of

the Evening Star being especially fineand excellently well rendered

The change in the personnel of thefirst violins shows to much advantage inthe increased tone and the close atten-tion of the musicians to Mr Rakemannforceful direction produces results whiciiare most satisfactory to the listener Anarrangement of Old Folks at HomeBusch delighted the hearers as did the

introduction to Carmen The GridironMarch which Mr Rakemann composedand dedicated to this popular associationof newspaper hosts proved to be a popu-lar favorite

Mists Kaspar is a member of one of thebest known musical families in Washington Her father Mr Josef Kaspar hasbeen identified with this city for a num-ber of years and his excellent workconductor of the Choral Society and thsGeorgetown Orchestra is still remem-bered Mr Kaspars talented daughtersang well the aria Deh Vleni from theMarriage of Figaro Mozart which waswarmly welcomed also her singingthe welt known Waltz Song fror

Romeo and Juliet The accompanimentsof the orchestra showed the most carefulstudy on the part of leader and men

These Sunday evening concerts byRakemann Concert Orchestra prove to bemore popular with each rendition and itis safe to foretell a successful seriesthroughout the winter


PassNew Orleans La Nov 1L Death has

visited the households of CongressmanAdolph Meyer and Congressman Robert-C Davey the two Representatives In Con-gress from New Orleans district Withinft few hours Mrs Margaret A J Daveywife of the Congressman passed away ather home here last night after an illnessof ten days

Capt Franklin Swift U S N comman-der of the fish commission steamer FlaaHawk who Is the sonJn law of Congress-man Meyer died late yesterday afternoonat Charleston S C He wedded MissLouise Meyer In Washington eightago Interment will take place at NewBedford Mass for watch point Congress-man and Mrs Meyer loft today

Revolutionary War Widow DeadRutland Vt Nov 1L Ester Sumn

Damon aged ninetythree years tfeonly surviving widow of a soldier of t bRevolutionary war and the last of theRevolutionary war pensioners died thismorning at her home In Plymouth UnionVt of senile debility J










Wife of One and SonInLaw of






And iene



other Away



















